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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, My Clearscore report has just updated, the only change was one new protective registration has been added to my report, my score had not changed. In the protection section it gives a case ID and my address. It states NOT GRANTED 18th May 2017. Fraud Date: 25th May 2017, Case: Identity Fraud, Supplier: Callcredit PLC. I have no idea what this is about. I have googled it and that led me to the CIFAS website, but their site doesn't appear to have an explanation for what I am seeing on my report. Does anyone know what this is? Can it be seen by creditors if I apply for credit?
  2. Hi All Last week I have been awarded a protected award for failure to consult. The judge has awarded me 75 days salary. Good news so far. However, my employer is in administration and the administration is close to ending with movement into liquidation. The only funds left for distribution are the prescribed part generated from the sale of property. I wonder if anyone can advise on the following questions: 1. Will my award be paid from the prescribed part as a preferred creditor? 2. Will I receive 100% (there is more than enough money in the prescribed part fund) 3. Do I have to apply for the money or does the administrator calculate it from the salary information they hold? 4. If I will be receiving it from the RPO (capped at 8 weeks and £450 per week) does the administrator advise them or do I have to apply? Any thoughts gratefully appreciated. kind regards Steve
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