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Found 15 results

  1. Is there any organisation that investigates Motability for aiding and abetting Motability fraud?
  2. Charity Commission statement on Motability READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-statement-on-motability
  3. My relation has recently had there Motability vehicle tyres replaced at Kwik Fit. Kwik Fit is the company Motability use for tyre work. All Motability vehicles tryes that are replaced, particular front tyres, are to include necessary tracking / alignment checks and adjustment. this is a mandatory operation and does not need prior Motability approval ! My concern is that some of the Kwik Fit locations are fobbing off Motability customers and Kwik Fit are also not inviting Motability customers to leave a review using TrustPilot, which is also against TrustPilot guidlines! Here are the details of my relations complaint left on TrustPilot ..... Motability Customer - Anlaby Hull Depot I have recently attended at the above location as a Motability customer to have my front tyres replaced and tracking adjusted. I attempted to use the online booking system for Motability customers, unfortunately this was not working, so I telephoned the relevant number to make a booking. I attended the booking in good time. On arrival I was greeted by Chris, he took my details and double checked my car, I explained to him that the tracking needs to be checked, I also showed him the safety sheet from Ford who had recommended this be done, he confirmed he would put this through the system for authorisation and see what Motability say. My vehicle was completed within the hour, however the tracking was not completed, the Branch manager used the excuse that Motability had not authorised the work ! I was obviously concerned at this and I made contact with Motabilty personally to discuss this. Motabilty took the trouble to call the depot. The kwik fit manager told them the tracking didn't need doing! Motabilty advised him of the agreement they have. I immediately went back into the depot and spoke to the manager and his assistant. Who had blatantly lied to me as to avoid doing the work. However by this time they had changed what they had told me and also told me they hadn't put through the tracking request as it didn't need doing. This is despite the depot seeing a safety sheet from Ford confirming the work needed doing, also any tracking work with new tyres involving Motability vehicles are now included. A lot of heated words where exchanged. I was also extremely disappointed at the way in which the manager spoke to me and was virtually fronting up to me! Once I was out of the depot and had simmered for a while I reported the matter to the Area Manager who took details and responded to me within a week and apologised. I will not be attending back at this location and would strongly advise any Motability customers to exercise caution and ensure this depot and other kwik fit locations are carrying out work to Motability guidelines! ..... I hope this is of help.
  4. Hi there, my mother is currently in receipt of high rate mobility allowance and has asked me to complete my lessons in order to get her out and about a bit more. I have just passed my test last week and was now looking to go get a mobility car but a friend has told me that you must hold a licence for 2 years or more before you can become a named driver. I have checked the motability website but I cannot see it anywhere. Does anyone know if this is true? the purpose of me doing my test was for this reason and I would be dissapointed if I spent £1000 on lessons for nothing.
  5. Anyone who now has a mobility scooter through their scheme is no longer given the option to purchase it at the end of the 3 year contract. Not very happy to find this out yesterday, when I had my scooter I was told I would be able to purchase it for a nominal sum at the end of the contract. Had I known at the time, I probably would never have had one with them in the first place as you can buy them new of dealers for less than Motability charge. Those who have cars with them may need to look into this also as it is possible they could be affected.
  6. hi all, just a bit of help regarding 3 points put on my licence, after being stopped,on a 125cc i was holding a prov licence, i had been given a £60 on the spot ticket for the offence, which i couldn't afford to pay,so i went to dispute the ticket in court, stating i was not aware i needed L plates for a 125 cc WHICH I WENT TO BUY JUST AFTER GETTING THE TICKET AND PUT THEM ON THE BIKE,i might add that i had all my docs on me to prove i was fully legal minus the L plates,anyway after the court apperance i got a absolute discharge, and that was that, then a day later the court prosecutor sent me a letter stating that there had been a oversight at court and they had not took my licence as i had to have 3 points put on it? which i had to comply with and return the prov licence to DVLA,when i got it back they were on there, anyway a few months later i passed my car test and received my full car licence, as im a disabled person which i will remain being for life ,i applied for a motability car which i was awarded to help in my day to day mobilty,but after the RSA insurance noticed the 3 points for the L plates,they said i could not be put on the cover note for the car,but i could nominate a person to be a driver for me,so i did have a friend to nominate for me which i put forward to be my nominated driver,which was accepted without any question,heres the thing he also had 3 points for speeding on his licence, but they had no trouble insuring him but not me,who now has to arrange a friend to drive me to hospital apps, & other day to day tasks,& thats only if he is free to help if he is not at work,can any one give any advice on who i could contact to see about the possible re opening of the court case,& try have the points removed,& a possible fine or some other way to pay the penalty for no L plates,so i can at least drive my own car without relying on a busy friend which has little spare time to do so,any advice would be very much appreciated.
  7. Hello, Although I have been eligible to make use of the Motability Car Scheme for a long time, I have never used it, preferring to always buy my own cars. However my current car is now getting a little long in the tooth and problems are starting to appear. Therefore I am looking to join the Motability scheme for the first time. I think I have worked out how the scheme works, however I have tried to find out the answers to a few questions from the Motability website, but cannot find the answers so am hoping the knowledgeable people here can help. Firstly, can I specify the optional extras I would like fitting to the Motability Car?. Obviously I know I would have to pay for these if it is possible to specify them, but is there room for negotiation on the price of the optional extras? (The cost of the optional extras I would like actually exceed the Advanced Deposit cost), I have a hoist to lift my wheelchair in/out of my current cars boot, could this be transferred to the Motability car, or do I have to buy a new one under the Motability Managed Adaptations scheme? Can I use the car for work? I have business cover on my own car, is it possible to have this cover on the Motability car (as I attend the odd meeting at premises other than my normal place of work)? If anyone has experience of the above questions and can answer them it would be appreciated. With thanks Ian
  8. Please have a look at this link from the Motability Website: http://www.motability.co.uk/understanding-the-scheme/pip-and-motability/ This PDF is from their website:
  9. Hoping someone may help me with information. I am considering getting a Motobility Car, but also concerned with the fact that DLA may end within the 3 year contract. Does anyone know or has anyone had the experience of this.Do you have to continue paying for the full 3 years,or if you lose benefit do they just take the car back? I thankyou in advance.
  10. Hi CAG I am writing on behalf of my sister. She is in her late 50's, lives alone, has worked hard all of her life and now finds - after a couple of years of being bullied at her place of work (seriously !) - that her hours have been cut drastically and she can no longer afford her cost of living expenses. Also the hotel where she works is closing down in July. For the first time in her life she has gone sick with stress and I am worried about her too. She also looks after my elderly Mum & stepdad. We have just applied successfully for DLA for Mum as she is now housebound. My mum has been helping my sister with money towards her rent. None of them claim Carers Allowance despite my telling them that either my sister or my Mum's elderly partner would certainly be eligible. My sister has a car on finance. I have talked to her today about the possibility of getting a car through the Motability Scheme so that she can take Mum out in her wheelchair (she has a wheelchair but hasn't actually left her flat since she came and spent Christmas with us - we live 180 miles apart). If my Sis did this what would she do about her current car ? She is worried that questions will be asked about the money that Mum gives her to help her with rent & food. I'm sorry to have so many questions but can anyone help at all or suggest some next steps that I can pass on to her ? Thank you
  11. Please read the following linked post. From 50m to 20m for mobility element It is vitally important people should be made aware of this. The sneaky change of criteria from 50m to 20m means that a huge number of people who depend on their car for working, shopping, socialising and everything else able-bodied people take for granted and part of their normal life, will lose their main tool of independence. To give you an idea of what 20 meters represent, see below: upload pics or imagine this: unrolled. This is it. If you can walk, shuffle, mobilise beyond that distance, you can not qualify for the upper mobility element under the new criteria. And of course, they sneaked it in over the xmas holidays, with no consultations, hoping to get it set in the regulations and present all of us with a fait accompli.
  12. Hi.. Just over 3 weeks ago my husband received his sleep test results back from his cardio consultant, turns out he is suffering from mild sleep apnea .. on the letter from consultant it stated he was to advise DVLA which he did that day and they told him best way forward is to surrender his driving licence which he has now done . My hubby is getting high rate care/ mobility and he has a motability car which he can no longer drive until his sleep apnea is under control which could take months , rather than have a car sat outside being paid for but getting no use i called motability who informed me because my husband was stopped from driving for 6 months 4 years ago and had returned the car he had on motability at that time we would have to pay a fee of £250.00 to end this present contract with no ifs or buts. .if this is the case how can this be right ? told he cannot drive through consultant and dvla . ..where does the 250 go ? and is there any advise somebody can give has theres noway possible we can afford to pay out that sort of money . ..i tried explaining to motability it wasnt through choice but they didnt seem interested or want to listern until we pay the £250 PLEASE HELP OR ADVISE ME
  13. Motability have updated their website with their latest understanding of PIP. Whilst most of the info won't come as a surprise - it's been described as 'a chilling read' elsewhere - it is worth having a read through. You can find it here. As if decimating the Motability scheme and removing the personal independence from thousands and thousands and thousands of mobility impaired people wasn't enough:
  14. hello there my dad has a motorbility car using the higher rate mobility component of the dla, due to various medical problems he has last week gone into hospital after having quite a bad stroke currently, I am using his car to take family members to visit him in hospital, after an enquiry to check this was ok - motorbility say "Provided your dad is deriving material and/or practical benefit from the car and has access to it when required, he does not necessarily have to be present every time the car is used. For example if you do not have your own transport and you are using your dad's car to visit your dad or you are taking family members to visit your dad on a regular basis, he is receiving benefit from his car" mean that yes its ok for this use, I do have my own transport btw. but in some of the leaflets about stroke we have seen, it says dla will stop after 28 days - will the payments for the mobility car also stop? / car have to go back? I can foresee he will be in hospital for a while. thanks for looking
  15. Hi Folks Ordered a new car on the motability scheme, when I was working and ordered some extra's (SATNAV, bluetooth and alloys) before the car was delivered I was made redundant. Telephone motability and made them aware of affordability issue and they told me to contact dealer. Dealer was not happy and advised I would have to pay cancellation fee of £600. Anyone on the scheme will know nothing is signed until vehicle is collected. Anyway bullied into taking car and all was going ok and took collection last October. My housing benefit has now been reduced by over £170 per month and I can simply no longer afford the vehicle and secondly due to health issues no longer feel comfortable driving. Motability are collecting my car on 1st May, and they are charging me £250 to take the car back. I really appreciate that they are a charity but all the extra's on the car (about £700) will be money they will recoup on the resale of the car. I have emailed a complaint to Motability about this £250 fee and wondered if anybody had any help or advise on how to deal with this.
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