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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, I'll just explain the situation. Mother in law used to live with us. Mother in law had a catalogue debt at our address. She moved and Cabot have sent collection letters to her new adddress. Debt seems excessively high. Mother in law is a typical doddering old lady and doesnt understand what is going on. Debt was with cabot and she was paying it, they sent it to fredricksons at which point we found out about it and realise the amount is almost double what she owed. We send Freds a request for credit agreement and statement of account. Freds send it back to Cabot as they were only acting as agents of cabot and cannot supply the documents. At this point we with mother in laws permission send cabot a letter stating we are going to administer her account for her and all post it to be sent to us in her name at our address (the address she originally set up the account at). Mother in law signed a declaration on this letter giving us permission to act in her name. Cabot have not answered this declaration, of note Fredricksons did use us as her contact address. We sent Cabot a long letter explaining that the amount on the account is disputed, that we wish to see a statement and credit agreement, also that all contact is to be via letter in mother in laws name at our address. We also stated as Freds had been unable to supply docs that the account was in dispute. (Cabot received the demand for docs on 25th Feb recorded) Cabot are STILL sending Mother in law demands, means forms to fill in and general debt collection letters to her address, they refuse to deal with us as her reps and seem to be ignoring the requests for docs and disputes etc. Mother in law getting very upset at letters, she has even tried ringing them (obviously we told her not to do that any more) Is there any regulations we can use to force Cabot to deal with us in her name? What is the next step to take with regards to them not supplying docs? Do we complain to financial ombudsman? It seems to me they know we are playing by the rules they cannot follow so they are instead bullying Mother in law who they see as a weak link.
  2. HA have done things i believe are a breach of data protection and it is bascially to turn everyone against me, it is two particular housing officers who are starting this hate campaign because they have lied and claimed the tenant upstairs is allowed laminated flooring and he is not. 1) I asked the HO not to speak to police about my case, she did this anyway and she also used my "block" on her speaking with police against me (even though i found out she did) 2) HO has told tenant above me I am getting an eviction notice. I was informed this information via the mediator. I spoke to the mediator today who claimed the HO only "said if there are any more complaints" funny he knew I was being served one though 3) HO has told mediator I had issues with another neighbour, she also told mediator i am from a domestic violence background which is why i had to move out my last property and the criminal is from "said area" 4) HO has told tenant upstairs i have other ASB against me, she said "loads" (from who?) the only thing i have written proof on is her saying she hasnt spoken to police due to my block but an email from police to confirm she is and that "several neighbours" apparently have a problem with me what can i do about this? I dont know if the mediator will admit to anything maybe if she was interviewed or required by court
  3. Hi there everyone I would really appreciate a response as I a unsure what action to take next. I paid an upfront yearly fee to DL last July and verbally agreed that it was for just a year. I was away on holiday during the end of June and began getting phone-calls. When I arrived home I had a letter saying I owed 87.50. I phoned DL and explained this was incorrect as it had been agreed I was only joining for a year. They inisisted I pay and I disputed. I ended in some email ping pong - during the last one I requested a copy of my personal contract (I am well aware this is not filled in correctly with boxes not being ticked and a comment FINAL AMOUNT OWED £..... as well as no date next to the signatures). It is incomplete. I received an email back from DL last Thursday saing they were looking in the archives for my contract?? and would be in touch. I heard nothing and assumed they had misplaced it and hoped that was the end of it! This morning I got a phonecall from a mobile number - I unfortunately picked it up and it was ARC. They insisited on me giving information which I refused, I didn't realise they were calling about DL initially. They told me I had to pay the money immediately as I was in debt. I told them that infact DL were incorrect and I was awaiting my contract. I asked them not to call again. The post has now arrived and I have a letter from ARC saying I owe 377 pounds. I will not pay on principle as DL are wrong and I owe no money. I am quite able to cancel membership in the time period required. My questions are Do I reply to the letter from ARC or ignore?, if yes what would be the best response? Is there any legal action I can take re harassment? Thanks so much in advance I appreciate any advice. Best wishes x
  4. My daughter moved into a council property last year, since then she has been inundated with Debt Collectors letters and door stoppers regarding a previous tenant. It has now gotten serious as a Marstons Baliff with a Court order to her house saying that he intended to take away goods to sell at auction (that would be funny as she has nothing of any value). She told them that she has been fighting off people about this guy ever since she moved in, also, she has shown them a copy of her tenancy agreement, she thought that she had seen the last of them, but, at about 7 am this morning they came again with another letter stating that they will attend to seize goods soon. This is absolutely preposterous, she has shown them her tenancy agreement. I have told her to ring both numbers on the letter and to tell them AGAIN that she is not the person that they are looking for, I have also told her to tell them that this is now harassment and she can do now more to prove that this bloke no longer lives there, I have also told her to ring her tenancy adviser at the council to see if they can do anything to help. Is there anything else that I can do to help her? Thanks for your help in advance.
  5. hi all, just after a bit of advice here its a long one so ill try and be brief. in feb 2012 we took a home tv bb and phone package with sky for a 12m contract. in july 2012 they changed the prices and we cancelled our contract under the "change of terms" section of their contract. it took a few calls to get the cancellation agreed because my hubby is the acct holder so they wouldnt accept the cancellation from me and he had already moved to canada working so he had to call them, they then tried to tell him he couldnt cancel and he didnt have the relevant email and terms and conditions etc to quote at them, finally i got back thru to him on skype and heard him have the conversation with sky to cancel in which they told us we had given 31 days notice and they would terminate our contract on 23rd august. we paid up to and including that date and i then cancelled the direct debit as i know sky and they have such a dodgy rep that i was anticipating problems leaving them. in august we left our rented house and moved out to canada to be with my husband.we had our mail forwarded to our old house, which we have sold to my mum. in december we had a letter from a DCA saying we still had a contract with sky and they had passed our bad debt on to them. again refused to speak to me when i called them to explain that we didnt owe sky anything and i called sky who eventually agreed to speak to me ( having given them the password!) the agent i spoke to (taking date time and user id of the call) said he could see the problem and would get it sorted out and wiped clean. he also said he would contact the DCA and they would withdraw the issue. in late jan we had another letter this time at our old address (now owned by my mother) saying that the debt still had to be settled and they would come round and knock for it. hubby called them and told them the debt was in query still and gave them the details of the agent we spoke to and they said they would leave it for two weeks until they heard from sky. we also called sky to ask why the complaint had not been dealt with yet (dated 3rd dec) and they told me it takes as long as it takes and we care unable to contact them to ask for progress. we told the DCA they had the wrong address, we do not live in the uk any more and we do not own that house or anything in it, my mother has nothing to do with the debt they think we owe and they should leave her alone. every day for the last three days the DCA have knocked on my mums door, harassing her and her disabled husband. im after something legislational i can use to get them to back off until sky sort out the conplaint and call off the hounds... to recap. we dont owe anything, we cancelled and they accepted our cancellation, we paid up to and including the date of disconnection. they know we do not live there and that my mother has nothing to do with the debt yet still go round there every day to ask for hubby. also when we took out the contract we did intend to keep it for at least the full 12m, but when work came up over here we took it ( better quality of life etc) when they changed the prices it seemed serendipitous and we took advantage of the chance to cancel mid contract.
  6. Afternoon Ladies and Gents. Sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for a little help and advice (kinda just checking that I've got my head in order). In order to do so, I'd probably better add in the background story... About eight years ago my marriage broke down, and we had small debt problems at the time (we're talking hundreds, not thousands). My ex-wife was not particularly co-operative when we parted and blocked our joint bank account (which only ever held my earnings, hers went into her own current account). As you can guess, this caused all sorts of chaos whilst trying to get things re organised ref DDs and SOs.Added to which, she never forwarded mail. Anyways, I did the best I could at the time, and a year later left the UK in search of adventure. Not being particularly ambitious, I ended up stopping in the first place I landed, Poland. I've heard nothing from any DCA since I left the UK, until this summer I came back with my most recent SWMBO to help her set up a company for her Father. In the interests of speed, I organised two mobiles on contract, but personally and at my parents address, and after the first month's payments changed them over to the company. Pretty much from the day I took out the phone contract Equidebt have been contacting my parents by mail (though letters addressed to me), and now more worryingly, by telephone. Understandably they are both very upset, and not being one to upset the apple cart with those we sometimes rely on in times of need, I do not intend to involve them at all, if at all possible, in resolving this matter. Now, sorry for babbling on, but, if I am correct, this "debt" (of which I have never spoken to Equidebt, either verbally or by writing) is statute barred, is it not? If I now call Equidebt, will I restart the 6 year period???, or as that has already lapsed, can it not be restarted? I'm not quite sure what to do... Any help would be much appreciated.
  7. Hello I have a flat at Hounslow, London. I had a tenant from August 2011. the tenant paid a deposit which was kept by the agent. I and my tenant both have receipts from the estate agent. the agreement with the tenant finished in August 2012. He vacated the property. After repeated emails both from me and the ex- tenant, the estate agent is not returning the money. I also owe some amount towards the cleaning of the property (the tenant agreed to this) The agent also does not respond to phone calls. When the tenant went and met the agent in person he was assured that the money will be returned. But there was no transaction even after months. I managed to talk to the agent after repeated calls from a new number. the agent admitted that the money is in a trust and they will return it. But even after months there is no response. Meanwhile the ex tenant is preparing to go to court and it seems I will be pulled to court for no offence of mine. Please could you advise me as to how to get the money back from the agent
  8. Hi there everyone,.. I have found many threads on this DCA group and thought someone could possibly point me in the right direction? I have debts. .. Im currently using DMP by Gregory Pennington to pay off. .. thats all fine and dandy.. . have been using for 6 months but apparently they have to review every few months or so.. . so they have to re-negociate with creditors and so forth.. . fair enough... However, Halifax have recently sent one of my accounts to their in house team B.O.S, they have gone the whole way so far.. . text messages asking me to call them, 08456 numbers, which are obviously halifax, I am aware that B.O.S are just a subsidary of HBOS... Sorry im waffling now.. my issue is with a letter i recently received... "NOTICE OF INTENDED COURT ACTION" ... HFX vs.. ******me****** ... formal notice is hereby given that our client instructs us to commence court proceedings against u without delay... papers are now being PREPARED for commencment... -that old chesnut basically my issue is since i had their first letter last month, they have gone straight to this sort of letter.. . and I already have re-payment arrangements in place via DMP Gregory Pennington - so they are accepting payments... im just a bit confuzzled, i know not to ring them, as regardless of what I tell them IF i actually did ring them, they would only seek more money that I dont actually have... Im sorry If i have waffled on too much, but there must be someone out there who mite be in the same predicament as me?? BOTTOM LINE: i have arrangements already in place, all my other creditors are continuing and are acepting minimal payments which is great.. . AND the amazing thing, HAlifax have already accepted repayment plan for another account no problem.. .. but for some reason they have transferred this particular account (debit acount i believe) to B.O.S where they have jumped to this letter, even though payments are still being made. ARGHHHH, PLEASE HELP Much appreciated to those who can respond Regards, DaveTheRave xx
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