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  1. Hi, looking for advice I've discovered this forum. Apologies for long post...... Two weeks ago I was involved in a car accident on a roundabout. I was on my way home after picking my children up from school. I approached in the right hand lane, this lane leads to either the middle lane or the right hand lane of the roundabout. The lane markings on this major roundabout are clearly marked. I travel this route 2 to 3 times a day and as usual went to the middle lane. There were numerous cars on either side of me as we went over the motorway. After the next exit my lane becomes the left hand outside lane - and the roundabout exit lane to the motorway. A white car on my right started to indicate then immediately pulled into my lane, there was a sudden bang and the force of the impact knocked my car from the lane. There was damage to the side of my car – driver’s door and side wing, and side trim hanging off. The third party didn’t get out of their vehicle. As I was about to go speak to her, she made no acknowledgement and drove away through the traffic lights - from the left hand outside lane, which is the exit lane only to the motorway, and back around the roundabout to the right. The side trim of my car was hanging off and scraping on the road but as I had not even had the opportunity to obtain the third party’s vehicle registration number I had no option but to go after her through red traffic lights. She had then gone through a further set of traffic lights. I caught up with her and signalled to pull over. The driver stated she hadn’t left the scene of the incident (despite driving away not knowing whether or not my car was even driveable, had made no acknowledgement to me, driven through two sets of traffic lights before I was able to catch up to her). As she hadn’t stopped at the scene I called the Police as I had concerns whether she would provide the correct details under the circumstances. I was given an incident number. The third party apologised, said she believed the right hand lane she was in merged into the lane I was in. Why did she indicate if these lanes ‘merge’. There was absolutely no reason for her to change lanes, as both lanes lead to the same exit. I told her to go and check the lanes and she would find the lanes do not merge. Third party car had damage to front nearside wing. Can clearly see damage to my car is caused by the front wheel of the third party vehicle from the large round black rubber mark. This shows the third party’s wheels were turned towards my vehicle. This was 100% not my fault and I have told my insurance company I will not accept any liability for this incident. The problem is the third party has the same insurance company, at first they seemed helpful and reassuring but the last few times I’ve called for an update they seem to have a different attitude - where’s the proof she went into my lane, where’s the proof she drove away? Apparently the third party has not yet responded. The insurance company has suggested it would go split liability if it comes down to my word against hers without any cctv or witnesses. Hopefully the third party will be honest about what happened. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Hi guys, Google has brought me here as it appears a few of you have had similar issues to the one I'm having. Car crashed into back of mine while I was stopped at lights, guy accepted responsibility and his insurer contacted me to arrange repairs (Well, actually their repairer contacted me, I never once heard from the insurer as I recall) They also arranged a replacement vehicle for me which I assumed to be a courtesy car but in fact, as I now know, turned out to be a credit hire. I'm now getting solicitors letters because the insurer is now refusing to pay out for the car and I, like a few others here, have been asked to provide bank statements and credit card bills to aid recovery of the money. I'm confused how this is anything to do with me bearing in mind I had no involement in any of the arrangements and as far as I'm aware, sued the services approved by their insurer. P.S. I've spoken to my insurance who gave me a big "Not my problem"
  3. Hi all, Apologies if this post is in the wrong forum, had a look and wasn't sure where to put it. Back in 2015 I obtained a referral to a specialist consultant for a health issue via my health insurer Pru/Vitality. I was issued with a claim number, claim was allowed, saw the consultant and that was that. I had previously seen him under the same process. In 2016 I started to get letters from the consultant's office demanding payment for my 2015 visit. I explained that I had a valid claim via my insurer and told them to take it up with them. A few months later, same thing. In Jan 2017 I had enough, so I called the consultant's office and explained that it is between them and Pru - not me. They claimed that Pru had no record of the claim. In the interim Pru changed to a new claim system, so my claim was under the old system. I explained this to the consultant's office person and they came back saying that Pru won't pay their invoice, as they only receive via email within a certain period of time after vist etc. In other words, it sounds like they filed their invoice too late and Pru aren't paying out. I also called Pru to complain of this hassle, and they basically said the same thing, however the consultant's office won't stop hassling me for payment. How on earth can I get them to stop and leave me alone? This is clearly an issue between them and the consultant, not me!
  4. Hi, My car has been hit by another driver. There is no dispute, and other driver has take responsibility. There are damages to my exhaust system and local garage has estimated costs for £894 in total (parts, labour, VAT). Tesco (who is culprit's insurer) offered me £750 because of corrosion prints, but denied to tell if this will cover costs of genuine exhaust + hangers fixing and if parts are new or used. Important thing here are, that in my opinion there is no corrosion, car passed MOT without any advisories in November, as well as genuine exhaust system has chrome tail pipes whilst non genuine hasn't. This is my first claim in UK, so could anyone please advise what should I do?
  5. Car impounded due to car insurer’s failure to transfer no claims bonus to new policy which led to the cancellation of my insurance policy. My car was impounded by the Police this week, the reason, the insurer said they sent letters out asking for evidence of my no claims bonus and because they did not receive the evidence, my car insurance was cancelled. I was not notified that my policy had been cancelled and did not receive any letters I have been with the same insurance company for over 25 years and they hold all the information about my no claims bonus electronically My quote was completed by telephone and the manager confirmed that the agent instructed that my no claims bonus be transferred to my new policy; this was not transferred I was left stranded 40 miles from home. Cautioned by the Police, advised to pay £150 plus £20 for each day my car is impounded; that I could get six points on my licence and a fine of £300. My car could be sold or scrapped if I do not collect it within 7 days. Can I appeal against this and what action can I take against the insurance company?
  6. Good afternoon, I have recently found my original finance agreement from Welcome Finance in 2007, for which I believe I was mis-sold shortfall insurance on the agreement. I was told by the salesman that if i did not take the shortfall insurance, then i would not be provided with finance. I had no idea it was optional until recently. I have contacted the FSCS in relation to starting a claim as per the Welcome website, I have the original credit agreement however, I have no details as to who the shortfall insurance was through as a) I was not given any documentation by Welcome other than the credit agreement and b) I never had to make a claim. I cannot contact Welcome as they are no more and want to have as much information as possible for the claim. Naively, I thought it was via Welcome Finance but it appears that was just the credit agreement. Can anyone assist with identifying who the shortfall insurance was through? the date i tool the policy out was April 2007. Any help appreciated
  7. I am currently in a similar situation and wondered if you can give me a bit of advice. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?472364-Advice-needed-Claims-management-company-court-case&p=5087639#post5087639 Like you i accepted a hire vehicle after a non fault accident and told auxillis/principia that i was not in a financial position to pay for a hire car myself upfront. I don't consider myself to be in a financial position despite savings accounts, as the savings are for a purpose and i didn't think that it was reasonable for me to go into my savings to foot the bill for a hire car, with no idea what the cost would be/when i would be reimbursed. Principia are still having issues claiming back the hire car charges from the defendants insurers and i am at the stage where i need to provide bank statements. If you don't mind me asking, how has it gone for you in terms of having savings in the bank? I can justify the reasons why i have sums of money in various bank accounts (saving for a wedding etc), but do they take this on board when you submit all of your financial details to them? Any advice is much appreciated as i am stressed the death!!
  8. Hello all. I am helping my dad with a car insurance claim. I've never claimed anything on insurance before so am new to the process. I hope you can help. The general advice is, that when your car is a written off, as is the case here, the insurers will try to low ball you on the first offer and you should reject it. Some background on the incident is that my dad parked his car on a hill, some time later something failed and the car rolled, writing his and another vehicle off. I have researched the car and it's difficult to tell whether the offer is low based on second hand car listings on ebay and autotrader. They have offered £750 minus excess of £100. Some similar cars are on sale for double that, others have sold for around the same. Obviously condition and other factors aren't going to be identical between the cars on sale and my dad's car. Should I just go ahead and settle on the offer, or would I be a fool to? I appreciate any advice, thanks for reading.
  9. A lady reversed into my parked car causing considerable damage to front bumper & near side wing. She apologized at the scene which a witness overheard. I went through my own insurer who put me in touch of Accident Management Company. My car was deemed a CAT C total loss. The accident report was submitted to the 3rd party insurance who 1 month later are unable to get in touch with their client. I am left with out a car or without liability being admitted. Where does that leave me ?? I was insured 3rd party fire & theft so my insurer has told me to contact accident management company, who in turn tell me they have nothing to do with it now as no hire car was given due to total loss. Please help I want to settle this asap because im buggered without a car
  10. Hi, I bought my parents a UK coach holiday and, as they're both pensioners, travel insurance which included cancellation cover as both have had illness in the past. Unfortunately, a direct family member became ill a week before they were due to travel and they decided to cancel the holiday and visit her instead. The family member sadly passed away 2 weeks later. The insurer sent out claim forms, these were completed and returned along with a death certificate which was required. Last week, the insurer wrote back requesting additional evidence for the deceased, namely the completion by the deceased's GP of a long winded complicated medical form? The cost of which, needless to say we have to pay. Is this fairly standard? Or, is it a ruse by the insurer to find a way to avoid paying the claim? If it was either of my parents that became ill, I could understand a medical form being required, but for a family member?? Thanks for your help, any advice would be appreciated.
  11. I was involved in an accident two months ago, I was the passenger in my car but was not the driver. The other party admitted full liability and the police are taking action against him. I suffered injuries for which I am still receiving treatment. My car which was only 6 months old would not start at the scene, the insurer arranged for its removal by recovery services and told us since the air bags had been deployed the car was likely a right off. I believed this was to be the case. It is a very long story but at no point did the insurance company contact me in the aftermath other than to offer me money for injuries. I eventually discovered by default that my car had been taken to the third party insurers approved repairers. I withheld consent for them to undertake repairs. My model specific finance company said they were not approved repairers and wanted the car taken to a model specific repair centre, I insisted this happen and was refused.. I have discovered there was a repair limit to my car which the insurers repairer has come in at just under the threshold. I am convinced if my car had gone to the repairer of my choice it would have been written off. At every opportunity I have withheld consent in writing and verbally to both parties. It now appears that on taking my car to the dealer to have the ECU system cleared they have picked up that the seat belts were broken in the accident and need replacing, this is despite the fact that the repairer insisted my car repairs were complete. I dread to think what might have happened. It has now been two months and my car has still not been sorted. The insurer offered an engineers report, however after speaking to the engineer it appears they cannot definitely say whether there has been any structural damage without stripping the car back which they cannot do now that repairs have been done. The work undertaken only carries a 12 month warranty and is not transferable, thereby affecting residual values. To be frank its a mess and is really affecting my recovery. What are my rights? I have no faith in the repairer and do not want my car back. I am convinced that had I been allowed to use the repairer of my choice the car would have been a cat d or c write off. It also now seems the repairer did not have the necessary equipment to properly assess my car, if they had the fault codes for the seat belts would have been apparent.
  12. INSURANE COMPANY Refusing to provide any details of a claimant on my policy Refusing to provide the same to police obstructing an investigation Refusing to provide the same to allow customer to obtain quotes from other insurers Increasing a premium by 30% when renewal notice states the driver has passed their driving test but they list them as a Provisional Licence in error. My daughter needs urgent advice, she was involved in a very minor accident 10 months ago, a driver was indicating to turn right on a very wide main road, and traffic was flowing on the inside, just as she approached without any warning he swerved to the left blocking her path, she assumed he had changed his mind and was going to park on the left so she changed course at the last moment to pass him on the outside, keeping to her side of the road, however, what he was doing was attempting a complete u-turn causing my daughter to hit him, it was unavoidable, no indication and short notice. The man was quiet intimidating, my daughter has never been in an accident before so was very shocked and upset, he demanded she sign a piece of paper admitting liability saying the damage was £1000, she refused but gave him her full details, she phoned her mother who was close by, she arrived and the other driver left swiftly without providing any details at all, we didn’t even have his registration in all the confusion. My daughter reported the accident to her insurers straight away but due to shock and being upset she did not give a complete accurate account, she said she was not sure who was at fault as she has never been in an accident before, just he pulled across her path, he then said he indicated left and she just said yes, when in fact she meant right. My daughter reported the accident to the police and they advised the other driver had already committed an offence by not providing his details at the scene, they said should he make a claim your insurer will have his details so can you pass them to police to be investigated, they said if he was driving illegally it would be a win situation for her. We heard no more from my insurer for some time, then a letter saying on the evidence they have they will have to admit liability unless any further evidence comes within 14 days. I sent several URGENT emails to the insurer asking then NOT to settle that the police wanted to investigate him and can we have all the details, all emails to several department were ignored, I tried phoning being on hold for 27 minutes until my battery went dead. I sent another email setting all this out, it was then taken up as a complaint of poor service and we were given £40. I managed to get them on the telephone and they said they had to admit 3rd party liability, they said it had nothing to do with the police and they were not allowed to provide and details to me or the police due to the Data Protection Act, I passed this information to the police, we heard no more from anyone and assumed the claim had been withdrawn. My daughter has now received her Insurance Renewal Notice and has lost her 2 years NCB, costing her several hundred pounds more, she paid for her own repairs to avoid losing her NCB, she noticed there were some errors on it, it said Provisional Licence, under it stated date passed driving test which was wrong it was 6 month earlier. I advised my daughter I would make a formal complaint on her behalf to the insurers; however, she would need to phone them to make sure she has insurance in the meantime and point out the errors in case it reduced the premium, I advised not to go into the complaint as they would not be in a position to resolve it. My daughter phoned them today, said she wanted to pay on instalments instead of yearly, and pointed out she had passed her driving test 6 months prior to the date stated and made it clear she had a full driving licence for over 2 years, so not provisional, they said they would need to recalculate the premium and it came out £300 more, my daughter said that was crazy you are already insuring me as driving with a full licence so what’s the difference now, and I have lost my NCB due to them not investigating her accident, she asked for details of the claim, my daughter said we had already drafted a formal complaint so best deal with it that way. The insurer insisted she wanted to look into the problem, however, we went around in circles and she only repeated what had been said before regarding the DPA; I took over the call and asked how is my daughter able to get a quote from another insurer if you are refusing to provide any details of her claim? All she kept saying was I know where you are coming from, and I can look into it for you, I said you cant if you wont release the details, I said we were getting no where and wanted to end the call. Within minutes she was back on the phone to me saying she had spoke to claims and they have said its NOT settled yet (some 10 months on) and it may be joint liability, I asked why it had taken so long and why have we not been informed, she said something about emails were not coming to us, I said you have 2 email address for us and a postal address, its unacceptable, the lady was insistent I speak with claims now as they might have the answers, when I said ok, she said but they will only talk to your daughter not you. They would know from the very first call (recorded) after the accident they could run circles around my daughter and put words in her mouth, I said NO, please ask claims to put everything in writing and we will respond after seeking advice, she refused to do this and virtually begged me to let my daughter to talk to the claims department, I said we must at this stage have it in writing, if it was a simple matter why is it still ongoing after 10 months. My daughter will have no insurance in 2 days. Can an insurance company operate in this fashion; they must owe their customers a duty of care, and allow them to get quotes from other companies. Any advice will be greatly appreciated Bernie
  13. Hello. A got car insuance through a broker called Adrian Flux. They sent through details of the insurer which is Trinity Lane. They’ve sent me through the paperwork and I was looking through it and in the Trinity Lane documentation it says this. We are authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority under the Insurance Business Act 1998 to carry on the business of general motor and accident classes of insurance. So basically I don’t know if this is OK or if I should be wary that it is not authorised and regulated by an authority here in the UK. I can still cancel with no penalty so I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Thank you.
  14. Hi Everyone, I'm currently having the following fun and games, any advice: I took out my Policy with my insurer in December 2014 and sent them the appropriate NCD proof. All fine until July 2016 when I move house and, then, approaching renewal time in December 2015 a week before reveal I hadn't received anything from them. I call them and then realise I had forgot to tell them of my change of address. This is an important bit, what I was told 'you cannot renew a Policy to a different address to that of your renewal,. I tell them fine I'll start a New Policy online which I duly do adding 1 year to my NCD. Receive Policy and all is well until May 2016 I then get back to find my front reversed into in a car park with a towbar do a fair bit of damage. So I call my insurer to start the claims process only to be told my policy had been cancelled back in March 2016 because I hadn,t sent proof of my NCD to them. I point out that, no, I hadn't because my previous insurance was with them so why would I need to do so? I also questioned why I hadn't received a request for NCD proof nor advice that my Policy had been cancelled. Now because the policy was cancelled there is nothing the Insurer can do. Fuming, I email their customer service and customer complaints teams demanding to know why they would need a copy of the NCD proof when I was insured with them last year, why cancel my policy for this reason and finally, and for me, most importantly I've been driving round uninsured for nearly two months. Today they call me back in response to my e-mail basically to tell me that because I changed to a new policy I should have sent my NCD proof even though it's with the same insurer. They claimed to have sent letters, emails and texts advising that unless I send them the proof they will cancel my Policy. I pointed out I never received last years NCD because after it went to my old address I was told to cancel that policy and start a new. Does the above ring true with you guys? The damage occurred in a car park near where I had an interview and, ironically, I was offered the job but have now lost it because my car is non-roadworthy.
  15. Hello. I have unusual problem with my previous insurer. Back in June 2013 i renewed my insurance with MoreThan. And then after few months I declared SORN on my car and cancelled direct debit on car insurance. Since then I was not driving. today I called them about getting my NCB proof since I want to get back on the road. What they told me after I explained what happened is that since I haven't told them about SORN on my car is they resetting my NCB from 8 years to 0. Can they do that? I never claimed and even without that extra year I cancelled, my previous NCB is still less than 24 months (June 2013). Can I get them to provide me with NCB certificate dated before I started that new policy? How do I stand from the legal point of view. Thanks a lot for all the answers Edit: I forgot to mention that I do not owe them any money. I specifically asked about that and they confirmed.
  16. Hi, I'm posting on behalf of my sister. A few weeks ago she was parked in a supermarket carpark and was just about to open the door to exit. She had the door already ajar, while she gathered her handbag etc, before opening the door any further she looked over her shoulder and a car swung in wide into her space (at speed) and caught the side of her door (see picture attached). The chap at first admitted liability and apologised. Luckily my sister had the common sense to look otherwise she could of easily had her leg crushed. What we thought would be a open and shut case has now been going on for 3 months. My sisters insurance company are next to useless and keep saying she should claim on her policy and claim back later. My sister refused to do this. She said she wanted to claim direct from the third parties insurance. Today she receives an email stating the other party will not admit liability and she is liable for the full repair. We have supplied a number of pictures which clearly shows the point of impact, however the third party are now saying she swung her door open. I believe the pictures shows this is not the case as the damage would be on the inside of the door. We are now thinking about claiming via the small claims, would this be a route to follow?, perhaps this would persuade the other party to admit liability? She has legal cover, this hasn't been any use what so ever so far. Can anyone help with suggestions?
  17. Hi all Thanks for taking the time to read this. Recently, my wife's insurer made an error which has caused us quite some inconvenience. In 2013 my wife was driving her Megane and was involved in an accident in which 2 other cars contributed. She was in no way at fault. (I can describe but it's not relevant). She had a £400 excess. She was fully comp. She received a payout less the £400 excess and any other costs. When we asked about the excess and any other costs, she was told that she didn't have legal cover so they won't pursue it and she would have to do it herself. (It took a LONG time to even get to this point, because of the complexity regarding the 2 other parties who were arguing over fault). We hired a solicitor, who was nearly useless too because we told them we didn't have legal cover. In the last month, I convinced my wife to start chasing up the excess and that we would have to ring the (third party) company and battle through to try and get it back. Before she did that, she rang her insurer to confirm some information. The lady she spoke to was very helpful, and said that it actually looks like she DOES have legal cover. The helpful lady further researched this, and it seems that online when taking out the insurance, my wife didn't select legal cover but on the phone to confirm the policy, she took out the legal cover at the last minute. So basically what has happened: My wife bought legal cover. She tried to use the legal cover. The insurer said she didn't have it, when she actually did. 1 - 2 years later, the insurer are finally providing the legal cover service and beginning to reclaim the excess from the third party. Is there any trouble that the insurer should be in? We plan on writing a letter of complaint, are there any particular things we should include? Any response is much appreciated!
  18. It's a very long story but in short, my neighbour's property was gutted by fire in January (unfortunately, the lady lost her life). My house was extensively damaged by smoke and Liverpool Victoria had a loss adjuster round very quickly to establish that all the contents of my cellar and loft area need to be removed for chemical cleaning/disposal, all insulation needs to be replaced, my carpets and furniture require professional cleaning and the house needs fully redecorated. I have pursued this vigorously as I have 2 young children and our belongings (as advised) are all in cardboard boxes. So far (under duress) they have removed all insulation from the house (which is now very cold!) and striped half the wallpaper (chunks are hanging down off walls and have been for weeks). All the items we had stored in the cellar and loft (which amounted to a substantial sum due to their specialist nature) have been removed almost from day 1 with no list, update or knowledge of where they are or who has them. Every time I call I get fobbed off. Last Wednesday I was promised a call, same again on Friday, Tuesday of this week and still no-one has called. I have formally complained but I might as well not have bothered. What can I do to force LV to take ownership of this claim?
  19. A small van hit my car last week. Rear ended me as I was waiting in a traffic jam on the way to work. It was weird because everybody had been in the traffic for a while and he just sails into me at about 30mph. The boot floor was crumpled up quite a bit, bumper damage etc. Anyway we exchanged details, I contacted my insurance, they tow the car away to the garage, and I got a hire car. So a couple of days later I get a call from the garage asking me if they can go ahead with repairs. I say no, I want the insurance agency to contact me first. He says, okay, you should hear from them. Two day later the garage calls me again saying the insurance agency have given them the go ahead for the work. I say, what about my go head? Where's my call? So I contact my insurance and they say they want to go ahead with £2400 worth of repairs. That's 65% the value of the car. I said, look I don't really want to be driving a repaired car that's been in a semi-serious accident. I also ask them about the repair related diminished value, and they basically say that doesn't come into it. I would have to prove diminished value. The insurer is Tesco, and I'm kind of regretting this choice now. They wont budge on doing a repair. Anything I can do?
  20. I have just renewed my car insurance (with Hastings Direct). I got a letter today skin me to send them a copy of my V5 to prove that I have owned my car since 2005 as stated. I cannot see the logic behind this for a number of reasons: They did not ask to see it last year The value of my car will not change depending on how long I have owned it My premium is not affected by how long I have owned the car Is this necessary? Why do they want it? Can I refuse?
  21. Hi, I am looking for help with my insurance claim and any help is greatly appreciated as I am at my wits end and suspect this is what the insurer wants. I put in a claim for a few items after moving house, I was covered by the removal company's insurance, which I paid extra for. The items were all in perfect condition, they were as good as new in terms of condition. The insurer accepted they should pay for the items but they are only offering far less than the cost to replace the items. There was a microwave which is now dented and unusable. I allowed for that in my claim and claimed a similar model which was far less than the I had paid originally. There is the exact same issue with a television which cost £1500 and a similar model now is £600. I claimed £600 as the cost to replace but they say that they must allow for age and deterioration so they cannot pay £600. At £900 off what I paid I would think that allowed for age and deterioration. The insurer is saying he has to allow for deterioration and age and so cannot offer the full amount to replace the items. They have also, on several occasions, clearly put a price watch on the items on amazon and waited for them to drop in price and emailed me saying well now it's less so I'm not willing to offer you the amount you required before. Another issue I have had is that there are a number of antiques which were damaged. These had been in the family for generations. They were purchased by my great grandfather and though not expensive at the time, would cost a significant amount to replace now. In my claim I put that the purchase cost was £30 on one table as it was when it was bought some 50 years ago but a replacement, which was identical and I emailed to them was £800. They claim I put purchased at £800 and cost to replace £30. I neglected to take a copy of my form. They have also said allowing for deterioration it would not be worth £800 anyway but that is the cost to replace. I have tried to explain that these are antiques and it will cost more to replace them than it did to purchase them as they have gone up in value but they say that's wrong. I am baffled by this, paintings go up in value as do many other items, they simply cost more to replace but I cannot keep emailing the same thing every time and am really at the end of my tether. The insurer is saying the policy was not like for like nor new for old. As yet they have not provided a copy of the insurance policy and this has been going on for 15 months now. They just refuse to make any movement. If I accept a lesser amount I can't afford to replace the items. Every time I send a response it takes 2 months to receive a reply, the quickest has been 1 month which I believe is unacceptable. I hope I haven't forgotten anything and appreciate that this is a long winded post but there are a lot of issues. I don't know what to do and dread seeing the email in my inbox from them now. Any help with this is so much appreciated. Beyond contacting the Ombudsman I am at a loss. Thank you in advance for anything you can do.
  22. The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has issued its joint largest fine over retail activities of £10.5 million to credit card insurer Card Protection Plan (CPP) for mis-selling insurance products. CPP has also agreed to pay redress to consumers and has estimated a further £14.5 million will need to be distributed, according to the regulator. Taken with the costs associated with the FSA investigation and the fine, CPP is facing a total bill of £33.4 million. The FSA said it had discovered widespread mis-selling of CPP's two main products, card protection and identity protection, between January 2005 and March 2011. It added that CPP did not provide clear information to its customers or treat them fairly. The regulator said CPP had emphasised its card protection product would provide consumers with up to £100,000 of insurance cover, when they were already covered by their banks, and that it overstated the risks and consequences of identity theft in selling its identity protection product. CPP sold the products through its own sales channels and high street banks, generating £354.5 million profit from 4.4 million policies over the period examined by the FSA, and renewed 18.7 million policies, generating an income of £646.5 million. It has agreed to stop new sales of products, except where they are sold as part of an insurance package, and to stop trying to keep customers who call to cancel their policies. CPP has been ordered to appoint an external 'skilled person' to monitor and report on its claims and complaints handling. http://citywire.co.uk/new-model-adviser/fsa-fines-credit-card-insurer-10-5m-over-widespread-mis-selling/a634703
  23. I have taken out insurance with an insurer for a pub. I am the manager and licencee of the pub. Then a lady parked in the pub car park to use a local shop. She slipped up and is now claiming under the liability section of the insurance policy. Problem is that the owners of the pub and I do not have a legal agreement in place. No tenancy agreement exists in order to establish my responsibilites . There is a letter from the owners to myself but no formal written contract. The insurance company are saying that I need one and without it they are refusing to deal with the claim. Is there anything I can do to stop the lady claiming straight from me?
  24. Hi, I'm in a pickle and none of it is my fault. here's the snippet from the long post below to catch your attention... " I'm wondering if I can LEGALLY pursue recompense directly from the driver of the 4x4 that ploughed into me? After all, it was HIS actions that caused the damage to my property ( motorcycle ) and since his 'paid for' representetive ( insurer ) has shown they are only looking after their own pockets, with no regard for my own, I need to find a way to regain the shortfall. Surely HE is still legally open to prosecution and accountable for causing damage and financial loss to my possessions, since it was his action that created the damage in the first place." On the 24th August, I was on my loved and cherished motorcycle, I was stationary at a mini-roundabout giving way to a vehicle on my right ( obeying the highway code ), when a 4x4 driver following on behind me decided for whatever reason, ( perhaps too busy chatting to his recently picked up passengers ) that he wasn't stopping. Not seeing my bright flourecent yellow jacket, or white helmet, or illuminated brake light, he ploughed into me at approx 30mph. Of course I go fltying like a rag doll and my bike is punched forwards hard and ends up on it's side 15 metres away ( with me about 8 to 10 metres away once I'd bounced my head off his bonnet )........ Clearly a case of his driving with undue care and attention ( for which he's being prosecured ) and me being the completely innocent non-fault participant. There's the background. Next morning ( after ambulance police etc as it was evening ) I call Bennetts Bike Insurance (the people who I bought my insurance from , who sold me a policy underwritten by Aviva ) and let them know what happened. They put me through on phone to their claims handlers ( Minster Law ) who then start the injury side of things rolling and arrange a company called BLD ( Biker Legal Direct ) to come collect my damaged bike. ( we're getting there, bear with it ). I check the bike over beforehand, noting down broken parts, checking up on their replacement costs using the parts numbers etc so I'd have an idea of what was happeing or likely to. A few days later, ( bank holiday Monday ) BLD arrive and take bike away for assessment, and offer me a hire bike for my use in the meantime, but of course I'm battered up and can barely move let alone attempt to ride a motorcycle, so have to pass. 18 days later, I get a phone call from BLD telling me the at-fault parties insurer has written my bike off as uneconimical to repair ( protecting their pockets ) and classed the bike category B ( never to be used on the road again, salvage for parts only ) and then go on to tell me the third party insurer placed a pre-accidnt value of my motorcycle at just £800 ( including the just fitted £165 luggage box ), so actually only a pre-accident BIKE value of £635 !!! for a just mot'd, fully serviced, in tip top condition ( better than 95% same year and miles condition bike with new luggage sytsem fitted etc ) which is a RIDICULOUS! figure to state. I've searched high and low and based on the prices that much rougher condition bikes are being sold for, mine ought to be closer to £1,500-£2,000 pre-accident value, due to it's near immaculate physical and mechanical condition, plus the fact it's a desireable year, colour and model as it's become collectable. It's not my personal opinion, but a fact that to find the same model, registered year, with the same or near as same mileage on it, in the CONDITION my bike was in, is almost impossible. It was an on going restoration nearing completion as the bike model and year is considered a modern classic ( apreciating in value as they are so rare and was the first year production of that model, and same colour as in the literature sales brochures etc ) Also not taken into account was the fact it had literally just had a full service and had just had ( 20 miles before accident ) a new £100 drive chain fitted. In all, I'd spent around £600 - £900 on the bike ( all parts, no labour costs ) in the last year alone in my ongoing mission to bring it up to totally new showroom condition. The advice I've been given is to find a number of adverts of the same model and year bike for sale, in the same condition, for sale at dealerships, and send the links and prices off to the third parties insurer. The PROBLEM I have with that ( apart from having to fight through this when I'm a victim in this ), is that it's impossible to find a dealership selling an 18 year old bike in their showroom, that is in the same condition as mine is/was with similar mileage. They just don't appear! heck, it took me three years of searching just to buy my bike back in 2004. Dealers only keep vehicles up to a certain age in their showrooms fo rsale. Choosing to search private sellers, is also not much better, as again, the problem is, I've not yet found a bike of same age, in same condition with similar miles for sale at all. You're meant to search your own local area as that's where you'd be buying a replacement from, yet the only bike even close to mine condition and age wise is over 240 miles away and I'm unable to verify that by seeing it in person with it being so far away. ---- I'm going to side-step the whole ABI obligations thing that the third parties insurer isn't meeting ( in them not repairing my bike to the condition it was prior to accident or offer enough funds for me to replace my bike in a LIKE for LIKE condition, putting me in the same position possession (vehicle ) wise and financially that I was prior to the accident ) --- This thought popped up... We have ( vehicle ) insurance cover because the law say we need to. Insurance is basically an entity or person willing to step in financially ( for the yearly fee we pay them ) to compensate any person that we might cause financial loss or damage to. They are not legally accountable for causing damage, only the person who causes damage to others possessions can be legally accountable fo rthat action. So... If the person/people ( in this case, the persons appointed and paid for/contracted insurer ) is unwilling to meet the full costs of repair or adequately compensate and avoiding their obligation to adequately recompense a victim ( me, in this case ) because it would cost THEM ( the insurer ) too much money, then surely I ought to be able to legally go after the person who caused the damage in the first place, since his 'representetive' is clearly not going to deal fairly and properly, becuase they're looking out for their own pockets with no regard for my property or finances. Leaving it as is, would mean me ( the innocent party ) is left severly out of pocket and having endured the emotional stresses and strains of what has happened, left to find my own way to find a replacement bike ( without my own transport to do so ), and to suffer the financial costs in doing so ( when I had no intention of looking for another vehicle or wish to incurr the costs involved ) I'm wondering if I can LEGALLY pursue recompense directly from the driver of the 4x4 that ploughed into me? After all, it was HIS actions that caused the damage to my property ( motorcycle ) and since his 'paid for' representetive ( insurer ) has shown they are only looking after their own pockets, with no regard for my own, I need to find a way to regain the shortfall. Surely HE is still legally open to prosecution for causing damage and financial loss to my possessions, since it was his action that created the damage. Would it be a small claims court affair? ( less than £5,000 ) and how would I go about it? I haven't even gone into how the estimate for repairs that BLD produced was pushed up nearly £1,000 by them including items on the estimate that where NOT damaged in the accident.... thus the estimate reaches a repair figure beyond what an insurer would class as acceptable or viable, and therefore writes the vehicle off as uneconomical to repair. The whole process is twisted and shady I think.
  25. 8months ago I purchased a 4year old Jaguar XKR from a Jaguar main dealer and tried to move the insurance over from my old X300 Jag to the new (4yo) XKR. The broker (Footman James) told me that I could not use the old insurer as it had been on a "classic insurance policy", and gave me a quotation (from Royal Sun Alliance) which I had to accept at the time (of £3,000pa which I paid in full). I also had an extended warranty from Jaguar - which still has 4months to run at the time of writing this. Stone damage to to the window-screen means that it needed replacement but the insurance company (Royal Sun Alliance) is refusing to use the manufacturers part to replace the windows-screen with (which is heated and has sensors built into the glass controlling the automatic rain wipers). If I accept this non-manufacturer part then this will void my extended warranty. If I sell this car back to the dealership and it does not have manufacturers fitted parts it could cost me a bundle - if they agree to take it on? I'm furious that with a full-comp £3,000 policy that I'm having problems of this nature. Before I take this further - perhaps to the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club (as I'm a member) is there anything else I can do?
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