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Found 15 results

  1. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  2. My wife and a friend went to Corfu for a week long soul festival (music not heart and soul). The flights and transfers only were booked through Thomas Cook Airlines, the return flight was at 19.00 with the transfer collection time at 15.45. So they got the transfer to the airport at 15.45 as arranged but when they got to the airport the flight time had been changed to 15.15 so they missed their flight. They spoke to the TC rep who said it was their fault for not checking flight times and they had been sent an Email in Dec 2006 changing the flight times, On returning home she checked her emails and had not had one changing times and also the transfer to the airport had not been notified either. We know of at least 2 other groups with the same problems. They had to pay again for flights at 03.00 and for meals and train tickets back in uk ,also had to miss a days work due to being up all night. Thomas Cook airlines are denying all responsibility and saying it was our job to check they are doing there job as promised by them. What should be my next steps and do they have a leg to stand on?? Tony
  3. Hey, I just thought I'd throw this out there... I spend a lot of life at work so when I come home the last thing I want to do is cook! I've found that I can kill two proverbial birds with one stone! On a Sunday afternoon when I'm busy cleaning up the house and catching up with the weekly chores, I start cooking big "one pot meals" like Bolognese, Stews, Casseroles and things like that. Intentionally, I cook enough to feed about 5 or 6 people! (and all for a great reason)... I snagged some plastic punnets from the 99p store (which look oddly like the ones you get if you order a Chinese), but they're the perfect size for a portion. Once everything is cooked, I pack it all up in a bunch of punnets, set them to once side till they're cool then freeze them. That way, in the evenings (or nights) when I get in, I can nuke the punnet in the microwave (usually about 5-8 mins on 60%) which gives it just enough time to flash build some veggies, pasta etc... I you live alone, this is an amazing way to save some cash as you won't have to fork out for cooking very night, plus you can eat healthily with the delight of it being "Fast food"... Hope this helps! Hasta la pasta! Ade
  4. Well it seems like Provident are having issues. Being investigated for irresponsible lending and losing a lot of money on shares. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4814606/800-000-families-face-crisis-sub-prime-loan-firm-tanks.html
  5. I have a holiday booked for later this year to Turkey through Thomas Cook and they have just informed me that the star rating for my hotel has dropped from 4 to 3 stars. Now obviously with all thats going on in the world today I am of course rethinking my trip as I'm not completely sure that I want to go anymore (the rights and wrongs of this being what terrorists want is a conversation for another day). Now in the T&Cs it states that if a significant change is made to the holiday then I can choose a different holiday or a refund, therefore my question is - Does a drop in star rating constitute a significant enough change to be able to cancel the holiday and get a refund?
  6. Hi All I have gone through the usual of wrting to Thomas Cook and being denied. Have just sent the LBA off and have started work on the court bundle. Can anyone help me with the particulars of claim or does anyone have one they have used? It was a package holiday and everything was wrong. No Assistance on flights, Inbound transfers driven by madmen, Dirty rooms, faulty showers, no air con, high pressure sales, dirty pools, stinking restaurant the list goes on and on and on. also the money used to pay for the holiday was from a recently deceased family member. This meant that we felt even more upset then we would normally. Help Peeps!!!!!
  7. Hello. We booked a holiday at the start of last november for this year, we have had news that my wife has to have a major operation this year which due to the nature of the recovery is being planed for the school holiday period. I had already payed £250 low deposit and the remainder of the deposit (£550) was due last week, i have phoned them today to tell them we cannot make the holiday and they still want the £550 to cancel it or they are passing it on to a debt collector to regain it. I'm self employed and work has been slack since christmas and we cannot afford to pay the remainder. Is there justification that the cancellation of this holiday so early would cost them £800...? Is there anything i can do.. Thanks
  8. Hello and good evening. We booked a family holiday to Fuerteventura, back in 2010, details as follows:- Outbound LGW - Fuertenventura TC Flight No. TCX225K on 12th June 2010 Inbound - Fue - LGW TC Flight No. TCX037L on 23rd June 2010. We were traveling as 3 adults and 1 infant in the booking. Over and above the basic holiday price we also opted for in flight meals (3 x £10 each) and the option to pre-book your seats on both flights (3 x £14 each). Outbound flight and holiday went fine, the return journey however was stressful, chaotic and dis-organised, resulting in an over-all flight delay of just about 8 hours, finally arriving at LGW at 1.15am on 24th, not 5.35pm on the 23 as expected. We were informed whilst at check in that the incoming flight was delayed, but were not given any further information, instead we were herded by the TC reps through check-in and into departures. It turns that mid flight, the aircraft had a fire in one of the food re-gen ovens, which necessitated the plane turning around and landing at LGW for repair. When the air craft finally landed at FUE, the oven had not been repaired so no food was available and we had also been allocated random seats, not the pre-booked seats we had paid for. During the course of the delay, we were issued with vouchers for refreshment, however these barely covered the cost of a cup of coffee / bottle of water, let alone any form of food. Upon return to the UK, we lodged a complaint with TC, initially just for a refund on the food and seat upgrade, but were given the run-around by TC (one up to you TC), so we eventually gave up. So, the question is, should (can)we resurrect the claim and can we claim any other compensation for the delay? Is there a template letter available that we could use in the first exchange? Thanks for reading.
  9. Sounds like she's buying lunch, maybe, maybe not. Another brainless statement. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2865301/Food-banks-rise-poor-people-don-t-know-cook-claims-Tory-peer-Baroness-Jenkin.html
  10. Ultimately it was a chain of failures by Thomas Cook that lead to us making the complaint. Without going into too much detail - I raised a complaint with Thomas Cook about circumstances on the flight that exacerbated my partner's (insured) medical condition that is still affecting him. This was alongside being given very incorrect information by a TC rep that was supposed to help our situation but quite obviously didn't. We were then let down at the airport by the complete lack of rep to support us. I had offered to provide insurance documents and doctor's information to Thomas Cook but they never requested it. Today, exactly 28 days after the complaint was made, I received an email (despite asking to be contacted by phone) with no more than an apology. If that wasn't maddening enough some of information quoted back to me in the email was incorrect to the original complaint... Not massively incorrect, but enough to make me believe that the complaint was only glanced over. The question is - do I pursue this or will I just be wasting my time? I'm not wanting a refund or anything like that but we were expecting to be compensated for the inconvenience and the fact that my partner is still struggling now he's back to work. Any gesture more than an apology would have been enough for us but now we just feel angry. Like we've been swept under the carpet. Any advice or similar experiences would be a great help Thank you Kxx
  11. Hello all, wondered if I might get some advice on this situation. I was on holiday in the US last week and made use of a Thomas Cash Passport pre-paid USD card. When I reloaded it with a small amount (£75 for $110) to see me to the end of the holiday I was somewhat surprised to see they had actually reloaded the card with $1100. I have a receipt showing they "sold" me $1107 for £74. Thinking this too good to be true I headed to the ATM and there was no mistake, it let me draw out $700 . Shortly after the card was "suspended" and I was no longer able to use it. On returning to the UK I dug out the T&Cs and there is nothing in that about reload errors only that if they suspend the card they will inform me in writing of the reasons. Being a bit cheeky I rang them up to query why my card had been suspended. They had to go away and check and rang me back later that day to tell me that it had been suspended until I paid them back $600 I owed them, if I didn't pay it back they pass me on to a debt collector. Doesn't sound right to me, ok its obvious they screwed up but surely that is their problem and I just got a very good deal?
  12. Hi All, Just looking for a bit of advice after a bit of a run in with Thomas Cook. I am a single mum with 5 children eldest of whom has Autism, so we received a charitable donation towards a holiday and proceeded to book with Thomas Cook. They offered us the low deposit and remainder to be paid within 8 weeks, 8 weeks came and an unexpected bill came out of my account, taking money from the holiday balance, so I called and explained, they extended for another 13 days. The time came to pay and i called with my card and it was declined, we tried again for a lower amount, declined again. I was advised that if the holiday was not paid by close of business that day that it would be cancelled, at which point i asked if they could just extend for 24-48 hours and we could sort this situation out, the answer was no, the branch were not prepared to take us on 'trust' as they have done this in the past and been let down (so they can be flexible, they just don't trust us??) the remainder of the balance would then become the brances debt and if we didn't pay then they would have to. At around 4.30pm I found out that the bank had carried out a routine fraud check on my card. by which time the holiday had been cancelled, as we felt backed into a corner with the advisor saying, you'll have to find some other way to pay (and we didn't have any other way) We were gutted, I haven't even broken the news to my autistic son yet, don't know how to. We decided to make a complaint a while later, as we felt that we had been treat in an unforgiving way and when holidays are booked in this way, it's not black and white as far as im concerned. We emailed our complaint to TC and received a call from the branch manager, basically trying to argue the point with me, my response to her was that i knew this would be their attitude and this is the reason they were cc'd into the email that was directly sent to TC complaints dept. She continued to labour the point about dates and extensions, my point was that i did call to pay, but because the bank carried out their fraud check, we are now £550 down and without a holiday, not only that we are not able to apply for family fund holiday for a further two years! So part of the conversation she mentioned again the taking customers on trust (and to me this just feels like why for others and not for us?) also that there is a chance we could reinstate the holiday. I asked her to do whatever she could and come back to me with some sort of resolve for the situation. At around 5pm (6-7 hours later) I am advised that she has been trying to get hold of 'them' for 3 1/2 hours but she can't and that she feels that they will say no because reinstatements must be booked within 2 weeks (why weren't we told this when we were asking for a 24-48 hour extension and our holiday was cancelled). Also that if I am going to pursue with their customer relations dept. that i should do so as they may be able to override the branches decision. I just feel wholly dissatisfied at the actions of the branch, their withholding information that would've resolved this issue, when we were trying the pay the deposit and their obvious flexibilities, when they feel like it. I run my own business and appreciate risks involved but, we had a holiday costing around £5k booked with an additional family joining us at around £2k (carers and support). Can any let me know if they think i can any case for appealing this matter. Regards
  13. Hi all Booked a Holiday with the travel house for a holiday to Cyprus a package holiday with Thomas cook. Upon arrival at airport there were no transfers booked for us we were eventually put in a taxi, upon arriving at hotel at 4am there was no reservation although we were given a room that was stinking was full of damp and blood stains on the sheets see the photos attached. Due to this i phoned Thomas cook duty line to register a complaint to be "told dont like it fly home do you know what time it is im sleeping" The next morning the Thomas cook rep came to site after hotel staff wanted to evict me as after 5 requests to change my bloddy sheets my partner went down and after a debate told them the room was not fit for a tramp he was not aggressive just a general frustrated comment. When the tour rep arrived at holiday we raised concerns with her including, no reservations or transfers, condition of room and hotel supposed to be 4*, location of hotel as was described as in heart of town was in middle of nowhere also I witnessed rats and cats in kitchen area and requested a hotel move and was told it would be 500 euro. She didnt resolve any of the issues the bloody sheets were still on bed when she left but she did kindly give me a final written warning for the comment to hotel staff about the room not being fit for a tramp. After she left I contacted the uk head office only to be told that they cant deal with complaints till I was back in UK. After a day of using the all inclusive facilities the next day which were available from 10am- 12 midnight at 11.30pm a group of six of us were asked to keep the volume down as other guests had complained, we were only 6 people under 50 as we were in a saga resort. we shortly left and went to our rooms. The following morning still being in the same room with dirt and blood stained bed after sleeping on the sofa we were evicted from the hotel for the disturbance we had cause with 4 others they were not penalized although there was no disturbance just sat drinking at poolside. The rep kindly informed us the eviction ment the contract with thomas cook no longer existed and waited for us to leave before driving off and leaving us stranded. I paid additional flight costs to come home as it was a holiday from hell that lasted 50 hours. Upon being back in UK I have made a formal complaint to Thomas cook and there response is below. Dear Mr ***** I am writing in response to the correspondence you sent to our CEO, Harriet Green, regarding your travel arrangements with Thomas Cook. As I act on Harriet's behalf in matters relating to customer service, this has been forwarded to me for investigation.I am sorry to read of the issues you have had with Thomas Cook, and have investigated this. I tried to call you, but I could not be connected to your mobile. Naturally I was concerned to read that you were unhappy with your hotel. It is your, and your travel agent's responsibility, to ensure that the location and facilities are what you expect from a holiday. Had the hotel been in a lively resort, I do not believe that you would have been so unhappy with the hotel, and the situation would not have unfolded in the way it did. Reading the notes, I can see that Travel House offered to pay 50% of costs to change your hotel, yet you were unwilling to accept this. You were also unwilling to accept any of the suggestions Thomas Cook staff made in resort. You became increasingly unhappy, and your behaviour was deemed unacceptable by guests, staff and other tour operators in the ******* hotel, and as such, the manager asked that you leave the hotel. Had you accepted any of the resolutions offered to you, you would not have been asked to leave, or had to pay for flights home. Unfortunately as a result of your and ***** behaviour, I am unable to offer any refund or compensation. If you are still unhappy, then please contact ABTA. Their website is http://abta.com/. I appreciate this is not the outcome you were hoping for, but our decision remains, and will remain, that no compensation will be paid. Kind Regards, ******* Directors' Office The travel house at no point offered to pay additional accommodation costs and Thomas cooks alternatives were move hotels at a cost of 500 euro. I feel i have exhausted all avenues even tried to do a charge back on my visa card but this has been declined by bank as services have been received. You may read this and think its your own fault but it was genuinely a quiet conversation in a group that warranted eviction apparently and telling reception staff the room was not fit for a tramp ( please see pics and advise for yourself) Any advice much appreciated[ATTACH=CONFIG]47144[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47145[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47146[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47147[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47148[/ATTACH]
  14. Hi all I am looking for some advice about the below case please. Thanks. Holiday details: 5 of us (4 adults and 1 child of 11 yrs) booked and paid for an all inclusive holiday with Thomas Cook Holidays online. I was refused to get on the Thomas Cook Airline flight in August 2012 due to issues with their contract check-in personnel. I had disagreed with their extortionate excess weight charge of £14 per kg insisting first to speak to the check-in personnel's manager(s) and later to the Stansted Airport Thomas Cook (TC) representative. They were refusing the latter request until they realised that I'll not be giving up. So, the TC lady agreed a reasonable solution to the 18kg excess weight issue with suggesting the use of a little advertised 'flight only bag', which would cost £60 for an extra 20kg baggage allowance (we would have to purchase a bag to qualify for this option). I was not present at this point of discussions between the holiday party, the ground staff and the TC lady, as I had taken my son to the gents, which is a fair distance from the check-in area/desks. I noticed that my wife and our friends (a married couple) were not present at the check-in area when I returned with my son. I asked the TC rep and the check-in person what had been decided, to which she replied 'you better go and ask YOUR LOT over there', pointing in the direction of my friend sitting down away from the check-in desks. I unfortunately lost my rag and indirectly accused them of being 'racist' WITHOUT using such terms or any foul language ('you need to change your glasses so that you can see people as they are', to which the ground personnel check-in lady and the TC rep took exception and regarded my statement as accusing them of being 'racist'). My wife and my friend's wife had gone to purchase a bag to take advantage of the deal offered by the TC rep and returned to the desks to find that the TC rep and primarily the ground staff had decided to refuse to let me on the flight. It is worth noting that at the same time they had obviously called for the Police to attend. But, FOUR ARMED Police Officers turned up?!! So, they must have either asked for this many or by blowing up the situation to a bigger one than it was, the airport security sent a strong and armed unit to deal with me! It was the first time in my 40 years in this country that I had come across / had anything to do with the Police let alone ARMED ones. I found it intimidating and my wife and 11 year-old son were obviously upset and scared. They were using this method to 'bully' me into submission, as I was the most vociferous in the party and had insisted all along that there must be a solution to the extortionate rates they wanted to charge us. And funny enough there was! I was told to 'make my own way' to the resort. They AND the armed Police (?!) refused to provide me with any written confirmation of TC's decision or the names of the personnel involved in making the decision (this is a key point that I'll come back to later in the story). I asked my wife to speak to the TC rep at the holiday resort to ensure that there would be no problems with my flight back. The TC rep confirmed that there will not be any issues or problems, as the 'refuse to carry' was only for the outbound flight. Unfortunately we don't have her name or this in writing, but my friend's wife was present as a witness. Can you guess what happened on the day of the return flight? Yes, of course, I was refused carriage again! But, this time it was due to a 'letter' from TC at Stansted dated 13 days prior to the return flight date, i.e. the day after the outbound flight. So, why had TC failed to notify me of this intention earlier, i.e. at Stansted? Funny enough this is exactly what their legal department is TRYING to say now, that my 'contract' with their airline was effectively 'terminated/cancelled' when they refused to carry me on the outbound flight. Well, in that case why wasn't I given a written notification of this, as I would then have arranged a TWO WAY RETURN flight for myself knowing in advance that I wouldn't be allowed on the return flight. I jumped ahead a bit there, sorry. I complained to TC and requested a compensation for what they had done and for ruining our first family holiday in nearly 8 years. They obviously have refused and the end result has been for me to take the matter to ABTA and their Arbitration service. I have received TC's 'defence' to my claims and now need to get back to the Arbitration service with my reply to their 'defence'. Any advice or help would be much appreciated. radmm0
  15. Myself my partner and my 2 children aged 5 and 2 went on holiday to Turkey with Thomas Cook arriving on Mon 28/05/12 (early hours). On the Monday my daughter developed a rash and small raised bumps on her back. I thought it was a reaction to the sun or suncream. Changed the suncream and applied more often. Tuesday rash also to back Wednesday/Thursday some spots on torso (we thought she had been bitten). Friday covered in spots head-to-toe. We hadn't even considered chicken pox as our son had had it twice and she had never caught it so thought she was immune. We told the rep on the friday afternoon and he advised we had done the right thing and she would need to see a doctor to determine if she could fly. The doctor came out and examined her (ears, nose, throat) examined the spots and determined they were scabbing and she would not be contagious for the flight during the early hours of Monday morning. In fact he said he would be happy enough even if she was flying the next day. He said he would complete a fit to fly certificate and drop it off on the Sunday. We discussed with the rep who was relieved for us and advised we may be asked to see another doctor at the airport but it would just be proceedure. He said he would be at the hotel on Sunday should we have any problem getting the certificate. By 5pm on Sunday the fit to fly had still not arrived. The original rep was not there buy the rep manager was. My parner spoke to her and she was quite rude and seemed put out. He then spoke to the reception staff who advised they would try to contact the doctor. no help from Thomas Cook and thanks to the hotel staff we got the certificate. The manager said that would be enough to get us on the plane. Thinking all now ok we were picked up and arrived at the airport approximately 1.15am. At check-in I volunteered the certificate to staff expecting we would need to see the doctor as advised by Thomas Cook. After much discussion with her manager etc we were told she needed to copy it but we were checked in bags taken etc. Through passport control fine. To departure gate. To door of the aircraft where the groundstaff were waiting with cabin crew and asked us to step aside. At this point my partner is carrying my sleeping 2 year old and I have my daughter and all the hand luggage. We were then lead back past queue of passengers to a small landing where people continued to file past. We were then informed by a very rude condescending man (possibly co-pilot or chief cabin crew) that we wouldn't be permitted to board the plane. My 5 year old started crying. He then pointed at her and said 'she can't travel with an infectious disease'. At this point my daughter was devastated crying 'Im sorry Im sorry its all my fault.' It was extremely distressing. He was very put out when we asked why as we had the certificate and he said she had only had it 3 days. I pointed out that the certificate stated it had started more than 3 days before we saw the doctor i.e. we saw him on 01/06 but it had started 28-29/05. He said it didn't matter as we were denied boarding. He then said he would discuss with the pilot but during this time our baggage was removed from the plane and groundstaff started discussing who would take us back out making it clear that the decision wouldn;t be changed. He came back and said as per medical advise from the UK she couldn't fly and that was that. He then said 'there's a plane full of people can you imagine the claim for compensation'. He then said we wouldn'y be able to go home for at least 5 days. My daughter was at this point hysterical - she had been up for 20 hours and was already sensitive as had alot of nasty comments on holiday about the spots. Added to this all of the passengers were filing past pointing and staring at us. It looked like we had tried to smuggle her on with the spots when we had done absolutely everything as advised by Thomas Cook. I said to my partner 'oh my god work is going to sack me' - the guy then said 'now you're just being silly I'm sure they won't under the citcumstances'. As if he had any knowledge of me or my job. I then said can one of us fly with the baby which really put him out. He replied 'if you must'. I asked if we could have time to sort hrough the bags quickly as otherwise my partner would either have to have no bags or all of them (Dalaman airport strictest in the world £14 per extra kg of luggage would have meant a charge of £420 if I'd left him the bags). I was told 'now you're just being silly again'. My daughter was then screaming 'mummy don't leave me' and he said ' right Thomas Cook won;t leave you stranded and I'll leave you with the groundstaff' and off he went. Plane left about 5 miniutes later. We were then left to take our children, hand luggage and hold luggge (luckily on a trolley) back through the airport. The staff spoke little English and we were led to the airport exit doors. We waited just inside them but there was nowhere to sit so we had to sit on the floor with my still sobbing 5 year old for 2 hours. The groundstaff spoke to a Thomas Cook rep who at no point asked to speak to us to give us any reassurance etc. Eventually the woman put him on to me but only because she couldn;t understand him. He advised he could put us in a hotel in Fethiye but it was 90 mins away so we would need to get a taxi. We told him we had no money. He then said he would call back. He did but continued to talk to the staff again. Eventually she put him on to me again and he said he had us a place in Icemeler but again we would need our own transport. I reiterated we had no money. He then suggested we get someone to transfer us some! Or alternatively try to get a lift with another tour operator!!. He then called back to the groundstaff by which point my partner became very upset, me and my daughter were crying and sitting on the floor of a deserted airport at 5am whilst he carried our son. He stated he would just take the money out and deal with the consequnces later. The rep gave the hotel name to the groundstaff who found us a taxi. We got in and only at this point did we find out we were going to neither of the resorts mentioned and were in fact going back to Marmaris! It took us 90 minutes and cost £65 and when we got there the taxi driver asked where the hotel was. We explained we had no idea and didn;t even have the name. He asked another taxi firm and they had no idea either. We had no contact details from Thomas Cook to call for help so felt utterly abandoned and lost. We were about to getout and lay the children on the beach when the taxi driver found the hotel by chance. The place was grim. We went to the room (it was by now after 6am) and it was horrendously hot. I opened the patioo doors which led to a balcony which was over the street and was easily scaleable by my 2 year old (which is why I asked for a ground floor at our original hotel). We asked about aircon. The guy said 'you must pay more and left'. In order for the children to sleep I hadf to open the doors but then couldn;t sleep myself for fear of the baby waking and going out there. My daughter was then sick from the heat, distress and lack of sleep. Next day my partner went to sort aircon and get water and bumped into the Thomas Cook rep - who had no idea who we were or why we were there or what had happened. she was very nice and really lovely but had to leave at 12 but advised someone from Thomas Cook would call with info on flights and when we could go home etc. No calls for hours. We then proceed to exchange calls with Thomas Cook (having to keep walking across the street to call them). We were given the 0844 customer relations number to call which didn't work. Their answer was 'oh yeah its closed til wednesday'. We called them 5 times and on 3 occasions I was asked 'so what's the problem again'. Ecventually I was called at the hotel by Thomas Cook who simply said it;s nothing to do with us now you need to speak to your insurance'. I explained (again) that we couldn;t get flights because we didn;t know when we would be allowed to fly i.e. if a fit to fly cert wasn;t enough what did we need to do. Also explained my insurance compnay were still waiting for a report from them re why we were denied boarding. She put me on hold to speak to her manager then said she would call me back in a few minutes. An hour and a half later no call. I traipsed to call box again. Asked why she hadn;t called me back and was told she was 'still waiting for information'. I advised its common courtesy to call someone back when you say you were going to and she huffed down the phone at me! I then went to town on her. Within half an hour the manager turned up at the hotel. She re-iterated again that it was down to our insurance company. At this point we had just received the report from Thomas Cook re why we weren;t allowed to board - it had taken them over 8 hours to produce it. I explained we couldn't book tickets if we didn;t know if we could get on a plane!! She then advised we would need ANOTHER fit to fly cert within 24 hours of the flight. We had to go to the hospital and see another doctor (in fact we asked to see 2 so they could agree) and they were stunned that we hadn;t been allowed on the plane. Our insurance were great and got us flights for that night but Thomas Cook were not willing to provide any help with transfers to the airport. We then had to get another taxi to the airport at a £65 cost. My daughter became very upset as we went into the airport asking if everyone would look at her again and starting to cry. We were then told at check in that again we wouldn;t be able to fly!! After some discussion and speaking to the manager they advised would speak to the cabin crew (we were flying home with Monarch). We were asllowed to go to departure lounge but bags kept to one side. My daughter was crying asking if 'the man would shout at her again'. It was avery stressful 2 hours where we only found out 5 minutes before boarding that we would be allowed to board. It was a horrific experience and we were stranded and left to rot by Thomas Cook. Apologies for the huge post but wanted to explain all in detail. Do we have any legal standpoint here as our holiday was ruined (our first as a family) and my daughter advised she doesn;t want to go on a plane again. I want to claim for the distress, humiliation and stress to all of us but particularly to my daughter. Any advice????
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