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Found 11 results

  1. I was driving my partners car today when I was pulled over by the police. He escorted me to his car and told me I have no insurance. I stated I did have insurance, he then pointed to a computer screen just showing my partners name, and not mine. He then proceeded to ask for my keys, advised the car would be impounded and I would get a letter with a 300 pound fine and 6 points, and sent me on my 3 mile walk home. I eventually got home, got in my own car and drove to my partners work to take her to the police station with all her documents so she could find out where her cars being held. On arrival the police stated that I was infact insured on her car. They did state that an old insurance company of my partners still seemed to have a policy in place... we rang them up and they confirmed there must have been a glitch on the system, in effect my partner had two policy running at once. However in my mind, and the insurance companies this doesn't negate me being insured on her car, and it isn't illegal to have two policies. The police over the phone are suggesting its the insurers fault, and that they won't pay the impound cost. I am picking up the car tomorrow morning and looking at a charge of 200 pounds. Any thoughts on who is liable? just to clarify, the police officer has presumably looked at the old policy with just my partners name on it, when in fact their is an active policy with both hers and mine name on it. The police at the station found this one first. seems a fault with the system police use to check insurance.
  2. Car impounded due to car insurer’s failure to transfer no claims bonus to new policy which led to the cancellation of my insurance policy. My car was impounded by the Police this week, the reason, the insurer said they sent letters out asking for evidence of my no claims bonus and because they did not receive the evidence, my car insurance was cancelled. I was not notified that my policy had been cancelled and did not receive any letters I have been with the same insurance company for over 25 years and they hold all the information about my no claims bonus electronically My quote was completed by telephone and the manager confirmed that the agent instructed that my no claims bonus be transferred to my new policy; this was not transferred I was left stranded 40 miles from home. Cautioned by the Police, advised to pay £150 plus £20 for each day my car is impounded; that I could get six points on my licence and a fine of £300. My car could be sold or scrapped if I do not collect it within 7 days. Can I appeal against this and what action can I take against the insurance company?
  3. We have motor trade insurance, with three named drivers on the policy to drive any vehicle. The police pulled one of our vehicles over as it didn't show up on the MID. It was explained that it was covered under the policy and I even drove down to meet the officer and gave him the insurance papers. The police officer misunderstood the policy and said the driver was not allowed to drive the vehicle but I was allowed, but he still ordered a tow vehicle and impounded the car. We got our insurance company to speak directly to the police the very next morning to say the driver was covered to drive the car. It cost us £170 to get the car released from the pound and I have contacted the police legal team to claim reimbursement for this amount. Their legal team have come back with, 'The police officer was in belief that the driver was uninsured and therefore right in impounding the vehicle, therefore they deny liability whatsoever in respect of reimbursement of any fees'. They also lied in saying we did not provide evidence of the driver being insured at the time of being stopped, which we did and we have another witness to prove that. I am so angry because we have not committed any crime, yet they are treating us like criminals and charging us for it.
  4. Had to walk home from Sainsbury's and leave my car in the petrol station. Nothing wrong with the car and I haven't broken any laws. I filled the car with petrol and went to pay using my debit card as usual. Transaction didn't go through due to a problem with the internet. I was told to go to the cash machnines to draw the cash to pay for the petrol. The Sainsbury's cash machines were also not working. I walked over to the Asda cash machines and they weren't working either. Being unable to pay for the petrol I was not allowed to take my car from the Sainsbury's petrol station. None of this is my fault at all. I left my car on the Sainsbury's pertol station forecourt and walked home in disgust. Should I return late tonight and steal my own car back and risk arrest for stealing petrol? Or should I buy another car and send Sainsbury's the bill ?
  5. Hello My niece and her boyfriend had broke down in her car, so they push it off the road onto the kerb. She tried for 20 minutes to start the vehicle but it could not be started. I came back with them early next day with my vehicle transporter trailer, but the car had been towed and impounded by the council. I thought this was a matter for the police, to remove vehicles which are illegally or dangerously parked? Her's was parked safe by the way even though on the kerb. She put this to the council but they want her to pay fine then she gets her car. Also the council requested she prove it had broken down that night, but were unwilling to meet at car yard to be showed. How can this be proved if the council are not willing to come and see for theirself. Any advice welcome. Thanks
  6. Sorry i am new to this page and i don't know how it works well. I live in Reading and i brought a Spanish car with Spanish registration on the 8th June 2014. I brought the car into UK for bringing goodies into my home in Reading. On the 16th June 2014 a police officer stopped my partner when he was driving the car and the police officer clamped and impounded the car because the car was used in UK without a UK license and UK tax. On the 17th June i paid 260 pound fee for releasing the car from the pound and paying a surety fee. Then, i was explained that the car needed to be registered in UK or had to be removed from UK immediately. I took the car back to Spain on the 28th June 2014. On the 21st July i received a letter from the DVLA saying that i had committed an offence as i am the owner of the Spanish car that was seen on the 16th June 2014 by the police and impounded because the car wasn't licensed in the UK. The DVLA said that they have intention to take court against me with regard to the offence. That they offer me to pay an out of court settlement of 247 pounds. I send the DVLA a letter on 24th July 2014 saying that the car was no longer in the UK because i took the car back to Spain on the 28th June 2014 as the car was going to stay in the uk for a short stay. Therefore, there was no need for them to take me to court. On the 31st July 2014 i received another letter from the DVLA saying that it is an offence to use or keep an unlicensed vehicle in the UK. That i stated that the car is no longer in the UK but that i still have commited an offence. That they continue with the intention to take me to court. They say that they offer me a final opportunity to pay the out of court settlement of 247 pounds requested in the previous letter. That i should pay the 247 pound by 29/08/2014 to avoid court action. Could you help me to please!! I think i have already paid a penalty for keeping the Spanish car in the UK without UK registration and tax. Would you recommend me to write the DVLA a letter saying that they want to fine me twice for the same offence?? Thank you for the advice.
  7. Hello, this is my first post so apologies if I've not posted it in the correct place. my brother got a flat tyre and/or ran out of petrol, not sure which. He left the car parked not obstructing anything overnight. He came to it the next day to find it was gone, reported it stolen to find out the police had taken it -reason, because he'd left tools in the back which he'd just collected that day -he's a mechanic and these are the only tools he has! He was told they'd ring him back and tell him where his car was, they didn't. Finally got through to them and they didn't know what they'd done with his car! Finally found it, and told him where it'd been taken to -all this time it's racking up fees. Was told he has to pay nearly £300 to get it back. He can't actually afford that, and without his tools can't do any work either. can he appeal this, what right did the police have to take his car like this when it wasn't causing any issue? Just because he had tools in the back? Do they just say they "can't find it" so it takes longer and adds up more fees before they find it? Or are they just incompetent? Thanks.
  8. Hi guys, I witness a tragic accident on Sunday morning and even though my car wasn't involved the police have impounded it. They say this is just procedure but as you can imagine this is very inconveniencing for me. There was no damage or marks on my car and was really no need for them to do this, to be honest they treated me like I was a criminal and it thoroughly peed me off and I doubt I will be stopping to help at an accident any time soon again even if I am the first on the scene. My main question is, do they have the right to do this and is there any way I can make them return it? I need the car for hospital appointments and other stuff and I don't even have access to my bank as I left my cash card in it. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  9. My son got pulled over by the police for exceeding the speed limit and it turned out he had missed renewing his photo driving licence. The police have therefore impounded his car. He has to apply for a renewal which could take 3 weeks to arrive. My question is there any way his car can be taken out of the impound. My insurance company will not provide insurance for this specific requirement. In the meantime my son could rack up huge storage fees. Any advice gratefully welcomed
  10. Hi I was stopped by the police the other day for having no tax (the tax ran out the day before, but I had applied for new tax online, it just hadn't arrived yet), so I explained to the police man that I have applied for it, he then phoned the dvla, they said they had no information on me applying for it so the officer got my car impounded. I then phoned up the dvla very angry as they had taken my money for the tax so how did they have no information, the dvla then told me that they had never received a call from anyone that day about my car and that they could see that I had taxed my car a few days before, so basically the police officer lied and he never phoned them as he was guessing that I hadn't done it. Before the police man took my car, he told me that he if I prove that I did apply for the tax then I would get all 260 back that I payed to get my car out, but when I went there to get my money back, they only gave me 160. So im now 100 down, my car should never have been taken away from me as it was taxed, and it ruined my day as I had no car. I don't know what I should do, I have already put a complaint in about the officer, but I know nothing will happen about that, I just want my money back as it should never have happened and I cant afford to loose 100.
  11. I had sent my car to a mechanic to get it fixed. Unfortunately the mechanic and his landlord have had a dispute over the rent lawfully due and the landlord has now decided to lock the garage and has taken the keys to my car. The landlord claims not to have taken anything from inside the garage and only secured the garage with his own padlock. My mechanic has not been able t access the garage and the police have refused my mechanic from re-entering the garage. I am therefore unable to retrieve my possessions. I have agreed with my mechanic that I can have my car back and will not owe them any money. My mechanic was unaware that the landlord had came and taken my keys and locked the garage. I have spoken to the Landlord of the building ad he claims not ot have the keys to my car. In addition the landlord has stated that he will only allow me to have my car back once he is able to obtain a copy of my logbook and drivers license. I have tried to contact him to arrange a date to regain possession of my items and he is giving me the run around. I feel that he is messing me around and I do not believe that he should have a copy of my logbook and drivers license especially as I think he he has the keys to my car and come steal my car at any time in the future if I was to get a spare key cut. My car is now impounded in the garage and the landlord does not appear to be forthcoming in allowing me to regain my possessions. He has told me he will only return my car at a date and time of his discretion. I feel powerless and given that this would appear to be a civil matter I can not even got to the police or can I report him for theft? I want to know what legal action can I take and what part of the law am i protected by. I need to do something asap Can someone help me
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