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  1. What is the score with someone signed off on long term sick, and on UC with income based ESA being called in for a Review to see if they are doing enough to seek work or increase their hours They haven't had a report from a Work Capability Assessment as yet? this is what was on their To Do List about the interview: "This is to check you're doing everything you can to find a job, or earn more". If they say they are signed off with a Fit Note stating they are Unfit For Work would they get a Sanction for refusing to look? A neighbour has asked me about this, as they are a tad confused.
  2. Hi All I came back from work yesterday to find that there are double yellow lines outside my council house and around the corner. I assume the council put them there (they look like they've been painted by someone after a heavy liquid lunch) the lines are 55mm wide the the cap between them varies from 30mm to 70mm. As I'm near the end of the terrace, the lines start outside my house, go up the road and around the bend, going up that road. My questions are:- 1) Should the council advertise that the lines are being put there prior to painting 2) Should there be parking restriction signs to accompany these lines 3) Should these lines confirm to a standard for the to be legal 4) Should there be plans lodged somewhere to state the how far these lines come down the straight bit of road after the bend As always, thanks in advance EOS-5D
  3. Hello. In late 2017 I was given a ccj from a short term/ payday loan company. I rolled over the loan once and it stood at just over 600, its now at 750 as a ccj When I got the loan I was quite unwell, unable to afford it and suffering from Paranoid schizophrenia, andxiety and depression, unable to work due to my illness. Just before the CCJ was in court I was unable to go to court as I was under section in hospital receiving treatment for a severe attack, I could not of known I had received a court date or have went to it to challenge it, I did however get someone later after I had visited home and found out about it to call up and explain. As I recall they said they couldn't do anything. I am just wondering if there is a way to challenge this?, as I am doing much better now and would like some credit to get my life back on track, but with a ccj this is very difficult. Thanks in advance
  4. Hi guys, just a quick couple of questions. 1) Person A owns a house. He cannot live at the property temporarily. He is also signed off sick by his doctor and gets ESA. Because of this, he is living with a family member. The family member is on income support. They get countil tax reduction. What he wants to know is, would he also get council tax reduction on his own mortgaged property as well?
  5. Hi all, I purhased a Canon DSLR in April 2012 ago on credit card (which I no longer hold) from Jessops. It has just developed a fault whereby the mode dial does not select the correct shooting mode. Am I covered under the sale of goods act/consumer rights act as it now is? To complicate things, I think Jessops went into administration in 2015, then started trading again? More importantly, I am currently travelling in Central America and Australia for the next 18 months, so need to get this fixed locally (currently Panama City). I have checked my travel insurance policy and it does not cover electrical or mechanical breakdown, so I don't think I am covered by that. Any advice on how to procede would be much appreciated. Kind regards.
  6. Hi All. My partner was on the main road and pulled in to let the bus pass and the bus swung wide and scrapped the side of her car. He admitted liability on the spot and passed all the details on for the council. Question is what should she do till she can speak with them on Monday in terms of speaking to her insurance etc Cheers
  7. Hello, Since May 2017 my husband has been signed unfit for work by his doctor with all kinds of problems relating to anxiety and depression, he is in the middle of a 8 week course of counselling which seems to have a positive effect and we felt he was on the road to recovery. He has always been keen to return to work as quickly as possible and his doctor and counsellor agreed that if he wanted to return to work then they would agree to a phased return which his employer agreed to once an independent medical assessment had taken place and back to work meetings had been held with occupational health that all changed on the evening of the 21st July when he received an email to his personal address from the UK HR Manager, the opening line in the email was "Sorry to have to reach out to you regarding this but I need to you take urgent remedial action regarding your expenses". the expenses were all business related and I highlighted the fact that at they were outstanding to his HR in May which they ignored. As much as I tried to tell him the reports can wait and he was still signed as unfit for work he was immediately anxious and wanted to get them done as the email stated that the whole region`s rebate would be withheld and that would effect peoples bonuses due in August, that’s around 15 thousand people and I felt it was unfair to even mention that let alone ask him to push through 6 months’ worth of reports whilst no one is really sure on his condition until medical assessments have been done. Now my husband often told me the IT systems were unreliable and caused frustrations but until I tried to help him do his expenses and mileage reports I had no idea how exhausting it was, he had 6 months to catch up on and it took over a day from him to access all the systems etc as the passwords had all expired, he got caught up in it all and was trying to call Pittsburgh on a Sunday evening to reset his passwords etc, by this stage he was so caught up in it all it was pointless me telling him to stop so I decided the best thing for me to do would be to assist him where I could, I was worried sick as I could see his whole attitude changed but was unable to talk sense to him and have him stop , we eventually got onto the programmes needed (he works from home) and it then took a day and a half to complete the reports and submit them. over the course of 4 days he completed the reports but he slipped back so far he wouldn’t eat couldn’t sleep when he visited his counsellor that week I don’t think she could believe it and was disappointed as was I, he has been with the company for 3 years and enjoys the role but I wonder now if they should have considered this more and personally I have lost confidence in them supporting him back into the work place correctly. Is there any advice out there as there is no doubt that this has been a set back and I do not trust this company to make any adjustments or control his work load when/if he returns , if I could talk him into handing his notice in and moving on I would but he worries about money and finding another role and is also worried that they won’t want him back after the past few months. Has anyone been in a similar situation or heard of this. Thanks.Ann.
  8. Martin Lewis of MSE. Listening to the radio whilst in the car and Martin Lewis was being interviewed - he mentioned that if you even have one drink whilst on holiday, it could invalidate any insurance claim.. I did a googly when I got home and yep... he says it again HERE If you've had even ONE drink, it can invalidate any claim
  9. Looking for advice on this as I have only been made aware of S86D CCA. I have been on a DMP with Payplan for over 6 years. During this time Barclay's have continue to charge interest albeit at reduced rates on my two cards. I don't believe that they ever sent out a notice of arrears for the accounts at any time. With S86D in mind am I right in thinking that they therefore have not been entitled to charge interest. Whilst I have had AP markers for the entire period they have backdated defaults which will mean that they drop off within the next couple of months. I have received monthly statements from Barclays for the cards throughout so does this counteract the requirement for them to provide a notice of arrears. The interest would be sizeable and could wipe out the rest of my DMP which still has 5 months to run. I have found the below advice Arrears notice penalty Of course, when a trader provides credit, he or she accepts that the debtor may default, whether intentionally or not, or knowingly or not. Either way, the creditor is under a duty to provide the debtor with a notice stating that he or she is in arrears and exactly how much money is owed. Section 11 of the CCA 2006 amends the CCA 1974 by inserting a new section - 86D - that sets out the consequences for a creditor if he fails to notify as required by sections 86B or 86C. If the creditor fails to provide a notice when required to do so, then throughout the period of his failure (i.e. from the date that it was required to be given until the end of the day on which it is eventually provided), he is not entitled to enforce the agreement. In addition, the debtor or hirer is not liable to pay any interest that relates to the period of the creditor or owner’s failure,
  10. Hi I have been reading the following thread forum thread 353395 - Letter-to-send-if-you-are-being-charged-bank-fees-whilst-on-benefits (Will not allow link) and have been trying to locate the initial letter sent to the bank, before action However there is a link at the first comment at the top of the page yet it simply goes to the forums titles and no letter I wonder if anyone can help at all as i wanted to send to my bank to see if i could stop monthly overdraft fees occurring which because i seem to be in overdraft most of the time, i always receive at least £33 in fees every month from their £1 per day overdraft fee and is quite a chunk from my ESA payments i receive Any general advice will also be greatly appreciated Many thanks for your time Regards
  11. I am looking for advice I resigned from my job a few weeks ago and have been placed on Garden Leave, I have another 4 weeks to work before starting my new job The problem is I am being put under great stress by my employer, and have been under pressure due to a family death recently to the point I'm not sleeping, not eating and generally affecting both my and my families life. It is that bad I am beginning to question if resigning was the right thing to do despite hating my job, that's how bad it has got. I must be on call during normal work hours should my boss call, and when he does he is very rude, angry and obnoxious, and also threatening to ruin my new career, I think the words he used were he would make me unemployable. You can see why I am stressed, it really is affecting my health. I am going to see the doctor tomorrow, and was contemplating asking for a sick note. I have no intention in starting work for my new employer until I am legally allowed to do by my notice period, and I know currently I would not be up to it. I am looking for any help on this matter, I feel my current employer will take any sickness I take as a ruse but I do not see at way out of this situation, I am at my wits end with the whole thing Thank you
  12. After two years my wife and I are still dealing with the fall out of having sublet our house to another couple who then used our details to obtain credit. We're slowly dealing with matters and starting to repair our credit we've discovered that a decree was granted in my name in 2013 there has been no charge for payment. Had a brief word with the local Sheriff Court who weren't helpful and said would be best to let it run as it expires after six years. However I'd like to have it recalled; is it possible legally after several years have passed? I have evidence that the house was sublet for a year prior to the Decree being granted in absense and for the year after it was granted therefore we were entirely unaware of its existence.
  13. Thank you for your time and advice. We're looking for some general advice on this issue regarding my partner who is off work with depression caused by her workplace. The employer has told us they will visit this Thursday to "discuss her absence". Here's a bit of the back story: Mt partner is a Cleaner. She is off work due to depression, this was caused by her undergoing treatment for recurring miscarriages and her Manager moving her from a job she was happy in to another part of the company where it is very quiet, no interaction and a totally different world than where she had been. My partner asked to be moved back but was told it is not possible. She thinks she was only moved because her Manager had to cover 6am to 7am as she couldn't get into work for 6am. Funnily enough, the person who took my partner's old position starts at 6am (!) Events and Mismanagement that has led to my partner's Depression: 1. She was late for work twice when the buses here were effected by a huge amount of roadworks (which was front page news). Her bus simply didn't turn up two days in a row and she had to wait for an alternative bus (the following days she caught a taxi rather than lose her job). Both times she rang the Manager and let her know. All seemed okay until over 2 weeks later when her Manager issued her with a stage 2 warning for absence (not even a 'late'!). Luckily I was able to speak directly with the city bus manager who kindly emailed a letter explaining the missing buses and her Manager took the warning off her record. It was like a letter from Mummy for not having a PE Kit! 2. A few days later (revenge?). My partner received a printed warning document detailing things that would need to be improved in her cleaning duties. These included a set of stairs that experience 24-hour high traffic from hundreds of staff which she was warned were dusty and dirty. She was told another inspection of her work would take place on 4th April and if it wasn't satisfactory a PIP Procedure (warnings that can lead to dismissal) would be put in place..skipping the written warnings stages completely! Two weeks later she had the Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th March 2017 off as holiday. My partner went back on Monday 27th March 2017 and was called her into her Manager's office and told that the showers had body-fat in them, even though she had worked hard to make everything A1 before her days off. Her Manager then said "Just because you signed that warning, doesn't mean you can F?cKing slack off anywhere else!" (Bullying?). 3. Two days later (29th March 2017), My partner had a small operation to investigate the fibroids the hospital believe have caused her recurring miscarriages. She was not allowed this as unpaid leave and had to work before going to the hospital. She had to go work the day after the operation too. On the day after the operation she was taken home by the people she cleaned for in FOST and they phoned my partner's Manager to complain; which no doubt will be mentioned in the absence meeting and my partner blamed for it! Anyway, that date was 30th March which was the last day she worked and has been off with depression since. 4. On 24th April we received the letter saying they'll be coming to our home on 4th May 2017 to discuss her "illness, current health status, long term diagnosis, current abilities and when you might be fit to return to work. And also to gain authorisation to contact your GP for a medical report." - We appreciate any advice you can give and for reading this long post. If you can advise on what we should do at the 'Meeting to Discuss Absence' and whether we should print off this post and discuss it or if that would probably mean them finding an excuse to get rid of my partner? She has had depression all the time she's worked there (10 years) and never had long-term sick so could they sack her for depression knowing she has it anyway (last year she had a miscarriage and went sick with depression) Would she have the right to be asked to be moved and, if so, would they have to move her to a post that has the same hours/amount of hours? Staff who have complained in the past have always ended up sacked Finally, their letter says she can have a member of staff/Union Rep (unfortunately not in a union) at the meeting but I intend to be their. It is our home so can they say I can't be there? We will also be recording the meeting, as it is our home do we legally have to tell them so?
  14. Hello This is my first post, so please bear with me. As you will have established from the title, I have been stupid recently and have taken out credit via a mail order catalogue and four payday/short term loans. I have always had a volatile relationship with money, which I think has stemmed from my chaotic upbringing (my father got himself into a lot of debt and I was sent out to work from the age of 12 and up until I was 27, I was paying him to help him out each week. The time this ended was when he died (hence it ceasing when I was in my late twenties). The above isn't my way of evading responsibility as I am old enough to know better - I just wanted to offer an overview. Just before my father passed away, I also suffered a miscarriage and thought I had experienced another shortly after he died , but I was lucky enough to give birth to my first child that year. If you are still reading this, thank you. Even writing this is making me cry and I genuinely don't feel I have properly grieved since the losses (my Dad and two babies) and believe this has probably contributed to why I spend on credit and buy things I simply can't afford. For a short time it makes me feel better. I have previously been diagnosed with depression, but thought I had overcome this. I now think I have just masked it with the borrowing! I am currently paying StepChange a monthly payment towards older debt , but have racked up mail order debt of £1750 and also owe the following: MyJar - £800 Satsuma - £1000 Wageday Advance - £150 QuickQuid - £400 I have previously borrowed from the top two and paid them off in full, but this was only possible by borrowing from one to pay the other, but it gave me more credit at the next time of applying. The first payments for these new loans are due at the end of April and I know I cannot pay them. I am losing sleep and feel poorly with worrying about what to do or say to these companies. None of them asked me if I was on a DMP, but I know it is my fault. I am working full time and have a partner, who doesn't know the extent of my debt, but he has his own issues (addiction). We have three children and I look at them and feel so crap for letting them all down. Please can anyone offer any advice? I am sorry for rambling on. X
  15. Could I please ask a bit of advice for a friend. She is only young and was hit by a car whilst walking home one night. She was on the pavement and the car insurer has obviously accepted full liability. She went to a Solicitor who has urged her to accept an out of court settlement of £5,500 She had head injuries and needed stitches Had 3 broken ribs Post Traumatic Stress Missed her exams Three weeks loss of salary Out of this she needs to pay her Solicitor 25% Does this seem a fair settlement?
  16. Hi all, I have recently moved to the Winterthur Way development in Basingstoke. I rent a property which includes a parking space. It wasn't until I moved into the flat that I was given a parking permit and told to use it when parking in my allocated space (This was something that was not mentioned in my tenancy agreement!). After moving in I received 2 x £60 parking charge notices for using visitors spaces (Returning within a 48 hour period) to drop off my furniture. I used the visitors space as I had to use a different car of a suitable size to drop the furniture off. Also my space isn't near my flat its further up the road. I kind of understood as I could have possibly been using a space that someone else could have been using, all be it for a very short period of time. After paying these two charges from PPM I thought it was over ! Two weeks later as a result of having to pay £120 to PPM straight after moving in I had to do overtime at a weekend so I was able to pay next months rent. The overtime meant staying away with work from the 8/07/2017 and returned on the 11/07/2017. When I returned on the evening of the 11th I have been met with 2x PCN from PPM on my windscreen whilst I was parked in my own space. Straight away as I approached the car I have seen my permit was not stuck to the top of my windscreen where it was before I left. Both PCN's are for 'Not displaying a valid permit' one for 09/07/2017 & 10/07/2017. I thought this surely wont be an issue I will just send them evidence of where the permit had fallen (A video from my phone was sent) also a picture of my valid permit. After all it is my space and unlike the visitors spaces I could not have inconvenienced anyone as it is 'MY SPACE'. They should just accept that and cancel the charges. To my surprise I have an email from PPM stating my appeal has been rejected ! PPM is now giving me the option to appeal to the IAS but from my understanding I don't stand a chance appealing to them either? I don't really have the cash to pay the 2 x £60 at a reduced rate. Let alone £200 if the appeal to the IAS fails. However I really do feel they can't do this. Any help is greatly appreciated. I understand I probably haven't included all the information you guys need to help but I am also not sure where to start. I have included the response from PPM in a ZIP file with my name and REG edited out. Just let me know what you need and I will post it up ! Regards, tissot docs1.pdf
  17. Hello, 9 I have recently failed my ESA medical after scoring less than the required amount of points needed. I have appealed the decision made by the DWP. I am in receipt of housing benefit at the moment as well. I have claimed ESA a few years ago for a different health condition and once again I failed the medical. At this time I was also in receipt of Housing Benefit and Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit for my daughter, who no longer receives these benefit's but still lives with me. When I appealed the ESA decision a few years ago, I was able to keep my HB claim ongoing as I still had an income from my daughter's CB and CTC. This time however, I don't have this as an income. I am currently meeting my day to day living needs from a small amount of money given to me each week by my other daughter. My concern is will I still receive HB whilst I'm appealing the decision made by the DWP this time around as I have no income of my own? Will Housing Benefit allow me to receive my weekly award if I have no income of my own? I know I will get the basic assessment rate of ESA whilst my appeal is being looked at but whilst I am waiting for my appeal to go through (which I hear takes around a fortnight) I will have no income so I am unsure as to whether I will be still awarded any HB. I hope this makes some sense and I thank you for any help or advice.
  18. Hi all, newbie here needing advice before possible court action. I was in dispute with Aqua over charges applied after they closed the account and my account was being managed by their dispute team. However, Aqua sold the debt refusing to accept my dispute. I had been getting hassling calls from DCA and kept asking them to return the account to Aqua. Eventually after about 5 calls in 2 months i sent them a Cease and Desist email (I know it should be by mail but they confirmed receipt of the email and later in writing.) They have since just sent me copies of statements showing the balance being claimed matched the last statement. Conveniently they had no record of the dispute with Aqua. I dont dispute all the debt and offered them same as I offered Aqua (750 of a 1000 balance - the extra being i believe unenforceable charges --In brief they've closed the account because they withdrew the product from all customers apparently. I have a letter showing this and sent it to DCA. At that time Aqua should have closed the account (to confuse matters Aqua never actually closed the account when they said in writing they would) but had they done it, i no longer had a line of credit and my argument is you cant charge overlimit fees once the limit is removed by closing the account. I refused to pay them anything all the time they continued to charge me these fees, hoping common sense would prevail I suggested to DCA they have 3 options - return to Aqua, accept my offer which is still probably double what they paid for it or take me to court.. NB Till now, they have not yet sent me a copy of the original CCA so i suspect they are unlikely to go to court without it. Just to add all the comms between me and Aqua were via their secure email as part of my account and i attempted to get a copy of those mails and Aqua claim they are no longer available so evidence of the exchanges cant be found. Hence i am looking for general guidance about : 1) Can a CC sell an account in dispute? 2) Can a DCA refuse to return an account in dispute with the original CC 3) As part of the C&D letter I told them I would start charging for my time if they contact me further unless its to accept one of the three options - i wont physically invoice them but presumably can keep a record and if it goes to court and i win ,deduct it from my settlement? 4) Any thoughts on my statement that once a CC account is closed by pure reason of them no longer offering the service, can they charge overlimit fees still (and interest on that overlimit fees) when i no longer have a limit. Surely it now just a debt which needs to be repaid? Thanks for your attention...
  19. Hi I really hope someone can advise me because I am so worried and stressed out. I have worked for a company for 4 years, but for the first 3 years with an in house agency, and almost a year ago I was given a contract, with 2 YEARS probation period. Which is apparently standard for this company. I was off sick in Oct last year due to flu. I am off sick again now due to severe stomach problems that I would rather not go into but my doctor has signed me off work for 2 weeks. I am on annual leave at the beginning of next week for 2 weeks. All being well I am due to go back to work on the 29th April. I have had no contact from my employer only from a manager/"friend" through facebook who has messaged me several times now saying I need to contact work because they want to arrange a site visit. Pretty common I think when there is extended period of absence. Apparently they don't have my number, which I find highly unlikely, and they have my work email which they know I can access from home. I have tried calling our attendance manager on 4 occasions over the last 2 days but there is no answer and you can't leave a message. I have a horrible feeling they want me in before my annual leave starts, so they can sack me, meaning they wont be obliged to pay me 2 weeks holiday pay? I also earn a bonus, can they with hold this? Should I be contacted through unofficial channels such as facebook? Do I have to attend a site visit? And ultimately, can they sack me? Thanks Ash
  20. Anybody printed out and used the PDF version of the JSA28 form (the one that originated from a FOI request I believe) to inform the DWP of a period of sickness whilst on JSA? Reason I ask is that the form has a place for an office stamp etc., and I don't want them refusing to accept it on some technicality! Also, does anybody know what the actual procedure is regarding these forms? If I'm sick on my signing day, will I still receive payment on my usual day as long as they accept and have processed this form in time? Will it have any impact on when my next signing date is?
  21. I’ve just been offered and agreed to take on some consultancy work by a local consortium. I’m currently working full-time in the NHS and this work, whilst linked, will be done in my own time (evenings / weekends). I’m wondering about the best way to separate and deal with the additional income which could be perhaps an additional £10k per year. I’ve looked, albeit very briefly, into creating a sole-trader company so that I can have a separate bank account and entity from my otherwise full-time PAYE income. So, what’s the best way to ensure I don’t get myself into a mire with the HMRC?
  22. Using a mobile phone whilst driving just 2 more weeks or so left on the consultation on this matter. Has anyone been following this topic see here >> https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/hand-held-mobile-phones-changes-to-penalties-for-use-whilst-driving please see the other links within the link as well... 'The Department for Transport seeks feedback on proposed changes to penalties for the offence of using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving. This consultation seeks feedback on proposals for increasing the fixed penalty notice (FPN) level from £100 to £150 for all drivers. It also invites views on increasing the penalty points from: 3 to 4 points for non-HGV drivers 3 to 6 points for those that hold a large goods vehicle (HGV) licence and commit the offence whilst driving an HGV The proposals ultimately aim to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on the roads.'
  23. Using a mobile phone whilst driving just 2 more weeks or so left on the consultation on this matter. Has anyone been following this topic see here >> https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/hand-held-mobile-phones-changes-to-penalties-for-use-whilst-driving please see the other links within the link as well... 'The Department for Transport seeks feedback on proposed changes to penalties for the offence of using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving. This consultation seeks feedback on proposals for increasing the fixed penalty notice (FPN) level from £100 to £150 for all drivers. It also invites views on increasing the penalty points from: 3 to 4 points for non-HGV drivers 3 to 6 points for those that hold a large goods vehicle (HGV) licence and commit the offence whilst driving an HGV The proposals ultimately aim to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on the roads.'
  24. I purchased a Diamond Engagement Ring from Vashi.com online and paid the full amount of £2,464.05 on 10th July 2015. I proposed to my partner with the diamond ring on a holiday to Barcelona. I went to great expense to get everything right,*which was very important to me. We stayed at a 5 Star hotel in Barcelona, I hired a table on a secluded veranda overlooking Barcelona, hired a Mariachi band who were playing a serenade where I proposed with the ring I had purchased from Vashi.com. Everything went and seemed perfect. On our return from Barcelona we asked Vashi.com to alter the size of the ring as it was too big and to upgrade to a different stting design, which we chose in person at the company’s London shop and paid a further £301. I received the amended ring at my home by registered post on 12th August 2015 and signed for it. The Engagement ring was given away to my fiancée as a gift at the blessing ceremony on the next day 13th August 2015. Vashi.com telephoned me on 18th August (7 days after I received the ring) checking if I have received the ring because their system showed that the ring is still in the depo and during their stock check they suspected an error. Upon my confirmation of receipt of the ring Vashi.com expressed the suspicion that I may have received an incorrect item and asked me to send our Engagement ring back. To cut a long story short we refuted their claims believing we had our ring we paid for. They then accused us of retaining a ring that did not belong to us saying that another customer wanted their ring back, giving us an ultimatum to return the ring or pay an additional £1000. Also the so called diamond certificate is not a certificate (has no number on the diamond) and is indeed their own appraisal. They have harassed my fiancee and I since and now have issued a claim in court against us! Any advice? surely this must be a breach of our consumer rights. We are in court on the 16th March 2016.
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