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  1. I purchased a 15 month old 2017 Swift Escape 685 motorhome for 46k in August 2018 which developed various faults, initially minor but getting more serious/worrying over the short time I've owned this. This is my first ever motorhome and my wife and I purchased this for trips to maintain our holiday home business throughout the year, not just for holidays, the dealer was made aware of this before our purchase. We decided to purchase a used model because we believed it would have had any initial teething problems solved, so would be more reliable than a new model, my first mistake! I believe I now have the right to reject this motorhome under the consumer rights act 2015, but I wanted to ask you if I am right in my belief? I'll list below the initial issues which accurred between August 2018 and October 2018: * Rear bed broken/collapsed - Repaired by myself as I found this the night before our first use. * Vibration from torn exhaust shield - Removed by myself for safety reasons, advised by dealer no need to replace. * Skylight rattling/banging in wind - Rubber seal fitted by dealer to tighten fit. * Various cupboard doors needed adjustment/replacement of rubber bump stops - Repaired by myself. * Various window catch's out of adjustment - Packed and adjusted by dealer. * Emergency tyre repair kit missing - Replaced by dealer. * Storage cupboard cup and plate holder racks missing - replaced by dealer. * Wheel alignment/tracking out of adjustment, vehicle pulling to the left - Readjusted by dealer. * Overhead bed extremely annoying whilst driving ie: rattling, chattering, squeaking - Dealer had already tried to cure this for the previous owners by adding washers/packers, but unsuccessfully. * Delaminated roof/headlining mainly at the front above the overhead bed, but also some delamination above the shower room wall noted since. I expressed my concern that ingress of water has caused this as the mattress on the overhead bed has felt damp since we first tried to use this - this was reported to Swift by the dealer during August/September 2018, Swift want the vehicle returned to the factory for inspection/repair under warranty, but the earliest date possible was week commencing February 11th 2019, with an expected completion by week commencing March 25th 2019, Swift also agreed to inspect the noisy overhead bed at the same time. * Then in November 2018 we found wet seating/puddle of water below side window - I once again expressed my concerns that the mattress on the overhead bed was still damp and I still believed there was water and possibly mould in the roof, and that the water had found it's way down to this seating. We were assured by the dealer that the water was caused by a lack of a seal around the right side window, allowing rain water in, and more worryingly, in the dealers own words "the right side window could have simply fallen out at any time!" The dealer resealed the window frame and assured us that the motorhome was again watertight. The aftersales manager at this point did say that he can understand that we may have lost faith in the vehicle and that they would be happy to have it back so we could purchase a brand new model (we naively assumed he meant at full value). The final straw for us was around 2 weeks after collecting the motorhome back from the repair of the side window, we found the inside of the roof above the overhead bed was dripping with water all the way across the full width of the roof line, plus the mattress and bed side curtain were also soaking wet, along with the same area around the right side window and below, that had been wet previously. We took the motorhome back to the dealer on December 19th but the after sales manager was off for Christmas until December 27th. When we spoke to him around December 27th he said that they had now found the solar panel cable entry point was leaking water in and needed the external fixing box to be replaced and resealed. I told him I had had enough and now wanted him to take the vehicle back as he had agreed, so we could purchase a new replacement vehicle. He agreed and said he would ask the sales manager to contact me with a price for a new vehicle. In the meantime the solar panel roof leak was repaired and the aftersales manager tried to gain information from Swift regarding what was involved in the factory inspection/repair of the delamination, this is because at this point we didn't realise we had any legal rights to a refund and we were hoping for definite confirmation that there was no risk of mould/bacteria in the roof above the overhead bed. On January 19th we had a call from the sales manager, this is when things turned sour! Yes the dealer would have our motorhome back, but they would only offer us £38k in a part exchange! So after just 4 months use and 6 short trips we were expected to take an 8k loss. I told them I wasn't accepting that and would need to take legal advice. This is when I found the consumer rights act 2015 existed. On February 1st 2019 I emailed the aftersales manager to officially reject my motorhome under the consumers rights act 2015 on the basis that it is of unsatisfactory quality and not fit for purpose, and to state that I do not want the factory repair of the delamination of the interior roof as Swift wish to keep the vehicle for around 6 weeks for this. On February 6th he emailed me back to say he would need to discuss this with his senior management team and would email me back within 7 working days. On February 15th I hadn't received a reply so I emailed him again asking for a response. On February 19th (today) I have received a reply to say they do not accept my rejection as they have repaired everything except the delamination of the interior roof, that this is only cosmetic, and that the vehicle has a 10 year body warranty. My obvious concern is that the roof delamination is due to the ingress of water. Plus in telephone conversations with the after sales manager he has stated that the Swift technical team have admitted they are experiencing condensation issues with vehicles produced since 2017 that have fibreglass roofs and overhead beds, possibly due to temperature differences, and that having checked other vehicles at the dealership for servicing, they have found condensation in a number of those as well. ** And yes, I have recorded these conversations thanks to the advice on this forum, thank you for that ** So to summerise I believe the motorhome is not fit for purpose because: * The health risks of damp/bacteria in overhead bed area, either due to condensation issues or trapped water in roof. * The repair at factory would be a further 6 weeks of no use. * We purchased this mostly for business trips for which we've had no use since December 19th. * The quality of the vehicle is not satisfactory. Am I correct in thinking that I now have the right to reject and expect a full refund as my email of rejection was sent during the 6 month period? I almost forgot to add, I paid roughly half by debit card and half is on hp, the hp company say they will only need to get involved if we don't come to an agreement with the dealer, their t&c's seem to suggest the same. Thank you in advance and apologies for such a long thread!
  2. Hi Needing some advice and guidance, will keep this to the point and hopefully someone can help, It was a 40th treat for myself which makes it even worse for me. Viewed a vehicle on 04/11/18, at a Lookers dealer in Carlisle, 70+ miles from our home address, Paid full screen price, £12,500, paid £8000 on debit card and £4500 on finance, asked for a few cosmetic repair's to carried out as well as serviced, mot'd and fully valeted. Got train back to dealer on 17/11/18 with wife and kids to collect vehicle, only thing was it hadn't been cleaned at all well apart from that happy with vehicle and service received. Drove home, on returning home (82miles covered) not even 3 hours into ownership the vehicle has smoking badly from under the vehicle, the transfer box on the transmission had been leaking all over the exhaust and underside of vehicle causing the burning smell and smoke when arriving home. So at this time on a Saturday night the dealership was closed so emailed the salesman. The workshop manager contacted us Monday to arrange vehicle collection as they wanted the option to repair the vehicle at the purchasing dealership (which turned into a joke), the vehicle was collected on a trailer (20/11/18) and took back to Carlisle. The oil leak was rectified and the vehicle returned to my place of work on 23/11/18. I took delivery of the vehicle as the leak seemed to be rectified, when I left for work I tested the 4wd system which displayed a fault, contacted the general manager as it had been passed to him to deal with and verbally agreed he knew the 4wd was working prior to repair as he drove the vehicle when it was traded in, as I also knew it was working as I tested it before purchase. He contacted me to let me know he had booked it into the Lookers Ford dealer nearer to my home, great, dropped it Monday 26/11/18 to be inspected Tuesday, this didn't happen, the inspection took place on Wednesday, they condemned the transfer box, the General manager from Carlisle contacted me to state a new one would be fitted and he had authorised the repairs. Collect the vehicle 03/12/18 far dirtier than when I dropped it off and to discover a second-hand unit had been fitted not new, which has now shown a fault 1 day after the replacement transfer box. I'm at the end of my tether. Now this is where my problem starts...…. and for my post needing help!! (sorry for the long post) I don't think for one second they will challenge my rejection as he has already made this a evident to me over the phone. We have been more than reasonable and in turn they have been fine with us. But.. Its a 63 reg vehicle and only had 44K miles recorded and had a very high spec. if I'm just to simply take my money back and finance cancelled there is not another vehicle on the market to replace this one for the same value, some are £2000 plus more, I may be being stupid but I don't see why I should now be without a vehicle because of Lookers incompetence or having to be another £2k plus deeper into a vehicle. Not including all the cost to collect the vehicle etc. Is there any advice on how to progress with this? I want the vehicle that was described to me at initial purchase, however I have lost all faith in the one I have. Are they obliged to find me one either from group stock or from an alternative source? and if they are and it is at a higher price - do I have any rights with them to ask them to price match for the one I bought? I don't see why I should be out of pocket and back to square one, after viewing a few vehicles before purchasing this one. Thanks
  3. Hi all...some advice needed. I originally put a ppi claim in against barclaycard in 2011 using a claims company which after about 2yrs was rejected. Fast forward to 2016 and I received a letter from barclaycard stating they were reopening my case. They asked me to go online to their site and reapply.. Which I did with no reply. I went back online last week and reapplied again. Received letter Monday saying they were sorry that I had to reapply online again and they would look into it straightaway. Received letter today rejecting my claim as the policy started in 1996 and ended in 2001 and seeing as I applied by post they didn't give me any advice on it. I made my own decision whether I required the the policy and could have benefited from this. Has anyone had any success after receiving one of these letters from barclaycard and if so what should I do now... Oh and they state I carnt make a plevin claim as the policy Was signed for before April 2007 but closed before 2008
  4. Hello Everyone In essence. I bought a car, pre-registered by a franchised dealer though with delivery mileage and so considered a used-approved car by them. The cost was £70000 The car developed a transmission whine within the the first 35 miles or so. Dealer asked me to keep using the car a wee while longer and 'drive-it-in', though they booked in the car for 2 weeks or so hence. This I did for close to the two weeks then the car needed recovering as it had broken down (loose HT Lead they said) There kept the car to investigate the whining. And provided me with different loan cars then finally a car identical to mine and yes...with the same problem but way worse! They invited me to drive other cars of the same year and model..new ones from the forecourt. these too made the same sound! They fobbed me off with it being a 'feature of the car'...feature it may be but its a whine that exists when the car is in gear and at certain speeds and not at all when allowed to free-wheel Car was investigated using diagnostics provided by the manufacturer and this took...14 weeks. the car was then returned to the manufacturer for further investigation. after 2 more weeks I decided to reject the car. Its been too long and Im in limbo No faith in the brand nor its customer services. I invoked my short-term right to reject, as the clock 'stops' once the car is returned to the dealership There have been many discussions with the dealership. they aren't keen on emails nor recording what is said, nor referring to my emails in written replies. I have asked for my money back or reasons wy they aren't paying. And that I will not be taking any further calls...email only The dealer has now stated that they have not accepted my rejection. That I must 'work with them' ..that old reply...Ive maintained the same stance of rejection and the reasons why, and used their own warranty guarantee...which is really a copy and paste of Consumer Act . If they don't accept it...it ant happen!! Any members here with a dynamic way to punch through their nonsense?? Oh..the car, is miraculousl now cured...with a clip apparently...its an issue which dogs hundreds of these cars..its on many forums. Im a consumer champion!!,,,no... Seems Im just being 'picky' haha
  5. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-5653351/Computers-decide-PPI-victims-payout-explosive-documents-show.html
  6. My wife and I bought a new Marquis Majestic 185 a month ago via the NEC show for £49,995 trading in another van. We were told to pick the new 185 at the Ipswich branch Before we could get it from there, a problem with a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) controlling heating and water occurred we were told We live 70 miles from Ipswich and had to delay picking it up by 4 hours, we were informed the PCB had been fixed when we took possession of the van. We drove it home with no issues. The next day we began our first trip to Lytham in Lancashire, but there were a large number of problems. Within 20 miles the habitation door would not close (a temporary repair was done at a garage on route), the PCB problem reappeared, so we had no hot water, the bathroom door would not shut, the toilet locker door would not shut securely, the tyre pressure warning lights came on the dashboard several times despite inflating the tyres and remained on. The alarm went off several times randomly, whether we were in or outside the vehicle, a hose hanging under the rear of the vehicle was touching the ground and some white tape under the rear of the vehicle was dragging along the ground. As we were near, Marquis Preston agreed to try to fix the bathroom door (failed after ten minutes driving) and the alarm - failed within the day. Under the 2015 Consumer Rights Act we have indicated to Marquis in writing that we want to reject the vehicle (can be done within 30 days of purchase) and either have a refund or a replacement vehicle. Marquis After Care Manager is saying 'No' to either of these. The Legal Helpline at one motorhome club indicates we are completely within our rights to reject under the 2015 Act. As Marquis are 'playing hardball' (to quote the legal helpline), we are planning Legal Action. Any thoughts on this plan of action or alternatives would be very welcome and greatly appreciated. Anyone else experienced this type of problem with Marquis (or other dealers)?
  7. Hi guys, I'm new here but would like some advice on a car rejection. I have been having an on going issue with my Renault Clio. Purchased from A renault dealership. The car has numerous faults. Sensor light for my tyres, Check Vehicle light, Check Stop Start notification, DAB radio doesn't work. I have taken it in to be fixed. They didn't fix a single issue and played it off as if they weren't there. I have images and audio files and documentation proof of everything that has happened. I emailed them saying that I have given you a chance to fix the problems with the car and this was not even attempted. I want to reject the vehicle because i'm within that period. This was the last email response I got back from them in the quotes "Your finance company contacted my head office, I supplied them with the same information that I had sent to you. You cannot reject but if there are still issues with the vehicle we will need to book you into our workshop." The car has been in there once and i've conversed with trading standards, my finance company and renault customer compaints. Can they flat out say they aren't rejecting the car, I didn't think the Consumer rights act worked like that. Thank you for reading that and I hope to hear some advice! Frustrated Renault driver.
  8. Hi guys, good morning I have a lease car and got a parking ticket which I promptly appealed, I never heard anything back from the council. It was only until the lease company send me an invoice for £295 that i realised something is wrong and i took this up with the council directly to find out why they never send me the rejection notice. The lease company have paid the council. They replied saying that rejection notice was sent back to them as "returned mail", this is impossible as I get all types of letters come through and even various from the same council. Aside to the obvious of me arguing that I never received the letter, what grounds of arguments do I have? I suspect the council will say they will not refund just on that account. Your advice is appreciated, Many thanks Mehdi
  9. Hi All I bought a 2nd hand Nissan X trail on 13th January from a local dealership. On 6th February I reported to the dealer that the car was making a loud noise from under the bonnet and that the engine management light had come on. We agreed to send it to my local Nissan dealership for them to run a diagnostic check. They diagnosed the fault code as an EGR fault and said that the noise could be coming from a worn turbo. They advised replacing the turbo and intercooler. After speaking with the dealership I bought the car from, I returned the car to them to investigate and they diagnosed a worn turbo which they took over 2 weeks to replace. They acknowledged the EGR fault, but did nothing to rectify it as the engine management light had gone out. Upon receiving the car following the new turbo, the noise was still there. I reported this again only to be told its to be expected with a car of this age and mileage. Over the past 3 weeks the noise has gotten worse and the engine management light has come on again. I have had 2 garages look at the car for me in the last few days and both say that the gear box is shot and that the EGR fault is still there and the EGR valve needs replacing. I have written to the dealership rejecting the car under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but after speaking to them this afternoon I fear that they are just going to ignore me and try to fob me off. He is all ready talking about trying again to fix it. Do I have to accept this? or is there anything I can do to force the refund?
  10. Hello, Main details summarised for easy viewing: Issue: Car is in limp mode with a check DPF light showing, Main issue is that car does not automatically regenerate, this happened on the same day I bought the car on my drive from Manchester to the Scottish Borders. Honda diagnostics find no fault codes. DPF has been replaced, issue still exists. Car has had 3 diagnostic appointments (2 via Honda), none find fault codes. Car has had 2 manual regenerations, one worked and within a month was back in limp mode. Car purchased on - 07/07/2016 Issue first presented - 07/07/2016 Issue first reported - 08/07/2016 (by email and phone to dealership) First intent to reject - 06/01/2017 (by email to dealership) Rejection raised with finance company - 10/01/2017 Car purchased for ~ £7,500 What I've done so far: Raised the issue to the dealership from the day after I found the fault. Have it in writing that they will commit to sorting this issue beyond the 3 month warranty. After a lack of communication from the dealership, refusal to pay for some of the diagnostics and refusal to accept rejection of the car, I contacted my finance company (as they still own the car). What has happened since purchase / complaint: Took the car to Honda to get diagnostics and regeneration, which did fix the issue for around 1 month. I raised the issue with the dealership again 29/08/2016, noting that this issue was present again. The dealership asked me to take it to a local dealer (not Honda) to get diagnostics. All local dealerships said they could not carry out the diagnostics and it would have to be Honda. The dealership did not agree to this then cut communication. I have email chases from myself asking for a response. It took until 26/09/2016 with constant phoning before they spoke to me again. The response reads: "Should they (Honda) find any underlying issue as to why the car is not regenerating itself, then we can address that, possibly with a local VAT registered garage, if that is the case, should the fault fall within items covered under warranty Dace Motor Company will cover the cost of repair within the terms of the warranty, even if the repair takes place outside of your warranty expiry date." Diagnostics were carried out 04/10/2016 and found no fault. Honda suggested replacing the DPF. After speaking with Dace, they told me I had to price getting this done. I did this and got no reply. I then emailed on 23/11/2016 stating: "I've tried calling you several times now and have had no reply from you despite you telling me you would get back to me weeks ago and reception informing me you would phone back when I've called in." I only received a response via phone at the start of December stating that Dace had found a much cheaper alternative and wanted to send a DPF to a local garage for them to fit. I was reluctant to do so, but this was the only option offered. The work was carried out 20/12/2016. Replacement of the DPF did not fix the issue, the light was still on and the car still in 'limp' mode. I was advised by the garage that the DPF may auto-regenerate after driving for a bit and clear this fault. After several attempts at this under the recommended Honda guidelines for DPF regeneration, the problem still remained. The garage then performed a manual regeneration to see if they could clear the fault and were unable to. Further diagnostics were done and again, no fault found. I emailed and called several times again before getting to speak to someone, I requested that the dealership take responsibility for the car and repairs, noting if they did not I'd be looking at getting the car rejected / refunded. Their response was that this would not happen, and that I should take the car again to Honda for diagnostics, but that I should pay for it. I emailed again 09/01/2017 refusing to pay for diagnostics, and again asking them to do so. They replied saying they would pay for the diagnostics but only if there was a fault code relating to the DPF. They also noted that if there was not a fault code for the DPF they would not pay for the diagnostics or any subsequent repairs as it would be something new that has happened to the car and is now outside my warranty. At this point I immediately filed a rejection request with my finance company, who suggested I take it for diagnostics and they would pay if Dace wouldn't. They don't seem to want to help, and keep bringing up reasons that I shouldn't reject the car. Their latest correspondence notes I only had 30 days to reject the car and I've only raised it with them after 7 months. Sorry for the length of this and if I missed anything, I tried to be thorough. I just don't know what to do now. I figured the finance company would help me with this process but it doesn't feel that way. Apart from going down the legal route, I'm not sure what I should and shouldn't do. Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thanks
  11. Hi, I have had a POPLA PCN Smart Parking appeal rejected and would like any advice on what may happen now. Details My wife was driving my car, parked at Matalan and paid £1 for the correct amount of time. No overstay. Only thing was she put in the car reg of her own car, not mine. When she realised this she tried to contact them to get it changed, but she couldn't get through on the day and on the Monday she was told she'd have to appeal the PCN. (Yes, she should have bought another ticket at the time but it didn't cross her mind and thought it would be an easy thing to rectify.) Appeal We appealed, they said no sorry, it was your responsibility to put in car reg. We went to POPLA, but they rejected appeal with the same conclusion. Question Now what? Will Smart Parking ask for the money again? Does anyone know how likely Smart Parking will take me to court if we don't pay? If they notify me of a court case can I pay at that time if I don't want further hassle? If I go to court and lose, would this be a CCJ against me? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi all, I'll get straight into it. I bought an Approved Used Audi S3 (2015) from Watford Audi on 29/11/17. Car was listed for £24K, I paid a £500 deposit which included the £350 GAP Insurance. I was also intending to drop a £3,000 Deposit on my first monthly outgoing, bringing the payment down from £457.66 to £378.92. I SPECIFICALLY asked the dealer I was assigned if the car was standard as the exhaust sounded very sporty, I thought it possibly could've been a sports exhaust. He assured me the car was STANDARD. I go ahead with the sale on a 49 Month PCP with Blackhorse Finance. Not but 3 weeks later, I am pulled over to the side of the road by a Police Officer who claims my car is excessively loud and urges me to get the vehicle independantly checked. I get the car checked & what is brought to my attention? A centre silencer box has been REMOVED and a straight piece of pipe welded in its place. NOT STANDARD. This classifies the vehicle as "not as described" under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, classing it as unsatisfactory. With this information, I write up a Rejection letter for both Audi Watford & Blackhorse Finance. On 27/12/17 I personally hand the letter to the Sales Manager at Audi, with my partner recording the entire event for proof of delivery. The manager comes off as very apologetic and says he will need a day or so to process through the request and get back to me. A couple of other Sales Associates at Audi get in touch with me via phone so they can arrange for the car to be brought in for inspection. The car is picked up, inspected & delivered back to me with the outcome being that there is in fact a NON-STANDARD modification to my apparently "standard" Audi. Being the New Year, it takes up until Today 02/01/18 for Stephen to get back to me & deliver me the news that at this current moment in time they are "refusing" to accept my rejection of said vehicle. He states that as the problem is not a performance enhancement nor causes any catastrophic failure to the vehicle, it is "fit for purpose" and the rejection won't be happening. I state that I am well within my rights to a rejection as the request for rejection was given to him within 30 days (with proof) which means I have a Short Term Right To Reject within 30 days of purchase, according to The Consumer Rights Act 2015. He explained to me that the current plan is to go ahead with a repair/compensation style of agreement, to which I refuse to accept & state that I am within my rights to refuse this offer and receive a full refund. As it stands now, Stephen has told me that he will need another day or so to take it up with his management to try and source my preferred outcome. Blackhorse Finance know about this situation and they have urged me to try and settle it with the dealer first before they can get involved. What are my options at this stage? To the best of my knowledge I have a right to reject within 30 days as the vehicle is not as described & I am allowed to refuse their offer to replace/repair the car within 30 days and receive a full refund. Help would be greatly appreciated, I smell a court case
  13. Santander have rejected my PPI claim (store card) from 17 years ago on the grounds they believe it was sold in a proper manner (over the phone - which it wasnt - as I signed-up in-store with an agreement the assistant ticked for PPI) and was offered as optional and appropriate for me etc etc - which I absolutely disagree with. I have issued a SAR - but already do have copies of Agreement and statements etc. Unsure of whats best as next move - do I escalate issue with FOS (that I'm not hearing good reports about!) or small claims action? The amount of money involved is probably fairly small (circa £200 in PPI premiums?) Any thoughts appreciated!
  14. We purchased a Vauxhall vivaro swb van on a 64 plate from new on finance from vanarama.co.uk. Since having the van we have had lots of faults with it such as: window seal incorrectly fitted internal lights not fitted correctly faulty air con faulty radio/phone pack (works intermittently) plus many more van was taken back to Vauxhall dealership who fixed all problems under warranty except for the radio/phone pack issue and the air con unit was fixed but only temporarily and is now broken again. We have contacted vanarama and the finance company to reject the vehicle or get it fixed but they have closed the case saying the radio/phone issue is a software problem for which Vauxhall do not have a fix and the dealership won't accept rejection of the van due to its age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help - we are paying for a van that is faulty - we use/or want to use the phone pack as this is a commercial vehicle.
  15. I purchased a used car last week on Monday and realized the car doesn't hold coolant whilst parked on my drive. After contacting the car dealer he offered to topup the coolant which I said I did and didn't work, none was left on the expansion tank after a couple days. Yesterday I sent the letters to reject the car and arranged a transport to take the car tomorrow but the car dealer has told me today he won't take the car back and he won't be responsible for any damages on the car on his site. What can I do..!
  16. Hi there I will try and keep a complicated story simple! I saw a car I was interested in the price was 21k. The car was 9 months old and had done less than 3,000 miles I took a reduced part exchange price for my car under pressure from the pushy salesman to get the deal done - (I would never have taken this price normally)this entailed rolling over 5k of negative equity into the new hire purchase agreement 3 months later a warning light comes on Take it to the garage and there is unrecorded accident damage - after much time and stress and reports my claim to have the car rejected is upheld by the finance company The independent report confirmed the car was not fit for purpose not safe to drive and a fire risk - you can imagine how scary it is that I have been driving around in this car with my family including two young children In any event I come to my question - the finance company has asked me to repay the negative equity I have argued that the agreement between them and I does not make reference to any negative equity - it defines the goods as the car and the cash price for the goods is the total amount including the negative equity - given the circumstances I think they should write it off - I would be grateful for any input - thanks in advance
  17. Hi all. Hoping someone can advise me on what to do for a friend who has had her claim rejected from Santander. I know the claim goes back a while , store card was taken out in 2000 and closed in 2004, and the agreement paperwork is clearly signed by my friend in the ppi section. But my friend explained that at the time in store of selling it was just sign here here and here. Nothing was explained to her at the time and subsequently when she tried to reclaim ppi she got the final response letter stating they had no evidence of miss selling so could not refund. Now at the time of getting the store card with the attched ppi she was unemployed , pregnant and on crutches so in my view the fact that she was unemployed means she should never had been sold ppi in the first place. Would I be correct in this as I am wanting to help her try to fight this case. She did hand it over to a claims company but they could do nothing as she had started the claim herself. Should I try agian and if so what would my best first approach be. Thanks all
  18. Hello, War and piece - if you can't be bothered to read see the last two paragraphs. In June 2015 I bought a brand new Seat Ibiza from a Seat Dealer on PCP Finance (Dealer supplied Finance through VWFS). The main reason - I've always had older cars but I was fed up of the maintenance requirements and the time I had to take out for preventative repairs that older cars require. A new car was going to cost me more money, short term and long term; but the privilege of a new, reliable and care free vehicle outweighed any financial impact. This was clearly outlined to the salesman. Very early on in ownership I started experiencing issues with the car, please find a rough timeline below: 600 miles - Developed a light knocking sound 811 miles - x2 new front droplinks fitted under warranty. 1200 miles - Car started knocking again and suspension became very vocal. 1254 miles - x2 new steering arms fitted under warranty. On the drive home from having the steering arms replaced, The car felt 'off'. The steering wasn't as precise and seemed to tram line depending on the road surface and condition, the knocking had not been fixed. I made a phone call to the dealers expressing my concerns where I was advised to keep driving as the new steering arms will loosen up. 1600 miles - The symptoms were still the same and knocking remained. I rebooked the car in and asked for an inspection and alignment check. 1949 miles - Car was returned to the dealer and A Seat Master Tech test drove/inspected and found no issues, I was assured tracking had been fixed when the steering arms were replaced and had been double checked this time. Car only had a 1.6 mile test drive! 1983 miles - Car went to a local independent, I explained my issues and requested an inspection/second opinion only. Within 5 minutes on a Hunter alignment machine it was noted the front wheels were toe out. The car was not rectified (for the avoidance of doubt the car was untouched mechanically) and I have a print out as evidence of the issue. I was also advised that the suspension top mounts should be checked and is a known TPI on Seat Ibiza's. A detailed complaint was sent to the Dealer Complaint Manager via e-mail; stating I am ready to reject the car if they can't fix it. I was called by the service team asking to bring the car back in 2154 miles - The car was returned to the dealer where I was informed the Dealer does not have tracking equipment so the car was sent to an independent for tracking to be rectified. The car came back with a print out and the rear of the car was out of spec and was left out of spec. No other work was done by the dealer Although the cars steering feels better, the car still overreacts to road surface and has very vocal suspension. A further complaint was put into the Dealer via a reply to a customer satisfaction generic e-mail - I was advised the dealer principle would be in touch No response from the Dealer so I chased my complaint again I spoke to the Dealer Principle via phone call where I advised I have lost confidence in the car, in the dealer being able to rectify the issues and that I want to reject the car. We agreed the best option for all parties involved was to negotiate an amicable solution and get myself out of my current car and into an equivalent replacement - We discussed an equivalent spec Leon FR due to my lost faith in the Seat Ibiza. The Dealer Principle handed over to The Sales Manager and advised I'll receive a phone call with options. I received a phone call from Sales Manager stating he needed to get my Settlement Figure from VWFS before we can continue negotiations and to expect a phone call the following day. I called VWFS myself and obtained a settlement figure of £12,247.79 I failed to receive a phone call the followed day, so I chased The Sales Manager called me the next day and advised he values my car at £9,500 and as a result there is too much negative equity to begin negotiations and there was nothing more the Dealer can do. I advised I'll have to take this further with Seat UK and the Finance Company. Put in a complaint to VWFS and Seat HQ Phone then rang off the hook from the Dealer apologising and offered me deal where they took my current car, settled the finance then started a new agreement on a Leon FR. They planned on using my original £2,000 deposit on the Leon, however the Leon is an unsold but brand new MY15 model (current is MY16) Leon FR - subtle tech changes. I asked for 24 hours to think and was advised sales manager was off the following day but he would hand over to business manager Following day I accept the offer only to be told by the business manager I now need to put in another £2,000 deposit! Long story short - Brand new Seat on PCP finance, started with steering and suspension issues from 6 weeks / 600 miles. Dealers had the car back 4 times and the issue is still apparent. I'm negotiating with the dealer to get me out of this car and into another, but the offer the dealer has given me works out £2,112.81 more expensive, over a longer term for an older MY spec car than if I were to get my £2,000 Deposit back and go into a competitor dealer with a new order. I'd accept the deal without the extra £2,000 deposit and compromise by having the older MY car. But at this stage I feel I just want out. I want to hand the car back, cancel the finance and get my £2,000 deposit back to go elsewhere - I'm not interested in compensation or costs to date, just a clean slate. Help! What do I do and where do I go from here?
  19. If you purchased for instance vehicle prior to the above act being implement and the vehicle required a repair after the Act came into force i.e. December 2015 and the workmanship on the repair was very poor and the fault is still there, are you entitled to request a full refund of the repair within 30 day as it is a new purchase?
  20. Help please. my appeal has been decline as anticipated but i'm unclear as to what happens next. I really didn't see the sign for charges it was pitch black and when I returned to the car within 10 minutes with the change for the machine the attendant wrote the ticket and still issued the charge while I was there - this has been ignored on appeal. They IAS claim state the signs were clear but this is simply not true but will not acknowledge the photo evidence was taken after the ticket was issued - it was one of those situations when I couldn't believe what was happening - they claim I was 5 mins over - I did pay the fee which was £3 on the evening not realising the chap was in the car park - i ran to my car but he carried on anyway. Sorry for rambling, I'm devastated! any advice please?
  21. Argyll

    Loan rejection

    I applied for a loan a few weeks back but was offered the loan at more than double the advertised rate which I rejected. I applied for another one last night which I was instantly rejected. I am confused at this as I have a good credit rating, in full time employment and a homeowner. I've had loans in the past no problem. I've applied for my experian credit report but it hasn't came through yet. However I was wondering if the fact Rossendales Collect (acting as DC) are chasing me for legal aid fees would have something to do with it? I've also received threatograms from DR+ for a parking fine which I refuse to pay (I'm in Scotland) Would Rossendales have entered something on to my credit report?
  22. Long and short - parked on a road with crumbling single yellow line, where I parked was covered over with brambles for approx. 20m with no yellow line showing. Got a PCN, appealed, got NTO, appealed, now have NoRoR. I am confident that my case is a good one, however I have requested a copy of the CEO notes and TO relating to the alleged contravention. The Council have said I will get all that through the tribunal procedure and they are not going to send it to me? can they do that? What if I wanted to consider the documentation prior to appealing?
  23. I recently wrote of to akinika to settle a debt I have with them, I was a little cheeky and asked if they could reduce my debt by 70% (previous debt companies have done this with me in order to settle my account quickly ) instead of paying £212.21 I would pay £65, they sent me a letter back saying this is "not acceptable, however our client would accept £180.37" They have also asked for a breakdown of my income & expenditure which I have typed up for them, after I have paid everything out (rent, council tax, gas electric) I am left with £0 a month. I am currently a full time carer for a parent which I have stated in the letter so for now (due to being made redundant) I am not working and my income is all accounted for. What action can they take now ? I physically have no money to set up monthly payments to them, I am only able to pay the £65 as a family member is willing to pay this for me, but due to them being retired and on state pension they can not afford to give me £180. Can they take me to court ? If so, does the fact that I offered to make a settlement payment count in my favor ? How much should I have offered to pay them ? Any key information that I should add in my income & expenditure letter ? ** This account is for JD Williams for a catalog** Thank you
  24. Hello, I recently bought a 2011 Citreon Berlingo Multispace diesel with 98k on the clock. I paid a deposit on the understanding that the clutch would be fixed. They did fix it and I went to pick up the car a few days later and paid the balance. On the drive home I lost control of the vehicle and had to pull over. I put this down to getting used to the car. As a precaution I put the car in to my garage the following morning. It was found to have play on the steering, shock absorbers at the front were gone, front brake discs excessively worn with 2mm lip and a bald and punctured tyre. I informed the shop that day that I wanted a refund and they told me they don't do refunds. They said I should drive it over to them and they would fix it then decide whether I would be able to have a refund. I have refused to do that. They offered me a car in the interim while they fixed it and said one of their men would drive the car back. I refused that on the grounds that I wasn't sure of the legality of borrowing one of their cars and that the car cannot be driven. They offered to tow it over. I refused as at that point I had firmly decided I did not, at this time, want the car to be repaired as I required it to remain in it's current state so the faults could be proven once they sent someone to inspect it. I have now formally rejected the car on the grounds that it was unroadworthy and unsatisfactory. The garage are refusing the hear my complaint unless I take the car over to them. I cannot do that as it is not fit to be on the road. I have offered for the garage to come to my mechanics garage to view it but they are refusing to do so. I have also offered for them to pay for an independent report so as to prove my case. I have also offered that if the report shows my case to be false and the car is roadworthy I will pay for it. My question is: was I premature in rejecting the car? My argument is: The car is in a poor condition for it's age and is has been sold illegally. These faults were spotted on a simple visual inspection by a qualified mechanic and therefore should have been noticed in the pre-sale checks all garages are obligated to carry out. The garage has told me I will have to take them to court. I have told them I don't want to do that. EDIT: Sorry, didn't say I paid £5450 for the car. £3950 n cash and £1500 for my previous vehicle.
  25. Good morning, I have rejected my new (used) car after less than two weeks of ownership. The dealer has been good about this and accepted this rejection. However, he is refusing to give me my money back until the logbook turns up. Is this acceptable or should I push this? On top of this, because it now won't start, who is responsible for getting it back to the dealer? Me or the Dealer? Paul.
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