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  1. Hi guys, So in late march/early April I spoke to SP about my outstanding bill and said i'd like to set up a plan to pay arrears (it wasn't particularly high) and get my account in order. Operative told me they couldn't do that unless i set up a monthly payment for my upcoming payments but only offered a monthly payment nearing £200 p/m. Told them that was completely unrealistic, and told them of my financial situation and that i needed to contact a few grant programmes. Operative told me account would be put on hold until mid april. Called back around mid April to inform them that i was awaiting a decision from the grant programme, and the operative told me account would be on hold up until the beginning of may. Got an email at the end of April from SP telling me they have registered a default against me. I called them up next day asking why this was done when my account was on hold and I was in contact with them (had just entered new meter reading two weeks prior as well) and the operative told me they would pass the issue to a manager to get this resolved. I asked how long that would take, they said about a week and they had put my account on hold again for 30 days. I called back at the end of the week and the operative told me that the previous operative was wrong, and they shouldn't have given me that time frame. Said it would take about 10 working days. Called back about toward the end of May as i had heard nothing and was told i would get a call the next day as the team who would deal with the issue closed at 5. No call the next day. I called that evening and said they'd call me on bank holiday. They called yesterday (wasn't a manager) and was told my account was passed on to a debt collection team even though it was supposed to be hold AGAIN. Started complaining to the operative who told me they'll recall my account from the agency, and sort out the default too. Said i would get another call back the next day after this has been done to set up a payment plan. So I get a call back today (not the same person as yesterday), who tells me the account was back with SP, but the can only sort out the default once it was paid in full. Told them this was now ridiculous, and was going to go the the ombudsman as I still hadn't even spoke to a manager a month later. Operative told me they would now open a complaint. I say all of this because I want to know what my options are regarding the default on my credit file and if there are any salient points i can make in my complaint? They've really messed me around for 2 months and this default has put me in a very precarious position. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Hi this is my first post...so apologies in advance if I'm not doing it right! I've done the research after getting a notice from UKCPS. I wasn't the driver at the time so they are pursuing me as the registered keeper. What Id like to know is how the Protection of Freedom Act is being used by them to circumvent Contract Law... My question is if I wasn't there and didn't read their signage how can I bound by their contract?
  3. Hello, I just wondered if anyone has any advise. I will try keep this brief 1. I own a bedsit flat (inherited from mothers estate) and my brother is named as a life renter. 2. Brother had accident 3 years ago and is now brain damaged (I am his only relative) 3. Brother needs 24 hour care so cannot live in the flat 4. I rent out the flat through an agency and use the proceeds to pay for care to help him. 5. Flat was vacant for a 3 month period last year 6. I receive a debt collector letter (in my name) to my home address for the gas/elec costs of £94 7. I immediately contact SSE directly and they advise my name was given by the letting agent, they contacted them for meter readings and resent a revised bill for £55. 8. I pay immediately and ask them to set up a direct debit going forward so this situation doesn't happen again. 9. I check my credit report and they have registered a £94 default in my name which is stated as partially satisfied. 10. I called them to advise I paid in full and they updated their records to state default is satisfied £94. 11. the amount owed was never £94 it should be £55. 12. I googled legal owner of a property which says a life renter is the legal owner but its me that has suffered this. 13. I complained to SSE who responded 10 weeks later to say they will not remove nor alter the default figures. 14. I complain to Energy ombudsman who says that they have requested SSE apologise for the delay in responding to my complaint and they have asked them to update the default balance to say £55 and not £94. does anyone know what i can do with this? I only just managed to repair my credit file and now i have this
  4. Hello, I like to get as much help/guidance as I can as to where I stand legally on this issue. My default date on a delinquent account was October 2010. In November 2016 I checked my credit file to confirm it had been removed post 6 year anniversary (It had). However when I checked my credit file again in June 2017, I discovered that the same default had been re-registered. The default date had suspiciously changed to September 2011! I wrote a complaint letter to the creditor, and they basically stated that this was the correct default date, and that they could not find any evidence to support my claim that the default date was October 2010. I actually have a credit report, which supports my claim. I raised this with the Financial Ombudsman, provided my supporting evidence. The creditor want to make me a small settlement offer, and basically informed the Ombudsman that they did not know why the default had been re-recorded. They will also removed the default, but say it will take 4-6 week! Legally are they allowed to have re-registered my expired default? Are they breaking the law, such as the Data Protection Act? It seems plain wrong that they can do something like this. Also, should it take 4-6 week to remove a default that should not have been re-registered in the first place? Additional info: I've been repaying my debt over a number of years. Any insight or advice is much appreciated! And thank you in advance.
  5. Hi, I was hoping the more savvy on here could help me. I recently had to nip to the shops, once I got there & parked up I realised I had left my current/valid blue badge at home, I had been in someone else’s car the day before. The shops are in Warrington, the carpark is Council operated. I did have an expired BB including the clock in the car. My car is registered disabled. My disability, severe heart failure, means it takes effort to get to the shops, but needs must. The parking at the shops states disabled parking free & 3 hour stay. I displayed the expired BB & clock accordingly. When I returned about an hour later I had a ticket, code violation 87, Parked in a designated disabled persons parking space without displaying a valid disabled persons badge, (great). I notified the appeals centre that I am registered disabled and forwarded to them the up-to-date BB, believing that would suffice. I was wrong, they are pursuing the matter, hence I ask for any knowledge you can assist me with. There were no easily visible signs that deemed that a BB was required (nit-picking), from my research Under the Equality Act reasonable adjustments are required to avoid disabled people being placed at a "substantial disadvantage". They have an obscured/hidden sign 100m+ from the allocated parking over extremely uneven terrain, totally inappropriate for persons with mobility issues. As per the BPA Approved Operator Scheme Code of Practice, they clearly indicate that accessible bays are for Disabled use, the entrance signage ONLY indicates that their ONLY enforcement is on a 3 hour time limit. I note other posts state the European Court of Human Rights, ruled that disabled parking spaces were there for ALL disabled people and not just blue badge holders; anyone disabled and driving a vehicle, or a vehicle carrying a disabled passenger who are REGISTERED disabled can lawfully use these spaces there is no need to display a blue badge, which is deemed as placing additional measures. Has anyone come across this? I feel it is sad that a council would seek to profit from such a lapse of memory, which is 1 of my disability issues, I do understand and appreciate their need to enforce non compliance, but surely once proof of disability is shown there is no crime? Any assistance would be appreciated.
  6. Hi, Any help would be much appreciated as I have just paid all but one of my existing debts. It is from a company called Next Credit, a pay day loan secured against income. The loan was taken out in June 2013 due to financial difficulty I started to miss payments straight away, I have just noticed the company has been recording the debt as late payment ever since until October 2017 when a default was registered, this means at this moment in time I will have to wait another 6 years until the debt is removed from my credit rating, effecting my credit rating for a total of 10 years, I thought defaults were registered within the first 3-6 months of the first missed payment. Does anyone have any advice they could kindly give me as I am worried this will stop me getting a mortgage. Many thanks, Charlie
  7. I've been in a difficult marriage for 26 years. I want to sell / trade in my car for a newer model but my husband is refusing to let me saying I'm not allowed because its his car. I am the registered keeper & I have always paid for tax, insurance and any repairs & upkeep. Would it be against the law for me to trade in the car without his consent? When we bought the car, he paid for it (& he says he can prove this), I sold my old car and wanted to give him all the money I got for it to pay for the new one. He refused to accept it, telling me to put the money in my bank account. This was 2 years ago. I feel trapped. He says if I want a new car of my own then I have to go and buy one but I should just give him the one I presently have because he says its all his. I'm concerned that he's going to be awkward and sell my car even though I'm the registered keeper. Can he do this? Sorry - I know there's a few questions here but I fell very intimidated.
  8. hI, What I need is the current registered address for eBay (UK) Limited, I tried taking them thru MoneyClaimOnline a couple of years back but they never responded to the court papers served upon them, I'm presuming that I provided the wrong address, now I have two cases to serve upon them so if someone can confirm their current registered address. So far, from Google, I have four different addresses: eBay (UK) Ltd, Carmelite, 50 Victoria Embankment, Blackfriars, London EC4Y 0DX Whittaker House, 2 Whittaker Avenue, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1EH Ebay (UK) Ltd, Hotham House, 1 Heron Square, Richmond, SurreyTW9 1EJ 5 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3TW
  9. Hi all Hopefully this is the correct place to post my problem.Sorry it is a bit long winded but am at my wits end now!! My current van insurance policy began in Febuary with Commercial Vehicle Direct(CVD) and underwritten by Ageas. In May I received a letter from the motor insurance database(MID) to say my van was not on the database and for me to take action. I immediately phoned CVD who told me the problem would be sorted out in the next few days so I thought nothing of it. I was pulled over by the police in June during the day because my reg plate came up as uninsured on the police computer.I was held in the police car while they phoned through to CVD to confirm that the van was insured. I immediately phoned up CVD and was told once again the problem would be resolved.I thought OK its probably an oversight and will get sorted. I came home on Monday to find a government wheelclamping contractors large yellow sticker on my windscreen warning me to insure my vehicle or be fined/clamped/seized. So I phoned CVD on the Tuesday morning and they tell me it will be sorted in 48 hours. 48 hours were up this morning and still I am not on the database! I phone back again.They tell me it will be sorted at some point in the next few days. I have phoned Ageas the underwriters today and they have told me I will be on the database by Saturday or the will speak to their IT department. I really feel I am being fobbed off everytime. I believe it is a legal obligation for the insurance company to register my details on the database and according to the lady on the MID phoneline are subject to a "subtantial fine" if they dont within a certain time. Meanwhile DVLA have issued me with a £100 fine! If my details aren't on the database by Saturday I dont really know what the next step is for me. CVD and Ageas are not fulfilling their side of the contract as far as I am concerned If anyone can shed any light on where I can go from here I would really appreciate the advice. Sorry for the long post but feeling very stressed by this right now
  10. Hi, I have a CCJ registered with a final charging order dated 8/6/07 on my property. The company appears to have been dissolved 7/11/09 from info online. I have never had any other payment plan in place with them or correspondence. How can I get this removed as I wish to sell the property in the near future? Thanks
  11. Hi, I'm looking for a bit of advice please... I have recently checked my credit file on Noddle after being turned down for a loan and noticed that Orange c/o Lowell Telecommunications have registered a default on August 2014 for £25.77. I upgraded my phone in January 2014 with Orange. I stayed with the same network but Orange has now been taken over by EE so my contract is now with them. I moved house in May 2014 and during that time to now, I have received no correspondence from Orange/EE regarding an outstanding amount even though they have my new address. When I called Orange collections department, they advised me that the debt was for the final payment on my old Orange contract, even though I had made 2 separate payments on the last month of my contract to bring the account up to date before my new contract started. At no point have Orange tried to contact me either by post, phone or email even though my mobile number and email address have remained the same. I have written to Lowell Telecommunications and they have told me that they cannot remove a default from a credit file, only Orange have that authority even though they have bought the debt from Orange. I called Orange and they told me that the debt has been sold to Lowell Telecommunications so it is no longer their responsibility. I feel like I have exhausted all options to get this resolved. I need to apply for a re-mortgage next year and this default is really badly affecting my credit score so I'm going to have no chance unless I can get it removed. Does anyone have any idea where I can go from here to get this default removed? Many thanks in advance for your help! J
  12. Hi folks, I really, really hope someone can help me out here. I have been self-employed for 4 or so years but I wasn't registered as self-employed until recently and I am still waiting on my UTR. Since I first became self-employed I have been claiming Working Tax Credit, I recently stopped my claim. Since the start of being self-employed, I have been earning nothing more than a few thousand per year so I have no outstanding taxes to pay. However, my problem is with my Working Tax Credit claim. I recently had a letter asking for evidence for my claim, including my UTR. I am still waiting to receive my UTR. Now I am not sure if not having a UTR is going to affect my Working Tax Credit claim. I know since this April having a UTR prior to making a claim became mandatory but I do not know if this is back-dated? I know I have been very stupid - I am in the process of sorting all my affairs out but I don't know if I am going to be in trouble as a result of this or not. Can they ask me to repay 4 years WTC on the basis I was not registered as self-employed? Any advice greatly appreciated!
  13. Hi Not been back on this website for a good couple of years (which is obviously a good thing) but recently encountered an issue which has\will threaten to undo all the good work of getting all blemishes issue's of my Credit history... I have a perfect credit score for the past 4-5 years till today. I had a lease car for 3 years (Banque PSA Finance), no payments missed including the last payment, when the car was returned that there was excess mileage and damage to an alloy....for which they then forwarded me an invoiced ..which I assumed could not be added onto the end Agreement and treated like it was an additional Payment. I sent two letters asking to set up an Payment plan (one on the 22/02/16 and one 18/04/16) to which I have had no response After finding that my next account has been suspended due to a change in Credit Circumstances, I logged on to find that on March this year they have registered the account as being defaulted (see image) My issue with this is that my contract was for 35 months from 28/08/12 which means the last payment is on the 27 July 2015 which was paid and from my point of the contract was completed and the Invoice for Damage\mileage they have added onto the account and then saying I have defaulted which I believe should be separate ? therefore negating the Default on my Account ? I know previously with help from this forum I have involved the ICO aa few times that have found in my favor and was wondering if it would be worth contacting them again docs1.pdf
  14. Can anybody explain what might have occured? Is the seller a shady Sam who hasn't disclosed this information? Is the HPI input wrong? 27th February 2014 - Registration Of Bike. 25th December 2013 - Written Off, Cat C.
  15. Hi there, friend of mine has been dealing with cabot for a CC, she has ignored them for some time recently been receiving letters regarding going to court from their solicitors stating the amount court costs would be, she is not worried about that as she knows it will be statues barred very soon but she has just checked her file on Clear score and the amount has been increased by the amount of court costs described in their last letter. Can they do this, add the costs on to her cra file before it's even been to court? Many thanks.
  16. I am hoping somebody can help me, I have just checked my credit report and I noticed a large CCJ registered in mid June of this year also registered at an address I lived at more than 10 years ago. There was a CCJ registered in my name and address correctly in mid 2003 from Natwest Bank, due to divorce I entered into a DMP in 2003 and have been paying off this debt regularly for the past 13 years, approx 60% of the original debt has now been paid off, why has this debt been re registered? I am hoping to apply for a mortgage later this year and this will be catastrophic for me , the CCJ is still showing the original amount owed, is there anyway I can get this removed? Thank you in advance. I did not receive any paperwork, or notification that it was going to be re-registered.
  17. Hi all Got an interesting question that I've not been able to find a definitive answer too. My dad is disabled and gets the full motability allowance, but is no longer allowed to drive. So for the past 3 years as I bought a car specifically large enough to take him and my mother (both are also elderly) out and about... We were able to nominate my car for use as a disabled vehicle. This means it's been transferred to disabled use and we are exempt from VED. But at some point in the next 12 months, I will need to change the car as it's getting on a bit and starting to cost more than it's worth in repairs. I paid £2100 for it and so far have spent £1800 in repairs and maintenance. Since the cat tax rules changed... when you buy a car it is the new owners responsibility to tax it. But I can't find out how that applies to vehicles that need to be re-registered as disabled use. because that involves going to a main DVLA licensing office (nearest one to me is about 25 miles away) to make the change and have the new VED applied. Given that I will need to bring any car I purchase home or direct to the DVLA offices... I won't be covered and I can't make the change to disabled use until I purchase the car. So it means being in limbo until such a time as it can be done... and depending on where the car is located could involve much more expense to me if I had to go there, buy the car, come home and go to the local licensing office and then make my way back to pick up the car. Not to mention changing over insurance and so forth. It's very unlikely I will be buying from a car dealer. I just need to know if I have any leeway in getting the car home after purchase and getting it reclassified as disabled.
  18. Hi all, I have just reviewed my online credit file have discovered that I have a default/delinquent balance registered on there for £97,691. This account was opened in 2007 by someone with an different name, however it reports on my file under my address. The company who have registered this is NRAM, I have identified this is due to a repossession of a house. This is a substantial mount of money that has and will continue to have a detrimental affect on my any guidance how to resolve this??
  19. I purchased a Morphy Richards steam iron from Amazon back in July 2013. The iron has now developed a problem it's tripping the mains, checked the warranty on the Amazon site which states: *Standard one year guarantee can be extended to 3 years by registering your product with Morphy Richards. It seems that I forgot to register the iron when it was first purchased, but why offer a 3 year guarantee when you register a product? From now on I will make sure every new electrical goods is registered..
  20. Greetings! Just been directed to this wealth of information and looking forward to picking some brains to source info to aid me in my quest to reclaim monies I 'might' be due. I have had credit cards from defunct companies so need addresses, but I will search here before I start poncing favours from your members I look forward to contributing any tales or comparisons Thanks for a GREAT site!
  21. HI Apparently i have 2 outstanding pay day loans , I think with money in advance and access fast money. After i left step change and started dealing with the debts on my own one of these debts went to OPOS who i wouldn't communicate with as they were really nasty. Now its gone to Sll Capital and they say so has another. They're not for a lot but still more than i originally borrowed plus one month interest. I know i am being cash cowed as i paid monthly to Step Change for a while. About £65 pound each. The amounts i borrowed are around £150. they have been emailing calling and writing and i got fed up and sent all to spam. Now ive just had a letter of default last week and today they have sent me a text saying they have issued a notice of assignment. What do i do now, can a DCA register a default? Please help, there is also another thread ive put in about My Jar that i need help with Thanks
  22. hi hope someone can help asap I have been visited by Equita baiiff today for unpaid council tax. I have told him that in two weeks I will try and a make a payment but cant promise the figure we agreed due to low income. I have to give him his due he was very nice about the situation. the problem has arisen that he has told me that they can take the car parked out front. this is where the situation gets tricky so bear with me... the car is registered with dvla in my name, but that is for tax and insurance purposes only. it is in fact my 17 year old high functioning autistic sons car that we bought for him to enable us to transport him around, as he finds crowded public transport stressful. it is his car always has been always will be. it was bought privately and he has no receipt. we paid for the car out of my bank account after my husbands aunt died and left us some money. I have been told by various sources that we can get a statutory declaration stating that it is my sons car and therefore the bailiffs cannot take it. is this correct and how do I go about getting one?? many thanks
  23. Hi All, I recently discussed the purchase of a new car with a dealer and test drove on Sat 25th. On Sun 26th I obtained the best quote from the dealer via telephone and gave £200 to put my name against a vehicle and was told finance docs and quote confirmation be emailed to me that evening. I will note at this point that I was not told that my deposit is/is not refundable and was not given any t&c's or information in regard to my cancellation rights. An email came through that day only containing a scan of some number plate choices and a £200 til receipt (non-itemised). I emailed the dealer a few times in the week requesting the finance documents and on Thurs 30th I received a copy of the forms. At this point my circumstances had changed due to an offer of new employment and I was in a position where I may no longer require the vehicle. I advised another salesman at the dealer of this on Sun 2nd, having arranged an interview for Mon 3rd. I emailed the salesman and discussed on the telephone with him on the 3rd that I may no longer require the vehicle and requested that he put a hold on everything, only to find that he has already taxed and financed the vehicle in my name. I will make it clear again that I have not yet signed any documents to confirm the purchase or the finance. I now no longer require the vehicle having been offered another job closer to home. From what I can read on CAB & Which websites distance selling should apply and by not advising me of the 'cooling off' period, my right to cancel and registering a car in my name without consent that they have committed an offence. Of course I don't want to go at them quoting things like that but I would like to know where I stand in regard to getting my deposit back and what the heck I should do to get the car de-registered and un-financed in my name. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
  24. Hi everyone, Over 6 years ago and at a very bad time in my life, I had a secured loan on a mortgage with Welcome Finance. I no longer have a mortgage - not through paying this off, but from a repossession - this is another story! the Welcome Finance secured loan has dropped off my credit file due to the default being over 6 years old. I have been paying a very minimum amount on the loan over the past year or so to a particular DCA, however, the hands of the DCA have changed over again to another company.... Marlin Financial have taken over this loan now and i have recently made payments to them continuing on the payment plan that had been agreed with the previous DCA. As the original default on this loan was over 6 years old, the entry had been automatically deleted from my credit file. This week I noticed that Marlin have created a new entry for the loan and re-entered a different default date that isn't correct, therefore, this entry has now reappeared and won't drop off for approximately 2 years. Are they allowed to do this? If not, how do i get this removed? How do I also prove that this original default has automatically 'fallen off' my credit report and prove the date that this was initially in default? Can somebody advise? Many Thanks, B_E_G
  25. After a small altercation with one of these minions this morning. Do shopping centre security staff employed directly by the shopping centre have to keep on display their SIA licence
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