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  1. Hi all, I am new to this forum and have a query about an interview I attended in the UK. The hiring manager beforehand said certain questions would be asked a specific test would be given. I was disadvantaged compared to other candidates when I spent so much time preparing only to discover on the day that the test and questions were completely different, hence why I was unsuccessful in landing the job. Also, an interview question was more restrictive when asked to myself compared to other interviewees. Is there a potential case I can bring to an employment tribunal to seek compensation (i.e. relating to Negligent Misstatement, fraud, etc.)?
  2. Hi guys starting a new post.. on Cabot, i've done the CCA on 5 Accounts i got with them, no come back on any CCA just the norm letter saying we will look in to them. i also sent a letter for telephone harassment, had the responce saying that don't apply to them but they will stop the call/txt. But as i thought it did not stop. i've added the letter they sent back.. what would be my next move? Fone 2-2.pdf Fone 1-2 - post.pdf
  3. Where do i start, i really need some advice, ill give you a bit of background information. Around 6 years ago i got into some financial trouble, my business ran into trouble and i had to stop trading, this cause me to change my finances quite drastically and i had to get a job. a job i still do now. I also lost my rented house a couple of years later and had to live in a caravan while my wife stayed with relatives, winding forward we managed to save enough for a deposit to buy a house last year, this had a knock on effect because we sold everything to get the house. This caused me to default on some debts, and one of these was a credit card with £5k owing, for years I've heard nothing until recently the debt has been passed to Intrum Finance (who i believe are First Credit) I have yesterday received a county court form to the value of £5900 ish (i don't have it with me) for a debt that was defaulted 5 years ago.... i will admit i did bury my head about my debts just to get through. I have no savings and there is no way i can afford to give them this amount now, i know its my own fault, i got myself into this, but i never expected my financial circumstance to change so drastically. if anyone can help, i would be eternally grateful
  4. My GP has said I'm fit to return to work and has signed a sick note to this effect, but my employer's OH doctor recommends my employer commissions a report from a neuro psychologist prior to any return. As I'm fit to return I do not believe I should have to take any delay as annual leave and it can't be classed as sick leave, as I'm considered fit to work. What is the solution? Would this be "garden" leave?
  5. Hello, (Please excuse me if this has been posted in the wrong section). I recently found out I have a CCJ against my name and credit record etc. However the debt isn't mine, it is my Dad's, but we have the same name. I took a mobile phone contract out with Orange a few years ago (2010 my first contract), after a while I set up another mobile phone contract under my account for my Dad. After his two year contract passed EE (was Orange) contacted him for an upgrade, which he accepted but requested that the number and contract be severed from my account and a new one set up under his own name and details, which at the time EE said they could do so. Six months later my Dad's contract was cancelled and the debt defaulted. I only found this out a further three months later (November 15') when I tried switching from Orange (My contract was still under Orange) to O2 but they withheld my number transfer because of this unpaid debt. This is when we found out EE hadn't set up a new separate account for my Dad and kept the two mobile contracts under my account. When I tried to resolve this with EE they already sold the debt on to a collection agency. I left this with my Dad to rectify and repay. Fast forward to July 16' and the original debt collection agency had passed the debt onto another collection agency, and these guys sent notification of an application for a CCJ. During this time my Dad was recovering from severe health problems and ignored all these letters, thinking they were for him when in actual fact they had been for me. I only found this out when I applied for a small ( The judgement was made in my absence in August 16' as no defence was submitted. I contacted the County Court earlier this month stating this isn't my debt it is my Dad's, they referred us back to the debt collection agencies who then referred us back to EE who then referred us back to the debt collection agencies who referred us back to the County Court and the cycle continues. This CCJ should be for my Dad not me, we have no problem paying off the debt sum (around £580) but if I agree a payment and a certificate of satisfaction, the CCJ will still be on my credit record when it shouldn't be there it should be on my Dad's and I need the Court to change this. Now I know I've missed the deadline to submit a defence and ask for a set aside, but I am aware I can still apply for a set aside (sooner rather than later) so I can submit my defence on this CCJ (pretty much what I've wrote above) but my concern is paying for this application (an N244 form?) and it being rejected and having this CCJ on my record when it doesn't belong to me and affectively pausing my future for the next six years. I've been in regular contact with the debt collection agency and I would like to see if they'd agree to a set aside too as they're aware of the situation, the debt should be assigned to my Dad not me, but they may not agree to it which makes it a bit trickier with the County Court if they reject it too. I'm just looking for advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation, whether or not a CCJ can be changed to a different person (even if that person admits it is their debt)? Is the outlook of my next six years bleak? How do I pay the N244(?) form when I send it to the County Court? I appreciate your time reading the above and any feedback is most welcome, Thank you.
  6. On Saturday morning I was waiting to turn out of a minor road when a car ran into the back of me. The driver admitted fault there and then, it was all reasonably amicable and we exchanged details without issue but they wouldn't tell me who they were insured with. I tried to contact the driver by email, as much as anything just to confirm details were correct, but the address they gave me just had emails bouncing back. I tried the phone number they gave that evening and again on Sunday morning but there was no answer. By this stage I'm worried that I haven't been given true details so phone my insurers to let them deal with it. Had I been able to contact the other driver I would been contacting my insurers for information only. I've just had a phone call from the other driver's insurer offering all sorts of incentives not to go through my own insurer - too late. They claimed I'd be stuck with the excess and the parting shot was a veiled threat that they will delay paying my insurer to keep it an open claim and affect my renewal costs. I'm not due for renewal for a good six months yet but is this likely? My own insurers followed up my phone call reporting the accident with an email stating they would be recovering 100% from the other driver and I'd have no excess to pay.
  7. Hello just joined the forum and will be posting my issue, keep up the good work guys
  8. Hi, I'd appreciate some advice if possible? I work 2 days per week in a shop. Although I've been there for 12 years I only signed a contract last year when the owner put the business up for sale. My contract states that i am employed for 2 days per week. I told the owner yesterday that I am only able to do 1 day going forward. (Since she has had no luck selling the business and keeps suggesting she may just close up I have found other work which is now more important to me). I don't want to make life any harder for her and have offered for that one days work to be flexible and on a day of her choosing. By saying i can no longer do the contracted 2 days have I breached the contract? Have I effectively handed in my notice? Can anyone clarify my position please and suggest where i may stand depending on what she offers (or not) ? Thank you...hope I've not made this too muddled?
  9. I was involved in a non-fault car accident in May 2013. I sustained injuries to my lower back & left trapezius, Paramedics & Police attended. The other parties' insurance have admitted liability. I contacted my trade union (CWU), who put me in touch with a Solicitor, who has been handling the claim on a CFA basis. I had a Medico-legal report in March 2014, which supported my injuries, & the treatment sought. I have been unimpressed with the slow pace of my solicitor, all the way through the process. The solicitor who was dealing with the claim has recently gone on long-term sick leave. I have been juggled around 2 other solicitors, & Today I received an email from one of them, stating that the 2nd offer made by the insurer, is the best he feels they can get, however I have been through the MOJ Guidelines, in a consciously unbiased & reasonable manner, & I feel that the 2nd offer is low. There is also an issue with the insurer wanting to clarify treatment, which led to a letter from my solicitor to our medico-legal. The original report stated "all treatment sought is reasonable." The medico-legal has now reneged on this, stating that "the clinical massage aspect of treatment would not have been recommended..." Therefore the solicitor has now proposed that this aspect of special damages be removed, which halves this aspect of the claim, & leaves me out-of-pocket for the treatment. I have receipts for all sessions, & the lady who performs the treatments has provided her contact details, should clarity be needed. I am at my wits' end with this solicitor, can anybody let me know my options? They appear unwilling to reject the 2nd offer, & dealing with them is like pulling teeth. I'm prepared to deal directly with the insurer if this is possible, failing this is it possible to have the file transferred, or would I need to begin anew? Thanks for any help you can offer.
  10. Hi all I'm finally managing my plan myself, no more paying fees to a company!!! I have SAR my mint card and there is no PPi, but I have noticed several of the below: Late payment fee 12.00 Over limit fee 12.00 I remember reading that you can claim for some fees, are these included, how do you do it? Thanks a lot
  11. Hi guys. I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 and thought it would be a good idea to get the Galaxy Gear (watch) to compliment it. I looked online and looked up the lates model. That was the Galaxy Gear 2. Looked at a few sites and found one that was reasonably priced and available from the Uk at £162.80. I looked at the specs on other websites previously, and seen that the Galaxy Gear 2 has a built in camera (my main reason for getting it), so I ordered it. I recieved it today and noticed that this one has no camera. This is no fault of the seller because in his specs description, there is no mention of a camera. I had read there was a camera from another website. The model I have bought is the SM-R381, but the one I needed is the SM-R380. One number out. I know the returns laws are different for mobile devices, but do I have any chance of returning this. I have opened the box because all the boxes just say 'Galaxy Gear 2', and all look the same. Thanks in advance.
  12. I am due to leave my employment and want to file constructive dismissal or/and discrimination. Can I represent myself, if so, how do I find out the way to proceed? Can anyone help me?
  13. Background. My Mum was being cared for by a local authority using contracted out care. The copany did not always turn up on time, stay the required time, or even turn up at all on many occasions. To compund the problem they falsified records to suggest they had. I complained but nothing was done to resolve the problems. I stopped paying the care bills to make them take notice. They didn't notice until I pointed it out. Mum passed away and I was the executor of her estate. Mum's bills consist of many elements of care, only one part (the subcontract part) which I have an issue with. I want to pay the rest and discuss/negotiate the bad element. The local auithority refuse to separate out the bills saying I owe all the bill. I have offered several times to pay the parts and discuss the rest. I'm being taken to court, the Chancery Division no less, for the whole bill, ~£5k. I have applied to defend the claim and have now got papers suggesting that it wil be fast-tracked. I'm not sure what my next step should be, any help gratefully received. Thanks
  14. Hi, I'm Jo and looking forward to posting and reading Thanks x
  15. Hi I have been considering saving some cash up in order to pay off my old remaining credit card debts (which are all with debt collectors and have been for around 10 years) I originally owed over £8500, but now it's £4700. I was thinking if I could somehow get £2k together I could offer a full and final settlement to them (the main reason for this is we want to apply for a mortgage in just over a years time hopefully and I want to clear up my credit rating). However, just been reading up on this and it seems this may be not such a great option after all, as this will look bad on my credit rating that I didn't settle the debt in full. Is it possible to make it a condition of the offer that the debt collector marks each debt as 'satisfied' rather than 'partially satisfied'? I see little point in making these offers if it's still going to stop me from being able to apply for a mortgage If this isn't an option, are there any better options available to me? The debts are 12 years old, from when I was 18, very stupid and not earning anywhere near enough to have a hope of repaying the monthly payments! In a way I am annoyed that 4 different credit card companies allowed me to have these cards and kept on increasing my limit on them when I had told the whole truth about my earnings, but in my panic to survive just kept on accepting what they gave me (often just to be able to pay off the other cards monthly payments with them!) These days I am much more money savvy, but when I look back, I wish someone had said no to the stupid teenage me.. people will say it's all my fault I know, but I do feel this was irresponsible lending and I wish I could write the rest of the debts off now. I've suffered for 12 years because of it! 18 is far too young to be allowed a credit card in my opinion!
  16. I have unsecured debt totalling in the region of 5,000 and I am worrying myself sick. I have been in touch with the debt charity stepchange who have made an appt for me to speak to an advisor, but this isn't for another week. I am not working at the moment, so have no income other than my husband's wages. I am getting letters from debt collection agencies threatening doorstep collectors - I panic every time the door goes. I can't stop thinking about these debts every minute of the day, worrying about what these companies are going to do. I haven't made any payments since defaulting a year ago. What powers do they actually have? The debts are now with collection agencies but were originally to catalogues, and one for bank charges. I have never acknowledged or paid anything towards the bank charges debt on principle as I never agreed with the outrageous charges that they kept piling on and piling on. I am worried sick about what they are going to do since I haven't paid anything for so long. Are they likely to take me to court?
  17. My partner and I had a joint back account which went over the credit limit some nearly 6 yrs ago It was defaulted in 2009 We both received a similar letter to some on here Original joint debt was £1069 But both had letters for 299 plus costs £364.99 each Have already done AOC online but need my defence in by Monday 9th July As this was a joint debt and clearly not a Credit Agreement as stated on both claims form and not for the correct balance What should my defence say? Many Thanks
  18. Hi everyone. I work for a corporate, about 6 years now. Twice I've been sent to college by company. Finished twice with the highest grade. I have good record at work with relation to overall performance (attendance, sick, always on time, never refused to do my job etc). On Friday I've been approach by manager asking me to do some more hours to which I replied "no thanks". Minute later my colleague ask me why I am not interested in doing extra hours to which I replied "I have work my ass off for this company for the last 5 years, spent my free time on getting educated, when I could be sitting down the pub with my mates and now they are not interested in doing anything for me, so I am not staying any f****** minute longer". What I did not know is that my manager was sneaking behind by back. So she approached my and ask to repeat what I said to which I replied it was a private conversation between good friends and has nothing to do with her. Obviously I've been asked to step into the office and had a chat with her about how unacceptable it is to say thing like that about company and that it is not true, that they invested many in me etc. I said then "investment is something you care about, something you may want to make sure company will benefit from in the future and that during all that time I've been doing my HND certificate not even once anyone of them have come down and ask me how I am doing, is everything OK, not even mention college ended in June and they did not even asked my for a proof of final grade. I also said that it is now time to get me into practical training before I loose what I learned at college, they know I am not after more money but simple chance to put in practice all my knowledge. I then said I believe my opinion is justified by their actions or lack of it and I have sound grounds to feel that way." She was a bit shocked and said it is all for now, but I know I am gonna have to take b*******g on Tuesday when big boss is back and I am worry they may try to crucify me. Can I start packing my staff on Monday guys? What Is the worst possible outcome out of this. I just want to add that we (employees) have been slowly stripped from all our privileges like bonuses etc and overall morale is at its lowest ever been i.e. no one is willing to do any OT etc. Thanks for any advice, cheers!
  19. Hi All need some hand holding on this as this has been a while since i have had to do this. right here we go......... Claim for received from Sigma Today claiming part monies from an an agreement, this is an old bank account I used to hold. the amount is like a 3rd of what I owed on the original Debt. its come from MCOL so the POC are vague. I have acknowledge it today and am sending the CPR request today!! I havent heard of these part claims before it seems its a new trick by Sigma! can anybody assist in what to do next??? thanks
  20. I have recently ended a probationary trial period myself. I discussed the reason as to why with HR two weeks prior and stated that I did not approve of the office politics. After ending my trial period I handed in a Med 3 and self certification to cover myself. (two months). Do you think this will be the end of the issue or will the company make waves for me, as I am unsure of how much notice I should have given. Fortunatately I had not received a full contract of employment only a brief terms of contract in my offer of employment. I have no intention of making waves or taking any matters further, just to walk away quietly and put the last three months behind me.
  21. Hi I have recieved a County Court Claim from Restons Solicitors Via the Northampton county Court. I have been paying them back a debt originally from HFC Bank which was from a Sofa from DFS. I owed about 1200 with HFC, and now Restons have added on another 250 and some court and solicitor charges. I fell behind with payments from HFC sent them a letter and asked if I could pay reduced payments i never had a reply from them so i continued to pay them token payments of £12 each month, they then ended up passing it over to Reston's. Restons took control and added on there collection charges and agreed for me to pay the £12 eack month I had been paying this regularly but lately missed i think two payments due to not having the money to pay them. I recieved the Court claim on Saturday, i have been reading up on another post so I think now I have to send the request for information, am i right. I would be grateful if anyone has had any experience with Restons who can help me through this. Thanks in Advance Ben
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