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Found 9 results

  1. Hey guys. So I got my first ever PCN today, through the post. 1 Date of the infringement 24/06/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 28/06/2018 3 Date received 30/06/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company?ParkingEye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Lido (1) in Margate, Kent For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. It says BPA on the letter. It was just getting dark when I entered the car park, and it was packed (we were there to see a show). I honestly didn't see any place to pay for parking, nor did I see any signs that I needed to pay. I had a blue badge which was displayed clearly and the correct time was set. Not entirely sure what to do with this! Any advice about how to proceed would be appreciated. The car park is not local to me, but I'm not the only one that's had trouble here I've found a link to this post which shows pictures of the car park if that helps: https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?476286-Parking-Eye-claimform-ANPR-PCN-Lido-car-park-Cliftonville-Kent-BB-on-Display&p=5074782&viewfull=1#post5074782 I've also attached a copy of the letter I received (front and back). Many thanks in advance
  2. Bogus Police and Trading Standards Officers in Kent READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bogus-police-and-trading-standards-officers-in-kent
  3. Hi, Please could someone offer some advice please regarding a PNC I have received. Amount due: £100.00. Incident Date: 19/07/2017 Reason for issue: Not parking correctly within the markings of the bay or space. Thanks.
  4. Lodhi finance limited was liquidated in september last year. However the director has previously done the same . He did this with rasul finance limited same address and bought out the debt ledgers via a business named Crawford Business Services . This was not a limited company but was one that had been set up as a transfer vehicle. Once Crawford businees was assigned the ledgers then Lodhi finance Limited bought this business out for £30000 and persued the unpaid bedts that had been mounting up at a rate of 39.9 % per annum. This meant a lot of people lost their homes etc. However it seems that the directors are the same and also the same time spans etc. This time the fsa have had the business shut down. However if there are people around who were mucked up by his [problem] or what ever you would call it. I would seriously urge them to make what he did previously well known.
  5. Sunday 3rd September 2017, I forgot to display my Blue Badge when I parked in a Disabled space at Bluewater in Kent, obviously a genuine mistake because elsewhere in the area it is Free parking. Returning to the car I found a ticket, requiring £95 or £57 if paid within 14 days ( a bit steep either way). I appealed on-line at the PCM website at once. getting a letter this morning Thursday 7th, rejecting my appeal. Must I pay?
  6. Grave of Kent born WW2 Pilot Officer finally rededicated after 77 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-kent-born-ww2-pilot-officer-finally-rededicated-after-77-years
  7. Thank you for creating such useful forum. If my case is won, yes I will make a donation to support you. I am determined to take legal action against the abusive situation which I have been involved with recently, at one of the local Pitman Centre. Yet if I can understand how to proceed and ways to proceed without involving court action, I will be happy to settle the dispute with Pitman Training Head Office. Yet I do not know how to contact them, nor whom to speak/ write to. can you help? I was unable to finish my course within the year as it is stipulated in their contract. I enrolled in Feb. 2012 on a P.A Executive course for which I had personally invested £4400; yet struggled over the months with a long list of personal obstacles ( a divorce, full-time caring for a teenager single-handedly, moving home twice in two years, having to travel between two country to care for a father suffering from Alzheimer, other trainings examinations ...) As the Centre for which I had enrolled was not the closest to my new home, I had even asked to change Centre location. But my request was rejected. As a result, I only managed to cover Excel half-way through by Feb. 2013. I went back to the Centre in November this year, to beg the Centre Manageress to take me back, explaining my long list of personal difficulties which by now also include running into debts, as my courses are not yet completed. She agreed to take me back for ONLY part of the course for which I had invested such hope AND huge sum of money: Word and Excel. Also she refused to put me on the latest version of Word. So she made me study Word 2007 despite my request to study the latest version for which I had paid for. Excel still needing to be finished, I also requested to receive training with Dreamweaver: declined. Why didn't I take action here and then? Anyway: I had booked a space for yesterday, telling that I would arrive by 10am. As I was delayed on my journey, I kindly called to let her know. When I arrived at the Centre, the manageress acted in a very angry fashion. She said that as I had booked the day before and managed to stay glued to my computer for only three hours, she had to change my hours to six; because the booking was for 9.30-4.30. I disputed this, and told her that I so did not; I had specifically stated the day before that I could only book an approximate arrival time and asked her to remain flexible about the leaving time, as I had other important matters to cover on that day too. I also told her that I found her attitude abusive, that I felt bullied and reminded her that I had paid for the course and yet still was awaiting the goods. Specially the latest version of the goods. Being French, I tend to express myself rather firmly when required, and by then I had started to raise my voice; I remained polite, nevertheless. The manageress still told me to get out, literally ending all forms of communication over the matter without even an ounce of compassion. Not only I had been robbed of £4400 but I was also being made to feel guilty about it. So I went to the police station who advised me to take legal action. I then walked in a legal aid centre. I am awaiting to hear their response. I am determined to get my money back, my legal fees paid by Pitman Training, and free other students from this specific Centre, from this manageress who many have experienced as a stubborn, controlling bully. I have heard complaints from other students, and even from other Pitman staffs who know of her (the staffs in the centre closer to my home; centre for which my request to change had been rejected) Worth adding: I have taken pictures of the manageress at her desk, of her diploma on the wall, of my computer at the Centre, of the Centre. I also have copies of my enrolment papers, and the hours achieved so far. I am determined to get my money back, and my legal fees covered by Pitman Training. Also I am determined to free other students in that centre from possibly suffering in silence whilst struggling financially to achieve some qualifications to seek further employment. No manager/manageress has the right to bully her students and staff for that matter (she has been reported to bully her last assistant) in that manner. This is abusing her position. And it doesn't help Pitman Training Reputation. The course itself is well structured; yet in this case, stifled by the wrong person in charge. Justice be done.
  8. More than 200 tenants on benefits have been served eviction notices by a Kent property mogul worth millions. Landlord Fergus Wilson has decided not to rent any of his more than 1,000 properties in Ashford, Maidstone and elsewhere in the county to people receiving housing benefits. The 65-year-old tycoon said he prefers to rent to eastern European migrants, who he claimed are more likely to pay their rent on time. He estimated more than 50% of his tenants in Ashford - and around 90% of those in Maidstone - come from eastern Europe. Mr Wilson said: "This decision is only down to money - it has nothing to do with the personalities involved. "When it comes to money, over half of people on benefits were defaulting on their rent, and when it comes to people who are working, we've not had one single person default on one single penny. "You can appreciate why. Rents are going up in line with the price of houses, and housing benefit levels are dropping at the same time. "Tenants from eastern Europe, places like Poland, have been here a number of years now and have built up a good enough credit rating to rent privately. "We won't see the impact of more recent migration for years to come, but people on benefits are having to compete with them. "My message to people is 'get yourself a job, and you will get yourself a house'." Ex-maths teacher Mr Wilson and wife Judith have built up a property portfolio thought to be worth close to £225million. "My message to people is 'get yourself a job, and you will get yourself a house'..." - buy-to-let tycoon Fergus Wilson The couple, from Boughton Monchelsea, near Maidstone, made their millions through buy-to-let investments. Mr Wilson added: "We sent out section 21 notices telling people on housing benefits that they have to leave after six months. "I look at other landlords, and every one of them has done the same. "A lot have gone from natural wastage, as they can't afford to stay." He added: "The problem is that you have a finite number of houses, but more people wanting to rent them than places are available. "With that pressure, what tends to give is the poorest people at the bottom of the economic pile. "We are going to be in a position in the next 20 years where it becomes more and more difficult for people to find housing, and no one seems to have an answer. "You tell people in a place like Ashford that they need more housing and they're likely to lynch you - they are sick of being built on, but it's a fact." Landlord Fergus Wilson, pictured with wife Judith, is refusing to let properties to people on housing benefits Housing charity Shelter said the refusal of private landlords to accept welfare claimants as tenants is forcing some to leave their home towns or accept poor quality housing. Original Here : http://www.kentonline.co.uk/kentish_express/news/fergus-wilson-10923/
  9. I have only just discovered this site since having 8 properties taken over by LPA Receivers. I am desparately trying to find out what to do next. I read that I can make an Application to Court to get control of sales. Please is there an expert who can tell me how to word tha application? I am scared of making an awful situation even worse if that is possible!!!
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