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  1. So I take care of Gas/Electricity switching for my grandmother, so her account is linked to my e-mail address as I submit meter readings online for her and such since she's basically a technophobe for anything more than a TV, and when I checked my e-mails this morning I had one from EDF saying "Thanks for booking an appointment to have Smart Meters installed" I hadn't made any such appointment online, and my grandmother had made no such appointment on the phone either, so EDF had simply taken it upon themselves to book a Smart Meter installation for her in 2 weeks time. Fortunately I was able to login to her account online and find the not very obvious link to cancel the appointment (When you go into the appointment, there's huge buttons for rescheduling it to another time, but the link to Cancel is somewhat hidden. It's basically in a sentence that said "Or if you'd like you can Cancel your booking" with the word cancel just being a Hyperlink), but it's certainly worrying that they're now just forcing appointments on people without even asking and, had I not been able to check my e-mails due to being on holiday or away with work then in 2 weeks time some stranger would have just turned up at my grandmothers door telling her he was there to change the meters. The main reasoning behind not having smart meters at the moment is simply due to the number of stories I've seen in the past year or two about poor installation jobs leading to gas leaks, boiler breakdowns, electricity surges damaging equipment, etc. Last thing we want to risk right now is for someone barely trained turning up, rushing a meter swap and leaving asap and then a woman in her late 80s being left with no heating in the current weather conditions. Just thought I'd post this as a word of warning for anyone else with EDF to keep a lookout for.
  2. Good evening all, I am in a sticky situation, I received an invitation letter to go to the National Speed Awareness Scheme to write off my speeding offence, I was doing 58mph on a 50mph zone. My current situation: I've been financially struggling due to getting married in July abroad and money is something I've been struggling with but I'm getting by and putting things into place. I received the letter for the course on 7th January 2019 with every intention of attending the course, but I completely misread the situation, when I went online to drivetech to have a look at the course and how much it would cost it mentioned that it has to be booked within 4 months, I thought I'll strengthen my financial standing and book it at the end of month when I get some more money coming in. I went online today to book the course , and my details were not found on the drivetech record! I referred back to the letter, and it told me that it needs to be booked and paid within 21 days, but complete the course within 4 months! I had completely misunderstood that, and this is a genuine mistake I have every intention of attending the course, I'm extremely worried as attending court is the last thing I need on my plate, can anyone give me any advice I am ready to take the course, and book it at the earliest opportunity, I never meant to dodge the letter it was a misunderstanding from my part. Can anyone please shed some light because I can't get this off my mind at the moment I've never had a criminal record, points or a speeding notice before and because of my mistake I am now worried that I will have to attend course! Any advise would be greatly appreciated
  3. Hi folks and thanks for taking an interest. I have a consumer issue which I would like some opinions on please? Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place. On 18/07 I selected and booked accommodation for two nights via the Booking.com website for a place called Juras Mols in Bigauņciems Latvia. I was hoping for a few days away from consumer related hassle, ha ha, must have broken a mirror recently. The website clearly says on the accommodation page: 2nd Paragraph: “Guests can enjoy a sauna and a heated indoor pool. ….” 4th Paragraph: “Free Wi-Fi and free private parking are available. …” My children very much enjoy swimming pools when they’re not on the internet and my wife also enjoys saunas and so I booked on the basis of the information supplied. The general facilities tab for the accommodation shows: Pool and wellness • Swimming Pool • Indoor pool (all year) • Fitness centre (Additional Charge) • Sauna Internet • WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge. All rooms include: “Private bathroom, Hairdryer, Ironing facilities ….” From the rooms available at the time I booked a “Standard Quadruple room with Balcony” containing 2 single beds and 2 bunk beds at a total price of €138 which I paid via a Visa Debit card though the web site. The description of the accommodation and facilities along with the claim on the web site of the 2nd best hotel in Bigauņciems gave me good expectations that the accommodation would suit our needs for an enjoyable break. (laughable really as when I got there, I found there are only 2 hotels in that location ). On arrival we were met by a member of staff, who showed us the common dining room and kitchen and took us to room Num 3 where we were shown the door to our ‘balcony’. This was in fact a metal fire escape leading to the ground. It had close growing conifer trees and overlooked the ‘hotel’ junk yard which I obviously photographed for the record. We asked about the “pool” as we could not see anything that might be a pool and were told that there was no pool and no sauna available. My wife later discovered on the second evening while having a conversation with a member of staff in Russian that there was a sauna in a room marked “Private”, but that (paraphrased), ‘we don’t use it because we have so many guests’. Later we were allowed to store our luggage for a couple of hours between check out and departure in the same Private room. We saw that it was being used as a store room with mattresses and bed linen and was obviously not available to guests. The staff clearly didn’t want us to photograph this room. The only sign of any ‘pool’ was an empty circular ‘plunge pool’ of not more than 1m diameter. Wifi: The facilities says, “WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge.” The normal expectation of a reasonable person would be that this would provide access to the internet. (Isn’t there something about internet access being a basic human right?). In truth is was sometimes possible to get a Wifi connection, but it did not give Internet access in most parts of the building that I tried. It was useless to us, unless we were in the common dining area on the ground floor. Not a complete disaster, but certainly not what was advertised. We returned from the beach on the first evening around 9 p.m. we found the shower was broken, and judging by the condition of the broken fitting, was of a long standing nature. Not the biggest problem in the world to hold the shower head up, although more difficult for the children to shower on their own, but certainly not a quality experience. Soon thereafter my children complained to me that the hot water in the shower had gone cold. I checked and there was no hot water from the shower or sink. I went to the reception and was told that it was because too many people had used the shower and that the accommodation’s boiler wasn’t able to make enough, but that it would be ok in about an hour. We ate and I checked the water on several occasions up until midnight and it was always cold. I checked again in the morning when it was at best tepid. So I ‘enjoyed’ two invigorating cold showers. I checked again in the late evening following our return from a day trip and again the water was cold. I spoke with another guest who said that they had never had hot water on any evening of their stay. – I took their name and address. This property and the facilities available to guests had clearly been misrepresented. Due to the lack of the advertised facilities: Wifi, proper balcony, indoor pool and sauna etc., I photographed and noted all of the problems and kept a copy of the website pages. I contacted the booking .com customer services on my return and informed them that I considered them to be in breach of contract due to their misrepresentation of the hotel and requested a full refund and claimed damages by way of the cost of a trip to the nearest indoor swimming pool with a sauna. I said that: I believed it was an express term, of the contract for services, that the facilities described would be provided as part of my booking at this hotel. It was also an implied term that the service provided would be done so with reasonable care and skill. Under UK law there are a number of pieces of legislation that provide consumer protection from unscrupulous or negligent traders, namely the: Misrepresentation Act 1967, Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (amended 2014), Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and most recently the Consumer Rights Act 2015. I note now from their website that they disclaim liability for pretty much everything and state that “any dispute arising out of these general terms and conditions and our services shall exclusively be submitted to the competent courts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.” I said I would be most surprised if there was not similar provision for consumer protection from misrepresentation by a business under the Dutch Civil Code. I also believe that Article 6 of EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DIRECTIVE 2005/29/EC – the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive covers misleading business practices (“A commercial practice shall be regarded as misleading if it contains false information and is therefore untruthful or in any way, including overall presentation, deceives or is likely to deceive the average consumer, ….”), is generally applicable in this instance. And in any event the Consumer Right Directive 2013 should still apply. First off they claim to have not received my email. Then they offered 25 Eur compensation without acknowledging or answering any point of my claim. Next they said that it was difficult after the event and again offered 25 Eur. They now claim that: it’s nothing to do with them as they are just an ‘advertiser’, that the hotel does not accept my complaint and again they offered 25 Eur. I have raised the matter on the ODR platform for what it is worth. I have asked Visa about a charge back and they have said, “It’s a very weak claim, but if you want to submit it we’ll take a look.” Misrepresentation of the fraudulent kind is fairly clear in my eyes. I’ve taken a look at the Resolver web site, but that talks about legislation relating to package holidays, which I don’t believe is appropriate for room only bookings. So, please: 1 Am I barking up the wrong tree or being unrealistic in expecting things to be as described? 2 Anybody know about the ‘harmonisation’ of consumer laws across Europe or the Dutch Civil Code? 3 Which is the most appropriate legislation? 4 Anybody had experience of the “European Small Claims Procedure” (I hope I've included the relevant link) Thanks in advance for any info. Dave
  4. My name is Mike (edit) I work in a IT company, I love travelling Recently I travelled to Africa but the travel company Crystal Travel didn't provide the value of money I pay to them.So i am here to complain that.
  5. Last month on about the 18th we phoned a caravan site to make a booking for 2 weeks and paid a deposit of £40 a week so £80 total. We paid the deposit by debit card. We never heard any further from them earlier this week I chased it up with them by email asking for confirmation of booking. the reply I got was asking me if the deposit had left my account. I replied in the affirmative that the funds had been taken on the 18th. They replied that I had a booking. I emailed back asking them to confirm the dates which they then did by email. They never sent us a brochure or anything about their T & Cs although the T & Cs are on their website. You cannot do a booking over the Internet and have to phone them. As we were in the area 3 days ago, we called in to view the site and inquire about the dog walk which we thought was next to the site, it is not and is a bit of a way to go to get to a walk. Secondly we overlooked that the reason why the site was a bit cheaper in July because the electric is metered seperately. Most other sites include it in the cost of the pitch. The main reason for wanting to cancel is the fact that the dog walk is not nearby as indicated and is nto associated with the site at all. Also they were very vague about where to walk the dogs. Do you think I have any chance of a refund if we cancel?
  6. I used booking.com to book a hotel near Frankfurt for two nights in October this year, 12 Oct. and 10 Oct. I paid in full using a credit card for both nights. I have requested a cancellation and have been informed that I will forfeit the full price. An email has been sent to me requesting that I confirm either acceptance of this or do not cancel my booking. I have a notion that despite the fact I did not insure my booking, I am entitled to a refund, on the grounds that they have ample time to find another 'punter' and that they have had the use of my cash for 3 months now. Is this the case and if so what legislation can I quote back to booking.com/ hotel.
  7. Hi guys and gals, glad to see so many people getting tremendous help on here! Im hoping someone is able to shed light on my rights & responsibilities regarding the following issue; In July 2014 I booked a function room to host my wedding reception. I paid a 50% non-refundable deposit to secure this date. I then changed this date by telephone and was told that my deposit would be carried forward for the second date rather than the first. In the two years since that booking we have moved and had a change of circumstances. We unfortunately forgot that the remainder needed paying 'no later than one month in advance of the function date agreed'. I ring to pay this and was told that as they could not get hold of us they had no option but to let the date go owing to demand for that particular date. I found my self without a venue with two weeks to find an alternative. Whilst I appreciate we did not update our details, surely the fact we paid a deposit should have secured the date regardless and that deposit secures THEM against US cancelling. I am about to start a letter of complaint after my verbal request for a refund of this deposit was refused point blank. However, on pushing my point, they said that under the circumstances they would speak to their treasurer. I am obviously disappointed in myself for missing the payment, but feel that the deposit I paid was to secure the date. If someone could advise, I would be very grateful
  8. I booked a holiday a few weeks back using Love Holidays. The total cost of the holiday was £680, all i have paid so far is the £80 deposit. It was a silly holiday to book anyway, I can afford to go but I could do with the money on other things so I decided i wanted to cancel it. I emailed them asking to cancel and now they want me to pay for the flight cost, which is £300, the holiday isn't even for over a month away surely this is an acceptable cancellation period! Anything I can do? Thanks
  9. Hi all, We booked a holiday on line yesterday afternoon and gave card details. Awaited the confirmation email, which can apparently take up to 48 hours. Early evening we get a call to say that the holiday price had gone up by circa 15% due to my daughters age (14, declared at time of booking). Under pressure, I agreed, but I have to admit its left a very sour taste in my mouth. Money aside, I feel rather cheated. Any thoughts?
  10. A disabled friend of mine and his carer attended the Wales v England rugby match in Cardiff this month. Sleeperz Hotel in the City have adapted rooms for disabled persons. He saw that they were advertising the Wales/Italy rugby match on 18th March 2016 and at the time decided to book 2 rooms - cost £390 in total which was paid in full. He now wishes to cancel the booking but the hotel has refused citing their booking reservation Details. I have checked this for him and it does say that there is no refund as it is an "advanced purchase rate" . I have also checked the hotels web site and spoken to the General Manager who was adamant that there is no refund but that the booking could be changed to another name. Surely there must be a cooling off period especially when the rooms have been booked and paid for for over a years time. Can anyone help on this please ? Many thanks
  11. Hi. Have just been given a weekend paid for caravan at a Parkdean site by a friend who can no longer go. I called Parkdean to advise that my friend is no longer going, but she has given it to me. I was informed that there was a £20 admin fee for changing the name. Whilst i'm grateful that my friend has given me a free weekend away, i can't help but think that they're taking the mick charging £20 for changing the details. I sent a message via Twitter, and have had their twitter team call me and reconfirm that there will be a £20 charge which will not be waived. I've asked what it was for, they said it was to cover the manpower it takes to swap details and reprint the documents. I asked what documents, i thought it was all done electronically, which she said yes it is, no printing is involved, but still confirmed the £20 stands. I would have accepted a £5 fee as would probably take maximum 15 mins to swap details, and that is based at the ridiculously paid rate of £20/hour for data entry. Can anyone tell me if i should just accept it, or if i have any grounds to stand up to this charge?
  12. Hi i have started a claim against Thomson for a delayed f light in 2011. However to continue my claim they are continually asking for a booking reference number, which i dont have . I have even rang them to say i have nt got this reference number, one lady saying that i am unable to make a claim then . ?????? surely not right. Rox
  13. I booked a holiday with onthebeach.co.uk in error due to the site not being user friendly. I did not know the booking had been made as the total cost (including credit card surcharge) was not included until I proceeded with the booking. It also initially showed the return flight being to Manchester and I had specified Liverpool Airport for travel. At no point did it say the booking had been confirmed, I therefore then booked the same holiday for a longer period, due to there not being much difference in price. I can cancel the hotel but as the flights are with Ryanair, they are non refundable (and they are the majority of the holiday cost). Please help. I only knew the booking had been made as I received a confirmation email, but I was not checking my emails whilst looking for holidays!
  14. Hello All I need help I booked a holiday with a company and they now want to charge me for a name amendment as per the company my partner who book the holiday using my phone and my details (email etc) booked a holiday for us whilst i was present with her she spelt our names correctly and the agency is saying that it was spelt incorrectly hence we need to pay the charge now cut the story short - when we brought this to agency's attention, they were very rude, sent a call recording from their system which sounds snipped and edited we complaint and told the company that we suspect the call is edited etc Now the thing is I have a copy of teh call in my phone (i have this app in my phone which records all incoming and outgoing calls from this phone) and in this recording our names are spelt crystal clear and correct !! but the agency people are saying we have amended this recording to 'suit us' I mean its a mere phone how on earth I would do that i do wnat to complaint to someone higher up like regulator, but dont know where i stand and how much weight this recording in my phone holds. The holiday company has been less than helpful, being really belligerent, accused us of editing our phone recording and threatened of involving police to which we said by all means they should do as its about principle and honesty. the business then backed off and said its a civil matter !! where do i stand with this as i m feeling really cheated and hurt because of thsi behaviors and dont want them to get away with this i look forward for your replies
  15. I'd be really grateful for a bit of information on what my options are now - here is my situation. I was caught speeding (38 in a 30) on 31st December- I thought it was 40 so it wasn't intentional :o) It was with West Midlands Police. I got the letter and admitted the offence and on 5th February got a letter offering me a speed awareness course. My personal situation was a bit difficult at this time - my husband had just moved out because of cheating leaving me in a difficult financial situation - debt :o( I am just getting back up on my feet. The letter said I had 120 days to complete the course - so I went online to book it yesterday as I finally have the money together to pay for it. But it didn't recognise my drivers license. I checked the letter again - I had to book it within 28 days! I am now so worried that I am going to be taken to court. I had every intention of doing the course but I simply misread the letter and thought I had time to get the money together. I have tried calling the TTC direct but they can't do anything. I am going to call the central ticket office tomorrow morning - what options do you think I have? If I explained my mistake, is there any chance I can still get to do the course so long as it's before the 120 days? Or can I accept the points and avoid court? If anyone has accepted the points, what impact has it had on insurance premiums? Any help would be really appreciated xxx
  16. Get Safe Online has joined forces with ABTA and The City of London Police’s National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) to warn the general public about the dangers posed by holiday booking fraud. Findings from a report compiled by the NFIB reveal the scale of the crime and expose common tactics used by fraudsters who stole an estimated £7million from unsuspecting holidaymakers and other travellers in 2013. The 2014 report reveals that over a 12 month, period over 4500 cases of holiday booking fraud were reported. The most common types relate to: - Holiday accommodation – According to the report almost a third (30%) of holiday fraud victims in 2013 were [problem]med by the fraudulent advertisement of holiday villas and apartments, with some arriving at their destination to discover they had nowhere to stay. - Airline tickets – where a customer believes they are booking a flight and receives a fake ticket or pays for a ticket that never turns up. This is the most second most common type of booking fraud, accounting for 21% of holiday booking fraud reported to the police in 2013. Average losses are more than £1000 per victim, with flights to West Africa a particular target. - Package holidays – particularly group, sports and religious packages. The report highlights the Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and major sporting events such as the Ryder Cup as particular targets for fraudsters. https://www.getsafeonline.org/news/warning-on-rising-holiday-booking-fraud/
  17. I booked a holiday online on the 23rd april to Dubai with Thomas cook. I have just found out today ( when I received my credit card statement ) that they have not charged my credit card and the holiday was a system error ! so tough - the holiday does not exist !!!!! I have a confirmation email with all the details of the holiday on it but now they are saying it is a mistake ! what can I do ?
  18. I booked a GAdventures holiday via STA Travel. Brochure states recommended 18-39s. We are older but travelled last year to India with them no problem. STA Travel took full payment for tour and flights (seats booked etc). I received confirmation and receipt from STA Travel. No documents from GAdventures arrived after over a month, I queried this with STA Travel, who tell me GAdventures won't accept our booking because of our ages and they have now changed their policy since the brochures was printed. STA admit it's not my fault but are pushing me to take another tour (more active!) and GAdventures are telling me to take it up with STA. Is there any legal battle here - false advertising etc, plus my money has been taken and confirmation received from STA Travel. Any legal advice would be much appreciated, thank you.
  19. Hello. Just a short explanation of what happened as still away. Booked hotels in Volendam and Dordrecht with different booking websites. I'm on a pretty Christmas trip around Netherlands and Belgium with my parents. Booked Marinapark volendam with booking.com i've used them a lot before. Two rooms, one single. One double. Got there and the hotel had only one booking. Wasn't a huge deal as it is out of season and they could fit us in but that was pure chance. E-mailed them through website. No response at all so far. Not even a confirmation receipt. I had the booking e-mail printed. Next night, Innercity Hotel Dordrecht. It gets a bit complicated here. To get a double and a single I had to do two separate bookings. Single through hotels.nl. no problem there. The double was through hotels.com. Again I had a print of both. No double booking. They had one last double room, but that was nearly a disaster. My parents are in their 60s and nearly had no room. I think some kind of conference must have been on. Response from them has been along the lines of, well we sent the booking, the guests are checked in, what problem?
  20. Hi I am looking help/advice regarding Sunmaster holiday company. I booked a holiday for my 18 year old son and five friends in January with the above company. The holiday was specifically booked for a named hotel in Magaluf; due to recommendations from others due to standards/ location etc arriving on 30th July to the 9th August. The final balance was paid on the 7th May, yesterday I received an email from Sunmaster saying the hotel was not available ( I have confirmation of the booking from Sunmaster through the OHG accommodation LTD). To cut a long story short Sunmaster wanted to send my son to Palma Nova to inferior accommodation, after I refused this they conveniently remembered they could only deal with my son. They are dragging their heels and have failed to offer an alternative accommodation so far. My son rang this morning after checking availability on their website and suggested four other hotels they would be willing to stay in, and still haven't resolved the issue(contact from them is appalling, we have to do all the ringing). I also rang the original hotel in Magaluf yesterday and have an email from the manager stating my son's party was never booked in on that date. Could someone please help as I feel as I booked this group of lads first holiday abroad I am some way responsible ( I know I'm not it is Sunmaster's fault). Could any one tell me what are the legal rights of my son and his friends. Many Thanks Kate
  21. I have just book a holiday with lastminute.com over the telephone and when I checked the payment summary the price was £500 more. I rang the customer service and asked why the price was different. Apparently that was the price I agreed on the phone. I have again the website for similar holiday and the price was similar to the original one I've got. The manager said that I agreed to the price 2x on the phone and that they can play back the recorded conversation we had. The total price of my holiday was £1,055.81 (flight, hotel, B&B for 5 nights in Barcelona for 2adults and 1 child for August) however, the payment summary was £1,555.81. I have asked a breakdown of the £1,555.81 which apparently they cannot provide. They will give back £100 as a consolation. Threfore, I will be paying £400 difference from my original holiday booking. I rang up the airline and gave me the total price I should pay for the flight reference number. When I again, discuss this with lastminute.com manager, he said that the price given to me by BA was irrelevant as I agreed to £1,555.81 on the phone. According to them, I can only cancel the hotel booking but not the flight as this is non-refundable. If I cancel the hotel booking, he said that I would receive only about £500-550 which means the price of my flight is between £900-950. How expensive for a return flight to Barcelona, for an economy class. As a customer, don't I have the right to demand for the breakdown. Can't they check the previous deals on their website. I just felt I had a bad experience with lastminute.com considering that this is the first used I used them for my holiday. I wanted to complain but to whom when I can feel that they are protecting their own staff. Please advise.
  22. Last August it was my birthday and I turned the old age of 23 *embarrassed face* Anyway..my mum knew that one of my life long things I've wanted to do but never had the money was go to Ibiza. So she booked a holiday online through sunmaster for me and my 17 year old brother to go to Ibiza. It was advertised as a package deal with flights she could choose and the rest. She paid for it two weeks before my birthday and about a week before travelling Sunmaster phoned her to tell her the hotel she had booked was oversubscribed (this hotel was 4 stars) but they would put me and my brother in another hotel of the same rating. She said that was fine as long as it was of the same rating and same area in Ibiza demographically. Anyway the trip came and on arriving at Ibiza Airport, the coach organisation sunmaster had booked didn't speak any english, a very basic level (he understood yes no thats it) So when he was dropping everyone off at the hotel we had to keep asking him if we were there yet and we were. In the end he dropped us off down an alley and we were left to try and figure out where our hotel was. Luckily we found it using a tom tom map on my phone. It was never described to us or my mother when she bought the holiday that we wouldn't be dropped of at the hotel and would have to walk 5-10 minutes to the hotel. But i put this down to language issues and let it go. On the booking sheet sunmaster sent us, it said to ring someone in spain and book the return coach. So I did that. When I rang they told me I will recieve a text confirming my return coach. So I awaited the text. When in resort, I discovered that 'Piscis Park' our hotel was not infact a 4 star hotel and on many sites 2 star. The room was dirty, scratched and had blood on the bedsheets. I took photographs of it all as evidence. The bathroom ceiling constantly kept leaking and I therefore reported all of this to the hotel. They told me a maintaince man would come but never did. The hotel was also not maintained or cleanly generally in the lift and lobby and for 3 days there was vomit and drinks in the lift left. I also had numerous people knocking on my door and one even knocked and said 'oh your a ***** you probs smoke weed right? You want some'' to which response he got a door closed on him. I therefore decided to go and tell the hotel that they have drug dealers and they did act on this. However by this time the gentlemen had left and the security guard who did not understand spanish was baffled by what I said. Anyway on the 3rd of 7 days we were in the dining area and then told by a old gentlemen who was staff there that we had eaten too much food and half board which was what my mother had booked, was only half of 1 meal a day. So we went to reception of the hotel and dealt with a man who claimed he was the manager. Not only did he shout at us saying 'how dare you take more meals' and refused to give me a pen. But I explained to him and showed him our booking sheet and that it clearly indicated half board which was 2 meals from my belief. He said the tour operator had got it wrong and it was only 1 meal. When I rang the tour operators emergency number as we were being banned from the dining area, the woman said she'd pass my concern onto sunmaster. I then asked the manager if he would put in writing that due to the fact half board was only half of 1 meal that we had been thus banned for taking 2 meals a day. He refused and said 'i told yo already you !!!!ing nigga'. I was shocked and baffled as were other members of the hotel who were waiting for their taxis/coachs at reception. I asked them if they heard the comment and they told me they did, so I took down their details as evidence he had said this and ignored it. So I left the hotel. On arriving back the manager and his staff gave me constant dirty looks and I was again told now that at any point I went to the dining area or attempted to I was banned and not even entitled to half a meal. Therefore I had to pay for my own food for myself and my brother and kept all the reciept of the costs. On the day of leaving, the text from the return coach booking never arrived. So I rang them that morning. They insisted the text would arrive later that day. It got to 1 hour before our coach was meant to be here and due to the fact we had not got the text we had no idea where. I rang the emergency line sunmaster provided and they were based in 'majorca' and the gentlemen told me he had no record of my booking as his system was different but to take a taxi to the airport, keep his name and the reciept for the taxi and I'll be reimbursed as it is their fault. Luckily I had made friends with someone who booked the same coach company and when I went to his coach, my name was on the list so Sunmaster must have used the same coach back and booked it just never text me, so it worked out. On arriving back in the UK i sent sunmaster all my photos and evidence. I got an email back replying saying 'thanks mrs ***** for your complaint again'. this customer they had sent me the reply to was not even my name or my mothers who made the booking. I awaited 3 months and no reply. I then a month ago (almost 7 months later) sent them recorded delievery a explanation and my complaint number and the evidence again. Yesterday I recieved a letter stating that the hotel had offered me meals, as far as they knew there was no problem. Their hotel is a star rating to them of 4 stars but it varies and they've never had any problems of what I've explained. Basically implying I'm lieing. They said that the hotel has always been polite and had good reviews, and only ever had bad reviews from people who were 'narrow minded' according to them. Therefore all they could do was apologise for sending me the wrong persons complaint response and the lack of time it had taken- as they hadn't mananged to contact the hotel. They then said however that the hotel has offered me a 'special deal on return' but have not stated what this deal is directly to them- Triton Rooms. I really don't feel that this responded to my complaint and the state of the room (walls loose, water failing from ceiling, scratches, blood on the sheets, electric wires hanging off plugs which could shock people or children) They then went onto say that they can't confirm any racist comment happened but they are unable to accept witness evidence as they cannot contact other people due to data confidentality! And they've never had any problems like this. Funny because Tripadvisor is full of people who have put negative reviews of the organisation and hotel! What consumer rights do I have? I am coincendentally going to Ibiza again this summer and to my dread have found out the same group who own piscis park- GPS I'm told theyre called own my hotel I've booked in this summer. I was hoping perhaps I could ask the hotel if they would allow me another room in the hotel ive booked in the summer as compensation as I'd accept this, but I wondered if its possible..
  23. I had to book some tickets fast today and I was used to web security, but this puzzle left me scratching my head multiple times What should I enter???:mad2: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44021[/ATTACH]
  24. The OFT today issued a Statement of Objections alleging that Booking.com B.V. (Booking.com), Expedia Inc (Expedia) and InterContinental Hotels Group plc (IHG) have infringed competition law in relation to the online supply of room only hotel accommodation by online travel agents. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/65-12
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