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Found 25 results

  1. Hi all, I am new to this site so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong place. I have been fined £1200 by a magistrates court around 2 months ago. At the time I was not able to pay and was instructed by my solicitor to state that I could pay in instalments once I had an income to avoid a harsher punishment by the judge who was not in the best of moods on the day. I was advised by my solicitor and court staff to contact the collections department for fines to offer an amount I could pay monthly, every offer I ever made was refused for a payment plan but they kept telling me I could still make payments if I wished to do so. To this day, I genuinely have been unable to make any payments. Since becoming unemployed prior to this fine, I had to find a way to create an income. I set up a private limited company in August 2018 working from home selling goods online. I am the director of this company and 100% shareholder. My question is, now that I have started to receive letters from the court stating that further collection acticiry will take place, can bailiffs or court officers take control of assets/stock belonging to the private limited company which I am the director of? Any help would be appreciated as I am expecting a knock on the door any day now. Every week any money I make is being reinvested into existing and new stock, packaging, supplies etc. I am not yet paying myself a wage. I started this company with a surprise tax refund cheque and through selling my personal belongings as I needed to create a source of income as I was struggling to find work. This has paid off as my business is now getting somewhere so to speak. If I have missed any crucial information please forgive me and I will reply asap to any questions or requests for further information. I want to know whether what I have now finally built could be taken away by bailiffs / court collection officers!! Kind regards Hks91
  2. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?296513-296513&p=3317951#post3317951 I am just considering this and contemplating taking court action against unregulated property manger who took a secret commission
  3. Hi I'm about to file a MCOL. I bought a new radiator in March 2017, it developed a fault (metal started to bulge and cause a leak) in February 2018 and defendant has ignored all attempts to resolve. Defendant is a company that also sells on ebay - http://www.ebaystores.co.uk/delux-bathrooms Before sending my first letter I looked them up on companies house and ended up with three addresses and thus sent three letters recorded. 1 - address listed on ebay page - the letter was returned as not called for. 2 - address listed on companies house - the letter was signed for by unknown. 3 - director address listed on companies house - this was signed for by the director and name matches that of the seller on ebay. This is how it appears on ebay. Ha Ma is the director who signed for the letter. Should I raise MCOL against the company but with the directors address? Here is my POC: Thanks, Kris
  4. I am posting on behalf of a neighbour, not sure if anyone can help here as its beyond me. Husband and wife window company, based at home. They were both working in the business until 3 years ago. Sadly their youngest child was born very ill and she was doing less and less and less work. They claimed carers allowance and took on a part time bookkeeper. The wife hours were reduced and the wages dropped to reflect this. Last year, the accountant upped her wages to be above the threshold and for 10 months they have been claiming illegally. They were not aware of this as the accountant doesn't send weekly wage slips and the wage is more of an entry into the books rather than an actual sum paid into an account each week/month. The accountant has told them that he knew about the benefits and forgot. He refuses to put this in writing! As a layman it seems that they are very naive, trusted an accountant and landed themselves in hot water without going out to defraud the system. Anyone have any advice and able to recommend a specialist solicitor?
  5. In July 2015 I contacted a firm called Savi EPC Ltd about an EPC survey for a fee of £9.95 to them. With a few days this had escalated to over £74, I refused to pay and was threatened with court action. Two years later Christopher Whatcott of Savi EPC wrote to demand payment of the debt. The owner/director of the company is a Chris Whatcott. In February 2017 he was sentenced to 8 months and disqualified from being a company director for 10 years at St Albans Crown Court. A press report can be found at: http://energyassessormagazine.com/panels_boss_whatcott_sentencing/ The company, and others, he ran is dissolved. I received a letter from a firm of solicitors who said they were acting a for Mr Christoher Whatcott T/AS Low Cost EPC (not Savi EPC Ltd). Nevertheless, the alleged debt is clearly and unambiguously from the company Christopher Whatcott was the director of and which is dissolved. I reminded Christpher Whatcott of his criminal conviction and that I didn’t think it was legal for him to chase these debts. He told me he would no longer communicate with me. Does anyone have any information on Christopher Whatcott and Savi EPC since he was sentenced in February 2017. Is it legal for a disqualified director to collect debts for the dissolved company he was the owner of. He told me Hertfordshire trading standards knew he was chasing amounts owed to his business.
  6. I was wondering if anyone could comment on what normally happens when a limited company with one director and a secretary attempts to open a commercial lease. If it's a new company, I know from reading around on here that the director will need credit checked, but what about the secretary? Thanks.
  7. Hello, I checked my statutory credit report today as I do now and again. I have noticed there's a table 2 search which has Search Reason: Director Search Company: Ic: Lynx Express Limited I'm a director (the only director) of a Limited Company which has never traded and is dormant so I'm assuming the search has something to do with this although I do trade as a sole trader. Why would they be doing a search on me and who is Lynx Express Limited? The search was at the beginning of January 2017, I didn't apply for anything about that time and apart from my car insurance in November last year I haven't applied for anything in at least 7 or 8 months. Does anybody know what this search could be?
  8. Lodhi finance limited was liquidated in september last year. However the director has previously done the same . He did this with rasul finance limited same address and bought out the debt ledgers via a business named Crawford Business Services . This was not a limited company but was one that had been set up as a transfer vehicle. Once Crawford businees was assigned the ledgers then Lodhi finance Limited bought this business out for £30000 and persued the unpaid bedts that had been mounting up at a rate of 39.9 % per annum. This meant a lot of people lost their homes etc. However it seems that the directors are the same and also the same time spans etc. This time the fsa have had the business shut down. However if there are people around who were mucked up by his [problem] or what ever you would call it. I would seriously urge them to make what he did previously well known.
  9. On Wednesday, 4th Nov 15, a JobCentre Workcoach at Seven Kings Jobcentre, instigated a full scale row with me about my apparent job search failure, even though I applied for 33 vacancies for period 21/10/15 – 4/11/15 - so she's clearly insane and her judgement is off at best and worst she doesn't listen to reason nor pay attention to months of evidence. (This is my 2nd complaint against this particular Work Coach for bullying – the first complaint being the 10th September 2014) She battered me about why I hadn't secured interviews for the amount of jobs applied for, I explained that many job sites sold advert slots to recruitment agencies, and that many jobs aren't offered to me due to me being over qualified, and too old for entry-level posts. At precisely 12:40pm, she aggressively challenged me and said “If I'm so experienced, then I should be in work” - and she didnt mean it as a compliment either, she was goading me, doing her absolute best to wind me up, and she's clearly a lunatic of the highest order and unprofessional to boot. I mean, does she really think that repeatedly bashing out the same questions really helps motivate jobseekers or changes a job-market fluctuation situation that's completely out of my control – it doesn't. The 'Work Coach' also kept banging on about her 'job coach' credentials, she told me she was a qualified job coach (seems the majority of DWP staff do this too, but from what I've seen they don't have the skills/knowledge required to coach anyone) . Is the DWP sure they should be using self-appointed titles, as I thought their titles were Compliance/Customer/Client Advisor?? although the Work Coaches seems to think its fine to promote themselves and bully others.... (It seems the title of 'Work Coach' is an official title according to the DWP). She then turned to giving low-level CV tips, 'advising' that I should change it so its 'targeted'. Well, I've removed 4 positions to make it so – but this has now left a huge gap of 4 years employment that is tough to explain to interviewers, hmmm, great advice She then threatened to repeat the same pathetic questioning every time I attend my signing day, and I'm not being spoken to like that, nor will I stand for her ridiculous threats and told the Jobcentre, I will take this to the highest complaints level as this is the 2nd time these pathetic power games has occurred and the 3rd advisor complaint put forward by myself, although I couldn't be bothered to take it to the maximum complaints stage last time, but I will now.
  10. Hello, Can you tell me how can i register as a sole trader while in the same time I'm a LTD company director and a LLP member? It seems to be a problem through the HM R&C online service or I just can't find the answer... Looking forward for all your help
  11. eon are using LCS ( debt collector) to chase for Limited company debt, company no longer trading - Dissolved in February 2016 eon have changed the name on correspondence from "XXX Limited co" to ( Directors name T/A XXX ) i wrote back to LCS stating LTD company is separate legal entity - and that they cannot simply assign the debt to the previous director. I also asked for copy of any agreements, signed documents, copies of any bills etc as i believe the bills will have xxx ltd ( Not TA) Is this Practice legal - surely there is an illegal re-assignment attempt here - what about VAT ?? they cant retrospectively go back and change names on invoices and reassign the vat .... Now i have a CCBC claim form for the above I have filed an AOS stating i will defend complete claim. Any help or advice welcome
  12. How will things be affected if an Enforcement company sales Director becomes Vice Chair of the BPA? Do you want to know more? if so catch up on this here http://rossandroberts.com/about-us/news/featured/bpa-south-west-group-elects-adrian-lardner-as-vice-chair/ "Adrian Lardner, Ross & Roberts’ Sales & Marketing Director has been elected as Vice Chair of the British Parking Association’s (BPA) South West Group."
  13. Good evening all, I would be grateful for any advice that may be offered for the following case that I am pursuing through the Small Claims court. I have changed the exact dates, but the rest of the details are accurate: On 15 November 2013, I found a website offering for sale some consumer electronics. It was a computer peripheral (offered as a kit or fully assembled) that would enable me to expand my fledgling prototyping business. After many calls and emails with the Company Director, I went ahead with ordering an assembled and calibrated unit for the sum of £1000.00 (including courier delivery). The sale was agreed specifically for an assembled and calibrated unit, to be delivered within 10days. The director emailed after 11 days to state that he was waiting for parts and that I should receive the unit soon. Queue excuse again a few days later, but the Director offers to deliver the unit to me personally. After much chasing, a tracking number is received, but no goods. On querying with the Couriers, they state that the goods were never collected because no-one was ever found at the collection address. Repeat this cycle for approximately 6 months, at which point I contact Solicitors for advice. They do a search and advise me that CompanyA has been dissolved on the 22 June 2014 (effective 15/06/2014). No legal recourse as there is no legal entity to pursue. News to me. I complain to Companies House (CH), but am told that I had 3months to object to the Dissolution and that's that. They advise to continue communicating in the hope that the goods will arrive. The Director keeps up the promises and the goods never arrive. A request is submitted for delivery of the goods or full refund of the purchase price. This is ignored. The Director eventually ignores my emails and phone calls. The Director randomly emails me with another false Tracking Number in September 2014, to which I respond that I know he is making false statements and that I have reported him to the authorities. He replies to say 'sorry to hear but understandable. Machine will be sent soon'. I complain to Trading Standards (TS) and the Police Fraud squad (AF) and am advised that although I have no legal recourse, I should still pursue the matter by persisting in asking where the goods are/when they will arrive. AF advises that I should not under any circumstances give this individual any more money if he gets back in touch. Following the dissolution of CompanyA, I go back to his website where I find he is offering the same goods and services, but now under CompanyB. The terms and conditions on the website are still listed as CompanyA. I get back in touch with TS and AF and complain again, also contacting CH to report what I believe was Phoenix Company action. No further action by CH as he applied for Voluntary Dissolution. No further communication with the Director is received until February 2015 when he comes back on the scene, apologising and saying that's it's been all a big mix up and that CompanyB is now responsible for delivering the order. Again, news to me. I consider that maybe he is serious following the AF/TS complaints and is going to deliver the goods. On reading back through the correspondence, he does state that it is his intention to close the company 'within the next three months', but not that he has already filed the application. In hindsight, it is clearly his intent to close the company before he even resumes contact. Further, he states in a later email, that only those who have opted to NOT receive a machine would have received a copy of the DS01. Alarm bells ring and on checking, I find that he has an active application for dissolution. I am just in time to register an objection which is upheld. I notify the Director of my objection and continue to appeal to him for mediation, compromise... a solution. He repeatedly requests to discuss things over the phone and after a few weeks of waffle, I decline further contact by phone. I challenge him with regards to the DS01 and he emails a copy through, stating that he has never hidden this from me and that I should have received one in the post. No proof is provided, no communication is received from this Director or his Companies by post. Ever. I make him aware that I am contemplating legal action. His response is that CompanyB is ONLY fulfilling the orders. When I challenge his handling of the situation, his response is to ask if I want to invest £3000.00 in his business. I ignore this. A 'Notice Before Action' (NBA) is issued to his business address and home address. The home address one is signed for, the business address one is returned a month later, uncollected. He acknowledges receipt of the Notice. He misses the deadline to respond to the NBA. He later offers that funds are low, so he would not challenge legal action. He also asks that, given my history, would I be interested in an investment opportunity? I lodge a further complaint with the Director, who ignores the complaint and instead offers 49% of his business for £5000.00 and states he would then be able to issue my refund. (?) I again complain to CH. After objecting to dissolution for 6+ months, I progress to legal action. On legal advice, the Solicitor questions the ProForma, the only document I have with an order number on it. I question if it is acceptable proof of purchase and he agrees that it is. It is unclear who the liability for the ProForma is with - I assume it is with the Company. Solicitor advises naming Director and Company jointly, which I do. On investigation since submitting the Claim: The Director is sole member and sole Director of Companies A, B and C. (You cannot deal with anyone else in the company other than him: He is a one man band.) I find that the Director's DOB on the Certificates of Incorporation are listed differently between CompanyA and CompanyB. CompanyC is registered with incorrect Director's contact details. Director is later removed and reinstated with contact details for CompanyB's business address. CompanyB and C share the same trading address. The Director alleges that CompanyB and the unit are closed, but on investigation, I am told that the named unit is occupied with an active lease and no notice of termination. CompanyA's application for Dissolution was dated 3 months and two days after I sent the payment (17/02/14 and 15/11/13 resp). Granted he has not (to my knowledge) traded within that 3 month period prior to the application - I question whether there is an indication, seeing as how there were 2 days between sending the money and making the decision to no longer trade; that there was an intent to take the money without ever fulfilling the order. This would seem to be corroborated by not being notified of the Dissolution of CompanyA. CompanyA and the Director are repeatedly named in a user forum specific to this industry that I recently find. There are numerous complaints almost identical to my own. It appears that previous legal action has been settled in mediation with questionable/pitiful results. No accounts have been submitted for any Company. Only one return is ever filed for CompanyA, and all documents show as Outstanding (that's not for performance) with CH. As all have been/ are being Voluntarily Dissolved, CH will not take further action, even in light of his failure to notify Creditors and suspicions of sharp practice. These are stated offences in the Companies Act 2006. The Solictor's reaction to the ProForma bugs me. There is a logo that states CompanyA, but the only mention of LTD is under his name as Director of CompanyA Ltd. There is no inclusion of the Company Number and no VAT details. The office address is both the Company's address and the Director's home address. No invoice or receipt is ever received from CompanyA. I only have email confirmation that the Director received the money. Is the ProForma proof of an agreement between the company and myself, or the Director and myself? I call HMRC for clarification, they advise that the ProForma I originally received is not a recognised Invoice. It is considered to be a quote for goods and services. They cannot comment on whether the agreement is with the individual or the company. CH advise they cannot comment on the legality of the document, but based on my continued evidence and pending court case, the objections are being upheld pending Judgement. Director contacts me to complain that I have named him personally as a Defendant. I ask him who received the original payment. He does not respond. The Director has just defended the claim against himself, but nothing has been received for the company. Default Judgement has been removed now that his defense has been submitted. His defense is that the order is with the Company and that I already know this as I am objecting to it's Dissolution with CH. He states that he has sent me the DS01, (which he did, but only after I demanded a copy of it (and months after the application was submitted)). Whilst I have continually tried to be reasonable, his persistent evasion of any credible information leads me to believe that he is either incompetent or blatantly defrauding his customers. I only have his word that the goods exist and that the agreement is with the Company. As you can imagine, after 2 years+ of outright deceit, I am very suspicious of anything he states. I believe that I am waiting for a question pack from MCOL in order to progress to Judgement, but am concerned that the debt is going to be lumped on the Company and he'll close it without paying. Actually, I think it's obvious that he has been trading whilst insolvent, but I do not know what further powers (as a Creditor) I have to prove/charge him as personally liable. Was I wrong to name him as a Defendant in the first place? The claim covers the basic facts, but I am concerned because of the preconceived response to Director's liability in these situations. I don't want to waste the Court's time, but I do want to submit as much documentary evidence as possible for the Judgement. Is anyone able to offer any further advice? Many thanks in advance for your help.
  14. Hello, I hope someone can advise. I am looking for some assistance. I have just recieved a Small Claims Summons from a large organisation chasing a debt from a Ltd Company I was a Director for the sum of £840.70. The company I was a Director for dissolved in June 2015. I signed a trade account agreement in my name on behalf of the company as I was the Director. The company only had a £750.00 trade limit. It was a trade account but yet the large organisation is chasing me personally now for the debt. I started the business in the hope of success but was not paid by several customers and did not have the monies to chase the debt so closed the company as it was no longer viable and I got a job. Am I liable for this debt and do I have to pay?
  15. Hi Everyone , i was hoping for some advice , after looking through documentation it seems i was REALLY naive when i took out the credit for my car , i had finance on 10.12.2014 for a renault megane 2007 1.9 DCI To cut it short they charged me £2,350 for the car and the loan amount by credit for cars was £5500 !! i was paying £150 a month , ive paid £2,300 off it , but with all the numerous problems ive had to pay for with the car from the start i stopped paying last month last payment i made was on 17th june and i had to pay via "[email protected] a Guy from avelo emailed me 10th june saying i needed to contact them urgently to discuss arrears (he was a negotiations case handler) i gave him a email back and told them when id make a payment he replied saying "sorry our systems have not been updated and could i ask how you will be making a payment ? and can we have your current phone number" i didnt give him my number but id updated them with my new address and he replied back "thank you ive updated our systems and "are you willing to continue paying £175 per month starting from next month?" i never replied then today i had a different person who was "Trainee Case Handler" asking me to contact the office to discuss arrears (the same like before) The reason i am not making payments is because i cannot afford to , the advice im looking for is Can they take the car away from me ? (on the documents i signed it stated that they could not take the goods if payments totalling £1997 have been made then they may not take the goods back against my wishes unless we get a court order) this is the Credit4Cars agreement i signed 2 years ago , also i have noticed that they charged me £375 for a "Stronghold Protector payment assurance system" they said they can disable my car with it as they reckon a device has been attached , the reason why i say they reckon because when i was late with a payment with C4C they threatened me they were going to disable it , i was not in a good way then and snapped back and replied "be my guest as i dont care" (they did this 3 times to me but never disabled it and also when i asked a mechanic to look for it he said he couldnt see anything , when i chose the car the people at trade center where i bought the car said because i have a tracking device my insurance would go down now when i queried with them what make it was for my insurance they would not tell me so i was paying a LOT more than i should have for my insurance , sorry to have gone on and on its just that the cars wheel bearing has gone and it will cost me £200 tomorrow and if they are going to take back the vehicle then i wont get it fixed , thanks for your time any advice appreciated
  16. It appears that MMF now have a new director. Please welcome to the board... Mrs Denise Crossley Look where she has been... [ATTACH=CONFIG]53994[/ATTACH]
  17. I hope someone can help with this query? Thanks. Lost home 3 years ago and have been renting since. I'm a limited Company Director. Company has never made a profit in over 10 years. Closed retail unit in 2011. We tried every which way to avoid getting any benefits, but had no choice in the end. applied & granted Housing Benefit in April this year (provided wife's PAYE details/payslips & 3 years worth of the Company Accounts for myself, which they took copies of at the time of the application). Company is still 'alive' and 'active' as far as the HMRC and Companies House are concerned. The reason the company has been kept 'alive' is that my accountant suggested it would be the best approach for getting some of my initial investment in the company back through the Director's Loan being in Credit, i.e. the company owes me money, which can be obtained from the Company using HMRC guidelines on Director's Loans. any 'income' is payable to me without being an 'income', as it's the Company entity owing me money. This is the exact opposite of most enquiries and descriptions about Director's Loans, which tend to be in Debit, i.e. the Director owes the Company money and has Tax & Benefit in Kind implications with the HMRC. I have today received a letter from the council wanting me to confirm my 'income' and if I have been 'earning' anything from my role as a Director of the Company. My wife & I are concerned and would like to know if anyone can shed light on any of this? My accountant states that: 1. Any funds coming in is effectively the Company earning the money, as it is a separate entity to me. 2. I'm working as the Director of the Company, but not earning anything as the Company is earning the money. 3. Any money used for personal costs from the Company account is being set against the huge Director’s Loan that the Company owes me. will the council view my directorship of a limited company as a 'job' and the money I get back as 'income'? What should I send them as evidence, since they already have the Company Accounts for the past 3 years? Rgds. radmm0
  18. Hi Everyone , This site helped me massively before and Thank everyone here . Recently I set up a Ltd company with a colleague from my old employment. He had the funds and I had the contacts and he spent about 2 K the company failed. I resigned last week well was partly forced to as he wanted money. Basically he was not committed to it threw some money in and went on holiday . Came back when it was not looking good he just continually give out negatives and every time I thought I ad a chance he would shoot it down. The issue is this. When we set up the business he purchased 2 laptops indicated he had about 10K in savings and would do everything possible to make it work. He paid the set up fee about £75 also the accountant and some business cards and some other expenses. I did purchases too paying for website etc and probably spent a similar amount overall. When he purchased the laptops I agreed we would pay him back for these as the business generated an income. Last week before I resigned he was asking me to pay him some of the company costs and the laptop and he would have the business approx. £600. Then he said if I would take the business off him ( we were both 50% directors) he would accept £2K . He knew when we started the business I had only enough funds for living expenses for approx 2 months as a result I resigned from the company. Then he has emailed me stating I said I would pay for the laptop in May and he is giving me 45 days . I do not have the funds to pay him and offered to return the laptop . He is emailing from his personal email and states he rejected the offer as the laptop is now 4 months old and he will extend to 60 days time to pay. We also had agreed we would be employed by the business but as no income of course we have not been paid . I am now on benefits and do not have the means to pay him . The letters are structured to try to paint a picture that is inaccurate and is designed to get at me as I resigned the business and he cannot operate without my contacts. Some of the emails came from his business email as a director then the last 2 emails from his personal email and without the older emails attached as they showed he was seeking personal payment for a limited company expenses. Any advice on what to do next would be great.
  19. I have just received the following Media Release: MEDIA RELEASE 7 January 2014 For immediate use New Director General for CIVEA ascivil enforcement enters new era The Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Caven as Director General. His appointment will be effective as from 1st April 2014 but for a two month period from that date he will work alongside the current Director General, Dr Steven Everson, to ensure a smooth transition. Stephen Caven is a qualified lawyer who began his career in private practice. Moving into management of the magistrates’ courts he progressed to the national management team for the Civil and Criminal courts in England and Wales. As a Senior Civil Servant at the Ministry of Justice he has been involved in the development and implementation of a number of successful policy initiatives. He also has some recent experience in voluntary work for Citizens Advice and working for Victim Support. Paul Caddy,the current President of CIVEA, said “I am delighted that Stephen will be joining us as Director General. Liaison with stakeholders and lobbying government are key aspects of this role. Stephen brings a wealth of experience of working with a range of stakeholders in the public, private and voluntary sectors. His knowledge of the machinery of government will be invaluable.” Stephen Caven commented “I am very much looking forward to working with the members and Executive Council of CIVEA as we implement the long awaited legislative provisions in the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007. The Association has successfully advanced the case for well regulated enforcement which is effective whilst ensuring appropriate protection for the vulnerable. The new arrangements should bring welcome transparency on fees and clarity on procedures. As we embark on implementing these comprehensive reforms I am determined that we will continue to speak with a strong voice on behalf of our members.” Steve Everson, the current Director General, said “I have every confidence that Stephen will prove to be an invaluable asset to the association in the years to come and assist the association and its members in facing the numerous challenges that the new regulations will undoubtedly bring.” END
  20. Full report... http://www.ico.org.uk/news/latest_news/2013/pay-day-loans-company-and-its-director-prosecuted-for-failing-to-register-08102013
  21. I'm in a really weird situation where my grievance is for my director and sales manager. I am currently going through a hell of a time and work life is very awkward. I'm using our hr. department to get resolution to this and im just hoping that it is sorted soon. I would have no idea of what to do if it was hr who was the person you had a grievance with. I think perhaps there is always a non byes' third party somewhere even if it has to come from a separate organisation. People should be protected in the work place. Even against the highest level of management. Also if anything comes of this im pretty tip top on my companies procedures. Knowledge really is power I guess. lol ive just seen how old this thread is. oops
  22. Hi, About 18 months ago I opened up a LLC which stopped trading 1 year after it was formed, but because there is debt which needs to be resolved I couldn't just close the company. Unfortunately the company made NO money and upon agreement with the people the business owed the debt to, they were happy for me to have the company struck off, which has already been applied for. During those 18 months I was in receipt of Housing Benefit whilst not receiving a salary. Throughout the 18 months, the Council were adiment that I was 'self employed' as opposed to being 'employed as a director' so they requested all of the company books, account statements as well as my own personal ones. I did this so I could remain transparent and show that I was being 100% honest with them. Recently I received a letter from the council stating that ALL HB and CT has been stopped because: Their letter reads: 1) I dont understand why they had to use 'adverse inference' as I have given them all of my bank statements, the companies bank statements, the company books (literally all of them) and did this every 3 months to ensure that I remained transparent. 2) How would advise that I contest this? I've provided more than enough evidence to show that the company has made no profit and that I have not drawn any salary. 3) They've backdated this claim to over 2 months ago! They paid rent directly to my letting agent... If I get warnings about 2 months arrears due to their fault, is there anything I can do on that front? 4) How do I drum it into them that I am NOT self employed, but rather employed as a Director of a Limited Company. I've also shown that the only money I'm receiving is my working tax credit and DLA. I've also shown that alot of my personal money is put into the company (as it stands the company directors loan account stands at near to £1000) . Some advice would be really helpful as I intend to face this head on and at full force to get it resolved. Hope you can help! Ade
  23. Hi All, Apologies if this is in the wrong forum - I couldn't find anything that exactly matches my problem. Myself and 2 others setup a company (we're each directors with 2 shares each and we have a shareholder who isn't a director who also owns 2 shares, so we own 25% each). The main problem we have is one of the directors is withholding several thousand pounds cash (from an event we ran) from the company and we're not sure exactly what we can or should do about it. We have several witnesses that the director has the money and we have an email that confirms the amount. Also - we've literally just discovered that they have either stolen money from the till in the shop or have stolen stock... Any ideas what the best resolve for this problem is? Myself and the other director are thinking of involving the police - but we're not sure if they'll even do anything about it... If there are any questions please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. Kindest Regards, Craig
  24. I have been reading this site for the past few days and the advice on here for other people has been great and I have learned a lot from this. I’ve been the Director of my own Ltd Company for the past 4 years after the Government legislation effectively closed down Multi Service Company schemes. I chose the Limited Company route as this was the most tax efficient route, as I am sure many others in my situation did. This had worked alright for me as I was putting money aside every week to meet my Tax payments as they became payable. But this year I don’t have enough put aside for paying the Corporation Tax because the money I normally put aside, I’ve had to use for personal purposes. My end of year accounts show that around £13K will be due to pay, I have not submitted the End of Year accounts yet. I was hoping that I would be able to come to some sort of payment plan with HMRC to pay this in instalments. The problem is HMRC recently contacted me and asked me to submit Self Assessment Tax Returns for the last 4 years. I didn’t realise that I had to do these (I know ignorance is no excuse) but after doing them it turns out I owe HMRC another £12K in tax. I have called them to try and agree a repayment plan, but they have refused and have now submitted a Notice of Distraint! I called them again to plead with them to allow me to pay it off in instalments and this debt is only there because it has built up without my knowledge. Had I known I would have budgeted to pay it off when it became due. They will not budge and have demanded full payment immediately and have threatened me with Bankruptcy!! What would happen to the Corporation Tax debt, (although accounts not filed yet) my Ltd Company and my SA Tax if they make me Bankrupt? I am still working through my Ltd Company, should I go PAYE or Umbrella, or should I open another Ltd with my wife as Director and me a shareholder? If I become Bankrupt will the OR take my wife’s income into consideration as my monthly income, she is not currently working but in case she created a Ltd? Would she become Bankrupt with me or remain unaffected? We don’t have any joint accounts.I live in a rented house and don’t really have any assets of any value, just a car worth around £1K. If I petitioned for BR myself, would that stop the Distraint? Would I get in trouble for the using the money that I should have put aside for the Corporation Tax? What will the OR ask me?Please, please, please any advice would be very much appreciated.
  25. Hello, This is my first ever post...on anything...So please go easy on me if im in the wrong area, or dont use the correct terminolagy. But i desperatly need advise. Im sorry this is very complicated. I am the only director of a Ltd Company. Its an old company trading for over 20 years. Its recently fallen on hard times. the company owes no tax and no vat, all up to date. However the company owes 3 companies £3000.00 so £9000.00 in total. Also, recently we lost a Court case against the HSE and were fined £3000 and costs were also awarded of £21,000.00. So the company now owes £33,000.00. Despite my best efforts to pay everyone with installments , all attempts have been rebuffed. I have now recived Visits from multiple bailiffs all looking to strip the company (My Shop) of all goods. The bailiffs have now also started to call at my house. This is where it gets complicated. My house is in my wifes name and always has been for over 20 years. My question is can the Bailiffs come to my house and remove goods? Next question. The Ltd company owns the shop that i work from. I have spoken to the bank that owns the mortgage and they have agreed a reduced payment plan. Can i open and oporate a new Ltd company from the same premises but with a different name. And if so how do i stop the bailiffs. Just so you are aware i am not a bad person. or someone who deliberatly avoids paying people. My company is a very small family company that has oporated very well for a very long time. I have never set out to hurt anyone. Recently my brother who ran the company with me died from a very serious and sudden illness. And my father who originaly set up the business also has been taken terminaly ill. All of this has taken its toll on me...who now has to deal with everything. Any advise anyone could give me would be much appriciated.
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