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  1. I signed up to David Llyods after speaking to a sales advisor on the phone who told me the contract was 3 months long and after then I could cancel anytime with a 1 months notice. The next day I rushed into the gym for a class I signed up to, signed the contract he prepared for me which was handed to me by the receptionist. After about 5 months I called to cancel my contract and was told I am in a 12 month contract, I argued this and said I was told on the phone it was 3 months and then I could cancel with 1 months notice at anytime. Clearly I didn't read the contract they gave me properly as I was in a rush but I was 100% missold on the phone, when I asked for evidence of this they told me they don't record their phone calls. Now I didn't have enough money to pay for any more months so I emailed them in writing, explained how I was missold and cancelled my direct debit. They replied saying they would compromise because of my situation and let me cancel with 2 months notice. So basically they acknowledged how I was missold but still didn't honour the one months notice that was supposed to be in the contract. I told them by email I can't afford to pay for 2 months which was true so I won't be accepting. Now they have passed my debt to Arc Europe Ltd who have called me everyday for the last month, multiple times per day on multiple numbers so I am now worried to answer my phone to any unknown numbers. I replied to one of their texts and spoke to their web team and told them my story, how I was missold by David Llyods and that I have already spoke to them and told them why I can't pay. I then told them to stop harrasing me and left the chat. They have not slowed down their efforts since at all and now I am being sent letters threatening legal action in court. Could someone please help me get out of this as it has made me furious that they are so dishonest and that a company like David Llyods would use scare tactics and a well known to be aggressive debt collector such as Arc Europe Ltd.
  2. Apparently, the ex-PM is thinking of returning to politics. Labour MPs don't seem to agree with him, unsurprisingly. Given how he dropped the country having said he would steer it through Brexit, can he be trusted now? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/nov/02/david-camerons-rumoured-return-to-politics-dismays-labour-mps
  3. Hi First post so please go easy I joined DL in May on a 12 month membership. Its a 32 mile round trip but was worth it. However now my marriage has ended and Im separated. Left with joint debts ie. big Halifax overdraft and their new charges are a killer but thats another story. I'm been in contact with Halifax and Barclaycard as Im in a severe financial pickle. Bottom line is I could really do with ending my DL membership to save £72pm and wonder if its possible. I haven't cancelled the DD as Ive read that doesn't go down well with DL. Ive not written to DL yet as I wondered if it was possible. I don't expect for a second they would say "sure, thats fine" but I was hoping they might be a little caring. Any advice most appreciated. Thanks
  4. A three-year-old boy has died after drowning in a swimming pool at a David Lloyd fitness club in Leeds. Police were called shortly before 9.45am on Saturday to the club on Tongue Lane after a report that a child had entered the pool and drowned. The boy was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where he was later pronounced dead. Although police are treating the incident as an accident, they are appealing for anyone who was in the pool at the time to make contact. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/boy-3-drowns-david-lloyd-fitness-club-swimming-120600253.html
  5. Hello to everyone I decided to join David lloyd club in Dudley last Friday 10th March . On the day when I was introduced I explained that I am working full time so I can attend gym from 7 pm also I am working some weekends. Main reason why I joined was my 11 years old daughter could use a gym facilities with me . Next day when my contract start we arrived at the club just before 7pm swiped our cards to get to a lady in reception . I was going to book a gym induction (health and safety policy) I was told that my Hanna is not allowed to use it because she didn't turn 11 (she will in august) I was shocked- no one mentioned that fact that she has to be 11 I asked for a manager , one of the member of staff turned up _ same who signed me in. I explained my problem, and I informed that in this case I have to cancel my and my daughter membership because I was not informed about age restriction, he said I can still use other facilities, but he knew there is not much classes for me and I cant do it without my daughter by my side, I will not use a tennis courts or swimming poo because we don't like itl - main reason was gym! He said he have to go and double check with other member of the staff if they can make an exemption for my daughter, will back up in the system my entrance through a gate. He came back after few minutes saying that she is not allowed to use gym facilities till she turned 11, he saw a contract, I put my daughters date of birth in it , why he didn't said a word?! He gave me a advise to go back home do not use a gym till my answer come and send an email to one of the sales manager, so I did. This Tuesday I got a email saying they can not cancel our membership (even if it is within 7 days) because I entered the building and swiped a card- I have to mentioned that I have witnesses that I never used any of the gym facilities, also I have a witness who can confirm that I was not informed about legal age of 11, there is no such a thing in david lloyd contract. Please give me some advice's what to do kind regards Aga
  6. This is quite an amazing story, starting back in 2014. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-4422682/How-went-war-TalkTalk-won.html and finally won a whopping £1,500!! The battle tips later in the article are no less that CAG have been saying for years
  7. Hi I recently joined my local David Lloyd gym on August 22nd. Last Friday (September 23rd), I had a letter through saying they were increasing my fees (!) up to £101 (from £95). Obviously I rang up to speak to the membership team about this to be told that "they was nothing they could do". Slightly frustrating as they'd have known about this fee increase when I joined in August! I said to the lady on the phone that budget was an issue and this pushed it above my budget, and that I'd appreciate it if they would honour an immediate cancellation, due to the circumstances. On the phone she said, that would be fine and to reply to an email to confirm this. Her email was as below: Steven, As per our conversation please reply to this email confirming your request to cancel your membership. I understand from our call your level of frustration and would appreciate your feedback regarding the pending price increase from the 1st January 2017. I await your reply. Kind regards Alex Smith | Member Relations Advisor | David Lloyd Worcester I also cancelled my direct debit and haven't thought anything of it - in the mean time, signed up for a cheaper gym in the area, for 12 months. I just had an email from them saying that they haven't received my payment this month. I'm worried now that they won't honour the verbal agreement I had with the lady on the phone and will hold me to the T&Cs. Any thoughts?
  8. Hi, I have seen a few threads on topic but couldn't find one where the OP had any success in it. My wife and I have been david lloyd members since 2012 and renewed every year. Always paid for a year in advance. This year, i want to renew but wife wants to stop the membership. So when my wife called to confirm her cancellation a week before it was due to end, she was told that to check her contract that she needs to give 3 months notice. We were never told about auto renewal or that 3 months are required to give notice. As we are paying in advance, membership should end at the end of the term if we don't renew. They asked us to check the contract, but we did not get any on renewal. I think we only got one in 2012 which I cannot find anymore. What is the best way forward? Many Thanks for your help. Sunny
  9. I'm surprised that I didn't find a several hundred comments deep thread about our dear leader today. It seems that one snub too far has led an old uni 'friend' to spill the beans on DC's actions whilst at uni and it's fair to say that the bacon has hit the fan. Is this something that can be spun into obscurity or has Mr Cameron just watched his credibility and mandate walk out of the door?
  10. "The national interest must come ahead of human rights" David Cameron. But is not human rights central to our national interest? Every year the British Government sell £4 billion in arms to one of the worlds worst human rights abusers, Saudi Arabia. Currently a 17 year old Saudi male faces public beheading followed by crucifixion because he has been found guilty of being involved in sedition in taking part in a human rights riot. David Cameron's Government cut a secret deal with Saudi Arabia last month to be elected onto the United Nations 'Human Rights Council'. Saudi Arabia publicly beheaded over 60 of it's own citizens last year year, flogging, up to 1000 lashes at a time, is common. Woman under penalty of imprisonment are not allowed to drive. The justification for David Cameron in turning a blind eye to these and other human rights abuses is 'We share valuable intelligence with them of people who want to harm both regimes'. As well as Saudi Arabia Britain has just completed trade deals with one of the most prolific Human Rights Abusers. That being China. An example wil be live organ donation/ harvesting from their prison population. ( Falun Gong) The response from the Chinese Government states that the prisoners agree to it. And the UK Government accepts that response What can be more harmful to our reputation on human rights when we ignore them in the name of national security that ultimately undermines our commitment to uphold human rights? No wonder the Tories are so keen to try and dump the European Convention of Human Rights as they have no respect of them. The irony in all of this is that it was a Tory who was instrumental in conceiving the ECHR That being Winston Churchil
  11. I was shocked to hear this on the news just now, not a fan but still a shock David Bowie has died after an 18-month battle with cancer, the singer's son has confirmed. Duncan Jones wrote on Twitter: "Very sorry and sad to say it's true. I'll be offline for a while. Love to all." Statements were posted on the star's official Facebook and Twitter accounts saying the star died on Sunday. They read: "David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. "While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief." Bowie released his 29th album, called Blackstar, on Friday 8 January, to coincide with his 69th birthday. The Starman singer was famously very private and it was not known that he was struggling with ill health.
  12. READ MORE HERE: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jan/22/david-cameron-calls-for-action-on-spurious-claims-against-iraq-veterans
  13. Hi, I am a newbie to this forum so please excuse any ignorance! So, I was under a 2 year contract with DL where I was paying a direct debit monthly. After 21 months of being a member, I decided to cancel my direct debit as I was relocating to London for a new job role. I emailed the club to let them know in advance, and then shortly cancelled. I cancelled in Sep 15 (my contract was due to expire Dec 15). Unfortuantely, I didnt provide them with "proof of relocation" untill now - after recieving letters from ARC and consequently Major Law Solicitors, telling me I owed the final 3 months fees etc. Having spoken to the manager at DL Derby, they are having none of it. The bottom line being, I am being summoned to court to pay the outstanding amount owed, simply because I provided the 'proof of relocation' a few months late (after my contract had expired).I agree that is through no fault than my own, as they had told me they required this letter. Will Major Law Solicitors continue to take me to court over this matter? I have proof of relocation and against the date I cancelled. I also emailed the club to let them know. So is this fair?
  14. Why are people jumping up and down about what he said.. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/27/david-cameron-bunch-of-migrants-jibe-pmqs-callous-dehumanising
  15. Hi Guys Firstly i'd like to apologise for posting this here, i couldn't for the life of me figure out how to post i relevant thread. I'm at the start of a dispute with David Lloyd and would like some advise if possible. I joined the Birmingham club in July 2015 and paid for an annual membership in full when i joined. I decided in June this year that i couldn't afford to renew my membership and emailed the club to cancel on the 13th June (i think this was slightly shy of a full months notice by a couple of days). I waited about 3 weeks to get a reply from the club and when i did it said that my membership would be cancelled on 1st October! I wasn't aware at this point that i needed to give 3 months notice. I have emailed them a few times now to say that i'm not willing to pay anything further because i have already paid for a full 12 months and only used the facilities for 11 months of this time. To which i keep on being told that the notice period is 3 months so there is nothing they can do. I have received a few emails and phone calls now from David Lloyd to say that i currently owe £86. The problem is that i'm already on a debt management plan with StepChange so i really can't afford £86/month. Can anyone advise me what i should do about this before this goes to a debt collection agency? Thank you Katherine
  16. Hi there everyone I would really appreciate a response as I a unsure what action to take next. I paid an upfront yearly fee to DL last July and verbally agreed that it was for just a year. I was away on holiday during the end of June and began getting phone-calls. When I arrived home I had a letter saying I owed 87.50. I phoned DL and explained this was incorrect as it had been agreed I was only joining for a year. They inisisted I pay and I disputed. I ended in some email ping pong - during the last one I requested a copy of my personal contract (I am well aware this is not filled in correctly with boxes not being ticked and a comment FINAL AMOUNT OWED £..... as well as no date next to the signatures). It is incomplete. I received an email back from DL last Thursday saing they were looking in the archives for my contract?? and would be in touch. I heard nothing and assumed they had misplaced it and hoped that was the end of it! This morning I got a phonecall from a mobile number - I unfortunately picked it up and it was ARC. They insisited on me giving information which I refused, I didn't realise they were calling about DL initially. They told me I had to pay the money immediately as I was in debt. I told them that infact DL were incorrect and I was awaiting my contract. I asked them not to call again. The post has now arrived and I have a letter from ARC saying I owe 377 pounds. I will not pay on principle as DL are wrong and I owe no money. I am quite able to cancel membership in the time period required. My questions are Do I reply to the letter from ARC or ignore?, if yes what would be the best response? Is there any legal action I can take re harassment? Thanks so much in advance I appreciate any advice. Best wishes x
  17. Hi, I received a letter today from ARC Europe stating that I have arreas of £85.50 from David Lloyds (Which I accept) however I have a balance of £332 apparently. I'm assuming this is all made up of some admin fees. Do I need to pay these? The missed monthly payment came from all my direct debits being cancelled and I've been offshore the past month so DL have not been able to contact me as I haven't had a phone signal obviously. What exactly can I do about this? I would like to just pay the £85.50 and move on ideally. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  18. This is the first time I've posted on a forum, thanks in advance for any help I'll really appreciate it. Last January I paid David Lloyd up front for a 12 month membership. I was of course tied in because I'd paid up front. I did use it for first six months and not much for second six months. I always knew I wouldn't renew because it was a one off opportunity because I had money available. I thought 12 months, done the time, won't renew. Late last year I started to get emails to remind me I could renew along these lines: Dear Ms Barker, Membership Number: xxxxx Just to let you know that you can pay your membership fees:- Online with a debit or credit card by going to the website xxxxxxx and following the instructions on screen. Via our Automated Payment System with a debit or credit card, by calling 0207 048 7438 (you will need your membership number). If you wish to take advantage of either of these services your current membership fee of £891.00 is due for your membership at Newcastle. Both the online payments service and the automated payment service will only be available to you for the above payment until midnight on the last day of this month. Of course, if you have recently sent payment please ignore this email. Yours Sincerely Stephen Empson Group Central Membership Manager In January I got texts and phone messages- pretty constant while I was at work- asking me to contact them to renew my membership. As I didn't want to renew I didn't call them just allowed it to lapse and moved on to using a local pool. Nothing once we got to February. Then today an email from ARC Collections asking me to contact them. I emailed them back to say why are you contacting me, I have no interest in renewing. Then I googled it and realised from other people's problems that they will be expecting 3 months notice and now admin fees. Am absolutely desperate, I can't afford this and I don't know what to do. Am also outraged because DL never gave me a moment of indication what they were expecting in calls, emails and texts. Not even a hint. I feel this is set up to ensure people who pay up front fall into this trap. They should contact people in advance and remind about the notice period. I just didn't realise. And now am in trouble. I haven't done anything else yet because I don't know what best to do. Would be so, so grateful for advice. Thanks so much
  19. Hi all, I've been reading some horror stories regarding David Lloyd cancellations and I desperately need some advice. At the end of February I got a massive hike in my housekeeping which I pay my step-dad. This made the £59pm membership with David Lloyd impossible to pay. This came into effect from the beginning of March and I needed to cancel my contract. The issue is I signed the contract back in October to commence in 2015 on an early start type thing. 2 months free if I recall. I read there are OFT rules saying you can terminate a gym contract if it isn't affordable anymore and they have to let you go. I was given a letter by my step-dad explaining the new housekeeping amount. I called and spoke to someone in membership at my club and they said if I bring the letter in I would be able to cancel under a "change in circumstances". I took the letter in and was made to feel like a liar - with her implying anyone could have written it and it was bogus. Obviously I strongly protested and I was told she would pass it on to the manager. Generally they need a "legal document" she tells me. I then get a phone call from her male colleague explaining the situation and that I am unable to cancel as it's not deemed "suitable" for them. I then spoke with the manager who explained they need something "letter headed" or "legal". I explained I am unable to provide anything but the letter I already have and that my step-dad does not have letter headed paper... why would he?! He went on to say it's not satisfactory to them and that I need to take in my personal bank statements. I said I would consider it due to fact it is a full overview of my finances which I don't feel comfortable sharing. I later emailed the local membership email to explain that I decline to show them all of my banking statements as it's personal. I went on to quote their contract saying that under exceptional circumstances they need something "satisfactory" the exact details of what is satisfactory are not defined anywhere on the contract. I said I have provided the only evidence I have available to me to prove the DRASTIC change in circumstances and that the term "satisfactory" is just designed so they can continually change the goal posts on me. I said if I don't hear back within 7 days then I will assume the matter is appeased. Someone in the department assured me I would be contacted. This email was on the 19th of March. Not hearing anything - I assume they've understood the awkwardness of the situation and shown some sort of compassion. WRONG!!!! I get a call on Friday 10th from ARC Europe saying I owe them £79 for unpaid membership. I assured the person on the phone that he is wrong and to check his facts with David Lloyd as my understanding is that it is a resolved matter. He asked who I spoke to and said the account will be suspended. I called David Lloyd that same evening to demand to speak to someone in membership to see if the matter was still ongoing and was assured I would be called this Saturday just gone. That never happened. I called them this evening asking to be contacted as a matter of urgency and I'm assured a phone call tomorrow - which I doubt I will receive. Please please please can someone advise me what to do as this is stressing me out quite considerably and I'm panicking. Thanks in advance.
  20. Hello, First time poster after reading some information about similar issues other people have had with Arc, but as I've never had an issue such as this before I'm not particularly confident in handling this. In December 2013 I signed up to David Lloyd on a 3 month membership, when I signed up I was given a 'special deal' where I only had to pay the pro-rata fee for December. As I was paying this I presumed this counted as my first month and therefore my third month would be February. In February I had only been to the gym twice in those months & wrote to my gym giving a months notice on 1st March (as required) and informed them I would be making no further payments and wanted my membership to cease as of 1st April 2015. I received a letter in response confirming this was fine and my membership would finish but I would have to make any payments outstanding, of course I cancelled the direct debit immediately and thought nothing more of it. Jump to April 13th, I receive a letter saying Arc Europe are acting on behalf of David Lloyd & I owe £139 which must be paid by 22nd April otherwise they may pass my account onto solicitors. Firstly my membership was £69 & my arrears is £89 which I can't make sense of. Secondly the balance I apparently owe is £139, both of these numbers seem completely fabricated and pulled out of nowhere! I may have misunderstood when my 3 month contracted ended which I would be willing to pay the £69 I would then owe however I refuse to pay charges or any extra when I have received no corespondance from David Lloyd. Also I do not want this to progress any further and possibly hurt my credit score, go to court, have people coming over etc but I really have no idea how to address this issue with either David Lloyd or Arc Europe. Help would be extremely appreciated.
  21. After finding these forums and finding them very useful as I'm one of those stitched up by the dreaded David Lloyd 3 month cancellation term I'm hoping I can get some advice as to where to go next. I moved away from where I used to attend a David Lloyd club due to work and have attended once (that I can remember) in the past 2 years. Certainly no more than 5 times and these would have been when visiting parents back at the local club. So I gave my notice on 26th August via email so that I would only have to pay the next DD payment for September and be done with the place. The response was: My reply: Then the predictable response came: Therefore, after reading on here I sent this back: And the final email from the Manager at my "local" club that I have received: It is mentioned that they sent me an email to tell me my terms and conditions are changing. They sent me and email (EDIT: actually on the 10/12/2012 so this was before it was approved by the OFT) that links to this page: Can't post as I don't have a high enough post count Hardly a terms and conditions page, it's the standard Membership FAQ page. So I was about to draft a reply but thought I'd post it here now as I was doing so in the hope someone like slick would see it to digest the above before I post my response. I was going to state that I have given my notice as stated in the contract (that I thought applied to me) and it will apply from the 1st of the following month (September). I have paid the September payment but am now cancelling my DD as I don't consider the 3 month notice period to be fair and I wasn't aware of it. Appreciate any advice on the matter. It gets my back up someone trying to make you pay for something for 3 months when you can't even use it, 1 month is painful enough but I think it's fair to both parties. Cheers, TP
  22. Hi all. Just found these forums after trawling the interweb for people who've had similarly nasty experiences with David Lloyd and their debt collectors ARC. A couple of years ago my wife our son and I transferred our membership from David Lloyd Fitness in Solihull to David Lloyd Cranmore, also in Solihull. We didn't sign a new contract at the new gym and were never made aware that the terms and conditions of our membership had changed, so when we decided to terminate our membership earlier this year I duly gave the one months notice stipulated on the contract we had signed at David Lloyd Fitness. David Lloyd Cranmore have demanded that I pay for a further two months, stating that three months is their standard notice period. I have said that if they can show me documentation which supersedes the contract I have, then of course I will pay; they haven't provided this documentation - because it doesn't exist; I never signed a new contract. I exhausted the DL internal complaints procedure. I complained to Trading Standards (via the Consumer Advice helpline on the now defunct OFT website) but they don't investigate individual complaints. I've spoken to the Financial Ombudsman who were very sympathetic, but this is outside their jurisdiction. Ive yet to contact the Financial Conduct Authority, but like Trading Standards they don't fight individual cases. David Lloyd have now passed me on to ARC who are threatening court action to extract the £400 from me which they claim I owe. I've sent them a copy of the contract I have showing that I'm bound by a one month notice period not three, but they're not interested. Should I be taken to court I'm 99% sure I'd win, but I'm worried about that 1% chance where I'd get a CCJ and my credit rating would be destroyed. ARC have told me I've a week before they get their solicitors involved. What should I do? Thanks in advance, Steve
  23. I am afraid I am another who has fallen foul of David Llyod ! I had a 18-20 membership option that ran for 3 months, this was taken out in sept 2012. In sept 2013 i moved from home to university. I wrote to DL to cancel my membership in Oct of 2013, giving them the one months notice, set out in my contract. I returned home for christmas, cancelled my DD debit, believing that this had all been dealt with. I am now in receipt of a letter from a solicitor.. Major and Co threatening court action for the sum of £254.97 can anyone advise how I should deal with this, I would be so very grateful.
  24. Hi All, I am also having problems with David Lloyd, we took out a family membership in Dec 2012 at a cost of £140 per month, after using sporadically we decided after noticing the payments had gone up to £145 to cancel in May 2014. I wrote David Lloyd Ipswich a letter stating that I wished to cancel and gave my 3 months notice. In June we had not heard anything from DL so I called them up and asked if someone from membership team could contact me to confirm tha this had been action. I received no call and due to work forgot about the issue trusting that they would honour my request to cancel which would have taken effect fom 01/08/14. I noticed in late Sept on a my most recent bank statement that they were still taking payments by direct debit. I called and spoke to someone in their membership department and they said they have no record of cancellation but they would action it now and I'd have to pay till 01/01/15. Enraged by this I sent the following email: Re: Membership Account Number xxxxxxxx “Dear Catherine, I am writing with reference to our conversation this afternoon regarding the failure of David Lloyd to cancel the above membership contract as requested for the 1st August 2014. As we discussed I sent a letter sent to your gym on the 1st May detailing our wish to cancel the membership due to the cost increase and the fact that due to work commitments we were not using it. I came into the gym and asked to speak to someone regarding this in June to confirm this had been sorted but was told no-one was available from the membership team. The receptionist took my contact details and told me someone would call. I never received a telephone call so I assumed the matter had been dealt with and hadn’t thought anymore about it until I noticed this morning in my bank statement that payments were still going out. As discussed I am not happy paying this as we have completed the agreed 12 month membership contract and given the required 3 Month notice period in writing. I am not prepared to pay for another 3 months as your company has failed to action this stating that you had not received any letter. In your T&C and also your website it does not state that I had to send the letter via recorded delivery, had I know I would need it for this reason then I certainly would have. I also demand that the payments taken in August & September 2014 are reimbursed into our bank account forthwith. If I do not hear from you in the next 7 days confirming that this has been done I will have no choice but to forward this as a complaint to the Office of Fair Trading” I have received the following response: “Good evening XXXX, I have today received your email and have read the notes from my colleague Katherine. I have tried to call to discuss further however the number we have for you on our system is not connecting. I do understand your frustration in regards to the cancellation of your membership however we must follow the terms and conditions fairly and consistently to all members. We work closely with the office of fair trading to make sure our terms are fair for our members. Our terms altered in 2014 to include an immediate cancellation clause to allow members who have seen changes beyond their control to be able to cancel memberships but aside of this it was thought that a three month notice period remained fair. We do have to follow a three month notice period of cancellation. We can only process once intent to cancel has been received. Our process for cancelling members here at David Lloyd Ipswich is slick and I very rarely have to deal with emails such as this because of our strong processes. We do confirm cancellations to each member including their cancellation dates and times. From what I can understand you sent a letter via mail to us, unfortunately we have not received this letter here at club. Our terms do state that if you have not heard from us within 10 days to check the letter has been received. The terms also mention that a proof of postage is the safest way to send a letter if required. Although frustrating without the intent we cannot process ( I have attached a copy of the terms for you). I can see that you did leave a message at reception for us on 12th June 2014 for which we tried to call and made document of this on the 13th June. We left a voicemail on the number you had provided us and we also sent an email to the email address we had filled for you. Both of our actions have been documented. We did not hear from you following this until the current date of 27th September so unfortunately even then we knew nothing of your intent to cancel membership. I do understand your frustration but we have to abide by terms and conditions. I understand Katherine explained our immediate cancellation clauses but if you have seen a change in circumstance beyond your control for example redundancy/ relocation more than 10 miles from another David Lloyd facility/ illness or injury which prevents usage of the club, then please let me know so we can try and help where possible. Aside of this Katherine has placed a cancellation in for soonest point we have available to us 1/1/15. Katherine has sent confirmation of this to you. Please do feel free to call me on Monday between 8.30 and 3pm if you would like to discuss further. Kind Regards Louise Lord Member Relations Manager David Lloyd Ipswich” What do I need to do now?
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