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Found 5 results

  1. After being badgered by a Sky Salesman in my local shopping centre, i decided to go back to Sky. As a returning customer they offered such a fantastic deal, New Dish and HD Box all installed, Sky Family package normally at £36.00 reduced to £23.40 for 12 months (35% off) Engineer due Wednesday to do the install and i get a welcome back letter from sky this morning. To my horror it has my monthly subscription at £36.00. Now on the phone the chap states it was an error in applying the discount etc, then the line goes dead, i get cut off Phoned again the cancellation department this time. Everything going fine, she said she has put a credit on the bill and my monthly subscription will be £23.40 for12 months. I then ask for her to send me an email as a change in contractual terms to confirm my monthly bill. SHE SAID THEY DO NOT HAVE THE FACILITY TO SEND OUT AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION. Now i have a 14 day cooling off period to stick by. If they cannot even have the decency to send me an email confirmation then stuff you I have now cancelled my contract and install within the 14 day cooling off period I do not like to be ripped off or made to feel that way
  2. Having moved to Northern Ireland and confirmation i pick up the keys to my new place in two weeks, i decide to phone BT. My BT account is still live in the UK as my brother took over my flat and he is currently paying the bill. Simple you might think, the only way he said was that i have to change my contract or be hit with a £130.00 bill for install. He said no line is on his system so the engineer will have to run a new line. First question is if no current line into the property why do i have to pay?? Second there is a BT line as i have seen it myself, The last owner had virgin media but that is in addition to the BT Line They said they would wave this fee if i accepted broadband at £13.00 a month. At the moment i have free broadband for 12 months, all i pay is line rental. Why do i have that feeling the BT Salesman is trying to rip me off in signing up to a contract i do not need?
  3. What is it about these people. I phoned them today to see if it would be possible to maybe pay less off my arrears this month. I normally pay £140 off per month (total arrears left is £600. You would have thought I had asked for their bank account pin number! First I was threatened with agreement cancellation, then a mortgage review inc credit check which I refused. "Well, we can't help you then" was their reply, "full payment and arrears or we go to court" So there we have it, nice friendly sympathetic folk that they are. All for £70 I hate to be like this, but I have prayed to God that they go bust and they ALL lose their jobs. Sorry, I know it's terrible but it isn't really a very nice way to earn money anyway is it?
  4. This may be a rather silly post and as not all of the criteria has been published yet, not relevant. But, I hate filling in those dratted froms. I already have DLA - HRM & MRC, had DLA since 1994. Looking at the new descriptors it looks like I will get 8 points for mobility and 0 for care. I will not be 65 until June 2014 so I will be in the first line to be tested! Anyhow, from what I understand its a bit like ESA, self assessment & an ATOS assessment. If anything like my ESA claim it will be a disaster. I sent the ESA50 back with no info as I just couldn't be bothered and the face to face assessment ended up in a shambles as it became personal - I just didn't like the guy When I get the call up, do I have to fill out their form or could I just send it back with a few comments on it? Do I really have to have any evidence? I don't keep anything and refuse to take the medication etc. GP has given up on me and I was discharged a year or two ago by the consultant as I didn't keep any appointments. Having said all of that I am genuine and have genuine health problems that create care needs and mobility issues. From what I read, like ESA, the DWP will accept the ATOS assessment anyhow, so that will be another disaster as I hate having to explain things and be made to feel that I am a con artist. Unlike the ESA assessment, could I take my wife in with me, as with ESA, the assessor refused her to come in saying that he wanted to hear from me and didn't want a third party interupting the proceedings. Simply put, is it going to be a waste of my time and effort bothering to transfer over next June?
  5. Dont know if anyone else has spotted this,maybe they will be calling on Cameroons hate department http://www.westmercia.police.uk/news/news-articles/disability-hate-crime-we-won-t-tolerate-it.html
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