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Found 11 results

  1. Hi Car was parked on double yellow lines - ticket inspector observed car from 1.02pm - 1.02pm gave a ticket 01 Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours - one picture of the front of the car was taken at 1.02 another was taken at 1.04 when I got into the vehicle to drive off. (I was definitely there by 1.03. what's the best way of appealing this? technically its parked on double yellows - not on a restricted street during prescribed hours as there are no prescribed hours on double yellows? thank you for all the help in advance
  2. Hey guys, I just received a parking notice, the observation time is 10:19 to 10:27. I went and saw the same cars which were parked right next to me, and they didn't receive a parking ticket, but I did? I'm not sure how this has happened, it was a single yellow line, with no time restriction sign anywhere. Please help. Thank you in advance, if there is more information required from please let me know Cheers. Hope you aren't having a bad day as myself.
  3. Hey guys, Looking for a bit of help. Got this parking ticket while dropping my daughters medicine off to nursery. I was literally in and out. I have checked the signs and road markings, I don't think I have grounds to appeal on those. My only saving grace might be the fact that the ticket was issued at 9.50 am and it was observed from 9.50 to 9.50. I know some councils have an observation period but I couldn't find anything relating to this on Havering councils website. I found some in Camden council (3 minutes) and Brighton council (5 minutes). Could anyone give me some advice whether I have any grounds to appeal this? Many thanks, Bogyo79
  4. Am I correct that the prescribed terms for a fixed sum variable rate consumer credit act agreement is: a amount of credit b interest rate c amount of payment Credit £25,000 Interest £9.319,57 applied at 4.5% above banks base rate 5% payments £408.68 x 84 Theres no total amount payable as this could alter due to an interest change throughout the time of the agreement. However, the amount of credit plus the interest applied to the credit do NOT equal the initial monthly payment? £25,000 plus £9.319.57 = £34,319.57 divide by 84 payments = £408.56 This payment appears to be 12 pence less than the payment stated on the agreement. Anyone clued up on this? Paul
  5. Hi All Last week I have been awarded a protected award for failure to consult. The judge has awarded me 75 days salary. Good news so far. However, my employer is in administration and the administration is close to ending with movement into liquidation. The only funds left for distribution are the prescribed part generated from the sale of property. I wonder if anyone can advise on the following questions: 1. Will my award be paid from the prescribed part as a preferred creditor? 2. Will I receive 100% (there is more than enough money in the prescribed part fund) 3. Do I have to apply for the money or does the administrator calculate it from the salary information they hold? 4. If I will be receiving it from the RPO (capped at 8 weeks and £450 per week) does the administrator advise them or do I have to apply? Any thoughts gratefully appreciated. kind regards Steve
  6. Our landlord is revenge evicting us after we pushed for repairs to the property. On reviewing our tenancy documentation it is clear the agent he used did not provide all the prescribed information required. We want to sue for the deposit return plus penalty award. We are aware the landlord is ultimately responsible but the agent signed the deposit scheme forms and managed the process. We feel the landlord may suggest it was therefore not their fault and minimise the penalty whilst the agent deals with many properties and our expectation of going thru them was for due diligence and process to be followed which warrants a higher penalty. So we want to sue both parties . Is this advisable and if so, how would any award by the judge be applied? As a relevant factor, we are suing in respect to the original deposit against a tenancy agreement for 12 months in 2013-2014. We signed another 12 months 2014-2015. From what I've read elsewhere it appears we can sue twice ie for the failure to comply with the PI of the 2007 Order for the first agreement then again for the second agreement . Indeed that 2nd agreement then rolled over to monthly renewable so is that a 3rd instance of noncompliance? So the deposit amount is£1200. We wish to apply for the maximum penalty of 3x 1200 being 3600 plus the deposit of 1200 making a total of £4800. And if this apples for both 12 month terms then the total settlement is £9600. Is this correct?
  7. I currently have 3 credit card debts which have been defaulted and are now with DCA's and have been paying them off to varying degrees for 5 ish years. I'm in the position where I can offer reasonable full and final settlements, so decided to send CCA requests to them all to hopefully help me with the negotiation. None of them replied within the 30 days so I stopped paying. I'm not trying to avoid paying, just negotiate a reasonable figure. I've had a response back from DLC re an MBNA card I took out in November 2002 ( I have 2 with them). This card is showing on my credit file as defaulted in June 2010 with a balance of £11239. The current balance is £6139. They've actually sent me a CCA which is signed and dated by me from 2002. The form is signed on the front and the terms on the back, it's a cheque book sized form. They've also included what looks to be reconstituted terms which is 7 pages long but not signed. The signed form seems to have all of the prescribed terms, so may have made my situation worse rather than better. I've ticked the "no PPI box". My query is, the signed document states 15.9% APR but the other version states 23.9%, does this make any difference? I haven't sent an SAR so don't know what I was charged.. They're obviously asking me how I intend to clear it, which I haven't responded to yet. I'll try and pay the £25 per month I was paying before although they've got a stronger case now. Any advice would be appreciated.
  8. All set to claim redress for PPI on an old store card and am now flummoxed by an odd interest term in the recon agreement. 'We will charge interest on the account at 1.5% per month' The APR is as follows... (blank, none given?) 'Interest will accrue on the account on a daily basis from the date of transaction until payment in full is credited to the account. Each month interest will be added to the balance on which interest is charged' As its a store card there was an option for interest free purchases, ergo the term above (on which interest is charged) Having managed to get the last 10 years of transaction history out of it (account is 12 years old) it appears from my calcs that interest was compounded yet the term is clear in that interest will only be added to the balance of the transaction. I'm pretty sure I'll claim at current advertised APR but its now left me wondering if my agreement was for simple interest only at inception. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how to broach the subject with the creditor?
  9. Sunday afternoon, the weathers lovely, lets spend the afternoon by the river at Eton. Found a little lane that I was vaguely aware of before. Several areas for parking but all full. Then a godsend, a junction with a footpath where the lane turns sharp left and wide verges. 2 spaces next to a gate into a field, 1 just further up the road, one across from it. 1 car already in situ in the space next to the gate. Double yellow lines but these spaces were well off the road had obviously been used before and crucially apart from a sign to not park in front of the gate, no signs indicating that parking anywhere in this area is an offence.No blockages were made by parking in these spots. Of course subsequently I and 3 other motorists get issued with PCNs. I was inscensed and left my mobile number on the other cars. I have since been contacted by 2 of them who both feel the same way. I was not previously aware that yellow lines apply to a verge (Only by reading previous posts on this site has that become clear and i've been driving 40 yrs) and clearly it is not a commonly known fact, as both other drivers thought the same as me. The geography at this point clearly entices drivers to park here and I suspect Windsor & Maidenhead council make a tidy little sum out of this honey pot. Should there not be an onus on councils to erect signs at these spots to make it clear parking is not allowed. Had there been, I and the others would not have parked here. Is there any point in appealing on these grounds? Your considered opinion would be appreciated.
  10. Hello Everyone I would be grateful for and advice or a bit of guidance on how to best handle the following; I have been issued a Parking ticket under the contravention; (01) Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Band B. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are photos; http://s590.photobucket.com/albums/ss345/cmguk22/Parking%20Ticket/ As you can see my front wheel was parked over a single yellow line (which incidentally does not have a T-bar at either end). The single yellow extends about 10m where it ended and there is an 'End of controlled parking zone' sign. On the reverse of the sign (thus I could not see this) is an 'Entrance to controlled parking zone' sign. However what is bugging me is that there are NO other signs, thus there is no indication where the zone starts/finishes. What is also bugging me is that there is no T-Bar at the end of the yellow line Do I have a leg to stand on?
  11. Have a look and let me know what you think. Any help will be appreciated. http://s911.photobucket.com/albums/ac318/zentrix9/MR%20VIRGIN%20MNBA/ I will be sending a SAR request tomorrow to see what I get back
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