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  1. Hi there first time posting so please be gentle! I’ve worked for my current company for 10 years now and have a really good non sickness record and have never been in any disciplinary trouble. However on 27th April my employer stated and investigation into me and the team I was leading, after 2 investigation hearings I was suspended on 8th May. The company suspension policy recommends 5 working days suspension however I was suspended a lot longer, finally on the 17 working day The stress got to much for me and contacted HR and asked them for an update, 2 days later I got an invite to a disciplinary. The day before my disciplinary I finally cracked and called the sick line with work related stress and got into my doctors a few days later who signed me off for 2 weeks. My employer emailed me to ask if they could contact me yesterday and that call never came despite me looking at my phone all night however they have called tonight. My emplyer asked how I was but then quickly started to put pressure on me by wanting to know when I would be fit to attend the disciplinary, I stated I have the doctors tomorrow and I would keep him updated as per the absence policy which I have followed to the T but stated I didn’t feel mentally ready at the moment to even look at the evidence against me and I felt I needed to be in a better state of mind to fight this accusation (Gross misconduct charge). I want to fight this and don’t want it dragging on any longer than need be but I have only been off sick less than 2 weeks surely they can’t be pressuring me like this without even getting a occupational health report on me? Sorry for going on but my questions are. 1) Can I be dismissed while off with GP’s note through work related stress? 2) Has my employer acted reasonable in all of this, given the amount of stress it has put on me? Many thanks Bob
  2. Hi all, Sad (but happy!) to be back on the CAG - as it means another legal issue. For my sins I took out a contract for fibre with TalkTalk a few months ago. Previously I was with BT directly and never had problems. Once the switch was done to TalkTalk it was dire and never worked fully since - dropping connection, slow speed, awful CS, and so on. I initiated a complaint with them internally and they gave themselves 28 days to fix it; over a month later it still isn't fully fixed so I have given up with them. I have written several letters and CC'd them to the CEO but just get boilerplate letters back. All I want to do is leave and move to another provider. TalkTalk have relented here but are saying they are owed the rest of the contracted amount - £300 odd! I am concerned cancelling the Direct Debit will mess up my credit history so I am minded to let them take the funds out, then go to MCOL to recover the funds + minor costs that way via 1982 Supply of Goods and Services Act and their failure to follow. OFCOM refer me to some pointless and drawn-out "alternative complaints procedure" but frankly I have wasted enough time on this petty issue and just want to move on. My question is, given that TT have failed to fix the issue despite being notified within a lengthy timeframe, can I go directly to MCOL and recover costs that way, or will MCOL look down on me for not following OFCOM's useless alternate resolution garbage?
  3. I have been ill for 2.5 months, with stress and gastric/gallbladder issues I had my gallbladder removed 4 weeks ago. I am about to return to work. I get severe chest pains from stress still, and I am concerned how I am going to cope back at work my gallbladder operation has been successful. I get the odd twinge of pain on right side, but nothing like before. I feel like I am still on mend from this, but is going in right direction stress levels at work were high when I became ill. I fainted at work, had viral infection, had terrible GERD. thing is I have not had any official communication from HR about returning. Only brief conversation with my line manager about what day I would return. I feel low on energy at minute so forgive me if I have not given more detail, but I would like to hear from others who have been off sick, even if in part due to stress at work. How you were treated when you went back? Did stress levels reduce? Did you end up staying with employer? all advice welcome. I am not sure what I should say to my colleagues when I return this week. My line managers are out of the office this week. It is a large company I work for
  4. I work for a supermarket working 35 hours a week, where I wear non-slip work issued shoes. Flooring is concrete tiles. Other supermarkets in the area of the same company have smoother floors. I've been off sick since the 22nd May with a very painful lower leg, just above the ankle bone. I couldn't walk on it and put on some weight on it. From scans, it has been confirmed I have a stress fracture, on the end of the tibia. Been put into a cast for 4 weeks, then a walking boot cast for 4-6 weeks after that. I don't do any sporting activities outside work. These work issued shoes are the most uncomfortable shoes ever. Other colleagues say similar things. I work 8 hour shifts and by I have done 3-3.5 hours, my feet are crippling me. Earlier this year, I did ask a HR colleague, who doesn't work there anymore (so no comeback), could I have some new shoes and she asked, how long I had them and I said 15-18 months and she said that that's too early to replace them. I don't have issues with my own shoes which I wear outside work. I have also put in insoles into my work shoes and needed the bigger size as it made my feet tight in them. My job involves a great deal of standing and walking. I had a look at the colleague intranet, which we have access at home and they state that we are not allowed to wear our own non-slip/safety shoe. They provide just one type and they presume everyone's feet are the same. That is not the case. I'm a member of an union, so I will get in touch with the rep later this week as on holiday til Wednesday. I am worried that once I return to work, I will be forced into wearing those horrible shoes and risking my health even more - plus I'm more prone to getting further stress fractures. I am thinking, should I change jobs as my job has somewhat contributed towards my injury. Then some potential new employers may not want to know about someone who has had at least 3 months on the sick very recently. If its my work issued shoes that caused the injury, would that then be classed as a workplace injury? During my last 2-3 weeks, before I was off sick, I have asked supervisors that I needed to sit down, more times than in the past. I cannot sit down on my job all the time. There is always at least one colleague off sick with some sort of leg, foot or back problem from standing/walking too much in these shoes and on the flooring. I am the first one in my store to have a stress fracture on the leg. Apart from speaking to my rep, is there anything I need to do?
  5. Hello, The following issue has been on going since 24th December 2017. Looking for a bit of advice. On the 4th November I messaged a photographer on Facebook messagner with regards to providing wedding photography. He replied and advised he required a £100 deposit to secure the booking. He send the invoice to my email address with stated the deposit, name of the company and the following message “ by paying the amount above you are agreeing to the terms and conditions at (insert company’s website) “ I paid te £100 via goods and services on pay pal I did not receive tt se terms and conditions, I was not guided to where on the website they were (at the bottom of a very .. long .. packages page”. I emailed two days later asking when I would receive a contract for the booking to win, I was told then by paying the deposit I was in contract and that was sufficient I emailed a Facebook page and reviews of supplies and was told he was the most complained about supplier in the UK by not providing a good service.. saying there will be more than one photographer and one turns up etc. So on 24th we emailed saying we wished to cancel due to lack of contract and transparently. He emailed sayingthats fine but we need to pay a £200 fee to cancel. I contacted citizens advice telling me to send a recorded letter in addition to the email I send which he contacted and said he would be sending debt collectors and his lawyer is looking after this for him .. The wedding in 852 days away from cancelling and wen I read trading standards- companies can put a cancellation fee in that’s reasonable due to loss of profit or business. I felt the notice I’ve provided is sufficient. The terms and conditions weren’t actually given to me, he has now threatened us with debt collectors and said “the invoice clearly states that you have 14 days to cancel. But the invoice does not clearly state that. I’ve contacted citizens advice who will pass it to trading standards but they take 10 working days to make a decision. Any help as to where we stand would be great (Additional note) the photographer stated e was a memeber f the Scottish wedding photographer and portrait society but I contacted them and he is not a memeber.
  6. We & neighbour are social housing tenants. Received call from neighbour asking if we heard the sound of cracking glass. She explained that her bathroom window had just cracked. We looked at the external window and nothing untoward was noticed from outside. However, it could be seen that the outer pane of glass (window is bathroom window double glazed) was intact, but the interior appeared to have a star shaped crack, emanating from the centre. We then looked at the cracked interior pane in her bathroom. All looked as it should be, clean, everything in its place and nothing out of place. It could be seen that the interior pane of glass did have a crack. At this stage it was unknown what could have caused this. Neighbour then explained that when she reported the cracked pane that she was told she would be liable for the cost of the repair-£57 to be boarded up or £107 for new window. It may be that when this was reported landlord repairs office were not fully understand which pane of glass had cracked or how! So, question is, exactly who is or should be liable? We have checked the wording in tenants handbook, and it raises the point, that as the cracked window pane was not due to damage, intentional or accidental, it is hard to see how landlord can charge for this repair. It could clearly be seen that the pane of glass had cracked 'on its own', and after a little further research it can only be that this is down to 'thermal stress', which is not covered in the tenant handbook. As this is ambiguous, am looking for some assistance to direct me to a definite answer, preferably which aids our neighbour! Many thanks.
  7. I was/is on SEETEC, but my doctor told them that I was travel sick, they've given me 3 sets of tablets to help me. I do 9-5 job search which is 5 days a week, Thursday and Friday I go to a city 45 minutes away via bus. They knew I was travel sick, but ignored the doctor's note, I wasn't well. On Monday I was ill and kept retching, I told the receptionist that I felt ill but had to wait for the manager. Well, she came back and told me I had to stay at tehe centre till 5pm, it was 12.30 and my stomach wa shurting and I felt sick. So I walked out and had a doctor's appt and he gave me the 7 day sick not which has ran out. Because I have now got the month long one I can sign off JSA and onto ESA.. I'll ring them on Monday, but I don't understand if I have to continue with the job search or ring SEETEC to tell them I won't be in. I will on Monday as they need a copy of my sick note. Can anyone help me? The doctor wrote down anxiety as cause for me being off sick. He also said this place is stressing me out and making me ill. I would gladly get myself a volunteering placement myself.
  8. I have been bullied at work by a colleague and raised a grievance. The meeting is next week which is making me very anxious and panicky. I signed off for anxiety and stress at work, informing my line manager that I will stay out of work until the meeting, because the stress is affecting my mental health. The absence will be less than five days. My manager's manager insists that I have to call in every day. I checked the Sick Leave Policy and there is only mention of keeping in touch, nothing about a sick employee calling the office every day. Is this allowed?
  9. Hello, I was diagnosed by my Doctor as having a Disability under the Disability Discrimination Act having suffered for about 18 months with work related stress and anxiety due to my job 'inside'. Early January 2016 I was photographed doing 79mph in a 50mph zone by a mobile camera. My fault, but it seems I was caught out by traffic slowing down and speeding up as the limit changes several times - as I was overtaking the traffic increased their speed up and I felt it would be dangerous to stop. My question is not about the 'offence' but IF I am called to attend magistrates court if my Doctor is able to write to the court....additional stress...anxiety/ depression... SSRI medication for 1 year.... Reasonable adjustments...not fit to attend. There has been a 'precedent' - whilst on 'sickness abscence' HR department wrote to organise a home welfare visit and I was advised by my Doctor that I was not fit enough to attend. I would appreciate your advice - I am not making excuses or trying in any way to 'dodge a bullet'. Best wishes
  10. Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have been off work with stress due since mid May and felt I was making good progress for a return to work. In early June I had a meeting with OH and in discussions we talked about a pilgrimage I was going on in Spain on 25/6/16. In their report to my employer this was recommended as a good thing for me to do in my build up to going back to work. At 5.07 pm on the 24th of June I received an email inviting me to attend an investigation along with a letter with the wrong address on it for the next week about the build up of why I was off sick. I tried to contact work and my union straight away but it was too late in the day for any phone answering. This threw me massively and I struggled to enjoy my sanctioned break as I was having to constantly check my emails for a new investigation meeting date. I received an email last Friday from HR telling me that she is now away for 2 weeks and it will occur on 20/7/16. Since then my mental health has deteriorated and I have been to my Doctor who feels that I am more poorly than before and has upped my medication and given me more Diazepam as I am suffering from panic attacks and my hands have begun to wobble quite frequently. I have been a full time member of teaching staff at a college for 8 years with a track record of outstanding observations. I no longer want to work at my place of work as I don't feel safe there. I have contacted my Union in order to get a settlement agreement and reference. I feel that my employer has failed in their duty of care for me. What are your opinions on this? Any advice or support is would be much appreciated. My emotions run from anger, betrayal, tears and fears for my future.
  11. Hi, Im off stress for few weeks now. Send employer fit note every time ive extended the period. Im working there for long time so im getting full pay. Entitled to 12 weeks in total. Recently received a letter asking for a meeting. If i will not contact them they will withdraw my csp and proceed with disciplinary action due to my absence. I dont mind going to see them not just sure what should i say. As im not very open person and dont like to talk about myself much. Especially when it comes to something personal. And for me its very personal what im going through right now. Basically i felt down at my work place, in every possible time i was treated as nothing i did was good enough, i was not good enough. And ofcourse when anything went wrong that just triggered some silly investigations, meetingu just to prove the mistake was MINE. Anyway I was always a strong and quite confident person. Not enymore and i dont like the feeling when im at my workplace. Can anyone just tell me can they force me to come back or to let say diagnose that im fit for work. And if i will not agree they will stop my payments. Can they do that. I really dont know what to think and do. I dont feel like im ready to come back yet. Thanks
  12. I have been in the same job at the same place for 10 years. In 2011 I was diagnosed with work related stress/depression and was signed off for several months. I did return to work on a phased return but did experience some harassment from my boss and after a year or so the problems flared back up and I was signed off for about a month with work related stress/anxiety/depression. Again I came back on a phased return and I insisted on completing an individual stress risk assessment where I listed some of the factors that contribute to the problems. I had one meeting to discuss tge assessment with my line manager this was 18 months ago. Since then there has been no follow ups at all. However i have made it plain that I have been struggling with issues (that were stated as stressors in the IRSA) yet nothing has been done even though it could have easily been. In fact i went to see the senior manager and expressed that I was having problems but was told that anyone not coping in this way would be failing the standards expected and could face a capability proceeding. Since then things gave come to a head and last week I was removed from one of my duties without consultation due to believed failings that are I believe due to problems stated as stressor in the risk assessment that have not been addressed or revisited in the past 18 months. On Monday I was informed informally by my line manager (the union regional rep) that I was likely to be fired. I became seriously stressed having oanic attacks etc by this and texted a colleague at 3am that I felt like topping myself. They told senior managers and they contacted me to tell me to not come in and see my GP whicb I am about to do. I am at the end of my tether and do not know what to do I feel completely unsupported. What was the point of the risk assessment if it is to be ignored like this.? This is a public sector post BTW
  13. Hi all Some advised needed if possible. Basically I am extremely stressed at work. I work with Service Users and have been attacked twice this year. But I love my job and basically plod on. The past year we have been low on staff to the point where I am the only female in the group. After the second attack on me a male co-worker said the trouble is that I am in a mans world, what do I expect. I complained to my line manager, I said not to say anything just yet as I would like to see if the co-worker says anything else. So we agreed to keep this on my supervision notes. Next day while in the office on my own, the co-worker verbally launches at me, shouting that I have complained he is sexist. Then the next day in front of about ten people, he just shouted at me I was a snitch. So I have written to the top of HR to tell them how stressed I am and that I am at the point of going on the sick - but something that I do not want to do. I have told them how stressful the job is and have asked them to consider giving me another job. I have done my current job for 15 years now. Am I right in thinking that by common law HR have a duty to reduce my stress and help me find another position within the company. Any advice welcome
  14. This is a touching story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-26935641
  15. Hi, I would really appreciate some wise words please. I have foolishly used credit cards to supplement living expenses as both my partner and I have had a reduction in our wages. It is now at the point where across four cards they are all at the maximum and meeting the minimum payment each month is becoming impossible. I do not qualify for a debt relief order as our car is worth over £1000, however selling it is not an option as we only recently purchased it with av loan from my dad as we had another baby and needed a bigger car. The debts only total up to around £2000 altogether, are they likely to to take me to court for these debts? I need to do something as I am getting really very stressed all the time now, what would be my best course of action? Thank you so much for your time.
  16. I am working in a stressed office/business environment the manager is constantly criticising staff members for all problems that arise in the company which are mainly due to his own lack of managerial talent. While the criticism is not directly aimed at me face to face it is done behind my back. I have to listen to constant criticism of my colleagues who are all competent and hard working people. I am becoming seriously depressed and stressed due to this plus the added pressure of staff shortages. Would this count as a case of constructive dismissal or should I sue them for failing to protect my health and wellbeing? I am 58 years old and would find it hard to find suitable future employment. I have spoken to the MD who is terrified of telling the manager off incase he leaves. My Md is a weak person and is being directed by his manager instead of the other way round. Any thoughts. James.
  17. I'm off sick with work related stress. I'm feelingg really depressed, I cant stop crying and have no one to turn to. During maternity leave, I was basically restructured out of my job and moved by HR to role in a new profession. I worked in a specific profession and was moved to an admin role. I don't want to give to many details with the specifics of this. Let's just say it's like a dentist or say an architect being moved into an administration role. I tried to get HR to explain how they thought I had the skills and training and they said I will be provided it. They said I have no say and I was moved. I was moved and worked in this new role for a while. HR did not provide the training and my manager followed this up and with no luck as was told it was the managers responsibility to train me. Long story short I haven't had the training I required for this job. For many months I was started having health problems and I was battling on trying to get workplace to help me with this issue - no luck. Ultimately it was HR who made the decision to place me in this role. My health problems and my stress snowballed that I am now off sick with work related stress. I've been called to an attendance meeting and issued a formal letter but told to ignore the formal wording around disciplinary as the process would be used only to deal with my situation. However, they haven't amended the letter and said that they have to keep the wording in as its a formal letter. I don't understand this- it's like having some one telling you to sign a contract and saying dont worry about the formal wording it doesnt apply but we just have to keep it there? On top of this my manager insists on me phoning manager every week even though my sick note is for a longer period then this. This is really depressing me and making me really stressed. How often am I required to keep in touch by law. Our work handbook says on a 'regular basis' On top of this I have been referred to occupational health. Do I have to by law have these meetings if I have a doctors note in place. I feel like I am in a bottomless pit. I think I have been very reasonable in giving my company ample opportunity to sort out a situation they created with no success
  18. OK here goes long story short, i work for a big big international company and i am off on work related stress due to my manager and other goings on which i 'whistle blew' about, basically bit of background it was due to people doing things they shouldnt and cheating (i work in sales) which was affecting me and my targets and thus my livelyhood, i blew the whistle and since then i have been ostrasied and picked on and single out by my manager, things came to ahead with 3 suspensions withing my team of 9 people, and i had issues with sleepless nights head aches and went to Dr's and got signed off with stress. So then have holiday officially booked during being off with stress, so Dr says to go on holiday and relax away from work, so i do and in mean time despite logging my stress with absence line (its automated so no need to tak to manager) i when prompted said NO to the question 2do you want your manager to contact you about this absence", despite that he tried to call me but i missed all calls as my phone was shoved away for holiday, anyway i return from holiday to be met with a letter from manager saying words to the effect "not answering phone calls from manager even whislt off sick can result in gross misconduct, if you dont call manager by 8th august we shall stop your salary payment for the month" Can this actually be allowed? help..... sorry for ramble and any bad grammer, please go easy on me, very worried about this...
  19. My partner has got a date for his tribunal hearing, which is in a few weeks - as you will imagine there is no other topic of conversation and it is causing huge stresses . I have a couple of questions that hopefully some of you may know the answers to........ 1. If he refuses to attend (because of the anxiety it is causing) will this go against him - even with a very comprehensive statement which will be sent beforehand ?? 2. can it be heard in his absence ?? As I have heard yes and no. 3.Do you legally need to provide evidence ?? - Even if it is Mental Health issues ?? And what if you havent engaged with professionals or you gave up trying years ago?? 3. Do anyone have a clue what they are looking for at these tribunals ?? They were satisfied 5 years ago that he was not fit for work and his MH has deteriorated rather than got any better ..... Please could someone give me some advise as it is driving me insane - and I am the one on the outside looking in ........ I can only stand by and watch as he sinks further and further believing he will fail regardless Cheers
  20. Hello CAG ! You have been such a great help with lots of issues, however this time I fear , even you won’t change things. Sorry if posting in the wrong place – have posted twice, once under Armed Forces and also under Benefits & HMRC So call this a ‘rant’, because I have to tell someone ! In short, I can’t say too much, my partner, ex royal marine, saw active service on his country’s behalf, everywhere in the world there was conflict – a decorated hero, now broken. With terrible nightmares he is diagnosed with chronic PTSD due to combat, I cannot begin to tell you what he has seen in the service of his country or the dark places he now seems to visit on a daily basis. Croydon are the worst borough I have ever experienced dealings with. I am not a Croydon girl and for that I am grateful. I have tried to get him medical help in the borough, he is fully diagnosed and ‘in the system’, acknowledged as a ‘vulnerable’ person. I have been trying to get him DLA for about five months. ATOS, who requested a medical assessment in order to assess his DLA entitlement, have to date, cancelled five medical appointments, each hours before the appointment. DLA has during that time ceased to exist. Croydon’s Mental Health medical facilities, pushed him from pillar to post, for two months, and finally, he has been offered an appointment within six to twelve months. ATOS cancelled his appointment again last week – and that was the final straw. This man is frightened of stepping outside his flat, frightened of what he might do, thinks he is in a combat zone or sometimes so desperate he wants to quit. Perhaps if he lived in another borough it would be better. I don’t know...but he paid his taxes...fought for his country...and is being treated without any thought for his well being or dignity. He is a shadow of his former self...drinking at night is a better reality for him than the one that haunts him. I have lost most of him –he is a desperate man who will take desperate measures and I and family, are going to lose him entirely. Why will nobody put themselves out to help him – he put himself out for us. I am at a loss, I won’t give up but fear by the time I get to someone who cares, it will be too late. Any bright ideas anyone ???
  21. Hi, I could really do with some advice please. We had a new manager start at the place I've worked for the last 11 years. She was employed as 1 thing and was asked to 'act up' as manager as the previous manager left abruptly. Anyway, after 3 months I had to raise a grievance as she clearly had no management skills, was relying on me for EVERYTHING, completely mucking up anything that had been put in place and causing me loads of stress. This grievance was 'partly upheld' by her line managers and an intensive induction was arranged for her. This was supposed to be for 4 weeks and was reduced down to 3 weeks (not sure why) I have been trying to help this woman do her job and my own was suffering because of it and it all got too much. I saw my GP who says I am stressed due to work and advised me to reduce my hours. He signed a sick cert stating 'due to stress at work she should temporarily reduce her hours' - to which they agreed. I have since had to raise a 2nd grievance and have just had a response back today from that hearing stating that it was 'partly upheld' again. The manager has now stepped down to the original position she was employed for and the letter responding to my grievance states they agreed that her skills are currently more suited to the original position she was employed as. My question is: Can I claim for the loss of earnings I have had to endure because of this situation???
  22. Hi, I applied for DLA on 12th Dec 2012 after spending over 6 months "signed off from work" due to Plantar Facilitis and Heel spurs.I am not able to walk or stand up without pain. I went to the Doc's with this 18 months ago, ive had steroid injections, Lithotripsy treatment for 4 wks, x rays, ultra sound, the whole shabang....I am now waiting for PRP injection, if this does not work, my consultant says its MRI scan and the dreaded surgery, to release my Plantar...I had a visit from the DLA Doctor last thursday 22 March, 3 months after my application! I read on the web about PF and HS and it says, its a condition, that "just goes away", lol, my consultant however says i have a resistant case. I am used to working, not claiming benefits!!!! I want to work, but am faced with DLA Doc, checking my arms to see if im a drug user, looking around my home to see if im a liar. Unable to earn my own money and rely on benefits, ESA at £70 pw, forced to pay a bedroom tax for a room that cannot fit a bed, wardrobe and chest of drawers (a boxroom) and council tax! in April... how am i supposed to live on what i'll have left? How am I supposed to work, when I cannot walk ...I also have a teenage Autistic Daughter, she helps. But im supposed to be helping her. How do these benefit changes help folk like me? the folk the changes are aimed at, will still drive their Mercedes, wear their labels and have their I phones....and the folk who need dla will not get it, to pay for the others..... Fleur x
  23. Hi New around here & looking for some advice.......( im sorry in advance with how long this turned out to be....I was just putting everything down as I really would like some advice please) Not sure if I can name the company I work for so il leave that blank for the time being, but is a large supermarket chain. Iv worked for the company for 2 & half years working on the night shift, for the last 8 months iv had issues with my wages being wrong. Now im not 100% sure if im in the union as il explain why later on. Had every possible mistake with my wages happen that I can think could happen. Every time they try & fix one another mistake happens 1, authorized absence for hospital appointment not been paid even tho all the others before had been. 2, On 3 occasions iv not been paid enough overtime 3, On 3 time arrears from the impervious months mistake have not been paid in next months wages. 4, For two months running after a contract change my basic pay had changed to the new increased amount but my shift allowance was still at the old amount. 5. Sick pay was not paid even tho paperwork was completed when I get back to work. 6. Shift allowance not paid on my overtime 7, When I was off sick for 2 days, they marked my wage slip down for 3 days sick. 8, Holiday not paid Now as you can see iv had a wide range of mistake, an as the months gone I was getting stressed by it - iv even been in on my day off to try & sort it, stayed back after work and swopped my shift start time to catch some one from HR before they go home. After 4 months of mistakes I spoke to the union rep at work about it. An he said put a complaint in. But at the time I was a bit apprehensive of doing so, an after 6 months of mistakes an speaking to the union rep I went a head and put a complaint in to the store manager!! I was told by the rep the company policy was to invite me in to a meeting by letter with in two weeks to talk about it. This never happened only had informal talks with the store boss asking if the HR girls had sorted it out - who never even bothered to actually get back to me when they said they would. On the advice of the store manager I sat down with one of the HR girls two days before payroll cut off an look at all the hours on record for me that month & I said there was some errors. I got told I would need my manager to come in & sign an amend it. Which he did....which still didnt get paid!! In between month 7 & 8 I had a really bad migraine due to stress of my wages always being wrong, I was off for 2 days an normally I dont get shift allowance when sick but I spoke to the HR manager about it who agreed to the continued mistakes with my wages & the stress it caused me for a one off she would pay me my shift allowance & she put in a letter confirming due to there mistakes with my wages they would pay me my shift allowance. When talking to the union rep after month 8 of mistakes he said he would talk to some one about talking the matter out of store. I told him I wasnt actually in the and he said give him my address & DOB an he would get me signed up - iv had no confirmation that he actually got me signed up. Now iv been signed of work due to the stress of all these mistakes, this is now my 3rd week off & I still have next week off as well. An have been given some pills to help me sleep. Iv been in contact with my HR manager & the union rep while iv been off to try & sort out the latest mistakes with my wages. As the rep has put in another complaint on my behalf. At first I was told I wouldnt be needed to attend any meeting's while off sick & the rep was saying I would get full pay inc shift allowance especially after they admitted it in the letter ( but its not been confirmed yet if I will get it). Plus he would look at compensation. I know he had a meeting with a duty manager at the store an when he reported back to me it raised more questions for me so on his suggestion iv agreed to meet this duty manager & the rep on Monday at place away from the store. An the rep has also mention to me would I take an extra two weeks annual leave as compensation. TBH tho extra annual is no good to me.....Iv picked up a bank charge because I just didnt have enough money because of there mistakes & iv had to lend money a couple of times from people who are not really the kind of people I want to be owing money to......So financially im at a loss. Now im worried if on Monday I see this manager she says how sorry she is etc etc. An tries to give me reasons why mistakes have happened im not totally going to be her as iv heard them all before. Yes I know iv got to go back at some point but im worried all this will start up again as this feels like a personally attack against me as no one else on my shift is having these kind of problems every single month. So any kinda advice, would people recommend I still take this out of store? What's my rights? Can I claim compensation? Im not sure the rep is as commited to taking this out of store as he was at first.......So anything would be grateful so I can fully prepare my self before I go to this meeting. As I dont want to agree to something or get pressured into something that is not right. Many thanks
  24. Hello all, Basically i am facing an internal hearing regarding performance issues. I am a Head of Care nurse (with an 18 year unblemished record of service) at a hospice that cares for terminally ill children and, whilst my performance has dropped in some areas, it is is because my workload has massively increased over the years and I have suffered the loss of my son through suicide (5 years a go) all leading to what i now recognise as stress and the associated facts (behaviour changes, performance drop etc etc). It is noted in my managers notes that as far back as 18 months a go that she noticed i was stressed and that there was "tittle tattle of a destructive nature" being said about me by staff without my knowledge, yet she took no decisive action to protect/support me. Due to the nature of our work i have ensured that my staff have access to a counsellor (and discussion groups) to prevent/deal with stress issues but I didn't attend these to prevent the notion of conflict of interest, yet my employers (my general manager and Board of Trustees) took no similar steps to protect me. so my question is, am I entitled to ask my Board of Trustees to provide me with the following documentation in advance of the hearing as it forms a key part of my defence; The health and safety policy and risk assessment that allowed the hospice to comply with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 and Health and Safety at Work (...) Act 1974, with specific regards to action taken to protect Senior Management The hearing is next Tuesday so i would appreciate any help Thank you
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