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  1. Can anyone provide a copy of the software or is someone willing to perform the calculation and provide the output ?
  2. First thing i have no financial problems with Vanquis. I pay my card off in full each month so pay no APR I understand the Vanquis Credit Card is designed for people with a less than a perfect credit hstory and are a major asset in positive markers with the credit agencies. To Off-Set that risk they charge 59.9% APR for which i have no objection. (Well i do, pay it or no card) When i went to their "Gold Status" for being a good boy they put my credit limit up to £2250 and further to £3000 I was assured the APR will go down to reflect my good relationship with Vanquis. I have just discovered the APR is still set at 59% Jacking up the credit limit and still have a 59.9% APR has to be iresponsible lending practices I have just made an official complaint and as usual can take up to 56 days etc etc for a response Do not get me wrong i have no complaints against Vanquis as i fully understand they offer a service to the sub prime market. My credit rating is now excellent to an extent being accepted for a Barclaycard with an APR of 18.9% All i am asking is that Vanquis match that APR and i will stay with them
  3. Hello, Sorry I know this has been covered numerous times before. I took a Cahoot FlexiLoan out in 2003 at I believe approximately 5.9% or 7.9% which then rocketed yup to 23%. I also believe that I was sold PPI with this loan. I took an initial loan out of 2500 and made my payments until 2010. I then received a letter from Moorcroft Group in 2012 collecting of this loan with interest at £4686. I have now paid the full amount off and feel that it was unfair and that ultimately due to the interest hike I was forced into Financial hardship. I defaulted in October 2011. I wish to complain to Santander the now owning body of Cahoot, has anyone had success with these complaints recently? Plus any help in how to go about it would be great. Regards and thank you in anticipation. Darren Oh, I have recently had TSB and Barclaycard review and refund their PPI and interest.
  4. I have started having a sort through old paperwork from the last 20 years, imagine my surprise about the gems one finds. My first loan was with Barclays in 1996 for £1795.44 and PPI was added, I was self employed at the time. The next loan was with Barclays in 1997 for £7273.40 and used to pay the previous balance off.... PPI added....I was still self employed Then had an egg loan in 2000 for £5831 which was used to pay off the previous balance( PPI added). The next egg loan was in 2002 for £15241.66 which was used to pay off the previous balance( PPI added). PPI settlement from egg on this back in 2012 for 6.5k. The next loan was a Barclay loan in 2005 for £23331.36 and paid previous balance off and trip to AUS. no PPI on this one. Renewed Mortgage and paid of previous Loan 2006 Chelt & G. So at this moment is it worth firing off a claim for the first 2 Barclays loans ? Egg is obviously done and dusted in settlement. The next area that I have now noticed on the 23k Barclays loan, Is that the bank copy and my copy of agreements are different. Also on both, Apr is shown as 7.9% that doesn't add up right to the payments 48 x £486.07= 7.767 % not 7.9 or am I looking at this wrong? If the document has the wrong calculations what options are there ? Tigs
  5. hi, i've got a couple of things on buy now pay later with very. in the past i've paid them off before the interest kicks in and the others should be no different, though i do have a big one at £500 due next month. i received a letter today advising the apr will be going upto 49.9% and will apply to purchases not yet due for payment. is it contractually fair that they can increase the apr on something i bought 11 months ago when the apr was lower? thanks, kris
  6. I currently have 3 credit card debts which have been defaulted and are now with DCA's and have been paying them off to varying degrees for 5 ish years. I'm in the position where I can offer reasonable full and final settlements, so decided to send CCA requests to them all to hopefully help me with the negotiation. None of them replied within the 30 days so I stopped paying. I'm not trying to avoid paying, just negotiate a reasonable figure. I've had a response back from DLC re an MBNA card I took out in November 2002 ( I have 2 with them). This card is showing on my credit file as defaulted in June 2010 with a balance of £11239. The current balance is £6139. They've actually sent me a CCA which is signed and dated by me from 2002. The form is signed on the front and the terms on the back, it's a cheque book sized form. They've also included what looks to be reconstituted terms which is 7 pages long but not signed. The signed form seems to have all of the prescribed terms, so may have made my situation worse rather than better. I've ticked the "no PPI box". My query is, the signed document states 15.9% APR but the other version states 23.9%, does this make any difference? I haven't sent an SAR so don't know what I was charged.. They're obviously asking me how I intend to clear it, which I haven't responded to yet. I'll try and pay the £25 per month I was paying before although they've got a stronger case now. Any advice would be appreciated.
  7. I'm new to this site and came across it whilst trying to see what else I could do about what I see as extreme unfairness from HSBC. I have been their client for the last 9 1/2 years. I had also had an account at a young age with the old Midland bank. Through online banking I saw they were doing this amazing personal loan at 3.9% APR. Since I have a credit card with them which I must admit I am paying a very high rate (increased from 18.9% to 21.1% or around that - unsure of amounts) I thought I'd take a loan and clear off the card plus take a holiday since their low APR is for loans from £7k to £15k. I was looking at borrowing £8k during 36 months. So I was brave and applied for it online. It told me I had to contact the bank by telephone. I did. After asking me a few question (eg. what the loan was for) they said it had been approved but the rate was 9.9% APR. I queried it and was told that that was it. I asked if they could put it in writing and was told no. Seems they can only put in writing if I had accepted the offer. Anyway... I went to my local branch and asked who I could complain to and explained the situation. I was told to join experian or equifax. I joined experian and my credit score was showing as excellent at 965. The only downside on it was a credit score check by HSBC which meant when they checked it was even higher. My only debt is to HSBC and is that c/card. I have never missed a payment on anything nor with anyone. Seeing that the loan is to clear the card then that would vanish from the account anyway. After checking with Experian I tried applying again and was told to contact them again. I decided to email them. Found a customer care team email address. Emailed them. Had no reply for a couple of days so sent them a message on online banking asking why no reply. Was told that they "never received said message". Asked me to email again which I did and had an email confirming receipt but no other reply so far. I have also sent a complaint to the financial ombudsman. Just saw on the forum they don't see to be as helpful as I first thought. I keep being told by HSBC that the APR they offer is due to "several factors". All I want to be told is "this is the main reason why we offer a higher rate" or "if you change this then we can revise the offer". Just feels like they are offering the higher APR as then I won't be paying the ridiculous interest I'm currently paying (around £55-£60 per month just interest). It feels like they are saying that since they will not get as much from me then they will charge me more. Without me asking they increased my c/card limit to £6.5k. For them to do that they know I will repay that amount and likely a high interest amount. If they are confortable enough to do that then why charge me such a higher rate? Are they misleading customers? I had another friend who has no debt at all and applied and had the same answer as me. Is there any way they can actually prove they have offered this rate in good faith? It truly doesn't feel like it. It feels like they refuse to discuss the subject and suggest any positive solution to what I'm querying. I am currently waiting a response from the customer care team and from the Financial ombudsman but seems like I shouldn't hold my breath. If there any place I can complain if I truly feel they are misleading customers? It feels they hold out a sign saying an excellent deal here but then it's all fake. I'm sorry it is such a long post but am truly at a loss on what else to do. I'd appreciate any help or advice if possible. Thank you
  8. Hi there, I have recently sold a property which was mortgaged on the well known Together product. I financial advisor advised that I delink and retain the surplus as a deposit towards the purchase of a new property (currently renting at present due to relocation). The apr on the unsecured element has jumped to over 12%. While this was not unexpected, this is a huge amount, and with the remaining term of 25 years, I will be paying in excess of £100k on an original £30k unsecured element. To me, there must be a case of mis-selling here. I know there have been moves to challenge all this, with nram actions groups etc, but it seems to have gound to a halt. Question is - has anyone successfully challenged the crippling t's &c's of this hike in apr? Is this something worth pursuing. Its late at night, so I can elaborate more on my specific circumstances during the wekl. However, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  9. Dear All. I hope someone can advise and help , I've had a credit card with the Co-operative a Platinum credit card fixed for 5 years at 9.9% no problem there. Then at end of term reverted to 12.9% fine now a few months later its going up to 14.9% as I hope some of you will understand I questioned this and phoned them asking why the so recent increase. The chap said Mmm well its because its automated I said well why , he went of to speak to a manager he came back saying its to do with your spending pattern and possibly credit reference. I've been with them 20 years or so have other credit cards and recently Barclaycard have increased my credit limit by £1000 pound , I always pay on time pay more than the minimum, I haven't changed my spending pattern never been late or missed any payments. So I said why the increase he couldn't really answer I had a balance of £300 on card paid £150 today . I feel very badly let down by them they had no real answer and its only Coop that have ever increased there APR of coarse im not happy in sure they can surely use there customer loyalty department and lower my APR but no real answer . I have written to complain but im wondering if im within my rights to have a explanation why because they can't really tell me apart from making more money from me. I've been a loyal customer of there's for over 20 years to be treated as such , when I paid in full on time everytime my APR remained the same I find this very hurtful and totally without justification in my eyes . I said to the guy look at my account never late or missed any payments you couldn't wish for a better customer but he just said im sorry I don't know what to say . I know lower the APR because it can be done because a company many years ago did when I said id close my account , ANY POINTERS ID BE GRATEFUL . Like I've said I've written a letter stating why have they done this and to look at my account over the 20 years never to default and threatened to rightfully leave if nothing is done to address my concerns . Sorry if this sounds petty but this is the only company who have acted in such a unreasonable manner with no real answer or concern about customer relationship. What's there saying good with money mmmm yes mine they take . Any info id be grateful. Many thanks Pete.
  10. Mrs ICY took out a so called Flexxi loan in 2006, such a horrible system they use, knowing you will never pay the damn thing off, its just another account on your online account credited with £5000 you pay £200 a month back (they take £75 for themselves every month from this) the problem is the moneys always there and its always being used, it is such an expensive loan to use but because of the £200 going out to repay it really leaves us short it a trap. it was taken out in branch, when she went in they just asked if all circumstances were the same (she had been a customer for many years) they mentioned nothing about PPI but not only do they take £75 a month for the pleasure but they have also set up "load protection" at just under £17 a month, spreadsheet ready to be printed. Her work contract covers her on full sick pay for up to 6 month so there is no way any sickness policy would be needed and her job is extremely secure as she is responsible for funding so and would know a year in advance if her position were at risk.
  11. Hi all, I am seeking some advice about my rights regarding an hire purchase agreement with BCT. I have an HP agreement with BCT which began 01/08/07 and will end on 30/08/2012. I have never missed a payment but forsee financial problems on the horizon. My question is this; If I was to voluntarily surrender the vehicle and BCT sold the vehicle would I then be liable for the oustanding balance. Any advice on this matter, regarding HP law, would be gratley appreciated.
  12. Hi, I've copied & pasted all my transactions into a spreadsheet. However I'm now stuck with trying to find out past APRs for overdrafts. According to their website, the current EAR (which I assume is the same as APR) has been 19.89% since 2nd August 2010. The previous EAR is stated as 19.24% from 28th April 2008. I have downloaded the spreadsheet (CompoundSheet_v1.8.xls - not sure if that is the up-to-date version?) to calculate what the bank owes me. However I can't figure out which percentage to use. There is a field at the top of the sheet for the APR, however it seems that it is changed every year or so, so I am clueless as to what figure to use, especially as I don't have the figures for the period before April '08. I have checked the forum for information on this but haven't had any success. Over the last 5 years since I have had the account, the bank has taken over £1,200 from me and as I am on benefits due to my disability, this is a huge amount of money to me! Thanks for any help with helping me to reclaim those fees.
  13. Can anyone help? I have some large credit card debts on about 5 cards. I have sent a standard letter asking for a copy of the CCA and had replies back but some seem a bit dodgy. I'm no expert sp I joined the forum to see if there is any help here for me. Do I tell them that I dont think they have complied with what I asked for and put the account in dispute and pay the £10 for the SAR? Are they legally entitled to chase me for payments while the account is in dispute? I can post documents if anyone wants to have a look. Cheers
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