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  1. Hi Went for my interview today for the installation engineer role passed everything did my medical and passed all that and been told their recruitment recruitment will be in touch soon to do CRB checks and a credit file check. Only thing im worried about is the credit check few years ago after i lost my job i went through a stupid patch with silly loans and an over draft, i paid the loans off, still currently paying the overdraft which is not far off setteled since then things are getting better was recently accepted on a credit card to boost my credit history which ive been using and paying off on the payment due date. I am still worried about this credit check though as my credit history still shows very low on noddle or clear score. I have never had a CCJ or been bankrupt i have set payment plans with the lenders and are paying them all off in full. Why do employers want to do a credit check this role isnt dealing with cash or anything so dont see why its needed. Thanks as for my CRB this will come back clear as ive never been in trouble i was going to ask today but didnt feel it was the best idea
  2. Hi I have a secured loan previously owned by black Horse but sold to Sky Loans in 2015 .what a nightmare At point of sale sky loans told me there were arrears despite the account being in dispute In 2016 Black horse made me a credit which more than cleared any arrears and Sky Loans have added various charges extra interest but refused to reimburse me The loan is almost paid any advice Please
  3. Summary of problems: Admitted they overcharged me for 3 yrs, eventually got money back, Want to go on sky fibre, but had to cancel my existing broadband to do so as this was on a separate contract, cancel as they said And now 4 weeks later after placing an order over the phone I still have no broadband and now no telephone. Keep being told start date after the next to point I'm now so sick of it I'll have to go else where. I've been given wrong numbers, told wrong policies, Told incorrect contract lengths, and a whole lot more. Please someone tell me I'm within my rights to cancel this order as they've specified a date several times and still have not provided a service.
  4. Hi all I used to be with Sky for my phone & broadband, I contacted them on the 4th April to see if they would do me a better deal as Virgin were offering me a deal that was £15 a month cheaper.. . The call centre drone I spoke with wasn't interested in retaining my custom after something like 16yrs and so I started the cancellation process. This would take 2 weeks, my new provider would also notify them that they were taking over my phone number. I paid for my service in advance at the end of March which means my account was up to date aside from any call charges right up to the end of my contract.nn I have emails from Sky telling me that I am leaving and end date is the 20th April. Virgin installed my cable phone line and service on the 19th April and I have been using that since then. My sky modem was unplugged on the 19th too. The emails from Sky state that they have received notification that my phone number is being taken over, that my service will end on the 20th April and the number would be transferred by the 29th April... I think it actually transferred about the 27th although I can't be exactly certain. I then receive a letter telling me that my service was ending on the 1st may, in direct contradiction of the previous contact I had via email. As I was already paid up until the end of April, I cancelled my DD so they couldn't 'accidentally' take payments they shouldn't and a figured that was the end of it. Today I got a letter demanding payment of £46.99 and a threat of action plus a £7.50 'late' fee and informing me that my services have been suspended... . quite what services they think they're suspending I have no idea as I've not been a customer since the 20th April. I have not been notified of any final bill that's owed (by my calculations, there's actually a chance they owe me a little bit of a refund) there are no call charges to pay because I had their 24/7 free calls package which was paid in advance for the month. .. even if I assume the worst and that my billing date (usually the last day of the month) is 2 weeks later than my billing cycle. that only means I may (and I stress may) be liable for 3 or 4 days service. I have received no Final bill of any kind, the only contact is A: them telling me the date of my contract end B: Letters/Emails trying to get me to rejoin Sky C: Letters demanding money after service has ended I can find no contact email address for them and refuse to speak to them by phone as I'm not paying call charges (no longer free if not a sky customer) to try and get them to sort out their screw up. I can't even find an address for their complaints team. If anyone has an address of their complaints dept, an email address that actually works or a freephone number I can call... Please let me know. Additionally, any advice on how to deal with these incompetent nincompoops would be most welcome. I'm concerned that they may try and mess with my credit score because of their failings.
  5. Being forced to raise a small claims against SKY, I'm familiar with the process however Sky Subscriber Services Ltd are based at a PO Box in Livingston (Scotland) however their registered address for the company is Isleworth Middlesex although they also have a Scottish office in Dunfermline. I'm assuming I have to go for the registered company address and therefore make a claim through the English courts. Anyone have any advice?
  6. Hi All I am enquiring on behalf of a friend, he took out a sky q subscription around 2 months ago and now needs to cancel all of his sky TV due to a cut in his benifits. is there any advice anyone can help ...he is worries that he will have to pay a huge bill to cancel something he can no longer afford thank you all cheers lets
  7. Hi there I recently took up Sky on an offer regarding SkyQ. This included a main 1TB box and a smaller mini box. In short: In the initial call making me the offer (retentions team) there was no mention of a fee for multi-room services. I raised a complaint about this to which I requested the call to be listened to. I was told subsequently that the call was listened to and the monthly fee was mentioned. I then made a SAR and got a copy of the call recording and system log notes. The call contains no mention of the multi-room fee. So in short I've been lied to and have proof. Is this fraudulent - I think it is? ("deception intended to result in financial gain") If this is fraudulent, should I report this as a crime? Mr P
  8. Hi I have had a Sky subscription for the last 5 years and just recently I am experiencing some satellite signal issues on certain channels. The picture just glitches and I receive an error message stating 'no satellite signal received.' When checking the signal strength and signal quality in my sky settings, the bar is virtually at zero. I have contacted Sky about this and they have notified me that I will need to pay £30 for an engineer to come out because my box is out of warranty. I advised the customer services that it has nothing to do with the box and it is clearly a satellite signal issue. (I went through all the troubleshooting, replaced every single cable etc) I wanted the engineer visit to be complementary as I am effectively paying a subscription for something that doesn't work properly. Unfortunately the Sky advisors I spoke to just responded like robots with generic responses that didn't help and the bottom line was that I had to pay a call out fee. Part of me now wants to cancel and move to an alternative provider as I think it is poor that I am paying a hefty monthly subscription whereby half the channels don't even work and the only way they can attempt to resolve the signal problems is for me to pay yet more money for an engineer. Surely they are in breach of the contract. I think I only have 2 months left on my contract. Would I have the right to cancel this without being charged a cancellation fee based on the circumstances? I would be interested if anybody has had any experience in a similar scenario. I completely agree that if for example my box was damaged then it would be the responsibility of the customer, but when the signal sky are providing is of poor quality, surely the onus is on them to fix this as per the service I pay? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi Everyone, I am seeking legal help or guidance here as I am at my wits end with any Ombudsman, Sky and CIFAS. Over a year ago I applied for a Santander personal account as I had an existing business account with them, to my surprise they turned me down so I contacted them and they could not provide me with the exact reason why. I was also contacted by Santander who then stated that they had to remove my name from our Ltd company bank account. I dug into this and eventually the bank manager found out that a fraud mark had been registered against me and that was against they're criteria. I contacted CIFAS and obtained a copy of the information, in January 2016 Sky TV registered a credit card fraud mark against my name. To keep it short after many phone calls with Sky, a credit card belonging to someone else was used to pay a bill at my address. Obviously I explained this was not me nor did I have any knowledge of this and Sky told me they could no longer discuss the matter with me. At the time the payment was made I did not reside at the property and can prove this, it was rented out to my younger brother and had been for about 12 months. I confronted him about this and eventually he admits he found a card and had been using it fraudulently. I wrote to Sky and CIFAS numerous times over the past 1.5 years to try and resolve this matter, CIFAS eventually stopped replying to my letters and Sky did not once contact me. CIFAS contacted Sky who stated they were investigating the matter but again neither company ever came back to me. I contacted The Ombudsman who initially couldn't help me the contacted another and the outcome offered was a £30 payment towards the arrears that were caused with the fraud payment and a letter of apology for the poor customer service! I obviously decided as that outcome had no relevance to the issue I had. Sky recently contacted me and I called them back today to discuss the matter further, hurrah I though finally after nearly 18 months! But no, Sky once again were unhelpful and told me they would not be taking any more action on this matter! I emailed the lady who contacted me and she responded with the following: Dear Mr , Thank you for responding to my previous email and contacting us today. I am sorry if you felt that my colleague was rude and unhelpful during your phone conversation and will certainly feed this back. I can confirm that the information supplied to you by Steven is correct. In order for us to take any further action on your account we need written confirmation in the form of a headed letter from the card holder's issuing bank which was used to make the unauthorised payment stating that the payment(s) previously reported as being unauthorised are no longer being treated as such. Only once we receive this headed letter of confirmation will we be able to take any further action. Kind Regards Jacqualyn Case Investigation Consultant Escalated Complaints To say I am banging my head against a brick wall is an understatement. I have tried everything but no one will take any action. I have told Sky that my brother is actually willing to come clean and admit he was the one who made this payment but they aren't interested, what more can I do? I've asked them to look at the dialogue for the call as it would not have been me who made it! They have no evidence yet I have a guilty plea and I still can't get my name cleared! Can anyone on here help? I even think I should be compensated for this now as every single day it causes me trouble and not one single person can understand how to solve the issue. Basically if you want to ruin someones credit, get they're account number from the mail, off the TV what ever is easiest, ring them up, make payment with a hooky card and job done, ruined! Please help! Kind regards Grant
  10. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/sky-accused-letting-72yo-alzheimers-sufferer-pay-110-month-tv-packages-175050618.html Media giant Sky allowed an elderly Alzheimer’s to pay £110 a month for his TV package. Rachel Holdsworth says the family was astounded to learn her uncle, Rodney, was parting with so much. They thought initially that the 72-year-old, who was diagnosed with early onset dementia a couple of years ago, was paying for broadband despite not having a computer or mobile phone. But, after finally convincing Sky that she was a relative and gaining access to the account, she learned her uncle was paying out the hefty monthly sum on TV channels.
  11. I hope I have got this in the correct place! I have received a letter today from Pastdue Credit solutions saying that I owe Sky £70+. Now here's the problem - I don't! I closed my account with Sky quite properly giving the required notice, which ended on 21st September. Like all accounts, Sky collected in advance for my services, I was charged for the period up to 21st September on 22nd August. I also paid, on 23rd August, an early termination fee of £148 (I was dissatisfied with their service due to the signal disappearing for weeks on end three times in 12 months - and had already twice paid £65 for engineer visits to "fix" this). And that was the last I ever heard from them until today. I have had no bill from Sky, I have had no explanation of why they claim I owe this money - nothing. Just a demand for money from a third party. Now I have just found out that I can still access my Sky account billing. I sensibly went and checked. And yes, my account was closed, and it looks like there may have been a small amount - £1.93 - outstanding when my account was closed, although they never asked for it. I had cancelled my direct debit because I had read more than a few stories about them continuing to raid peoples accounts for money they weren't owed! And lo - in October, a full month after I had cancelled, there are 2 debits on my account, completely unexplained, for £35 each. Which I can't owe because I wasn't a customer! Pastdue's letter arrived today, and they say I have to pay by 4th December. Which is not going to happen because I don't pay bills that I haven't been sent and that I don't owe. The thing is - I have no clear idea what to do next to best protect myself here. I am 59 years old and have never had a debt in my life, so I am completely lost. I am more than up for a fight - it's not in my nature to roll over to anyone. I just don't know where to start. I don't want this ending up on my credit file or to have debt collectors at the door (although I suspect they won't be there long - my dog tends to intimidate the hell out of everyone!). Help... what do I do next!
  12. Hi, I've had a listing removed from eBay - apparently it was reported by Sky Media. There is no real reason as to why the item has been removed just that 'please not (sic) that this item is not allowed on our site.' and 'for more information read the help pages or contact Sky directly.' The item in question was a Now TV Sky Cinema pass - I bought another couple of Now TV boxes before Christmas and didn't need the passes. As far as I'm aware the listing was compliant with eBay rules - item to be posted via Royal Mail, so not a 'digitally delivered item' or 'non-physical goods'. I believe Now TV is a subsidiary company of Sky - but they don't own it directly? The link to contact Sky and for more information is: https://business.sky.com/fighting-fraud/ when you look at this it only mentions Sky Sports, about illegal use of Sky Sports programming and Unauthorised foreign broadcasts - nothing to do with what I was selling. I believe when listings are removed like this it is because the company concerned are a member of eBay VeRO - 'Verified Rights Owner' programme or something. I've read in the past that companies basically abuse this, eBay remove all listings that they report which could be for a multitude of reasons. On the list of VeRO members (UK is toward the bottom of the page) I can't see Sky listed http://vero.ebay.com/ I hate such bullying by large companies - I've spent a while on live chat to eBay but they are adamant that I need to contact Sky and that 'if Sky allow me to sell the item, I can pass the communication onto them'. They won't give me a copy of the report, a specific number to call for eBay listing removals - nothing. It feels very much like a big bully boy company (Sky) dictating an item can't be sold to another large multinational (eBay) who simply bow to them - no mistakes, no appeals etc. What can I do? Has anyone had this issue before? Please help.. Thanks in advance..
  13. Hi I am having some difficulty with SKY TV over my account with them. I have the full TV package along with multiroom and I had an offer that gave me half price multiroom for the next 75 years. I recently called up to negotiate my package and they offered me £16 off for 10 months. I enquired 3 times and asked them to confirm each time that I would continue to get my half price multiroom deal for the next 75 years. I was told each time that the offer on multiroom would be honoured and that for the extra £16 off for 10 months, I would be taking out a new 12 month contract. The new offer has now been applied and I have contacted SKY as the multiroom discount is not showing in my account. Sky have told me that they cannot give me the half price multiroom but I am now locked into a new 12 month contract. What are my next steps with SKY as I really feel that I have been mis sold this offer. Thanks for any advice.
  14. Hello, I'd be really grateful for any help you could offer. I'm live chatting with Sky to raise a complaint about their poor customer service and they're refusing to log my complaint. They're telling me "As there is no further action required by us to remedy any failures on our part." Can they behave like this?! Thank you
  15. Well, generally I am a supporter of sky, BUT alongside the £1 increase in line rental (heck they all are) sky are removing the included calls effectively reducing the worth of the package in addition to raising its cost. Now as if the double whammy there wasn't bad enough they are 'automatically' moving people on to an additionally charged calls package - as that gives the nearest call package to the free included ones you had. How are they notifying folk of this - buried in the detail of what superficially looks like just another rubbish mail shot. and to add further insult to injury, the link in the letter to tell them to get some sage, onion and breadcrumbs and apply ... doesn't work. AND of course the phone line are all blocked up with folk telling them to pull their sphincter over their head and whistle dixie. Surely automatically moving folk onto a charged add-on package is illegal - its certainly immoral. Ah well, positive side is many can use the changes to walk away from your contract with them and take up someone elses. Darned disgraceful.
  16. After being badgered by a Sky Salesman in my local shopping centre, i decided to go back to Sky. As a returning customer they offered such a fantastic deal, New Dish and HD Box all installed, Sky Family package normally at £36.00 reduced to £23.40 for 12 months (35% off) Engineer due Wednesday to do the install and i get a welcome back letter from sky this morning. To my horror it has my monthly subscription at £36.00. Now on the phone the chap states it was an error in applying the discount etc, then the line goes dead, i get cut off Phoned again the cancellation department this time. Everything going fine, she said she has put a credit on the bill and my monthly subscription will be £23.40 for12 months. I then ask for her to send me an email as a change in contractual terms to confirm my monthly bill. SHE SAID THEY DO NOT HAVE THE FACILITY TO SEND OUT AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION. Now i have a 14 day cooling off period to stick by. If they cannot even have the decency to send me an email confirmation then stuff you I have now cancelled my contract and install within the 14 day cooling off period I do not like to be ripped off or made to feel that way
  17. To watch Free to air TV channels through a Sky receiver ?? Do you have to have an active subscription to record one channel while watching another through a Sky HD box?? At the back of my place there is already a Sky dish on the wall. I was thinking of getting one of those Quad LNB and a HD Box off eBay If not i will stick to the original one cable to the existing LNB
  18. We had a problem with our landline about 3 months ago and Mrs rang Sky to get it fixed. We were told there had been a fault and a crossed line had been the problem. Mrs checked the bill and we were charged for calls we had not made (about £20). At the time of these calls being made our phone was not working at all. Back in touch with Sky who told us that they would sort the problem out and amend the bill, this has not been done. We checked our latest bill on Saturday and we are still being charged for calls we've not made. Should we put this in writing to Sky or ring useless customer services again?
  19. My son took out a subscription with Sky for Broadband and TV. This involved a 12 month contract until August 2016. Included in this package were movies and a "free" TV set. My son agreed all this by telephone and nothing was actually signed; it was all verbal. He was told that early cancellation was possible but that a cancellation fee would be payable. This was a significant amount: £134.06 He was told this at least three times by Sky, most recently just 24 hours ago. Also if he did cancel early, the current months fee would be payable plus an indeterminate admin fee the following month after cancellation. Earlier today he contacted Sky to cancel and was informed that cancellation was not possible as he was tied in to a 12 month contract. He offered to pay the cancellation fee, but was told that he still could not cancel. This seems bizarre and also represents incredibly poor customer care (ie to mislead him into thinking he could cancel when apparently he can't!). This has stressed him and involved numerous lengthy and annoying phone calls. Given that nothing was signed, what are the implications for him if he simply cancels the Direct Debit through his bank?
  20. We recieved a letter today from cabot which said they had bought our Sky account. There was also a letter dated the day before from Sky enclosed in the letter saying they had sold it to Cabot. Now im currently dealing with Cabot for 3 other matters and one is in court to which the court has told Cabot to get a grip, they are also very over due with the cca for another account. Anyway, back to the Sky 'debt'. We moved almost 5 years ago (May 2011) but we did cancel the sky package as we weren't going to use them in the new area. Cabot are inviting me to contaft them to discuss the matter and support us in managing the account. Now im al ost 100% sure theat Sky was in my name, yet the Cabot letter is address to the hubby. Its almost like they are trying to get hubby anyway they can. So what is the best plan action inshould take on this.
  21. Sky is putting up the prices of its TV packages by an average of between £2 and £3 a month from 1 June. The TV giant has revealed new prices for both upgrades and its TV deals, with increases ranging between £1 and £4.25 per month. Sky’s premier package, The Complete, will see the biggest jump in cost, with customers required to pay £80 a month from June – a rise of £4.25. “While existing customers who have been with Sky for longer than the minimum term (12 months) can vote with their feet, in doing so they say goodbye to a lot of content you cannot get anywhere else. Meanwhile, those still in contract have little choice but to pay whatever Sky asks.” Article
  22. Hi, I pay £160 a month for 5 SKY boxes, all HD and fully loaded with packages. I consider myself to be a decent customer. 3 months ago we had a period of bad weather and 3 of my boxes lost signal. I suspect it's to do with the connection on the dish as my other boxes get a signal fine. They want £60 engineer fee per box to climb a ladder and re-connect. Granted I can get a local guy to do it but as I pay nearly £2k a year for SKY you would think they'd like to keep me happy. Are there any tactics that I can use to talk them into doing it for free? (or at least at a discount) Cheers.
  23. In last week's White Paper on the future of the BBC, the Culture Secretary; John Whittingdale confirmed that watching TV without a valid TV licence will continue to be a criminal offence. At present, 13% (approx 180,000 cases) that go before the magistrates each year are in relation to TV licence evasion. In the consultation paper it was stated that 'more guidance' was required in relation to this offence together with 'proposed culpability factors'. Presently, the Sentencing Council are undertaking a large-scale revamp of sentencing rules for 27 common offences dealt with by the magistrates and if approval is given, the new sentences will take effect in the autumn. Yesterday, it was announced that substantial changes are being proposed by the Sentencing Council in relation to TV licence evasion. These proposals (if approved) could see many of the fines significantly increased, and in many cases....doubled. The most significant part of the Sentencing Council's proposals concerns the new 'culpability factors'. Under the proposal, the crime will be considered more serious if the individual: Has not tried to buy a licence; If they have tried to evade detection; Have additional subscription television service (Sky, BT TV, Netflix or Amazon) The effect will be that JPs will consider that an individual who is a Sky, Netflix, Amazon or BT TV subscriber will have committed a Category Two crime rather than the lesser Category Three offence for which they would currently be guilty. For individuals who have failed to pay for a TV licence for more than six months the offence will be Category One, which would mean the fine would be at the top of the Band B range.
  24. I am currently with Sky and I have just been advised that my monthly payment will be increasing by £5.50 from 1st June I have Sky+HD Pack with Variety, Sports and multiroom. Considering switching to Virgin, in which I have broadband and phone with. Can any Virgin uses advise what the best package that is on offer at moment ? Thanks
  25. Is something happening that we do not know about. Three people i know have said,one in Yorkshire and 2 in Lancashire who do not communicate with each other have heard strange unexplained noises from the sky. A loud humming,whining noise. Rumbling,not storms in the distance.Not tinnitus,going on for ages.A mixture of sounds. Are we chasing UFOS about perhaps.You cannot pinpoint it,it is everywhere it seems. I had better leave it there or else you may send the people with white coats to my house. Just wondering.
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