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  1. I’ve been stupid and was caught shoplifting in Sainsburys and looking for some advice. I’ve searched the forum for similar situations, but I still have a few questions. I was taken to the back office office and asked for my name, DOB and address. I didn’t want to give them photo ID so showed them my bank card. They appeared to just look at it to confirm my name and didn’t take any photocopies of it as far as I’m aware. I was very compliant, stayed calm, handed over the items immediately (very low cost: less than £9 in total which I then paid in full before leaving). I was then given a lifetime ban letter and was escorted to customer services where I paid for the items and then I was free to go. I apologised and asked numerous times if they were going to call the police and/or if the police will come to my address. They kept saying they weren’t going to call the police and that if police were to be involved they’d have called them then and there. I’m at university and they did say that it’s not worth getting a criminal record over etc, warned me not to do it again, and gave me the printed off letter. From reading the forum and just common sense, I’m assuming that this is not currently and will not escalate to a criminal/police matter since they weren’t contacted and that this isn’t a criminal record (i.e not a charge, caution, etc) and will not appear on any background checks? I was told I will be getting a letter regarding compensation charges but from reading here it appears it’ll be a standard comp charge which I don’t have to pay? I understand they’ll keep writing to me but I gave my university address and barely get post sent there anyway so hardly ever even check my pigeon hole. Is it safe to just forget about it and ignore the letters which I’ll be sent (but probably never get...) I’m also of the understanding that I’d only have to pay if any loss occurred and because I paid for the items in full, there’s no loss right? Plus they can’t charge me for wages/time already being paid for (security etc). my questions are as follows, any help would be much appreciated: 1. Why did they ask my DOB (I just don’t see how that’s relevant, what can they do with that info)? 2. Since I gave my university address if I don’t respond and just ignore their compensation letters will they contact my university and ask for my home/permanent address? 3. I paid for the items on my debit card, could they either track me and further personal details, including home address, from that? 4. I’ve seen a template of a response to the letter basically saying no further correspondence will be entered into. Is it better to just completely ignore their letters or send something like that back to them? 5. As queried in my post, would it be safe to just ignore the letters and put this behind me? I’m stupid and have learnt a big lesson today, so please, no judgement. Am I right to think this will not escalate to a police matter (providing I don’t go back into a Sainsburys store)? 6. Is there anything I should know or do, anything that will put my mind at ease. Thanks in advance for your help. Oh and when I said that I gave my university address I meant my halls of residence uni building (as opposed to a private rented student house) hence I’m worried they could ask my university for further details/my home address since my address given basically is the university.
  2. When I was caught using my mom's freedom pass, 'the caution' was read to me AFTER I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes. I was NOT asked to review the notes just to sign. Is it how it is supposed to be done? After the questions and my signature the caution followed and I just felt sick. The officer offered free legal advice but I refused because I was mentally and physically unable to continue. Can I still request free legal advice should I go to court? I think I wasnÂ’t informed that I DID NOT have to answer the questions WITHOUT legal adviser. My mind is pretty fuzzy on the above but this is what I remember. In hindsight I would have answered everything with a free lawyer but to be honest I think I answered everything truthfully anyway... but: Was the caution read to me legally in this order? Should I mention it in my apology letter? With a case number saying to fill in the form on the reverse of the letter with plead guilty or not guilty within 10 days – no intention to prosecute yet. I intend to plead guilty because I did commit this offence. If I accept committing the offence I need to provide any exceptional reasons as to why they should not prosecute me. They stopped me just after I crossed the tube gates at Northolt station so I didn't have a chance to actually make any journey. After all the questioning they let me out and I went back in using my credit card. I only have 4 days to reply as I only received it today (I was checking the post ever since the incident – it took them only 4 days to write it to me – is it a bad sign?) so I only have a week to reply L. So please can you help me understand: What the legal consequences will be? I am talking about worst case scenario. I am pretty sure I will be prosecuted, will be given a criminal record, huge fine (how much do you think?) but will not be jailed as this is my first offence? Or am I wrong and can get to prison? Will my employer need to know? Will I get fired? If this happens can I appeal and how? [*]My exceptional reasons (I guess these are the mitigating circumstances) is my mental illness. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, associated disorders and side effects caused by being on antidepressants for about 10 years – all is GP documented. As a result I have suffered from frequent serious disorders – just imagine the worst for a depressed person as I donÂ’t feel like providing such details. In addition I recently started a therapy to stop smoking and the side effects of the medicine are severe and are not helping my mental state. Especially the last 2 years have been very hard for me, I lost my job, my person life crumbled, I had difficulty getting out of bed and so onÂ… and finally 3 weeks ago I found a job (which again added a lot of stress as I want to keep it at all costs) and I was caught only after 2 weeks of working. [*]I was asked if it was my first time: I honestly donÂ’t know and this is what I answered. My mom and I keep exchanging bags and stuff and I have been too stressed out to check which card I had in my bag – they have the same cases. So the worst case scenario is that I have been using it since January/February this year but irregularly like 1-3 times a week or weeks of not using it at all. [*]‘the cautionÂ’ Was read to me after I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes. I was not asked to review the notes just to sign. Later came the caution and I just felt sick. He offered free legal advice but I refused because I was mentally and physically unable to continue. I think I wasnÂ’t informed that I didnÂ’t have to answer the questions without legal adviser. My mind is pretty fuzzy on the above but this is what I remember. In hindsight I would have answered everything with a free lawyer but to be honest I think I answered everything truthfully anyway but: Was the caution read to me legally in this order? I.e. after I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes without reviewing them? ​ [*]Apology letter I intend to write everything that happened, the card/bag mix up, my mental issues, plead guilty, apologise, ask not to be prosecuted, not to get a criminal record, settle out of court, offer the payment of all the associated fees and penalty etc. Does it sound right? Should I add something about the caution that to me should have been read at the beginning? Should I add anything else to help my case? ​ Thank you very much for reading this! As you can imagine I am losing my mind, I am scared, terrified I overmedicate so that I donÂ’t have to thinkÂ… any words of wisdom will help so please, I am begging you help me if you can.
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