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  1. Hi, Sorry but this is my first time doing this so bare with me. I work for a catering company in which I load and unload stuff everytime with my own personal car. There is one sign that mentions of a 30 min loading time and there is also a parking sign in the exact same area. On the Parking sign it mentions that you can park up to 1 hour. I have been given a ticket by ParkDirectUK within the period of 10 minutes so this does not make any sense to me. At the time I was loading and unloading taking things to and from the car. I think I have been provided this ticket unfairly and I think it is ridiculous, I also spoke to another person who works within the same units me saying that he had also been provided a ticket 7 days ago for the exact same thing. I will provide pictures which I hope will give you a better understanding. If you need anymore information please let me know. Should I pay? Should I ignore it? Should I contest it? Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Ridoftickets
  2. Apologies to all I should have posted here first. What an informative forum, I have been having sleepless nights over my debt problems, thanks to the Cabot mob:x Feels like someone has my back here and help is much appreciated. Thank you.
  3. I am arguing with Parking Eye over my stay in a hotel car park back in July. I paid £5 for up to five hours parking, not knowing that I could have given my registration number to the receptionist and parked for nothing, as I was using hotel facilities. I was meeting some colleagues for afternoon tea. I stayed for 2 hours 36 minutes. I got a Parking Charge Notice telling me I'd overstayed, miraculously found my ticket, and then noted that the machine had only printed £4.50 - I have no idea why, as I most definitely put in five pound coins, but of course, there's no way of proving this. I appealed, Parking Eye rejected that, I appealed via POPLA, having received a letter from the hotel to send to them confirming that I had been using hotel facilities and that I was, therefore, entitled to complimentary parking. The assessor stated that whilst I had provided evidence that I'd been using the hotel, she'd not seen any evidence that I was entitled to park for nothing, but really, that's exactly what the hotel's letter stated! Unfortunately, a couple of days after receiving this rejection of my appeal, my husband fell seriously ill, and strangely, the PCN moved down my list of priorities. I got a "Letter before Court Action" from Parking Eye dated 31 October, quoting the Barry Beavis judgement to me, which I have no doubt is to try and terrify me into coughing up without delay, but I really don't want to unless I have absolutely no choice I've drafted a letter to them, continuing to point out that I was entitled to park for free regardless of how much I did or didn't put into the ticket machine. What tends to happen with this lot? Am I right to continue to argue my case? The hotel have tried, without success, to persuade them to withdraw the charge. Thanking you all in advance for any help.
  4. When I was caught using my mom's freedom pass, 'the caution' was read to me AFTER I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes. I was NOT asked to review the notes just to sign. Is it how it is supposed to be done? After the questions and my signature the caution followed and I just felt sick. The officer offered free legal advice but I refused because I was mentally and physically unable to continue. Can I still request free legal advice should I go to court? I think I wasnÂ’t informed that I DID NOT have to answer the questions WITHOUT legal adviser. My mind is pretty fuzzy on the above but this is what I remember. In hindsight I would have answered everything with a free lawyer but to be honest I think I answered everything truthfully anyway... but: Was the caution read to me legally in this order? Should I mention it in my apology letter? With a case number saying to fill in the form on the reverse of the letter with plead guilty or not guilty within 10 days – no intention to prosecute yet. I intend to plead guilty because I did commit this offence. If I accept committing the offence I need to provide any exceptional reasons as to why they should not prosecute me. They stopped me just after I crossed the tube gates at Northolt station so I didn't have a chance to actually make any journey. After all the questioning they let me out and I went back in using my credit card. I only have 4 days to reply as I only received it today (I was checking the post ever since the incident – it took them only 4 days to write it to me – is it a bad sign?) so I only have a week to reply L. So please can you help me understand: What the legal consequences will be? I am talking about worst case scenario. I am pretty sure I will be prosecuted, will be given a criminal record, huge fine (how much do you think?) but will not be jailed as this is my first offence? Or am I wrong and can get to prison? Will my employer need to know? Will I get fired? If this happens can I appeal and how? [*]My exceptional reasons (I guess these are the mitigating circumstances) is my mental illness. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, associated disorders and side effects caused by being on antidepressants for about 10 years – all is GP documented. As a result I have suffered from frequent serious disorders – just imagine the worst for a depressed person as I donÂ’t feel like providing such details. In addition I recently started a therapy to stop smoking and the side effects of the medicine are severe and are not helping my mental state. Especially the last 2 years have been very hard for me, I lost my job, my person life crumbled, I had difficulty getting out of bed and so onÂ… and finally 3 weeks ago I found a job (which again added a lot of stress as I want to keep it at all costs) and I was caught only after 2 weeks of working. [*]I was asked if it was my first time: I honestly donÂ’t know and this is what I answered. My mom and I keep exchanging bags and stuff and I have been too stressed out to check which card I had in my bag – they have the same cases. So the worst case scenario is that I have been using it since January/February this year but irregularly like 1-3 times a week or weeks of not using it at all. [*]‘the cautionÂ’ Was read to me after I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes. I was not asked to review the notes just to sign. Later came the caution and I just felt sick. He offered free legal advice but I refused because I was mentally and physically unable to continue. I think I wasnÂ’t informed that I didnÂ’t have to answer the questions without legal adviser. My mind is pretty fuzzy on the above but this is what I remember. In hindsight I would have answered everything with a free lawyer but to be honest I think I answered everything truthfully anyway but: Was the caution read to me legally in this order? I.e. after I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes without reviewing them? ​ [*]Apology letter I intend to write everything that happened, the card/bag mix up, my mental issues, plead guilty, apologise, ask not to be prosecuted, not to get a criminal record, settle out of court, offer the payment of all the associated fees and penalty etc. Does it sound right? Should I add something about the caution that to me should have been read at the beginning? Should I add anything else to help my case? ​ Thank you very much for reading this! As you can imagine I am losing my mind, I am scared, terrified I overmedicate so that I donÂ’t have to thinkÂ… any words of wisdom will help so please, I am begging you help me if you can.
  5. Hello all. I am hoping that I can receive some useful advice from some of you on this forum, and I thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. I have recently been sent a PCN for parking in a pub car park. The letter states that I had been sent the PCN because "Whole Period of Parking Not Paid For" to which I was confused, as I had purchased a ticket to cover my stay whilst eating at the pub. I appealed the PCN (issued by Premier Park) via their online facility stating that I had paid for parking and that I believed I had paid for two hours duration. My appeal was subsequently rejected, and Premier Park now stated that the reason I was being charged was because I had not paid sufficient costs to cover the period of my stay; I had only paid for one hours parking not two as I thought, and therefore had overstayed my time by 21 minutes. Understandably, I am annoyed but essentially, it was my error, I should have checked the time paid for on my ticket but I was in a rush as late for the occasion. However, Premier Park had also made an error sending out the first letter stating that I had not paid at all. I have contacted the pub that I stayed at (The Railway Tavern in East Grinstead) to ask if they can help on my behalf as Premier Park must be operating on the pubs behalf, but they are not exactly forthcoming in intervening. Also of interest, the address shown on the letter for where I became liable for a PCN is not quite the same as the car park where I incurred the PCN. If one types in the address on the letter, it indicates a car park in a different area on the other side of the road, some 400 yards from where I stayed. Where do I stand on this, do I pay them or can I ignore the letter even though accidentally I had not paid the full amount? Additional Information 1 Date of the infringement: 23rd October 2018 2 Date on the NTK: 30th October 2018 3 Date received: Not sure, 1st or 2nd November 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES 6 Have you appealed? YES, but I don’t have a copy at present. Have you had a response? YES. 7 Who is the parking company? Premier Park 8. Where exactly: Railway Approach Car Park, East Grinstead, RH19 1EP For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. Yes, they operate under the BPA Here is a copy of Premier Parks response to my online appeal: Dear Mr **** Thank you for your appeal against the above Parking Charge Notice (PCN). We have carefully considered your appeal, however on this occasion the appeal has been rejected for the following reason; Your vehicle overstayed your paid parking period by 21 minutes You have now reached the end of our internal appeals procedure and therefore you now have two options; You can pay the total amount due as shown above via the following payment options; Call us on: 01302 513232 Pay online: Send a postal order: Premier Park Ltd, PO Box 624, Exeter, EX1 9JG You can appeal to an Independent Appeals Service, POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals) using the POPLA reference code provided above. Please note, should you decide to appeal to POPLA and your appeal is subsequently rejected or you withdraw your appeal, the option to pay a discounted amount will no longer be available and the full amount of the PCN will become due. If you decide to appeal to POPLA, you will need to visit their website, where further details of how to appeal (either online or by downloading the relevant forms) can be found. If you are unable to access their website, please call us for further information on how to obtain the forms. Please ensure your POPLA Reference Number, as noted above, is quoted on all correspondence to POPLA. You have 28 days from the date of this letter to submit an appeal to POPLA. If you appeal to POPLA we will suspend recovery activity on the PCN and the charge will not increase until the appeal has been determined. By law we are also required to inform you that Ombudsman Services provides an alternative dispute resolution service that would be competent to deal with your appeal. However, we have not chosen to participate in their alternative dispute resolution service. As such should you wish to appeal then you must do so to POPLA, as explained above. If you do not make payment or submit an appeal to POPLA within the relevant timeframe, the outstanding PCN may be passed to our appointed debt collection agency for further action. All costs associated with this process will be added to the amount outstanding. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Unless any additional relevant information or facts are provided, Premier Park Ltd considers this to be their final decision regarding this appeal. Please note that all payments are subject to a 50p administration charge. This message was sent from an unmonitored e-mail address. Please do not reply to this message. GDPR – to view how we use and process your data and your rights, including how to object or restrict such use, please see our privacy policy available online at
  6. Hello. I’ve today had a ‘PCN’ issued by NE parking Ltd in Blackpool town centre (Adelaide court, a car park behind some flats). Last night I went to a gig in town, I drove as I wasn’t planning on staying late but I ended up having a couple of drinks so had to leave my car overnight. My friend used to live in Adelaide court so I would always use his space should I be nipping into town, and have never had any problems before - until today when I’ve gone to pick my car up and been hit with a £60 charge. The reason for the charge is ‘parking without a valid permit/ticket’, and I know 100% permits were not issued to residents of Adelaide Court 6 months ago as my friend didn’t have one and never had to use one himself. Unless this has changed recently? However, the other cars parked there did not have permits on display either! I know a lot of people say to just ignore private parking charges, but can someone advise me what’s the best thing to do from now? Do I acknowledge? Pay up? Or just leave it? Thanks in advance!
  7. I have been suspended from work and have a disciplinary meeting for Gross Misconduct on Monday to discuss it. The charges are trumped up, some are absolute lies. I can prove some are true but not others. Either way I'm fairly sure they want me out and they have enough evidence to do it. I don't care about losing the job but I really don't want a sacking on my record. I have adequate savings so I'm not worried about not getting job seekers. I know I'm innocent of it all and so do the people that matter so I'm not worried about proving anything really. Is it better to resign? I've been told my company just give a very basic reference i.e 'he worked here from x date to x date' Would I have to do it with immediate effect on Monday morning? Thanks in advance for any help/advice. This is a horrible time.
  8. Hi All - For those of you who have not read my issue, here is a history on another thread: https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?485667-Got-CCJ-due-to-council-and-bank-blunder!!-what-compo-should-i-ask-for&p=5116746#post5116746 In a nutshell: - own a rental property in another London borough to where I live - council initiated CCJ proceedings for non payment of Service Charges (payments were being made but without a reference, so monies could not be allocated to SC account) - council's solicitors were sending court paperwork to rental property, and not correspondence, despite council providing correspondence address - CCJ issued - Council solicitors have taken the responsibility to remove CCJ at no cost to me - in their draft order to remove CCJ, the solicitors were giving false info in their statement of truth section. AND still continued to send paperwork to rental property, despite having correct correspondence address. There have been invaluable help on this forum, so any help with this would be greatly appreciated. BF I know you mentioned suing them for negligence - could this be something we look at whilst waiting for SAR's from bank and council? Many thanks in advance, Jay
  9. Hi All Have been paying a small amount to Citroen for a debt from 2007 that now does not appear on my credit file current balance is £2500. Citroen have now sent me a letter saying they have sold the debt to a debt collection company and have closed the account. Interestingly they say i should continue to make payments and should hear from the new debt management company reference payment to them instead. (still waiting after 5 days for letter from debt company) I have still got this debt listed against an address i moved out of 2 years ago and have not been on the electoral role at a rental for the past 2 years. I have now moved in with girlfriend and will eventually end up on the council tax here but address is over 50 miles away. Due to these changes i'm not sure if i should just stop paying Citroen and wait to see if the debt company finds me; any advise would be helpful thanks.
  10. I took my car took to the garage to get the master cylinder replaced on the clutch and when I got phoned to say that may car was ready I was surprised to see the clutch pedal low down like near the floor. And when I went back in to speak to the service manager I got told that Vauxhall only wanted to replace the clutch pipe and elbow..i asked why wasn't the master cylinder not replaced as that's what I got told was wrong with the car..he says Vauxhall wanted to see how that worked first.. so I drove away from the garage as never says anything about if it was safe to drive..so anyways 10 mins when on motorway and when I tried to select a gear when slowing down I couldn't select another gear and having to keep lifting the pedal of the floor with my feet and whilst trying to engage a gear with great difficulty
  11. 2 years ago i bought a motorcycle and titles never changed to my name .seller called me now and told me that 1 year ago supposingly someone took my bike and failed to stop on police signal in the night. the police contacted previous owner as it was still registered to him, went at the police station but he didnt remember my details to contact me. now,after 6 months, he remembered my details as he stands a court for failing to transfer the titles and he said he is going to mention me in the court. ofcourse it wasnt me. by the way i have transferred the titles to my name today. i dont want to blame the previous owner as the truth is that i had the bike but didnt commit that offence. as i checked my messenger i was talking to my gf that night from home so i can prove that and from my ip. how can i prove it and what can i say if called to court after all this time? what are my liabilities? more over will i be the keeper in law's eyes? best regards
  12. Hi, Im hoping to get some advise on my last WCA. Ive had four assessments at each one the HPC had my ESA50 infront of them, at my last WCA the HPC didnt have my ESA50 infront of her and was looking at my last review via the computer. It makes me worry that the HCP didnt have my ESA50 at all. My WCA was also ended within 20minutes, the HCP then said she had to make a phone call, then came back in to say she has enough information to write her report and not to worry. Is this sosmething i should be concerned about? P.S I was in WRAG for 2 years before being moved into the SG on the third year. All help is very much appreciated.
  13. Greetings All. First post (hopefully of not too many, but think there may be a few in the pipe). If a Dealer's Website says: "Complaint Procedure" - Awaiting Content" of course there's nothing about any trade bodies or ADR channels. is this a breach of law and if so which legislation/ASA code etc? Is it worthy of an additional 'complaint' ? Thanks for your time.
  14. Hi, My employer raises our payslips on the 28th of each month and pays HMRC to relevant monies at this time. Our Salaries are not then paid into our accounts until the 18th of the following month . I have asked my employer why and he says this is just cash flow and "that's how it is" but we are all in effect always going 18 days without being paid, is this legal?
  15. Evening All, First of all I'd really like to thank you all for viewing my post and secondly I'd very much appreciate any advice you might be able to offer. Location: New Gun Wharf, Gun Makers Lane, London E3 PPM Parking Sign is Attached Letter from Gladstones is also Attached Approx location of my car at the tie is also attached On the 23rd December 2017 I went to visit a friend who lives in a private block of apartments. To enter his block, you first turn off the main road Old Ford Road (which leads onto a small cobbled road (this is Gun Makers Lane which is double yellow lined and leads onto a park), once on this road and about 20 metres in there is another left turn you can make onto a brick paved area which serves as a communal area for the the residents of the apartments . It's worth noting, that this area has retractable bollards to enter, but they are always down for vehicle access. There are always cars here but it is also worth noting that the block has underground parking for residents. (Its all very transparent if you google the location and do street view) I wasn't really long at all, however on my return I discovered a parking ticket from Parking and Property Management Ltd. It was dark and I really didn't bother to look for sign posts which outlined the conditions of parking there. I shoved the ticket down the side of my car door and forgot about it. Almost 7 months later I have received a 'LETTER BEFORE CLAIM' from Gladstones Solicitors, this letter is dated 17th July. Aside from this notice, I do not remember receiving any other correspondence from these people. I have trawled through my car and all my post again just to make sure and cannot find anything nor can I find the actual ticket They are asking for a payment of £160 or they threatening to take legal action. I have had previous experience with UK Parking Control and DRP in the past and have learned to just ignore these types of crooks, but on this occasion I'm not quite so confident given how many people I've seen go to court with PPM and Gladstones. I am a fair driver and generally do not get tickets, and on the occasions I do I pay them if its fair and legit. So guys on this occasion where do you think I stand with contesting the ticket? Really look forward to any advice and thank you all in advance for you help multipage PDF version of docs are now attached without refs PPM Sign, Gladstones Letter, My Location v2.pdf
  16. Hey. Newbie here.. Okay, Sorry this might be a long one as I don't want to miss anything out! So over the 26 years ive been alive I have got myself in a pickle; default city to be honest, mostly low-level everything combined is under 8k. I have just got a lump sum of money to pay off my debts to help recover my credit score so I can one day buy a house. Now checking my credit score I started going through one by one going to pay them off, I got to Lloyds and they have sold my 3 debts to two companies ( 1 is Credit Security LTD and 2 is Robbins way ), I have had these loans outstanding for 3 years or so and they have never contacted me ( got 2 letters from credit security but nothing from robins way ) i only found this out ringing up Lloyds, the default shows up on my credit file from Lloyds and that's it. Do I contact these people or not? I can't remove the Default either way so what should I do? and if I don't do anything that can happen, the amounts of these are £1525. £870.00 & £1800. This is where my second question comes in, my old phone contracts ( yes I was stupid ) have been sold to Lowell, now I never ever saw them as a threatening as they would send letter after letter and that's it nothing came of it for a few years ( back from 2014 2016 2017), stupidly when I decided to set up a DMP a year ago it classed as I made contact with them ( so resets the 6 year time frame ), now they have now left 3 defaults on my credit file, why is it under THEIR name and not orange etc like the Lloyds? I paid them £50.00 today and going to call up to pay a payment plan, I do have enough money to pay them all off today but is it worth it or just paying per month and keep some money aside? (it's 2400 altogether), now reflecting back on that should I of paid them or just ignore them as it would have got written off? Why have THEY put the default on my account instead of the business itself and not the other company that's taken over my Lloyds account? Why is my Credit file showing nothing of these other debt companies, if it is not on your credit report does it really matter? Sorry, I'm a little bit of a newbie at this! I know when default goes on your credit file it stays there for 6 years and there is nothing I can do about that.. right?
  17. Just over a month back, Harlands came after me with £50 in admin fees for an unpaid £39.99 DD to a gym which I left without formally cancelling. This is my fault and I accepted full responsibility. Here's a timeline of events (this is an email I sent to CRS when the debt was "passed on" (even though they're the same scummy company in essence)): Today, I got this reply-- To which I replied How should I proceed? Can anybody with any experience with such matters weigh in here? How likely are they to pursue me and take civil action? And, if so, how likely am I to succeed given my attempts to pay as outlined in the above email. Thank you!
  18. Hi everyone, hoping to find some urgent last minute help in this wonderful community Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio Date of issue – top right hand corner of the claim form – this in order to establish the time line you need to adhere to. 03/10/2016 Date of issue XX + 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = XX + 14 days to submit defence = XX (33 days in total) - ^^^^^ NOTE : WHEN CALCULATING THE TIMELINE - PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE DATE ON THE CLAIMFORM IS ONE IN THE COUNT [example: Issue date 01.03.2014 + 19 days (5 days for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = 19.03.2014 + 14 days to submit defence = 02.04.2014] = 33 days in total What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim in full (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. Unfortunately I have now lost that document as have moved house twice since receiving their claim... have attached the defence I sent and the claimant's witness statement Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ? No What is the value of the claim? £938.19 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Vanquis credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After (05/08/2010) Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? I lost a job at the time and couldn't make monthly payments What was the date of your last payment? 30/12/2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management planicon? No ------------------------ Hello everyone, Only just joined the community, but have been carefully following few threads to help with my personnal situation. So far it has been a priceless source of information and I hope to seek further help! I have my court hearing this coming Tuesday at 10am - here is a timeline of events: - Vanquis Agreement dated 05/08/2010 - Last payment made to Vanquis on 30/12/2011 - Notice of debt received by email from BW Legal/Lowell on 13/09/2016 - Letter with CCA request sent on 28/09/2016 - which was ignored - Claim issued by Lowell on 03/10/2016 - CPR18 request sent on 25/10/2016 - again, ignored - Defense sent on 05/11/2016 (copy of my defense attached in the thread) A year gone and never received the documents I asked in order to prepare defence of enter into mediation - DQ filed by claimant on 20/11/2017 - Sent another CPR18 request on 24/11/2017 - yet again ignored - Direction Questionnaire filed on 30/11/2017 Which brings us to present days, and the witness statement receive from the claimant only 2 weeks before the hearing (attached to the thread) - while I have been requesting information since November 2016 ! With the hearing happening in 3 days, I'm getting exponentially nervous about what's going to happen - and how I should prepare to defend myself. I misunderstood the notice of allocation for the hearing and didn't send a witness statement myself... is there something I should do/say at the hearing? Can someone kindly advise on the best course of action for me to get in the hearing with a bit more confidence? I'd like to avoid a CCJ at all cost and just want to settle the debt - but have missed the opportunities to do so as they failed to send the documents I requested A few questions I have after reading the witness statement several times: - I never received the Notice of Assignment. Statement says "defendant put to strict proof to the contrary" - clearly, shouldn't these kind of documents be sent registered and/or signed for? My gut instinct is to say they should be the one proving they served me with the notice of assignment (their responsibility, isn't it?) - With my CPR requests, I have sent deadline for them to collect and send the requested documents - none were respected. I literally had to wait almost a year and half and the witness statement (just a few weeks before the hearing) to get any sort of documents from them. Is that a point for me to use in my defence? As I've been chasing documents for a while in order to prepare my defence, ignoring my requests and sending these at the last minute should play in my favour? Many many thanks in advance for any help that the community could provide me with I will make sure to keep everyone updated. BW Witness Statement.pdf BW Defence.pdf
  19. How would i go about finding out if a landlord (housing association) is liable by law/regulations or contract to perform certain repairs/modifications on the property? I have a few issues that i would love to get remedied but have little luck getting them looked at seriously. One being a very common problem for all the flats i know in my block is that people upstairs simply walking quietly across the floor causes all kinds of very loud creaks and bangs. Very disturbing if your underneath even with tv or music on and ive seen how unavoidable it is from the other side too walking on such floors when visiting neighbours. I had a lot of trouble with a noisy neighbour years ago which culminated in noise equipment and so on being installed which picked up this noise (on top of the fights) but my landlords refused to even listen to the recordings offered by the local council. Secondly i live in my 2nd bedroom which is very small. Since they moved the boiler out of the large cupboard and into the bedroom (there was a CO leak from the waste gas pipe) and boxed in underneath it as well as boxing in pipes running along the floor the room has become massively unusable as a bedroom. Placement of door, window, radiator and said boxing making any kind of half sensible arranging of a simple bed and wardrobe very oddly laid out. i would like ideally to have the pipes running across the top of the wall rather than bottom. Lastly the flat has no drying facilities. No outside washing lines, no front/back garden or balcony. it had a simple line that crossed the bath at one point (it was crap and never used as someone was always wanting to shower or bath) but that was made unusable some months ago when they had to replace the shower and its now in the way. Just wondered how i would go about checking up on building regulations or similar to see if i can force a remedy on any of these problems. Previous experience has taught me they wont do bugger all until they have to. Thanks.
  20. Woman leaves abusive note on Ambulance. "A woman has been arrested on suspicion of public order offences after an angry message was left for paramedics attending a 999 call in Stoke-on-Trent yesterday afternoon (18th February)." http://www.itv.com/news/central/2018-02-19/woman-arrested-after-abusive-note-left-on-ambulance/
  21. Hello again, I have issued a 1-2k claim against a service provider "Spottish Powder" using MCOL on 21 JAN. They filed an AOS, and time to file the defence expired, either today or yesterday, I think. MCOL will now allow me to file for a DJ. Should I do this, or wait? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hello After a period of ill health I am finally back to work. I checked my credit history which is so shocking. i have 1 x default June 2016 for £5K (company offering to settle for 2.5 K - should I settle and what difference will it make). I have four missed payments on my credit card and its maxed to £3500 - again should I pay and clear the whole bill now and request they remove the missed payments from my account? how do I convince them to do this as a gesture of good will? I have also got a 3 x missed payments for a phone Three - I closed the account and genuinely dont know why they are marking this against my file - again should I just pay this and request they remove the marks as a gesture of good will? My parents have offered me money to clear all of the above debts. Will doing so improve my credit score? and how quick will that happen? I am hoping to get a morgage in the next couple of years. Many thanks
  23. Hello! This site has proven of great help. I am posting here on behalf of my nephew. to cut it short, nephew was supposedly parked in an Ibis hotel car park and was not a guest. Received a ticket from Civil Enforcement Limited . He ignored it because it was not his vehicle having repeatedly told them. As a result, they took nephew to court. He was able to set aside the judgment because the claim form didn't specify what the amount being claimed for was and also, it was not signed by a 'person", but by a company. I accompanied him to court and the judge set aside the judgment. Nephew received a letter following on from court hearing where it said: 1. The judgment against AU dated 27th Nov be and hereby set aside. 2. Claimant to file and serve a fully particulated Particulars of Claim by the 5th March 3. Defendant to file and serve a defence by the 19th March 4. Direction Questionnaires by the 9th April. Nephew spoke to court and they advised C's have not filed a particulars of claim. Question is - should nephew still file his defence? AND Can he counter claim for compensation? Many thanks, Jay
  24. Hi Just received my credit file and after getting into a bad financial situation I have a total of 19 defaults on my credit file!, 11 are due to drop of this year and 3 next year the rest are around 2022, for the latter do you think my credit file will improve If I pay them of so they are marked as satisfied? or should I just wait, none of them are chasing me for payment at the minute Just edited to add one is for a mobile phone debt that I was paying for 2 years at £35 per month, it says I owe £550.00 now
  25. Claimaint: Vehicle Control Services Solicitors: None identified Date of Issue: 19 Apr 2018 Particulars of Claim: 1.The Claim against the Defendant is for breach of contract in respect of breaching the Terms and Conidtions set on private land. The Defendant was issued with a charge notice and has failed to settle their outstanding liabilities. 2.At all material time the Defendant was the registered keeper and/or driver of the vehicle identified in the Particulars of Claim. It is alleged the Defendant breached the Terms and Conditions of entering private land as detailed in the Particulars of Claim (to follow). 3.The Claimant seeks the recovery of the CN and interest under Section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% at the same rate up the date of Judgement or earlier payment. I will provide the defendant with seperate detailed particulars within 14 days after service of the claim form. Claim is for £160 + £25 court fee = £185 ---------------------- Hi, have received court papers wrt the above Basic summary of events: -NTK (not me) received 20/4/2017. Issued 13/4/17 but for contravention date 2/4/17. Due to easter holiday this meant >14 days so POFA does not apply -I appealed on the keepers behalf. VCS say I selected the driver option. Have no recollection of this and they have been unable to provide evidence of this being selected. In my appeal wording I did not say I was the driver. -VCS pursuing me on assumption I am driver. Initially said they had CCTV, now saying pursuing based on my admission in the appeal. Don't actually think I've personally received a CN from them contrary to their PoC. -I don't actually think they have ever issued me with a charge notice. Happy to take this to court and defend myself Submitted my AoS 23/4/18 and also selected contest jurisdiction due to the byelaw issues at LJLA, however have to pay a large fee ~£200 to pursue that. Is it worth pursuing the contest of jurisdiction? I think I can make a robust defence in any case based on other threads I've read on here and Pepipoo. Can I claim the fee back if successfully contest jurisdiction? Advice re next step would be appreciated thanks in advance
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