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  1. Had 250ltr of our hot water tank leak through the ceiling recently. There was a little damage there before (shower leaked a few years ago) but it was too much hassle to fix. Now the damage is much much worse. The insurance are paying for the flooring but are refusing to pay for the ceiling saying I've not experienced any financial loss because it was damaged already? Is this normal? Surely its like saying you can't have a new carpet if its wrecked because there was a fag burn on one corner?
  2. October last year I had my van stolen. When the police came I told them the circumstances and wrongly stated that the van was unlocked. I believed this to be correct and even told the insurance claims handler the same thing. Baiscally I was loading the van (box van with tail lift) with two other guys. I had hung my jacket up with the van keys in the pocket . We were up and down stairs loading up furniture. Next thing i know is one of the lads shouted the vans been nicked , it was literally just speeding off up the road , tail lift down and furniture all over the road. Anyway this was in October 2016. I had told the police and the claims handler that I believed the van to have been unlocked. Sometime in December between Christmas and New Year I was informed that the insurance company would not be paying out and would not be refunding any of my premium either! In January I went to the Auction House where the theft occured and was asked about the payout on the van . I told the lads that were helping me load the van that the claim was refused because I had left the van unlocked. I still believed this. One of tha lads then told me that he had wanted to adjust the tail lift and could not get in the cab to turn on the power as it was locked. Obviously I was a bit peeved about this as I had told the insurance assessor and the police that there were lads helping me and could tell them as much as I could but neither were interested. Hed either of them spoke to the lads who were helping me then my mistake about the van being unlocked would have been discovered earlier. As soon as I realised there had been a mistake I wrote to ageas insurance . The are not interested in looking again as I had told the police and them the same thing ... because I believed it to be true. How can I force Ageas to listen , they have made the decision on incorrect evidence and even though the mistake has been pointed out to them , they are refusing to even speak to the guys from the auction house. I want to go to the Ombudsman but Im not sure if they can look at the new evidence or will just look at what was said to the police and insurance claims handler. Would it be worth correcting the mistake in my police statement ? Would a statement of truth help ? The van was on finance and I have nothing to gain but everything to lose . I thank you for looking and hope I can get some advice . Shaun
  3. I could not believe I was reading this !! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4510778/Student-stabbed-lover-spared-jail.html
  4. Hi, today I received a letter from Howard Cohen & co. Solicitors re a credit card debt from Barclaycard. (enc) I sent off a CCA request in October 2015. They sent back a copy of term and conditions and a covering letter. Since then they sent letters from Robinson way requesting payment then there was a Notice of Pending Legal Action letter from HC solicitors in August 2016 Nothing since then until todays letter for settlement offer. I'm guessing this is because they can't provide the CCA I requested? I can't pay what there asking anyway....should i just ignore this? Thanks PB Barclays.pdf
  5. Hello All, I would request someone's help on how to proceed my case in the court. I have made overseas funds transfer from my HSBC account to one of my Indian friend account on Sep 1st 2016. I have received the confirmation from HSBC about my debits to my address but the transfer did not happen from their end. I understand there are some processes they have to follow it, but I feel which is not properly streamlined and it’s really putting the customer into frustration. It was an emergency situation that I need to support financially through this fund, but because of the issue and delay made by HSBC bank, I was pushed into very worst situation. I had come across lots of confusions and lost my reputation around my family and friends in my native place. The beneficiary did not receive my payment for more than a week, wherein I have received the confirmation papers from HSBC about my debits. I thought it’s a problem with beneficiary account and was in confusion. I waited for few more days but the situation was same, beneficiary lost the trust on me which I promised them to help on his emergency. They thought I did not do any transfer and I am just saying. I thought they have received the payment and they are kidding me. Later the situation went worst with multiple arguments between us. And I was really ****ed off and called HSBC on 8th September and I got to know my payment was kept on hold for some review. And I was completely upset and disappointed because of the bank issue it had created lots of problem in my personnel life. I explained them the situation, also I have questioned them why it was not informed to the customer when they keep their transaction on hold and there was no proper response from them for my queries. The customer executive promised me someone will call from payments team within 24 hours as this is an emergency transfer. But nobody had called me within 24 hours from the time I called them. I hope they tried to reach me after the timelines that they have promised to me but I couldn’t pick that call. Later no call back from them and emails from them. By this time I have lost my peace and my reputation was already spoiled with my people, as I couldn’t help the emergency situation; I couldn’t keep up my words and promise, Moreover my relationship bond with the beneficiary was broke because of this. I was completely upset, mentally stressed and hurt. Even after a week later there was no update from bank, I called them again on 13th Sep the situation was still the same, and they collected some information to proceed with the transfer. I have given all the information they wanted from me. That time my only intension is to prove the beneficiary that I really tried helping them. After providing all the information to the bank I requested them to release the funds as quick as possible. But no luck with that calls as well. I have called the bank again on 16th Sep (not sure on this date) to check the status and it was told by them the information’s that they collected from me was not good enough to release the funds, which made me mad. I questioned them then why did they collect those and when they feel it’s not good enough why can’t they collect the required information, but again no response. Later I told them to cancel the fund and put the money back into HSBC Advance account which got credited on 20th September. In between I launched a complaint also in HSBC around 13th Sep and I got a response for that complaint on 6th October 2016 almost a month later… Meanwhile I have arranged the funds in India through different source by paying the extra excess interest. And for almost a month I was mentally stressed because of the problems I had with the beneficiary as they are very close relation with me. I was fully upset and couldn’t concentrate on work or anything, which could have led me to life damaging event. And to solve these issues I have travelled to India on November by taking leaves.. And I have filed complaint with Ombudsman in November regarding this. After collecting all these information and multiple reviews they have come up with saying 250 GBP can be paid as compensation. But before even filing with Ombudsman, HSBC staff called me and tried to convince me with the compensation of 30GBP, for the situation that I have been put through because of their mistake. I detailed him because of the bank mistake what all issues I have faced and moreover I have arranged the fund in my native to help the beneficiary by paying extra interest money along with the principal fund. Then he tried to convince me by increasing the compensation by equalising with the extra interest I paid in my native, which is 120 GBP. I did not accept. But Ombudsman Took almost 9 months to drive and finalised 250 GBP, which is not fair. Here no body has considered because of bank mistake how much it impacted one personnel and professional life which has put them on mental stress, loss of relationship, loss of reputation, more I have spent extra amount on arranging funds in India, I have travelled to India on my own cost, I have used my vacation leaves for this purpose, I feel all the above factors to be considered for compensation. I have spent almost 350 pounds for my air tickets, 242 pounds as extra interest in India, ten days of salary 1000 GBP, so total of 1592 Pounds I have spent for fixing the issue, But the pain I went through for that duration, which damaged my life with loss of reputation, loss in relation, mental stress, all these are to be considered. Please advice on this
  6. Hi All, My landlady told us in Feb that she was selling our house. We moved out in April when a suitable property came up, but had to pay double rent and council tax on the two properties until the end of June when my tenancy ended I did however manage to get a one month discount on the old property as I wasn't living there. Now that the landlady is renovating the house to sell, she too has applied for the council tax discount (as she's not living there) and has been declined as there needs to be a period of 6 weeks of someone living there since that last claim before she's entitled to it. Because of this, she has told me that what I did was 'unacceptable' and that she will be taking the £119 (one month's council tax) out of my deposit. We are going through the DPS, but but the email this morning told me that my request for repayment of my deposit has been declined and that that I to settle it with her - which is impossible as she is totally unreasonable. Who is in the right here? She is stating that it was my responsibility to pay all bills (which I have done), but in claiming the discount (which I was perfectly entitled to), I have breached this part of my contract. Any advice much welcomed.
  7. You just couldn't make some of this stuff up, Why is this man who is also 60years old and registered Blind even being mandated to submit to the F2F farce WCA ? What is the point in it, He is extremely unlikely to ever regain his sight ,? So apart from it benefiting Maximus in another fee they can charge the DWP it's a waste of tax payers money this is an example of how flawed the system in place is http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/blind-man-benefits-axed-after-9380033
  8. In short: I purchased a car on the 7th and picked it up on the 9th which needed a service and cambelt. One of the tyres deflated slowly on the way home. I was not told that the car had a slow puncture. That said, I don't like using tyres on second-hand cars because you don't know if they've been repaired...etc so wasnt bothered about replacing them. The wheel locking key which was supposed to be in the glove box was missing I purchased a replacement and had the tyres replaced at my cost when it arrived a week later (16th). The dealer just stated that it should be in the car. I went to perform the service yesterday and didnt get far. Upon removing the undertray there was a clear sign of the clutch slave cylinder inside the bell housing was leaking and has been for some time. The consequences of this could be hundreds and its a big job that Im reluctant to tackle myself. At a garage the cost could be as high as £1200. The car cost 2.5k which was top money by the price guides . There is a warranty but they will just replace the cylinder leaving the clutch in a state whereby I don't know if it will fail prematurely. There are several other problems, some of which Im prepared to repair, others not. Firstly, I asked in the initial conversation about the car if any fluids were leaking or if there were problems with the engine/gearbox to which they said no. As this is under 14 days I presume I can just reject? Secondly, what if any are my options with the new tyres? I might phone up the tyre place to see if they can refit but I doubt thats an option . They cost just over £400 so I dont want the dealer to benefit. I cant drive the car for fear of the clutch failing and yet again have a hire car. At least I still have all the service parts and can return them because I didnt want to do any work to the car after discovering the faults
  9. ?? http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/war-hero-who-lost-both-legs-in-afghanistan-no-longer-allowed-treatment-at-english-hospital-because-hes-scottish/ar-AAoX9ON?li=AA59G2&ocid=ientp
  10. She appealed to Smart with the same mitigating circumstance and they told her to pay. A complaint to the principle who hired the [problem] gets the charge cancelled.... http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2015-09-23/mother-fined-70-because-she-stayed-in-asda-car-park-after-doing-her-shopping-to-breastfeed-baby-daughter/?ref=yfp
  11. Hi everyone this is my first post here so ill start at the beginning, when i was younger i had several loans from natwest and one rolled into a bigger loan several times over the years, after contact rbs they said i had 5 accounts with them and that so far they had one loan of £4.5 with an offer of £170 (like 4%) , then another account was 10k with £1900 offered (19%), then an £11k one still awaiting an offer , then an 18k one still awaiting offer. the last one was £1700 loan with no ppi so no offer. Heres where it gets interesting i was sold the ppi as you had to have it to get a loan with them and that in the event you were off work it would pay your loan until it finished or you went back to work , this however turned out to be false as i found out when i had a back injury was off work and the ppi ran out after a year leaving me with a loan to cover whilst not working which lead me to going bankrupt, being bankrupt then made it difficult to find work ( no banking industry ) and even when i ended up working for an insurer the highest level i could be employed at was the job i had at £21k pa, the next job up was £36k (which is what i should of been doing) so i lost out on 15k per year when i went back to work. Now i see that as some sort of damage (expectant measure, reliant measure, liquidated damages or professional negligence .) so in effect from me returning to work in 2009 (bankruptcy 2008) that until 2014 this was being held against me in terms of jobs and salary. Could i claim 5 years at £15k a year loss? Now that the bankruptcy is discharged will any payment from them go to me or insolvency people? My next step will be to SAR them before accepting any offers they have made or will make. is there any time frame for the SAR to be carried out by them? and how long do you have to accept an offer. thanks for your help
  12. Landowner defending their agent because it's all about the money.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3284772/Driver-gets-100-fine-stopped-double-yellow-lines-just-23-seconds-ask-directions.html
  13. I was/is on SEETEC, but my doctor told them that I was travel sick, they've given me 3 sets of tablets to help me. I do 9-5 job search which is 5 days a week, Thursday and Friday I go to a city 45 minutes away via bus. They knew I was travel sick, but ignored the doctor's note, I wasn't well. On Monday I was ill and kept retching, I told the receptionist that I felt ill but had to wait for the manager. Well, she came back and told me I had to stay at tehe centre till 5pm, it was 12.30 and my stomach wa shurting and I felt sick. So I walked out and had a doctor's appt and he gave me the 7 day sick not which has ran out. Because I have now got the month long one I can sign off JSA and onto ESA.. I'll ring them on Monday, but I don't understand if I have to continue with the job search or ring SEETEC to tell them I won't be in. I will on Monday as they need a copy of my sick note. Can anyone help me? The doctor wrote down anxiety as cause for me being off sick. He also said this place is stressing me out and making me ill. I would gladly get myself a volunteering placement myself.
  14. Hi Everyone, I left my job in September, I just received a letter from my line manager's manager telling me I owed the organisation £260 for damage to a laptop (saying the laptop is now unusable). I admitted to two keys falling off the laptop and at the time I was told that was normal wear and tear (as I did outreach work and the laptop travelled alot) But they are claiming a bent screen and trackpad. However paying for damages is not in my employment contract. Are they legally able to make me pay for the damages? If so can I ask for several quotes for the damage before I pay? They are threatening to withhold my reference if I don't settle the matter with them.
  15. This is driving me around the bend. Following redundancy I registered with the local JobCentrePlus and from December I started claiming JSA (contributions based type) which I thought I had a right to , having been in work for 37 years. They paid the JSA contributions ok, but then Belfast wrote claiming I owed them back two lots of fortnight-payments because my Pension had gone up in April. Odd ! I thought. Yes my NHS pension had gone up but by only £1.90 a month, but where is the right to 6 months payments irrespective of income if they then look at money coming in ? Also I do not think that such an increase would have had that huge impact ! On reflection I remember declaring to the staff of the JobCentrePlus that in March I had started receiving a monthly payment of £300 from the Lyfestyle Protection Policy which I had with the Post Office. Could that money have been taken into consideration and perhaps mistaken as an additional pension or an increase of the original NHS ? I do not know and after two unanswered recorded deliveries to Belfast and two letters from their Debt Recovering office (which are also claiming a fine of £90 from me ) I am getting panicky. I do not want to pay up if then it turns up to be a misinterpretation by the benefits department. MY QUESTION: Can anyone here please confirm to me whether an insurance payment under the ASUS scheme terms can be taken into account for stopping JSA payments ? I really think Belfast might have been mistaking this money for an additional pension or an increase on the originally declared pension. Your advice would be much appreciated as I am running short of time > Thank you Nino
  16. I received an unexpected later from my insurance telling me I should pay £525.23 (after my policy had been cancelled). I rang them up to ask what this figure was for, being told that my claim I had put before was because I was at fault. ??!! I had not been made aware of this before, neither is this in the handbook policy. Please help!!!! I thought insurance is there so it covers you up in case of an accident, whether your fault or not!! I am with only young drivers. thank you.
  17. My temp job ended a couple of weeks ago. I was receiving Working Tax Credits, so I rang the HMRC helpline to inform them of my change of circumstances. They told me I would receive 4 more weeks of WTC and then it will stop. So I made a rapid reclaim. When asked if I was also receiving other benefits, I ticked yes ( I am not sure if that was the correct thing to do). Then I received a letter from the DWP confirming that my claim was accepted, by the amount is just over £40 a week. I assume it's because of the WTC. My question is: once my WTC runs out, is it just as simple as calling the JSA helpline and informing them of my new circumstances or is there anything else I should do now? Any help will be appreciated.
  18. Hi, myself and my partner just put a deposit down on an apartment which isn't available until the 7th of July. The letting agent has just sent us through the holding deposit T&C which states the following.. " Should the applicant withdraw the application or fail their referencing, which is at the landlords discretion and in this event be unable to provide a guarantor suitable to the landlord, the deposit will not be returned" Is this common practice? Surely that's a HUGE gamble with money?? I don't mind losing the fees but the entire deposit as well? Shouldn't they usually take this AFTER the checks have been carried out? Any help would be much appreciated before I sign these forms! Many thanks!
  19. My friend has been working for the same company for over thirty years and recently had to fill in some sort of assessment form in which they asked if he had any financial issues that they didn't know about so out of honesty he said yes, I have an IVA, which is almost satisfied and has been adhered to from day one. The company have been very unpleasant about this and are trying to say that he is a high risk because of this and are threatening him with the sack over it. He has been through a grilling today and they're asking for further evidence next week before they make 'a decision'. There is something about this that smells pretty bad. He has three years to go before retirement and I feel this is a cynical sideways way of trying to get rid. I wonder about the legality of this and if anyone on here knows of a precedent that might help throw some light on this thoroughly unpleasant and spiteful behaviour. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope someone can offer some advice Regards Andy
  20. I placed an order with Parcel2go via MyHermes on 20th July. I dispatched the small item on economy service which I would assume 3-5 days max. My Ebay customer started ranting and set up an issue that he didnt receive the item after 5 working days. I tracked it and sent a copy to him and contacted company that assured my parcel would be delivered within 24hrs. after 10 days my customer refused to accept the parcel in annoyance 1st August. I assumed the parcel would be returned to me. I checked yesterday and it states that its been signed for. This is now the issue I have contacted Parcel2go and they want me to pay again to have the parcel returned to myself???? In the meanwhile Ebay have sided with the customer and refunded the item and the postage however I am left is debt now as the tracking states - endless excuses why it wasn't delivered. I have have now had money withdrawn out of my account and the parcel is in the hands of someone who can prob resell the item - surely this is illegal practice as it hasnt been delivered. Is it worth complaining and threaten with small claims?
  21. Good morning everyone! I've just returned home from my dental clinic. I didn't go to work today because i had this appointment. Can u imagine my shock when I came at the clinic by 12:00 sharp, it was the time of the appointment, only to know that the "hygienist is not in today".. They told me that they tried to contact me, but could't. But they are lying to me: there are no missed calls from them, no texts and no emails. Usually they do inform me of anything via text messaging AND email. If I was notified about such an important thing as a change to my appointment or its cancellation, I would have gone to work. But in this case I just simply lost one full working day's wages. I really am eager to know what can I do to the Dental Clinic? It is a private Dental Clinic(http://www.smileimpressions.com/), where I did use their NHS services couple of times, and where they imposed me paid services of a hygienist - I paid 25 pounds in advance for this appointment. They said they couldn't refund me my money today, and I need to come on Tuesday to have it. What can I do to make them compensate the day lost because their unprofessionalism and negligence? Should I write them some letter first, or what? Thank you in advance!
  22. Hi Guys i had a default on my credit report for £455 from shop direct which was opened in 2013 i would have been 17 at the time so there was no way i could even obtain credit. I have sent my passport details in to shop direct for proof and they have taken the default off my account my only problem is now my credit score is 208 which is very poor the only two things i have on my credit report are my phone contract and my credit card. I pay these every month and on time my credit card is paid off as i only had a £200 limit capital one offered to up my limit but i dont need it i turned down their offer. Why is my credit report still the same as when the default was on there also when i go on to closed accounts it shows shop direct would that still be having an affect on my credit report. I dont know what do as me and my boyfriend were planning on buying a house this year and by the looks of things that wont be happening now.
  23. I have not earned enough to pay back my student loan for the last ten years. I now find I am slightly above the threshold, if indeed it is a monthly threshold. Over the course of the last year I have earned less than the yearly threshold. Over the course of the last three months I have earned less than the threshold (divided by 4). However, the fact remains that my monthly salary is currently above the threshold and has been for the last two months. How is the threshold calculated? Is it on the previous years earnings divide by 12? On this months earnings? Thanks
  24. Hi im new here so i apoligies if this is in the rong section. Please some one give me some advice. I am privately renting a property. When i first moved in it was me my partner and my son. Due to some difficult circumstances me and my partner have seperated. I informed the estate agent it will just be me and my son living at the property. They called the landlord and he had no problem with this. Now the estate agent want to do a brand new tenancy agreement with new fees. Now im happy to pay fees for a new tenancy agreement However they have said they need to re-refernce check me of a charge of £150, and also re reference check my guarantor of a fee of £100. Now when i first moved in i already payed for these checks and dont they still stand ? nothings changed apart from my partner moving out so why should my guarantor have to be re checked when he was liable for full rent anyway? So they have sent me a section 21 notice to vacate in 2 months saying the landlord wants me out. However the landlord has said its fine they just want me out because i refuse to pay for checks ive already payed for?. In the section 21 it has also said i need to pay for proffesional carpet and curtain cleaning and show them invoices for this . There says nothing of the sort in my tenancy agreement just that it should all be the same as the pictures in the inventory. Now i have 2 months to either pay which i dont see why i should pay for something ive already payed for a year ago. Or be made to move?. Also my deposit is in a deposit scheme so if i find another private rental how does it work with my deposit being transferd? Sorry for such a long thread just need some advice? are the estate agent allowed to do this? when the landlord is happy for me to remain in the property with my son?.
  25. Looking for advice please, a judgement in default has been granted and bailiffs instructed because the claimant has told the court the defendant didn't respond to the claim - however the defendant filled in form N9A and took it, with a witness, to the claimant in person who told them they would not accept an offer and would only take the full amount. The defendant made a part payment on that same visit which has been deducted from the judgement amount, yet the claimant has clearly pretended to the court this visit never happened. It's my understanding that upon the claimant refusing the offer it should have been referred to the court for them to decide the amount to be paid and when , but by lying to the court the claimant has denied them this opportunity and there have been three bailiff visits already which again are incurring charges. I understand a form can be asked for to set aside the warrant - is this the best course of action as I'm not sure it is grounds to have the whole CCJ set aside (if they are indeed two seperate things)? Any advice is appreciated as this seems grossly unfair, the defendant does not have this sum all in one go and offered it across 10 monthly payments.
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