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Found 3 results

  1. Hi Not been back on this website for a good couple of years (which is obviously a good thing) but recently encountered an issue which has\will threaten to undo all the good work of getting all blemishes issue's of my Credit history... I have a perfect credit score for the past 4-5 years till today. I had a lease car for 3 years (Banque PSA Finance), no payments missed including the last payment, when the car was returned that there was excess mileage and damage to an alloy....for which they then forwarded me an invoiced ..which I assumed could not be added onto the end Agreement and treated like it was an additional Payment. I sent two letters asking to set up an Payment plan (one on the 22/02/16 and one 18/04/16) to which I have had no response After finding that my next account has been suspended due to a change in Credit Circumstances, I logged on to find that on March this year they have registered the account as being defaulted (see image) My issue with this is that my contract was for 35 months from 28/08/12 which means the last payment is on the 27 July 2015 which was paid and from my point of the contract was completed and the Invoice for Damage\mileage they have added onto the account and then saying I have defaulted which I believe should be separate ? therefore negating the Default on my Account ? I know previously with help from this forum I have involved the ICO aa few times that have found in my favor and was wondering if it would be worth contacting them again docs1.pdf
  2. I've had my finance with Banque PSA for 3 years and changed my direct debit date shortly after starting the agreement to the 19th to coincide with my payday. I have now had to find new employment and my pay date has changed to 5th of every month starting from February. I received my last wage 19/12/2013 and they received payment then for December. I contacted them last week when I received my new pay date to see if they could change the direct debit - I was advised it can only be changed once so no it can't be done for 5th of the month. I will now miss Januarys payment on 19th but they refuse to agree a payment plan before the payment fails and I have to wait for there to be a missed payment to be hounded and harassed by phonecalls regarding this. I've advised I will pay my full payment on 5th Feb presumably for Feb and pay £80 additional to cover Januarys for the next 3 months. Are they allowed to do refuse to change my direct debit date? If so I will receive letters, default notices and phonecalls every month going forward as I can't pay on the 19th. Any advice what to do? It's not that I can't afford to pay or am refusing to pay I just can't pay 19th of the month anymore
  3. Hello Question on car finance. Our term is due to end in February, but we have fell behind with payments due to change in circumstances and redundancy. We have received letters demanding settlement in full or voluntary surrender of the vehicle. Finance is due to complete in February. We tried to pay the arrears 3 weeks ago and were told by Peugeot that they no longer had the file and had closed it and had passed to an agent for collection. Passed it to IRS (Recovery Services) then when I spoke to them they agreed for me to call on the Monday morning to pay the £817 arrears. I called on the Monday to be told the girl had since left the office and the case was closed and returned to PSA. Called PSA, they wouldnt speak to us as it had been closed and referred to a new agent and to await a letter. We waiting and then went on holiday for 12 day. Upon our return, no voicemail OR letters received. Following day, letter through the post with a card signed saying Sorry we missed you when we called !!! From Grosvenor Credit Recovery. Called them three times and left three voicemails and finally a guy called me back and said they had also timed out and it had went back to PSA, and his advice was to wait on next company ... What do I do? Peugeot wont talk to me as they say its closed ... we havent paid around 8 payments due to PSA not wanting to take it OR not knowing who is handling the case and PSA say they cant tell us who is handling the case. The only figure outstanding we have been able to obtain is from the last agent (Grosvenot) that the outstanding balance was £2330 and that was including multiple fees from the agents. Help, as we need the vehicle for our family and kids and work.
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