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  1. Any help would greatly be appreciated. 1 Date of the infringement - 16/10/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 21/11/18 3 Date received - 23/11/18 (via email from the company I lease car from.) 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes number plate & time stamp of entry/exit 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] N Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N 7 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Durham County Mariott My partner could not pay for the parking as the ticket machines were not working (would not accept any money). It was heavily raining and she had our 1 year old with her. Below is what the PCN states. [Removed - dx]
  2. Hi all, I'm giving myself brain ache with this so I hope someone can help me out? Long (looooooooooong!) story short, my Aunt leased a retirement bungalow in 2011 from a company called Anchor. She paid a monthly service charge which went up every year. Sadly she passed away in June 2016, but the property only sold a few months ago. When my Mum, as the co-executor with her [utterly useless] brother, got the Statement of Account from the solicitor (who has NOT acted on her behalf in any way, shape or form) we noticed they'd paid Anchor almost £8,500.00 for a "Sinking Fund". We'd never heard of one of these so have been asking the solicitor what it was for. We received a letter from Anchor, via the solicitor, stating that they take this charge when the tenant sells the property. They included a lease from 1996. Yes, you read that right, 1996! It was not signed by my Aunt. Because she didn't buy the bungalow until 15 years later. We wrote directly to Anchor asking for the correct copy of the lease, including my Aunt's signature. Well, today we got what I grudgingly refer to as a response, which is to say they just doubled-down on what they'd already sent via the solicitor. *Le sigh*. Now, from the research I've done I believe a company like Anchor can charge either a Service Charge OR a Sinking Fund, but not both. Is this right? I mean, even if a Sinking Fund was set up in addition, surely you'd pay it whilst living in the property, not after you sell it? You'd not benefit otherwise. Not that my Aunt benefited anyway; she had numerous issues with the bungalow, including an ill fitting front door, damp and consequent mould issues to name but three and Anchor never addressed these problems. She ended up paying out of her own money to get them fixed! I read this article today: https://www.leaseholdknowledge.com/cherry-trees It's interesting because this is also Anchor and in this instance the people did not pay a service charge. So it seems to me it's a one-rule-for-one situation. It's clear that, since they've already got the money thanks to the completely incompetent solicitor, they're not going to send the requested information, I mean why would they? So the next step is to get Mum's solicitor involved, but I'd like to know if I'm fighting a lost cause here. Does anyone have any experience with these funds at all? I'd appreciate any info. Thanks in advance, Fen.
  3. Hi Everyone, Mt friend has asked me for some advice, I used to post of here in the past but as I am a little out of touch I thought it best to ask you guys. He has a small business in the event industry and now the season is over in the next 4 months he is going to struggle to pay 2 agreements he has. The first is a Finance Lease agreement and the second is a Hire Agreement (where you keep the goods at the end for one further payment. The first one , the Finance Lease is with Armada Investments for approx 1K a month and the second the Hire Agreement with 1pm ltd for £500 a month. Both agreements are guaranteed by him and his business partner as partners , not Ltd. They were 3 year contracts and only have until March 2018 until they are finished. He has already asked if he can take a payment holiday but been refused, they have only offered to take two payment a month instead of one- which doesnt really help the situation. So , my question is , can they default after one missed payment? Which is what they threatened last month when he was late. Or how many payments can he fall behind without being defaulted or goods taken back. Thanks guys in advance for your advice.
  4. Is it legal, for council run car parks, to lease some of their bays? I have been using a particular car park; 30 years plus. It has six levels. First level has a row of bays painted pink [nice] for 'Handicapped' & 'Parents with children.' All the other bays are painted blue. Rightly or, wrongly, this colour has been considered for the use of all others It is a pay & display. It was busy. I drove up to the fifth level. All the bays were blue. It was 80 per cent full. Saw a bay and reversed in. Bought a ticket - onto windscreen. When I returned, there was a PCN on the window for not displaying a ticket. Found the parking office and entered. Within were 3 parking attendants munching happily. I was angry. A Team leader joined me. Went up to my car. Pointed out my ticket. He then alleged that I had placed it there after I had received the PCN. Got more angry. He said it had been issued by the Team Manager and he would have taken photos. He began to raise him on the radio. Whilst he was doing that, I spotted a 12" by 12" plaque saying one was not allowed to be parked in these bays - even if 'one' had a ticket. [Leased out to : Clinical Commissioning Group [CCG] {NHS} My research reveals they receive from the government i.e. 'us' two thirds of a 73 billion pound budget. Nice, again. Bear in mind - not even the Team Leader knew any of this. Also, other than the plaques being small, their positioning is suspect: The first one was blocked by my near side exterior mirror. The second, on the rear wall, was invisible to me as it was lower than my rear view mirror, and finally, the third one was out of sight as it was on the other side of the car parked next to mine. Of course, I am challenging the PCN. [inadequate signage] Has what has occurred - legal??
  5. I have a problem "landlord" The lease is a 3 year lease with no break clauses The"Landlord" who showed us the property and prepared the lease is not the landlord and in fact an "agent" The "Agent" has signed the lease as the landlord and not on behalf or any words to that effect I have checked the land registry and indeed the landlord is somebody else who lives in another country. He recently took us to the small claims court and lost - the claim was struck out due to the poor setting out of the claim. I feel he will try and take us to court again. He claimed that we owed him 10 k for refurbishment of the premises- this however is not written into the lease we got 3 months free rental period - this equated to £1200 we have spent around 2k renovating the premises and feel this is more than needed. We ideally wish to leave the lease early and feel the lease is unenforceable due to the "landlord" mis representing himself. Any ideas as to the best course of action. Thank you
  6. I own a retirement flat. I decided to extend the lease, prior to selling. I contacted the lease company (a large organisation) and agreed price + costs for the lease extension. They appointed their solicitor to extend the lease. The lease he produced was sent by my solicitor to the Land Registry for registering - they returned it saying there were errors in the drafting. Both my solicitor and I have contacted the solicitor asking for it to be corrected. He has refused, saying "he knows how to do a lease extension" and that he will not correct it as the Land Registry requires. So they will not register it, naturally. I have contacted the Lease company to sort this out, they merely respond that, if this is their solicitors advice, they will not do anything. I have therefore paid thousands for the lease extension + costs to the solicitors, and I have no lease extension. The lease company also refuse to return the lease costs. Unbelievable. I have tried various Ombudsman, but as I am not the solicitors client, they can "do nothing". The lease company does not belong to a Regulatory body. I am therefore at the point of taking Small Claims against the lease company. I need to know what legislation they have contravened, as I am unsure the Sale & Supply of Goods Act 1982 applies. Can anyone advise me?
  7. Hi I have a 15 year lease which states 'This lease creates a new tenancy for the purposes of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 That is registered with the land registry Do I have a right to renew ?
  8. Good morning all, My ex and my three school age children are coming to the end of their rental lease on December 1 and want to stay in the property. I provide maintenance and she is on benefits including housing benefits although according to her these have been cut some months ago.(she has been on housing benefit for the last 18 months)...She made an arrangement with the landlords agents to pay a three month 'buffer' when she moved into the property 18 months ago...Unfortunately my income dried up three months ago and the buffer has been used over the those three months and the landlord will not issue a new lease unless we pay the buffer back up to three months. I have just received a job offer starting in January which will clear all of this up and allow us to move forward and smooth out all of the issues. I need to buy some time in the house while this is sorted and so my questions are.... What is the position of my ex and kids staying in the house beyond 1st December bearing in mind that there are no arrears and I have future earnings coming to pay the rent? Can housing benefit be cut just like that? (my relations/communications with the ex are strained to say the least and I can't be sure of what she's telling me) Thanks in advance for any advice you may have for me. GIB
  9. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about longterm parking leaseholds? We have just bought a house which owns a carpark on 999yr lease to a man who lived next door and has died. The lease was refused to be transferred to the new house owner when they moved in a few years ago, yet they park here and have the carpark registered in their name, even though they were denied permission to transfer the lease into their name- is this legal? The lady who lived here before us was elderly and did not drive, she was taken advantage of by the sound of it. Can I cancel a lease to someone who has no lease yet parks on our land? We really just want them to move to a spot nearer their land and have offered to put it in their name, and they agreed before we bought the house. Now we've bought the house, but they have changed their minds and will only move their car park if we move it 1 metre into our backyard- for free! Any ideas? Thanks in advance:-)
  10. Hi, Luckily I've not had to use this site for quite some time, however I can't find any advice on this anywhere so I'm hoping I can count on this site again to shed some light on something. I have a personal lease vehicle, for which I get a car allowance from my work as I need to travel for my job. I'm an account manager so being at customers reliably is a must so I chose a decent reliable vehicle. A Skoda Octavia VRS Estate, which has been great up till this week. I have kept the car serviced as per the manufacturers instructions as I took the full service, maintenance and tyres agreement for less hassle. So if anything goes wrong, as long as I haven't driven like a moron they will fix it with no additional cost, its all in the monthly payment. Whenever it goes in for a service I get a loan car, sometimes I have to wait for a service appointment but again I always stick within the millage. This week though the car started overheating erratically, it would normally do it when the car first starts and runs up to normal temp, it would then continue to climb till it reached the red zone. The first time I didn't even notice it creep up, as soon as the warning light came on I stopped safely and turned off the engine, two seconds later I turned the ignition back on and the temp was almost normal again, waited a few more seconds and it was normal. I started the car and is was as if nothing had happened, this was Saturday, it did the same on Sunday and then on Monday. Again both times I stopped and the temp would do the same thing, I traveled to work and called the Driver-line service that I get as part of the contract. They sent out a full Skoda tech who came to look at the car in just under an hour which was fantastic, I explained the situation and without doing anything he knew exactly the fault. Its the water pump, on new generation diesel engines they have a sleeve which goes over the impeller mechanically which heats up the car quicker, after its done its job its meant to slide back otherwise it overheats the engine. Mine had stopped retracting, turning the car off fired the solenoid which shakes it loose again, the answer is to replace the water pump. This is covered by my maintenance and service agreement so it was taken with me driving and the tech following to my normal dealer, we called ahead but there were no loan cars available. The tech explained that he could take me there and then drop me back at work, once he dropped me off he called into the office and arranged for a 48 hour replacement car to be sent. The call was made at 11:15AM yesterday by the tech, I herd him dial but not the call itself as I had to get back to my office. Anyway he advised that if I didn't hear anything in an hour or so to give them a call. Up till now I was pretty impressed and was happy, this was to change though. Now before I continue, this is a personal lease agreement, whereby I am allowed to use a car that is owned by Skoda and not by me, I have no rights to the vehicle at the end of the agreement. I am aware and happy with this, however I need a car for work, its my lively hood. If I cannot get somewhere when a customer or my company ask I loose money in the form of commission because that job / appointment will go to someone else. This is why I choose a lease vehicle. If something goes wrong - They fix it, Its needs a service - I call a number and it is done, all the while in the maintenance contract it states very clearly that I will have access to a vehicle should anything happen. This is important as I can be anywhere in the UK when something might go horribly wrong. No call was recieved in the time I had been advised, so I chased the Driverline team. They apologies and said someone would be in touch shortly, this was between 13:30 and 14:00 so still plenty of time to get something sorted. Sure enough at 14:40 someone called to get my card details for fuel cover and conference in the DVLA to get access to my licence details. I was told that I would recieve a call shortly to confirm when a car would be with me, they at this time asked when I would finish work, I stated that the office closes at 5pm sharp. I was assured this would not be an issue and if they could not locate a car then I would be offered a taxi at no cost to myself to get me home. An hour passed and I chased them, I was told again that they would phone me back abut they are every busy. I again did not get a call back, I phoned again an hour later, this is now at 16:30 and was told that I would get a call shortly to arrange either a car or a taxi. 17:00 came and no call, I couldn't get through to anyone and was on hold for over 20 minutes. Luckily a colleague took me home but went out of their way to do so. At 17:55 they called me to confirm that they had received the request, they even confirmed that I finished work at 17:00, no apologies or anything. Anyway the customer service isn't the issue so I'll continue. Was told again that I would get a call shortly to confirm if a car would be with me that evening, no call came, I chased and they organised a taxi to take me to work. Oh just to thrown in that I was meant to pick my wife up who cannot drive due to medical reasons, she luckily was also able to get home by other means. So this morning I received a call stating that I would receive a hire car by 13:00, 13:00 came, no car. I called and chased, was told I would get a call back, none came back to me so chased in an hour again, the format went on as previous. This time the hire company called me and explained they had no vehicles and the one that was confirmed earlier wasn't available till the same evening. This is a large multi branch hire company, something didn't ring true. A colleague phoned and booked a car to be picked up in two hours.......... no issue, no hang ups was all confirmed. We got confirmation e-mails in case they are needed later to prove they were not being honest. I was again told I would be sent a taxi to get me home, this time they arrange for my wife to get one as well. Hers arrived, mine did not... I called again, was on hold for 20 minutes, I called the hire car place who said although it was them that booked the taxi they didn't know when it would get to me. I live 30 miles away from work so not like I can walk it! Luck again prevailed that my boss let me have a company van and managed to just, literally the company insurance company was just about to shut, get me added onto the company insurance so everything was above board. I have not received a call back since, I phoned to cancel the taxi that was going to be arranged for me in the morning to the hire company that tried to feed me a story about how they tried to get me a car all day and it just didn't happen. I at this point lost it a bit and asked why it was possible for a colleague to call and have a car delivered in two hours but over two days and they couldn't get me even a taxi to turn up. So thats where I'm up too, I've totally lost confidence in Skoda to be able to supply this part of their contract with me. Is this enough to go down the lines that they are in breech of their lease agreement with me? I do reseal that whilst I have written this e-mail I sound like a very ungrateful moron, however I pay them a very large sum to have as little hassle having a car as possible. I'm not bothered about owning anything cause all you do is loose money anyway so whats the point. My point is that - 1. I cannot (CANNOT) be without a car, it has very serious repercussions on my personal and my working life 2. The idea is that when there is a problem with mine they are meant to supply something reliable so I can get to work, I would say that two failed taxis isn't reliable and not getting a hire car from a company that has cars available is also unacceptable. 3. Again this is all in my contract, my obligations are to keep the car maintained to their levels and return it in the state I was given it, with the addition of my maintenance and service agreement (which is a very expensive bolt on) this is pretty much covered and therefore there is no expense to myself. (hense me sounding like a right whinging idiot) However thier side of the contact is and should be to keep me as mobile as possible Can someone shed light? Thanks in advance!
  11. My company obtained a new property in April 2015. It was agreed that we would have a rent-free period as we required to carry out substantial renovations before we could make use of the property. The property had been empty for approximately 10 years. The landlord is now pushing us to sign the lease. The terms of the lease are very unfavourable to us and we are being denied access to parts of the common business park that are essential to our business and the main reason that we moved here. We have not yet started paying any rent as we are still in the rent-free period. The lease is supposed to be for 5 years, so my understanding that it has to be in writing and cannot be verbal. There have been numerous emails between us and the landlords regarding access to the business park and the fact that we want this incorporated into the lease. The landlord is refusing to agree to any of our proposals. What is the legal position as we have not signed the lease. Are we simply just able to cut our losses in terms of the substantial renovations we have carried out and walk away now? Thanks for any help.
  12. Hi there, I have recently left a rented business property and paid my rent up to date. The landlord has since complained that I had not left the property in a good state of repair, a claim I strongly dispute. The lease expired several years ago and I never received another one. The LL has now produced an amendment to the lease, which I never saw or signed, but even that has expired by more than one year. The property has been re let but the LL has now sent me a demand for several thousand pounds for restoration work and a surveyors report. I have had threatening letters from a solicitor but as of yet no court papers, should I be worried? Many thanks for any help. tibar
  13. Hello, please can someone help me. The freeholder of my flat pursued me for unpaid service charges through small claims at the county court. I settled the first charge with at the court as a gesture to try and get things sorted. I was also under a lot of pressure has a family member had just passed away. The second charge was more substantial and included major works. This was transferred to the LVT. The LVT ruled that the service charges were not currently payable because the freeholder hadn't fully complied with Section 47 of the LTA 1987. However, they also said that i would have to pay once he issued the service charge form correctly. I have paid the outstanding service charges, though he still hasn't done any work to the property and in fact he never has. The LVT did not rule on the legal costs and transferred the case back to County court to make the determination. These legal charges are for over £6k, more than the service charge demands. His solicitor is relying upon the following clause, to recover the legal costs, in my lease which states: 'To pay all costs charges and expenses including Solicitors Costs and Surveyors’ fees incurred by the Lessor for the purpose of or incidental to the preparation and service of a Notice under Section 146 of the Law of Property Act 1925 requiring the Lessee to remedy the breach of any of the covenants herein contained notwithstanding forfeiture for such breach may be avoided otherwise than by relief granted by the Court' Please can someone help. I saw that under CPR 27 legal costs in Small Claims are limited to £260 but there has recently been a case where legal costs were awarded because the lease took precedence (Chaplair v Kumari, 2015). In addition, i have just sold the property and it completes tomorrow. This is before the hearing is set to take place. I have also just asked for the claim to be struck out as the Claimant has not filed the statement of costs which were ordered to be served over 3 weeks ago. Please can someone help me. Many thanks in advance
  14. My Partner has rents out a small flat the previous tenant stopped paying rent for the last three months and did not vacate the flat until a Court Order was issued. The tenant overstayed by over two months from the end of the lease on top of being well out of pocket on the let, the Estate Agents are asking for another £400 for their fee because the tenant stayed on longer! They know the tenant did not pay, they know about the Court Order so to try and stick on an extra cost when the tenant was not wanted plus the loss of earnings my Partner incurred during the time the tenant stayed on because a new tenant could not be installed is adding insult to injury. Can that charge be challenged?
  15. If i buy a leasehold property what am i liable for apart from the annual service charge and if the previous lease holder did not pay his fees am i liable for them ?
  16. I am trying to get a hold of the lease hold information of a property. I want to know what they have to pay in ground rent, what rules they have to follow, what they can and cannot do as terms of the leasehold. Another forum told me to send an OC2 form to the land registry. But I dont see anything about a lease on what was sent back. Is the following documents the right ones they should of sent me?
  17. Hi Not been back on this website for a good couple of years (which is obviously a good thing) but recently encountered an issue which has\will threaten to undo all the good work of getting all blemishes issue's of my Credit history... I have a perfect credit score for the past 4-5 years till today. I had a lease car for 3 years (Banque PSA Finance), no payments missed including the last payment, when the car was returned that there was excess mileage and damage to an alloy....for which they then forwarded me an invoiced ..which I assumed could not be added onto the end Agreement and treated like it was an additional Payment. I sent two letters asking to set up an Payment plan (one on the 22/02/16 and one 18/04/16) to which I have had no response After finding that my next account has been suspended due to a change in Credit Circumstances, I logged on to find that on March this year they have registered the account as being defaulted (see image) My issue with this is that my contract was for 35 months from 28/08/12 which means the last payment is on the 27 July 2015 which was paid and from my point of the contract was completed and the Invoice for Damage\mileage they have added onto the account and then saying I have defaulted which I believe should be separate ? therefore negating the Default on my Account ? I know previously with help from this forum I have involved the ICO aa few times that have found in my favor and was wondering if it would be worth contacting them again docs1.pdf
  18. Hi all, It's my first post on the forum. A very good friend of mine has got into some difficulty in paying his mortgage. He obviously has been searching the net on what he can do so as not to lose the property if it comes to that. He has been reading up on lease options and although it all seems legit and genuine, has anybody actually done this and come out the other side smiling. All opinions welcome.
  19. I have a portfolio of a few properties and submit self assessment for UK property income. I have a leased car which I use mostly but not exclusively for business (visiting properties / maintenance etc.). Can I claim the cost of lease (proportion that I use for business) & fuel under box 29 (Other Expenses) in the self assessment form?
  20. I'm hoping someone can help as i've gone through google and can't find an answer to my problem. I have a car on lease (2 years) which was delivered in november 2014, this has only done 3000 miles due to my problem. The TPMS (tyre pressure monitoring system) was leaking meaning the tyre would go flat overnight (valve leaking). The valves at the time (april 2015) were on back order for 2 months with Ford so the dealer fitted a rubber valve which worked but kept the dash warning lights on. Several weeks later the new tpms came into stock so the dealer fitted a new 1 - this lasted a day before the tyre was flat again so i went to a tyre garage where they put the wheel into their bath and found the valve leaking again. The wheel + tyre was dropped back off at the dealer where they fitted another new tpms. 3 days later the tyre was flat yet again so dealer agreed to collect the wheel + tyre from my home (i'm now on a spare wheel) and repair it. They said it would be ready the next day (saturday) and to call in and they would fit it to the car. The next day i called in and waited 1/2 hour to be told the manager wasn't working and the wheel hadn't been fixed? They said they'd call me on the Monday. While the new valves had been removed and refitted the dealer has damaged the paint around the valve hole and is saying i've had a repair done (which i haven't as it's under warranty and they're the only ones to have removed the tyre since new). The dealer collected the car a couple of days later and fitted yet another new tpms and valve. When i got home i sprayed soapy water on the valve to check and it was leaking yet again? I called the dealer the next day who said it might be someone messing about letting the tye down? i explained the car went straight home and into locked garage as always so it definately wasn't this. I've been speaking to and emailing ford uk who wont speak to me as i'n not the owner (according to them) - i've spoke to the lease company explaining it's costing me time going back and forth to dealer, money in fuel and money in loss of overtime having to miss saturday mornings work to get to the dealer. I've told the lease company i want to give the car back as it isn't fit for purpose (can't go off for weekend as tyre goes down overnight) and i'm fed up going back and forth to dealer who can't fix the problem. The lease company told me i have no right to cancel the payments and they will pursue me through the courts if i do. The problem is still ongoing after 3 months and 9 visits to dealer which i think is unacceptable and i don't think i should have to put up with this. I'm paying for something not fit for purpose, losing money from work, losing my little spare time (saturday mornings) and have a car which i can't use apart from short distances. Can anyone help?
  21. My office was given notice to end my lease after 12years. The reason: the landlord needs the property and will not renew. The building was residential, unknown to me at the time of my occupation that the tenants were squatters they occupy 17 of the 18 flats and had been there for over 30years. I am the legitimate tenant. Few months after I started my business the squatter started to make my life a hell and make my business in operational. I complained to the landlord the reply was I must be quiet as they did not want to raise a long time problem. Several complaints were made about maintenance, repairs, cleaning and obstruction of squatters, but the landlord did not respond so I carried out all maintenance repairs by myself. Last year October the landlord was able to get rid of all the tenants after over 30years and now the landlord had sent me notice to end my lease. I have asked the landlord and his agent what they want do with property they have refused to say. What can I do? I operate on a high street in London and business has picked up since I didn't have to worry about the squatters obstruction.
  22. Afternoon, I purchased a car on a lease to buy from a company based in Scotland, I have never missed a payment until now the very last payment, The arrange was 30 monthly payments to which 29 have been repaid. The last payment and admin fee are over due by 3 weeks and they are calling myself and my mum & dad, sister. I have explained in writing the full balance will be repaid on 28 August. However they said they will visit my home address to discuss the matter, on another point as they have the spare key can they remove the car ? As I have repaid fully apart the last payment. Car Value £3k Outstanding £456.67 Can they remove the car ? or would have to get a court order ?
  23. This is not an area i have had much experience in so I was hoping that someone maybe able to assist. A friend of mine was a director of a small company (along with 4 other people) and also listed as a tenant on the lease for the shop. She's currently in the process of leaving the buisness and has I belive removed herself as a director of the company and signed over her shares. The only thing that is left is the lease for the shop, as i say there are 4 tenants listed on the lease (being the origional 4 directors) what would be the process for removing her from the lease? as i assume until she is removed she would be liable for the rent, though at the moment she does not have enough money to afford the rent on her bedsit so she would struggle. Any starters for 10 would be greatly appricated. Simon
  24. I have a shared ownership lease with a housing association. We have a solar system that heats the water.there is no maintenance provision in the lease at the moment. Can the housing association add this now ?
  25. Basically I signed (with a friend) a lease for a 2 bed property in London through a well known letting agent. The Landlord had agreed etc, I paid a £500 deposit, had references checked from my current landlord and employer. Everything was approved, then we ring up today to ask about signing the real contract and were told the landlord was pulling out because apparently he/she found damp and is selling the property. (My guess is he/she found someone willing to pay higher outside of the letting agent), can't know for sure. This obviously leaves me and my friend in a sticky situation because we have both given our notice in that we are leaving our current property. We were due to move in around 2 weeks time. The landlord has no reason to believe we won't pay/will be bad tenants, the property had 5 offers (in one day) and he/she chose us. Any legal recourse here? Temporary accommodation/landlord or letting agent has to provide a similar property at the rate agreed etc? To say I'm frustrated is an understatement.....we spend around 3 months looking for the place we signed for. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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