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  1. I moved from Economy Energy just over a month ago , and was expecting a rebate of around £250, I know it is protected and secure , but how long should I expect to wait for my money to be refunded now they have ceased trading
  2. Another small supplier has gone bust - Our Power - who were backed by the Scottish Government to the tune of £6m. 38000 customers are now looking for a new home.
  3. I invest money for trading in this company after they will call me 5 times after they never receive my call and not reply on whatsapp. I've worst experience during this session. Still, they not refund my money. Kindly Help me for this issue.
  4. Animal medicines seizure notice: Aquatic Chemicals Ltd (trading as Technical Aquatic Products (TAP)) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/animal-medicines-seizure-notice-aquatic-chemicals-ltd-trading-as-technical-aquatic-products-tap
  5. Ok, 1st post on here so bare with me.... Bought a car in mid Feb this year for 3.5k, 6weeks later an engine mount fails and the dealer tries to fob off with "I'll get it fixed for you at trade cost". I use my right to reject and compose a letter to demand it repaired under the CRA. At this point I find out that the dealer xxx motor company, is actually xxxx body repairs (I won't name and shame as we are still in dispute). The sales invoice hadn't included this info and I wasn't made aware at time of sale. If I'd known I was buying from a body repair shop I wouldn't have bought the vehicle. The company director is also his wife, but under her maiden name on companies house. So it took me a bit of FB stalking and 2hrs searching on companies house to even be sure who to reject the vehicle to. I get no responce, so compose another letter, giving more detail on the fault and why I'm rejecting. Then get a letter back from "law firm". Basically saying it's an old car so it'll break down, deal with it. I reply with chapter and verse, an mention that their 'member' did not disclose who they are on the sales receipt along with a request to confirm the milage at time of sale as my invoice says exactly 75,000. So in the eyes of the law I had completed only 150miles.balso for copies of a service check on the vehicle and or pdi as I have no copies given to me at time of sale. They come back two weeks later with, yes the dealer rounded up the milage on the sales receipt! (illegal) And have included a copy of a pdi and service. Turns out the service check was completed after I'd laid down my deposit and taken for a test drive (also illegal) . So he had no idea the condition of the vehicle when he put it on the forecourt, I took a testdrive in what could have been a death trap. At this point Ive already contacted the back for a chargeback. Which has gone into my bank account, but he can still dispute in the next 6 weeks. I've responded to "law firm" with your member has committed a criminal offence(s) and I'll take it to small claims if he tries to refute the chargeback. Due to the severity of the above and flat refusal of liability on the dealers part I've also reported direct to the local trading standards with the above info and evidence to back it up. Now I'm happy to take home to scc if required as I'm 100% I'd get cost of the car back just on the mis selling of the vehicle under the wrong trading name. However, how likely are trading standards to take action and if so how do I find out if they have? He's basically only checking cars after they are sold (if at all as service check sheet could have been completed at any point in the last 4 months), and is pretending his main trade is a car dealership rather than a body repair shop. He could potentially be taking vehicles that have come through the body repair shop, offering customers a part ex and doing a quick fix to what could be prang on a vehicle and then selling on for big profit through the sales site (what I suspect with my car due to the type of fail and his reaction on the phone). Oh and here is the crux, he also didn't include Ltd on the sales invoice (or any other documents) so he or his wife could be personally liable rather that the Ltd company she is director of (there is a case law which proves this). If I do have to take to scc - who do I serve against? The Ltd Co. He who sold the car and signed the invoice or her who is sole director of the Ltd company? This could end up losing him his marriage as well as business.
  6. Bogus Police and Trading Standards Officers in Kent READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bogus-police-and-trading-standards-officers-in-kent
  7. Here is one for the Consumer Action Group and for the mods. Can you provide a proper link to the following legal case for all future reference just like a SARS request, or is that too difficult? Its the well known case of Lisa Ferguson v British Gas Trading Ltd, a must read for all. http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2009/46.html
  8. I purchase a car on 29th Sept 2016 from a garage in Surrey. The car is a "lemon" when I went on the companies house to see where to send my letter of complaint under the Consumer Credit Act 1985 I found that it was dissolved in Nov 2016. I downloaded the DS01 form and found that it had been signed and dated 22 August 2016. It means that the garage sold me a car when it should not have been trading under that name. Am I right ? They may have got away with me claiming my money back from their Limited Company but has the director been acting according to the Law ? If not , who should I notify so that he gets prosecuted ? Companies House ? The Inland Revenue ? Your valuable expert advice is appreciated . Many thanks !!
  9. Diamond Shortbreak Holidays READ MORE HERE: https://abta.com/news-and-views/news/diamond-shortbreak-holidays
  10. i received a letter this morning from a claims management company stating that i could claim back over £2000 + interest for a mis-sold PPI on a mortgage i took out some time ago. the mortgage was with crystal clear home loans, who, according to the letter ceased trading some time ago, making the claim more complicated than dealing with a high street bank as the broker is out of business. luckily they want to want to help take the stress (and a percentage no doubt) out of the claim for me. What do i need to do to start the ball rolling? i have no dates, it was around 2006/7, no account numbers just this letter and i begrudge paying these firms so any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks dave.
  11. http://www.spanglefish.com/sugarandspicetheshop/index.asp?pageid=609834 I ordered wool from the above web site, have before and had no problems, contacted them via their FB page as I had not received the wool and got this reply...... Sugar & Spice Yarns Chat conversation start 09:41 Hi, I ordered some yarn from you on the 27th December can you please tell me if its been posted out please? Hi i don`t do the yarn anymore sorry and haven`t received any orders since last summer. O ordered from the website This person isn't receiving messages from you at the moment. They have also just closed the facebook page as well! I can not find any contact details other than via FB on the website
  12. hi, any advice on clarifying a small matter would be helpful. we bought a bed for our son from an online store. the bed was hardly used as was in spare room just before the one year warranty it broke. they sent him a part to fix it but it broke again, same fault as before . he got in touch with the retailer and after some back and fourth they have said not their problem and have given us the manufacturers details. are they right or should the retailer sort this out as we believe the bed is not fit for purpose any advice would be appreciated.
  13. My son bought a music book as a gift from a Music Store that is a small chain of shops operating in the midlands and north-west. It was a gift but the recipient unfortunately already had that item. He returned the product within five days unopened with a receipt in the original packaging and asked for a full refund, as the item was clearly re-saleable. To his astonishment and despair, the manager of the shop made him feel like a criminal by suggesting that he could have simply bought the book to photocopy the music and return it. No refund was offered, no exchange, no credit note, nothing. Citizens Advice suggested to him that he should try to sell the book on EBay!! They also stated that the shop had every right not to refund and that they could set whatever terms and conditions they wished. Trading Standards, who are extremely difficult to get hold of nowadays, eventually suggested that the shop was also within its rights and should my son require any direct help, he should contact ...... Citizens Advice Bureau!! Once upon a time, Citizens Advice Bureau were quite useful and of service - they used to employ people who were qualified to offer legal advice. Nowadays, unfortunately, they are mostly run by 11,000 volunteers who do little more than look on-line for advice. But don't be put off. Stand up for your Statutory Rights. Who ever heard of such nonsense coming from a shop? This shop also failed to adequately display its Refund Policy, dubious as it was stating that all refunds/exchanges can only be offered at the manager's discretion if returned within 7 days. Trading Standards interested in visiting this errant shop? Absolutely not. I don't suppose this had anything to do with it being in the Intu Centre and part of a chain? No doubt Trading Standards find it easier to tackle the Corner Shop or independent restaurant etc. Martin's Money Tips helped. My son took this shop to the Small Claims Court and quoted the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (which has recently been superceded by the Consumer Rights Act 2015). The shop has been ordered to refund my son in full and pay his expenses in taking this action. Bailiffs next if they don't pay up. How ridiculous refunding or exchanging an item retailing at only £10.95 has come to this. The local newspaper are aware of this story but have so far not put it in print. No doubt keeping an eye on their reliance for advertising from the Intu Centre. That is the way the world works, isn't it?
  14. I have been starting up stock trading with an expert mentor whose made millions doing it. I clocked up some loses £20k and despite some success loses are increasing. When at £20k he told me "I guarantee you will get that back", in a message (we are in contact continuously). I'm guessing this would not be sufficient to pursue legal means to recover loses should it become an issue? If its possible at all, what would be required for a guarantee written in a message to be legally enforceable? Can I have an example of such a message in this context? Thanks!
  15. years ago when my child was a toddler she was in nursery, due to severe ill health and also a botch up with my then husbands student grant we ended up in a situation where we needed to pull the toddler out of nursery for financial reasons. The nursery were a nightmare about it and insisted we paid full fees for a term afterwards plus the term we were already in. I agreed to do this in payments but they insisted they get a court order in place anyhow. Due to a massive change in circumstances and severe ill health I have been paying around £10 per month for the last nine years (!) I was originally paying to Incasso and then HL Solicitors when they took over. I made my last payment in January. By chance I looked up HL Solicitors today to find they ceased trading in December. I have moved but they had two email addresses for me and I have had no contact. There is no info on their website on who to contact if I am not a client so I am looking for advice!
  16. I have just found out my debt management firm is no longer trading saw this: RMR Financial Services Ltd, formerly trading as Compass Debt Counsellors, has stopped trading and no longer offers debt management services. The firm’s interim permission from the FCA, which firms must have if they wish to offer debt management services, lapsed on 8 March 2016. AARBS Ltd (insolvency practitioners) is holding a meeting of the firm’s creditors on 30 March 2016. RMR’s bank accounts have been frozen. This means that the firm will not be requesting direct debits from clients’ accounts and standing order payments will be rejected and returned to customers’ bank accounts. This is an evolving situation and during the transitional period we would expect creditors that are authorised by us to show forbearance. The company was holding around £500 of my money will i be able to claim it back what should i do first im clueless and extremely worried
  17. I was left with no option by my bank RBS but to submit a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman in my dispute with them. The dispute relates to Personal Guarantees for my former business which ceased trading last year and is now formally dissolved. The Adjudicator is claiming they can't consider the case as I am neither a 'consumer' as the finance is considered to have been 'acting for purposes within my trade, business, craft or profession.' nor a 'micro enterprise' as the business 'isn't capable of being represented and it can't raise a complaint'. They've used a court case BlueFin v Ombudsman to support their position with regards to my not being a consumer. So, despite having been a victim of extremely poor practice by RBS I am caught out by this Catch 22. Anyone had a similar experience or can provide any pointers on how I could challenge their response?
  18. For information, they no longer seem to belong to an ATA. Although One Parking Ltd still have logos on the website. http://www.theipc.info/#!aos-members/cv75 http://www.britishparking.co.uk/Approved-Operators
  19. Effective from 16:00 Wednesday 10th December 2014, Microcredit Limited have Ceased Trading as a Payday Loan Company. [ATTACH=CONFIG]54808[/ATTACH]
  20. hi, just noticed this article about minicredit http://www.google.info/forums/showthread.php?47704-Micro-Lend-Uk-Credit-Licence Was doing a bit of research as I have an FOS complaint against them for irrresponsible lending. Have got recent emails from the lovely Kristale. Has anyone got a loan from them recently? What happens my claim if they go out of business?
  21. I would like to bring to everyone's attention what I believe is an unfair trading by Railways ( no specific company ). To commute from Croydon (zone-5) to Canary Wharf (zone-2), daily office going passengers have to travel via London Bridge (Zone-1), because the direct connectivity between Croydon and Canary Wharf is poor. The direct connectivity from Croydon to London Bridge is the only re-course for passengers but they have to shell out extra £1020.00 per annum as London Bridge is in Zone-1. £1020.00 /annum is a huge amount by any standard, Someone buying a zone5-zone-2 ticket also deserves a good service as well. After all the cost is based on zone and not on level of service. I believe the current method is directing funds from thousands of daily travellers in an unfair way to rail companies. Besides this, it is depriving the people of time I have raised this with ORR (Office of Rail regulation). I want to know if I Can take this to court? I am willing to chase this public interest, in court, if I get advise.
  22. Hello, I was recently forced into unemployment. I currently receive child tax credit for my daughter and jobseekers allowance. I intend to go self employed as I start work for 12 hours a week next week as a counsellor, I am paid as a consultant. I may only invoice for 12 hours but will probably put in about 20 a week. My question is if I tell tax credits that I do 20 hours a week will I receive working tax credit? I can only really prove that I do 12 but know I will put in alot more. I also know that as a single dad I need to work 16 hours a week to claim wtc. How much proof do they need? I'm worried.
  23. Hi Today I received notification from equifax that my account had changed. Below is what has been added. I have never heard anything from this company for nearly 6 years. In fact the address they have put default on I moved from in Nov 2008. I genuinely don't remember this loan but it's not to say I didn't take it out. Do I have to start the process with a SAR ? Many thanks skop
  24. I hope someone can help please. I ordered some glue from a website (shop4glue.com) and paid online with my debit card. The money has gone from my account but no product received over a week later. I tried phoning the number on the site but no answer. So I then checked the company details on the page which are Starloc Adhesives. Having checked the company online I see they are listed as non-trading! What should I do now and is there any way I could get my money back? Many thanks
  25. They have changed their registered name that Cash4Phones were trading under C4P Trading Limited to Yemonia LIMITED and moved from EC2 to W2 (although their C4P Trading Limited site shows this as the registered company name and not Yemoniaicon LIMITED as showing on webcheck on the companies house site http://www.cash4phones.co.uk/corporate/contact-us.aspx). I have been waiting since 11th of October to be paid £132.40 and they are now ignoring my emails and no one picks up their phone. Had started small claims court:mad2: Proceeding but cannot enforce judgement as don't know where they are now and I also don't want to waste any more money unless I have too. have put in a complaint to Watchdog about their new [problem] about not paying, Watchdog had ran the original 'excessive wear and tear' [problem] which I found yesterday http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006.../cash-4-phones. I have also contacted ActionFraud and put in a case so have a crime reference number, I do hope that this action, if enough people do this, results in the owners being arrested and their business being closed down. As for re-claiming any money am not confidant any longer and has already cost me another £25 to put a claim in the small claims court, am told will cost even more if judgement has been approved and then I try to enforce...
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