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  1. We've lived next door to them for over 18 years, they have been here since the 70's. They are an elderly couply, they are not the problem. Their 40 year old son is. He sells drugs at all hours, his Dad has to answer the door to them. The son plays loud music, games and shouts. One time, this was a few weeks ago. My mum was in the bathroom and he said to his friends 'yeah, their grandson lives sleeps in the bath'. He keeps spying on us in the bathrrom. When we reported this to the council all they said was 'He's got mental problems, he can't help it'. His mental problems are due to drugs, my nephew has learnign difficulities which he was born with. He has called my 18 year old nephew(same one mentioned above) a pervert, peado. Because he plays with his brothers and sisters. He has now got a camera which we reported today, it's pointing towards the public grass/pathway. We were told we were not allowed to record beyond our garden, not even allowed to record him if he contronts us. His dad has been to see the council, nothing. Police have been round and had a word with them, again, nothing. My brother refuses to leave the house now, he's too scared. My mum wants to move but it's hard because I have been bidding since I was 18, I'm now 31 and have gotten no where as I am on low band. My ESA (or council rent) won't cover the rent until I'm about 35. I tried to move out in 2012 but couldn't due to the council refusing me rent. I know it's a lot to take in but can anyone help us?
  2. I stole from primark, stupid choice and will never happen again. The goods totalled to £53 and I was told that, because of this, the police had been notified but will not show up today. This leads me to believe I will hear from them - will this happen? Regarding RLP, everyone has said to ignore the letters which is exactly what I'll do. My only concern is the debt collectors - will they show up at my house? Or just letters? The security guard took my passport and photocopied it with my address and mobile number. The local mall security also showed up and took my details. I know I'm banned from this store and now on some sort of list that, if I'm seen, they have to keep an eye on me. Basically, will there be any outcome from the police for this matter? I'm 21, female. I have never done this before and I am extremely embarrassed by it. I don't want my family or other half finding out, so will the letters be it? Thanks
  3. Got stopped by 4 traffic police cars (that were on a roundabout) they checked insurance and driving license which was all good ! Then started looking around the car and said 3 tyres were rubbing as the car is lowered but not excessive (can send pictures on request) They told me they didn't know if it was legal or not so they took pictures to send away to be examined. they also threatened to take my car away from me but in the end they let me drive away. also the accident happened on 27th of june and I received the letter on 12 of july. does it matter that they sent the letter out later than the 14 day period ? thanks
  4. I was driving my partners car today when I was pulled over by the police. He escorted me to his car and told me I have no insurance. I stated I did have insurance, he then pointed to a computer screen just showing my partners name, and not mine. He then proceeded to ask for my keys, advised the car would be impounded and I would get a letter with a 300 pound fine and 6 points, and sent me on my 3 mile walk home. I eventually got home, got in my own car and drove to my partners work to take her to the police station with all her documents so she could find out where her cars being held. On arrival the police stated that I was infact insured on her car. They did state that an old insurance company of my partners still seemed to have a policy in place... we rang them up and they confirmed there must have been a glitch on the system, in effect my partner had two policy running at once. However in my mind, and the insurance companies this doesn't negate me being insured on her car, and it isn't illegal to have two policies. The police over the phone are suggesting its the insurers fault, and that they won't pay the impound cost. I am picking up the car tomorrow morning and looking at a charge of 200 pounds. Any thoughts on who is liable? just to clarify, the police officer has presumably looked at the old policy with just my partners name on it, when in fact their is an active policy with both hers and mine name on it. The police at the station found this one first. seems a fault with the system police use to check insurance.
  5. I am writing on behalf of a friend who was recently caught shoplifting in Waitrose. It wasn't a significant amount, around £35 worth of various items. She went through the standard procedure of being stopped by a security guard, the goods were returned and no police were involved. She was also issued a ban from Waitrose/John Lewis. I have read the advice on here about what to do with regards to the RLP letters, the first of which she already received, however my question is about further police involvement. My friend is currently on a residence permit and is terrified that this case will go on her criminal record and she won't be able to extend her stay/will run into problems with the Home Office in the later on. I have spoken to someone who worked in Waitrose about 8 years ago, and they told me they used to fill in police reports approximately once a month detailing all the people who'd been caught shoplifting. Does anyone know if that information is correct? It seems strange to me that they would be reporting to police post-factum, rather than letting the police deal with it there and then, however I really am not an expert in these matters and was just wondering if anyone has ever heard anything about the police following up on a case later on without having been involved during the actual incident. Thank you very much in advance, any advice is greatly appreciated.
  6. I was stopped in a random police check point on a Saturday on my way back from the cash and carry locally to where I live. I was driving my brothers vehicle as mine was being repaired. We both have fully comp insurance and both are covered to drive other vehicles with owners consent. The officer that stopped me asked where I was coming from and going to, I replied from the cash and carry and on the way home. I was asked for my Insurance and I explained that the vehicle was my brothers. The officer went to his car and returned saying I was uninsured and he would be seizing the vehicle. I explained I had Insurance on my own vehicle and gave him the registration. He went back to his car and returned saying I was not insured and he would be seizing the vehicle, which he did. I made my way home with my wife and the contents of the vehicle by mini cab. I then contacted my brother to explain what had happened and he went to the compound with his insurance and paid and retrieved his vehicle the same day. I was give a seizure proforma form by the officer and when I got home and tried to read it, I realised that it was unreadable and could not make out a single word on it. I have now received a conditional offer of fixed penalty but I will not pay it as I was insured. Being the first time I have been stopped and treated in this way, I am finding it hard to see why both Insurances came back as not insured . I think the officer inferred I was a business but could not check the proforma form when I got home as I have already stated it was unreadable. There is also nothing on the conditional offer form other than that I used a motor vehicle on a road/public place without third party insurance. Contrary to section 143 of the RTA 1988 and schedule 2 to the RTOA 1988. Having spoken to my insurance company they say I am insured by third party cover. I have told friends about this and amazed how many have said they have had similar experiences with the police as if it is the new thing to raise fines and endorsement's. One funny point is that adding business use to your cover is sometimes cheaper even if you don't have a business, it just stops this kind of police targeting to stop. My question is how to fight this, do I write to the processing services or can I write directly to the CPS. I have 21 days left in which to either accept a £300 fine and 6 points or defend myself. Any help/advice grateful.
  7. I am trying to help someone who nobody really wants to help. There was a case of criminal damage Where this person involved was arrested for criminal damage to a house. On his barristers advice he admitted the damage and was sentenced. It now turns out that the complainant misled the police and also the star witness's known personally by the complainant has also pulled a fast one by misleading the police. How can this be brought to the polices attention as the person prosecuted is sure damage was caused on purpose and blamed on them. How do they go about notifying the police about this ? Spelling and punctuation mistakes have been caused by Auto correct on my my mobile.
  8. A friend of mine said he was done by an average speed camera and he claims to have received a ticket from two police forces for this, can this happen I thought it sounded a bit weird
  9. Bogus Police and Trading Standards Officers in Kent READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bogus-police-and-trading-standards-officers-in-kent
  10. Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I placed an order with Amazon 23/03/18 for canon 6d camera, "delivered" and signed for 26/03/18 On opening the parcel I find a desk lamp, yes a £13 desk lamp which Amazon sell instead of a £1700 camera! call is made to Amazon who state, will email an affidavit. This is filled, signed and emailed back to uk-deliveryinvestigation at amazon Cs reply back and state they will be in contact within 72hrs. It has now been over 72hrs. So an email is sent out stating: I have been very patient in waiting for your investigation. If you can shed some light on the matter before I look into speaking with my bank and starting a Section 75 and bringing in Trading Standards. They get back with , 'We have fully investigated this matter with the carrier. And if you want us to take another look provide a police report'. I feel this has nothing to do with the carrier, their carrier Amazon Logistics. I email again this time for the serial number of camera, they state this would be on the box. They are really funny I have asked Virgin credit card to step in. In the meantime has anybody experience this from Amazon? And has anybody any advise? Kind regards and thank you for reading this post, very much appreciated. Dan. p.s. I order a lot of camera related material from Amazon and have placed 370 orders since 2016. And below is just a bit of Columbo. The box size the lamp came in was an E6. Amazon normally send cameras in a E3 box size with 'corrosive materials' sticker. If I would have noticed the box didn't have the 'corrosives sticker' I wouldn't have signed for the order.
  11. I have browsed around for quite a while and cannot find where this should be posted, but as I have several disabilities, maybe a moderator could move it to the correct sub-forum if this is the wrong place? The internet is full of stories of burglars, con men and thieves posing as police in order to gain unlawful access to a property. But do any of the experts here have any information on private companies subcontracted by local Council authorities doing the same? IE, sound like they are banging down the door of a vulnerable (or fully fit) person's home and saying they are Metropolitan Police (in plain clothes, of course) responding to a 999 report of a burglary, two men were seen entering "the property". What? You mean my home? Burglars? Entering through the undamaged and locked door you were just trying to kick down? What are they, ghosts? So, now it's can they come in and look around and check I am not being held hostage! And do I have any ID to prove who I am? And do I live alone? But no warrant cards or ID from them, of course. No! You bloody well can't! Now, I'd have thought uniformed police would attend a burglary report. And I don't think this behaviour would be written down in the Policies and Procedures or SOPs of any Local Authority. But a private firm sub-contracted by the Council, say to conduct random tenancy fraud investigations, or to determine if I live alone for my 25% Council Tax discount, very well might use such underhand tactics. I had returned the council tax discount form the previous week. I have had no letters from the Council's housing management team about my tenancy and proposed relocation for almost a year and no one wrote or 'phoned to make an appointment. I have no debts and I pay monthly in advance by standing order. Has anyone ever heard of this sort of thing recently? Many Thanks
  12. Hi, My son has received a Single Justice Notice Procedure having been stopped for no Insurance. Stopped on Monday 3rd July - the day he started his new job at 6.35am. However, the police officer wrote the wrong date on the ticket - he put 3rd June which was a Saturday, although in his written statement he has put the correct date. Any chance of getting this thrown out as the police officer's evidence is inconsistent? Roadside ticket is dated for a completely different day.
  13. Hi everyone am posting this on behalf of a family member who is in this situation and doesn't use the internet. family member is a professional for the government. I will just refer to them as X.. X got their car keyed as did all the government team in a hospital car park by one of their service users who has a mental illness. Every single one of the people who got their cars keyed by this person reported it. The hospital captured this on CCTV which they have stated is 1080P sharp and clear and shows this person doing it. The police were called as a result and took the CCTV footage. All staff have so far settled claims either through insurance or cheapest quote. The mental patient here as well does have money as he jumped out of a window whilst in NHS care and got a substanial 8 figure sum from the NHS. X reported it to the police too, who under caution interviewed this service user/mental patient. The patient admitted keying X's car in a taped interview to the police. He said he did not realise X was not part of the government local team he keyed. Guilty person said he would pay full damages for repair of the car. X waited for him to pay 2-3 months but he did not, the police were chasing the service user/mental patient and the police had him mentally checked and a doctor declared he was under his own capacity of thought and has known what he did, so he is not unfit to be prosecuted. Police chased him for another month and told X not to worry they will be a witness in the small claims court if needs be to recover losses. X has this in writing in emails and alot of email evidence. Guilty party/person never paid and police now turn around and say X must get 3 quotes to satisfy guilty party's solicitor. X got 3 quotes, cheapest was £1400 inc car hire. Guilty party refused to pay it claiming it was too much. X was told the police cannot force him to pay it and X would need to go to small claims court. X filed in small claims court and the defendant/guilty party failed to respond within 14 days. X then filed judgement using MCOL online. X has today has a letter saying judgement has been entered. Now the Police have come back and said the guilty party will pay £1300 (excluding car hire) but will not pay court fees. Police have advised X to take the above as they will not be a witness if X does not take the above deal. X advised them can they put in writing (police after speaking to guilty party solicitor.) Police stated no they will not put in writing again cannot make him pay. X refused police's offer and stated the guilty party has had many opportunites to pay before court. Police offer now has told X in a u-turn that 2 weeks later after judgement has been filed that they have managed to get a cheque for X which £1300, still minus car fees and court cost. X was going to go back and say they will accept £1300 cheque as part payment but remaining balance will be settled through judgement can they do this? X feels it is unfair they are suffering and police is siding with guilty party kind of and wants to know if a judge would go against them for not taking the £1300 offer as X has suffered time off work and is not a high earner who is a single parent to 4 kids. X is unsure how judgement will work next as well, can anyone advise?
  14. hii i have been caught in john lewis store for shoplifting of £42 been stopped by security and they had called police was told will be called by one of the colleague i had a called and been interview under caution was having no idea about that yesterday had interview but was not aware of all this i had admitted that i had done it as i did it so dont want to get a penalty and a note: i had been caught shoplifting before and had paid a penalty as dont want to risk it but i m being destressed after this so kindly need your help like how much time for investigate and what's the result type thanks
  15. Makes you wonder if this is just restricted to the one hospital !! https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-investigate-nhs-waiting-list-fiddle-0skjz03rt?shareToken=9b3148be41ddfe207c14ef73011774a0 Human and/or IT errors.... ready made excuses.
  16. Hello. Today I got caught shoplifting from Primark as I was making my way out. The RLP sent me to a small room in which they told me to put everything I stole on the chair next to me (total was about 44€ - I'm from Portugal). I did as I was told and then police came up after 20min. Then we went to the police office, they checked if I had any record of previous thefts, debts, etc (which I didn't). Then they told me I was free to go but I'd probably receive a letter from Primark to go to court. My questions are: what's more likely to happen - not receive a letter at all, receive a letter to go to court and/or pay a fine? Thank you so much for your attention
  17. Last week I shoplifted from sainsbury's and am extremely ashamed of that. I knew I shouldn't do it and sensed something was wrong, but at that time I was very very desperate and couldn't afford buying much. It was one of the most embarrassing things in my life, I'm so glad no one I knew saw me do it. I took about 5 packs of chewing gum worth maybe £0.46 each and looked out for cameras and hid them in my pocket where I thought I was invisible. Then I went to the public toilet in the store because I genuinely had to. I walked passed the self check out machines and held a bank letter and my purse in one hand, saw a security look at them. I didn't beep and was about to exit when I heard someone calling "excuse me, miss", but didn't turn around and kept walking. Some people next to me turned around and I got tapped on the shoulder. I got walked back in and stood next to some carts with a security officer. He asked where the chewing gum is and told me not to lie, all I could say is "sorry" because I panicked. He told me to follow him and lead me to the security room with another person. He told me to sit down and asked where I put the gum. Instead of resisting, I just reached for my pocket and put everything I attempted to steal on the table. He asked if he needs to search my bags, I said I don't mind, so he didn't. He asked how old i am, and i lied saying i'm 15 but i'm 16 because i thought this would change something. they didn't ask for my name or any details but just said they normally call police or parents at this age. he said he doesnt want to see my face in the store ever again and told me to never come back, and let me go. knowing i have to go back, i can't follow his rules, telling my mum isn't an option. does anyone have anything to say? what will happen if they see me enter the store/ recognise me/ how likely is that??
  18. Hi, Recently I received a letter from the local force with an accusation of me going through a red light at a pedestrian crossing. This letter was simply asking who was driving at the time. However, the very odd this about this letter was that it arrived within less than 32 hours of the supposed incident, 2nd class. Of course, I responded to say that I would have been driving at the time. I then didn't hear anything further for 6-8 weeks, until I got a call from an officer wanting to come to the house to discuss the incident. Having spoken to the officer, it turns out that he was the one who witnessed said offence while off duty but has a dash cam (he tells me I actually braked for a yellow light and then took my foot off and went through on yellow). Now, to me it seems very odd that an off duty police officer witnessing and reporting an incident would also be the one dealing with it. It very much feels like a conflict of interest and that he should be a witness only and that a different officer should progress it. I also find it odd that the supposed offence was reported and a "who was driving letter" appeared so quickly. To me this suggests that I did something other than go through a yellow light to upset the officer, I suspect using the second lane of a dual carriage way to go round him (perfectly legal to do) could be the reason. he came to the house to caution me and tell me that I should expect a court summons. Does anyone feel that this is a conflict of interest and that the police officer is acting alone with an emotional response to something I'd done? Is there anything I can do about it? Also, am I legally entitled to see the dashcam footage before pleading guilty/not guilty?
  19. Received 2 NIPs from different police forces after being caught by speed cameras, one in one force area, the 2nd in another force area. Was continuing a journey on the same motorway in the middle of the night, temp roadworks - unmanned - speed not excessive but over the limit, but each one was within the speed thresholds. One force offered me a speed awareness course, but the other refused and instead issued me with the more severe *Conditional Offer Of Fixed Penalty*, i.e. £100 fine plus 3 points. I did the course, cost me £76. I contend that the other force should not have issued me with the conditional fixed penalty and that both offences were only seen as separate because - unknowingly to me - the 2 speed cameras were in different force areas, even although I was still on the same motorway. Seems excessive punishment and a technicality is being used in order to deny me another speed awareness course offer, i.e. that only one can be done every 3 years. I've checked all the guidelines and the force in question has apparently breached them. I now stand to get a court summons because I've refused to accept the *COOFP* and would claim that both offences should not be separate but ought to be seen as one only. Seems like they want two bites of the same cherry? A tricky one where it seems as if their guidelines can't cope with my circumstances, so instead of either treating them as a continuation of the first offence, or taking no action, they seem hell bent on prosecuting me. Any thoughts ??
  20. Hi, around a month ago, I was caught swapping over a pair of jeans in the changing rooms. . stupid thing to do I know. The police were called and they gave me a 'caution', I signed a piece of paper to say I will pay the RLP 'fine' even though the police man didn't have a clue what it was, signed to say I'm banned from primark and to apologise. I've looked online and realised it wasn't an formal caution as I would of have to of been taken to the police station for this. (Sorry have no clue about these things) but that wasn't explained to me. Before I left, I changed out of the jeans and gave them back to the security guard but had been wearing them for a couple of hours whilst all this happened. I've read quite a lot of things about RLP on this forum and other websites and read that the letters should be ignored, what I'm wandering in my case is, the jeans probably wouldn't of been put back on sale as they had been worn? And the tags off? I'm not sure if this makes a difference, the jeans were £10 so do I owe them just £10? Haven't yet received a letter but im waiting on it to come! Also i signed a letter by the police starting I would pay it. Sorry if I sound stupid, I really had no idea! Thank you guys!
  21. Hi All, I hope I can get some help on a situation, unfortunately I was caught speeding on the motorway the letter I received from Essex police is to identify the driver "application for the identity of the driver" i was clocked at 108mph on a 70mph - no previous, no points clean drivers license - what should i do?, fill the document in and sent over? i mean it was me driving, also it was at 5.14 am in the morning. what could i be looking at as its the first time/offence? cheers Red11
  22. We have motor trade insurance, with three named drivers on the policy to drive any vehicle. The police pulled one of our vehicles over as it didn't show up on the MID. It was explained that it was covered under the policy and I even drove down to meet the officer and gave him the insurance papers. The police officer misunderstood the policy and said the driver was not allowed to drive the vehicle but I was allowed, but he still ordered a tow vehicle and impounded the car. We got our insurance company to speak directly to the police the very next morning to say the driver was covered to drive the car. It cost us £170 to get the car released from the pound and I have contacted the police legal team to claim reimbursement for this amount. Their legal team have come back with, 'The police officer was in belief that the driver was uninsured and therefore right in impounding the vehicle, therefore they deny liability whatsoever in respect of reimbursement of any fees'. They also lied in saying we did not provide evidence of the driver being insured at the time of being stopped, which we did and we have another witness to prove that. I am so angry because we have not committed any crime, yet they are treating us like criminals and charging us for it.
  23. Sexual abuse of cadets 'was covered up by officials who urged victims not to tell police' READ MORE HERE: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/04/sexual-abuse-cadets-covered-officials-urged-victims-not-tell/
  24. Hi, was caught shoplifting in boots, picked up 4 items nearlly worth £700 (as per Boots). security staff took all my details, called police, and i had to wait until police turn up, but nobody came. security staff called police 4 times, they were given a log no. but were getting told that no police officers are free at the moment to attend. after 4 hours of waiting, i was let go, as the store had been closed and they waited over an hour for police even after the store was closed. i was escorted out , i was given banned notice and RLP recovery letter. was cautioned in 2009 for shoplifting in past (in another part of uk), never did anything wrong again after that. then in january this year i was in trouble with another retail store, they called police for shoplifting goods worth £40, police didnt arrest me since i had no id on me they wanted to know if all my details given to them were correct, they brought me home, they didnt enter my house but waited outside in car until i brought my id and showed it to them. then they just said that it was a slap on wrist this time but dont do anything wrong again. At that time i told them about incident of 2009 where i was cautioned but they seemed not to have that on their record. My question is that what should i do next? do i need to go to police station myself for last night event? will police come to my house to arrest me? (they dont have my phone no to contact me on.) will i go to prison or get a fine or get a caution? or will i be luckiest and police wont turn up at my house? will they search my house or enter inside (if this happens then i will loose my accommodation as i am living with a relative as i didnt have anywhere else to live, and slept two nights in a park two months ago then this relative finally helped and sheltered me, if they know about this then i will even loose the roof from my head) i am very very stressed and dont know what to do. (i asked security staff and he said that i dont need to go to police station, if police contact him then they wil pass my details to them and they will take it from there) they waited that long because of the worth of items stolen were about £650.
  25. I received an NIP in late August early September for doing 36 mph in a 30 mph zone in July,got flashed by van. I admit that it was my fault and completed the document accordingly giving all of the required information and posted the form back to the relevant authority awaiting to hear what my punishment would be:|. I heard nothing until receiving a letter from the authority yesterday with my name incorrectly stated, requesting that I complete another NIP due to the fact that the original NIP was addressed to my company name as I operate from home as a sameday courier and my vehicle is leased. The covering letter from them states as follows: 'Thank you for returning the completed combined Notice of Intended Prosecution/Request for driver identity in response to the request by Sussex Police to supply information under section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. Unfortunately you have completed the form in a way that does not satisfy the lawful request for information made by Sussex police. The reason for this is that the document was not addressed to you personally i.e. it was addressed to another person or a company. The person or company are required to nominate the driver at the time of the offence and then return the document back to Sussex police. On receipt of the combined Notice of Intended Prosecution/Request for driver identity,this office would send a request personally addressed to you as the driver,which must then be completed and returned. Therefore please find enclosed a new document now in your name,which you are required to complete and return within the specified period.' My point is that they admit to already having all my details on the original NIP form which I completed in good faith,it is not my fault that their letter was incorrectly addressed and I have never been in this situation before. I am inclined to return this 2nd NIP incompleted with a covering letter explaining my position as I fail to see why I should complete same again due to their incompetence. As I said they already have my details which I have fully disclosed so how can they accuse me of committing the offence of non disclosure if I return the 2nd NIP blank ?? Any advice/opinions would be greatly appreciated:-D
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