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  1. OFCOM have today released a press notice fining Vodafone £4.6m. How long have we been complaining about this on CAG and only now do they accept they did wrong. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37772118
  2. I just need some advice and help in what to do to trace this miss sold PPI in 2001. I bought a car from Northampton Car Shop end of 2001. I have some record of paperwork with an agreement number. I was paying First National Motors PLC a direct debit – their letterhead states First National Motor PLC is an Abbey National Group Company. Abbey National Group Company rebranded itself as ABBEY and then it was taken over by Santander UK plc. I bought the car for £6000 and ended up paying just over £8500 with added PPI. Every month I paid a direct debit via my bank to First National motors PLC via the third party agreement (The Car Shop). The Payments with PPI added was so high and I was struggling to make monthly payment I ended up getting a further loan from my Halifax bank to pay the car off. I paid the total amount off in 2004 with interest and PPI. What I have done so far: 1. I contacted the car shop complaints department and they said they are not responsible even though they sold the car and they have no records that way back and i needed to contact First National Motors PLC who I made payments to which was then First National Motors PLC. 2. I could not contact first national motors as they were taken over by Santander in 2004. 3. I then wrote to Santander and they wrote back to me stating they are not responsible and I should contact who ever sold the PPI (Third Party car shop) and this was their final response. 4. I then wrote to the FSA who was as much help as a chocolate tea pot and spent nearly two years trying to find out details with nothing. I do not know what investigations they made as they wrote back they could not find who is responsible. I am still confused who is the person I need to be contacting to get my money back. It seems to me everyone is fobbing me off so that I would disappear. Who do I send a SAR or CCA to please ? OR do re-open the case with FSA all again .
  3. We recently made an PPI Claim against Halifax. and we got a letter back from them saying that my wife hasn't had any dealings with them no mortgages or loans. when she had a mortgage with them and PPI and also badly advised on a endowment policy. unfortunately we do not know the policy numbers and don't know how to find them anyone help with this please??? these started in the 1980's
  4. I have been trying without success to challenge a Lloyd's bank default from 2010. After 2 years of letters Lloyds have finally replied and told me they didn't actually send me a default notice but its all ok as they sent a solicitors letter instead . This seems off to me and i smell a large rat They also sent me a cheque for £50 as a gesture of goodwill !! Any advice on the next steps ? The debt is fully repaid and just trying to clear my CRA file thanks
  5. Hi All. Thanks for the add to the forum. I realise the forum is littered with Stemologica threads, but I feel each case is individual so would appreciate help. I 'fell' for the free trial thing back in June and unfortunately got stung for £97.95 back in June. After a very distressed call to them, they agreed to refund my money if I returned the products within the 14 days, got proof of posting blah blah blah I did all of this. Emailed them the tracking numbers and awaited my refund....and waited...and waited... 6 months later, 6 fretful phone calls later they tell me they can no longer give me a refund and can offer me 'free of charge' some creams! Free of charge even though they have effectively stolen £97.95 of my money! After my call this morning I was left aghast at how these people operate! The can 'no longer' give me my money??? What the hell??? I have now spoken to Citizens Advice Consumer helpline who suggested I send an email accusing them of breach of contract. In the mean time I receive this email from Stemologica: "Dear ***** , Thank you for your proof of postage. Indeed, you appear to have returned the goods as per our instructions, and in principle, would qualify for a full refund. However, since the payment processor your transaction went through no longer accepts credit cards of the type you registered with to initially order, we will be unable to refund you, unfortunately. We could, however, as a means of compensation, send you the identical product, completely free-of-charge. You will receive one Stemologica for free and one Beautemer for free. Please let us know how you wish to proceed. Kind regards" So basically they have admitted that they owe me money but 'can't give it to me! Its almost laughable isnt it? In the mean time I have called Barclays who within hours have refunded me the money AND compensation for the stress its caused. Incredible! Stemologica have already replied to my email accusing them of breach of contract with this..... "Dear ***** , Thank you for your proof of postage. Indeed, you appear to have returned the goods as per our instructions, and in principle, would qualify for a full refund. However, since the payment processor your transaction went through no longer accepts credit cards of the type you registered with to initially order, we will be unable to refund you, unfortunately. We could, however, as a means of compensation, send you the identical product, completely free-of-charge. You will receive one Stemologica for free and one Beautemer for free. Please let us know how you wish to proceed. Kind regards" YES! The same original email despite me threatening them with Trading Standards and the e-fraud Team. What next? Its no longer about the money...its the principle of the matter. They have my money, and no doubt hundreds of others who can't find a voice to speak up! :mad2:
  6. Hi It seems that Cabot Finnace has brought both mine and my wifes credit card debts from Lloyds, they have not provided a CCA in the 12 +2 days. What do I do next?
  7. Hi I know it's Christmas but really hope someone can help me out urgently, I've had a claim through from cabot financial with 'right hassle' acting on their behalf for a very old Egg account. I submitted the AOS now need to put together a defence in the next 2-3 days and submit by thursday next week (i think that's the deadline having used the 33 day from service calc). Claim details/points Claimant - CABOT FINANCIAL (UK) LIMITED Address for docs & payments - WRIGHT HASSALL LLP Date of issue – 24/11/14 POC - POC ATTACHED but I can type this out if need be. [ATTACH=CONFIG]54992[/ATTACH] - Not sure if important but POC seems to include a mistake or two: using # symbols instead of £, also they quote a #19,***.** balance for the debt (far in excess of the c14K at close of account!?) and then go on to ask for interest of exactly the same total: "The Claimant therefore claims the sum of #19,***.** interest under s89 County Courts Act 1984 and costs." surely this is wrong and a basis to defend/strike out? Claim Value - ALMOST £20,000 Original Creditor - EGG (Card Account closed 2006) Type of Account - CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT Agreement entered pre-2007? - Yes 2004 Account assigned by Debt Purchaser? - Yes, by CABOT (bought from Egg 2009) Notice of Assignment? NOT SURE if I have a properly worded NOA: - had a letter from EGG (OC) late 2009 stating "We hereby give notice of the transfer of the debt due to us by you.. ..On XXX 2009 your account was sold to Cabot Financial.. .Any further communications and payments must therefore be addressed to Cabot...etc." -had a "Welcome to Cabot" letter stating similar (is that acceptable as an NOA) Default Notice from the original creditor? - YES 2006 but not sure if correct Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? - YES BUT NOT EVERY YEAR (not in 2011 & 2012) Why did you cease payments? - BUSINESS IN TROUBLE SO SEVERE FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES What was the date of your last payment? - to the OC May/June 2006 (can check exact date if needed) - to the DCA not sure either late 2008 or very early 2009 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Possibly - PPI charged when not asked for, this was refunded (2004) but can I use this? - CCA request to ARC in early 2009 recorded post, responded with a copy of a signed Egg Agreement but not the entire terms, very brief 2 pages - pretty sure I wrote back "account in dispute" as requested docs not supplied but what if I can't find letter/postal proof? Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? YES, I wrote to them saying that I had severe financial issues asking for account to be put on hold, that I had been in touch with National Debtline (gave them the ref number) and had been making recent smaller payments, They wrote back saying no can do. PPI - as mentioned above never requested/applied for but charged at the start of the account, I lodged a complaint and was refunded the 2 charges. Interest - The interest has been accruing since the account moved on and has grown from c£14k to almost £20k, surely this is wrong when there are no details as to how they have come by an interest rate, what terms do they rely on etc? Can anyone help me out with some advice please, am I on the right track with some of my thoughts above? Most urgently I'm not sure if i should send any further CCA requests to Cabot or WH or even Egg? Too late for a CPR31.14? If i can get the letters into the post tomorrow morning they will reach the DCA/OC by Monday morning recorded delivery which gives almost a week - but I need to send them by 12pm tomorrow so if anyone is out there please advise. Many thanks. GF2k
  8. My mother is a pensioner her last years insurance direct debits for her house insurance were taken out of her bank account by a company called mypremiumcredit Her renewal came through 2 weeks ago and last week my mum received a letter from mypremiumcredit stating the company dont have her bank details on file in order to commence the direct debits for the new insurance cover (when she had cover the previous year with them already!) and if my mum does not pay within 2 weeks she will have to cough up the full amount which is almost £250 in one go!. They have also sent my mum a default letter - my mum is stressed out by the default when it is not even her own fault - she's never missed a direct debit with this company I rang the mypremiumcredit asking them why have they sent a default letter, the advisor said it their fault for not having my mums bank details on file, i replied the bank details have never changed, so why the default letter, the advisor said the default letter is a 'generic' letter thats sent out and it wont effect my mums credit rating - my mum is stressed out and worried - that the company even before her new renewal commences which is next week has alread received a default letter! What action can my mum take, where does she stand and can this complaint be pushed all the way to the Financial Ombusman?
  9. Hi, I'm posting on behalf of my sister. A few weeks ago she was parked in a supermarket carpark and was just about to open the door to exit. She had the door already ajar, while she gathered her handbag etc, before opening the door any further she looked over her shoulder and a car swung in wide into her space (at speed) and caught the side of her door (see picture attached). The chap at first admitted liability and apologised. Luckily my sister had the common sense to look otherwise she could of easily had her leg crushed. What we thought would be a open and shut case has now been going on for 3 months. My sisters insurance company are next to useless and keep saying she should claim on her policy and claim back later. My sister refused to do this. She said she wanted to claim direct from the third parties insurance. Today she receives an email stating the other party will not admit liability and she is liable for the full repair. We have supplied a number of pictures which clearly shows the point of impact, however the third party are now saying she swung her door open. I believe the pictures shows this is not the case as the damage would be on the inside of the door. We are now thinking about claiming via the small claims, would this be a route to follow?, perhaps this would persuade the other party to admit liability? She has legal cover, this hasn't been any use what so ever so far. Can anyone help with suggestions?
  10. My daughter has been plauge for 2 years now over a bill they said she owed . They have now addmitted that she did not need to fill out a self assesment as she was on paye, But say that she will still have to pay the £1000 fine even though she did not have to fill one out in the first place , This is sheer maddness can someone tell us where or who we can get involved to sort the mess out. 2 years of stress is taking it's toll Please help.
  11. Hi I had an issue, see previous thread, locked due to comments made by other members. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?434113-Incorrect-CT-Liability-Order-and-Bailiffs-Forced-to-Pay-it-by-Police(1-Viewing)-nbsp I had an issue where council generated incorrect Liability Order stating I owed this much when I did not, it has took months and months, almost 10 in fact and they finally only 2 weeks ago stated they made a mistake and it would be resolved. Its all in the other thread. Here lies my update. After receiving my new Genuine Revised Council Tax bill on Friday morning amended to show the exact dates I actually lived in the property, actually what my outstanding balance was (stated genuine purely as someone on the other thread said I probably made bill on computer), this now differs somewhat to the liability Order they raised some time back after telling them it was wrong. Basically my question for this is what can I do with regards the Order that was raised incorrectly, even when they knew it was? Obviously if i get a bill saying I owe this much, I will pay, but when you get a balance that is somewhat higher I will not pay it regardless, especially when they refuse to amend it for whatever reason. My main pressing concern is where someone said Bailiff who entered my property aided by Police acted Lawfully. He stated he was informed by Council on Friday to proceed with order and collect Full amount Outstanding. Didn't show me proof, didn't show me ID, obviously didn't comply, called police and wasnt instructed by anyone. Police arrived, basically made me pay exactly what he was asking for without any proof from him, just a slip of paper with 4 lines and total balance. If i didn't pay, take a car not belonging to us (bill of sale in partners name only) or my Business Assets failure to comply would result would be arrested for breach of peace. So had no option but to pay leaving me with hardly anything left. Today I get informed after numerous calls over 5 hours that Council gave no instructions at all to bailiff company and that pending action wasn't being taken at present due to known error that had occurred which by this call had been rectified. So basically bailiff tried to come into property on a blatant lie, having police aide him in his so called lawful duty as they put it. Now I have email today from council telling me that it has been sorted, how much is actually owed etc, also confirming that they didn't instruct any bailiff action and that as of 1st September as per received letter it was still on hold until further notice So bailiff now definitely acted on his own accord with no instructions, lied to police who they based on his lie, aided him in forcing me to pay money I didn't have to or else I faced possibly arrest. Basically if you read thread most is on there, just now can clarify that monies was owed, but left on my account to pay was £73 for the year. Council apologised and said they will speak to Bailiff Company as they don't understand why he did this but all they could do is get them to refund the difference between the original debt on Liability Order and the Correct amount they revised it. Unfortunately their Fees are not our responsibility that goes to the bailiff so other than that that's all we can do but at least its sorted now and balance cleared and then obviously asked if I was now willing to pay outstanding for this years as refused to pay it from June when they were reluctant to fix their mistake. I did query why I had 2 council bill accounts instead of just amending address change on other one but said human error and its just one of those black friday cases that happens once in a while but not to worry as I have paid the balance at least. I have already raised formal police complaint based on they actions of the Police Officers but also wondering if I have grounds for reporting a crime. The bailiff acted on his own authority and I was subject to intimidation by police and in some case blackmail in that if I didn't pay what he wanted regardless of whether right or wrong I could face possible arrest. Also council state under no circumstances can an Order be revoked they can amend amount but it was still be enforceable. This should never of gotten to this stage in first place as they were told back in December, January and February that it was wrong and their notes on their system clarify my concerns but it was never actioned. Who is right and who is wrong in all of this? Is liability Order correct and still valid? Can I not have back Bailiff £310 Fee? Was it theft? What ground if any are there towards Council, Bailiffs etc for all of this situation? Note bank were no help and said can only do a chargeback(as some stated is option) once transaction is authorised and not still at pending and that may not constitute one, also fraud said no as I handed over my debit card regardless of circumstances. I have had to keep my little one off school today due to all this hassle, and the ordeal has left my partner physically sick with whole ordeal and situation and I cant drive and cant afford taxi fares and this took more pressing matter to resolve. Only thing been told so far is complain for maladministration on behalf of council and bailiffs action as for council to pick up on as they are their agents? What does this achieve in mean time?? I for one now have to try and sort out my p***ed off landlord who expected this today and who i cant tell exactly when will get rent! Feel like phoning police and reporting it as crime as to me in some instances i believe it is
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2745571/Shaming-bully-banks-We-DID-intimidate-customers-fake-debt-collection-letters-admit-bosses.html
  13. Had an Argos card in 2005, This received today after sending statute barred letter. Dear NM We acknowledge that the account is statute barred and so governed by the Limitation Act 1980. Under the OFT guidelines it is accepted that legally the debt still exists but that the collection of these debts must in no way be contrary to section 40(1) of the Administration of Justice Act 1970. Whilst we don't consider our actions have breached any law or regulatory guideline, your account has been withdrawn from our regular collections process. If you have any queries call one of our customer advisors. Oh how that must hurt
  14. Last week I ordered a delivery of kiln dried logs in a 2m crate enclosed by plastic sheeting to keep dry. Delivery driver delivered next day but due to his incompetence dropped the whole lot on bonnet of my car!! Contacted relevant insurance companies and the car was deemed to be a right off without even looking at the damage via pics etc. Salvage company collected the car last tuesday and my insurance company told me to send the log book off to the DVLA with salvage details. I have just had a phone call from a repair shop saying that they were called in to assess the damage as the car was a higher value than first thought and maybe repaired, but they can't look at it until sometime next week. I have been without the car for over a week now and and could be a lot longer. I feel as through no fault of my own I have been left without a vehicle and not received the goods that I ordered as the logs were no longer dry and were not covered until I managed to get enough plastic to do so myself. Is there anything else I can do apart from wait . Thanks
  15. Don't want to say who yet, but a DCA has been pestering me about an account that the last payment date was 23rd August 2005. Confirmed by the statements they've sent me recently. So can somebody confirm that as i've not paid or acknowledged the debt since then that I can send the stat barred letter on Tuesday. Although i've not moved the OC decided to start writing to me at a relatives address, those letters were returned, then they sold it to a dca who kept writing to the same address all were returned unopened. Early this year they wrote to me at the correct address, I sent the prove it letter. They replied with statements and an application form with no prescribed terms so I said get me an enforceable agreement or get lost! Had a few grovelling letters eg pay 30%. All replies to them have been marked "I do not acknowledge any debt to your company or any company you claim to represent" Also contains PPI and Penalty charges, although not enough to settle the alleged debt. So should I post the letter monday or leave it till Tuesday? Thanks for your help. Jon
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