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  1. Hi folks, Yes bizarre, yet. I saw a job ad saying company is looking for a hospitality staff. Female preferred. I have all the experience they want and reference. No reply what so ever. The ad was posted on a website where companies people don't have to auth themselves. I did send my CV and cover letter to their official email as per their website. No reply. If it was someone prank they would of replied by now? I am thinking to bring this case to an employment tribunal. Copy of the ad exist in Google cache and some online archive sites. They also posted similar ad on another employment website. What do you think?
  2. i started over a year ago with the company and i was told not entitled to holiday pay as casual and 0 hours, so got not holiday pay at all, recently had someone i know who use to work at a union and they asked about my job and i told them everything and they said no you're entitled to holiday pay they showed me how to work it out and turns out I'm owed £300, told my manager who informed wages, had half my payment. rest next week. But I'm wondering if i can get last years holiday pay owed to me as it works out at £100 owed? also When I started a few days later i received a message of someone who I had not heard of in a long time, asking if I had started working for them, I asked how they know, and they said they had a call from someone at the company asking about me! but yet no one knew i was working for this company that knew this person, (this person use to work for the company many years ago) I've mentioned it to my manager who told me to ignore it, I kind of have but it really plays on my mind wondering what else is said to this person as we do not communicate, or to anyone else. Since I raised my holiday entitlement Ive since been told that my Sunday shifts are voluntary and that should not be taken into account, (I mainly work Sundays as no other shifts during week, so no wages if I don't), Ive been told my hair needs to be different in how I put it up (never had issues before) been made to feel guilty if don't take overtime, not had an expenses traveling to other shops like i was told at start i would but then they took it away as they found out I drive, I've had £271 in expenses for parking alone and bus tickets, this would never have occurred as my contracted place is just around the corner.
  3. Hi, My wife attended a company meeting at the Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton back in May of this year. Her company booked a package that included complimentary parking and a member of the hotel staff was tasked with collecting VRN's from the attendees. Unfortunately, my wife (and another lady) were somehow missed out and, as a result, she received a PCN from Parkingeye. We have appealed to Parkingeye and through POPLA, but to no avail. We have also ignored their 'gesture of goodwill' offer for us to pay £60 instead of £100. The hotel has stated, by emails on two separate occasions, that the PCN has been cancelled. However, the emails are from an intermediary member of the hotel staff and not the person who has, apparently, contacted Parkingeye. So we do not have copies of the communication to Parkingeye, or their response. We also have a copy of the hotel function sheet for that event which clearly states free parking. We received a 'Letter Before County Court Claim' from Parkingeye dated 31 October 2018, which we have responded to (in my wife's name but with my assistance). We acknowledged receipt of their letter and stated that we dispute the claim, re-stating our reasons why. My wife is due to attend another event at the same hotel next week and we are hoping that, with her being there in person, she stands a better chance of getting the information we need from the hotel concerning their PCN cancellation request. Apologies for tagging this on to another post earlier today I understand the need to start a new thread now. Any advice and guidance would be very much appreciated.
  4. Hi all There is a CAG wiki link https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?296108-Hot-news-for-anyone-who-has-suffered-mortgage-arrears-charges-irresponsible-lending-or-other-unfair-lender-conduct Has this been updated since 2011 please Thanks
  5. Two days ago I bought a freeview box from Littlewoods but after plugging it in and having a look, it is completely unsuitable, I can't even read the channels in the guide. Can I return this and cancel the order please or will it be refused because I plugged it in ?
  6. Hi All, I'm new to this forum but hope someone can help me out? I received a PCN through post yesterday from PCP enforcement agency (trading name of parkshield collection Ltd) Date of event (doesn't say offence)-30/08/2018 location - service/estate roads off anchor road,harbourside,Bristol,bs1 During period from: 22:20:55 to time of notice issue at:22:40:18 reason for issue- no valid permit Now the only problem with this notice is that I've never been to Bristol and the vehicle in question has been SORN off road for 2 years and is parked at my parents house except when it has MOT or my dad uses it for work (trade plates are then used) I have been on the agency's website to appeal but can't as I don't have notice issued obviously and there's no sign of any photographic evidence either. Not sure what to do next,write an appeal which I don't think is fair seeing as it's definitely not my fault. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Hi Thanks in advance. I am looking for some help on my current situation at work. I have worked there for more than two years and have not been subject to disciplinary procedures. Last week I handed in my notice. The primary reason I did this was due to leave request being declined. In my letter i stated i would work my notice but would not be working the specific dates i requested. Later on my line manager informed me that i would be leaving the same day and to prepare a handover which i did. This was seven days ago. Since then i have not received any information regarding the terms of my departure. Two days ago i contacted my line manager's manager to discuss the situation. He told me he was busy but would contact me today. He didn't contact me so again i followed up with him. He advised that he was very busy as i had caused a serious issue. He said he would email this week. I responded to ask him to confirm whether i was on garden leave to which he replied he couldnt. I then asked whether i had been sacked on the spot to which he replied that he would email me this week. I would just like some opinion on whether i should be on garden leave? If they decline to place me on garden leave and say i have been sacked on the spot for gross misconduct, how should i proceed? Thanks a lot
  8. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  9. Sopra Steria has been awarded a new UKVI contract READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sopra-steria-has-been-awarded-a-new-ukvi-contract
  10. Hi there, I received a county court claim form with the date of service 19th june with no particulars of claim attached. I filed my AoS and i have been waiting for the PoC but they still haven't been filed . My defence date is tomorrow (17/07/18) so im really at a bind as what is required of me. I'm thinking i have to send in a defence but i'm not sure what to write the defence against as im sure its defending the points set out in the PoC. Its briefly outlined in the "Brief details of claim" on the front of the form but besides that...nothing. Should i write my defence up to defend against the brief details of claim? Really appreciate any help you can give me! Thank you
  11. Hi all, Just received (through the post) a letter from Civil Enforcement Ltd. The letter states I was parked in a hospital car park at the beginning of June. Apparently, I failed to display a valid ticket. My issue is, on the day in question, I was in the works van approx. 200 miles from the hospital. My car, which I use on the weekend was parked up, at home, 100 miles from the listed hospital. There is no photos of my supposed car parked in the hospital car park. The letter isn't even on headed paper, only found out the company name from the address on the back!! Where do I stand with this? Can I appeal and ask for photographic evidence?? Thanks for any advice!!
  12. Hi all, My partner and I moved into a private let on 31st August. It is a 2 bedroom lower cottage flat that was advertised as having a shower and double glazing, but had extensive pictures of each room within the house At our viewing, the gentleman from the estate agent told us the flat came with white goods, a garage that is in the driveway and garden shed. We took the property based on having the above promised amenities. When we met the estate agent to collect the keys, the guy only had 2 keys for the the house and that he wasn’t aware of keys for the garage. He told us to contact the office and they would sort it out for us. After the man had left, I noticed the disgusting condition of the washing machine. The seal was caked in mould. I cleaned it with antibacterial cleaner, used washing machine cleaner and have put it on empty washes of 90 degrees, but the mould spores will not go away. I suspect the door has been closed for months which has led to this. We contacted the estate agent to see if they could replace the seal or possibly fix the machine. We were told that the flat didn’t come with white goods, and that the machine was a “gift”. The inventory lists the cooker and fridge freezer, but not the washing machine. It does, however, include 6 pictures of the washing machine alone. I am annoyed as we were promised white goods, then told it doesn’t come with white goods, but lists all the other white goods in the inventory! We have tried to resolve the issue for nearly 3 weeks and have been told the best they can do is uplift the machine. We have also since been told that the garage doesn’t come with the property, but that the landlord is happy for us to use it. If we want to replace the locks, we will have to pay for it out of our own pocket. We have been trying to resolve this and have phoned them every day this week, only for them to promise to call us back and they never do. They are now treating it as a formal complaint that they will investigate within 15 working days. Are we right in saying we have been deceived in taking this property? The lady who told me the washing machine was a “gift” has admitted she she should have communicated this to us before we moved in.
  13. Hi Everyone I apologise in advance if this seems like a silly question, but I need some advice/opinion as I have been out of the job seeking market for some time. Basically I have worked for the same company for over 20 years, but due to a takeover and potential relocation of the offices I have been looking for a new job. I have been offered a new job with a local company, they have sent me a a official offer letter detailing just the job title, annual salary and proposed start date. The offer expires in a couple of days and I am not sure what to do in terms of the job employment process. I really want to know more about the terms and conditions of the job like holidays, benefits, etc, but I guess that will be in the contract. My question is, if I say yes to the job offer letter, am I legally bound to them if I change my mind a few days later, what I am trying to work out is at what point is no return, because I am guessing that until I get a contract from and sign it, I cannot hand in my notice with my current employer. Hope that makes some sense. Thanks
  14. I am not sure of the correct place in the forums for this post so if it is in the wrong place please move it to the appropriate thread. Story: Our disabled daughter and her partner of 20 years having being living together in housing association flats every since they got together. Over time they have moved about 4 times and in every case this has been directly due to their behaviour and drinking. It was not to bad originally but since they were moved into a block of flats (3rd floor with no lift) my daughter who suffers from hydrosypholis and is weak on her right side has difficulty climbing the stairs. We used to be able to keep them fairly well in check but because we cannot make the stairs ourselves the drinking and behaviour has gotten worse. It got so bad that she was taken to court for pouring beer over the occupier of the ground floor flat and was fined for it. Her partner however got violent during a heavy drinking session and hit her causing server bruising to her face. (not the first time) He has just been found guilty and has to pay a fine. They are not permitted to have contact as part of the court rulings. When my daughter was taken to court (beer offence) she was hit with a cannot return to her flat as part of the rulings and the judge asked if we could take her in for 2-3 days while other accommodation was found for her. The housing association she was with said they were not prepared to help and forced my daughter out of her flat as they did not want her in any of their properties. (I can understand their point due to their past). We were given a number to call to a person who helps find properties/places for people like my daughter. and we called him and he got om the case. Everytime we try to call him for a progress report he always seems to be "on holiday" and when do actually talk to him there always seems to be excuses as to where any sort of decision has been made. Currently waiting for the outcome of a interview she had with a group who deals with people like my daughter and helps them get back on the right path (so to speak). We phoned again today to find out if she has been accepted only to find out that they are waiting for a certain person to come back off holiday (yet again) and then have another interview and a decision will then be made. She really does need to have her own place with proper supervision and help. Our main problem now is that the court said 2-3 days and it's now over 3 months. In all that time we have kept her away from both drink and her partner and she is coping ok. We do have to be careful of what we say when she is around as we think she is a little paranoid when she hears people talking as she thinks they are always talking about her. Our own life has been disrupted considerably and are getting to the point where we feel we cannot do anything without her being in the background. Is their anything we can do about this excessive time span given we were told 2-3 days and something should be sorted for her.
  15. The title sums it up in a nutshell. I pay monthly by standing order and have done so since moving into this house a year ago. I have received, over the last few months, two text messages and two letters asserting that my account is in arrears and that if I don't respond I will become liable for the whole years bill etc etc. My account is not in arrears. I have bank statements which show the sums being transferred to the council in question every month. I have emailed the head of revenue and benefits to tell him to check whatever error is causing this on his system and to point out how unacceptable it is to send people threatening letters in error. I attached copies of my bank statement showing the payments by way of proof. I can well imagine there are some people who would be intimidated or caused undue stress by the type of things they've sent. I copied in my councillor, who acknowledged the message. No response yet from the recipient. Today I have received a court summons for 23rd of May on account of my non-payment. Obviously I am not overly concerned, as I know I have paid and can prove I have paid. What I would like to know is how best to act now? I have let the councillor know what has happened and sought further advice from him . I am not against attending the court date if there is anything to be gained by that for me. The outcome I am seeking is an acknowledgment of the errors on the part of the council and a stop being put to the harassment via text message and letter which has now been going on for some months. Does anyone have some advice for how best to proceed?
  16. Sergeant Matt Tonroe has been killed in action in the Middle East READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/fatalities/sergeant-matt-tonroe-has-been-killed-in-action-in-the-middle-east My Condolences to go out to the Family, Friends and Regiment. RIP
  17. Major crackdown on abuse of 'debt' judgement by rogue parking and utility firms is announced Ministers will pledge action on abuse of county court judgments by rogue firms Anyone who has had a CCJ without their knowledge will have it removed The Govt plans to immediately set aside all backdoor CCJs for those who can prove to a judge that they did not know about it when it was passed. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5214075/Action-debt-judgement-rogue-firms-abuse-announced.html
  18. I had my home repossessed in 2009 due to a change in circumstances. The mortgage was with HSBC who marked the debt as 'settled' on my credit file in 2011 although I owed them money. This was removed from my credit file at the start of last year since it had been 6 years since the settlement date. I am certain that I had PPI on this mortgage. If I try to reclaim this PPI will it awaken the debt? I have seen the rule of 6 years for standard credit card and loans but wondered what would apply to the mortgage?
  19. Purchased a 'Pioneer XCM86D' Network music player/streamer. After 2 months noticed the sound cut off, but as it came back on didn't think anything of it. This got worse and more frequent as time went on until it happened most the time. Took it back to shop , but only realised after looking out receipt that the manufacturers 1 year warranty had expired by 1 week. Shop offered to repair, however after a couple of weeks unit was returned, told it was not feasible to repair as would be too expensive. Received back today told nothing else they can do. left with item which is just over a year old, faulty and not usable. When I mentioned about rights under Consumer rights Act, shop staff said they cannot discuss it in shop and this was done through customer services only. Phoned them and told as I didn't take out 6 year extended guarantee and I had been over the manufacturers guarantee (even by 1 week) there was nothing they can do. Just feel Richer Sounds have washed their hands of it as I was just over the 1 year guarantee period, although I do realise I should have taken it back far sooner when I first heard the fault. . left with unit which can't use . . .
  20. Hello, My sister has had a incident with my travel card. When she was exiting the station a travel officer caught her using my card. She admitted to the travel officer that she had used her husbands travel card as she did not know it was mine. She had also informed him that he did not know her taking it. She admitted to using it, and gave all her personal information. He informed her that she would recieve a letter and now we have recieved that letter. The letter states that she was reported 26th of October 2017 failing to produce a valid ticket, pass or photocard for the journey. The facts of the incident are being considered and they are advising that legal proceedings may be taken against her . In order for them to deal with our case correctly they want us to fill out the form on the reverse side. We do not wish for her to be prosecuted and she has never been convicted before regarding anything. I have not sent her appeal yet but I would like some advice before i send it This is what I wrote in her appeal: Dear Sir / Madam I would like to inform you that all these years I have been living in the UK, I have never been part of such an incident as well as I have never been a part of any criminal activity and most certainly never fare dodged. I feel so ashamed and depressed because of my ignorant decision. It was not something I neither planned nor did intentionally; rather it was more in the heat of the moment. It has been a very stressful period for me and my husband since he is working full time and I am on maternity leave alone with toddler and baby during the days. I literally have one free day a week when my husband has a rest day from his job, which lately I have been spending on gathering necessities for my children and relatives regarding our travel in November. Therefore when I was to enter the station I notice that I am not carrying my own pocket book and I had already reached the entrance. There was a long queue behind me stressing me so I panicked and used the card that was in the pocket book which I thought initially was my husbands. After this whole incident I feel even more stressed, distraught sad but mostly ashamed. I have had so much trouble sleeping and I barely have enough energy to take care of my kids. I am so afraid of what will happen to me. I will co-operate with you to the fullest and you have my guarantee that this will never be repeated. I would like to make you aware that there is no excuse for what I did and I am ready to pay the maximum fine for my mistake. I wish one day in the near future to return to work and continue my job search after starting a family, and a conviction would destroy my chances of finding a decent job to support and help provide for my family. I beg and wish for you to have some understanding of my current situation and we can find our way towards a settlement. If anyone can please read this through and advise me what I need to add and if there is someway we can settle this without her getting convicted? If there is someone out there with similar experience and can inform us what our next step should be and what we should be prepared for I would appericate it so much I would appericate it My sister is so stressed out right now. Thank you very much I have updated my appeal and added a few things: Dear Sir / Madam I would like to inform you that all these years I have been living in the UK, I have never been part of such an incident as well as I have never been a part of any criminal activity and most certainly never fare dodged. I feel so ashamed and depressed because of my ignorant decision. It was not something I neither planned nor did intentionally; rather it was more in the heat of the moment. It has been a very stressful period for me and my husband since he is working full time and I am on maternity leave alone with toddler and baby during the days. I literally have one free day a week when my husband has a rest day from his job, which lately I have been spending on gathering necessities for my children and relatives regarding our travel in November. I left my apartment in such a rush and quickly picked up my keys, my purse and what i thought was my pocket book from the kitchen table, since I was already late for my vaccine appointment, when I was to enter the station I notice that I am not carrying my own pocket book and I had already reached the entrance. Since I did not have my own card and I know that i could pay for my ticket due to that I did not have my bank card or any cash with me since they were in my pocket book. I was not thinking clearly and I was already so stressed since i left home so late and knew I had to be home so early. All I could think of was coming home to my children that I had left with my husband so he would babysit them while I am away for my appointment. I knew I had to be home early since he had a night shift the same day. There was a long queue behind me stressing me so I panicked and used the card that was in the pocket book which I thought initially was my husbands. After this whole incident I feel even more stressed, distraught sad but mostly ashamed. I have had so much trouble sleeping and I barely have enough energy to take care of my kids. I am so afraid of what will happen to me. I will co-operate with you to the fullest and you have my guarantee that this will never be repeated. I would like to make you aware that there is no excuse for what I did and I am ready to pay the maximum fine for my mistake. I wish one day in the near future to return to work and continue my job search after starting a family, and a conviction would destroy my chances of finding a decent job to support and help provide for my family. I beg and wish for you to have some understanding of my current situation and we can find our way towards a settlement.
  21. Hi all I need advice. 2 years ago we had a minor car accident which we believed had been resolved by our insurers!! Last week we received a letter from the court asking for £1556 as the insurance company had not paid the total amount we now have a CCJ. I have spoken to the insurance company who have assured me that they will resolve the issue ( they have admitted fault) someone forgot to pay some of the fees and they have not responded to any letters sent to them!! Now to me even though they have promised us that they will resolve the issue I can't help but feel that this is negligence by the insurance company - getting to this stage to me is totally unacceptable unfortunately only now we have received a letter about it otherwise I would have been on to them a hell of a lot sooner. Any advice on this situation would be very much appreciated.
  22. Hi, Some advice needed. In the Autumn 2010 me and my partner moved in to a new flat. Sorted out council tax, water etc straight away but ran in to problems when trying to get our gas and electricity sorted. Having found out EDF was the supplier for the previous tenant I made several 5-10 calls to EDF during the first months of moving in. For some reason they had no supply registered to our address and could not set anything up. Even when supplying them with the electricity meter number they stated that that meter had been turned off for two years. No luck with providing them with my gas meter number either. I used the details from the previous tenant to try and set up so we could receive bills. But no luck, every time having to wait in queues and explain the situation at length to a new person. After a few months a paper from EDF was left in the letterbox saying that the meter was to be cut of, changed to a prepay meter, court order etc. It did not have the correct address and postcode. I used the reference number left on that letter and called edf again, believe I got redirected to different departments and finally got to talk to someone who understood the issue. He said they would investigate. He called back a few days later, perhaps a week and stated that he had an idea of what the issue was and that they would investigate. They would get back to me when it was sorted and to update me. I asked what the time frame would be, and he stated that likely after Christmas/new year. This was in 2010. From that point they have not been in contact. Have not received any bills or any contact or letter. come September 2017 I receive an automated phone call from a robot voice asking if the account holder for my address, stating my name, (although I have since changed my last name through marriage). It said to either confirm or deny by pressing a number. I denied I was that person. I did at the time not believe an automated phone call to be legitimate. Two weeks go by and I pop in to my ground floor neighbour which is a cafe as I am coming home and they said some electricity people had been around asking for a meter to one of the flats. The cafe has no access to the common entrance to the 2 flats. They did not leave any letter leaflet stating or anything. what would you recommend I do? To me I did my due diligence in 2010 and it was up to them to get back to me. I have never received a bill or had an opportunity to pay. Should I contact them or wait until they attempt to contact me properly by post, meter visit etc. The automated robot phone call is not a proper attempt to contact me. It could just be a robot call as far as I am concerned. The visit my neighbour told me about was just a coincidence that she relayed that information to me as I met her just as I came home and they were closing. What would you do in this situation? Am I correct in assuming they could only back-bill 12 months. Many thanks
  23. Hi, I have a small shop on ebay selling printed Hen t-shirts, babygrows, mugs etc but nothing big but slowly growing with great feedback. Since may this year I have been selling a 2 t-shirt set for newly weds with a design I made of my own after looking at reference material online. But my design was a fresh font and shape and wording. Also at the top of ebay searches which was something I had worked hard for. Now in September I suddenly get these listings removed. Another t-shirt company has claimed copyright violation. I checked the design and it is similar but I have different wording and shapes it just looks too different to accept. The company pointed out their design was registered. I managed to search online and find it but it said registered 10 September 2017, about a week before I was reported. I have been selling my design from may 2017. It also look like the their t-shirt is a new listing. I am suspicious I am being pushed out by a slightly bigger company. I emailed the company as recommended and they replied with the registered number and to not relist my it-shirts. I have since checked them out and emailed the above and asked when they started selling their deisgn but no reply as yet. Can anyone see that this may be corrupt. Thank You
  24. How can I tell if my mobile has been infected other then a warning sign on the screen which after all could be a warning from any one encouraging me to download something that could do even greater damage ?.
  25. I reserved a ring in a jewellers shop and paid a deposit. I was paying some instalments but then became poorly and am now not in a financial position to finish paying. A couple of years has passed by. I contacted the retailer [small, local shop] who said they have sold the ring and I can't have my money back. They'll deduct 20% from what I have paid so far and let me choose something from the shop. Where do I stand?
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