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  1. I am a divorced man who has met a new lovely lady and we get on superbly. I own my house outright and I live on my private occupational pension. My new lady lives on benefits and lives in a rented flat. I understand that I cannot stay with her more than two nights per week in order not to affect her benefits claims etc. OK I understand that and have no problem with it. I have only stayed in her flat for one night in seven months. However, I've heard that she cannot spend more then two nights per week with me in my private house without it affecting her benefit entitlements. Is that correct? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  2. Is it best to send medical records to the DWP when applying for disability benefits rather than them trying to locate them themselves slow things down? The form is so complicated to fill out so will the medical records act as a substitute?
  3. My sister has been refused benefits because they think - erroneously - she is earning 130 a week, when in fact she hasn't worked since January. They said they based their decision on her tax return (actress, self-employed). When she asks, that's all they say. She needs to see their detailed calculations and what in the tax return they used to arrive at this wrong conclusion. Can we ask for that? Thanks.
  4. LHadfil

    Benefits in Kind

    In following scenario: Employee is on work from home contract but is in office 3 days a week, staying overnight in between. Company arranges and pays for train travel to and from office, and the hotel. Am I right in saying that both are a benefit in kind as the office will still be classed as a 'permanent workplace'? and therefore employer will pay class 1A contributions on both via P11D? Will the employee incur any additional NI and/or PAYE expense? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi I hope someone can advise me please. My father sadly passed away and I'm about to receive about £12k inheritance money. my family and I receive working tax credits/child tax and housing benefit as we are on a low income. my partner rents a taxi and pays a lot of money out on the car rent /radio settle and fuel before he even starts to make a wage We are aware that our housing benefit will be reduced but we are thinking of buying a taxi to reduce our out goings on the car and make us better off financially and my partner wont have to work all the hours god sends to make ends meet. If we used £6000 of the money to buy a taxi would the council still reduce our benefit as though we still had £12k or would they calculate how much we earn with our own taxi. thanks for any replies
  6. Employers need to provide details for all Benefits in Kind READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/employers-need-to-provide-details-for-all-benefits-in-kind
  7. Could someone give me some advice my mortgage is outstanding around 30k and I have positive equity in my home. I am reaching near pension age and currently claiming ESA. If I decide to take out equity release to soley pay off my mortgage would my benefits be stopped. I am in a catch 22 situation what to do and am worried sick. I am under going cancer treatment and dont need this on top. As I would get one payout of say 30k from the scheme to solely pay to keep my house over my head would they stop my benefits. Or is it if they spread the 30K in instalments and treated as income if I was gong to spend it on OTHER things would they only stopped it because of this. REALLY NEED GOOD SOUND ADVICE PLEASE! I AM WORRIED SICK
  8. http://welfarecentral.org/index.php/forum-home/universal-credit/1325-dwp-admit-no-plans-how-to-migrate-legacy-benefits#5432 Want to know how you will be migrated from legacy benefits to UC, Do not bother asking the DWP, http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/444360/response/1080845/attach/html/2/FoI%204762%20reply.pdf.html
  9. I have mental health problems and alcohol misuse problems. I live with my mum and am soon moving into council supported accommodation for people with substance abuse issues. It's a rehab. I'm in the support group of esa and standard rate of pip. Do you think they'll take me of pip and put me into the wrag group for esa? It's just that I was only entitled to pip it because my mum cooks my food, washes my clothes, prompts me to take meds because I either forget or don't have motivation to take them, she washes clothes, tells me when i need to bathe etc... And also controls my money, pays bills. In supported living I will have to do this myself. I'm extremely worried they're going to take my pip away.
  10. PIP assessments: 'Lack of trust' in benefits systems READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43058789
  11. Hi all and thanks for the help in advance. I returned back to the UK 3 or 4 months ago after travelling. I was on a working holiday in Australia for 1 and a half years, then travelling Asia (not working at all) for another year. After returning my Dad fell ill and is disabled. Therefore he began claiming PiP etc. He needs help and I have been caring for him. I made a new claim for carers allowance over 8 weeks ago. (still waiting for an answer) I have just attempted to make a claim for universal credit and after answering a question about being in the country for the last 2 years the website informed me I am not eligible for universal credit. I assume this was because I have been travelling. I then researched into carer's allowance and it says you can't claim carer's allowance if you have not been in the country the at least 2 of the last 3 years. Does this mean I have no rights to any benefits in the UK? I am a UK citizen and have lived here all my life and intend to stay. I have literally no money and my Dad needs round the clock care. What do I do? We are both living of his benefits which is only fit for 1 person. Can I claim jobseekers if my Dads condition improves? Thanks
  12. Stirling CAB publishes Plain English Guide to help sort out Benefits READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE HERE: http://stirlingcab.org.uk/
  13. Hi everyone I lost my job nearly 3 wks ago and not having much luck. I will need to start claiming. Last time I was on the dole was 12 yrs ago so I dont know how it goes these days. I will need rent help as well. Heres my problems though - Im not on thie electoral role and Ive got unpaid debt from 6 yrs ago. Pls dont judge at the time and still it was impossible. Low wages and temporary work. What I need is will those problems have any impact on me if I can claim or what I can. how wil my problems affect me. thanks for any comments
  14. Hi, Looking for some help and advice, my partner has been off work for the last 6+ months with a long term illness (Mental Health). Her employer has now stopped paying her SSP. We have made a successful claim for PIP and also now receive tax credits. We haven't received an SSP1 form from her employer but are they required to send one or do we need to request one? Also how can I find out if she is entitled to anything else? Thanks in advance for your help with this, its just unfamiliar territory and need help and guidance. Have a good day
  15. Didn't see this anywhere so have posted, apologies if already done,. Needless to say, well, well, haven't they got themselves into a bit of a mess?!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42012116
  16. I had a guy who had worked for me for 5 years. He came to me begging in December for a house to stay in. I helped the guy out by giving him a house that I owned. Cut a long story short he kept the money from the benefit payments telling me lies after lies. I managed to get a court order to evict him. But he still owes me £4000 which I have no chance of seeing. This has sent me in financial difficulties trying to cover the mortgage shortfall. The court ordered him to pay the full amount which he has not. I would really like to get the money off him. I know he works full time but found out later he is claiming housing benefit. He must not be declaring his entire income which will make it hard for me to get the money right? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Just a general question, i've heard childrens savings accounts with £3000 or more affects parents benefits such as housing benefit. If it's held in a child trust fund opened by govenment or junior isa, both which can't be accessed until child turns 18, are they also considered. Or just standard accounts?
  18. On 22/09/16 I bought my home outright for £44,000 with roughly £46,000 I had in savings. The following day I put in a claim for ESA starting from 01/10, then once I'd received the ESA50 I declared the savings that I'd had in the last six months and how I'd spent them on my house leaving me with under £16,000 in savings. I spent the next three months sending bank statements, CHAPS receipts, investment bond statements and more bank statements trying to prove what I'd had and what I'd spent it on, but have so far received no assessment phase payments. At no point did I receive any request for fit notes or other medical evidence. On 11/01/17 I finally had my work capability assessment but two weeks later received the news that I'd be awarded 0 points, and that my claim would be denied from 08/10/16. My sister made a call a few days later to find out why I still hadn't received any assessment phase payments, and was told that a letter would be sent out. I then received a letter stating that they could not pay me an allowance from 08/10/16 as I had been declared fit for work at my assessment. Is it right that they can retroactively deny me the assessment rate phase like this? It seems incredibly unfair that they could be allowed to do such a thing and I now have no money left to get by on.
  19. Hi all Back in february I had a call from DWP saying they'd received information that my savings had gone over the limit for income support and requested bank statements for the previous 6 months. Some of those accounts had been closed and it was a bit awkward to get statements, the bank however provided a closing balance that detailed the sums in the account between the dates they were asking for (backward from Nov 16 - present) It also stated that thee was a zero balance and the account closed in January. I'd heard nothing at all for three months and then this evening got a call from them saying I hadn't sent all the statements in which i have. On the letter they originally sent, there was also a line asking for statement for any other accounts dating back to Nov 2014. I didn't send any in because there were no other accounts, however, they are now saying they made an error in their original letter and that i should of provided statements for all accounts going back to 2014. I've complied fully without hesitation up til now but the fact that they've only just (allegedly) started looking at my case and to not even notify me of the delay then claim it's MY error is crap. and I feel that I no longer wish to be so helpful. I've had three months of worry and it's not fair. Now I've got who knows how long before they make a decision. What (if any) are my rights here? I'm guessing that they'll use the non-compliance line and just stop my (and potentially my daughters too) benefits? BTW, it did turn out that my savings DID go over the limit for about a week by a couple of hundred quid. As soon as i got off the phone to the DWP, i immediately checked my account and on going back about a month did find the problem. I also called the investigator back and declared this- and this was caused by a large backpayment of benefits owed to my daughter for ESA and my benefits going in on the same day and a large deposit from the council related to 6 months of expenses they owed me). I'm my daughter's full time carer and i manage her benefits in my account as she still lives at home - she has a severe mental disability. All of this information is clearly shown on the statements i sent in. I had assumed also that as we both get benefits in our own right that we are both entitled to the savings limits (6k each) Can anybody clarify this point. I've always been super careful not to go over the limits as i know this automatically triggers a notice to DWP. This often means that I end up having to buy stuff that is not really required just to stay under the limits - an absolutely ludicrous state of affairs. My daughter is now 20 and will soon be moving out into supported living and I have always tried to save a little money from her benefits to set her up in her own home when the time comes. If anybody has some info or hints i'd be much obliged Stool
  20. Disability benefits should go to "really disabled people" not those "taking pills at home, who suffer from anxiety", a key Theresa May aide says. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39097019
  21. I have recently switched from ESA to UC. ESA paid my rent but then it became UC paying the rent. My council told Universal Credit that they had overpaid my housing benefit by mistake for 6 days. Once notified, I repaid this immediately to the council. Universal Credit deducted this from my Universal Credit payment 5 weeks later without telling me. I have shown UC proof of repayment. And now neither UC nor the council accepts responsibility for the deduction and I cannot get it paid to me (£78.13). I believe UC is responsible as they deducted it but the council shouldn't have told them if they were just going to ask for it back. And then when I paid it back, they should have told UC. What can I do?
  22. Hi I have been reading the following thread forum thread 353395 - Letter-to-send-if-you-are-being-charged-bank-fees-whilst-on-benefits (Will not allow link) and have been trying to locate the initial letter sent to the bank, before action However there is a link at the first comment at the top of the page yet it simply goes to the forums titles and no letter I wonder if anyone can help at all as i wanted to send to my bank to see if i could stop monthly overdraft fees occurring which because i seem to be in overdraft most of the time, i always receive at least £33 in fees every month from their £1 per day overdraft fee and is quite a chunk from my ESA payments i receive Any general advice will also be greatly appreciated Many thanks for your time Regards
  23. Apparently he had repeatedly asked how much he had been overpaid/overclaimed and he never received a response. He was terrified that he would be £thousands in debt. Another tragic victim of the benefit system http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/coal-miner-took-life-after-10477308
  24. Hello all my first post so be kind I am on ESA and DLA and also receive council tax benefit and housing benefit. My wife does not make a claim for any benefits in her own right I included her as you do . A relative of my wife who we had not spoken to for nearly 12 years or more has died but my wife has been told she will receive a share of the estate when it is sold and divided up. I am not mentioned in that the share at all. I need to know when I have to tell LHA and DWP about the money my wife receives as we have no idea of how much and - we have been told it could be many months before we receive any more information. Any help please -
  25. My friend's mum has recently died and he has been left a part share of her property along with his son - this is what is says in the Will but I can't understand it:- 'real and personal property or by codicil hereto otherwise specifically disposed of as Tenants in Common in equal shares' there is a mortgage on the property. My friend claims IB ESA and would like to move into his late mum's property, his son is ok with this. Obviously a new mortgage would have to be taken out by my friend's son. The question is, if my friend moves into his late mum's property with his son taking out a new mortgage, will this affect his IB ESA and will the DWP class it that he has equity in the property? I know he cannot claim Housing Benefit for the property when he moves into it, but would like some info that I could pass onto him. Thanks for any advice.
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