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  1. Hi, I’m hoping for some advice for my uncle. He is 71, has had schizophrenia all his life, used to live with his parents till they passed away 15 years ago and now lives alone. My mum (his sister) and my dad visit him weekly to check on him, take him some food and do a little clean for him. He receives DLA (lowest rate) and pension credit and has rent paid on a small run down flat. He is usually very private about his finances last time they visited he was very anxious and told them he received a letter from the DWP to ask for bank statements to prove his amount in savings. They asked to see the letter but he said he had thrown it away. When they asked him how much he has, it turns out he has nearly £25,000. Obviously this is way more than he is allowed and we would like to know what is likely to happen now, and what is the best thing to do next? The money has not come from any outside source, purely from his entitled benefits mounting up over the years resulting from him living very and neglecting himself and his home due to his mental illness and medication. For example; he doesn’t eat well, only one decent meal a day and my parents take him fruit and veg and meals when they can. He was going out in winter in a thin summer coat so they bought him a warm winter one. His couches and bed are over 20 years old and falling apart and he refuses to buy a new ones saying they’re fine! he only has this much in savings because he hasn’t had the mental capacity to use his entitlement to care for himself properly all these years. He doesn’t smoke, drink or buy any new clothes or possessions for himself. We are wondering whether to try to convince him to spend a chunk of the money on things he does actually need and keep receipts before sending the bank statements in, or if this is likely to get him into more trouble with the DWP? He talks about being anxious about funeral costs so we could help him get a prepaid funeral plan. He also needs a new mattress, bedding, 3 piece suite, TV, white goods for the kitchen, new clothes and shoes etc all of which he has neglected to buy for himself for 15 years. Thank you very much for your advice!
  2. In November 2005 I was called into my bank for a “financial review”. At that time, I did not realise it was going to be a hard sell of bank products. I was sold a £20k loan. When the time arrived to sign the paperwork, the local printer couldn’t produce it – I guess an IT issue. They managed to get part or maybe all the first page printed (on screen it had many pages), which I was asked to sign or initial – I don’t remember what, in the footer area of the page. The £20k was deposited into my account the same/next day. I was advised a full agreement would be sent to me which I had to sign and return to the bank. That full agreement never arrived, despite me asking for it many times (I can prove). Contacting the bank was getting nowhere, so on advice of a Solicitor/Barrister I stopped making repayments in May 2009. The bank did then contact me. They said over the phone (I have a recording) if I resumed re-payments they would supply a copy of the agreement. I resumed re-payments, they did not supply the agreement and eventually agreed they did not have a copy of the agreement and could not produce a “re-constituted” agreement. Hence in Sept 2009 I stopped making re-payments again. The bank took 2 payments under “set-off” rules in June and July 2011. Amount outstanding according to bank is around £12k In November 2012 the bank put a default notice on my credit file. That did as intended and really fouled up my life. I spoke with the bank and they offered to remove the default, but I would need to repay the original loan (fair) interest for all the loan duration (not fair, duration/interest rate unknown as no agreement) and interest at 8% on the entire outstanding balance. I said “in your dreams”. I have engaged a few legal firms over the years to try and resolve this, total costs to date are around £20k. I am advised it could easily cost over £150k to continue. However, I see this as a simple problem. Bank don’t have copy of agreement (legally execute or otherwise). They have put a default notice on my credit file, in my view without any evidence I have defaulted – I don’t know the terms any more than the bank does. I feel I could issue a summons (pre-action protocol letter previously sent by solicitor) requesting removal of default notice. If successful, I would ask for compensation and my legal costs to date. Problem if I keep the quantum claimed under £10k (about 50% of my legal costs to date) if I am not successful, I can’t be hit by banks legal costs. If I issue for more than £10k I could have a large bank legal costs bill if I am not successful. My inclination is to go for more than £10k and take the risk, question is how much? Any other views considered. I did try the FoS – seems to be a waste of time in my view.
  3. How much rent can you afford? An interesting article with links to government and local authority calculators. It points out that you need to consider far more than just any fees and the rent itself, but all other utility bills, council tax, water bills and in some cases, service charges.
  4. How much rent can you afford? An interesting article with links to government and local authority calculators. It points out that you need to consider far more than just any fees and the rent itself, but all other utility bills, council tax, water bills and in some cases, service charges.
  5. Due to recently selling my house and buying a far cheaper house elsewhere I now have a bank balance of £149,509.10 in my Santander account. Despite this they pay me no interest at all. Santander said I could obtain a different type of account that would pay me interest but only on a balance up to £20,000. I am of the impression that the bank doesn't want my money and would prefer me to transfer it elsewhere. I find this very strange indeed because I thought banks needed people with large balances so they could lend to other people and charge interest on the loans. Seems to me if you have a fairly large amount of money the last place you put it is in a bank. Having no idea where to invest my money I assume I will have to just leave it in the bank and watch it depreciate due to inflation. Oh well, such is life.
  6. Hi - I have looked through the stickies and can't seem to find this. On allocation form (as a Claimant), it says to pay the 'allocation fee' Is this the same as hearing fee? Or a different fee? Thanks, MH
  7. I work for a welfare to work charity and have done for 6 years. The project I work for is coming to an end and I expect to be made redundant on or before 6 months time. Lots of staff have left and I am being expected to travel to outreach offices and this is now over 500 miles a week (in 4 days), they do pay travel. I have always driven for work but I am nearly 60 years old and am finding it tiring and stressful, the company's answer is that there isn't anyone else or enough work in my area. My question is, please, is this unreasonable? I feel I can't keep this up for 6 months but obviously I would like to collect my redundancy money. Are there any steps I can take? My contract obviously has the usual 'extra duties as necessary' clauses. Many thanks for any advice.
  8. I have at last found a smaller property to move into, given the LA a months notice that I am moving out. Today I got a letter from them with a long list of must do and must no does, one is allowing prospective new tenants to view the property, they say they will of course try to give me notice as possible....am I allowed to ask for at least 24 hours notice and restrict the amount of days they book views for? Also how do they/or should work out deductions such as redecorating costs...I am not able to do any decorating, considering we have been in the house for over 6 years and it wasnt newly or even recently decorated when we moved in, we have decorated the bedrooms, after getting permission, the carpets were thread bare in places and are even more thread bare now! Things like the burglar alarm no longer works...it became faulty and the landlord instead of getting it repaired had the power to it cut! Also if they do show people round when I am there do I answer honestly if they ask about how quick the landlord gets things fixed?
  9. Hi I'm hoping you can help my sister with this quandary. She has some mortgage arrears for various reasons but they are now wanting to sort this issue out. A court hearing has been booked but her mortgage company have called and said they are willing to help and look at options. The arrears are around £5800. Going forward they can pay the contractual monthly payment plus an amount towards the arrears. The mortgage company say they will consider this but a i and e form must be completed. So I'm trying to help her work out what might be seen as a reasonable offer Their income is £2700 pm and essential dd etc including mortgage is £1715. On top of that we've allowed for food and a few other bits. So the remains non essential balance pm is £500. How much of that should she offer and leave herself for entertainment, unexpected expenses etc which would seem fair to mortgage company or potentially a judge.
  10. free meals and refreshments appropriate to the delay Does anyone know what this means? I was recently delayed coming back from Portugal. After 2 hours we were given a voucher for 5 euros (£3.50). A sandwich cost 5 euros so we had to pay for drinks. Am I expecting too much to want refreshments to include at least a drink with my sandwich, I suppose I could have had a packet of crisps instead.
  11. Well,i am back again.When many of you post it gives me ideas. I like it in here.Sometimes it frightens you,sometimes it enlightens you. Enough of that,could go on for a while,ramble on for ages if left to. So what tips have you got for home and garden.Maybe handed down to you from your family generations ago.Maybe last week. I have seen two on another thread but will let them find their way here and tell you themselves. So who is first going to give us a tip. Not one for the 2-30 at Doncaster Race.
  12. I have been suspended from my job been 4 weeks now and in such a state cannot eat or sleep 15yrs service, no previous issues of anything not even timekeeping. I am not doing good with all this.
  13. Posting this in attempt to try to help my friend who was quite irresponsible with her credit cards. I think they are all with different banks and she says no way for these to be combined into one or for her to get a loan (bad credit rating) to pay them off. £1000 overdraft on each card so £3000 in total plus monthly interest rates piling up on top of each sum plus I think there are some late payment fees too or something. She only can make small payments (meeting the monthly minimum) but it is going on for her for almost 3 years now and because of the interest rates piling up on top of the rest each month, she can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am worried for her because of this. Her health is affected as well as her general mood. I am noticing psychological effects too, she is becoming short tempered with her nearest and dearest (including me as best friend) which is really not like her. She's got no money for buying presents for family or anyone else, no holidays, nor for new items of clothing or to afford more than 2 drinks somewhere out once or max twice a month and that's pretty much the only time she spends out of her home and workplace, apart from when buying groceries. She's basically got no life because no money and the paying off seems to be taking painfully long. I know she has some sort of depression symptoms too. The situation is very stressful for her and she cries often, she doesn't tell me but I know this. Are there any options/solutions to make paying off these overdrafts more manageable? Even if she could put paying off 1 of the cards on hold would be helpful...? Any hacks/tricks are welcome! She's got a job working with kids on a self employed basis and paying her NI and taxes but she's not being left with much at all after paying rent, bills (houseshare with others) and travel expenses. Does a bit of paid extra work in childcare but it's only enough to barely keep her head above the water. In some weeks when the extra childcare not needed, she's got no money for food.
  14. I have just moved into a housing association property and i'm just wondering how much CT reduction I can expect to receive? I'm a single person living there. I know the rate is 25% discount for that, so I assumed that I would pay 3/4 of the full bill (It's £120 a month So I would pay £90). However when I go on benefit calculators such as the turn2us benefits calculator, it says I will only have to pay £5 a week towards CT. My details: I'm claiming carers allowance and IS (£420 a month) Rent: £400 a month (Applied for housing benefit, shared rate as i'm under 35 which will be £60 a week off rent) A second relevant question is would the council be funny if i'm not moved in after the first week? I signed the tenancy yesterday and have started paying rent. The property itself is a complete mess. No carpets, no cooker, no shower. The previous tenants clearly had kids because the walls are stained and the wooden flooring is filthy. They housing association know its that bad too as they have given me vouchers for paint and wallpaper. Then there's activating gas and electric, as well as a big list of other things I need to do before I can move in. The place needs a lot of work and with bank holiday weekend approaching, I can't find anyone to transport my things to the new address so it looks like I wont be able to move in until the end of next week. Finally, will having £4000 in my savings account cause any problems with my HB and CT benefit claims? I know it may sound bad that i'm a council tenant with 4k in savings, but that money was built up since being on the housing list by being allowed to live in my previous property rent free so I could save up and also family donations to help with the new place. After factoring in the cost of moving in (carpets, electronics, moving van hire, etc), that £4000 will be gone. Thanks
  15. Hi Is it ever possible to find out how much a debt has been sold on for? My old bank (Co-op) sold my two debts onto Cabot (when they desperately had to dump old and non productive debts) but the DCA remained as Fredricksons. I have continued to pay this but as I am a disabled pensioner on pension credit which does not keep up with the cost of living I was looking to take my life back and try to get Cabot to agree to accept a write-off with a token payment. So far, against everything they said, they have raised a complaint against Freds that I did not make in any way, investigated that non-complaint which I did not agree to or know about, and totally ignore what was simply a request to consider writing off the debt, and told me they would not enter into any further communication about "my" complaint. I have now raised an actual complaint about the fact that they seriously misled me and completely failed to respond as they had promised and described. In short, nothing was conducted or replied to that I was told would happen - nothing at all. No response at all for nearly two months. I will take this up with the Ombudsman if only to raise the issue that Cabot have lied and misled me, raised a complaint I did not make and failed to respond to a complaint that I have made. But as part of my fighting back, I would like to know if I have any chance with requesting the information about how much Cabot paid for my debts because if it was the proverbial peanuts, then I must surely have repaid it all by now. Has anyone ever found this out and if not, is it a secret that is enshrined in tablets of stone that no-one has ever breached, and if so, does anyone know why we cannot have this information?
  16. I am looking to start proceedings against City of London to reclaim costs for successfuly defending a parking ticket. can some one please point me in the right direction as to the amounts I can claim for, cost of a letter or hourly rate for my time ect.. Thanks in advance BB
  17. I have just received 2 attachments of earnings for old council tax debt. One is for £1070 the other £72.50. My monthly take home pay is usually around £1800 and this month I have been paid £1300. I have been on an online calculator and found out that they should have had £317 for the first order so with this takeb off I would have been paid £1483, even if the entire amount of the second order was deducted I would have been paid £1411.50. I called them and they even said that I shouldn't have paid this much but in a word tough! Is there anything I can do. I was expecting maybe £300 and budgeted accordingly but this has left me very short and if they do the same again next month I don't know how we are going to manage. Surely if the law says 17% for each order thereference must be something I can do? Please help back to work tomorrow and am very worried
  18. Simple terms: Lloyds overdraft, defaulted mid 2011 balance around £600. Had a claim open for bank charges on same account which I was hoping might of cleared the od was of course declined with court ruling. Had been paying Lloyds £1 a month till 12 months ago when I moved from HSBC to Santander, have not paid since. Lloyds have now passed debt to Cabot who are telling me they will accept an offer. I am absolutely in no position to repay at more than £1 a month, self employed, private renter, skint... but could maybe pull a bit together in order to get them off my back. Now considering the debt is made up i'd say of mostly bank charges at some point between 1996 and 2008 when I banked with them how much would be a reasonable offer?. Otherwise its a pound a month for the next 20 years. I was thinking of going in really low, like 10% which is now about £58. Any advice would be appreciated. I know the numbers are all pretty small really and not enough for me to lose and sleep over but it would just be nice to get this out the way if possible. Ps have debt collectors gone soft?, the tone of all letters compared to 5 years ago is very gentle.
  19. Hi to you all who have taken out loans with this company me also being one I feel we are all same unite here cos we are all similar cases loans done by the company mine has been too trauma to put on here its cost me dearly in my nerves etc I just want to say thank you for saying on here to each and everyone of you I know we all have experienced same things to do with this company, please hang on cos I believe there is now light at the end of the tunnel. BLESS YOU all and try relax , sometimes it just takes one more to move the mountain . I had to remember nothing is impossible is it, release is coming we have to remember its just a loan and yours and my views count , whither its 1 person 2 people 50 people 1,000 plus people with same view multiplication is coming or is not needed because sooner or later it just takes the right place, action, things, people to change things.
  20. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/high-street-banks-charging-customers-8381277 Got to get back some of that money they have been fined over the past couple of years !!
  21. Hi! I have used the break clause in my tenancy contract to terminate it. It required a 2 month notice period, which I gave and was accepted by the landlord's agency. This means that my tenancy agreement ends by the 25th of August. Nevertheless, my rental period usually runs from the 8th of each month. I have assumed that, if the tenancy contract ends by the 25th I would only have to pay from the 8th to the 25th but the letting agent is asking for a full month rent... He says the overpaid money will be returned and that they do this to protect them from tenants not leaving at the end of tenancy. Is this legal? Do I have any obligation to pay over the end of contract period? Is there any protection for the overpaid money? What happens if I only pay for the period of 8 to 25 of August? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  22. Hi, I am really stressed. I have received claim forms for the County Court for a HBOS debt being claimed by Lowell/Bryan Carter. The claim is for £740. I did have a Halifax account a few years ago and it went into arrears for around £150. Is there anyway I can ask the court for them to make Bryan Carter provide full information for the amount claimed as I am not certain it is this debt and can't work out how it has gotten to so much? TIA
  23. A friend transferred some money out of his bank account to an etrade account as he thinks he will lose his job in a couple of months, and wanted less than £6,000 in the account, but worries that housing benefit and DWP will do data matching or go into his accounts and see the transaction and then look into the etrade account (which isn't trading at the moment). Will they notice the money being sent out, do they monitor transactions three months before and do data matching? Does the DWP employ credit reference agencies who pick up on these transactions and etrade accounts? He's thinking of closing this bank account and opening another one in another bank. To stop this transaction being fund for £6,000 out of account. Obviously, he will get contribution based benefits after working for four years.
  24. Hello, in the last few days have I discovered that Vanquis Credit Card company are [problem]mers. I already have credit cards with Barclays and Capital One, and manage them perfectly well, am not in debt to them. I apologise, here, for the length of this post. In June this year, I received (junk mail....) an envelope from Vanquis, offering me a credit card with them. Because I was in need of a bit more cash at the time, I stupidly filled in the online application form, and then received a phone-call from them. They approved me for one of their cards. I did NOT then know that this company, Vanquis, are for people with bad or no credit history...to my shame, I simply assumed they were a mainstream, legitimate credit card company. After the card was received by me, a couple of weeks later, I used it to purchase a few items. Taking it up to within £3 of the (£250) credit limit. When I went through the application process over the phone, in June, with one of their staff, I arranged (or THOUGHT I did...see later) a Direct Debit with them, for the minimum payment. I told them that I'm on a (Civil Service) pension, and that it gets paid into my bank account on (the specific date of the month it's paid in). I thus said to them, "The DDebit will, therefore, be taken from my account several days later, right?". (ie, in line with all my other monthly payments). The Vanquis staff member said "Yes, of course All my relevant bank details were given to him, over the phone, in June this year, in order to [or so I thought...] set up the DDebit. Then, to my horror, on 18th July (just 6 days ago), I received a text from Vanquis claiming that my account was £33 overdrawn. Of course I phoned them immediately. I'd ASSUMED that the DDebit which had (ostensibly) been set up in June, had been taken from my account a couple of days earlier. Ie, I assumed my account was okay. (Not then knowing that they are a [problem]ming company - as I do know, now...). Prior to phoning them on 18th July, I went online to look at my account. And found, to my horror, that a couple of days earlier (ie, the date on which the DDebit SHOULD have been paid from my bank account, to Vanquis), Vanquis had slapped onto my account with them a £12 "Late payment charge" (???). A (FAKE charge, by them) charge which tipped my account over the credit limit. And that they therefore then slapped on a £12 "Overlimit charge". When I eventually spoke to Vanquis on 18th July, I said "WHY did you not take the Direct Debit which had been arranged in June?". The staff member said to me "We DID try to take it from your bank, but it was rejected". (NB., this, I learnt, was a deliberate lie on the part of Vanquis...). I told him that I had more than enough money in my ordinary bank account to cover the DDebit - that it should have been taken just a couple of days after my pension had been paid in. The Vanquis chap continued to claim that my bank had rejected the DDebit. I continued to say to him "That is nonsense, I STILL have more than enough in my bank account to cover that DDebit". The chap then had the audacity to say to me "Pay us £31 on your next pension payday and we'll clear the overlimit charges, and start again from scratch...". I checked with my own bank this morning, and not only did they confirm that Vanquis had NOT tried to put through a DDebit to them, but that NO Direct Debit has been registered with my bank, by Vanquis; even though in June I arranged such a DDebit over the phone - even telling them that (of course) they would need to take the DDebit each month on a date a few days AFTER my monthly pension is credited to my account. Having, in the last couple of days, read online re. the horrific [problem] that is being perpetrated by Vanquis - FAKE charges being slapped onto people's accounts (my own example, above, being one such), willy-nilly, and the extortionate interest charged, I'm very panicky indeed about what they might do to me, finance-wise, re. my account with them. I realise it was very careless of me not to have realised that they, Vanquis, are not a mainstream credit card company. It is an immensely stressful time for me, currently, due to other personal matters, so the very LAST thing I needed, right now, was to discover myself in the nightmare situation with Vanquis that I now see I AM in - thus adding to my stressed state. I've been reading some of the many horrific stories of people's experiences with Vanquis, online, and really do not know what I should do, in the first instance, to try to limit their horrific assault on my finances, with the FAKE charges they've slapped on my account with them. And re. the fact they deliberately did not, in actual fact, set up a DDebit for me, even though in June it had, I thought, all been arranged over the phone. Ie, they deliberately did not set up a DDebit with my bank, to them, precisely in order then to PRETEND they'd tried to put through the DDebit just a few days ago, to then PRETEND it had been rejected by my bank, in order to then slap FAKE charges on my account. (I've read, online, that other people have found this - that Vanquis have claimed that their bank had rejected the set-up DDebit, and then the victim discovers (as did I, earlier today) that they'd not set up a DDebit, precisely in order to slap the fake charges on... I would very much appreciate any advice as to what I should do, in this situation. Thanking you in hopeful anticipation.
  25. Hoping to go away a few times this year and am looking at travel insurance. I've been given quotes that range from £30-£100 ish. But is there really that much difference between the insurance that each company offers? I've had a look on compare the market and put my details in to see what comes up. I am aware that some compaies won't come up on comparison websites.
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