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  1. Commission applies to High Court to appoint an Official Receiver to charity -Thrift Urban Housing Limited READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/commission-applies-to-high-court-to-appoint-an-official-receiver-to-charity
  2. Charity Commission response to report on freedom of speech in universities READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/commission-response-to-report-on-freedom-of-speech-in-universities
  3. Charity Commission orders military charity to wind up - 1st Knight Military Charity READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-orders-military-charity-to-wind-up
  4. Anyone trying to get in touch with the Legal Services Commission please be aware that this organisation closed in 2013 and was replaced by the Legal Aid Agency. The contact telephone number also changed. The office I work in took over the telephone old number (020 7759 1002) in 2012 and we are still receiving calls from members of the public who have recently received correspondence with no new contact details, so are looking back over old paperwork or finding the old number on forums like this. We are happy to redirect the people who contact us but would prefer not to have to! Here are the "new" contact details.... The Legal Aid Agency is now based at the offices below: Legal Aid Agency Unit B8 Berkley Way Viking Business Park Jarrow South Tyneside NE31 1SF The new number for general enquiries is 0300 200 2020
  5. Charity Commission calls for information about Presidents Club Charitable Trust READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-calls-for-information-about-presidents-club-charitable-trust
  6. Hi all : a while since I posted. Had rejected PPI claim from LLoyds TSB : upheld by Ombudsman. However since the Plevin case , in the last few days Ive had a letter from the Ombudsman saying Lloyds are now ready to make me an offer and if the Ombudsman don't hear from me by 12th December they will assume this is ok and close the case. I realise it won't be much but never the less its better than nothing as I had given up on it to be honest. Let's wait and see... thanks
  7. Hi, I work in sales and my contract was amended some months ago to give me 1% commission on all combined sales above a target figure. The target was designed to be easily achievable as my base salary was lower than I'd liked and I was effectively doing two jobs - both sales and IT. The commission became due so I requested it twice via email (no response) I then raised it again via telephone. I got sat down in a meeting with my manager and the finance guy, they tried to tell me it was not payable for several months longer and also that the company didn't have the money.. After numerous emails they said OK we will pay you x amount as soon as you agree, x being about 50% less than I was expecting! They are working out sales AFTER deducting tax, postage etc. they are saying that tax does not go to them, it goes to HMRC so it isn't considered part of a sales figure. My contract does not say whether sales are GROSS or NET, from several verbal discussions before I signed, I was under the impression sales were GROSS. The figure they suggest pays me approx. what I could get for doing the sales job elsewhere.. nothing more.. I also have effectively been on call and spent many extra unpaid hours.. I am sticking out for the full amount I think I'm owed and have given them 2 weeks to pay it - am I in the right? Thanks in advance.
  8. Charity Commission statement on Motability READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-statement-on-motability
  9. Charity Commission statement on Oxfam READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-statement-on-oxfam
  10. Letter completely out of the blue from Canada Square : regarding commission paid on PPI (they had rejected the claim previously) "following a Supreme Court decision and new rules and guidance from the Financial Conduct Authority you can now make a new type of complaint to us about the sale of your PPI policy" I am assuming this is as a result of the recent landmark Plevin judgment?? There was a form to send back Does this also apply to previously settled PPI claims?? thanks as always
  11. Hi to all - I can see from a quick search that 'Blemain' is a popular talking point I have had a secret commission claim against Blemain with [removed] since 2015 and it hasn't gone anywhere in the 30 months since then at all. I've struggled to get any meaningful update from them for some time excluding the committal generic updates we sporadically receive. I've noted on other forums that other [removed] clients are posting that [removed] have run out of money and no longer have the skilled staff to settle the claims. If it is true and they have run out of cash, surely Blemain will just stall our claim as long as possible until they go into admin? Does anyone know if the capital adequacy rules apply to CMCs like they do to firms authorised by the FCA? Does anyone know any other claims companies are running these sorts of claims? Ideally I would be interested in speaking to law firms rather than a CMC (as [removed] are) as surely it is better if the firm acting for me is allowed to issue a claim in the Courts? I'm also worried about limitation and when my claim becomes statute barred. If anyone can help with this, please let me know.
  12. Charity Commission intends to order a veterans charity to wind up -Afghan Heroes READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-intends-to-order-a-veterans-charity-to-wind-up
  13. Hi there I have a question relating to a loan that I took in 2004 through Zenith Windows to install double glazing. But Zenith windows went into administration in 2010 I believe. Loan amount 5K. It is now paid off. How do I go about getting the PPI back from them and the unfair charges. Can anyone help please? Many thanks and much appreciated.
  14. Hi, I am new here and hope to find somebody who can help me. I had an EU driving licence which expired last month. when I applied for the UK driving licence I had to declare a medical condition which I had six year ago but that it is no longer something I suffer from, infact I have been off medication for a couple of years and I am not under the supervision of any doctors. the NHS consultant I saw for driving licence wrote a letter summarising the history of the problem and attesting that I met all the criteria for fitness to drive, and discharged me with no further appointments or care required. After 5 weeks since I applied for the UK license the DVLA had received the medical questionnaire and the letter from the consultant (which starts by saying "I see no reason why she should not drive a vehicle), and have said that my case has been referred to a DVLA doctor who has to check that my condition meets the criteria above. and that this is not going to happen before January next year, which seems like a very long time to not have a license. I have tried to get more information but they are just rude, robotic call centre people who wind you up, and repeat that they have to deal with cases from all the UK. I wanted to try the complaint procedure or possibly to look at getting professional legal advice. I can't understand why when an NHS specialist consultant has written to the DVLA to say I can drive, it should have to go to their doctor who can't respond until January. I can drive under the law section 88 road traffic act 1988 but I do not feel confident without the driving licence. plus I cannot go to visit family abroad with my baby as is illegal there going around without driving licence with you. has anyone had any similar experiences? any advice would be much appreciated. thanks
  15. Hi everyone. I have read a lot of your posts and want to thank you all in advance for the contributions made on this forum. It is incredibly helpful and am grateful for what I have read already: I worked for a company in Jan 2010 - April 2011 selling vehicles. I was a trainee for Jan, Feb and March 2010 not supposed to sell cars. My shady Dealer Principle asked me to sell in March and verbally told me I would be paid in front of everybody also there. Along the way he even used my good performance to motivate the rest of the team. This was my first job ever full time under contract & handbook in a proper place. In March 2010 I outsold the team (I needed the money for my father's treatment and he KNEW this!) and when it came to March 30th he told me that there was no commission sheet for me and that I wouldn't be paid. I was so angry because I had worked 7 days a week to do the best I could. Should have been about £4900 in commission for 23 cars sold. In April 2010 I had a letter this time saying I WILL benefit from commission in writing, but it was not paid to me again. There was a complaint from a customer so the Dealer Principle said to me again that I would not be paid for the whole of April (around £4700). It is in writing in a letter! He demoted me to trainee for 3 months. In May 2010 (21st) he changed his mind and had me start selling again back to Sales Executive. I sold 9 vehicles earning £1489. This was paid to me in the June payrun. I got a letter stating the change back to Sales Executive but as of June 1st despite this payment of MAY commission being paid to me in June 2010 (on time). I wrote to them as I now know I can claim money back even at this time... and they have said in a letter that after completing an INVESTIGATION... I can only ASSUME that the payment of £1489 is for April and it was paid late in June's payrun (no payment has ever been late). And that because I was a trainee, I was not entitled to be paid for March 2010 at all. I have evidence of what I sold, who I sold it to, the letters stating I will be paid, my bank accounts, my payslips showing I did not get paid, First letter, second letter even showing the breakdown exactly of who, what and how much sold for. Do I go straight to a Letter Before Action? The last letter says "I confirm receipt of your letter dated 7 October 2015, written in response to my investigation findings. As Per my letter of 24 September 2015, it is my findings that no commission is due to you". He has basically given me a corporate hands over his ears. He didn;'t even acknowledge any of the evidence I gave in my previous letter at all and is closing the door shut despite it being a very clear case.
  16. Hello, I work as a recruitment consultant and I get target based commission along with my basic pay. In our staff manual it states that Employees who resign are not due any commission following their last commission payment Say commission is payable on 29th April 2016 and I hand in my notice on 1st April 2016 (notice period is 1 month). Will I still be payed the commission due on 29th April, as I will technically still be working my notice or not? Thank you for your help.
  17. Hi, I just learnt that the Legal Service Commission was closed on 01 April 2013, so what happens to the Statue Charge they had put on my property. They have not demanded anything from me in past, but I made some payments in July 2012. Does the debt move to new Legal Aid Agency? Or could the charge be removed from the Land Registry? Any information regarding this will be much appreciated.
  18. Hi, I wonder if anyone could offer some advice? I received a letter from a firm of solicitors stating that a small secured loan I took out in 1997 was possibly subject to a secret commission. They included a copy of the mortgage deed but nothing else. They wanted me to sign a contract for their fee of 35% of monies they claimed back + contribution towards legal costs from GE Money. I wrote to them stating that I thought 35% a bit much - they replied saying that they weren't even sure that there was a claim to be had, but their initial investigations would be free and if a claim was pursuable, their fees could be less depending on the amount claimable. I have now received an offer from GE Money via the solicitors to pay:- the secret commission + contractural interest from the date I entered the loan to the date it was redeemed + 6% interest from the date the loan was redeemed ("delay interest") less 20% of daily interest paid to HMRC + the fee I paid to the broker + contribution towards legal costs. SO out of approx £1500 I get approx £800. This deal is on the table until the end of January and includes a confidentiality clause. Does this sound about right? I have spent many hours looking into this, and researching Hurstanger - unlike HUrstanger, this is a proper secret commission (in that I knew nothing about it at all - I thought the only commission being paid was the one I made). Whilst I am grateful for the heads up re; secret commission (I had never heard of it), I have no idea where these solicitors have got my details from, where they got a copy of my mortgage deed from, or if this is worth pursuing..... Obviously £800 is an unexpected bonus after all of these years, am I being greedy thinking that there should be more? Should interest be paid on the whole amount of commission + contractural interest that I paid, not just on the secret commission? If I were taking them to court myself the rate would be 8%?... In the meantime the solicitors are pressing me to sign the agreement and send it back to them before the end of the month when it expires. Thanks in advance This loan was 18 years ago, is there no time limit on making a claim?
  19. Hi I have a problem with my last employer in that they owe me unpaid commission. As background - my role was made redundant in December but i tried an alternative role for 3 months and left in February. The commission scheme that i was on stated that anyone leaving earns money based on cash received in the month after they have left the company - so in this instance it would be against cash earned in March to be paid to me in April. The concerns i have are these: 1. I don't have a copy of the exact scheme and don't know the amount i should be paid as I'm not privy to this information that occurred after i'd left. 2. I don't have a copy of the terms of the scheme but as a manager I had authorised paying out on these terms and I'm aware that people have been paid out since (what i do have is an email that states in February "your commission payments will be calculated at month-end this month (and I think again next month)". Should i use a SAR to try to get this information? 3. I have email numerous times over the last four months - my last two emails have been ignored. I assume my next option is a letter before action and then to take them to court - but for what amount? My biggest concern is the limited amount of documentation that i have around this. Many thanks in advance for all your advice H
  20. I would love to see the following An artpiece that somehow contains the stories of people that have passed away prematurly as a direct result of this failign governments "welfare reforms" Why? Until the mass population see the human side of the stats then they will blindly believe the department of lies and demons
  21. Hi Folks, Does anybody know if Barclays are legally allowed to charge £30 for Paid Referral Charges on a business account? I have month on month been hit hard with these charges and every month its getting harder to get out of the hole they are creating for me! My personal account has the occassional Paid Referral Fee but this is charged at £8, although still a lot of money it is much more reasonable than the £30 on the Business Account. How do I stand if I decide to go after them for a refund? B
  22. Hi, I handed my resignation in on Monday and am required to work 4 weeks notice, My manager has given me a project in which I know I will be unable to see through till the end, Commission is paid upon the final balance paid by the customer, when I doubt I will be working there but all the work will have been completed by myself. I advised today that due to this I thought someone else may be better suited to the task, to which the response was 'we haven't even won the job yet, we will worry about that later' Where do I stand on this? as I feel I am being taken advantage of due to the fact that the commission will be paid after I have left so I probably wont receive it. There is nothin in my contract to outline procedure on commission, Please help me clear this up, many thanks
  23. Hi, Im hoping somebody may be able to help. My wife works in a job where she is paid commission if she negotiates deals for room bookings or office renatls. She has recently negotiated over a period of months a large office contract, which would have earned her a commission in the region of £500. However, a new area manager has been brought in above her during the last week or so of the negotiation and he took over and signed the deal with the client, on the same terms and price as agreed by my wife. He is now claiming all the commission himslef, and refuses to acknowledge my wifes effeorts in securing the deal. Is there any grounds that the company are bound by law to pay her the commission? Her contract when she started does not mention earning commission, however her job role has since changed and she has been paid commission in the past so I wouldnt have thought the comapny could say she has no right to the money? thanks for any help!
  24. Hi all, I am new to this wonderful forum, and could really use some assistance please. Nearly 7 months ago I started working for a very small company. At the time of the interview I was advised that after completing 6 months I could expect a commission structure on top of my basic salary. I work in a technical sales role. Having a background in sales I have performed very well since joining the company, and by a long chalk am performing much better than my colleagues. As you might expect, when my first six months were completed I was keen to understand what my commission structure would be and what rewards I could look forward to. At the start of my seventh month I was waiting for my boss to raise the subject, but he didn't so I decided I would. He said in response "yes we did agree a commission arrangement - leave it with me and I'll come back to you." So, I left it a week which I thought was a reasonable amount of time and asked again. This time his response was to promise to do it on the weekend. The weekend came and went and I waited alk of Monday for him to discuss the matter but nothing. I asked again at the end of the day and this time just got a snotty response. He said "why do you want to know, you're not depending on it for a mortgage or anything are you?" Since this time another week has passed and still nothing! Technically,I am not due any commission yet, however, I still think that I have a right to know what my commission structure is. I am quickly starting to think that despite being acknowledged in my contract of employment, this commission structure is mythical. Really, my boss has lied to me and broken promises. My motivation to do any more than average has been battered. Quite frankly, I am thinking that the best thing for me to do would start looking for an alternative role with a company that would actually pay a commission. Do you all think I'm overeacting or am I right in thinking I'm being taken for a mug?
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