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  1. Hi. I have just received a letter from DVLA requesting I fill in the fitness to drive from. The form itself is all to do with seizures ect. I don't suffer any? It's very hard to fill in. It was a third party (my ex ) as he has been arrested for malicious and harassing communications ect. My health is this: high blood pressure : two slipped spinal discs and wear and tear in spine: tachyicadia.This is what my doctor has orescribed: Lisinipril for bp . Citalapram for heart speed : baclofen for muscles : tramadol as and when required. Based upon all this information are DVLA likely to revoke my licence? I'm 44 and have had my license since 17years if age. In addition I just left a deposit on car as my 12yr is disabled and we can't get about. Now I either purchase the car even though DVLA have 6 weeks to respond with their desicion or I loose the big deposit . I'm so depressed and stressed right now I can't even think clear... at my sits end ((
  2. I had a seizure a couple of weeks ago, first one ever, and the hospital told me to speak to the DVLA, who told me I had to complete a declaration (FEP1 form) so they could assess my fitness to drive. According to the guidelines it could be a 6 month ban. However the form says "you must not drive if your doctor says you cannot drive". Neither my doctor or the consultant at the hospital will give me a decision - they say that's for the DVLA to decide. So, while the form is being processed etc - am I OK to drive, since no one has said I can't?
  3. My son's VW Golf needs a Drive Belt replaced, is it covered by the manufacturer's warranty. It's a 15 plate done just over 20,000 miles.
  4. I am running Windows 8.1, 64 bit, and the C:drive is not showing in the disk defragmenter, although it did before. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. I Wonder if anyone can help. I have a debt that although I still dispute was incorrect they were able to get a CCJ. The dept was for approx £2000. After a visit last year from a high court officer I set up a payment plan of £60 a month which I have been paying for the last 9 months or so. I have been paying the middle of the month as I understood the payment was due the 26th of each month. We went to visit a friend for 8 days in Barcelona got a call from the person looking after our pet that our car was clamped on the drive by a person who I assume acts from Elliot Davies the people I pay each month. I called from Spain and he said he knew I was away in Spain as he had asked the neighbours. Apparently he said the payment was due the 3rd of the month so I am in arrears the £60 for this months payment. Of course I have no issue paying the £60 as I was going to do it on Monday as I landed today but he said on the phone that there is no chance and he wants £1000 immediately and drastically increased payments to release the car. We left on Holiday the 15th he initially visited the 18th knew we were away then visited the 20th and clamped the car. The paperwork says this Debt £2338.22 (£542.10) received Interest £165 Compliance fee £90 Enforcement Stage fee £1288.72 Total £3339.95 One letter says or pay outstanding amount of £2745.95 I emailed their office from Spain to try and get none threatening clarification (as the bailiff was very sure of himself...) but I only found out late friday so their office was shut. I need to call tomorrow, is there any advice of my rights or what I need to do
  6. Hello I live in a cul-de-sac and my house is the last house on the road and I have my own drive at end. Today, I received a PCN code 62 while parked on my own Drive. It states 'Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway'. My car was parked with the back wheels just on the edge of the footpath, something I have been doing since 1988 but for some reason I have received a parking ticket today. The footpath ends at my house, although a neighbour whose garden backs onto my drive has put a small gate in his fence so he can leave his house from the back. What can I do in this instance as I will have problems parking on my drive in future? With the back wheels close to footpath, the back of the car stands over the footpath by a foot or more depending on the car that is parked. I would appreciate any help or suggestions
  7. Hi all, Looking for advice... National Grid dug up the pavement outside my and my neighbours house last Thursday to replace gas pipes (scheduled work, not emergency). Unfortunately my car was trapped on the drive and they made no effort prior to notify me of works and ask for the car to be moved. The hole was open for 5 days, after which (with warning to them) I took it into my own hands and filled it in. I lost a days work (Saturday), and invoiced them for half a days labour on the Monday (this is confirmed in a recorded phone call). Just wondering what the forum think my next steps should be? It's clearly illegal to block a car on a driveway (New Roads & Street Work Act 1991 / Traffic Management Act 2004) but what and how do I proceed? Thanks in anticipation, Chris
  8. If you are planning on driving in France, beware - one could be heading straight for you at the next roundabout. Carolyn Brown, who lives part of the year in Brittany, has a cautionary tale about a very small car. Losing one's driving licence in the UK is a serious matter - expensive and, to say the least, very inconvenient. But in France, no licence? No problem. You can simply go shopping for a VSP a voiture sans permis - a small two-seater car that anyone aged 14 or over can take out on the road with as little as four hours' experience behind the wheel, sometimes not even that. It's impossible to say how many there are as no official figures exist. It is what the French call a chiffre noir - an unknown quantity. You'll probably hear them coming first, a high-pitched whine like a sewing machine being run at full throttle. If you get stuck behind one on a windy rural lane, tant pis. Top speed is 45km per hour (28mph). It's probably a good idea to stop in the next lay-by and admire the view for a while rather than sit fuming in its wake. Link
  9. Nicola Sturgeon will spearhead a renewed drive to build support for Scottish independence this summer, pledging to turn the 45% who voted to leave the UK in the 2014 referendum into “a strong and positive majority”. Yes! Get in there Mrs Fish, give the English the vote as well and we will happily give you independence. England make way for immigrants swarming south.
  10. Hi, after some advice please!! My 19yr old son has paid Drive Dynamics £740 for a weeks intensive driving course. When we rang and booked it we explained he was going onto Basic training with the RAF in a matter of a couple of weeks and we needed to get it booked in before that, we were told this was not a problem, He paid in full and was told his instructor would be in touch within 5 working days, on the 6th day I rang up, was told they had left a voice mail with the instructor and he would contact us ASAP, I rang a further 2 times to be told the same, on the last call I said I would like a refund as there would not be time to do the course, the chap on the phone said give me 24hrs and Ill have it sorted. after 24hrs we rang again and said enough was enough we wanted a refund, which he was told that was fine and it would be sorted, that day he got the 1st call from the instructors saying he had been away for a month and they shouldn't have been taking bookings for him in that time, said he could offer a weeks lesson in 2 weeks time but had no idea when he could take his test. My son has 10 wks basic training, followed by a min of 10mths trade training, he can't arrange lessons now., we then rang back 2 weeks later as he had been told it would take this long to 'go through'. I have spent hours so far on the phone to this company to be passed around or just not answered, eventually I got through and was told he was not getting a refund and no-one had said he could have one. after another 2 days of numerous calls someone eventually said we would not get one without emailing the company to get a ticket number, which we did we have explained the whole situation to them, but have had a reply saying as they found us an instructor within 2 weeks, and my son did not cancel within the 2 week cool off period we will not get any money back. They have suggested we just take the lesson with them, He cant and he also doesn't want to as they never arrange anything so he doesn't trust he will even get a lesson!! my arguments is that I don't think they 'found' us an instructor as they never made any contact with the instructor within the 2 weeks they have to find one or full refund will be given, also how could we use our 2 week cool off as we didn't know they had messed up for 26 days when we finally got an answer! I have been told to send a registered letter to them stating they have breach their contract, I have emailed them 3 times since the last email to ask for the address to send it to as they claim my dispute is with the instructor and not them, but get no response, I am slowly going insane! feel so guilty as I hassled my son to do this and he spent his hard earned money to be ripped off by they company So any help on how I put a letter together that might shift their butts?!! many thanks Hana
  11. Hope someone can help here. On Saturday I was out with my brother getting fuel and he asked if he could drive my car quickly. I very stupidly said yes and drove to an area I know to have very small amounts of traffic. We swapped seats and I told him to just leave the car park and drive 100ft or so pull into a side road and turn around and come back. He took a wrong turn and ended up on a main road and I told him to just be as sensible as he can and get to the safest place to stop which entailed driving to a roundabout 100m away and taking the first exit, which is a closed road. As he did a police van slowed down to see what was happening because we were stopped. They then approached and I got out the car and explained that my brother was still a learner driver and I let him drive very briefly because he is buying the car from me in a few months time. I then said to the officer "He took a wrong turn and I told him to carefully drive to here because it was the safest place to pull over." The officers took our details and told my brother he was being reported for driving without L plates and without insurance, and I was reported for not having him on my insurance and not being old enough to supervise him. I'm 20. I asked what would happen next and the officer said that it would go to the CPS and they would decide what to do. I was issued a HORT1, with it saying to give in my insurance papers, and the officer said they had been lenient as they could of seized the car. I thanked them for that and headed on my way. This morning I went to the station with the papers and the slip and the woman thought it was strange i'd been issued one when my details were on the database. When I asked if anything more will happen or if I will get anything through the post she said "No that's it. The form will go to the officer and that's that". My Mum and Step Dad seem to think we have both gotten off lightly but i've read online that I might get something through the post still. So my questions are; 1. Who will get it worse for the offences mentioned? 2. Will my brother be unable to get a license because of this? 3. Is it possible that we have gotten off lightly here and they have been sympathetic? 4. When should I expect something through the post? 5. Should I have been issued some sort of offence code because I've had nothing and nor has my brother. And lastly, yes it was a very stupid thing to do. We are both shaken up and wouldn't dream of doing something like that ever again. It put ours and others lives in danger and it's eating me up thinking about it all.
  12. I've been itching to buy trainer the a long time. I've had an exercise bike for a few years but I was getting fed up with it, partly because bits of it was time to wear out but also because it didn't really replicate cycling at all well. I was looking for a trainer and although I really wanted something that is generally compatible and in the majority, I was put off by the noise tests of the Wahoo Kickr and most of the other more common trainers. In the end, I saved up and settled for the Elite Real Muin because it was apparently so incredibly quiet. I was also looking for a virtual trainer. The Elite Real Muin arrived today. Here are some initial thoughts: – It’s well built Looks fantastic Extremely quiet The instructions are rubbish You can work it out without the instructions, eventually. Here are my main criticisms: – Firstly the software is extremely poor. It looks as if it was designed quite a few years ago. It’s clunky and frankly it’s badly behaved. In particular, the Ant connection is extremely finicky. You have to use the supplied Elite dongle to get any kind of connection at all. This is fair enough of course but the connection is unreliable and constantly drops out. I don’t think this is a function of the dongle or of the trainer. I think it is a function of the software because when I tried the dongle with other software such as Veloreality and Zwift the dongle was recognised without any problem and without having to reset it. As soon as I went back to the Elite software, there were problems. Looking at the Elite troubleshooting guide, there is so much time spent advising on Ant problems that it is clearly an issue. In fact looking around the Internet, I have noticed a number of people complaining about it. I noticed that DCRainmaker has talked about Elite’s commitment to the Ant standard, but this is not strictly true because Elite user own private Ant standard. In fact Elite only use private Ant for their power signal. The Cadence signal is a standard protocol and for instance, Veloreality had no problem receiving it and using it. Another nuisance about Elite’s implementation of Ant is that there seems to be no pairing. In other words the Elite software will automatically pair with whatever signal is being produced. Nice and easy, you might think – but actually it’s just an added problem because if you already have a Garmin Ant sensor on your crank arm, the Elite software doesn’t know which signal to use and so it uses neither of them and simply stops working. The only remedy for this is to remove your Garmin cadence sensor while you are using the trainer and then put it back when you have finished. Not a huge problem – but just a nuisance and once again points to a shabby and half-hearted implementation and lack of a customer facing approach from Elite. Surely it would only take a small bit of programming to make the Elite software pair and recognise a particular signal – but they certainly haven’t done it yet. Even when the software is receiving the Ant signal correctly, the stats are sometimes all over the place. I had finished a short session and had dismounted from the bike, but there was still a substantial wattage showing and also a cadence rpm of 64 and this continued for several minutes. The lag between cycling effort and what comes up on the screen makes it extremely difficult to ride virtually. On another occasion, I started pedaling and produced something like 1800 W traveling at 647 km/h! It’s not possible to know what is causing this but it might be glitches in the Ant signal. There were no such problems with the cadence readings In Veloreality or in Zwift and not only that, when I stopped pedaling, the cadence rate returned to 0 very quickly. With the Elite software, the cadence rate generally failed to return to 0 at all. I sort of feel that a lot of these problems would be ironed out if Elite implemented a standard Ant + on its trainers. I know that there are rumours that they are proposing to abandon private Ant – but frankly these rumours have been going on for at least a couple of years – and when I contacted Elite, they told me they had no plans. The trainer is great, but the software is extremely poor and I think that most people are paying this level of money to use the virtual training aspects and I suspect that many people will be disappointed. Elite needs to sort this out – but maybe they’re making enough money without having to bother. Incidentally, I have tried this on two powerful desktop computers and also a similarly specified laptop. All three of them passed the Elite tests as to whether they were suitable computers, without any problem. I forgot to add that Elite provide their own cadence sensor, which although is on an open protocol, has to be plugged in with a wire into the trainer. This is fine, but the problem is that for some reason or other known best to them, Elite have designed the cadence sensor in the most extraordinary shape so that is enormously difficult to get the receptor part close enough to the magnet without the rest of the body of the unit hitting the pedal. I suppose they wanted to do something a bit individual – but it means that they have come away from all the acquired wisdom of cadence sensor manufacturers going back several years. They’ve decided to try and reinvent the wheel – or the cadence sensor in this case and frankly it is just another thing that doesn’t quite work properly or easily.
  13. Anyone else having problems with this 2104 model cutting out, far sooner than it should, and not starting again for a while?
  14. People who have been prescribed powerful anxiety or pain relief drugs are being warned about a new drug-driving law. As well as outlawing driving while under the influence of illegal drugs, new legislation will include some prescription medicines. But prescribed doses do not exceed the limits for legal drugs, so most patients should still be safe to drive. Those who are unsure are advised to seek the advice of a pharmacist. The new law, to be introduced 2 March 2015 in England and Wales, aims to catch those who put the lives of others at risk while driving under the influence of drugs. If you are taking your medicine as directed and your driving is not impaired, then you are not breaking the law and there is no need to worry. It sets very low levels for eight well known illegal drugs, including cannabis and cocaine, but also includes eight prescription drugs, where the levels have been set much higher. Most of them, including Temazepan and Diazepam, are used for treating conditions such as anxiety. But the list also includes methadone, a heroin substitute, and morphine, a powerful opiate used for pain relief. Robert Goodwill MP, Road Safety Minister, says as long as they stay within prescribed levels, most people will still be able to get behind the wheel of a car. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31306714 New campaign to remind people taking medicines to check with their doctor or pharmacist before getting behind the wheel. The new law sets limits at very low levels for 8 drugs commonly associated with illegal use such as cannabis and cocaine. There are also 8 prescription drugs that are included within the new law. These are: clonazepam diazepam flunitrazepam lorazepam oxazepam temazepam methadone morphine However, the limits that have been set for these drugs exceed normal prescribed doses, meaning that the vast majority of people can drive as they normally would, so long as: they are taking their medicine in accordance with the advice of a healthcare professional and/or as printed in the accompanying leaflet their driving is not impaired https://www.gov.uk/government/news/drug-drive-legislation-am-i-fit-to-drive
  15. A friend's car is being fixed due to an accident that wasn't their fault. They have been told by the garage fixing the car (referred to by the other party's insurer) that they cannot have a courtesy car unless they agree to drive it every day. Further that the car has a tracker that will check this. Their own insurer has confirmed this. I can't find any info about this by internet search. It seems bizarre and unenforceable to me. The friend has been separately advised to simply hire a car from elsewhere that doesn't have this restriction. This sounds like reasonable advice. So specifically I'm curious as to whether people have experienced the weird requirement.
  16. Hi all, I've had a good google around for an answer but seems to be misleading. I purchased a car from the lovely Carcraft and had this drive happy guarantee pushed on me which at the time seemed like the wise thing to do. I've since come to the point where it really isn't cost effective for me to drive from my home in Macclesfield to either Liverpool or Rochdale for a car service, As such I'm yet to get the car serviced at all and have now paid roughly 6/7 payments at £50 a go. Is there a way out of this contract?
  17. So i've purchased a 2nd hand BMW320i from a dealer. All was good until recently the car starts jerking violently. Ive sent it to KWIT- FIT and they couldnt find where the problem is, hence they advise me to bring it to the BMW manufacture. After the diagnostic test, they quoted me a 1600pounds replacement fee!!!!! The car was 5xxx pounds. Ive purchased it in october, and drove less than 3000miles. I've also tried to call the dealer but they refuse to take up any responsibility. The BMW manufacture told me the ABS wheel sensor for both rears and the rear drive shaft was corroded. I would like to get some advise as to what i should do!!!i am just a student and this replacement fee is a HUGE burden for me P.S: isit normal for the Rear wheel sensor or the Reer shaft to get corrosion? As its the interior of the car, could there be any other possible reasons leading to the corrosion?
  18. A friend has been involved in road traffic collision where they were hit by a drunk driver who left the scene of the accident. The police arrested the third party from his home address within the hour and has since been released on bail. My friend has tried to obtain the registration number of the third party vehicle but the police are being guarded as to what information they will share. The police who attended the scene are now on rest days. My friends relative knows the third party driver and the third party has made allegations which the police are not divulging at this moment. If the third party got home before being apprehended, can the police still prosecute for drink driving or will the third party be able to say in their defence that they only had a drink when they got home? Does anyone know how the law stands on this point? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  19. Hi, today someone hit my BMW causing damage to it. (parked in a car park) I tried to prevent the driver from leaving the car park but he started to turn nasty. Anyway, i called the police and he was then stopped about 15 minutes later However.... He was then arrested for Failing to Stop at RTA Driving when over the drink drive limit Public Order Offence. The police advised me that his insurance will be void as he was over the drink driving limit and his insurance company may try and refuse to pay for the damage. Is this true? its out of order if it is and affect my insurance.
  20. Hello Guys / Gals, I love coming here as there is people that give expert advice, and if followed you can save a scrape or two. I have a mate that works a 6-2, 2-10 pm shift, on this day he has gone in early at 5:45am. He has had a few beers that day before and someone has smelt alcohol on his breath. He has suggested that there is some harresment from some fellow employees. Anyway, he has started work at 6am but got breathalyzed at 6:15am. This had a reading of 36... 1 point over the 35mg limit... West Yorkshire Police do not Prosecute anything under 40mg My mate had, mouth wash and Benylin which apparently can bump up dodgy lion 500 Alcometer readings. They only give one chance on the blow meter, instant termination.... Does he have a chance? He got set on the books, but not been there 2 years.... Ideas?
  21. Hi Guys In 2012 I purchased a car through Carcraft over a 5 year agreement. When signing up, I also paid around £2000 extra for their Drive Happy Package which included MOT's, Services, and RAC Cover for 5 years. Now they have gone bust I've been told they are no longer honouring the package. I was due for my "free" service next Monday. Where do I stand? Do i just have to suck it up or can i possibly reclaim something? Thanks for any help.
  22. Hi, I'm just hoping for a bit of advice. I live on a small unadopted lane, which has houses at both sides and a rectangle of common land in the middle with room for a few parked cars and to turn your car around (it isn't a through road). Recently one of our neighbours decided to 'extend' their drive onto the common land (not sure why), which wasn't really a problem even though I don't think they have the right to do this, but they've now taken to placing rocks across the entrance to this drive, making even harder for us to turn our cars around. I'm fuming, but I'm loathe to say something, but I'm sure this must be illegal? If someone damaged their car whilst trying to turn it round, would our neighbours be liable as they're the ones who have placed the obstruction there? I know there is a lot to be said for looking where you are going, fortunately I know they're there, but the lane is very dark at night as there's only a couple of street lights. Being an unadopted road means I can't really involve the council. Any advice much appreciated Thanks
  23. From 5 December 2014 the blood–alcohol limit is going to be reduced from 80mg in every 100ml of blood to 50mg in Scotland. In practical terms this means that someone drinking alcohol and driving could be ‘over the limit’ to drive after a relatively small amount of alcohol. As the normal method of checking how much alcohol is in your system is a breath test you should be aware that the new limits for the breath test are 22 microgramms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. This has been reduced from 35 microgramms The new limits are only being introduced in Scotland. If you are in England and Wales and Northern Ireland the drink driving limits are still 80 microgramms in 100ml of blood. If you are within the alcohol limit for driving outside Scotland and cross the border into Scotland in your vehicle you may fail a breath test. This may be particularly important to be aware of over the Christmas and New Year breaks as many people visit family and friends all over the UK. Remember that drinking the night before can mean you are over the limit the next day because it takes some time for alcohol to leave your system. http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/news/whats_new_nov14_drink_limit_to_be_lowered_before_christmas_s.htm
  24. [ATTACH=CONFIG]52842[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]52843[/ATTACH] Have a major issue with the local Kwik Fit. Found that the exhaust had split at the tail. Took it into Kwik Fit and of course they came back with "it will all need replaced". I should have got it checked properly and got it significantly cheaper but I was due to take the kids camping within a couple of days so it kind of forced my hand. Kwik Fit is also literally round the corner from my work. get the car back and head home. I stay literally 10min walk from the Kwik Fit garage. It sits in my drive way the following day. The next day I get a phone call at work from the missus saying there is oil coming from the car. She had taken the kids around the town for school gear and found it when she pulled into the driveway. I head home and right enough there is a good bit dripping down. I decide to take the car back to Kwik Fit as immediately I was thinking "hey they were the last ones in there". Start the engine and the oil literally starts flooding out. I am on my way to Kwik Fit and decide best to get a second opinion quickly to ensure I have some back up - head to Halfords. Its roughly the same distance. I get there and ask if they could go out and check for me and they were quite accommodating. The chap goes to start the engine to get it up on the ramp and again the oil starts flooding out. They cut the engine and he sticks his arm up and finds that the oil filter is really loose. I call Kwik Fit and they tell me they want to have a look before discussing further. I agree but they ask me to drive the car to their station. Now that I have time to think things through I refuse as I am not comfortable driving a car that could potentially cause accidents with oil on the road and more than likely kill the engine in the process. I tell them they will need to send someone up. Some hours later Halfords calls and tells me they eventually picked it up. I get a call from the Kwik FIt duty manager telling me that he has discussed it with his Area Manager and that they don't believe that they are culpable. I went down to discuss the issue with the Kwik Fit duty manager. He gets it up on the ramp and acknowledges that the oil filter is close to where their guys would have been working but that with all the training and checks etc that it would be unlikely their chaps who caused this issue. When its up on the ramp and he shows me where they were working and the proximity of the exhaust to the oil filter I burst out laughing "you have just proved that your people were working right next to this filter". To be honest I think he knew the score here but advised that I would need to discuss with his area manager as it was his call. I go home and call customer services as for me the area manager has already made his mind up so I want it escalated to the customer services manager. She tells me it "has" to go through the area manager. I get the area managers number and discuss the issue. He tells me that now "he will need to see it". Fair enough I said but I want this resolved ASAP as I am going on a camping holiday tomorrow. He hums n haws about the when/where and with some probing he suddenly admits that he is actually at the station I was at!!! I tell him to stay there and I will be down in 5min and he responds "I have a flight to catch" .. .. to which I reply "and yes we are all at an inconvenience today as I have had to take a half day off work and I am supposed to be driving this vehicle on a camping holiday tomorrow". I get down there and he starts coming out with all sorts of crap and excuses. He gets it up on the ramp and literally spends nearly an hour looking all over the engine bay. As you can imagine it is covered in oil. He comes back to me with some pics on his phone showing a bit of oil surrounding a wee seal at the top of the engine. He also shows me a picture of some oil residue on the engine. When I say residue I mean residue i.e. its not fresh oil. He barely looks at the engine filter area and all the oil everywhere around it but spends most time looking for "something .... anything". His stance from there was that the engine has a leak. I point out that what I observed on my drive way and what Halfords had to clean up on their forecourt was not a "leak" but a "flood". Halfords also confirmed that the oil filter was loose. I pointed out that given Kwik FIt had just done £500 of exhaust work right next to the oil filter and nobody else has been under there that 99.9999% of the population would rightly be pointing the finger firmly at Kwik Fit. Obviously this chap is in the .000001% category and still refuses to admit its their fault. During our discussion I find out that he said no to their culpability to the duty manager even though he had not seen the vehicle or discussed the issue with myself. Again I ask how the hell can he come to a conclusive stance without seeing the evidence and discussing the matter with myself first. He then of course denies that he is saying no. So I challenge him to either say Yes or No. He will now do neither as he clearly knows he is on the ropes but refusing to accept this is their issue ... .. I think they would have had I not mentioned my "driveway is ruined". They had said "we will flush it through and re-fill with OEM oil and make sure its safe to drive" so clearly at that point they were going to take the hit .. .. that is until I said the issue here is the drive way is destroyed. He "advises" me that I should get it steamcleaned and he will take another look. I am stunned and ask how he thinks that I should pay £500 for the pleasure of them ruining my driveway and somehow have to foot the bill for more delaying tactics. When he said it he even said "now I don't know where you can get it steam cleaned, I can get one of our guys to google it for you". At this point I ask for his bosses number. He tells me that I will need to call customer services. I tell him I want the customer services managers number of which of course he doesn't have. I then ask for his line managers number if it isn't the customer service manager to be told that his line manager doesn't deal with these issues. Like you I am thinking "is there any such thing as customer services at Kwik Fit because clearly I am not going to get this resolved with this guy and the infrastructure is clearly disjointed. So I am now back from my holiday. Not sure what to do. £500 down on an exhaust I probably didn't need A ruined driveway - its pink monoblock btw Half Day off work to deal with mopping up the oil and trying to clean it Kwik Fit refusing to accept responsibility Kwik Fit suggesting I get steam cleaned even though they know there isn't anywhere to get it done and at my cost before they will discuss further I am just flabbergasted at how they are treating me and they think its perfectly acceptable to take my money and then insult my intelligence on the matter. At one point one of their chaps said "I know m8 I would be the same in your position .. .. its not like your an 18 year old lassie". Now that really jumped out for me as clearly if I was an 18 YO girl they would be taking advantage of experience and sex obviously from the perspective of pulling the proverbial wool over the eyes. I am thinking of using social media as its a small city and given my work place is right next door to the Kwik Fit and have hundreds of colleagues who probably use them that I should throw off the gloves and really go at them on this. Any advice gratefully received on this. Apologies if anything is incoherent or confusing but its l8 and struggling to maintain my energy level with this now. P.S. It rained almost everyday for a week on the camping trip .... funny init !
  25. Hi everyone, We are keen to find out if there have been situations similar to ours... We are currently in dispute with a well known car finance company.. 4 payments were missed (not Consecutively) and following expiration of the default notice the creditor had issued to us, they instructed a repo company to take back the vehicle. At the time of repossession we had not paid more than 1/3 of the total price. The night before, the repo company clamped the vehicle on our private driveway, and after a few un-productive telephone calls the next day (whilst we were at work), we arrived home to find the vehicle had been taken from our private drive, without our consent. It's worth noting by term private driveway I mean land owned by us, as confirmed by our land registry deeds. Not enclosed or gated drive etc. We are in the process of going to court over this as S92 of the CCA 1974 states they cannot repo from private land without a court order. I'm also aware they're not allowed to clamp on private property either. The creditors defence is centred around the fact they did not believe it was private land and they have submitted their evidence in preparation for the hearing. Does anyone have any case law to support a debtor in this particular dispute ? particularly relating to the interpretation of 'private drive' ?. The web forums are full of success stories when the debtor has paid 1/3 or more, but nothing appears for situations where the paid monies are under this. CCA 1974 states that the breach is actionable as a breach of statutory duty. Thanks in advance.
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