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  1. Just by way of a change on this forum I thought it would be fair to point out when a company gets it right. Put in a claim for delayed flights at around 11pm six days post journey and by mid afternoon the next day the airline came back saying they had investigated, the flight was delayed by 3 hours 12 minutes due to operational reasons, this was within their control and considered non-extraordinary circumstances under EU law and they would be paying £440.26 (£220.13 per person) into the bank account of the details you gave within the next 14 days. They've also agreed to an extra £6+ for extra expenses because the vouchers they gave out weren't adequate. This isn't a prestigious airline with expensive ticketing. It's Easyjet and it was a short hop costing approx £60 per ticket. I think they deserve a public pat on the back. Yes, they should all get it right all the time but they don't. This lot did this time.
  2. Evening all, I ordered some equipment from Fitness Superstore, checked both items were in stock (it showed as such on the website but I checked anyway)and there is an email trail showing this. As I was having them install it I had to submit a form which I did and they acknowledged receipt. I had to hasten info on a delivery date but once they had been reminded of my order this was set for next Monday (11th Feb). Yesterday they informed me that the Monday delivery is only for one item and the other will be restocked 'sometime in March but they don't know when'. It could potentially be 7 weeks before it's available again and then there's the wait for installation. A kerbside delivery isn't an option for us with equipment of this size and weight. After some discussion I have today cancelled the whole order. I did use a credit card but I transferred the money to it on the day of the order so I am out of pocket over £3000. I want the refund sooner rather than later. The way this went I've lost all confidence in this company as they don't give a damn and I want my money back so I can go elsewhere. I can email an LBA first thing on Monday and I'd like to give close of business on Friday as a deadline - all they have to do is press buttons to refund my credit card and I know it can be done. Must I give them any longer? I see two weeks quoted on here quite often.
  3. Longer tenancy plans to give renters more security READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/longer-tenancy-plans-to-give-renters-more-security
  4. Hi I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who is at the end of her tether regarding the treatment she is receiving from the local Council. Long story short, she has been placed in temporary accomodation along with her 5 kids aged 2-14, having had to leave the emergency accomodation she was put in after her senile old father threw her and the kids out on the street one night. The house has the bog standard set up of front door, back door from lounge to the garden and a side door. She has only been given keys to the front door meaning she has very difficult access to the garden, but what worries her most is if there was a fire or they had to get out the property quickly the only way out is the front door which wouldn't be much use if that was blocked by a fire. She spoke to a woman at the council this morning who in a nutshell said "oh well we try not to give keys out to the back doors you'll just have to manage and if you had to escape you'd just have to try and get out the window instead"!!!! Surely this can't be right? If she's paying rent to stay in a property surely she has the right to access and exit it through all it doors? Any advice appreciated as they talk to her as though she's some kind of ****** chavvy single Mum which she's far from being. Thanks
  5. My 82 year old mum hasn't been too well recently and her local Nat West Branch has closed down and the new one is a nightmare for parking and she doesn't walk too well. She also got caught out by a phone holiday spoof to the tune of a few hundred quid and became paranoid about the company knowing her account details so we decided that maybe a change to a new bank was a good option. Barclays is my and my sisters bank as well and as difficult as it is to talk about if something happens to mum before it happens to me we theorised that if we are all at the same bank things would be easier to deal with, but it has all become a bit of a disaster!! We had a meeting with an advisor who looked into it and after doing her bit on computer stated that mum qualified for a basic account which would not include an overdraft or the option to loan. To be fair mum has plenty of money in her account and gets very good pension and investment returns so the need for an overdraft or loan is highly unlikely as her balance stays pretty much the same each month and it's far higher than my balance is!!! The one thing the advisor forgot to mention though was that mum wouldn't get a cheque book and I wouldn't have know that anyway being a Barclays Current Account holder since I was in my teens!! This was only brought to our attention over a week later when I rang Barclays to ask because mum mentioned she hadn't received one, which we obviously thought was the norm, but was told that she couldn't get a cheque book for a basic account. We then went back for a meeting because this was baffling. It then became clear that mum had been declined a current account (hence the basic) but the reason for why she has been declined is unclear and apparently the advisors do not get told the reason so obviously the customer cannot argue against it. The advisor to be fair did apologise profusely for not explaining clearly and for forgetting to mention the cheque book and said the reason could be something to do with a credit score. I've however checked mums credit score on Experian and it was 999. She has no debts, mortgage paid off years ago, no loans taken out for years if ever as far as I know, plenty of cash in the account and has never had an issue getting credit cards, of which she pays off in full...… Could this be the problem?! The annoyance is that mum relies on her cheque book and is in a muddle and is having to either get me to send cheques for her or she has to withdraw large amounts of cash. The bank suggested waiting a couple of months and when they have seen how the account is managed and that Barclaycards have been paid off etc then they can reapply for a current account. If it is still declined then the only option is to go back to Nat West who have already said she can have a current account with cheque book like she did before, but it will obviously be a pain switching once again and I suspect all of the Direct Debit companies will be baffled as to what is happening!! Barclays have also made a mess up with statements as well with mum not receiving one statement in the two months since the account opened so I am chasing up that as well mum called Barclays Head Office last week and the guy on the phone couldn't understand why she hadn't been given a cheque book so we will wait and see if he gets any joy, although I would say probably not!!! So any ideas as to why this happens? Especially as I as an 18 years old got a current account without an issue and with probably no job at the time albeit 35 odd years ago!! It seems bizarre especially as they hide the reason. I am wondering in part if it's because she is a retired widow so upon first check they may not have known what monthly income she would be receiving but they would have seen from the account surely? Help massively appreciated.
  6. Hi all. Not been on here for quite a while but I am really stumped with this. Between 1995 and 2000 we had 4 loans from Welcome 3 paid off but one we defaulted on because of all the force tactics and extortionate charges for phone calls and letters I just stopped paying, I know it was wrong but thought " sod them they have had enough from me " I did make a successful claim for PPI and got paid out, great i thought. Just received a letter from them today stating irrecords show that I am due a further refund as the original offer did not fully put me back in the position I would have been in if I had never bought PPI in the first place. I have moved recently but it states " we have previously written to you regarding this with a additional offer of compensation which still remains outstanding". Due to the time that has passed we have recalculated our offer to include additional compensatory interest of 8% per annum and I have enclosed a revised acceptance form for you to sign and return to us. Our additional offer of compensation is ££££££££. It states. " Our offer of redress will expire six month from the date of the letter, once signed and dated payment will be made within 15 working days." They are requesting copied proof of identity, bit suspicious of this as it's from WF and could it be a ploy or [problem] for me to recognise the debt I still owe. Has anyone else had this.
  7. I recently bought (January 18th 2018) an ex display sewing machine for £1499.00 (advertised on their website that ALL of their ex display machines are serviced before going out to customers) first off the lady on the phone told me that they do not post out on Saturdays and it would cost £20 for delivery, as this was on a Thursday I failed to see the relevance. The machine was posted out via courier (Parcel Force) and arrived on January 20th. I set the machine up (Husqvarna Topaz 50) downloaded the complementary software from the Husqvarna site and prepared to sew by connecting the machine to my laptop, there was NO response from the machine, the USB port on the machine was not lightning up. All I could do was sew designs that came pre-programmed with the machine (which defeats the object and pleasure of being able to transfer bought designs) I contacted the shop and the person who answered the phone immediately tried to blame the courier for 'throwing' the machine around, however, she did say that sometimes during transportation that the USB cable can become dislodged from the Motherboard, she made arrangements to have the machine collected, it duly was (January 25th) While I was on the phone with the assistant I asked her for the invoice and serial number of the machine so that I could register it (safeguarding my warranty) she told me I needen't worry as they would be registering the machine on my behalf. It did cause some concern to me (which I tried to get across) but was spoken 'down to and over' All my partner (whose credit card was used to make the payment) had was a till receipt and a Barclaycard statement indicating that a payment had been taken out by the establishment. On January 27th the machine was returned to me, I once again set it up only to discover that the machine would not stay threaded, the top thread kept 'leaping' pout of the take-up lever/rocker arm, sending messages on the screen to clear threads from the embroidery area when there were NO threads present. I phoned the shop (AGAIN) They told me it was 'user-error' from my end and that I MUST have been using 'cheap' threads, the wrong stabilizer, did I 'floss' the machine (flossing: hold the SILK threads in BOTH hands and do a sawing motion through the tension disks)..... As anyone who sews knows that silk is NOT the strongest medium for sewing, it is a soft material only used for decorative sewing. The lady on the phone 'walked me through' a few steps (don't know how she could tell what I was or wasn't doing on the phone.... Immediately after threading and placing my foot on the pedal the thread broke, her remark was....'Hmm, never had one that went THAT quickly) I know, should have recorded phone call. I again phoned on the 29th, they insisted I 'pop' along to the shop and use the machine in front of them to see if I was doing something 'wrong' Now, I told them that it wasn't THAT easy for me to get to them (they are nearly 70 miles away from me) Sn February 2nd I phoned them and told them in no uncertain terms that I DO NOT want the machine and could I have the money credited to my partners credit card, at this time I was speaking to the wife of the owner who told me I was NOT entitled to any sort of refund!! I told my partner who rang them (Feb 2nd) somehow they managed to persuade him to allow them to a SECOND repair.......I categorically told them I did NOT want the machine!! I sent a recorded letter informing them that I am NOT willing to accept something that does not fit the bill of 'in perfect working order' When my partner spoke to them they had agreed to send a courier to collect the machine. I also sent them a video of the machine acting up. I followed up with ANOTHER recorded letter (after taking advice from Which Magazine) legal team, sent a short term right to reject (?) letter.................. The shop owner still ISN'T playing ball, he's still insisting that I 'pop' over and take advantage (only offered after the first letter to him) of their two day 'getting-to-know-your-machine' course. In a letter he sent to me (dated Feb 13th) he said he would be more than happy to prove to me that there was NOTHING wrong with the machine and that I had accepted the machine with a fault (he's admitted that the machine came to me with this fault) he also states that if I no longer want the machine that I should say so in writing and he could sell it on my behalf, but for him doing so it would cost me £100. I have since had another letter from him ( an after thought, I think) letting me know that the machine stitches beautifully and not to forget that I have a five year warranty. He's also sent me an email (dated Feb 28th) in which he's attached 2 PDF documents letting me all about the modifications of the Husqvarna take up lever (2009 and 2011) a link to the 'Buy with confidence website, to which he is a member he states and I quote from his email "They can assist you with any consumer/retailer issues, and we have to abide by their findings, they can also put you in touch with a Trading Standards Officer if needed all at no cost to you". no mention of giving me my refund. in my last recorded letter to him (22nd Feb) I gave him 14 days to refund my money or I will take it to the next level....... . Asking for advice from those in the know on this forum, what is the next step please.
  8. The main chaos was all about the cowboy builder to ask the facilitating payment fraud just after the garden wall he demolished in his plan. Make long story short ( go to the paragraph 14 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claim Case registered in March 2014. * However, Halifax assigned its panel*claims management company (LAS) 7 July 2014 handle my case. * on 7*July 2014 The loss assessors provided by LAS confirmed the two hours*appointment commencing at*4pm,*10 July 2014. * LAS emailed me with offer*£65.01*(they actively*already deducted the excess fee). This amount is very unreasonable, and I had rejected it and made request to fix the damaged. Later on, they made second offer £523.97,*I rejected it again*because I just want the damaged got fixed. * I complained to Halifax about the surveyor*non-professional behaviours because I was been advised this is essential two hours slot appointment, but*he came late nearly*1 hours, and work less than 30 minutes then leave the job without some damaged check such as leaking in shed. * On 12 August 2014, I had contacted Halifax to have follow up my complaint, and requested of another company to have re-assessment, and I had clearly request to fix the damaged by insurance and disagreed LAS suggestion to use the claim case to make a money. I also make encounter offer another £500 back to Halifax to have damaged fixed. (voice recording: Call162644.wav) * I had requested to send me the official letter if they unable to fix, then I can escalate this to ombudsman. I contacted them. However, they had no response and even no setup the complaint. * On 20 Nov 2014, I had contacted Halifax home insurance and insisted insurer to fix it, and disagree their intention to close the case. ** Insurer had closed my case, I complaint they should not close the case without my consent and should not ignored my request to keep it open until getting fix the damaged. * Finally, Halifax appointed the beta-coveXX to do the survey becasue they know they are in wrong position. I had received the email from*Beta-coveXX's Inspection and Claim reported in 25 Jan 2016, and contacted with Beta-coveXX(Mandy) about the details of*repair tasks, and she sent me the three documents which are*authorization Mandate,*Conditions of Work and*Approval Letter Nick on*27 Jan 2016. In 25 Feb 2016, I had returned three documents with signature and*with bank*cheque (22Feb2016-slip.jpg) by post to*Beta-coveXX after all parties*( Halifax/ Beta-coveXX and I) had clarified the work details. I found the cheque bank in at 26 March 2016.* * During the period from January 2016 to February 2016 , I would like emphasis that I decided to give up some tasks such as shed roof felt and its leaking*rather than reach an*impasse that Halifax only*accepted the full wall cover, and the rest of building tasks they had "successfully" avoid responsibility. * In Mid March 2016,*I was given the*Beta-coveXX staff (Pxx) mobile number to find out*when the work schedule commencing. Original work was*scheduled in early May 2016, however Pxx contacted me in late*April 2016*about the brick type issue*which*he cannot source it (this first type was proposed in 21 April 2016 with proposal date), and he requested to have second type of brick option which I had confirmed in 28 April 2016. Therefore, the schedule were finally*postpone to 25*July 2016 ( 5 days work). I had chasing*up him about the work schedule since Mid March 2016. In afternoon of 25 July 2016, after Beta-coveXX staff completed the few hours wall brick demolish, and Pxx asked £160+vat for brick release from sheffield if I want them to continue tomorrow work. I complaint this to halifax and claim team staff had struggled for an hour and finally agreed to pay it. * In 26 July 2016, I found no brick delivery, and no man to resume the work. In 28 July 2016, I contacted Beta-coveXX, they tried to be disappeared. Finally, Halifax transfer my call to talk to them and find out they had not placed the order before 26 July 2016, now told me the delivery will only take few days. Finally, I was been told this is available 9 August 2016, wasting 14 days.* * I had complaint the poor qualities of service provided Beta-coveXX, and cheating behaviour. I also requested*Halifax appoint another company to carry out the job.*Also reported the no wall causing the two*trespassing cases*issue, and requested to have temporarily wall built and cctv. However, Complaint Manager Mxx Wxxx decided to give me £100 but I*made encounter-offer to Halifax £200 (double of their compensation), and at least re-insist the temporarily wall and or cctv. However Mxx Wxxx insisted close my case and ignore my request to keep the case open until the damaged get fix. The same request I had made to Stuart, however he rejected it. * Complaint Manager ( Sxx Rxx) confirmed he*took*the decision from Personal Claim Consultant report to provide the his final decision letter. * Personal Claim Consultant( Dxx Txx) confirmed he took*the survey report from Regent Group to create his report*.* * Regent Group (Rxxx) confirmed he do “NO TEST”. He rejected to accept the £523 pounds to take over the rebuild work, and said non-sense offer. * My original complaint setup is 26 July 2016, which handled by Mxx Wxxx and she insisted to ignore my request to keep the case open and deliberate to close the case. When I complaint this again, Sxx Rxx setup as NEW case for same complaint to take advantage of 8 weeks rule setup and not accept my request to re-open the original case. During Sxx Rxx time off, I was advised to they can do the investigation more than 8 weeks, and I am not allow to put this case further (Ombudsman) until they finished the case. Finally, they took 12 weeks to issue the report to me. In fact, Mxx Wxxx, Sxx Rxx and Dxx Txx they had taken their holiday plan and leave my case aside. * The extra entities and process such as*Personal*Claim*Consultant and Regent Group, which is redundant, and interference the case.* The location of wall is now open, but*I was been*advised*by claim team staff*I have to*accompany*with Personal Consultant and Survey company*(appointed*Regent Group), otherwise dismissed my case. This caused me wasted two half days off. * In 17*Nov 2016,*Jxx from Claim department actively*proposed me to have cash*settlement by using my own*constructor, provided me the website by email**as well*as guide to find the contractors to*fulfil*their*cash settlement request (Voice Recording*from 16:34).*She understood this is difficult to find the contractor in the wintertime, and fully aware it might take 6 months and agreed this can be last to*April 2017 to have solution. * In 21 Nov 2016, *Jxx confirmed only one quotation need*(voice recording from*9:39); She confirmed Halifax cannot provided*a settlement offer even they had*estimate( voice recording from12:55). * In 31 Jan 2017, all in sudden Jxx*can make up a settlement offer and set the offer only 5 days(, then close case at 6 *Feb 2017 if I not responded.*I had responded*to her email sent on 5 Feb 2015*with quotation they requested, which fulfil what she promised in the phone (17 and 21 Nov 2016).However, afterwards Katie( help Jxx) responded she would*close*my case if they had not heard from me next 14 working days.*Next response that is final response from Natasha agreed to follow my decision the case escalate to Financial Ombudsman. The whole case last nearly 3 years.* Ombudsman response, they offered me £19XX + brick delivery is fair. It is usual the Halifax can have better rate from their business parter Beta-coveXX, the total is £39xx is lower than your quotes. Deduct the brick cost which is £18XX, the rest is £19XX...correct. Ombudsman reckoned the delay causing down to me because I had not contacted them for a while. I am going to response to Ombudsman, and request them to have review the document because the investigator have preconceived opinions which caused the ombudsman believe I actively ask for cash settlement, and I had not pay the excess, and delay the case myself. Just before ombudsman write the final decision letter, the investigator still ask me had you paid the excess( your duty)? Can I use the following ground to challenge ombudsman decision? (1)reasonable time to fix? (2)reasonable skill to fix? (3) make up premier brick cost under the business partnership? which is 1.4 times higher than the retails price you can walk-in to pay, and using this cost figure to reduce the amount you can have to fix it yourself. (4)reasonable business behaviour in Halifax to make the different offers for the same wall repairing, in my case, firstly offer me £65, then £523 and now £19xx + brick/block you fix it yourself. (5)reasonable behaviour to force customer to accept the offer otherwise close my case without notification. (6)reasonable to close my case even I had insisted to leave it open everytime they asked? (7)reasonable to sub contract the work to another contractor and this contractor to subcontract again to another one-man band without my consent/ notification? Pxx is not staff of Beta-coveXX, and the man demolished the wall is got the contract from Pxx. What I want it is only Halifax assign the repairing work to another builder to fix it. Much appreciated if you can give me the advice or your point of view. thank you!
  9. i have just been given power of attorney over my father , his grandson is 45 and been living with my father rent free bill free all his life, my father has been in a home for over a year and the grandson has been using my fathers bank card, there is a police investigation due to over 10 thousand pound being stolen from my fathers account the outcome of this investigation is near , but my question is , i have asked the grandson for the spare set of keys for the house as i need access to the house paper work ect but he has refused to hand the keys over to me , i want to do this the correct way , what can i do ?
  10. Did I read tha companies now must offer a email contact address? Some ruling by Ofcom or some similar body. if in the wrong forum please correct thanks
  11. Hi hope you can help A friend of mine works as a seemstress she is Bulgarian & employs a few members of staff to help her in her busy shop. All her employees work as self employed. In October 2015 she employed a woman who doesnt speak English who lives with her daughter who speaks adequate English. My friend asked this person many times to provide her with her tax & NI number so that she could register her for tax. Cut a long story short she refused to give it to her eventually resulting in my friend refusing to pay her the last months wages until she supplied her with the necessary information required. Apparently this women does not want to give her the necessary information because she lives with her daughter who is getting benefits (housing benefit & child benefits) & these benefits will be reduced if the income is declared. Does anyone have any ideas what to do here
  12. Hey everyone, not sure if this is the correct place to post but will give it a try. My Mum and Dad run a family business that I also work at, in September we were working in Blackpool for a couple of days. A few weeks later we received a speeding fine through the post from Cardiff central ticket office. No photo was attached just the notice form. My Mum replied saying yes that was our van reg ect but we wanted to see the photo just to make sure it was us and to identify who as driving at the time (me or my farther) We received a reply saying we must provide details of the two possible drivers but still no photo. My Mum replied with the details of the drivers but stated again without a photo we could not confirm who was driving. Then we received a letter saying we had failed to provide details of the driver and the matter may go to court. My Mum sent a message again saying who the two possible drivers were and to send the photo and we can easily confirm the driver. We heard nothing more until a court notice come through in December with the photo attached. Rang the central ticket office tried to explain what had gone on , but said we should just fill out the court form the court has to deal with it. She said just to put what has happened on the sheet and they will see its a mistake and will return to the ticket office. Now my Mum hasn't kept any of the correspondence with the ticket office as she didn't believe she has done anything wrong, we received a letter from the courts at Cardiff saying we must attend a hearing there on February. Now my questions are Do we have to travel to Cardiff just for the hearing or can we have it changed to our local court. Any one got any ideas how we can defend this as they genuinely didn't send a photo until we received the court papers I sent a sar from the library to the central ticket office to just get the info they hold on my Dad hoping for copies of the letters my Mum sent, they have refused saying we need to prove identification but my dad did sign the form Thanks in advance for any help Jay
  13. Hello, I recently got back from a holiday in Portugal where our flight was delayed by 3 hours going out there. I submitted the claims form and this is the rubbish I get back; Dear XXXXX Flight No. XXXXX Gatwick to Faro 25th June 2017 Further to your claim for delay compensation, we are writing to advise the outcome of our investigation into your case. Monarch Airlines aims as its first priority to provide its passengers with a safe and efficient service. We are sorry for the delay you experienced that has led to your claim for compensation. We would like to reassure you that every reasonable effort is made to ensure that our flights depart on time and in the unlikely event we are unable to do so through disruption, we aim to provide a solution at the earliest opportunity. As previously advised, in some circumstances passengers may be entitled to compensation for delay arising from such disruption under European Union laws. However, any monetary payments are subject to certain criteria being satisfied. Under these laws where the disruption is caused by an ‘extraordinary circumstance’ which the airline was reasonably unable to prevent, the carrier is not obliged to pay compensation. The Civil Aviation Authority and European National Enforcement Bodies have published guidelines regarding what can and cannot be considered as extraordinary circumstances and we base our decision on these guidelines. Our records show that due to high winds three of our aircraft were unable to return from Spain and were forced to remain overnight in Arrecife on 24th June. As a consequence of these aircraft being unavailable for their planned flights as a result of the weather, there was severe disruption across the entire flying programme. This led to a number of flights being cancelled leaving many passengers unable to travel to their intended destinations. However, and in order to avoid cancelling your flight, our operations team were able to implement changes to the flying programme and utilise our standby aircraft. Unfortunately and despite our best efforts this did lead to the unavoidable delay to the departure of your flight. Having considered the factual background of this case in accordance with the published guidelines and applicable case law, we are satisfied that the disruption was caused by an extraordinary circumstance that could not have reasonably been prevented by Monarch Airlines. We are, therefore, unable to accept your claim for compensation for the reasons given. All flight delays are fully documented in accordance with the requirements of our regulator and the relevant legislation in place. Please note that this documentation cannot be disclosed to passengers nonetheless we actively supply this to the Civil Aviation Authority and National Enforcement Bodies upon request. Yours sincerely XXXX XXXXX EU Claims Advisor Monarch I find this unacceptable as the delay was caused by flights the day before! Also if it was caused 24 hours before they had ample time to inform us. This also lead to us missing the first day of our villa as we didn't arrive until the early hours of the 26th June. I would appreciate your input on this and advice as to whether I am being unreasonable and I am not entitled to compensation. Or the best way to proceed in getting compensation that might be due. Kind Regards, tissot
  14. I have just been trying to track a chap down for a hour or so. Not really what i was expecting to do on a Sunday evening. To have a chat.But although i can find some info on this man in a couple of countries,personal contact seems difficult.. Really i was trying to check out a story i had read about him. Enough time now spent searching i will let you read the story. And maybe it will give you a little taster of the sheer amount of predators out there trying to extract money from you and your communities in any way possible. The loan danger- SUN INVESTIGATION: We confront the sharks selling personal details of vulnerable payday loan applicants VULNERABLE payday loan applicants have been bombarded with hundreds of calls and fleeced of more cash after their personal details were stolen and sold to sharks. The illegal trade of huge amounts of private data held at Indian call centres has been uncovered by a Sun probe.The link http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6698034/Hell-to-pay-Private-data-held-in-call-centres-in-India.html Listened to the video a couple of times now and it makes me want to ask him why.Part of this sentence just changed.I do not like to attack people personally. Makes me want to take the tyres of his Mercedes away. Sorry i do not usually get so angry.After all many of us over the last few years have seen many things connected to the problems out there with Payday Loans and Payday Loan Brokers and general debt. I see many now getting money back from the Payday Lenders with charges etc. And a few we have helped getting money back from the Payday Loan Brokers and their clear mischievous actions in extracting money from people at vulnerable times. So now it is time to tackle these Brokers and make them pay back going back years. Feel the ones that have got paid back so far are really just the tip of a iceberg problem going back many years. The guy is that crooked he must have to screw himself to his bed to sleep straight at night. I feel you know what i mean. Really dislike giving this man any kind of publicity but feel it is best for a warning to others to somehow protect your Data. How,well that i cannot answer personally.Perhaps someone can. For now i will calm down a touch and leave you with some info on payday loan brokers who have caused plenty of trouble as we have seen on the forums. Credit Brokers and Payday Loans If you are looking for a payday loan, using a credit broker to find one could cost you money in unnecessary fees. This page tells you more about what you should think about before you use a credit broker to find a payday loan. https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/credit-brokers-and-payday-loans 2ND night running i have missed Strictly Dancing,when will it end. Bye for now enjoy your evening what is left of it. Tawnyowl.
  15. Hi, I need your advice I parked on a street where nobody shows the timer this is on disabled and non-disabled cars, I parked in a disabled slot and placed my blue badge, when I came back 20mins later from a dental appointment I was given a notice, I have only had a blue badge a few months CODE 40 "Parked in a designated disabled persons parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled persons badge" The images shown on the enforcement site showed 2 images taken at an angle so you could not see the dashboard or badge. I questioned this with photo evidence they came back and said it was for not showing the timer, I questioned again that the notice said nothing about a timer. They sent back more images showing the blue badge they had there was no mention of this in the first reply from them. Where do I stand on this? Does anybody know what the codes are for the parking notices, and is there one for not showing the timer? your help appreciated
  16. Has the UK got the continuing-violations doctrine in its Laws. I was under probation with a company and I raised H & S issues. A lot of documented bullying occurred. My employment was later terminated and the director cited the contract I signed in which they have the right to terminate my contract without reason. Much later after the expiration of the time limit for the Tribunal I made a Subject Access Request. I discovered that my line manager has been telling lies about me all this time. And these are lies that are easily disputable (Like I was found sleeping while on that day I was over a 100miles away on training). In a personal review list done six months after I left the manager still wrote down a lot of easily disputable lies. Now if the UK has a continuing-violations doctrine or something similar, I will still be in time to take the case to the Tribunal. Please I would be grateful for any advice. Regards
  17. I need to serve a section 8 notice, I'm on the premises & can open the door to allow them to serve the tenants notice. The residence is a private residential address. I'm already staying on the premises, & I can open the door from the inside, & allow the bailiff in to serve notice. Is this legal? The tricky part is, I dont have a tenancy agreement to prove I live on the property, but I can prove I'm the landlord. & the tenants still have a tenancy contract AST on the property. Basically can the tenants claim forced entry, or something, if I allow a bailiff entry to serve notice?
  18. Hello, War and piece - if you can't be bothered to read see the last two paragraphs. In June 2015 I bought a brand new Seat Ibiza from a Seat Dealer on PCP Finance (Dealer supplied Finance through VWFS). The main reason - I've always had older cars but I was fed up of the maintenance requirements and the time I had to take out for preventative repairs that older cars require. A new car was going to cost me more money, short term and long term; but the privilege of a new, reliable and care free vehicle outweighed any financial impact. This was clearly outlined to the salesman. Very early on in ownership I started experiencing issues with the car, please find a rough timeline below: 600 miles - Developed a light knocking sound 811 miles - x2 new front droplinks fitted under warranty. 1200 miles - Car started knocking again and suspension became very vocal. 1254 miles - x2 new steering arms fitted under warranty. On the drive home from having the steering arms replaced, The car felt 'off'. The steering wasn't as precise and seemed to tram line depending on the road surface and condition, the knocking had not been fixed. I made a phone call to the dealers expressing my concerns where I was advised to keep driving as the new steering arms will loosen up. 1600 miles - The symptoms were still the same and knocking remained. I rebooked the car in and asked for an inspection and alignment check. 1949 miles - Car was returned to the dealer and A Seat Master Tech test drove/inspected and found no issues, I was assured tracking had been fixed when the steering arms were replaced and had been double checked this time. Car only had a 1.6 mile test drive! 1983 miles - Car went to a local independent, I explained my issues and requested an inspection/second opinion only. Within 5 minutes on a Hunter alignment machine it was noted the front wheels were toe out. The car was not rectified (for the avoidance of doubt the car was untouched mechanically) and I have a print out as evidence of the issue. I was also advised that the suspension top mounts should be checked and is a known TPI on Seat Ibiza's. A detailed complaint was sent to the Dealer Complaint Manager via e-mail; stating I am ready to reject the car if they can't fix it. I was called by the service team asking to bring the car back in 2154 miles - The car was returned to the dealer where I was informed the Dealer does not have tracking equipment so the car was sent to an independent for tracking to be rectified. The car came back with a print out and the rear of the car was out of spec and was left out of spec. No other work was done by the dealer Although the cars steering feels better, the car still overreacts to road surface and has very vocal suspension. A further complaint was put into the Dealer via a reply to a customer satisfaction generic e-mail - I was advised the dealer principle would be in touch No response from the Dealer so I chased my complaint again I spoke to the Dealer Principle via phone call where I advised I have lost confidence in the car, in the dealer being able to rectify the issues and that I want to reject the car. We agreed the best option for all parties involved was to negotiate an amicable solution and get myself out of my current car and into an equivalent replacement - We discussed an equivalent spec Leon FR due to my lost faith in the Seat Ibiza. The Dealer Principle handed over to The Sales Manager and advised I'll receive a phone call with options. I received a phone call from Sales Manager stating he needed to get my Settlement Figure from VWFS before we can continue negotiations and to expect a phone call the following day. I called VWFS myself and obtained a settlement figure of £12,247.79 I failed to receive a phone call the followed day, so I chased The Sales Manager called me the next day and advised he values my car at £9,500 and as a result there is too much negative equity to begin negotiations and there was nothing more the Dealer can do. I advised I'll have to take this further with Seat UK and the Finance Company. Put in a complaint to VWFS and Seat HQ Phone then rang off the hook from the Dealer apologising and offered me deal where they took my current car, settled the finance then started a new agreement on a Leon FR. They planned on using my original £2,000 deposit on the Leon, however the Leon is an unsold but brand new MY15 model (current is MY16) Leon FR - subtle tech changes. I asked for 24 hours to think and was advised sales manager was off the following day but he would hand over to business manager Following day I accept the offer only to be told by the business manager I now need to put in another £2,000 deposit! Long story short - Brand new Seat on PCP finance, started with steering and suspension issues from 6 weeks / 600 miles. Dealers had the car back 4 times and the issue is still apparent. I'm negotiating with the dealer to get me out of this car and into another, but the offer the dealer has given me works out £2,112.81 more expensive, over a longer term for an older MY spec car than if I were to get my £2,000 Deposit back and go into a competitor dealer with a new order. I'd accept the deal without the extra £2,000 deposit and compromise by having the older MY car. But at this stage I feel I just want out. I want to hand the car back, cancel the finance and get my £2,000 deposit back to go elsewhere - I'm not interested in compensation or costs to date, just a clean slate. Help! What do I do and where do I go from here?
  19. Hi, this is my first post on the site and I hope someone can help. I am self-employed, based at home and have 2 Limited companies (1 active and 1 dormant). Business has been very difficult over the last couple of years and cash flow has been a major problem. On the 9th July a high court writ was issued against my dormant business for £1,717.66 and Court Enforcement Services Limited were given the job of enforcement but I did not receive any Notice of Enforcement from them. On the 1 Aug, 2 enforcement officers came to my home (where the dormant business is registered) and said they were High Court Bailiffs and had come to seize goods. I asked to see the writ but they only very briefly showed my an Ipad type device but wouldn't let me examine it. They then just brushed passed me and entered my home through a patio door. I informed them that I had not received any notification which they just dismissed out of hand and said that we were now at stage 2 anyway. I told them I didn't know what they were talking about and needed to see the proper documentation. I asked what the amount owing was and they told me £3,399. I told them that the business was dormant and had no assets and they said that they would take whatever they wanted from the property and began collecting my laptop and printer. I told them that those items did not belong to the dormant company but I was told I had to prove it. I began finding proof for them and I also told them that removing any other items was going to affect my ability to work and run my active business. They ignored this. Having proved I owned the items I was asked if I was refusing to pay which I said I wasn't refusing to pay I just needed some time to get the money. I was told I needed to pay immediatley or other goods would be removed. They threatened to remove a horse transport lorry whose value is far in excess of the amount owed. I was able to prove that that vehicle was on a HP agreement. They also threatened to remove horses from our field. I had to repeatedly ask to see paper copy of the writ and they eventually went to their van and printed one. That is when I saw that the original amount was only £1717.66 and I asked why they were demanding so much more. They said it was down to the fees that had been added. I asked for a breakdown of their fees and they said they would provide that later but said that because I wasn't going to pay we were now at stage 3. I told them I still didn't know what they were talking about but they didn't explain. I had also been telling them that I could pay because I was owed money through my active business and the payments were due to go into my account at any time (I even had remittance advice notes from companies making payments but they were not interested). They repeatedly threatend to remove goods and apply more fees unless I paid immediately and they then began going round the whole of my house (kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, childrens rooms etc.) looking for things to remove, I told them I needed some time to make some calls and get the money, which I did. Luckily I was able to get someone to pay me straight away and once I had received the money in my account I paid the enforcement officers by debit card. They wrote me a receipt but failed to give me a breakdown of the fees. I asked for one but they claimed they couldn't get an internet signal to print it from their van. They said they would email it to me but I didn't get an email from them either. I emailed their office the next day and they provided this breakdown: Dear Sirs With reference to your email dated 2 August, please see below a breakdown in this matter as requested: Writ amount: £1,717.66 Interest on writ amount (@8%) from date of writ to date of payment: £9.46 Compliance Fee: £90.00 Enforcement Stage 1 Fee: £228.00 7.5% Fee of amount over £1,000.00: £65.41 Enforcement Stage 2 Fee: £594.00 Sale of Disposal Fee: £630.00 7.5% Fee of amount over £1,000.00: £65.03 Totals: £3,399.56 The above fees are inclusive of VAT at 20% They also added: "There is no requirement to actually remove goods for the Sale or Disposal fee and 7.5% fee to be applicable, the commencement of the process is sufficient for the application of the sale or disposal stage fee." Having done some reading and trying to check the facts I think they have charged too much because this was their first visit and full payment was made, no initial Notice of Enforcement was received, they failed to give proper notice of moving to the next fee stage, no 'Notice After Entry' form was given, nothing was itemised or removed, no control of goods notice was written up or issued. They also knew the exact total figure (Including the fees) shortly after entering the premises. They provided no explanation of that, or their fees and no explanation of my options/consequences etc. They were just very high pressure and applied more pressure whenever I asked a question. I am going to make a complaint to them because I believe they have charged too much and I think I should be refunded some the fees. I accept that they attended my property so up to level 1 Attendance on the fees scale is correct but above that I think is incorrect. Can anyone with knowledge in this matter please advise me? Sorry if my post is too long but I wanted to give as much info as possible. Any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  20. Just some advice needed here, I know ideally I should ask my sister to come here and make the post. A car in a Salisbury's car park was reversing and almost knocked someone over, before hitting the front of my sisters car. The person then refused to give any details and drove off. My sister has pictures of the woman and her car, and has got her reg number. It has been reported to the police as a hit and run. The damage is a split front bumper on my sisters car. Nothing too major. The advice I am looking for is will this affect her premiums if she made a claim though the insurance of the other car (using askmid.com)? I know she needs to inform her own insurance company, but that shouldn't affect her making a claim should it? Thanks
  21. Really need some advice here....I'll try to keep this as short as possible. Friday (8/4/2016) I parked on a public road near a dog park. I'm in the park and next thing I know I see someone clamping my car. After speaking to the enforcement agent (he worked for Marston Holdings) he told me that there was a warrant out for an outstanding debt which I had not paid. He looked it up and apparently someone driving my car had committed an offence on the 21st September 2015, I had been contacted to provide the driver details and had not responded so the case went to court and I was charged with failure to provide driver details to the court (HMCTS London NW). He showed me all of this on an iPad but could not tell me what the original offence was. He then said it was late (it was around 4pm on a Friday) and the office would be closed so I would have to wait until Monday to find out what the original infraction was. The unusual thing however was that on the enforcement details/warrant they had my father's information (we have the same name but it was his DOB and NI number) and he passed away in 2012! The other problem was that I moved house in 2013 and did not tell DVLA hence why I didn't see any of the letters I assume they sent to me at my old address. the overall fee was at £1400 (£961 was the original debt, £235 enforcement stage, £75 compliance stage and another £110 for the tow truck). I waited until the last minute to see if this was all legit but the tow truck came and I ended up paying the full amount I'm not sure exactly how to proceed.... I am thinking to contact Marston Holdings and ask to be sent a copy of the warrant, find out what my initial offence was and ask to see evidence of that and proceed from there. Has anyone been in a similar situation or know what I should do here? can I get my money back? Any help/replies are kindly appreciated.
  22. Today I received a court summons for failing to identify the driver from a speeding ticket I received at work in last august. The problem is, at the time I was technically homeless (sleeping on friends/family's sofas) but using my dad's address so missed the first letters. Then I found a room to rent last September, changed the address on my driving licence and receive the letter, which I filled in and sent off just before Christmas so I thought it was done. Now I have a court summons for failing to identify the driver. Twice I have admitted I was the driver. Once when they sent the form to my work place and once when they sent it to my address. Now I've had to move out of the room I was renting because my landlord wanted the room back, but my licence is still on that address What should I do? I don't want to plead guilty to something I haven't done. Any advice
  23. More of a rant, the new manager I have always asks for the reasons why I want to book a day or half day off. It's not in a friendly "oh doing something nice?" way, its more of a "You should never take days off, you can do those things at the weekend" kind of way. Requested a half day for Thursday, got an instant response of "Why?". So I just said "Personal reasons". Does anyone else get this too? /rant Edit: one other thing, I once took a couple of hours off to leave early, thinking it wouldn't be a problem since I work late occasionally and do the odd weekend. He later put it down as a half day off. I reminded him it was a couple of hours, so technically 1/4 day off, he said tough, the system only does increments of half day. argh!
  24. Hi All. Thanks for the add to the forum. I realise the forum is littered with Stemologica threads, but I feel each case is individual so would appreciate help. I 'fell' for the free trial thing back in June and unfortunately got stung for £97.95 back in June. After a very distressed call to them, they agreed to refund my money if I returned the products within the 14 days, got proof of posting blah blah blah I did all of this. Emailed them the tracking numbers and awaited my refund....and waited...and waited... 6 months later, 6 fretful phone calls later they tell me they can no longer give me a refund and can offer me 'free of charge' some creams! Free of charge even though they have effectively stolen £97.95 of my money! After my call this morning I was left aghast at how these people operate! The can 'no longer' give me my money??? What the hell??? I have now spoken to Citizens Advice Consumer helpline who suggested I send an email accusing them of breach of contract. In the mean time I receive this email from Stemologica: "Dear ***** , Thank you for your proof of postage. Indeed, you appear to have returned the goods as per our instructions, and in principle, would qualify for a full refund. However, since the payment processor your transaction went through no longer accepts credit cards of the type you registered with to initially order, we will be unable to refund you, unfortunately. We could, however, as a means of compensation, send you the identical product, completely free-of-charge. You will receive one Stemologica for free and one Beautemer for free. Please let us know how you wish to proceed. Kind regards" So basically they have admitted that they owe me money but 'can't give it to me! Its almost laughable isnt it? In the mean time I have called Barclays who within hours have refunded me the money AND compensation for the stress its caused. Incredible! Stemologica have already replied to my email accusing them of breach of contract with this..... "Dear ***** , Thank you for your proof of postage. Indeed, you appear to have returned the goods as per our instructions, and in principle, would qualify for a full refund. However, since the payment processor your transaction went through no longer accepts credit cards of the type you registered with to initially order, we will be unable to refund you, unfortunately. We could, however, as a means of compensation, send you the identical product, completely free-of-charge. You will receive one Stemologica for free and one Beautemer for free. Please let us know how you wish to proceed. Kind regards" YES! The same original email despite me threatening them with Trading Standards and the e-fraud Team. What next? Its no longer about the money...its the principle of the matter. They have my money, and no doubt hundreds of others who can't find a voice to speak up! :mad2:
  25. My Wife has made a claim for PPI against Lloyds for some loans several years ago. Main points being it was never fully explained to her and was told she needed to take this out for her to be given the loan. She also had a separate critical illness policy, entitled to 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay from her employer, she also is entitled to death in service payment etc. None of these were used of her. She made a claim a few weeks ago and received a letter today saying they are not currently in a position to provide her with a final response in relation to her complaint. The FCA has indicated it will implement additional rules and guidance for firms on how they should access certain categories of complaints where the level of commission on the PPI policy was not disclosed. I understand that your complaint is likely to fall within one of those categories. they are saying they want to wait until this comes out before making a final decision and this should be towards the end of 2016. They say based on the information currently available to them they do not believe your PPI policy was misold. However when the FCA release further guidance they will consider the complaint again. Has anyone else received this from Lloyds or any other lenders?
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