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  1. So I take care of Gas/Electricity switching for my grandmother, so her account is linked to my e-mail address as I submit meter readings online for her and such since she's basically a technophobe for anything more than a TV, and when I checked my e-mails this morning I had one from EDF saying "Thanks for booking an appointment to have Smart Meters installed" I hadn't made any such appointment online, and my grandmother had made no such appointment on the phone either, so EDF had simply taken it upon themselves to book a Smart Meter installation for her in 2 weeks time. Fortunately I was able to login to her account online and find the not very obvious link to cancel the appointment (When you go into the appointment, there's huge buttons for rescheduling it to another time, but the link to Cancel is somewhat hidden. It's basically in a sentence that said "Or if you'd like you can Cancel your booking" with the word cancel just being a Hyperlink), but it's certainly worrying that they're now just forcing appointments on people without even asking and, had I not been able to check my e-mails due to being on holiday or away with work then in 2 weeks time some stranger would have just turned up at my grandmothers door telling her he was there to change the meters. The main reasoning behind not having smart meters at the moment is simply due to the number of stories I've seen in the past year or two about poor installation jobs leading to gas leaks, boiler breakdowns, electricity surges damaging equipment, etc. Last thing we want to risk right now is for someone barely trained turning up, rushing a meter swap and leaving asap and then a woman in her late 80s being left with no heating in the current weather conditions. Just thought I'd post this as a word of warning for anyone else with EDF to keep a lookout for.
  2. Hi all, can anyone recommend who I should structure a PCN appeal given this situation? One half of the road (where I usually park) had its resident parking suspended temporarily for works, so on Friday I parked on the other end of the road. Having returned to my car for the first time today they have re-opened the usual half and suspended the half I was parked in. Because I hadn't been to my car in 4.5 days I had no idea they had moved the parking suspension. My partner and I are absolutely certain there were no suspension signs where they are now currently - we made a point of looking to check both halves weren't suspended. All they have done is taken down the suspension signs on Friday from the first half, sellotaped a new piece of paper on them and stuck them to posts on the other half of the road (I have a photo to prove it). We live in East London, so we have to park 250m away from the apartment to get a residents bay. We don't check on the car and the availability of the bays daily - that would be nuts. 1. How can I structure an appeal to say that I was parked there before the parking suspension signs were even put up? 2. How much notice does the council have to give its residents before suspending parking? Thanks in advance for any advice and support!
  3. When I was caught using my mom's freedom pass, 'the caution' was read to me AFTER I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes. I was NOT asked to review the notes just to sign. Is it how it is supposed to be done? After the questions and my signature the caution followed and I just felt sick. The officer offered free legal advice but I refused because I was mentally and physically unable to continue. Can I still request free legal advice should I go to court? I think I wasnÂ’t informed that I DID NOT have to answer the questions WITHOUT legal adviser. My mind is pretty fuzzy on the above but this is what I remember. In hindsight I would have answered everything with a free lawyer but to be honest I think I answered everything truthfully anyway... but: Was the caution read to me legally in this order? Should I mention it in my apology letter? With a case number saying to fill in the form on the reverse of the letter with plead guilty or not guilty within 10 days – no intention to prosecute yet. I intend to plead guilty because I did commit this offence. If I accept committing the offence I need to provide any exceptional reasons as to why they should not prosecute me. They stopped me just after I crossed the tube gates at Northolt station so I didn't have a chance to actually make any journey. After all the questioning they let me out and I went back in using my credit card. I only have 4 days to reply as I only received it today (I was checking the post ever since the incident – it took them only 4 days to write it to me – is it a bad sign?) so I only have a week to reply L. So please can you help me understand: What the legal consequences will be? I am talking about worst case scenario. I am pretty sure I will be prosecuted, will be given a criminal record, huge fine (how much do you think?) but will not be jailed as this is my first offence? Or am I wrong and can get to prison? Will my employer need to know? Will I get fired? If this happens can I appeal and how? [*]My exceptional reasons (I guess these are the mitigating circumstances) is my mental illness. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, associated disorders and side effects caused by being on antidepressants for about 10 years – all is GP documented. As a result I have suffered from frequent serious disorders – just imagine the worst for a depressed person as I donÂ’t feel like providing such details. In addition I recently started a therapy to stop smoking and the side effects of the medicine are severe and are not helping my mental state. Especially the last 2 years have been very hard for me, I lost my job, my person life crumbled, I had difficulty getting out of bed and so onÂ… and finally 3 weeks ago I found a job (which again added a lot of stress as I want to keep it at all costs) and I was caught only after 2 weeks of working. [*]I was asked if it was my first time: I honestly donÂ’t know and this is what I answered. My mom and I keep exchanging bags and stuff and I have been too stressed out to check which card I had in my bag – they have the same cases. So the worst case scenario is that I have been using it since January/February this year but irregularly like 1-3 times a week or weeks of not using it at all. [*]‘the cautionÂ’ Was read to me after I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes. I was not asked to review the notes just to sign. Later came the caution and I just felt sick. He offered free legal advice but I refused because I was mentally and physically unable to continue. I think I wasnÂ’t informed that I didnÂ’t have to answer the questions without legal adviser. My mind is pretty fuzzy on the above but this is what I remember. In hindsight I would have answered everything with a free lawyer but to be honest I think I answered everything truthfully anyway but: Was the caution read to me legally in this order? I.e. after I answered all the questions and was asked to sign the notes without reviewing them? ​ [*]Apology letter I intend to write everything that happened, the card/bag mix up, my mental issues, plead guilty, apologise, ask not to be prosecuted, not to get a criminal record, settle out of court, offer the payment of all the associated fees and penalty etc. Does it sound right? Should I add something about the caution that to me should have been read at the beginning? Should I add anything else to help my case? ​ Thank you very much for reading this! As you can imagine I am losing my mind, I am scared, terrified I overmedicate so that I donÂ’t have to thinkÂ… any words of wisdom will help so please, I am begging you help me if you can.
  4. Have just returned from helping a family friend out this evening, she was stranded at road side with puncture, and no spare wheel, car jack, wheel brace or emergency puncture repair kit in the car.The car was the lady's first and she bought on the basis of colour and because it was cute, in other words the car dealer saw her coming and quickly worked out she was not aware of what to look for when buying a car. So, tonight in pouring rain and in the dark at the side of the road I had to give her and her son a lift and abandon her car at roadside.Before, I call the 2nd hand car dealer tomorrow, I want to calm down abit and seek the advice of CAG on this matter. I understand that many cars are no longer sold with spare tyres/wheels and a foam repair kit is often supplied, but this car I now know is supposed to be supplied with a spare wheel as the deep hole in the boot suggests. There is no tools present/supplied to jack the car and nor is there a wheel brace.Am I correct in thinking that legally these should have been supplied? What course of action would you recommend?Thanks as always for any help offered.
  5. Hi as part of our research on outstanding debt to put together an income and expenditure form for StepChange, we requested a Noodle report and on it there was a CCJ which we have now discovered id Moriarty law for an Uncle Buck debt. In the letter it states that an instalment plan had been offered to us which it hadn't and i assume that before a CCJ gets registered we should have received some communication from the court which we didn't. Don't really know where to go from here as we are trying to pull together a plan but it's going to be blown out of the water if we are forced to make a lump sum repayment. any advice would help.
  6. I recently ended a relationship with my girlfriend of 4 years. When we broke up i let her borrow my car for a few months. Everything was fine during this time and i was getting to see my son. All of a sudden i was not allowed to see my son and my ex is refusing to return my car to me. I am currently going through the court process to gain access to my son. In regards to my car, i recently learned that the v5 of the car was tranaferred to my ex name. I made a complaint to the DVLA and i was told that i was sent a letter notifying me the change of name, but i did not receive this letter. The DVLA have also stated that there is nothing they can do and it is now a civil matter. They stated once i gain the car in my possession to notify them. DVLA also sent me a copy of the letter that was sent to me, i am sure they stamp these letters? This letter has no stamp, i would have never have agreed to the name change if i knew about it. The police will not do anything as well. I took out a personal car loan to purchase the car for which i am currently making monthly payments for, the loan is against my name and not the vehicle. I really need some advice and help on what my options are and i would really appreciate it if someone can help.
  7. Hi, would appreciate any advice regarding the situation of a relative who is a single Mother. She had an outstanding housing benefit overpayment which was being repaid monthly over a payment plan for the last few years. At the beginning of this year the council got in touch to say that they needed to increase the amount paid each month; following a review of her income and expenditure a significantly higher amount was agreed to be paid which she has paid without fail. The council also stated that they would review the payment plan after 3 months, however they sent a letter 4 months later with a means statement saying she needed to respond within 10 days. She was out of town and didn't see the letter until she returned 11 days after it was dated; she called the council who said that they have now passed the debt onto a debt recovery agency and she has to deal directly with them and that there is nothing they can do now. She is now very worried and has been sent letters by the debt collection agency. I think the councils behaviour is unfair and unacceptable, she has always made the payments agreed and was compliant with the agreed payment plan, they sent the means review later than they had indicated but are punishing her by handing her over to debt collectors because she did not respond to their late letter within 10 days. Does any one have any advice as to how she should deal with the council and the debt collectors? She is willing to repay the debt within her means and doesn't think it is fair to have to deal with bailiffs and risk losing her possessions or work to their aggressive repayment plans.
  8. Hi The company i used to work for has closed down, I do not have a P45 to claim benefits and I am unable to contact them by phone or in person. The company no longer exists, theres another shop there instead which has opened up. I only have payslips from December 2017 which is another company i used to work for (and I was paid cash-in-hand). These small busineses did not give us payslips but only when we needed one and asked for it they would supply it. Will I able to get universal credit if i dont have a P45 or payslips ? What will happen now ?
  9. Hi All I've read a lot of horror stories about Utility Warehouse but none that quite matches my scenario. My partner and I recently moved house and the previous tenants must have been with Utility Warehouse as we received tons of mail from them, telling us the house had previously been supplied by them and trying to coerce us into sign up. I only opened the first two and consigned the rest to recycling. Then today, I received a letter in a plain white envelope, which I opened. The letter is a demand for a 'missed payment' along with a membership number. It is addressed to a Mr . It also states we will be liable for a £6 late payment fee. Now, I've written to them stating neither they, nor anyone else, can enter us into a contract without our consent, and telling them where and just how far up they can shove their unsolicited spam, I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this? I'm guessing they were forwarded our details by the letting agent (as the current supplier) but has anyone else experienced this? It's one thing to bombard you with marketing mail in the hope of signing you up, but it's quite another to sign you up then claim you've missed a bill. This crosses over to fraud in my book. Thanks.
  10. Hi, Recently some friends and I went on holiday to a villa rented through AirBnB. While there we cracked a plant pot, and some soil leaked into the pool. We spent the penultimate day cleaning and scrubbing the place because we felt guilty and left the place in pristine condition. We left at 8am, the host had guests in at 12 noon the same day. Upon being home a few days, the host put through some damages for us to pay amounting to a staggering 684€. This included; - Cracked Plant pot (80€) - Damaged IKEA towel and damaged IKEA bedding (50€) - Pool Cleaning (50€) - Cracked pool tile (500€). We were shocked. - Despite scrubbing the place clean and actually checking for damages, we did not see any cracked tiles and do not believe it was us at all. - The plant pot was heavy, so we are assuming shes damaged the tile herself replacing the plant pot. Regardless, we think this should be covered by insurance. - We payed a £237.49 cleaning fee up front; we think the pool should be covered by this - The IKEA towel and bedding was damaged by bleach that the host left on the floor. This also ruined all the girls bikinis, by bleaching them! We refused to pay the sum the host demanded. She then responded with "We just had an email from the tile constructor who thinks that the tile would cost 250€ instead of 500€". At this point, her costs include 0 receipts or proof of cost of any kind, and we found the IKEA towels online for £4.84 (IKEA website). Anyway, we declined the payment and she went to the resolution centre. The resolution centre is supposed to ask for both sides of the story and come to a fair settlement. The "expert" got in contact to say she was getting information from Hilde and would then contact us. We then went to support and asked about the Security Deposit. There was no security deposit set on the property, and from research, to us this means anything we pay is on our sole good nature. The expert never contacted us; the next message from her was a breakdown of the costs she told us we must pay and our AirBNB account is deactivated until we pay. There was still no proof at all of any costs either, no receipts, nothing. We will not pay for absurd damages that we did not cause, knowing she has tried to ripp us off and certainly not when the "expert" never got in contact with us! - Can AirBNB force us to pay without a security deposit? - What can we do here? Please help, Ryan
  11. Valproate banned without the pregnancy prevention programme READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/valproate-banned-without-the-pregnancy-prevention-programme
  12. Hi All, It's a quick question. I took a credit card out with Lloyds Bank, then unfortunately I was made redundant. I went though their income and expenditure document to inform Lloyds and they put a hold on the card. About 5months later they put a repayment plan in place and according to them, they sent a letter. I did not receive this letter and they made no other contact to me about this. The bank said that because I had failed to pay the repayment plan, the account will be sent to another company. My point is, if I receive nothing about a repayment plan, and the bank don't contact me about it, how can I be held liable for not paying a repayment plan I knew nothing about? It's incredibly frustrating dealing with Lloyds Bank, they've been nothing but difficult all the way through. Soon as I got another job I contacted them to make repayments and they told me I no longer have an account with Lloyds so I can't pay anything right now and no-one would speak to me about the account. I went through with the complaints manager who in his final letter he stated that he will uphold my complaint but then and the end of the letter he stated nothing will be done. Anyway... My question was about the repayment plan, if the bank are using that against me to say that I didn't pay, surely they have to actually tell me about the plan so I can pay it, right? Thanks
  13. Good Morning everyone, My situation is quite complex so please bear with me and any help and uggestions would be greatly appreciated, i will start with a brief statement as to how this all started 15 years ago and then onto the problems i am now facing. In 2003 i applied to remortgage and take equity from my home, i was turned down, i checked my credit reports to see that i had several defaults and a CCJ from Barclays on my acc, after a few years i managed to get all of this sorted with apology letters from Barclays. In 2013 i was again chased for debts that did not belong to me, i tried every avenue possible to get this mistake sorted for a second time but eventually i ended up going to the newspapers and the FOS who then sorted out the problem with Lloyds and Experian with a pathetic £250 compensation, even though id spent 10 times this on phone calls and writing letters/emails etc . Now in 2018 this has all happened again, i have checked my report from all 3 CRAs and Call Credit and Experian are showing defaults, CCJ, addresses i have never lived at, they have even changed my electoral roll entry without any instruction by myself or legal documents to do this. All of this wrong information is for a person with the same first and last name as me and also the same date of birth, however this other person has a middle name and i do not. I received a letter from 02 on the 19th of March chasing a debt for this other person, i immediately checked my credit report, and there it was, 02 had already linked me and the debt/account to my address without doing any checks whatsoever to see if i was the correct person, i DONT have an account with 02. There is then the other accounts from 6 other companies in default that i have never had accounts with and a CCJ which i dont even know what it is for , i just know none of these belong to me as ive never missed a payment on anything or had any dealings with these companies. I have disputed all of this with Call Credit but they refuse to remove all of this wrong information, i have not spoke to any of the companies involved as from past experience they will not speak to me due to data protection when i say i am not the person they seek, but they also dont resolve the problem either, i have since joined checkmyfile and they are trying to sort things out with call credit , but say i have to sort out this mess with Experian myself. I am seeking advice as to what to do next, to be honest the companies reporting all of this wrong information in my eyes need to pay, i am busy renovating my home and considering an extension as my wife is 8 months pregnant but i am now reluctant to apply for any loans/remortgage etc as i know i will be turned down, and as you can expect for this to happen a 3rd time my stress levels have went through the roof. Companies listing defaults on my report who i have no dealings with at all and ruining my credit report because of there incompetence to check they have the correct person are: Lloyds Bank (again) Lowell Vanquis Bank Capital One Hoist Portfolio Home retail group 02 ( who reported and made the link with callcredit , even though this serial debtor has paid his bill now, so is not showing as a default, but its now to late as they have done the damage) Thank you kindly to anyone that can help. Luco19
  14. I am in court on Monday for a CCJ claim against me. I have only just noticed that in the other sides witness statement they have listed a proposed payment agreement by me which was sent Without Prejudice. Its too late now I know but should I raise this matter immediately with the judge or wait for the other side to use it in evidence. Obvioulsy the judge has read the witness statement now. TIA
  15. Hi there, heres the story, I paid for an early upgrade online with ee. the cost was £251 including the early upgrade fee to buy out the rest of my contract and the upfront cost of the new handset. Now I ordered this the same day my new bill was generated, however my payment date for this bill is the 10th of each month, it was not due for another week so I didnt see a problem. in the after morning after ordering I checked the ee tracker to find news of my delivery only to find it `timed out` it couldnt find any record of the order number in other words. I phoned ee to find out what was going on, the rep told me for some reason the system had taken my upgrade fee but then straight away refunded it and it was on its way back to my account, she apologised and said if I wanted it back quicker I could get an indemnity on the direct debit with my bank asking them to cancel it and I should recieve payment that same day. Since then I found a better deal with another provider on the same handset (vodafones 32gb of data v 8gb ee were offering for the same price as I was paying now monthly!) I decided id use the refund to pay off my contract with EE and go with that one instead of upgrading. I contacted the livesupport on the ee website just to ensure the upgrade hadnt been put through again and to make sure it was indeed cancelled before going with the other network. I was then told that I was not being issued with a refund, the funds instead had been put towards my account balance and it was now in credit (this was presented as something I was apparently meant to be happen with) Now I wanted the refund, my bills not due till the next week and I didnt want to pay it till my next payday which falls before my payment date anyway. I was told I couldnt be refunded as the payment had already been put towards my bill and id just have to get a refund of the credit after paying my bill the next week. My issue is I never authorised this, the payment was sent as part of the early upgrade service it was payment for the early upgrade fee and the handset it was never authorised by me to be used as payment for my bill. EE have just gone ahead and done this without my permission then used that as a reason for not refunding me, I dont see how this is legal to use a payment in a way it wasnt intended without asking esp when the payment is taken as payment for a specific. product and service such as an upgrade. Not happy as not only was my payment used for something not intended by me and without my permission but the woman on the phone in the morning was obviously utterly using me. What I think has happened is ee have sneakily used the fact I made a payment for this upgrade as a way to have me pay my bill off early and just cancelled the upgrade so they can use the payment for this. Obviously very dodgy practise if so! Im just wondering if my misusing my payment in this way ee may have broken any part of their contract, id love to get a bit of revenge by using it as a reason to tear it up. Latest update got in touch with my bank, they say I cant get an indemnity anyway as the payment was by card (so the ee rep was totally using me this morning it appears!) but that the payment is still pending so it shouldnt take any time at all for EE to refund as they can just cancel it.....lets see if they choose to or see if they choose to `keep the money` on my account balance against my will......what they do will decide if I take further action im guessing, EE rep claiming they dont have the ability to cancel a pending payment......utter rubbish! I will be taking this further! luckly ive saved the chat transcripts. anyone else experienced this kind of thing?
  16. Hi, I opened a credit card account with vanquis in September 2005 and stopped paying them around early 2008 as they were hammering me with charges and i'd pay them what they asked for and the next month there'd be another charge. Obviously they must have defaulted the account and sold it on to lowell. I've only recently been checking my credit file and noticed that the default date for the account is september 2013. The cynic In me feels that lowell.s may have done a bit of sleight of hand with the default date as I doubt vanquis would have waited over 5 years to put the account in default. I no longer have the account details for this, so is there a way I can Sar them without the account number and will this reveal the correct default date or would I need to request that seperately?
  17. I have been made an offer on a loan taken out in 1994 which ended in 2003. It looks like a goodwill offer and also looks a bit "light". They dont give me exact dates of ppi payments looks like it was added at the start of the loan being about £1200. Their offer is £3300. 2 questions: 1) Can I bank their cheque "without prejudice" taking it as a payment on account to mitigate my losses, and argue about the amount later? They havent mentioned acceptance in their letter, just calling it their "offer". 2) I feel that the 8% stat interest should be compounded, not simple. I would be grateful for any help on this. I have downloaded the spreadsheet, taking £1000 as the initial PPI payment from 01/01/1994 gives simple interest of £1,921.92 but if you use standard compound (1+r)^n * £1,000 = (1+0.08(rate)))^23years*£1,000 = £5,871.46 then add on the principal £1k = £6,871.46 why is it simple instead of compound? the fair calculation of loss is the amount foregone each year, which is the interest lost each year and interest on that interest for the following year?
  18. Hi there, My Brother In Law has just discovered that his bank had fixed his Mortgage for 5 years at 3.89% without his consent. He has demanded to see the signed document the bank could not produce the signed contract he has been into branch and seen on the computer also that the contract is not signed in the signature box. What should he do in this situation? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  19. In para 69 of the Supreme Court ruling in R (on the application of UNISON) v Lord Chancellor [2017] IRLR 911 SC the Judge stated "The case also illustrates the fact that it is not always desirable that claims should be settled" Would it ever be possible to argue that a particular case shouldn't be settled because it holds Public Interest? I noticed he didn't state it as a ruling but in passing Please, if there is a Case Law, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
  20. Hello all. I submitted a claim using MCOL a few weeks ago for a Deposit I gave to a Landlord (LL) when I lodged with them for 6 months, a total of £600. I am claiming that amount, including interest and court fees totalling just over £700. I took all reasonable steps to get the deposit back but the LL started blanking me and made promises to pay but never did. I started the MCOL process and they submitted an acknowledgment of service, stating they are going to defend the entire claim. Fair enough, thats their right. However herein the problem lies. I had been using the LLs current address to send all my formal letters and put it into MCOL with served the particulars of claim to them at that address (thus enabling them to submit an acknowledgement of service). However in their acknowledgement of service they put changed their address to their old address where they no longer live and havent done so for a year. This now means further documentation from the court will go to their old address - and my best guess is that when it comes to it they will try and get the claim set aside because they haven't received further court correspondence (because they've intentionally put an old/false address). Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? Thank you!
  21. An elderly relative of mine book train and ferry to Ireland via Hollyhead. She got all relative train connections as quoted on tickets when she got to Holyhead the ferry had left without her. The customer service at ferry port said it was train fault. She been in contact with customers services at Irish Ferry port and they also said it not their fault and she is responsible for making it on time to get ferry out she and other passagers had got off train and went to ferry port to find check in had closed. Surely the ferry should not have left without all passengers and train should have infromed them there were passengers on train for ferry. Irish ferries were not concern and said it was her fault for not making it on time. They seem not to want to take any responsibility for passagers once fare been paid. This meant waiting at ferry port for hours and longer on ferry time on ferry 2 hrs extra. Any suggestion go forward with compaint would be appreciated.
  22. I'm sure someone on here can give a straight answer as I am trying to help my granddad who was unfortunately hit by scaffolding that had been put up around his block of flats which is Council owned ( Old peoples properties ) He instructed a solicitor to claim for damages caused due to injuries which included broken arm and was told by the solicitor that he would be covered under a no-fee, no win basis. Would this include a contract between both parties as I assume would be, because the solicitor is now refusing to provide a copy of the contract that my granddad has asked to see. The case is still unsettled.
  23. I rang Paratus AMC Limited to ask what my mortgage repayment would be after the Bank of England Rate raise, I was not surprised to be told it had increased but was shocked when I was told Paratus AMC Limited had added Buildings Insurance Premium of nearly £50 a month to my mortgage repayments!! - which means I would be paying over £500 a year just for insurance, when the fact is I have my own buildings insurance and much lower. I asked why they had added Buildings Insurance Premium, I was told it was a legal requirement, but I've had my own Buildings Insurance in the past and never had this problem before! Now out of the blue, Paratus AMC Limited have added Buildings Insurance Premiumof close to £50 following the Bank of England Rate raise. I told them I have my own Buildings Insurance and I want the Buildings Insurance they have added to my mortgage to be cancelled, but they refused to do so, asking me to send in the insurance schedule, so they will check it and then decide if they want to cancel it or not. They also sent me a letter, detailing adding buildings insurance to my mortgage, again they should never have done this without asking for my permission and I don't need it because I have my own insurance. Paratus AMC Limited have added the Buildings Insurance illegally without my permission, they can't do this and I want it cancelled with ASAP. Please help me draft a strongly worded letter I can send to them, before my mortgage payment is due later this week. Do I really need to send them a copy of my insurance schedule or will a strongly worded letter be enough?
  24. I'm in a bit of a pickle and am hoping someone can help me work out how to get around this: I bought my partner an Apple laptop via eBay three years ago. All seemed above board, but I collected in person and the seller insisted I pay cash as they didn't want to risk a Paypal chargeback - fair enough, I thought. At the time, they assured me they would send me a copy of the original Apple sale receipt and I asked several times. The seller then stopped responding to my messages. Not an issue, I thought, since I had the laptop and didn't think the proof of purchase would be an issue. To prevent the laptop being used if stolen, we put a firmware password on the laptop - this is a low-level password that effectively locks the Mac altogether if the hard disk is changed, which makes it very difficult for thieves to use the laptop if they steal it and try to wipe the hard drive. Six months later in 2015, we realised that we had forgotten the password. We took the laptop to Apple and, after e-mailing every bit of correspondence I had had from the eBay sale and with the seller of the laptop, a nice chap at Apple Ireland authorised my local Apple repair shop to reset the firmware password. Thinking we were out of the woods, my partner put a new password on the machine, wrote it down safely in a book, and that was that. Fast forward to two weeks ago, and we have realised that we have once again forgotten the password, and, having moved house, have lost the book. However, this time, Apple have refused to reset the password, because we don't have the original sale receipt for the laptop. Apple have said that, since we don't have the original proof of purchase, we will have to pay around £500 to have a new main board (the logic board) replaced. My instinct in this matter is that, having proven once beyond reasonable doubt that we are the legitimate owners of the laptop, a reasonable person would believe that we are still the rightful owners of the laptop, and Apple should remove the password. If somebody could help, we would be most grateful (in fact, if you can help us get Apple to authorise this password removal, I will send you £50 and a crate of beer/cider/wine/fizzy pop of your choice) Thanks ever so much! Alex
  25. Help, Please can anyone advise me where to turn to. I bought a 3 year old approved used Mercedes from a Mercedes dealership on Dec 22nd 2017. I was told verbally that the car was being MOTed the day prior to my picking it up and I was giving paperwork listing the MOT date as Dec 22nd 2017 - Dec 22nd 2018. I was overseas for a while in Sept / Oct and left the car in airport parking. Whilst I was away my car was damaged with some scratching to the bumper. I returned to the UK and amongst the admin I had was a reminder for taxing my car. When I tried to do this I realised my car had no MOT. After multiple enquires with the dealership I have only been able to establish that the MOT expired in April 2018 and no one is able to tell me how this happened. To make matters difficult the dealership I bought from has changed ownership and the car was actually supposed to be MOTed in a different dealership as the car was not located at my local branch when I enquired about it. I have written confirmation from the dealership I bought from that the MOT expired in April 2018 and an apology. I raised a complaint with Mercedes asking for an investigation and hoping to find out what had happened and ideally correct the issue if it was an admin issue. I have got nowhere, Mercedes customer service immediately sent me a final response saying there was no harm caused. I pointed out I could not claim for the damage in caused in airport parking as I had effectively been uninsured. I also pointed out that I was very worried about the fact i had unknowingly been driving uninsured for several months. I got another final response which was very rude and again closed the matter. I asked to speak to the person who was writing these emails and they have refused my calls. I have written again and got another response saying Mercedes maintain there position - I do not understand what this position is. I am bewildered by all of this. I have written to the ombudsman but I think this process takes a while. Can anyone help me, do I have any legal rights here. I have documents saying my car had an MOT until Dec 2018 when I purchased it but it only had an MOT until April 2018. If I had been in serious at fault accident I would have been uninsured, if this had involved a personal injury claim I could have lost my house and if I was prosecuted for driving without insurance I would have been suspended for a minimum of 6 months from my job. I have not yet managed to sort out the damage to my car as I haven't resolved this issue so my insurance is still invalid. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!
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