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  1. Dear All, I have had a scary incident today! I was rushing through a saintsbury's local and accidentally tagged one item worth 2 GBP as carrots, I purchased 4 items and only one had the issue. The security guard asked me to go to a room with the manager who claimed that I did this 3 times without showing any proof! It did happen a time before and I assured her that it was a mistake and I re-scanned the item I wanted to purchase and paid for it (it was a glitch in the system which she did not admit, the self checkout was already waiting for carrots to be scanned and did not take the barcode of my item) This time, she was shouting, she was scary along with her large security guy. They asked for ID and I was getting my wallet to show him my ID, he took it without my permission and they started going though my bank cards and my driving license. They recorded my address and name and gave me a ban, they even insisted on treating me badly by taking a photo of me with the paper and the item which was a small bag of crisps!!! I feel really disappointed but I am also very worried that DWF or other companies might ask me to pay more money as I am an international student on a full scholarship. I am working hard and I have never had such issues in my life and would never do such things. I asked them the same question: why would I "play" with your system after scanning all of my items properly except one?!?! I even asked her that if she has a proof of what she claims, she can give me a full invoice of the items she is claiming and I will pay her for everything immediately to prove to her that this is unintentional and surely not my doing! I am really worried that this could affect my residency in this country or my scholarship or so, and I do not want to be forced to pay 150 GBP or more if it is not really owed! Sorry for the long text but I am shaking and I honestly do not know what to do, I cannot forget how they took my wallet and started taking my cards one my one!!! Please advise and I would be extremely thankful to all of you!
  2. I was in a rush for a charity event, which the irony of the whole situation. I didn't have the change for the second set of chocolates (£2) I just walked out with them. I was taken into a small room and after being given a talk on not doing it again I wasn't banned or given anything to sign, as I was told it wasn't worth the hassle given the extent of the items, and was just given a verbal warning. However on a paper they wanted my address, will I be getting any fines in the mail, or third party fines? If so would I have to pay it?
  3. Please help, (I suggest a comfy chair and a cuppa, this is a big mess) Last year we had three new windows installed in our bungalow. In addition to this we also signed a contract (27th June 16) for a new composite front door to be fitted in our recessed porch which required raising of the internal step, removal of the old door and frame and replacing this with a door and top light on the front of the porch, not the recess. The fitter had to leave and collect another piece of glass for one window as it was incorrect (a small triangular window) and this delayed the job which I had been assured wouldn't take long. When completed the fitter said one window was too small so he would have to use additional trim. It was one fitter, on his own, fitting three windows. I was literally hovering around him as he was finishing off as I had to go to work and he had overrun. On my return from work I properly looked at the windows. Inside they looked fine but outside was shocking. He had hacked off all the render on the return edge and stuck large plastic lengths of trim in it's place. The trim protruded and there were massive chunks of sealant visible which was uneven and unsightly. As the trim was protruding you could see the yellow backing. It looked like my 4 year old had finished it off. I called the company and asked them to come and make it look better, I was told they never re render and always replace render with plastic trim. I advised them I had not been informed of this and would not have gone ahead with the new windows if this was the case. They asked for payment and I refused until they sent someone to look at it. They sent some fitters round immediately to have a look. In the meantime I looked at their website to see some lovely examples of new windows with the render still intact. The guys that arrived looked at the trim and agreed it was a real mess, that the trim was far too wide and was protruding. I asked them why the company removes the render and they informed me that they didn't as a matter of course and that customers should be consulted. They advised that sometimes render has to be removed and they advise that they will replace it as best they can and that the customer would then be responsible for painting it. I asked them to remove the plastic trim that was protruding and to re render it all which they did. This looked much better at this point then the lumpy sealant and yellowy trim. They told me the office was on the phone requesting payment and handed me a mobile phone so I could make payment over the phone. I said it looked better and paid in full. On comparing my new render with my neighbours I noticed that instead of it having a square edge it was rounded of, was uneven and when it dried it looked horrible. Painting it was not going to make it look any better. I also noticed there were layers of trim around the windows which seemed unnecessary and I wondered if this was because the windows were too small. I complained again and over the phone and was assured the windows were the correct fit. In the meantime the surveyor came round regarding the relocation of the front door in the porch. He advised me that what was proposed would not fit and the door would have to open outwards. I was not happy with this at all. He also said the proposed top light would not fit either. He ummed and ahhed a lot then said the door could open inwards and it would be packed out with trim, and gave me some paper to sign with a drawing showing a front door and built up step. I signed then called the company to ask if the price would alter now we were not having a top light to be told there was no change in price. I then contacted the manufacture of the company through live chat to ask their opinion to be told a top light would cost around £150. I informed the company that I was not happy with what was now being proposed, I wanted a top light and if this was not practical I wanted the price reviewed and they emailed me to say as a gesture of good will they were happy to reduce the price by £50. i was not in agreement with this and made this quite clear. They agreed to come back and look at things to reassure me, we arranged two appointments and they failed to show for both. He then turned up really late (October), obviously not very happy and said again that we couldn't have a top light, that the door would not be packed out with trim it would be the full size of the opening. I said this would be too big and wouldn't it catch on the internal wall edge, he said he didn't think so. I was really unimpressed. I felt that they really didn't give a toss now and that I may end up with a front door that wont even open as it would hit the internal wall edge. At this point I asked for the £250 deposit to be refunded as I didn't want to go ahead with what was proposed. They then said the door was waiting to be fitted so I would not be refunded. I asked why a door had been manufactured when we were not in agreement and they said that I had signed a contract with them. I informed them I had signed a contract for a door with a top light and they said that as I had signed the surveyors paperwork this was a contract. Back to the windows, the company have recently said they would send an independent surveyor for his opinion of the windows (the fit and the appearance), I agreed to this but they sent the surveyor who had originally surveyed the windows, is this independent? Furthermore, they will not provide a copy of the report, I have asked for it in writing several times to be told it is not their policy. Am I entitled to see it? They have said they are happy to come and remove more plastic trim and re render but they will not detail what trim will be removed. I have said they may remove too much or too little, what they do could be irreparable. I have absolutely no faith in this company and do not want them to now mess about with my front door and porch as firstly I do not want what is proposed and secondly I am still unhappy about the windows. I really do not know where I stand legally. my questions are: Is my signature on the surveyors paperwork a new contract? (I have queried it every step of the way and I have evidence) Can I get my £250 deposit back for the door, am I obliged to go ahead with having something I don't want fitted? Can I insist on an independent surveyors report for the windows and am I entitled to see the report? Thank you for taking the time to read this epic mess, I would really appreciate some guidance x
  4. For years I have been struggling with debt but I got in contact with payplan and applied for a DRO. All the paperwork was set up with all my debts on. Council tax is with Marstons. I then received a letter from Rundles saying they were recovering council tax. I thought the council and changed agents and now everything was with Rundles. I informed payplan and they amended the paper work. I was just about to pay the £90 fee when last week while I was in bed asleep after a nightshift. An Enforcement guy...tapped on the front door and walked in scaring the life outta my partner who was in the living room. He demanded that I pay £420 or he would take my living room items away (tv dvd player units ect) Tried to explain that I was paying my DRO fee at end of week. He was having none of it. I was scared and shaken up...I did not receive notice that he was coming. I didn't have the cash and he was adamant he was not leaving till I paid £420 or take my goods. I made some calls and manged to get about a months wages from my boss.( Agreement from boss that I pay from my wages straightaway which means at the moment i don't have money coming in to live on) Anyway I paid him and got a receipt. He was now arranging a payment plan for the rest. I told him I couldn't afford anything but he was insistent...All I wanted to do was to get him outta my house so I agreed to 20 a week. He made me sign what I thought was the payment plan but in fact was a control of goods I later noticed after he left. He also left an envelope on table which had inside a notice of attendance letter dated that same day in pen with a stamped date of the warrant for the following day. I got back k in touch with payplan who advised me that now that I had signed a control of goods order the council tax can not be included in the DRO. I am mortified as council tax is the main debt. I am now ready to pay the fee but holding back as I don't know what to do or where I stand. Oh and to add it,2 days ago I've received a letter from Marstons warning of a notice of attendance... Now I thought everything was with Rundles. I have checked the reference numbers and it's all from different years. Confused and scared is not the word!!! I don't know what to do. I am finally facing my debts and this happens a week before my DRO is finalised
  5. Gran suffered heart attack at job centre meeting - but was too scared to leave as she feared losing benefits http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gran-suffered-heart-attack-job-10458734 After leaving the meeting, the lady went to the local walk in centre where an ambulance was called and she was then hospitalised and stents inserted.
  6. Please help, I'm so scared that i'm going to prison I'm on ESA and have been for the past 3/4 years. In that time, i've have 3 part time jobs all 16 hours and under and i've declared all of them with a permitted work form. The only reason i can think this has come about is that at the beginning of July this year i was offered a job for 16 hours but was told i'd have at least 1 day extra as overtime. I rang up ESA and told them i wanted to stop my ESA claim. A few days later my mental health went to crap and i told my new boss that i wouldn't be able to do it. She then agreed to me doing only 16 hours and i thought i could handle that (i hadn't even started the job when i told her i couldn't do it). I then did an ESA rapid reclaim and was told that everything would be the same as my old claim, Income related ESA in the support group. Turns out that i'm now contribution based ESA in the support group, i didn't even know until my housing benefit stopped a few weeks ago. I'd also started a claim for working tax credits as originally i'd be working 25 hours a week on average. i sent in my permitted work form for 16 hours a week and started my new job at the end of July. By this time my mental health was getting worse again and i didn't realize it, i was getting all these letters from people for changes in income, the dwp health assessment letter for my esa and i just couldn't cope. About 4 weeks after i'd started work, i realized i hadn't even stopped the WTC i spoke to an online adviser and told them that i needed to stop my tax credits and thought nothing of it as at the beginning esa was deducting the WTC amount from my ESA and i had to wait for a letter to come through to send to ESA to prove i had ended WTC. I didn't think anymore of it. On October the 1st, i had to send in a sick note to work because i just couldn't cope anymore, i couldn't leave the house, someone knocking at the door or the phone ringing terrified me and i had to go back onto anti depressants and anti anxiety medication, and on October the 12th (i think) i was dismissed from work. I went to the post office to get my money for my child tax credits on the 10th or the 11th of October, i normally get it out on a wednesday but i was short on money so i got it out on the tuesday instead, and i realise that there's too much money. I thought that because i was getting my money out on the Wednesdays every 2 weeks and the amounts were the same, that WTC had informed ESA about me stopping WTC and ESA were paying the amount they said they would when they had notification of my WTC stopping. i logged onto my online tax credits account, and there was a live claim for WTC! I immediately stopped it online and as the end date i put the 12th of October as this was my dismissal date. I've sent them a letter about over payments (my phone and internet were cut off) because i wasn't entitled to that money, but i've not heard anything. Will they get back to me about it or am i going to have to call them or speak to them instead? The payments i received for my job was £380 at the beginning of September, about the same at the end of September, £250 at the end of October and £150 holiday pay at the end of November. I'm so scared that i'm going to prison. I have a partner that i have to care for and a 3 year old. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I sent in my permitted work form and told WTC to stop my WTC, then ended it myself when i saw it was still a live claim. I really don't know what to do That's the only reason i can think of as to why they think i didn't declare my employment status, but i thought that if it was under 16 hours a week and less than £100 a month, then it's classed as permitted work. Now i'm wondering if it was either of the other jobs i did. I don't even know anymore as the letter only states undeclared work and nothing else. My interview is the 21st of December and i've told them that i'm going to attend. I'm too scared of police turning up to my door if i don't go. I'm really scared as i've never been to court, i don't even have a criminal record! I've never done anything illegal let alone got in trouble for a crime. What happens now? I've messaged a few people at the local solicitors but not heard anything yet and the CAB in my area is only open for about 5-6 hours every Thursday, but i'm not guaranteed an appointment. I feel so sick, i can't eat, i can't sleep, if the door bell rings or someone knocks on the door, it sends me into such a state that i'm having panic attacks. Even the phone ringing petrifies me and i'm shaking whenever the post man comes because i'm scared of what post may come through my door. What do i do? Sorry for being a baby and for my post being so long. I'm nearly 30 and should be able to cope with this but i can't
  7. Hi everyone,Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I really appreciate any advice you can give me. today we have found out we have had a £5500 housing benefit overpayment over 9 months. We are totally in shock and absolutely devastated about the situation . The council were not aware that my partner had started part time work in Dec 2014 and that I returned to work part time after my maternity leave in April 2015. We did not know that we had to inform the council as we thought it was all automatically done through tax credits/hmrc. We didn't think anything of the amount of payment as we just assumed it was right and put it towards our rent. I know it sounds stupid but it's true. Our housing award kept being updated when our tax credits were, so we just assumed that they were aware of our income through tax credits/PAYE. We have three children and I am so concerned about what will happen to us. I have been told that the case will be referred to the fraud investigations department due to the amount involved. I have been frantically phoning around trying to get some answers in what will happen to us. Will we be prosecuted? If anything goes in the paper my partner will lose his job almost certainly. What are the next stages? We have agreed a payment plan, but I've been told that this doesn't make any difference to anything to do with the prosecution side. I manage the money side of things so my partner is blaming me for this, which I guess is understandable. I'm just freaking out totally at the moment and don't know how long this will go on for. Will I be invited to an interview under caution? All we will say is that we didn't know as this is the truth. We never meant to defraud anyone and our Sorry it wouldn't let me type at the end for some reason.I was just saying that this is a total mistake and the words benefit fraud scare the hell out of me. I'm so sorry for going on but I would really appreciate any advice on what happens next or any similar circumstances anyone knows about. Thank you so much
  8. Hi There I have followed a number of the threads on this forum, and hope you will forgive me posting this. I am just absolutely terrified about my current situation and the legal implications (if any). I would highly value any help members could provide. My situation: I was on a six figure salary with my previous employer who, a few days ago, informed me that they would be closing with immediate effect. Unfortunately, I have just gone and taken out a couple of loans (about five weeks ago) to help fund a new car and decorate my mum's house for her 80th birthday, and have accrued a fair bit on my credit cards to pay for a silver wedding anniversary cruise for the wife and I. The best part of my salary for the past few years has been spent funding our two children through university overseas. I've been offered a replacement role in Australia, but on a much lower salary (about £40,000 equivalent) and without any accommodation arranged. I already hold a permanent resident visa - as my wife is Australian and we lived out there for a few years. (Returned in 2014, and I have my right to return still active). We will be able to move across to Australia to take up the job, but I know I will be completely unable to properly service my debts (which are roughly £100,000). I am primarily terrified that I will be prosecuted for fraud (although I, in all truth, believed there would be no change to my circumstances when I took out the loans -- as these were only taken out a few weeks ago). I can make full repayments for the next few months before we move; however, I am going to need every penny from my salary to keep us going in Australia for the first little while. I am pensive about offering my debtors a nominal £1 per month payment in good faith until I get established over there. I do not want to run from these debts; however, I also do not want to face prison if the lenders think I committed fraud. We have no mortgage, the house is in my wife's name and I have never contributed towards the house payments: so I think it is safe from repossession, in case things go wrong out in Australia? Basically. Help. Am I going to have an international warrant for my arrest put out because of perceived fraud!? I know this probably sounds ridiculous to some, and I hope you can clarify where I stand. I've got myself in a right bloody mess here.
  9. Hi, I'm a new user here. I don't underestand forums very well, but I am going to tell you what happened me yesterday. First of all, my English is not very well, because I came to England a few months ago. I am from Spain. I'm so humiliated and disgusted with myself but I was caught shoplifting £80 of goods from Primark. I am having bad money problems so I decided to do it. I honestly don't know what went through my mind. When I were about to exit the store, two guards were waiting for me and we went to a dark and close room on the ground floor, and we were there for about 1 hour & half. They asked me for my address, my identity card, and then they called the police. The police man take me a picture and write all my information (date of birth, parents names, my address on Spain...), then he told me the typical movie's phrase ''Everything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You…'' and I said I'm sorry. Then, we went with his car to my house because he want to prove that I am currently living there. Also I'm absolutely petrified that this will stop me from getting jobs in the future. Do I have a criminal record and will employers be able to see what happened? I'm constantly worrying about this, I am 18. He told me that I would receive a RLP letter in the post, and I am so sad because I do not have a lot of money and I have read that maybe I would have to pay a lot. I have read on this forum a lot that I should ignore the RLP fine, however i would like to know how people on this forum know it. And what would happen if y do not pay the money. I really won't have time to collect so much money!. What is better, ignoring or answering? And do you know how many money should I pay? Every advice much appreciated. Please accept genuine apologies, I am not a bad person. Many thanks.
  10. HI Apparently i have 2 outstanding pay day loans , I think with money in advance and access fast money. After i left step change and started dealing with the debts on my own one of these debts went to OPOS who i wouldn't communicate with as they were really nasty. Now its gone to Sll Capital and they say so has another. They're not for a lot but still more than i originally borrowed plus one month interest. I know i am being cash cowed as i paid monthly to Step Change for a while. About £65 pound each. The amounts i borrowed are around £150. they have been emailing calling and writing and i got fed up and sent all to spam. Now ive just had a letter of default last week and today they have sent me a text saying they have issued a notice of assignment. What do i do now, can a DCA register a default? Please help, there is also another thread ive put in about My Jar that i need help with Thanks
  11. Hi everyone, I am under a DMP with hubby, have been since Jan 2014. We owe £42,000 and pay £240 per month. Hubby works full time, earning 1650 after tax. At the moment I do not work as I lost my job a few months ago. I am expecting our second child in May 2015 and we have a 5 year old. This morning I got a claim form from the solicitors representing Nationwide. We owe them £3838 inc court fee. We have been paying them under the DMP, so I have completed the admission form with an offer of just under £18 per month. It is my belief they will go for a charging order as they have mentioned this previously. We bought the house for 118k and our mortgage is currently 106k. No other secured debts. I am terrified that hubby will have to go to court! In total we owe nationwide just under 10k across a few accounts, but this is the 'big one' and the rest they have accepted the payment plan. If they have now taken legal action, does this mean they obviously do not accept the £18? In which case what will happen? Will the judge order us to pay the whole lot? Will we have to go to court? (the debt is hubby's name only, as is the house) I am sat here scared of hubby needing to go to court, and losing our home, bailiffs etc...
  12. I have a problem and went out of the country for a while, on my return I have my company with a proposal of strike off flag, so as i wanted to keep operating with the company I called Companies house and asked what do I need to do. They reply this and I am scared, what are my options please? I still have time to fix this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- I can confirm that the following documents are outstanding: Accounts for year ended 31/07/2013. Annual Return (Form AR01) for period ending 15/07/2014. As the company is required to remain on the register, the proposed strike off action has been discontinued. Failure to file accounts and annual returns within the statutory times allowed is a criminal offence and due to the seriousness of the defaults, we are commencing prosecution action against the directors immediately. Conviction for these offences will result in a criminal record and a fine of up to £5,000 for each document not delivered on time. As these accounts are already late, a civil late filing penalty will automatically be incurred when they are received and accepted at Companies House. The amount of the penalty increases with the length of delay in delivery and is separate to any criminal proceeding being considered against the directors. Failure to comply with the filing requirements of the 2006 Companies Act in consecutive years will result in the penalty being doubled for the current year’s accounts. You may be able to deliver your annual return and certain types of accounts online via our Web Filing service, which has in-built checks to ensure that you get it right first time. Our web-site www.companieshouse.gov.uk gives information on this along with a full range of guidance booklets and forms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks a lot.
  13. Hi, really sorry but i don't really know where to turn at the moment, i have received a letter today from local compliance service/ part of the job centre to attend an interview to discuss change in 'circumstances', however, i'm not aware that there are any? i sent off an application for maternity grant, signed by my midwife last week, and this is the letter i have recieved, i have googled it because it sounded serious and benefit fraud comes up or that someone has reported you? i really do not understand any of this and i'm a little worried and confused i may be doing something wrong? my current situation.. i'm 20 years old, i'm 34 weeks pregnant, i finished my nursing course in june to go onto university but now with a baby i have had to defer the year, i have a boyfriend but he's always lived with his mum, and since september of last year i was homeless, until november when i moved in with a 'host provider' which is someone who rents a room (social services organised) which i claimed housing benefit with, i moved to a different host provider in february and then left to live in supervised supported housing until june. i found out i was pregnant in the middle of april (i have been pregnant since feb) despite being on the contraceptive pill (because i have my future to look forward to and had only been with my boyfriend since christmas/new year so did not want a baby), i found out i was pregnant. i did not want to throw myself into living with someone i had been with a few short months as i have already been unsettled and unstable as it is, he lives with his mum, i live alone, he comes to stop once or twice a week, but does come after work some weeks, stops over if i'm ill (pregnancy related) i go to stop at his mums some days or they all come for tea or i go to theirs for tea, we don't see each other a lot because he works but i provide for myself, i've never taken a penny from him until i know myself that i'm in a good position to be stable enough to live with someone and rely on someone (ie when i go to university) it sounds horrible to say i didnt plan to have a baby but it really could not be helped, i wanted to wait until i was registered as a nurse with an income to support children should i want them, but this has happened and i have struggled to come to terms with it but i just couldn't get rid of a baby it just wasn't the right time so this is my only choice really, should my boyfriend not be staying over? or not coming to my house? i know its both our fault but like i said i don't want to rely on someone and then everything be thrown upside down should we decide not be together some months down the line with a baby to worry about. sorry for such a long post, please if you have any advice or insight please share, thanks
  14. Hi, I thought I'd see what I can do about settling a joint ge money loan taken out approx 7 years ago. Unfortunately I've been reading posts on here and now think I'm in for a rough ride : I spoke with them last week and have a settlement figure of 4.5k although the original debt was only about 6k. I was actually hoping to be able to offer a reduced full and final settlement but from posts on here it seems highly unlikely. The loan was taken out jointly by my ex and myself. We split and had a couple of joint debts so we agreed to take one each, I'm stuck with this one. I have absolutely no idea what I can do or need to do to get this from around my neck. I haven't missed any payments, although they are usually a week or so late ( now a single parent) The account isn't in arrears ATM as I'm usually borrowing from my parents to make payments, a friend of mine has offered to help me clear it as it's going to take me about 30 years to settle otherwise. Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated x Thank you sooo much for reading Pjs girl x
  15. Hi. I had a medical last month with ATOS, and got a letter recently putting me in 'work related activity group' . I then got an appointment with the job centre which I went to last week. It was basically a woman talking what to me, with what sounded like jibberish for 10 minutes before handing me a paper leaflet called 'work programme' , it didn't really have a lot of information on it. Yesterday I got a phone call from another lady from a company called 'prospects' we were on the phone for about half an hour whilst she reeled off bizarre questions which had no relevance to my situation whatsoever, she also didn't really know why I was on ESA . and said I had been found fit for work which is why I'm on the work programme . But if I had been found 'fit for work' then would I not be on JSA instead ?! I have been told to expect a letter or a call next week from my 'new advisor' who will arrange an appointment with me. I a!m ever so confused now. Theres no way I can sit in any 'group inductions' or go off on any courses, not at the moment anyway. I'm trying to remain calm but this has panicked me no end. Am I suppose to be on a 'work programme' so soon? And what does it entail?
  16. Hi, about 3 weeks ago a bailiff came to our property to "recover" £50 owed to council tax, I didn't have it because I was made redundant in February and I am 29 weeks pregnant so have been pretty much unemployable, though I have tried. We managed to set up a payment plan which would be £20 every fortnight, paid on a payment card and he said I would receive one through the post then had to start doing it. I didn't receive any card and to be quite honest I pushed it to the back of my mind as I have been trying to get the things I needed for my baby, my partner is working but he doesn't earn a lot and it has been hard paying everything. He gets just over £200 a week and out of that £100 goes a side for rent, £25 for council tax, the rest goes on other bills (gas, electric & food) The payment card never came through and today I received a letter saying I had defaulted on the payment and there for it has been raised to £198.37, this has gone up because I have defaulted on payments and ignored a letter. I rang them up and explained I hadn't received a payment card yet and had a very rude women on the phone who told me I should have found an alternative method to pay them by and I have till Monday to put £40 in there bank card why I wait for a payment card to pay the rest off. She also said that because my partner is working we have to up our payments and I explained that we just cant afford any more than we are paying and she said "that's not our problem, lend it off somebody" She has given me 7 days to provide proof of benefit?? I am on no benefits and I tried explaining this to her, she said if I cant provide proof of benefits and I cant pay the full amount off within the 7 days then bailiffs will be attending my property and seizing goods, whether we are paying the £20 a fortnight or not, she also said if we don't pay it in full and bailiffs come out then our total will go up to just over £300, then they will add extra on for selling our goods?? All this off a debt of £50 from 2 years ago which im trying to pay off!!.. What are my rights as I really don't need this stress at the moment, im classed as high risk as it is and have been put on bed rest till the end of my pregnancy. im really scared! please advise!
  17. Hi, I need some advice please, am worried sick. Letter came yesterday from hmrc compliance saying I did not respond to their request for info regarding child tax credits award for 2012-2013 tax year in November. This letter I genuinely did not get so need to ring them tomorrow. I am not definite about what they want, but have to admit here that I've been overpaid because I did not declare all my income. On checking P60s (frantic trawl thru bags of paperwork) I can see I have also claimed for 2011-2012 when I wasn't entitled. I'm not attempting to hide what I've done, initially my income estimate was genuine for 2012 but I worked more hours than usual and got paid more. Didn't have P60 when I renewed and again guesstimated, thinking I could fix it later. Just kept putting it off, rubbish with organisation and then became too scared to ring (stupid I know). Now what I want is it all to go away. I plan to ring Monday, tell them I've made a mistake and didn't fix it, and own up to the year they've questioned and the previous year (2010-2011 was accurate). My life has just been a disorganised mess and I honestly didn't go into this deliberately, but admit I've been a fool to let it go on this long, just got worse as time went on. What are my chances of just being asked to pay it back (with or without a penalty, don't care) or is it likely I'll go to court? Intend to offer to pay all back. Very scared indeed, what an idiot. Please help.
  18. hi new here read lots and lots of posts lately managed to get on the forum so i can ask for opinions and advice so here goes. I am mum of an autistic lad aged 17 he has recieved DLA mid rate and low rate MOB for a good few years . When i worked smashing mum in law used to watch my son however in later years she became older and more tired on the advice of my sons consultant I claimed carers allowance only working enough hours to be entitled . I have always been fairly on the ball with checking earnings .etc BUT last year my dear mum in law was diagnosed with cancer of the lung we were all devastated and her chemo/ radiotherapy was awful and checking things was not at the front of my mind to be honest also i did not receive the usual letter. In Feb this year we were told cancer now in her brain and she was terminal this pushed me who has suffered anx and depression for almost ten years in a really bad way as well as all my family. Then i decided to volunteer for some work at hospice that helped her and when i went to benefits advice they checked things out and i gave them an old wage slip and they checked OMG it turned out that id been overpaid my wages by £2.39 per week for over a year. I was absolutely devastated scared out of my wits and I phoned them the minute I got home the bloke I spoke to was ok and I said that i was now scared it hadnt been checked properly so I sent 5 years p60s and they checked them all i just owed 2012 to 2013 which was £3458 i asked if i would be prosecuted they said they didnt think so but im still scared I let them know on 14th may received overpayment letter 7th june and arranged with debt management to pay £100 pm back they said it is not marked for prosecution but i am sick with worry we lost my mum in law on 1st june and i have lost so much weight im terrified they will take my son away or ill go to prison. part of the reason for overpayment was my wages went direct into husbands bank to pay direct debits and also my tax had been reduced taking me over threshold for earnins I never worked any over my set hours at any time Please can some one let me know their experiences or what they think ive read about interview under caution and im scared although ive phoned dwp a good few times theyve said they dont think its fraud im scared to believe them HELP :|
  19. Hi, My ex-partner recently died a few years ago while I was with him he took out a 2nd mortgage loan on his house to clear his debts but I signed too - the loan people said I needed to sign because I lived there. The house was not in both our names - it was his house and the loan was secured on his property. He said it would not affect me, they just needed to know who was living there. We split up nearly five years ago. I don't know where I stand with this. He had not been paying it, his mother says she has found a lot of horrible letters regarding this with my name on them too. I'm afraid I may be in a serious amount of debt. Any thoughts or advice you could offer would be appreciated very much. Ali.
  20. I received a letter from tax credit saying that they are looking into my single claim for 2011/12 as they believe my husband was living there. I want to be completely honest with them and admit my guilt but am terrified of the consequences. My husband and I decided to separate in 2007. We was affected by the floods that year and was living in a caravan. I applied for tax credit as my husband was going to be moving out. To cut a long story short as there was a lot of things going on with the flood claims, builders etc and my husband couldn't afford to pay for somewhere to live he didnt move out officially. I didn't cancel the claim because I didn't think the marriage would continue as we had had a couple of turbulent years, topped off by the stress of money and the floods, my husband was diagnosed with depression at the same time which he received counselling for and we felt we wanted to give the marriage another go. I am very ashamed as I stupidly carried on claiming tax credit as we have a lot of loan and credit card debt going back years and years and the money I was receiving was basically keeping us afloat and keeping up debt repayments. This year I cancelled the claim as we wanted to finally face our problems once and for all. I am now on an iva and my husband on a dmp and in a few years we can see an end to this mess. This is a fresh start for us all. I have now received this letter I am so scared. I am not eating or sleeping and crying at the drop of a hat. I have never been in trouble before (hence the state I am in) and i'm terrified of being prosecuted, although I know its probably what I deserve I have got a place at university for next year to train as a nurse but if i get cautioned or prosecuted that wont be a possibility, I cant believe I have ruined my life. I understand honesty is the best way forward now and i've read a thread of someone in a similar situation to me ( CAT2212) who wrote a letter and got it sorted. I am happy to arrange repayment of it somehow i just don't want to be prosecuted, I have learnt my lesson, i had long before the letter came They only mention on the letter 2011/12 do i just refer to that at the moment and how do I word it? I have been to CAB and they said they couldn't help me and referred me to community legal advice, I spoke to them and she was very abrupt with me and said basically i'd been sat on the money for the past few years and couldn't help me. She told me to go back to them if tax credit decided to prosecute and she could refer me to a criminal solicitor. Please help me
  21. Hi I am so worried - I live on my own and have noone to turn to. Baiscally without getting into a long essay I took out a MBNA credit card in 1998. Ex partner used the card but paid monthly up until the last payment march 2007. We stopped getting statements and after spending hours on the phone aguing with them about non statments I gave up. My credit file now says £2000, defaulted November 2007 status history 8... I never recieved a default notice or heard anymore from them. Partner and I spilt up and we both moved in late 2008. Have been renting until last year when I got a mortgage. In 2010 started getting letter sfrom Equidebt offering massive discounts - getting a letter once a month or so. I ignored becouse the card number they refer to is completly wrong. Then all went quiet......now I have had an Assignment letter sent to me from Lowell Portfolio. Then a month later another from Red Debt stating they are going to look at my Credit file for assets - I have a car which I need for work - value is about £1400 and am on 30 hours a week at £6.50 per hour! So I struggling to say the least! Have composed a letter to Lowell requesting copy of original signed CA containg prescribed terms and not addmitting to debt. Sending £1 PO etc etc. I am pulling my hair out here as I have spent hours reading that their Solicitors are likely to send out a SD - so am I right in thinking that I should send this letter ASAP before they do their bit? Please help me......this debt will be SB soon wont it am I right in saying a month after the last payment date - so confused.
  22. Hi, firstly I am not proud of my situation, in fact I am highly embarrassed but none the less it's my situation and I need some help in how to deal with it correctly please. I left the UK five years ago with two credit card debts totalling 7000pound (combined). Over the last 4 1/2 years I have been paying the minimum amount. The Companies have my address and phone number in Australia - I was not trying to hide from my debt which is now around 5000pound combined over the two cards. Six months ago my situation changed and I was not able to continue payments without slipping into debt in Australia so I stopped my payments. I did not contact them and have ignored all letters and phone calls, many calls coming in the middle of the night. Two days ago my mother in the UK got a letter (addressed to me at her address) from a debt collection agency. In it they said that if I didnt live at the address she should contact them or they would presume I lived there. My relationship with my mother is already strained so as you can imagine this has just made it all a whole lot worse. She is (justifiably) worried about a bad credit rating going on her address. I emailed the company saying that I believed they were trying to contact me (so I guess I will hear back over the next couple of days) as I really don't want my mother to be dragged into my horrible mess. The long and short of it all is that I have just enough money to keep my (and my 3 childrens) heads above water, there is no extra money. I don't drink and I don't smoke. I don't waste my money as every cent is accounted for. I'm not sleeping and eating makes me feel sick. I am constantly dreading a knock on the door and worried that this is going to show up on my Australian credit rating now and in the future. I don't know where to turn to for help. I know this is my own mess but I really don't know how to get out of it all and face the future.
  23. Hi I got a voicemail message left on my mobile yesterday from a man who gave his name and said he was calling from Motormile Finance UK Ltd 'doorstep department'. The message said they had been trying to contact me and now they were going to do a home visit in the next few days, (they did not specify date or time). The message asked me to contact them using the automated reference number that suddenly came on. I also got a txt message on my phone with a number to ring and the same reference number. Unfortunately I have few payday loan debts and not sure which loan is being asked for. I have no choice but to work something out with National debt line. I have also moved address but the creditors were not informed, which means they may have been trying to get me on the old address. The issue for me is that if they turn up at my current address which I share with landlord and two students, and speak to my landlord, i could end up being given notice to quit by the landlord and in my current financial mess, homeless. I work.
  24. Hi one of my friends had received compliance check letter from HMRC. We are not sure why he had received the letter as he is not self-employed nor own a business. he is on a permanent job with a company and earns a single household income. He pays taxes promptly which looked after by his employer while paying his salary. He doesnt claim any benefits except for child benefit(not tax credits). He only works for one company. he was asked to send bank statements, payslips and p60s for the past 5 years. very scared to hear this. Has anyone faced a similar situation???? your inputs and suggestions will be of great help. Thanks
  25. Hiya everyone. I am very confused and scared about my situation. I will explain a bit and it will hopefully make sense. I work from home as Self Employed and have been claiming working tax credits since I turned 25 (last year) I have not been able to work for the last 5 weeks and now I am scared that I can get into trouble for this as I have not informed them? Should I inform them now and can I get into trouble for this? I also get my wages from my self employed paid to my mothers bank account (we live together and it's easier this way) but my WTC get paid into my bank account, I have become worried that this could cause confusion and problems too? I am also in arrears with my National Insurance Contributions (I believe by about £450?) I haven't received any letters from them in a few months now and had forgotten all about them, and to tell you the truth I was ignoring the arrears letters on purpose as I didn't know I had to pay them, I assumed it was optional as I am on low income and self employed? But I have read on the internet today that I could actually go to prison for not paying them??? I don't know what to do I am worried sick about this! Maybe I could contact and offer to pay them back in installments? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated as I am getting anxious about this, Thanks for reading this. Any help would be great.
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