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  1. Hi Car was parked on double yellow lines - ticket inspector observed car from 1.02pm - 1.02pm gave a ticket 01 Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours - one picture of the front of the car was taken at 1.02 another was taken at 1.04 when I got into the vehicle to drive off. (I was definitely there by 1.03. what's the best way of appealing this? technically its parked on double yellows - not on a restricted street during prescribed hours as there are no prescribed hours on double yellows? thank you for all the help in advance
  2. Hi Needing some advice and guidance, will keep this to the point and hopefully someone can help, It was a 40th treat for myself which makes it even worse for me. Viewed a vehicle on 04/11/18, at a Lookers dealer in Carlisle, 70+ miles from our home address, Paid full screen price, £12,500, paid £8000 on debit card and £4500 on finance, asked for a few cosmetic repair's to carried out as well as serviced, mot'd and fully valeted. Got train back to dealer on 17/11/18 with wife and kids to collect vehicle, only thing was it hadn't been cleaned at all well apart from that happy with vehicle and service received. Drove home, on returning home (82miles covered) not even 3 hours into ownership the vehicle has smoking badly from under the vehicle, the transfer box on the transmission had been leaking all over the exhaust and underside of vehicle causing the burning smell and smoke when arriving home. So at this time on a Saturday night the dealership was closed so emailed the salesman. The workshop manager contacted us Monday to arrange vehicle collection as they wanted the option to repair the vehicle at the purchasing dealership (which turned into a joke), the vehicle was collected on a trailer (20/11/18) and took back to Carlisle. The oil leak was rectified and the vehicle returned to my place of work on 23/11/18. I took delivery of the vehicle as the leak seemed to be rectified, when I left for work I tested the 4wd system which displayed a fault, contacted the general manager as it had been passed to him to deal with and verbally agreed he knew the 4wd was working prior to repair as he drove the vehicle when it was traded in, as I also knew it was working as I tested it before purchase. He contacted me to let me know he had booked it into the Lookers Ford dealer nearer to my home, great, dropped it Monday 26/11/18 to be inspected Tuesday, this didn't happen, the inspection took place on Wednesday, they condemned the transfer box, the General manager from Carlisle contacted me to state a new one would be fitted and he had authorised the repairs. Collect the vehicle 03/12/18 far dirtier than when I dropped it off and to discover a second-hand unit had been fitted not new, which has now shown a fault 1 day after the replacement transfer box. I'm at the end of my tether. Now this is where my problem starts...…. and for my post needing help!! (sorry for the long post) I don't think for one second they will challenge my rejection as he has already made this a evident to me over the phone. We have been more than reasonable and in turn they have been fine with us. But.. Its a 63 reg vehicle and only had 44K miles recorded and had a very high spec. if I'm just to simply take my money back and finance cancelled there is not another vehicle on the market to replace this one for the same value, some are £2000 plus more, I may be being stupid but I don't see why I should now be without a vehicle because of Lookers incompetence or having to be another £2k plus deeper into a vehicle. Not including all the cost to collect the vehicle etc. Is there any advice on how to progress with this? I want the vehicle that was described to me at initial purchase, however I have lost all faith in the one I have. Are they obliged to find me one either from group stock or from an alternative source? and if they are and it is at a higher price - do I have any rights with them to ask them to price match for the one I bought? I don't see why I should be out of pocket and back to square one, after viewing a few vehicles before purchasing this one. Thanks
  3. Afternoon All, I hope everyone has having a lovely bank holiday. When someone has a moment, I would very much appreciate some advice and direction with a credit card complaint. I've genuinely looked for a similar thread/question, as to not to waste anyone's time, but there doesn't appear to be anything (which is surprising). at a high-level, over the course of 2 years or so, I raised a couple of Section 75 claims with my credit card company; both for the same issue. On the first occasion, I submitted my claim via e-mail as per their direction of the CC, I got a confirmation response and they sent a declaration form in the post, which I signed and returned accordingly. Weeks and months went by and I hear nothing. I made several phone calls where they promised to investigate but did nothing. A YEAR goes by and still they fail to act. I submit another claim for the same issue. I get another e-mail confirmation but no declaration form to sign. Again weeks and months go past but I hear nothing. On this I refused to pay any further monthly minimum charges as they weren't looking into my dispute. Long story short, my account is in default (however they didn't raise the default correctly). Can they do that when he account is in dispute? The FCA handbook page is down but I'm certain it says that whilst there is a dispute a debt should be set aside? Thank you in advance for any help or advice.
  4. New guidance to support staff engagement during insolvencies READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-guidance-to-support-staff-engagement-during-insolvencies
  5. British army officer killed during WW1 is honoured as he is laid to rest READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-army-officer-killed-during-ww1-is-honoured-as-he-is-laid-to-rest
  6. If a contract states there is no notice due during a probationary period does this mean the employee can just tell HR they're going and leave there and then. Everywhere I look to check I'm finding a statutory period of one week - does this only apply to the employer? The employee is three months into a six month probationary period and has been head hunted. They wouldn't dream of just walking out under normal circumstances but their line manager will make their life a misery during any notice period.
  7. Four unknown soldiers killed during WW1 are laid to rest with full military honours READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/four-unknown-soldiers-killed-during-ww1-are-laid-to-rest-with-full-military-honours
  8. Hey guys, I just received a parking notice, the observation time is 10:19 to 10:27. I went and saw the same cars which were parked right next to me, and they didn't receive a parking ticket, but I did? I'm not sure how this has happened, it was a single yellow line, with no time restriction sign anywhere. Please help. Thank you in advance, if there is more information required from please let me know Cheers. Hope you aren't having a bad day as myself.
  9. Hi all, Yesterday I had my classic car transported to a new storage location via an agent on Shiply and the driver damaged the car twice - once during loading and again when unloading. The first instance is a little complicated: I had forgot to tighten the anti-roll bar bolts and it had dropped down, rattling on the loading ramp. However, rather than check what the problem was, the driver heaved the car back off the ramp with such force that it inverted the ARB and crushed the chassis rails underneath. I had gone to get cash while this happened and only returned in time to see him hauling the car off the ramps. The second instance was when unloading at the other end: the driver rolled the car off the ramps and then pushed it with his backside / hip and dented the tailgate - this happened right in front of me. I didn't notice he had dented it until after he'd hurriedly left and I moved the car into the barn, so didn't get to confront him directly. I wasn't going to make any kind of fuss about the initial damage, as it was a combination of our errors that lead to it, but the dented bodywork is just unacceptable. I messaged him when I got back last night: Hi Tony, I have two big dents in the tailgate of my car from where you pushed it off the bottom of the ramp. The damage to the chassis rails I was willing to take on the chin as it was a combination of our errors that caused it, but I'm really unhappy about the bodywork damage. How do we go about making an insurance claim to cover the tailgate damage? Which seemed kind of OK to me.. I was furious but tried to be civil. His response came in three messages: 20:18 - Really, you didn't bolt the anti roll bar linkage on the car, any damage of any was caused by you not putting things back together properly. Your car damaged my truck. So please don't try this crap on with me 20:20 - What a [problem] artist 20:27 - I have just checked the cctv on my truck, there's no damage I can see done when loading or unloading your car, plus your car was covered up. I will gladly see you in court for making false insurance claims. The first two are nonsense, as I'd told him I wasn't trying to place blame on him for the damaged chassis, as the ARB should have been secured. The third is what I'd like help with, because he's claiming to have CCTV footage. I haven't yet responded, so am hoping for some advice on how to proceed first. The car was covered, but the area of tailgate he damaged was exposed, so if he does have CCTV it should show everything. I'm unsure whether I should ask for his CCTV footage, because (if it even exists) he may very well delete it. The guy clearly goes from 0-100 quickly and I don't want to ruin my chances of making a claim for the damaged bodywork by his rash decisions. Can anyone please advise how to proceed from here? His service was fully insured up to 30k according to Shiply.
  10. Seven british Army soldiers killed during World War 1 are honoured as they are laid to rest READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/seven-british-army-soldiers-killed-during-world-war-1-are-honoured-as-they-are-laid-to-rest
  11. Here's a new one, probably.... I went to a show on Tuesday. We placed our belongings in a void near our feet. Unbeknown to us there was a mechanism in the void and it damaged our belongings. The void was covered by a black curtain. I would like to claim for the damage, but I'm unsure if either: a) I was negligent in putting my belongings there, or b) The production company were negligent in leaving the void accessible or not having signage. I kind of feel that with the close proximity to the stage it was negligent to have the mechanism easily accessible and/or no warning. I spoke to Front of House at the interval and they agreed they would put a sign up. The belongings were our shopping, so we have a receipt. Photos of the proximity to the stage and the void. Thanks, Kris
  12. I signed a 12 month Fixed Term tenancy in April 2015, no deposit was taken by the landlord. Since then I have had no further tenancy agreement so have been on a Periodic tenancy. The landlord has now requested a deposit but offered no new Fixed Term contract (not that I want one). Can he request a deposit during a Periodic tenancy or would it have to be as part of a new Fixed Term ?
  13. Relatives of Argentine soldiers killed during the Falklands War visit the Argentine cemetery at Darwin READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/relatives-of-argentine-soldiers-killed-during-the-falklands-war-visit-the-argentine-cemetery-at-darwin
  14. I've read in a few places that people who are paid weekly will earn slightly too much in a 5week month and thus end their UC claim, even though their circumstances haven't changed. This is for those in work. I presume this doesn't affect those in the support group of ESA who don't do any work when they're eventually moved over to UC? I.e. I will get a payment every 4 weeks regardless of how many weeks are in a month, which is the same way PIP is paid currently.
  15. Hey guys, Looking for a bit of help. Got this parking ticket while dropping my daughters medicine off to nursery. I was literally in and out. I have checked the signs and road markings, I don't think I have grounds to appeal on those. My only saving grace might be the fact that the ticket was issued at 9.50 am and it was observed from 9.50 to 9.50. I know some councils have an observation period but I couldn't find anything relating to this on Havering councils website. I found some in Camden council (3 minutes) and Brighton council (5 minutes). Could anyone give me some advice whether I have any grounds to appeal this? Many thanks, Bogyo79
  16. Afternoon, I wonder if you can please help me with this ticket. Back in November 2016 I unknowingly made a mistake and took a wrong turn to the road where no right turn was allowed between XX and XX hours. I think about 2 weeks later I moved and was never aware of the offence until February 2017 I was actually nearby my old flat and met postman who I knew and who then handed me a mail which had that ticket with a penalty and from Northampton court etc. I then phoned Court, spoke with them and was advised to immediately submit 2 forms (out of time and something else) I Immediately processed them both and also provided them with my new address and that I understand I made a mistake and am happy to pay the original penalty charge. After about 4-6 weeks I received refusal letter from Northampton County court that they have refused my appeal despite me providing them evidence of my new address and that genuinely I never received any previous notices. I then phoned them again and asked what will happen next and was told to wait to hear from the council. I have since not heard anything from the council and have been told by new tenants in the previous property that they received a letter from some target collection company which I imagine would be for the same. The council and collection company still writing me to my old address? what should I do? write to council asking them to waive the fee and that I am prepared to pay the original amount or contact the agency etc . Please help!!!
  17. An interesting one that could end up with severe consequences if found out to be true.
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/03/petrol-food-prices-uk-rising-2017 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/01/10/food-prices-rise-inflation-returns-supermarkets/
  19. I bought a TV 12 months and 3 weeks ago. Since buying it I had an intermittent problem with the screen going off for about 10 seconds then on again. I eliminated various other pieces of equipment over time then reported it to the manufacturer about 4 months into their warranty. After following their trouble shooting procedure they accepted it was faulty and arranged an engineer repair. When the engineer rang to arrange repair and get details I was away (this was around Christmas). During the discussion I told him I was unsure how to reproduce the issue since it happened intermittently. He said he would leave the case open for the time being. The TV is not my main set so I use it very occasionally. I forgot about the problem until more recently when I was trying to use it again and the same fault occurred. I emailed the manufacturer back with my reference number but they now refuse to repair because it is 3 weeks out of warranty. I realise I could approach the retailer but I feel like the manufacturer is using a technicality to escape from an issue they have already accepted as theirs and promised to repair onsite. It is a lot of hassle for me to transport the TV back to the retailer for a repair and they do not have the original report logged, which the manufacturer does. Can anyone please advise or tell me where I stand legally?
  20. Hi, My company employed a receptionist in June and her contract said: "The Employee's salary is £20k per annum. Upon successful completion of probabtion period the employee's salary will be raised to £24k." Her probation period expires soon and we are not happy with her, but would continue to hire her on limited tasks. However we believe that she does not deserve her increased in salary of £24k. We are wondering how to hire her on a similar type of job, but not incerase her salary to £24k. One colleague mentioned firing her, and hiring her with another contract the next day. I think this is too "doddgy". I suggest explaining to her that we do not believe that she "succesfully" completed her probation period, however we would continue to hire her at £20k and would not increase her work load, as we originally planned. Any advice on how to to keep her and not increase her salary depsite her contract would be helpful. Thank you.
  21. Hi all, thanks in advance for reading and any advice. I'll try to be as concise as possible. I have an iPhone provided by my work. It states on the iPhone Policy that if you lose the phone or it is stolen, you will have the price of the iPhone taken off the next payslip. The only exception is if you can provide a police certificate that it was stolen, but there is a sub-exception here that states you still have to pay if the theft was facilitated to clear negligence on your part, e.g. leaving it unsupervised in a public place. In November 2015 there was a fire drill at work. I immediately left the building. When the drill ended and I returned to my office, my work phone had been stolen off my desk. When I informed Asset Management of the theft, the person at the desk seemed understanding and stated verbally that this should be OK and I shouldn't be charged as when there is a fire drill, you must leave immediately and not stop to pick up personal belongings. I was provided with a new work phone a few days later and there were no other comments made by them. Come end of November, I have £300 taken off my payslip for the cost of a new iPhone 5. Before even considering whether they can do this, the price is not right. They currently retail on Amazon at £251, and I strongly suspect my employer gets them at a far lower price seeing as they order hundreds for their employees. So they are making a profit on this. By email, I questioned the deduction (and the price). In their email reply, they didn't dispute my story but said I was negligent as I should have taken the phone with me. I pointed to the fire regulations, which state, word for word: "...evacuate the building immediately and do not stop for any personal belongings. Delaying the evacuation to gather personal belongings risks the lives of you and your colleagues and may constitute gross misconduct." Their reply to this was that it was "obvious" that small items like your phone don't count in this rule, as your phone will be sitting on your desk (where we have a dedicated power cable for our phones) and so you will lose no time in picking it up. And they said making a police report for theft is pointless as it was now "too long ago" and in any case I was negligent (see 1st para.). I also raised the fact that there is CCTV - not in my office, but in the hall adjoining it. I.e. my office door is in clear view of the camera, so can see everyone who enters or leaves the office. This is the only door to the office. Even if the phone isn't recovered, I told them they can at least find out who stole it, on a matter of principle/ethics. They replied "data protection" and were extremely obstructive. What's the point of CCTV in this location if not to stop things being stolen from the premises or find the people who do steal? I issued a written reply by recorded delivery, challenging the deduction by quoting the fire regulations and stating that no exceptions are listed. I received no reply. I waited for my December payslip and there was no £300 refund. Where do I stand here? I was simply following the fire regulations. I am not in a trade union. Would CAB be a good start? Could I also claim interest on the money they are withholding from me? I have been careful not to mention legal threats as I know most people who say this never act on it. I am now at the stage where I would be happy to leave/lose my job to fight this. Threatening with going to the press would be futile as they are a very large company that has had a few controversies in the past and couldn't care less about negative coverage. Even if I can't get a refund on the facts, can I challenge the amount that they deducted as it is considerably more than the retail value of the phone? Thanks in advance, sorry for the long post!
  22. Hello, I have a question and I was wondering if someone could help me. My manager has some health issues ( depression among other stuff) and during the past 3 years he has been off for a total of 9 months. 5 and 4 months continuously during 2 years and has now been off for over a week. I have a feeling he will get another long term leave which of course as it is health related I totally understand he might need it. But the issue is that every time during his long absence , I end up doing his job and it involves allot of stuff. For the 9 months I did his job I received absolutely nothing from the company and only a thank you after i complained about getting a pay rise ( which of course i did not get). So i would like to know if I can demand or is my company obligated to pay me more if my manager goes on another long term absense. If I do not receive anything can I refuse to do his job even though I am the 2nd in command? I am happy to the job if he is on a short term sick leave ( 1 -2 weeks) or if he goes on holidays , but for more than that , I have had enough Thank you in advance
  23. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bailiffs-visit-leads-three-hour-7906246 Police were called out after a man allegedly brandished a knife during a row with a bailiff about a car. Police said the three-hour siege began just after noon after a bailiff was sent to an address in the road to recover a car. As the situation escalated armed officers were called, the street was blocked with police vehicles and the police helicopter hovered overhead, reports A police spokesman said: “Merseyside Police has been in attendance following an armed containment at a house in St Helens this afternoon. “At around 12.05pm, a civil enforcement officer attended an address on Litherland Crescent to remove a car from the location. “Following an argument with a man at the house, patrols were called to assist and the man was seen to approach officers in possession of a knife. "As a result, the area was contained by armed officers to ensure safety of the public"
  24. Hi everyone Myself, brother and sister recently parked outside a parking facility for apartments at 12:07 on Monday 30/05/2016. We came back to the car at 13:34 to see a PCN from Salford City Council on the window. I took pictures so I could give more detail to were she was parked to see if she really has to pay. Please let me know if anything can be done. http://docdro.id/1ED7Zpn Thanks Andrew
  25. hi, i've got a couple of things on buy now pay later with very. in the past i've paid them off before the interest kicks in and the others should be no different, though i do have a big one at £500 due next month. i received a letter today advising the apr will be going upto 49.9% and will apply to purchases not yet due for payment. is it contractually fair that they can increase the apr on something i bought 11 months ago when the apr was lower? thanks, kris
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