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  1. I was suspended on monday on full pay, I have now been invited to a diciplinary meeting on friday however this is my day off and i had plans, so i contacted them to say i am not avaliabe but am avaliable any time sunday to thursday the manager replied back saying he had been in touch with hr and because i am suspended on full pay i have to attend is this right, As i am not on pay on my day off
  2. Hi. As some of you may know, I'm having problems with my employer. Their latest "trick" was to call for a capability meeting (I have a "protected characteristic) So far, ok. I have no problem with that... We (Union Rep and I) went through. We discussed it, we all agreed on a slight amendment to my work. Basically, they agreed to curtail the amount I drive. The agreement was three days a week, I would be limited to under 200 mile, and I would agree that the other two days, I could do over that amount, but not over 300. The people there were: Head of HR. My Line Manager. My Union Rep. Recorder. Myself. Everyone seemed happy. About two weeks later, I got an invite to a "follow up" meeting to discuss it. As it was a "follow up meeting" I thought it was just as well to go alone, as the trip is 250 miles, and it didn't seem worth dragging a Union guy along. As soon as they found out I was alone, they delayed the start of the meeting for 40 minutes. When it finally started, the HR person excused herself, and was replaced by another manager. So, at this meeting, there was: Manager No1. Manager No2. Myself. Note taker. Then, basically, they laid into me nonstop, slagging off. I would also say that most of what they said was complete bull****. "Figures and data" pulled from thin air, etc. Finally, they told me that my hours were to be cut from 40 hours to 15. They followed this up with a letter than made even more ridiculous accusations, None of which were either true, and furthermore, they couldn't actually quote any reference or back up with any form of details of specific instances. They reiterated the cut from 40 to 15 hours... What I'm asking is, was the 2nd "follow up" meeting even legit? We had the first Formal "Capability meeting", we came to an agreement - then the invite to a "follow up" meeting arrived (And I quote) "Please attend a follow up meeting on Friday 1st June 2018 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx During this meeting we will discuss the adjustments that you have requested and what measures we can put in place to support your request." Obviously, they didn't discuss the details from the first meeting, simply ran riot and called it a Capability meeting. Any thoughts?
  3. Hello, I currently get £8K PA from the government's self directed support and I am not happy with their service and I wish to change to direct payments for more choice and control. It's done through the social care direct service. They want to establish a meeting with them to do what best for me? Do i have to go to this meeting or else I will be rejected direct payments of non attendance and non communication? When the service changed from day care centre which closed down to privatised care they forced me to go to private care rather than give me a choice of direct payments. Why can't social care stop payments to them and provide direct payments? Its sounding like a pip assessment.
  4. Hi all, question for the HR experts... I've ended my probation period with a large, benevolent organisation - the manager has sent me a formal invitation to a Performance Review meeting, in which he's explicitly stated that "Failure to meet company standards could result in termination.." etc, as well as reeling off a list of concerns. He also gave a couple of weeks notice of the meeting. So from an HR perspective he followed the Perf Review template exactly. Now, I've had a search around and haven't found any instances of people having formal invitations, AND HR were present, AND not being terminated. The letter makes no mention of performance improvements/plans etc. I've done nothing that you could call gross misconduct (or any misconduct), and oddly enough, I've fulfilled all bar one of my probation objectives (and the one I didn't, I've not had opportunity to). Two questions: 1) As HR will be there, and he's fulfilled all the legal/best practices for a termination, are such meetings typically just a formality for termination? 2) Probation objectives - this is confusing me, as I said above I fulfilled nearly all of them. Typically wouldn't most large organisations, in the above circumstances, simply extend the probation period with a demand the employee address and rectify the concerns raised? Thanks all !
  5. Hi all, My OD was cut by half recently, which will cause me some hardship, on top of which I also lost my job. I have a meeting coming up in branch to discuss, are there any do's/don'ts so I can hopefully increase my chances of getting my OD back to comfortable levels? Thanks, JB
  6. Hello all Getting worked up and worried over a letter I received from the DWP. It starts with: We need to check your personal information. Dear XXX In order to make sure that you receive the correct amount of benefit, we need to check that the details of your claim are correct and up to date. We have arranged a meeting with you xx March. Why you should attent: Keeping your details up to date ensure that you are getting the correct amount of benefit. 8 out of 10 people come to this meeting. If you can keep this appointment or would like to report a change please call. Then on the back it says: Any ONE of the following forms of id: Passport Driving license Utility Bill Any of the following documents IF you have them: Bank statement ISA Wage Slip Bonds Property or land I own Please note that not attending this meeting your benefit payment could be stopped as we wil not know whether we have the correct details on file to support your claim. ----------- I haven't been asked this before and I've been receiving ESA now for nearly 2 years I think, but I've read some stories about being in a booth with 2 officers who are hostile and really checking people for fraud etc. I suffer with Agoraphobia and I have severe mental health issues BPD and depression. This is really making me panic now.. If this is just a normal routine check and template then great, if anyone could help I would appreciate it. Regards
  7. Hi, I have a disciplinary meeting coming up for not abiding to a particular policy. However I have witnessed many people (in the presence of managers etc) do the same. There has been no meetings to say they will be cracking down etc Basically my employer and I had a disagreement over one thing, suddenly I'm being investigated for a couple of things, and straight to a disciplinary for others. So I wondered if I can ask for my disciplinary meeting how many other staff have been disciplined for the same reasons? Would that be appropriate? It does feel like they are looking for things to have a go at me with.
  8. Gran suffered heart attack at job centre meeting - but was too scared to leave as she feared losing benefits http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gran-suffered-heart-attack-job-10458734 After leaving the meeting, the lady went to the local walk in centre where an ambulance was called and she was then hospitalised and stents inserted.
  9. Hi Has anybody had face to face meetings with the bank/financial institution they have a mis-selling issue with. I have a number of issues with HSBC but would like to speak to someone in the first place. To be honest I dont really know if it is a good idea or not, I just feel I need to get the ball rolling and this seems a sensible way of doing it, I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter. regards Will
  10. The Queen's most senior aides have summoned her entire household to an emergency meeting this morning. The Lord Chamberlain, the most senior officer of the Royal Household, and Sir Christopher Geidt, Private Secretary, will address staff from royal residences as far afield as Balmoral. Sources said the Lord Chamberlain does call meetings from time to time and that it would be wrong to speculate. Scores of staff arrived at Buckingham Palace this morning.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/04/buckingham-palace-summons-entire-royal-household-emergency-meeting/
  11. Hi all. I suspect that this is no big deal but I had a head injury whilst at work last Friday, attempted to work today but realised that I was suffering from concussion. Before I left, the health and safety manager wanted to interview me about the accident and just as we were starting, he took me by surprise and took his phone out and began to audio record the conversation and asked quickly if I was okay with this, to which I replied that I was. Obviously I am not complaining about this because I did agree that it was okay, but I am curious as to whether this is the norm?
  12. Hello Friends, I have been working a my current firm for last 1 year 3 months at one of the top financial firms. I have to work very hard and extended hours to meet the business objectives of firm. My boss is being very unkind and dishonest with me. He basically wants to throw me out and bring in an old colleague at a lower salary. I came to know about his plan from one another colleague. Last Monday, there was a without prejudice meeting with firms solicitor where the boss started making false and flimsy allegations that my conduct has not been right in that I did not follow his instruction. He is citing just two occasions in a matter of one week. I have been able to prove one of the allegation as false and for the other my colleague can help me to prove wrong. He has no evidence of having given any such instruction of work though as it was communicated verbally. He is saying that he can get a few witnesses, who are again his friends from management side. What is best for me. Should I ask for evidence of such work having been assigned to me . Today again there was a without prejudice meeting with the manager and the firms solicitor, who is calling a case of break of trust and confidence as I have been performing poorly. Again this is a baseless allegation. I will come to this aspect later. My company handbook has a disciplinary processes which lays down that disciplinary matter is sorted in four stages. I want to know if the firm is contractually obligated to follow the disciplinary process. I am worried that if thrown out on basis of misconduct and poor performance, then PPI will not cover my mortgage and my career will be ruined. Can someone please advise me on this. Thanks
  13. Evening all, I have a quick question for you all. I got into a heated argument with one of my store Directors today. Also present was the store Manager who was not involved just a witness. After lunch came to me to ask if we could have a chat tomorrow morning about a few ideas he has. When I pushed him for details he said " I want to chat about the upset we had this morning, nothing sinister just a chat like men do " I then asked if this is a formal meeting or not? his reply " the store manager will be taking notes and the contents will be put in your personnel file ". Now I'm not overly concerned by this but is it legal for the accuser to investigate the accused? I look forward to your replies.
  14. Here goes... My son works for a national construction company as a trainee site agent. ( 2+ years). He was sent to a site as basically the site agent... Since august he has been asking for a laptop charger and a work mobile phone ( he's had these on every other site) Within the last month he has emailed his manager and told him he will no longer be using his phone minutes or his data and personal email for work... He was called in for an " informal" meeting about his conduct today ( letter he had said as our discussion on wednesday ( it was tuesday)!! At this informal meeting was his manager and the pa to the director she was taking the minutes.. During this meeting she chimed in gave her opinion and said she agreed with the manager!! Is she allowed to do this? Would a grievence be appropriate against her and the manager? there have been no problems with my sons conduct until he said he was no longer going to use his phone/'data/email. He has emails going back to at least august asking for a charger and phone so he can do his job. At the meeting today he was told the charger was at another site so he needed to go there for it and the p.a would chase up a working sim!! Whilst they decided what to do with him! sorry little bit annoyed.. any advice appreciated.
  15. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me. My daughters boyfriend has just received a letter telling him that he has to attend a meeting due to his sickness levels. Now before I go any further I should explain that he ruptured his ankle ligament 7 months ago and was initially signed off sick and then returned to work but with difficulties. He works for xxxx and obviously has to wear safety boots which he found difficult and painful at times but nonetheless he did so. So alterations were made for him despite asking for them and so he just struggled on, probably doing more damage. At the beginning of February he had an operation on his ankle and is now on strict non weight bearing instruction from his consultant for at least 6 weeks. He informed his employer as soon as he knew about his operation date and has kept them informed overstep of the way. He has today received a letter telling him that he has to attend a meeting, at his work place, on Tuesday to discuss his sickness record. Naturally he is very upset at receiving this letter. I should point out that he has also had other issues with the company i.e. not being paid correct and when he has questioned this he has been told that there is nothing that can be done for that month and that it will be sorted in the following months pay and that he will have to pay basic rate tax on that amount even though he doesn't earn enough to pay tax. He has read the letter to me and I found it very threatening. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you
  16. I have two credit card debts, one of which is the subject of a CCJ some 9 years ago. I have been making payments in accordance with the CCJ and voluntary payments in respect of the other. Both defaults are over 6 years old and no longer appear on my credit reports. The DCA have offered to do a deal and accept less than is outstanding in full and final BUT if I agree does this deal appear on my credit report (as of the date of the full and final payment for a lesser figure) or, as the date of default is over 6 years ago, will my credit history be unaffected if I choose to pay a lump sum in full and final? Thank you.
  17. Hi all, Bit of a long one! I left my store managers position in February due to a few issues in my personal life (caring for relatives). Since then I've been living off what I had saved from previous paychecks etc. I'm 23 and never been on JSA or the like before, and now my personal issues have cleared in the last 4 weeks or so I've been job hunting again. This is the first time I've had a gap on my CV in 7 years. I'm now at a point where I need the JSA to survive and transport to interviews etc and they've asked me to bring a bank statement and mortgage documents. I have a couple of questions: 1) I'm not going to be using the JSA for gambling, however my bank statement will and does indicate fairly regular outgoing deposits for B365. As recently as a few days ago. Will this be an issue? (I know it won't be an income issue, as I haven't withdrawn any winnings into my bank account or have any. My current balance is £15 in the bank!). 2) The mortgage details. This is actually my late mothers mortgage that me and a brother pay. The letters and documents just have ''The personal reps of _____'' on them. What usually happens is my brother pays for it with DD (he doesn't live at this address) and I transfer him the money for the mortgage, gas and electric each month. Therefore, I don't actually have proof of the mortgage going out as a DD on my account, but I felt this was the most viable option to choose when signing up between Rent, Mortgage, Own or Rent & Own. Will I have any issues here? Thanks!
  18. Hi,after some advice please,i was involved in an incident at work on 12/06/2015.on monday 15/06/2015 I went to work at 8am,after being there for 10 mins or so the production manager appeared and said he needed a word with me about what happened friday. he asked me to go into the kitchen with him to discuss this.I told him what happened.he said he wouls write down what I'd said then look at the evidence,and would be in touch,he told me I was suspended until then.on the 17th I had a letter from him saying I was guilty of gross misconduct and my dismissal was immediate.and that I could appeal the decision.the date on the letter he'd sent was 15th.I wrote to appeal stating I didn't think they'd followed procedures,not informing me of my rights,investigation and decision being made by same person.not providing me with any witness statements to defend myself.Had an email today iviting me to a disciplinary hearing 01/07/2015.don't understand this if I'm already dismissed.
  19. He was supposed to have met a couple of weeks ago with the auditors with a view to working out if the £125 level of court costs could be justified in terms of Council Tax (administration and Enforcement) Regulation 34(5) & (7). He has been posting other material on his Taxpayers Against Poverty website so presumably they have not incarcerated him but have they got to him to keep him quiet on this matter?
  20. I received a call from the JC asking me to come down on my usual signing on date but earlier for a meeting what could this be any input please Regards mashmallow
  21. Hi all. I was assaulted at work little over a month ago, this was entirely the fault of my employer as they didn't take the required steps to ensure staff safety. Despite many complaints from the team. I haven't been to work since and have been signed off with work related stress. My employers haven't contacted me at all during this time and the meeting is at my request follow contact that I made with HR. I don't want to return to work. I want them to to pay me off to leave, obviously signing away any rights to a claim for PI or anything else. How likely is this?
  22. Hi, I wondered if there was anyone who could give me some advice. I've been off ill from work for 19 months from PTSD after an incident at work. I've been asked to attend a disciplinary meeting for a dishonesty allegation made against me. They have said I can have a work companion at this meeting. I asked my employers if I can attend my work place to find a work companion to attend the meeting with me. I know a lot of people have left and I really don't know if anyone is still working there that I will know to ask. They have refused to let me go stating that my condition of anxiety and stress that I suffer that they do not believe it is prudent for me to attend and given me a deadline of 5pm today to reply if I will be accompanied or not. I've told them they're been unreasonable and it is important to me to be accompanied. Not sure what to do or how to reply, any ideas?
  23. Hi all I wanted to seek your advice in how to present myself in an impending probationary meeting. I was informed today I would need to have a meeting with 2 team leaders in my department (my current one and my previous one) because I have been late 4 times in the last month. This is my first month and the first 2 times were in my first 2 days, which I will admit is very very bad. But on all of the 4 occasions they weren't more than 5 or 6 minutes, and the last 2 were only by 3 minutes. Furthermore the 2nd time I was late it was because I had not been given a security pass at that point and so was trying 2 or 3 different stairs to see if I could get up without a security pass swipe. Whereas the most recent 2 times was because I got a flat tyre on my bike (I cycle to work), which in spite of that I was only 3 minutes late on both occasions. In addition to emphasising the fact that otherwise my attitude to work has been professional and I haven't taken any holiday or sick days yet, I also feel that on 3 of those occasions I was late I had also genuinely made a big effort to get in on time despite circumstances outside my control. Has anyone else been in a similar situation and what would you advise? I was told I can ask for a colleague or union rep to attend this meeting, should I ask for someone from the HR department to also attend?
  24. Hi, I have been signed off work with anxiety and depression for a month. My manager keeps calling and asking me how I'm feeling. He now wants to meet with me to discuss my sickness. I find it very difficult to talk about my problems and have a feeling he just wants me back to work as soon as possible. I do not feel ready to go back to work yet and my doctor has advised me to take some time to get better hence why he signed me off for a month. My question is, can my manager force me to come back to work before the end of my sick note ? Will it look bad if I say I'd rather not come back to work until the end of my sick note?. Also when discussing my illness, can I just say I don't want to talk about it or do I have to have a through discussion?. I am a very private person and don't feel comfortable talking about my life with people, especially work. I have not had a sick day for the last 5 years and am just so worried. Any advice would be very well appreciated, thank you. Liyanne
  25. Could I please ask for some advice regarding an investigation at work.I returned to work on phased return after sick leave due to an operation. On my third day back I was given a letter stating I was under investigation but not told why. ten days later I received a letter by post stating the investigation was due to an "alleged mismatch of data between my manual actions and actions taken on customer database" which occurred seven months previously. Basically, stating I had made a telephone call on a certain date and time but the notes I made detailing the call did not match the telephone conversation recorded and inviting me to a meeting the next week. This took place last friday. At the meeting the allegation was read out to me and i was presented with documentary evidence of calls I made on the date in question and as telephone calls are recorded on two different systems I received a printout from both and transcripts of two calls to which the allegation referred. I pointed out that there were big discrepancies between the two reports (which should match) with calls showing on one report not showing on the other and vice versa, times of calls to the same number showing at randomly different times on each report and the call duration time was different for every call. The investigating manager immediately adjourned the meeting to reinvestigate the call logs. My question is - can these logs be used as evidence of what could be gross misconduct disciplinary ?? I have been so distressed over this, I haven't slept and both my work and home life is suffering. I know me and I know my working practices and have never in six years, knowingly entered incorrect information or acted in any way which could be construed as unprofessional and pride myself that any work completed is to the best of my ability. Thank you for any advice you can give.
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