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Found 6 results

  1. For the full story : - https://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/learner-drivers-to-be-allowed-on-britain-s-motorways-within-months-a3610466.html Interesting, are they being taught to drive on a motorway.. or Park !!
  2. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice here. I took out a Learner driver policy for my son last September after buying him a car for his 18th Birthday. He was the owner and I stupidly did not change my name to his on the V5 so was the registered keeper. When I took out the policy I was named as a named driver, the policy was in his name and I declared that he was the owner/registered keeper of the car as I had my own vehicle. Two weeks ago, he drove his car to his friends and I drove the car home. Unfortunately, I drove into the back of someone and the insurance said the car was written off. The insurance company have refused to pay out because they said that I didn't say that I was the registered keeper of the car.I can accept this as an oversight on my part but they have now voided my sons policy and he has to state that he has had insurance voided and therefore insurance premiums are ridiculous! Im absolutely devastated about this as it was a genuine error on my part. Has anyone any advice regarding getting reasonable insurance cover for him? Many Thanks.
  3. Hope someone can help here. On Saturday I was out with my brother getting fuel and he asked if he could drive my car quickly. I very stupidly said yes and drove to an area I know to have very small amounts of traffic. We swapped seats and I told him to just leave the car park and drive 100ft or so pull into a side road and turn around and come back. He took a wrong turn and ended up on a main road and I told him to just be as sensible as he can and get to the safest place to stop which entailed driving to a roundabout 100m away and taking the first exit, which is a closed road. As he did a police van slowed down to see what was happening because we were stopped. They then approached and I got out the car and explained that my brother was still a learner driver and I let him drive very briefly because he is buying the car from me in a few months time. I then said to the officer "He took a wrong turn and I told him to carefully drive to here because it was the safest place to pull over." The officers took our details and told my brother he was being reported for driving without L plates and without insurance, and I was reported for not having him on my insurance and not being old enough to supervise him. I'm 20. I asked what would happen next and the officer said that it would go to the CPS and they would decide what to do. I was issued a HORT1, with it saying to give in my insurance papers, and the officer said they had been lenient as they could of seized the car. I thanked them for that and headed on my way. This morning I went to the station with the papers and the slip and the woman thought it was strange i'd been issued one when my details were on the database. When I asked if anything more will happen or if I will get anything through the post she said "No that's it. The form will go to the officer and that's that". My Mum and Step Dad seem to think we have both gotten off lightly but i've read online that I might get something through the post still. So my questions are; 1. Who will get it worse for the offences mentioned? 2. Will my brother be unable to get a license because of this? 3. Is it possible that we have gotten off lightly here and they have been sympathetic? 4. When should I expect something through the post? 5. Should I have been issued some sort of offence code because I've had nothing and nor has my brother. And lastly, yes it was a very stupid thing to do. We are both shaken up and wouldn't dream of doing something like that ever again. It put ours and others lives in danger and it's eating me up thinking about it all.
  4. My Friend has been on a 5 day driver training course. she was not to the required standard DSA level 5 so was not put forward for the test on day 5. This she understands. However the reason I query this for you wise comments are the following: The website does not explain at what level you need to be, or that if they cannot get you to DSA level 5 then you will not be put in for the test or return for the test. see 5day website On the website it states If you are unsuccessful on your Theory Test or Practical Test Get FREE, unlimited theory and practical correction lessons until you pass. The complete course is only £914.00. This not only includes all the driving tuition but also the fee for your theory test and practical test This is not true. Could I complain to trading standards or anyone about this? in T & C's which you get after you have paid, it does state that in the case of non achievement further lessons can be agreed between the pupil and the trainer. My query here is, it sate that it includes the hire of the car for the test and if you do not Pass there is a MENTORING RETEST PROGRAMME should the candidate fail on the first test or any successive retest the driver. blah Blah Blah. FREE remedial help will be offered from the training centre until you pass. the Question. Additional lesson required to bring her to the standard required is the reasonable for these to be charged Should they only be provided by the centre to validate the MENTORING RETEST PROGRAM You comment would be appreciated.
  5. Hi, My girlfriend is Polish and she has held a full driving license for 11 years. However she has only transferred her license to the UK very recently and now has a full uk license. On the government website it says you can accompany a learner driver if they "have had (and still have) a full licence in the same category as the vehicle you’re driving, for 3 years" But another site says, Q: My supervising driver has lost or misplaced their licence, can I still drive on a provisional licence with them sitting next to me if insured on the car? A: As long as your are sure that the supervising driver next to you has held a full UK licence for over 3 years in the category of vehicle you are driving. Then you are legally OK. This implies that she would have to have had her UK license for 3 years so she can not supervise me. I'm more inclined to go with the .gov site on this matter which tells me that she can supervise me, but I wondered if anyone else has any insight on the matter. I'm pretty sure she can supervise me but I need to be 100% sure. Thanks in advance. Cueshark
  6. My friend who does not even know how to switch on a computer wants to get car insurance for his 17 year old son. He is not sure whether to have the son as the main driver or as an additional driver. The car that the son will be using is a second car and not the main car. the car that the son is using is a Daihatsu 1.1 petrol manual. As they live in a rural area the son will need transport as soon as possible. The son already has a full motorcycle licence for his scooter. What is the best option for them and for the son to start earning the NCD? Also a company called Spitfire Insurance has offered insurance at under £600 while he is still a learner and this increases once he has passed his test. Spitfire Insurance are the trading name for One Sure Insurance. On this site not exactly good reviews of it. Every other company is quoting in the vicinity of about £1K. Any suggestions regarding insurance company for a learner driver?
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