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Found 21 results

  1. I received a disciplinary invite letter, the letter was not dated and no venue stated just the time and date. i phoned the manager to change date as I needed advice and was told they would contact me with another date. i was off work at the time due to close family bereavement. i then received a text message telling me my contract has been terminated, and a letter had been sent, which I have not received. i have worked for the company for over 4 years. The question I am asking is what do you think my best course of action should be. Can I send a grievance letter or would the manager ignore it as I no longer employed. i have received nothing in writing and no right of appeal.
  2. I cancelled my gym membership in February 2018 over the phone to a gym colleague and was told I would be able to use the gym up until March 2018 for the 1 months notice payment. However come June, I noticed they were still taking the payments out of my account, I contacted my bank and they were able to refund me the 3 months additional payments that they took out. I went into the gym and they said that you're not able to cancel over the phone even though I can clearly remember making the phone call and being told that it would be cancelled. The manager of the gym said that I'm still a member of the gym but offered me the ability of not having to pay the 1 months notice but would not be able to refund me the 3 months that they took out without me knowing (which I am fine with as the bank refunded me). So that was that, and I thought it was all sorted and then last week I got a text message from an unknown number saying: 'You have been sent an email from CRS regarding your account. Please check your inbox/junk folder or call the helpline on 01444 449165' I checked my emails and couldn't find it, maybe because I used an old email that I can't remember anymore, but I wasn't too sure what the text message was about anyway so I just left it. Then this morning I got another text saying: 'Please call CRS on 01444 449165 between 8:30am and 6pm. We sent a letter a week ago and need to discuss this with you. Thank you.' As a note I have moved house since, so I haven't seen this letter. I've read some other posts on here, but they're slightly different to this situation and I just want this resolved asap. Thanks!
  3. Are the Text message appointment reminders for job seekers allowance appointment reminders, automatically sent? Thanks
  4. Today I had a text message which read...DEBTCOLLECT We have failed to contact you regarding your outstanding balance. 3rd party recovery and collections are attending at (my address) for enforcement. I have no clue who this is from and I have had no letters or emails concerning any debt....I have also tried to google debt collect but cannot find any info, there is also none in the message..no number..nothing. Any ideas please ?
  5. I have returned! Having not posted since 2014, no issues, no debt afaik everything gets paid, tax paid on time, bills utilities etc that kind of thing. But we awoke this morning to find a message on our answerphone from Fredrickson International instructing somebody who they believe lives here, with a VERY dodgy sounding name to contact them with a reference number... They had called, hung up and then called again to leave this automated message. I am totally and utterly confused as to what this is? We have no debt... nothing! Back in 2011 I had a letter from an agency claiming I had a debt with a catalogue at an old address, dating back to 1997 but they never sent me proof of what it was this claim was about? I had no catalogues back then, I lived on my own and never touched the flipping things. This went quiet after I asked for advice here. I worked out whatever it was, it was statute barred anyway. I will assume that whatever this is, it has to be either historic assumed debt but how the hell did they get our landline number? Is this possibly another sold off debt thing and they are trying their luck? What bothers me is the name of the person they are asking for! it ends with "Woodcock" but its very hard to make out? I can say now our family name is not that lol! Can I safely assume this is fleecing/phising? or will one of us be expecting a dodgy letter sometime soon? Thanks in advance for any help
  6. Someone has emailed the following complaint to CAG admin - the following message is exactly as received. No contact details for a response were included. E Credit Plus Ltd 2 Minton Place Victoria Road Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 6QB This Company are HARRASING me with numerous SPAM TEXTS for Yes Card yescardaccept.co.uk~ |THEY ARE A BUNCH A FRADIUSTERS AND NEED TO BE STOPPED!!! I have reported the number from which the text's are sent from to the ICO but no action has been taken. I am sick of it!
  7. I have been starting up stock trading with an expert mentor whose made millions doing it. I clocked up some loses £20k and despite some success loses are increasing. When at £20k he told me "I guarantee you will get that back", in a message (we are in contact continuously). I'm guessing this would not be sufficient to pursue legal means to recover loses should it become an issue? If its possible at all, what would be required for a guarantee written in a message to be legally enforceable? Can I have an example of such a message in this context? Thanks!
  8. We received an email yesterday in respect of this company. The person provided his name, but no return email address in order for us to respond. If you see this message, please do register on CAG - it is Free and update this thread.
  9. I received a call from the JC asking me to come down on my usual signing on date but earlier for a meeting what could this be any input please Regards mashmallow
  10. Received a text message from the above 27/11/14 09:05 We have been trying to contact you please call us. Web address and a ref number. No further calls or texts yet Have not received anything from that company in the post or anyone else chasing money recently Am in a debt management plan coming up to 2 years. Had nothing from my creditors to say they were reassigning. I assume i should just ignore until something comes through the post.
  11. How thoughtful of Mary Branningan of Debtsolvers.net to include us on her mailing list and to send us this email. Mary Branningan - I'm sure that we'll bear Debtsolvers in mind if we ever have this kind of difficulty.
  12. Who can I report this text message to? Received this (word for word with the mistakes in the message at the end) We failed to contact you on residential numbers provided. We have no alternative but to call you on work numbers provided to,call 02080451382 to discuss No way do I want them to contact my work number and I think this message is designed to be intimidating :mad2:
  13. Hi, I cannot seem to send PM's at present. An error message pops up saying I do not have sufficient memory storage, but that must be incorrect as I've never previously used the service per se . Any feedback or a clear answer and/or step by step corrective guide would be appreciated. (Less !) Happy Helper
  14. I use Outlook Express for my email - over the course of today I have received something like 80 x "Mail Delivery System " messages to my inbox. On the first couple received this morning, I checked to see which of my messages had not been delivered.. but they were emails I did not recognise and do not have in my address book - so I am assuming these are SPAM. I have not opened the attachments. Below is the message in the body of the email .. not the attachment. How can I stop these, they are driving me absolutely potty.
  15. Hi, A bit of advice needed please (for my mother, not me) My mother came to me last week, after receiving a bill of £103 from o2 for her contract phone, when i looked into the bill, online, i noticed that there was premium text messages from Lotto by Text, at a cost of £3.50 each, this month there was £22.50 worth of text messages, I contacted O2 and they found text messages going back to November of 2012, at a cost of 127.50 + Vat @20% Total Cost £153.00 I contacted Lotto by text and asked for further information, they have told me that on 26/11/2013 a text activation was sent back to them from the registered number, thus agreeing to the terms and conditions, and a contract was started. My argument is that the first message she received, she believes was in relation to a free text message about the lotto number each week. She has never replied to a message for them, nor has she been entered into any lotteries, or had any winnings or such from them. They did agree that they would stop the service immediately, and would be in contact with a letter, and an offer of goodwill in relation to the amount of charges, and the length of time they have been received. This morning, she received a cheque for £20.00. Personally i believe this to be an insult compared to the £153 they have earned from the service, out of which, my mother has not gained anything whatsoever, do i have anything that i could go back to them with to get a larger refund from them? Thanks
  16. I bought an electrical item a couple of months ago that was faulty, I had to open a Paypal dispute, the buyer refunded me and I informed the seller I would be sending the item back. I sent it back using Hermes 3-5 standard delivery (this was around 6-7 weeks ago, heard once from the seller around 6 weeks ago saying that they hadn't received it, didn't hear anything for 5 weeks then suddenly I receive a message out of the blue today saying:- I have now allowed more than enough time for the item to turn up, so it's clearly obvious you have not returned the item. You will have also recieved correspondence from PayPal but no reply from you. This message is to give you the option to refund the £181.45 in full as I now can't and won't trust you to send this item back. If you do not correspond with this message I will have no option but to take legal action and credit action. This can involve the police due to fraud and The Small claims court as I have enough proof to do so. Credit action invovles reporting you to the credit bureaus. My number is *********** if you have the decency to let me know what your intentions are. (Different name to the seller here at the bottom but same surname.) (So and so's Representative) I haven't received anything from Paypal, as far as I was concerned they received their item, It was sent back so I won't be refunding and cannot afford to do so now anyway due to very recently losing my income. I just wanted thoughts on the seller's message and what might happen now? They are more than welcome to take me to Court if they feel they need to as I haven't done anything wrong. Thank you for reading and I hope you can give me some advice.
  17. I am absolutely fuming. They left a very explicit message making it quite clear who they were on my work answerphone which is obviously a work phone as the message states the department and hospital. They are threatening to turn up on my doorstep (they have my old address) but nevertheless, I'm so angry I could spit. I have previously offered them monthly repayments which they turned down as they said it was too low (was £30 a month for a £500 debt).
  18. just had a "very urgent" message from the opos office (sounded like the Home Office at first) urging me to call back URGENTLY. Could this be regarding an old Minicredit loan which I recently disputed on Noddle. Have I unwittingly sparked their interest Needless to say I won`t be calling
  19. Sadly my mother passed away in December of last year. It was very sudden and very unexpected. For my birthday in the October before, she gave me a Peace lilly, I love plants. After my mother passed, I didnt really take care of my plants very well, especially the peace lilly, in fact I didnt look after anything too well. However, my plants carried on thriving, including my peace lilly and one day noticed that it had a bud struggling up out of the withered looking leaves. So I decided then that I should do something about it and gathered up all my plants, re potted them gave them all a new lease of life, hoping that they would survive. Im happy to say they have, all of them are healthy looking plants now. I was sitting here today, just thinking of my mum as I often do every day. My mum loved butterflies, she often included them in her poetry and had little ornaments and broaches of them around her home. I looked over at the peace lilly and wondered how the new buds were coming along, I noticed that a strange white shape was poking up through the leaves so went to take a closer look. To my surprise the struggling bud that I had first seen had taken on a very strange shape. As I turned the pot round I could see that the flower had taken on the shape of a white butterfly as you can see here; A message from my mother perhaps that she is at peace? who knows, but I have to say that I have found this most comforting. Just thought I would share this with you all and let you make up your own minds. Perhaps some one may know why my lilly has taken on such a strange shape.
  20. Dear azzadle I am in the same position as you but I havent heard from them since last June when they took £75 [EDIT] from an account I had only had opened for a week. When I took out the loan with them I banked with Barclays this new account was with Lloyds TSB so still dont know how they managed to get the debit card details. When I emailed them on the address that I had done several times before telling them I would be reporting them to the police [EDIT] the email came back as not recognized I havent heard a thing from them since not even from this MT Collect or anyone else that people have mentioned on this site.
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