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Found 22 results

  1. My landlord wants to increase my rent, and so he has asked me if I can get an increase from my Housing Benefit. I'm in shared accommodation with a private landlord, and I'm also claiming ESA. What are my options?
  2. Good Afternoon All, Just wonder if I have this all wrong ?! I appealled a TFL PCN, Appeal was rejected and the rejection letter stated I had 21 days to pay at reduced rate of £65 from the date of the letter of rejection which was 11th June 2018. ...' if you pay the penalty charge within 21 days from the date of this letter you may pay the discounted amount as full and final settlement...' I calculated from the 11th 21 days I could pay by the 2nd July at the very latest? I went to pay the fine today and it has increased to £130 ! Have I miscalculated the dates/wording? surely the 1st falls within 21 days from the 11th July? As it is a Sunday and no one is available at TFL to talk to I thought I should pay it and hope they can refund as if I didnt pay then tomorrow am sure they would say I missed the 21 days...am now more than broke.. Am I right to think I had until 2nd to pay or have I misinterpreted the letter? Many thanks
  3. Tens of thousands of drivers get increased fines for using mobiles at wheel READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tens-of-thousands-of-drivers-get-increased-fines-for-using-mobiles-at-wheel
  4. Probably not the right place for this.. however... Health professionals for years have said that Butter is bad for us - Dairy farmers cut back on their herds and/or went out of business whilst consumers turned their attention to low fat spreads or margarine. Now... Meanwhile, thanks to the scaremongering - small dairy farmers have gone out of business and the Consumer is now forced to pay higher prices for not only the raw product - but anything that contains it !
  5. Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help. Today I have found out that my ex who we split 4 years ago but still have a joint mortgage on the old property we shared has increased the mortgage to include the arrears he is in. I do not contribute to the house in return he doesn't pay anything for the children. I am livid, is it my understanding that this is some type of fraud because he would have to sign to increase the loan amount. I am anxious as I want to get my name off the house but he keeps telling me that in 12 months it will be fine. I really fear that my credit rating will be effected by this in the future. My understanding is we are both jointly responsible for the debt. Any legal advice would be appreciated Yours Marie
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3449145/Death-rate-higher-time-Second-World-War-health-experts-warn.html This is an alarming news story, that should be looked at. If it is correct that since 2011, there has been an increase in the number of elderly dying possibly due to reduced care services, then David Cameron should consider resigning as PM. Recently we have seen David Camerons own Mother and Aunt adding their concerns over cuts in Oxfordshire. As PM Cameron is ultimately responsible for ensuring that there are adequate services for elderly and vulnerable people. He cannot blame local authorities for this problem, when they have had to make cuts to services to make the savings required by central government. I believe even the Conservative local government association members have been warning Cameron of the potential problems caused by cuts.
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3503678/How-new-CD-player-torpedo-car-insurance-firms-refusing-pay-motorists-claims-basic-modifications-without-telling-them.html It would seem Insurers are increasingly rejecting claims, due to Policyholders not declaring information relevant to the risk. If people are in doubt about anything that could affect the risk, they should phone the Insurers to discuss and either get written confirmation or make a full record. The FOS report over 7,000 complaints about Motor Insurance, with 25,000 enquiries. People should be aware that the FOS do try to reduce the number of complaints they handle, by trying to filter out those they do not think have any merit or are not worth looking at. If people think their complaint is not being taken seriously by the FOS, they should obtain other advice by coming to consumer sites like CAG. Depending on the details, it could be worth pursuing in other ways. Remember that the FOS is funded by the financial services companies and has always been underfunded, so struggles to deal with the volume of complaints received. It is not unknown for some complaints to take well over a year to resolve.
  8. hi, i've got a couple of things on buy now pay later with very. in the past i've paid them off before the interest kicks in and the others should be no different, though i do have a big one at £500 due next month. i received a letter today advising the apr will be going upto 49.9% and will apply to purchases not yet due for payment. is it contractually fair that they can increase the apr on something i bought 11 months ago when the apr was lower? thanks, kris
  9. I took out a package with Virgin Media, that started on the 25th April 2014, for 18 months, that included Broadband, TV, Phone. It included an introductory offer, that has now expired and the package now costs me circa £70 p/m. I've grown sick of the poor TV and don't want to continue. I was therefore intending to either ask them to stop the TV service at the end of October when the 18 months is up, or leave completely. However, I received a letter from Virgin stating they are increasing my TV package by £3 per month, from the 1st September, because of a new channel they are including (BT Sport Europe HD). Somethng I have no interest in, let alone want to pay for. I found this article... theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2324658/ofcom-rules-customers-hit-by-mid-contract-price-hikes-can-leave-for-free Which states that I can leave my contract without penalty. Here are my questions.. 1) Does that mean I can terminate my entire package, or just the TV aspect of it (it was bought as a bundle)? 2) If I can terminate the entire package, COULD i just ditch the TV service? 3) Could I terminate as early as the 1st of September then? (assuming I give notice in the next few days). Is there anything particularly I should / shouldn't say when I call up?
  10. Hi all, We booked a holiday on line yesterday afternoon and gave card details. Awaited the confirmation email, which can apparently take up to 48 hours. Early evening we get a call to say that the holiday price had gone up by circa 15% due to my daughters age (14, declared at time of booking). Under pressure, I agreed, but I have to admit its left a very sour taste in my mouth. Money aside, I feel rather cheated. Any thoughts?
  11. Hi, can anyone help? I've been with Swalec for a couple of years, my bill was worked out based on previous usage and I paid it on a monthly basis. I discovered recently that my tariff became almost double about 6 months ago. I was not informed by Swalec that their electricity and gas tariff had gone up. Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks
  12. I’d really appreciate some advice on this matter. Briefly – a debt has been transferred to a debt collection solicitor and the outstanding amount has suspiciously skyrocketed. I’ve been paying off a long-standing debt to a firm of solicitors/debt collectors called HL Interactive. They were managing this debt on behalf of Royal Bank of Scotland, though the joint mortgage was originally taken out in 1990 and I have none of the original documentation, and cannot even remember the name of the lender (it was a French name, taken out through Prudential). Last year the balance on this account, which I have never disputed, was approximately £6,000. I have a letter from HL dated June 2013 confirming this. I have been making payments to HL for years via direct debit and have had no dispute or hassle from them. Last week I received two letters in the same envelope. One is from RBS saying that management of this debt has now been transferred to a firm called drydensfairfax, to whom all queries should now be directed. They enclosed a letter from drydensfairfax themselves, and this is the one that worries me. According to them, I owe over £16,000. While I have never denied the debt, I do not know where this amount has come from and what powers they have. I am certainly not going to phone them at this stage, especially since I was brought to these forums by googling their name. Is it possible that there is small print somewhere that says my debt (£6000 or so in 2013) can now be inflated to £16,000+ and that I have to pay it? Should I now engage the services of a solicitor? Any advice is welcome.
  13. Hello, I may need some guidance please. Last Wednesday I was travelling home from work, came off an A road onto a slip road which leads to a roundabout. There was a queue of traffic waiting to enter the roundabout. I joined the queue and was stationary when a vehicle behind me failed to stop and ran into the back of my car with quite some speed. I was propelled forward and almost hit the car in front of me., luckily there was no impact as my car came to a stop before hitting them. The guy who hit me got out of his car and stated he was sorry and accepts full responsibility. He gave me his name and an insurance company but stated he had no ID and no insurance documents on him, he said he didn't need any details from me as he accepted full responsibility. I took a photo of his car and registration plate with my mobile. He apologized and drove off, almost causing a second accident by nearly missing a van that came travelling up the slip road. My car has considerable damage to the back, the bumper is cracked, the rear passenger side wing is coming off, the number plate and number plate light are broken, the boot hatch is dented and I cannot open the boot anymore. I have neck and shoulder injuries and now have got a tinnitus in both ears, the doctor hopes it should settle again over time and is a whiplash type neck injury which can also cause the ringing in both ears. I have TPFT cover on my car and phoned my insurers to start the claim, when I gave them the details of the other car it came back as uninsured, the details he gave me were false. They said they couldn't help me any further but going by the damages described they thought for insurance purpose my car would be a total loss. (10 year old Ford KA). I since got an estimate from a local repair garage for £300.- to fix it though (the same garage I originally bought the car from and the guy said he would do me a deal as I think he felt sorry for me to be honest, so he said he'd do it for £300.-) I also reported it to the police who gave me details of the MIB, I spoke to them and downloaded a claim form which I have filed out and returned today. Ha anybody got some experience what is happening next and what I can expect to be the outcome ?
  14. Hi ya Coggers I'm looking for some advice regarding a gas bill. To my amazement there is a 400% increase over a 6 months period. I have tried to get B.G. to cooperate with me but to be honest, this will only so far with me if they themselves don't return the compliments including return of phone calls. I then notice the later part of last year that they increase the D/D to compensate the difference. There was 2 payments taken from my bank account without at any time of notice, which came to a total of over £300. Lucky I had much funds in the acc. at the time, if not I would had occurred charges for 1st time ever. Now since b4 Xmas this has seriously effected my credit score which is effecting my business. When it comes to finance I am very punctual but I fully refuse to pay a bill I don't recognize especially to those that don't show any courtesy. So if there is anyone with similar knowledge as this I would be immensely grateful for advice.
  15. Hello first off before I ask for some advice I must sincerely say a big thanks to all the people who offer their time knowledge and expertise in helping others on this forum, the continued support offered and the positive impact it can have on peoples lives may be overlooked but is whole heartedly appreciated. Today I am after some advice on what to say to E.ON because they have suddenly increased my gas & electricity monthly direct debit from £107 to £250 for the next 12 months. (they gave me 10 days notice in writing) I feel this figure is unreasonably high for me to pay each month. Over the last 2 years I was automatically set on a tariff and only ever advised by E.ON to pay £107 p/month to cover my usage, Today it is now clear I wasn't paying enough each month and have now accumulated aprox £950 worth of debt. (its hard for me to understand but apparantly my electricity and gas usage has nearly doubled although nothing has drastically changed ergonomically in my household). I appreciate in retrospect I should have paid more attention to my annual statement and contacted them earlier to question my payments however, according to their terms and conditions, website pledges and the Energy Retail Association (ERA) Code of Practice for Accurate Bills, E.ON "will take all reasonable steps to ensure your payments are set at the right level. This includes reviewing your account proactively to make sure your payments are sufficient to cover your energy usage." My argument is.... If E.ON had proactively reviewed my account early I would have been better informed, and in a position to select a more effeciently priced tariff thus reducing my annual bill and subsequent debt. Their are also ambiguities on my on-line accounts energy usage chart (i.e 4 months of paying less than £5 a month for electricity usage last year which makes no sense). In summary i would like E.ON to reduce a percentage of my outstanding debt because to a degree their inefficiency has put me as a customer at a disadvantage, I would also need them to lower my monthly direct debit payments to around £160. (this covers my usage and pays £10 toward the outstanding debt) Questions 1. what would your advice be ? 2. Is telephoning best or should I write to E.ON ? and would It be best to deal with a manager or higher ? 3. What would be the best way of asking for a reviewed/reduced debt figure taking into account my personal circumstances and their apparent proportional lack of proactively maintaining my account ? 4. Can I write them a notice / offer to pay say £10 p/month over 10 years to pay of the debt on top of my monthly tarrif ? 5. is there any powerfull legal terms i.e neglegence, I can use to get my point accross Thanks in advance for looking at this really appreciate your advice Kind regards Lee
  16. MoJ issues new consultation on civil court fees The Ministry of Justice has issued a consultation on proposals for further increases in fees in the civil and magistrates courts. The aim is to further the Government's stated policy of moving towards full cost recovery and it is hoped that the changes will bring in an additional £38m a year. A significant change would see magistrates' court fees increase to represent 100% of the full cost: the Ministry currently estimates that such fees recover only 55% of their costs. The proposals would also see a realignment of fees for enforcement proceedings in the county court and High Court. The consultation paper sets out the proposed new fees and is available on the MoJ website.
  17. Evening all, I'm looking for advise on a statutory demand. Today I have had a letter through the door saying they have tried to serve a sta demand and will return on the 3rd Of October to attempt again, saying if I'm not in (which I won't be because I will be at work) they will post it and class this as served. Now I'm not sure what I should do next. I've not made any payment or acknowledged any debt for nearly 4 years but still quite a way from the 6 year limit. what should I do about the stat demand,
  18. A family member agreed to go on holiday with a friend from work and her family. The holiday had already been booked through a broker and the family member was added on at a later date. Due to the room arrangements, this meant that she had to pay more for her holiday. Unfortunatly due to financial circumstances she is now unable to go on this holiday and accepts that she has lost her deposit. However, as a result of this, the costs for her friend has increased and now her friends mother is constantly harrassing her to pay for the increase in the price that she will now have to pay. This harrassment included going to her workplace tonight, sitting outside and threatning her in front of other staff members. She eventually said 'I'm gonna get the money off you b****'. The family member is considrably upset by this and wonders whether she is liable for the increase in the cost of the holiday. I am going to try and persuade her to go a report this to the police, but would appreciate any advice on her liability for the alleged monies that she owes.
  19. on twitter about 2 hours ago Bill confirms powers to increase consumer protection, includes better regulation of payday loans first laid in Parliament Jan 2012 #FSBill
  20. Before the 1st October 2012, there was a £15 Victim Surcharge on a conviction (for most railway offences). When The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Surcharge) Order 2012 came into force, this changed the £15 amount. As most railway offences are punished by way of fine(s), the following new charges apply: Under 18: Stays at £15 for a fine, Other sentences between £10 and £20. Over 18: If fined, minimum amount of 10% of the fine. E.g. £500 fine = £50 Victim Surcharge costs. Cannot exceed £120. Must be more than £20. Conditional Discharge = £15 Community Sentence = £60 Other sentences = £80-£120 Example: So, Mr. F. Evader, an employed person is convicted for breaching Byelaw 18(1). He had plead not guilty and is sentenced accordingly. He is fined £300. Ordered to pay costs of £120 to the Prosecutor, £5 compensation to the Railway for the unpaid fare and has the new Victim Surcharge of £30 added. Total cost: £455
  21. I know this matter is nothing compared to some on here so I'm not expecting tons of replies but I wondered if anyone had any advice on the following: 5 years ago, I left self employment but was in dispute with a supplier about stock they claimed I owed them. To cut a long story short, they took me to court and I offered a payment of £5 pcm until the debt was cleared. The debt itself was only for £600 or so but the court accepted this and I have been paying this every month since. The creditor has not written to me (the debt is currently around £450) and told me that they "require the monthly payment to be increased to £50 per month, therefore, clearing the balance in 9 months" Should I not be able to do this, they have ever so kindly also send an I/E form that I must submit with all my personal financial information so they can decided how much is fair! I was under the impression that provided I was keeping up with the payments as per the CCJ, they could do absolutely nothing about it other than wait for the debt to clear. Am I wrong in this? can they take such action? If not, can I report them to the courts for trying to do so? Some expert guidance would be really appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
  22. Hi hope someone can help me here. My daughter has a car on Finance over 5 years, the original CCR was with Royal Bank of Scotland, but has since been transfered to Black Horse Finance. The agreement was taken out in 2008. (Just looking at the agreement, I see her surname has an extra letter in it) She paid all her monthly payments until Dec 2010 when she became unemployed, she missed 5 monthy payments. She is now in employment and has been paying her normal monthly payment since May 2011. She seems to receive a default notice each month, but not taken any notice as she is now paying. Today she has received a letter from Nationwide Collection Services Ltd. Copy attached. http://i790.photobucket.com/albums/yy187/dmb17/Nationwide.jpg She has not had any termination notice. Any suggestions do we need to reply & if so how to reply?
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