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Found 10 results

  1. UGH! This is a long one, so please bear with me :/ Last year, I had precious little faith in the DVLA's new auto renew direct debit for car taxing, so I set up a new one. As you may have guessed, they wound up double dipping and took months to stop. This year, because I was still leery, I emailed them back in March before my MOT to ask if I would need to manually set up a new direct debit. The response came back as follows: It may help if I explain that periodic scans are conducted on the MOT databases at time of renewal. Provided there is a valid MOT in place by the last scan date of 01/04/2017, the Direct Debit will automatically renew for a further 6 or 12 month period. A new payment schedule will be issued to the preferred communication method chosen when the Direct Debit was initially set up. The first payment will be taken within 14 days of the renewal date. My MOT was in place the week before the 1 April (the DVLA database confirms this, so it's not a problem with that) and I thought all was well, last week I received a penalty notice demanding £80 by 2 July or run the risk of having my car impounded and crushed. I called on Saturday and spoke with Olive in Team 31, who didn't know why it hadn't auto-renewed, but graciously agreed it should have and that I should use that email as evidence in a written appeal. Given that the penalty notice itself said I had until 2 July, I wasn't panicking or anything, and thought I could respond to the penalty notice in writing on Monday - until I went to do my grocery shopping today and they'd clamped my car! Now the contracting company is demanding £100 not to crush it. I'm sorry, but this remains, as far as I'm concerned, the DVLA's fault, not mine. I'd even *checked* with them, and have it in writing complete with a case reference number. I couldn't contact anyone helpful today - the clamping company gave zero hoots when I rang them, and I couldn't call the DVLA as they're shut on Sundays. I cannot lay my hands on my V5 certificate so couldn't even tax it online. I can't get to work in the morning (the trains are particularly difficult as I'm on Southern - a whole other consumer action story! - and struggle with the very long walk to and from the station near my office as I've got osteoarthritis and sometimes need to use a cane) and will be on the phone with the DVLA first thing, obviously, but the idea of paying either of these penalties is infuriating me. OH and to top it off, the spot the car is parked in is fine for parking on a Sunday, but on Monday it's a residents' only, and it'll be a straight shoot out to see if the DVLA's flunkies tow it before the council does, despite the fact I obviously cannot move it right now myself. Any suggestions?!
  2. Hi all I was testing some apps for my daughter to check car history and whilst testing, I used my own car details and have found out my car hasn't been taxed since december. I bought the car in Dec 2015 and set the DD up. I have email confirmation and paid each month without fail up to Nov 2016 No details changed during that first 12 months and having checked, the DD is still set up in my bank but no payments made since Nov 2016. I want to pay my tax from today but am being g asked for a v11 reminder number which don't have. Does anyone have any advise where I stand please?
  3. Hi I have a 15 year lease which states 'This lease creates a new tenancy for the purposes of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 That is registered with the land registry Do I have a right to renew ?
  4. Hi, I have seen a few threads on topic but couldn't find one where the OP had any success in it. My wife and I have been david lloyd members since 2012 and renewed every year. Always paid for a year in advance. This year, i want to renew but wife wants to stop the membership. So when my wife called to confirm her cancellation a week before it was due to end, she was told that to check her contract that she needs to give 3 months notice. We were never told about auto renewal or that 3 months are required to give notice. As we are paying in advance, membership should end at the end of the term if we don't renew. They asked us to check the contract, but we did not get any on renewal. I think we only got one in 2012 which I cannot find anymore. What is the best way forward? Many Thanks for your help. Sunny
  5. Hope someone can help with advice please? In 2014 I claimed tax credits for the first time for a period of 6 months only (April 14 Oct 14) In July 2015 I was asked to renew my tax credits, which I didn't as I was not receiving tax credits anymore (Im now aware I should have done it anyway) Because I did not renew, HMRC have used an estimate figure of my self employment income. They have used £2562.50 but it was actually only £149. HMRC say I owe £2,133 because they have had to calculate on their estimate self employment income. They advise I can dispute it but because I did not do my renewal it is very unlikely it will get agreed and the £2,133 will have to be paid back. I have admitted it was my fault due to simply never claiming before and unaware I had to renew, If I had renewed and input the correct figures I would not owe anything. Do I have a chance with this? My fault for not knowing how the system works!
  6. Background: last fiscal year 2015-6 I claimed working tax credits for 5 months, ending in February 2016. Since then a mix of JSA, volunteering and part time work. This week I started full time work and I was thinking of starting a fresh claim. However I've just received the tax credit renewal pack for this current year, plus the annual review for last year. I'm not really sure if I should make a fresh claim or use the online tool to renew my tax credits. On the gov.UK page: https://online.hmrc.gov.uk/shortforms/form/TCCF makes me think a fresh claim only applies to those who have never applied for WTC. Can anybody clarify this point to me? Thanks
  7. Don't forget to renew your tax credits. Your payments will stop if you don’t. Renewal packs are sent between April and June. If you started claiming tax credits after 6 April, your pack will be sent the following year. Your tax credits will be renewed automatically if you don’t get an annual declaration with your renewal pack. Call the Tax Credit Helpline if you don’t receive your renewal pack by 30 June. You can renew on-line here: https://www.gov.uk/renewtaxcredits
  8. barry9

    Renew 70+

    I tried to log in to renew my licence. Was asked for my Gateway number which I had, but could not remember my password. Forgot your password? no problem, just click on the link to get a new one. Clicked on the link as I have done on other sites, expecting to tell them what password I now wanted. Big problem, if you have forgotten it, all you have to do is fill in three questions asking for previously stated memorable names etc. Now surely, if I cannot remember a one word password, why would I remember three other words? More to the point why does it matter? It's not as if its my bank account, if I have the Gateway number which can be checked to my address, why can't the new password confirmation be sent to my e mail address like most other password driven sites do?
  9. Hi, We moved in on January 2013, Fixed Term Agreement has a clausue that rent includes Council Tax for the first 12 months of tenancy. 12 moths passed, Tenancy expired and Landlady never contacted us regarding renewal or increase in the rent. A two weeks ago we gave her a notice that we'll be moving out on 12 April. Today she called that we owe her money for two months Council Tax. We never saw the bill, it's in her name, and she never asked us to pay it before. Do we owe the money? I don't think so. Can she deduct this from the deposit? which she hasn't protected by the way. What do you think? Where do we stand? Regards, Jarek
  10. Good morning, my TA was up for renewal on the 6th June, i had spoken with my LL and we had agreed to renew, last week on the 7th i received a phone call from the new agents countrywide ( who are the parent company of Bairstow eves) my original agents stating that they req £125 admin fee to draw up the TA, i objected stating that i was not willing to pay this, now today i receive a letter from them stating that as we have not reached agreement the tenancy will become a Statutory Periodic Tenancy, what is my position and are these agents allowed to just come up with any figure they dream up for admin fees, previously i had paid around £50
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