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  1. Hey CAG, Posting on behalf of a friend. In short she doesn't have a tv licence as doesn't watch live tv only netflix. However her young daughter downloaded BBC iplayer on her tablet and signed up and gave her mums post code etc and obviously must of said she had a TV licence. Fast forward a few weeks and my friend gets an email that says "Our records show you've used BBC iplayer on a number of occasions in recent weeks. As your no licence need status is now invalid you need to buy a TV licence" and gives her a link to buy. Does she need to buy one, her daughter being on early teens did not know her mum needed a TV licence. Anything she can do?
  2. Hi Guys 4 months ago I moved into my new home that already had a dish and aerial attached. I haven't had a TV for years so got out of the habit of watching TV (and I don't miss it!). I do have a laptop, ipad and mobile phone (laptop is used for business and ipad used to watch youtube sometimes and play music). I have received several letters from TV licensing and an officer visited last week but I wasn't in. The following day I received a letter (addressed to dear sir/madam) saying that an officer visited and that they will be proceeding to the final stages of their investigation. One of the options states "we can apply to court for a search warrant to gain access to your property". I ignored the previous letters as they weren't addressed to me and wasn't aware that I needed to respond. This last letter has made me quite angry so I want to know if they really have the power to obtain a search warrant to look for a TV? If this is true then I'm absolutely astounded that they have such powers for something so minor. This seems very draconian to me! Please move this post if I've posted it in the wrong place as I wasn't sure.
  3. Hi there. I'm having some issues trying to find the information I need. Here's my situation: I'm finally in a position where I would like to learn how to drive. Unfortunately, my provisional driver's licence is no longer valid since June of 2017. I'm applying for a new licence on the DVLA website but I am running into trouble. I am being asked to provide a passport (which I don't have and have never had). I need to provide 3 years of address history, but until about a year ago, I was homeless, and there's no option for this on the sign up page I was sofa surfing for a long time with no fixed abode, then became homeless after a relationship breakdown for a few months. Before that (I don't even remember the dates or have any documentation), I was living and working in a different city in the UK. I have my mother's address on the provisional card, but I've not lived there for a very long time. I was wondering if anybody knew anything about this? Many thanks for your time, L.
  4. Hi. I bought a second home 5 or 6 years ago with the intention of renting it out, or occasionally using it as a weekend home. Ii arranged a sky dish install and tv aerial at the time, but never installed a tv. Due to my wife extended illness, the house has sat unoccupied, although I maintain it and keep it secure and tidy. However, from about 6 months after buying the house (as a new build) I began getting demands for a tv licence. These were and have always been addressed to " The Occupier" I have since just been ignoring these and throwing them in the bin along with the mountain of junkmail I normally get at that address. We are now in a position to begin using the house, and as such would be installing a tv. I am happy therefore to pay my licence from now online. I fear though, that once I purchase the licence, and they have my name, they will come at me with a summons for non payment for the other years. Is this likely to be the case, or will records just update to show the property is now properly licensed (once I buy the annual licence)
  5. I am in the process of chaning my old paper licence which has my old address on it over to a photocard with our new address on it. I have got my photo signed and the form signed by the person verifying it. I have my birth certificate but I do not have a passport, this means I need a further supporting document, dvla state a dwp letter will do. I do not have much since 2007/08 regarding the dwp, I still have an old letter from them so would that do? it has my current address on it. If not we do have something for my partners working tax credit, both of our names are on it and our national insurance numbers, would this be ok? I am thinking about confidentiality seeing as my partners name is on it. Tia
  6. Hello, This is my first time using this forum so be gentle I paid £34 online for my Provisional Licence as I have no current ID that I am able to use. I received an email on 03/02/17 to say that the payment has been successful but in order for the DVLA to complete my application, I have to send them some forms of ID such as Birth Certificate, bank letters etc. My problem is, it has been nearly one month and I have not received the letter/form which they have said I would get to be able to send a passport sized photo of myself and the forms of ID that they have requested. I have been on the GOV website where I initially filled in the Licence form so I didn't have to handwrite the form which I can get from the post office, but I am unable to find an email of any kind that I would be able to email the DVLA and see what has happened to my letter/form which they are suppose to be sending out to me. Could someone please point me in the right direction as I've never had to deal with the DVLA or anything like this before so I'm not certain on what to do, I seem to be going in circles trying to find information. Thank you in advance, Kind regards, Jamie.
  7. Hi Two weeks ago I applied for my driving licence as had a reminder it had run out, seems they do after ten years. It ran out at my old address and I never bothered to renew it as had no car and had other things to sort out, I went to the post office with my forms and told the lady I had a new address, she checked it over, took my picture and that was it, I am still waiting for it to come back, and as I forgot to make a note of my driver number am not sure if I can phone DVLA up and ask where it is Thanks in advance Sandy
  8. Hi everyone!!! Hoping some of you might be able to help. Will try and keep this to the point as I know there are other posts that I have spent a long time reading but everyone's situation is different. I have been convicted of DD twice now and on the first time I served 14 months with doing the DD course. Second time was 2 years later and was given a ban of 4 years, 150 hours community service, thinking skills and another programme. I have now served half my ban and have hired a specialist motoring solicitor and a barrister (not cheap) to hopefully get my license back early. Due to go to court on the 8th September 2017. I know I am just taking a chance but have to try. As I will be classed as a HRO I will be required to do the medical and know as I have had an alcohol problem in the past things might not be quite as they should due to the amounts I used to consume. in theory if I am granted my license back by the time I do my medical I should be totally abstinent for about 9-10 weeks, does anyone know if this would be enough or if you have any thoughts or comments regarding the process? Just looking for help please, no hated comments, know I have done wrong (partly wasn't my fault) but yes I was driving. Been the worst time of my life and looking to get back on track to find employment and by knowing I will never go back to the way things were. Thank you all for reading my post! Best Regards,
  9. Scoobietufc

    Psv licence

    Hi, I have recently applied for a psv license through stagecoach. I have passed my medical and forms have been sent off. The only problem is I have suffered with depression for a few years however it is being managed with medication. I am slightly worried that this may have an impact on whether I get this PSV provisional license issued by the DVLA. I have just received a letter from DVLA asking for my full drivers license with a signature to before they can issue anything to me. Is this normal practice and does it sound like they will be granting me with the provisional? As I thought they would be just sending me a different license as they normally do when you chance your address etc. This is very important to me as my new job depends on me being issued with this. Thank you for your responses in advance.
  10. Apologies for the length, but I wish to give as full a picture as possible. According to TVL it is possible to obtain a refund for the last 3 months of a TV licence, if that licence is no longer required. As a renter (sub-letting), I held a TV licence for the period 1st Dec 15 to 30th November 16. All official documentation for the property, council tax, tenancy agreement, utility bills etc, were in the name of my landlord/the leaseholder. On the 1st Sept 16, I signed a joint tenancy agreement at a new address, which was already covered by a TV licence. Subsequently, I transfered the TV licence to my new address via the TV licencing website. As there was still 3 months to run on the licence, I informed TVL, via their website, that the property I was now living at was covered by a TV licence and requested a refund. As I have been paying for the TV licence by direct debit, I have also prepaid 5 months of the TV licence fee for the*period 1st Dec 16 to 30th Nov 17. I advised TVL that I required a refund for these months also. The first reply from TVL is below: “Thank you for asking about a refund on a TV Licence. * In cases such as your own, a refund can only be given on the remaining unused quarters of a TV Licence (i.e. where there are 3 full months left to run), and only if the licence is not going to be needed again before it expires. ** If you can supply evidence of when you left your previous property, please forward this for my attention so I can reconsider your refund request.* Examples of the evidence could be photocopies of: * .*The completion date when you sold the property; or * .*Final water bill or end of tenancy, or rent agreements; or * .*Council tax bills showing the account has been closed or property is empty; or * .**Mail redirection confirmation letter from the post office; or * .*Any other documentary evidence which would confirm the date the licence was last needed. * When replying please quote the above reference and send any additional information or documents we have requested. * Thank you for taking the time to contact us and I look forward to hearing from you. * Yours sincerely Customer Services” As I was sub-letting, I could not provide evidence of the first three on the list, mail redirection was unnecessary and costly given I had manually updated my address with my bank, electoral roll etc. By return, I sent them a copy of the joint tenancy agreement for my new address, which shows both I and the TVL holder for my new address are joint tenants. The TVL responded as follows: “Thank you for your recent email regarding a refund for your TV Licence. * I understand you wish to claim a refund on your licence as you are covered by another licence at your address. * Documentation is required to support an application for a refund and this information can be found on the reverse of the application form. * Unfortunately, the evidence you have provided is insufficient to support your claim as it relates to your new address. We require evidence to show you have left your previous property. Please provide further evidence to support your claim. * Examples of the kind of evidence we are looking for could be photocopies/scanned copies of: • The completion date when you sold the property; or • All pages of a final utility bill, end of tenancy, or rent agreements; or • Council tax bills showing the account has been closed or you have vacated the property; or • Mail redirection confirmation letter from the post office; or • Any other documentary evidence on official letter headed paper which would confirm the date the licence was last needed. ** Once we have received this information we will be able to deal with your request. * When replying please quote the above reference. ******************************************************************************************* Thank you for taking the time to contact us and I look forward to hearing from you.” First of all, it appears TVL accept that I am living at a new address, and that I am claiming a refund because that new address already has a licence. However, they seem unwilling to accept that I have left my old address. I have since attempted to explain that I was subletting and do not have proof of leaving the property. I have also made the point to them, that their own email accepts I live at a new address and that my new address is also covered by a licence, the number of which I already provided to them several times. In the meantime, I have cancelled the direct debit, and requested details of the management as I am unsatisfied with the handling of the refund claim. Given that TVL are fixing on the issue of my old address, and seemingly overlooking any proof of my new address and the TV licence covering it, I expect to have to persist with the claim for longer. Hence my post here. Please could anyone offer any assistance as to how to proceed further and thank you for taking the time to read this!
  11. I moved away from the UK some years ago, I've obtained a new driving licence in my new country but it's not an EU one or one from a country that can be converted directly into a UK licence. The date on my UK driving licence ran out in 2014 - I made attempts to try to renew it so I could at least keep it up to date but it appears you must use a UK address to update it and it is an offence to have an address on your driving licence where you are not resident. I do plan on returning to the UK at some point and as my new driving licence is not from a reciprocal country that can convert directly into a new UK licence - it would be an awful pain to have to return and do a new theory and practical driving test to get a new UK licence. I heard from some places that if you leave it more than 2 years to renew your UK licence they can require you to take the test again, other places say no such thing and that the licence is valid until you're 70 it's just the photo that needs updating. Can anybody give me a solid answer? Assuming I haven't reached the age of 70 when I return to the UK, if say the last date on my UK licence was 10 years ago will I have no problems renewing it with an updated photo for the usual renewal fee, no re-test required?
  12. Hi My friend has 12 points on his licence and had his exceptional hardship plea accepted and he had the following 3 points for wrong direction July 2012 3 points for mobile phone Nov 2012 6 points for Speeding (SP30 i think) Dec 2012 I undertand 3 points are physically removed after 4 years, but off the record really after 3 years. Please explain what this means, so the first 3 are removed already as its been 3 years now what about the rest? Thanks!
  13. Semt to Specavers for field test etc. Licence revoked . Only action is to appeal to magistrates court as dvla do not accept new eye information I sent in. Any other people who have had this problem? Very ineffient to deal with, so far it has lasted 8 months. Specsavers test is cheap done by juniors! Any advice information from similar cases would be welcome?
  14. After being in my new place for a month, the dreaded TV Licence falls through the door When i moved into my new place, like a good little boy i registered on the voters roll. Yesterday they even sent me a letter saying that i have been included from the 1st September dated 28th August Call me a cynic but do the local authority or the local housing authority inform TV Licence of any new additions to the register or new tenancy taken up?? This is some coincidence
  15. If you are planning on driving in France, beware - one could be heading straight for you at the next roundabout. Carolyn Brown, who lives part of the year in Brittany, has a cautionary tale about a very small car. Losing one's driving licence in the UK is a serious matter - expensive and, to say the least, very inconvenient. But in France, no licence? No problem. You can simply go shopping for a VSP a voiture sans permis - a small two-seater car that anyone aged 14 or over can take out on the road with as little as four hours' experience behind the wheel, sometimes not even that. It's impossible to say how many there are as no official figures exist. It is what the French call a chiffre noir - an unknown quantity. You'll probably hear them coming first, a high-pitched whine like a sewing machine being run at full throttle. If you get stuck behind one on a windy rural lane, tant pis. Top speed is 45km per hour (28mph). It's probably a good idea to stop in the next lay-by and admire the view for a while rather than sit fuming in its wake. Link
  16. Hi there, I'm having some problems to get the balance of my deposit back, this is £290. I have sent 3 emails to my former landlord and he said that I'm his lodger, I don't have any right and they are not willing to give me anything back. The problem is I'm not his lodger, he didn't live in the property. The landlord is a business of 2 Spanish guys (agency) taking advantage of other foreigners in London. They rent properties through letting agencies and they sublet every inch in the house to people. We were living in London 8 people in a house with one bathroom. As far as I know the owner of the house doesn't know what is happening in her house, but my landlord doesn't want to give me her details nor the letting agency details neither. The agency who rented me the house keeps partly the deposits of other tenants saying that the walls need to be repainted or things like that. My former flatmates had the same problem as me. In my case, they are charging me for a mould which grew in the bedroom due poor insulation, for the cleaning of that mould and for the curtains (which are dirty because of the mould and they were so high I couldn't remove them to wash them up). They are charging me for the walls (were dirty before I moved there, but they didn't do a check-out to the previous tenant and they are charging me for it) and for one night I did not sleep there. This agency are making fraudulent contracts. My contract says "Licence to occupy" and it says "This agreement is not intended to confer exclusive possession upon the licensee, nor it is intended to create the relationship of landlord and tenant between the parties. The Licensee shall not be entitled to an assured tenancy or a statutory periodic tenancy under the Housing Act 1988 or to any other statutory secure of tenure now or upon the determination of the Licence. The Licensee accepts that this Licence does not confer any statutory protection and/or rights that would otherwise be applicable to an assured tenancy or a statutory periodic tenancy under the Housing Act 1988". I contacted Shelter and they said that the agreement is not legal as I was a tenant, not a lodger, as the landlord is an agency and they do not share the property with us. A legal advisor in Shelter told me that I can go to court and make a claim because the agency didn't protect my deposit despite the agreement says. Does anybody know what can I do in this case? This agency does not want to talk to me nor to reply my emails. They took my money unfairly and they are doing the same to other foreigners as people leave the property and they do not know how to claim their money back. So they keep doing the same over and over again. They are taking advantage mainly of Spaniards who come to the UK without knowing how the system works. Is there any way I can report them? If so, where? I don't mind the money, but I want to stop them to do the same to other people. Many thanks.
  17. Ten percent of all court fines relate to using a TV without a valid licence. It is a sad fact that the vast majority of people who receive a visit from a TV Licence Enquiry Agent ignore the summons and the accompanying Means Form. A large percentage of people subject to these fines rely upon state benefits. In almost all cases, the person receiving the summons should respond to plead guilty. In doing so, 'credit' will be credit (which will be a reduction in the standard fine). Secondly....it is vitally important to complete the Means Enquiry Form (as outlined below). The following is a copy of an excellent post by a Magistrate that featured on a 'blog' today: "Went in to Court today to fill a gap in the rota. I found myself in a non-CPS court dealing with TV licensing offences, and local authority Council Tax cases arising from non-payment of the tax. http://magistratesblog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/this-isnt-what-i-signed-up-for-three.html
  18. Last week i received my van insurance renewal which had went up from £220 to £445... I went on line & found the same cover for £325 so i contacted my insurer (Budget)....I wanted to know why my premiums had doubled....They waffled on not giving me the answer i was looking for but said because i had been with them for a couple of years they would reduce my premiums to £335 which i accepted... When i downloaded my documents i noticed that my medical condition ( Diabetes)..wasnt mentioned & neither was my 3 year restriced licences....Today the renewal insurance came in for my car ( £258 )....So i thought i would call Budget & ask about the omission of my medical details & at the same time get a quote for my car..... I first i brought up the medical details & as soon as i mentioned the restricted licences they put me on hold for 11 mins when they came back they said their underwriters had refused to accept my restricted licence...EH...i asked why & the lady said because i had ticked the box saying i had a full UK licence..as far as i was concerned i did as i always thought a full UK licence was the next step up from a provisional licence....But no Highway the underwriters have decided that if your licence is restricted for whatever reason its not a full UK licence....Ive been left feeling like im being penalised because im diabetic.... Theres was nothing in the documents fine print which explains what constitutes a full UK licence.....Fortunately i went to Adrian Flux & got both vehicles covered on a multycar policy for £500 & when i downloaded the documents i saw that they said i had a full UK licence aswel as my licence being restricted to 3 years
  19. In last week's White Paper on the future of the BBC, the Culture Secretary; John Whittingdale confirmed that watching TV without a valid TV licence will continue to be a criminal offence. At present, 13% (approx 180,000 cases) that go before the magistrates each year are in relation to TV licence evasion. In the consultation paper it was stated that 'more guidance' was required in relation to this offence together with 'proposed culpability factors'. Presently, the Sentencing Council are undertaking a large-scale revamp of sentencing rules for 27 common offences dealt with by the magistrates and if approval is given, the new sentences will take effect in the autumn. Yesterday, it was announced that substantial changes are being proposed by the Sentencing Council in relation to TV licence evasion. These proposals (if approved) could see many of the fines significantly increased, and in many cases....doubled. The most significant part of the Sentencing Council's proposals concerns the new 'culpability factors'. Under the proposal, the crime will be considered more serious if the individual: Has not tried to buy a licence; If they have tried to evade detection; Have additional subscription television service (Sky, BT TV, Netflix or Amazon) The effect will be that JPs will consider that an individual who is a Sky, Netflix, Amazon or BT TV subscriber will have committed a Category Two crime rather than the lesser Category Three offence for which they would currently be guilty. For individuals who have failed to pay for a TV licence for more than six months the offence will be Category One, which would mean the fine would be at the top of the Band B range.
  20. Hi there I took a car out on a PCP contract for 4 years with Mercedes in August 2014 I took a seizure on 4th April 2015 still no sign of getting my licence back but I've never missed a payment on the PCP agreement this has nearly been a year since I took the seizure and still paying every month I can't see a way out or put a plan together as Mercedes aren't interested although I've informed Mercedes of my situation but there not interested as long as they are getting paid every month,if anyone could give me some advice on what to do I would be most greatful especially in finding out how soon I could possibly VT the car back to them as I'm partially disabled and struggling to get by with having to pay for this car every month it's seriously effecting me and my family at this moment I can't just hand the car back because it would blacklist my name. I think I need to pay at least half of what is owed on the agreement but I just can't keep this up its having devastating effects on my life having to worry about raising the money every month for something that I can't even drive,if anyone can help or point me in the right direction it would be so much appreciated with kindest regards Scott thanks in advance
  21. Back in July 2015 I received a court fine for TV licence I phoned the court to arrange payment to be told it's been passed to Marston's I tired contacting. Marston's and they wanted payment in full which I can't do so I then received a baillif at my door no 7 day notice letter from them just turned up at the door anyway they wanted 650 pound which I didn't have they could see I had no assets so they told me I had a month to get the money together stupidly I said yes just to get them out of the house but I can't pay it I'm a single mum of 7 children getting full housing benefit council tax child tax credit I'm self employed but only work 16 hours a week and it's commission based so I don't really earn anything at all what should I do there coming back on the 16th April for payment in full but I have no assets and no money I'm not refusing to pay the court fine I just need more time to pay any advice would be greatly appreciated
  22. Hi All, Thanks for looking at this, I'm after a little advice after the DVLA revoked my licence following me surrendering it. The story: I had a seizure in December 2014, the first and only seizure I've had in my 40 years. I dutifully surrendered my licence under doctors orders and was told to just apply in six months and that would be that. I applied for it back and got a 'no, we're revoking it instead, wait longer' type letter, so the rules say six to twelve months so no problem maybe they're just being safe. I applied again after the 12 months, only to be told that it would be subject to intense medical scrutiny because I had an alcohol problem! That was news to me, sure there will be times where I exceed the guidelines set out by government but they are extremely low in reality and they aren't seeking me out to write a documentary. I did happen to have the seizure following a night out so the discharge letter does say alcohol may have been a factor. So my concern is now I'm going to be branded as a raging alcoholic and that is likely to lead to many other problems down the line. I would like to try and get the DVLA to reverse their assessment of me, has anyone got any advice on how I might do this and if it is even possible? Thanks Dave
  23. Hi, My Daughter has had a Notice of Enforcement from Marston. Regarding unpaid TV Licences. I am not defending her guilt but I want to question the actions. On reception of the notice (22/4/16) she contacted Marston who said the debit was for 2013/14/15. Although the issue date is 20/2/13. Couple of things. 1 - She was working in France for 4 months prior to that date. So would have had no knowledge of any court date as she arrived bcak in the UK less than 10 days before the issue date having found out she was going to be a mum for the first time! 2 - How can they charge for dates after the date of issue? 3 - She is at a different address from the one she was in in 2013 and there is no information as to where this debt is set against. 4 - She has had no letters (and they have not produced any) to show she was in trouble. She is responsible for the non payment of TV fines but she works part time and is a single mum with nothing of any value. CAB have said they cannot help, which I find surprising and they offered no further advice. Can anybody suggest anything? Thanks Ian
  24. I am a Canadian studying in the UK and am looking to purchase a car in late August when I return for university. I had already attended for one year and entered the country September 2nd, 2015. According to the DVLA information, my Canadian licence will only be valid for 12 months from my date of arrival (September 2nd, 2016). Unfortunately, I've made a commitment to have a car ready and be prepared to drive from August 30 to September 1st. I believe this is a problem because in order to exchange my Canadian licence for a UK licence I am required to send in my original passport and BRP (in addition to my Canadian licence, but there is no issue with providing this). I'm not sure that my application would be provided in time for my August 24th flight from Toronto to Edinburgh, nor do I believe that they would even be returned to my Canadian address since there is no mailing address option on the form. Essentially, my questions are as follows: 1. What happens if I were to potentially drive in the UK on my Canadian licence for a few days past my 12 month expiry date? 2. Is it possible to purchase a car, insure it, etc. with a licence that would only be accepted for just over a week? 3. If I were to apply right now while still in Canada, could my important travel documents be returned to my Canadian address? 4. Are there any exceptions where the DVLA would permit non-original (ie. photocopied) documents to be submitted with an application? I realise that I completely messed up by not applying to exchange my licence while I was in school last semester, however exceptional circumstance prompted that poor decision making. Any information for any of my questions would be greatly appreciated!
  25. I am thinking of watching TV only for part of the year. If this is to be the case, what measures should I take to legally avoid not paying for the period that I won't be watching as I understand TV licensing tend to get you to pay six months in advance..
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