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  1. When my ex husband died a few years ago I inherited our small home (flat). I was living in rented accommodation and did not want to live in the flat so in the 2013/14 tax year I rented it out and it has been occupied since. Recently, a former colleague and friend who was doing my Self-Assessment tax returns has had a complete breakdown and will not be fit and well for the long term. I since discovered that no Self Assessment tax returns were submitted, the whereabouts of my paperwork is unknown and I'm not registered for Self-Assessment. I accept that this is partly my own fault; when I was told I did not need to submit a tax return as there was no tax to pay, I should have questioned it. The amount of tax owed is very small (around £700) I decided to make a voluntary disclosure to HMRC under a campaign for landlords called the Let Property Campaign. I worked out what I owed, completed an online disclosure (including selecting my own penalty) and paid HMRC. I am just awaiting their confirmation that this has been accepted but verbally they have indicated all is OK. In the meantime, sick of paying rent myself, and discovering my landlord is selling the property that I live in the for the second time in two years, I am buying a small house. I have found a house, have a decision in principle for a mortgage and now the house buying process is moving forward. This is a life saver for me in some respects, living in rented accommodation is very depressing and being unable to have children, I need something to live and work for so having my own home will change my world in many ways. As I am older, single, only have 15 years working life left and have a below average credit score, I am using a mortgage broker as these circumstances narrow my options somewhat. The problem is that the mortgage company I have a Decision in Principle from (as do most mortgage companies) require official documentation that my tax affairs are all up to date; this would be in the form of a SA302 and/or Tax Year Overview. Had I had the confidence to do my own tax returns, I would have been able to get these documents from my Self Assessment records. But because I have paid my tax via the disclosure route, all I will get is an acceptance letter from HMRC saying "yes, we accept your disclosure and confirm that you have paid £700 tax due for the last three tax years”. Now it seems that this may not sufficient for the mortgage company. I have tried a few times to speak to someone at HMRC but it is a frustrating process and I am getting nowhere. Please does anyone know how I am going to be able to provide the mortgage company with something that will suffice so I can get a mortgage and get out of this downward spiral of depression that my life currently is. Thanks for reading
  2. Hello, Since May 2017 my husband has been signed unfit for work by his doctor with all kinds of problems relating to anxiety and depression, he is in the middle of a 8 week course of counselling which seems to have a positive effect and we felt he was on the road to recovery. He has always been keen to return to work as quickly as possible and his doctor and counsellor agreed that if he wanted to return to work then they would agree to a phased return which his employer agreed to once an independent medical assessment had taken place and back to work meetings had been held with occupational health that all changed on the evening of the 21st July when he received an email to his personal address from the UK HR Manager, the opening line in the email was "Sorry to have to reach out to you regarding this but I need to you take urgent remedial action regarding your expenses". the expenses were all business related and I highlighted the fact that at they were outstanding to his HR in May which they ignored. As much as I tried to tell him the reports can wait and he was still signed as unfit for work he was immediately anxious and wanted to get them done as the email stated that the whole region`s rebate would be withheld and that would effect peoples bonuses due in August, that’s around 15 thousand people and I felt it was unfair to even mention that let alone ask him to push through 6 months’ worth of reports whilst no one is really sure on his condition until medical assessments have been done. Now my husband often told me the IT systems were unreliable and caused frustrations but until I tried to help him do his expenses and mileage reports I had no idea how exhausting it was, he had 6 months to catch up on and it took over a day from him to access all the systems etc as the passwords had all expired, he got caught up in it all and was trying to call Pittsburgh on a Sunday evening to reset his passwords etc, by this stage he was so caught up in it all it was pointless me telling him to stop so I decided the best thing for me to do would be to assist him where I could, I was worried sick as I could see his whole attitude changed but was unable to talk sense to him and have him stop , we eventually got onto the programmes needed (he works from home) and it then took a day and a half to complete the reports and submit them. over the course of 4 days he completed the reports but he slipped back so far he wouldn’t eat couldn’t sleep when he visited his counsellor that week I don’t think she could believe it and was disappointed as was I, he has been with the company for 3 years and enjoys the role but I wonder now if they should have considered this more and personally I have lost confidence in them supporting him back into the work place correctly. Is there any advice out there as there is no doubt that this has been a set back and I do not trust this company to make any adjustments or control his work load when/if he returns , if I could talk him into handing his notice in and moving on I would but he worries about money and finding another role and is also worried that they won’t want him back after the past few months. Has anyone been in a similar situation or heard of this. Thanks.Ann.
  3. Thank you for your time and advice. We're looking for some general advice on this issue regarding my partner who is off work with depression caused by her workplace. The employer has told us they will visit this Thursday to "discuss her absence". Here's a bit of the back story: Mt partner is a Cleaner. She is off work due to depression, this was caused by her undergoing treatment for recurring miscarriages and her Manager moving her from a job she was happy in to another part of the company where it is very quiet, no interaction and a totally different world than where she had been. My partner asked to be moved back but was told it is not possible. She thinks she was only moved because her Manager had to cover 6am to 7am as she couldn't get into work for 6am. Funnily enough, the person who took my partner's old position starts at 6am (!) Events and Mismanagement that has led to my partner's Depression: 1. She was late for work twice when the buses here were effected by a huge amount of roadworks (which was front page news). Her bus simply didn't turn up two days in a row and she had to wait for an alternative bus (the following days she caught a taxi rather than lose her job). Both times she rang the Manager and let her know. All seemed okay until over 2 weeks later when her Manager issued her with a stage 2 warning for absence (not even a 'late'!). Luckily I was able to speak directly with the city bus manager who kindly emailed a letter explaining the missing buses and her Manager took the warning off her record. It was like a letter from Mummy for not having a PE Kit! 2. A few days later (revenge?). My partner received a printed warning document detailing things that would need to be improved in her cleaning duties. These included a set of stairs that experience 24-hour high traffic from hundreds of staff which she was warned were dusty and dirty. She was told another inspection of her work would take place on 4th April and if it wasn't satisfactory a PIP Procedure (warnings that can lead to dismissal) would be put in place..skipping the written warnings stages completely! Two weeks later she had the Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th March 2017 off as holiday. My partner went back on Monday 27th March 2017 and was called her into her Manager's office and told that the showers had body-fat in them, even though she had worked hard to make everything A1 before her days off. Her Manager then said "Just because you signed that warning, doesn't mean you can F?cKing slack off anywhere else!" (Bullying?). 3. Two days later (29th March 2017), My partner had a small operation to investigate the fibroids the hospital believe have caused her recurring miscarriages. She was not allowed this as unpaid leave and had to work before going to the hospital. She had to go work the day after the operation too. On the day after the operation she was taken home by the people she cleaned for in FOST and they phoned my partner's Manager to complain; which no doubt will be mentioned in the absence meeting and my partner blamed for it! Anyway, that date was 30th March which was the last day she worked and has been off with depression since. 4. On 24th April we received the letter saying they'll be coming to our home on 4th May 2017 to discuss her "illness, current health status, long term diagnosis, current abilities and when you might be fit to return to work. And also to gain authorisation to contact your GP for a medical report." - We appreciate any advice you can give and for reading this long post. If you can advise on what we should do at the 'Meeting to Discuss Absence' and whether we should print off this post and discuss it or if that would probably mean them finding an excuse to get rid of my partner? She has had depression all the time she's worked there (10 years) and never had long-term sick so could they sack her for depression knowing she has it anyway (last year she had a miscarriage and went sick with depression) Would she have the right to be asked to be moved and, if so, would they have to move her to a post that has the same hours/amount of hours? Staff who have complained in the past have always ended up sacked Finally, their letter says she can have a member of staff/Union Rep (unfortunately not in a union) at the meeting but I intend to be their. It is our home so can they say I can't be there? We will also be recording the meeting, as it is our home do we legally have to tell them so?
  4. Hi Ive been looking on here for some time and I wondered if anyone could help me. In 2011 I had a ccj registered against me for unpaid nursery fees. I had post natal depression at the time and didnt receive the court papers due to probably not opening them. I received the judgement and explained to cci that I had left the nursery and did not owe the money, but may owed around a month. I paid some for a while and cancelled the payments as they kept taking it out on the wrong day. Anyway, I have been well for around 6 months now and have still not sorted the ccj out. I called the court then the hospital whom the nursery was with. They advised me they had some logs of the calls and the last date of attendance at nursery was 3 april, so I should have been charged 1.2 months not 4 months fees. He then phoned back and said they havent received a written notice and the full amount still stands. I definitely handed my notice in at the nursery but I have no proof. I explained I had to leave my job at the hospital due to pnd but he didnt seem to care. My question is, is it reasonable to charge 4 months fees when a child has not attended during this time. Is there anything I can do. I fear Ive opened a can of worms now rather than leaving it for another year Thank you
  5. I have a sick note saying from the drs that I have anxiety and depression and am I'm in quite a bad way tbh. I feel quite unwell but my manager is being awful about it and says she will sack me. Now I've been looking online if I have any rights and read this... I’ve had to take time off work due to mental illness, can I be fired? Or not paid? No. It’s illegal for your employer to not pay you, or fire you, if you’ve had to take time off. Make sure you read your company’s sickness policy, as what you’re entitled to differs from company to company. ----- Source: http://www.thesite.org/work-and-study/workers-rights-and-pay/mental-health-at-work-1359.html So can I take her to court if i get sacked?! Where do i stand?
  6. Hello, I was diagnosed by my Doctor as having a Disability under the Disability Discrimination Act having suffered for about 18 months with work related stress and anxiety due to my job 'inside'. Early January 2016 I was photographed doing 79mph in a 50mph zone by a mobile camera. My fault, but it seems I was caught out by traffic slowing down and speeding up as the limit changes several times - as I was overtaking the traffic increased their speed up and I felt it would be dangerous to stop. My question is not about the 'offence' but IF I am called to attend magistrates court if my Doctor is able to write to the court....additional stress...anxiety/ depression... SSRI medication for 1 year.... Reasonable adjustments...not fit to attend. There has been a 'precedent' - whilst on 'sickness abscence' HR department wrote to organise a home welfare visit and I was advised by my Doctor that I was not fit enough to attend. I would appreciate your advice - I am not making excuses or trying in any way to 'dodge a bullet'. Best wishes
  7. Vodafone have put a default on my credit report and are causing me undue stress and anxiety due to a phone I had stolen in Barcelona. The thieves stole my phone and within a few hours racked up a bill over £2,000 by ringing premium numbers and putting them on hold to ring the same numbers - over 900 calls were made. It is clear that my phone was used as some sort of organised crime activity and there have been many cases in the press of Vodafone lumping other people with bills like this, only to waive the bill when brought to the attention of the press. I am now at the point of contacting press as this seems the only way Vodafone comes to a fair decision. I have not long graduated and instead of enjoying being young I am beginning to get depressed - I have debt collectors after me, a ruined credit report and no idea of how to get out of this situation. anyone got any other tips on how to deal with this situation or anyone had a similar experience? Forgot to mention that the incident occurred in September 2014, a default was registered on my report May 2015 and the account was apparently sold on to a DCA in the last few weeks
  8. Hi all, I've been a long time reader of this forum and first time poster. I have a mountain of debts, mainly payday loan companies and I'm looking for some advice. I currently owe: Wonga - £282.16 Quickquid - £402 (referred to ARC DCA April 2015) Pounds to Pocket - £701.09 247 Moneybox - £162.60 Sunny - £640 (3 serparate loans) Payday Express - £132.80 118118 Money - £1361.85 (£291 arrears) Different Money - £294 Vodafone - £559 BT - £130 (passed to DCA, not sold May 2015) This is all of my current debts and I am considering a DMP with StepChange. I am looking for some advice regarding my options and the best way to help clear the debt. I would argue that I shouldn't have got loans from a few of these companies due to already being behind on other loans and having a poor credit rating. So yeah, any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  9. I am hoping someone can give me some advise please I have recently been diagnosed with depression and anxiety attacks by my doctor, I rang my employer and informed them straight away, the thing is my director is constantly calling me every day and asking me work related issues which is not helping me at all, also after about 6 days on the sick he rang and said they needed my company vehicle, then just 2 days rang and asked for the company laptop back, all this is making me feel worse, I am not feeling like going back there ever again, are they allowed to do all of this, not once has he rang asked about my well being, can anybody help me with this ??
  10. Hi there, first post so I hope it makes sense... Can anyone give me a brief understanding of section 15 of the Equality Act 2010 please (in layman's terms) as I'm trying to help my sister with a work problem and I think it might be relevant. She is a member of a union but they haven't been much help! It's relating to an actionable attendance policy at her work. She is disabled under the definition of the act and is employed by a large public sector organisation. She is rarely off work except with disability-related sickness (this has happened 6 times in the 24 years she has worked for them) and when she is it always lasts a few months and therefore breaches the policy guidelines, even though they relax the rules slightly for disabled employees. i.e. in one year Policy - 3 periods or 8 days Disabled employees usually 4 periods or 11 days She has been in work for 22 months without any sickness but then was taken ill and has been off for eight weeks and is due back at the end of March on a return to work plan (reduced hours for five weeks and weekly management meetings). She went to a sickness meeting last week and was told in passing that they will not put up with this level of sickness anymore and mentioned capability. She always takes personal responsibility for her health, takes her meds, lets manager know if a problem is developing, goes to the doctors/counselling etc. My question is that because of her disability when she is of sick she has always broken the actionable attendance policy which puts her at risk of being dismissed. Would it be reasonable to ask that her attendance be ignored under section 15? Just as an aside she has been off with depression and anxiety caused by work related stress. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Dex
  11. So I was placed in the WRAG with apparently quite a lenghty prognosis which by my research (if correct) means that I cannot be forced into anything other than WFIs with the Jobcentre (and what they ask me to do) At my 1st WFI the 1st thing on the agenda was apparently getting me into part-time paid or voluntary work. How will this work I (and the person accompanying me) asked with one of my conditons being social anxiety? I was a total mess at my ESA assessment. At this point it seemed my only option was to appeal to get moved into the Support group which filled me with dread of the thought of all the extra stress that would bring. On exploring further I could stay in the WRAG if I looked for part time voluntary or paid work that I could do from home but from my research upto now this kind of opportunity just doesn't seem to exist. I doubted paid work from home work would be available but was surprised/dissapointed to find no voluntary work either. I'm starting to suspect even voluntary work from home work doesn't exist and so my only option will be to go to appeal and see if I can be moved into the Support group which is quite a depressing and stressful thought. I just wondered if anyone else has been in this situation and if so what they did? I would like to do a little work from home be it paid or voluntary as I think it would do me good and even better if voluntary I would feel I was giving a little back but the opportunity just doesn't seem to be there. It's just starting to feel that unless you are ready and able to work in an office etc and be around people then work of any kind is just not an option which is really sad.
  12. Hey, I've been addicted to this forum for a long while now and what I've realised is most people talking about ESA problems are always talking exclusively about 'Anxiety/Depression' issues - not physical illnesses. It's all relative of course, but I suffered from massive anxiety and depression back in 09, I never took the easy option of looking for ESA WRAG group because I felt there was a stigma attached. (I'm now in a big financial hole because I didn't and have been stuck on JSA jumping through crazy hoops). But the point I'd like to make is that now five years later - even though my life is terrible and I have no money, I'm not looking for easy get-out-clauses. The worst thing you could have told me back in 09 was to give in and get 'on the sick' signed off. Sometimes with things like depression and anxiety we need it for a few months, but it's usually a temporary condition due to circumstances and chemical imbalances in the brain. The worst thing you can say to someone with anxiety is that - 'it's alright, you're now useless to society, so we'll indulge you and here's a letter that says you never have to make an effort again'. Sometimes we can't engage with society because we feel awful. Fair enough, we've paid in to a system that allows us to take some time out and get free money. But eventually we need to get back stuck in. The worst thing is to get a diagnosis that explains why we can't help ourselves and then look for people who'll pander to our new found victimhood status? Hope no one takes me wrong with this opinion. But thank god no one wrote me off when I was anxious and depressed as a permanent no hope of change - unlike someone with a physical condition that no amount of money or therapy would ever fix.
  13. I am working in a stressed office/business environment the manager is constantly criticising staff members for all problems that arise in the company which are mainly due to his own lack of managerial talent. While the criticism is not directly aimed at me face to face it is done behind my back. I have to listen to constant criticism of my colleagues who are all competent and hard working people. I am becoming seriously depressed and stressed due to this plus the added pressure of staff shortages. Would this count as a case of constructive dismissal or should I sue them for failing to protect my health and wellbeing? I am 58 years old and would find it hard to find suitable future employment. I have spoken to the MD who is terrified of telling the manager off incase he leaves. My Md is a weak person and is being directed by his manager instead of the other way round. Any thoughts. James.
  14. Hey guys I am 21 year old male. I am a good guy. I help grannies cross the street. I step in if someone is doing something wrong. I do the right thing. But I am a gambling addict. My father before me was a gambling addict and he got me down the same path. It has been a long and painful path. I cant think of a day of my life i have enjoyed the past 2 years. This is where I stand currently: I have £50 to survive to the end of next month ( live with parents ) I have about 6 payday loan companies expecting to take about £300 from my account in a few days. Nothing will be in there. I also have 2 loans of £5000 with santander & nationwide. I feel that both the above companies destroyed their duty of care when they gave me a loan, when I applied I didnt think I had a cat in hell's chance... I already had at least 4 outstanding payday loans, I barely ever paid my phone bill on time, I was on gamblers anonymous forums, I was in contact with gambling charities... if these companies spent 30 seconds looking into me I am certain they would not have given this loan. I also have my car insurance due to come out - I can find a way to pay this - But i may have to pay someone else and get them to pay the car insurance for me - as if i put the money in my bank one of these companies is sure to take it back out? I am seeking help for my gambling, I have quit cannabis but I can never quit gambling... I wanted to go to a rehab, but can only go if i have £10k to spare. LOL! I am so depressed. I am making plans for when I become homeless. I have a car and a job, but nothing else. What should i do? God bless you for reading this
  15. Hello my mum found this site a few months ago and I had started prepping my tribunal hearing from this the link that honeybee and leemack was commenting on a lot the ESA tribunal hearing for anxiety that was won thread - I got my letter for a hearing 2 days ago and have worked real hard with my mum to get this finished and I will be taking it to CAB this week, but can I get you please to read it over for me, before the CAB as they may post it that day, just I believe you will be more help. I will be attending the hearing with my boyf who came to the Atos medical also with me. I have included attachments of Doctors Letter (already in paperwork from DWP and ATOS) and Atos 's Paperwork on me that I think you may want to see, I am not sure. These are all with names and dates erased. I was only relying on this information, the paperwork, docs letter, and my statement below. (Does this statement below have to be sent to tribunal 7 days before?? or took on the day??) I think the attached 5 docs to this first thread is more important and what I am asking for help on - all the other 3-27 posts are my atos score sheets and comments etc the norm I can only upload 5 docs will upload rest in replys.... Any help and corrections will be greatly appreciated. AND if anyone can help with questions I will be expected to answer in the tribunal, would be also massively appreciated xx PS I HAVE EDITED AND ADDED THE STATEMENT IN PDF FORM IN THESE ATTACHMENTS AS IT MAY BE EASIER TO READ - either read the rest this thread or go to end and see pdf in better layout Appealsubmission of XXXXX Dateof appeal – XXXXX Nationalinsurance number – XXXXX I,XXXXX am appealing against the decisions made on XXXXX and XXXXX todecline the award of Employment and Support Allowance on the groundsthat I have not attained 15 points from the combined Physical andMental Health descriptors following my Work Capability Assessmentfollowing my Work Capability Assessment (for ESA) on XXXXX. I submitthat the Atos medical assessment was in places inaccurate and did notadequately assess my mental health condition. I suffer with anxiety,depression and poor health. My mental health problems began XXXXX andwere caused by the effects of an abusive and violent relationship anda miscarriage. I have been unable to work since then. I did attemptto work around XXXXX (can not remember exact dates) but could notcope at all. Mymedication at the time of the medical assessment was, Trazodone(150MG) Bytime I appealed my medication had changed to Citalopram (20MG) due tothat my anger was out of control and it had been recommended from afamily member that Citalopram helped a lot with anger, as I wasunable to find any help and support for anger. Ihad seen a councillor first for 8 weeks (HER NAME iTalk) but was thenforwarded on to seeing a psychiatrist, HIS NAME, iTalk and was withhim for a year (as well as the continued support of my doctor fromthe start to present day.) The appointments with HIS NAME had notlong stopped around my medical and I felt then I still had problemsthat were not dealt with. After much talk, I had been lookinginto other places but did not qualify and I am in discussions with myDoctor to go back to iTalk again. Ifeel depressed all of the time to the extent that it severely impactsmy daily life. I feel anxious most of the time, my anxiety andparanoia is severely increased if I have to leave the house or haveany social interaction. Thewhole ordeal has left me mentally and emotionally 'damaged' and whichhas also resulted in taking it toll physically too. I feel there is ahurdle I can not overcome and I am trying so hard because I do notlike who I have became. Thereport of the Atos medical assessment I attended contained manyinaccuracies: -The report states that I ticked on the ESA50 that I had problems withstanding and sitting, however I reported no problems to thehealthcare professional. I was not asked these questions about myproblems or given an opportunity to explain and how was I supposed toknow I was meant to bring it up first? -The report states that in one paragraph I can only go to the shop ifI am with my boyfriend every couple weeks, the next paragraphcontradicts this and states I go to the shop alone. I told the HCPthat my dad either goes shopping for me or on the very rare occasionthat my boyfriend has dragged me to the convenience shop directlyopposite his house but it causes lots of distress and arguements,otherwise my boyfriend always go to the shop for me. Sometimes heencourages me and tries to prepare me to go out but this just resultsin full blown arguments because of my insecurities. -The report states that I can use public transport. I can only use oneroute and that is only if my boyfriend is meeting me of the bus,which is also stated in the report in another section. Alot of thetime my boyfriend has to come to me and collect me and take me backhome. I do not get public transport anywhere else unless I am withsomeone. -The report states I had no difficulty completing the ESA50 form anddeals with letters and bills without difficulty. When in fact Istated that my mum and CAB (HER NAME AND LOCATION) helps me with thewording and understanding and dictates from what I want to say andputs it into a clearer sentence that would be understanding forsomeone else. The ESA50 form took me a few days to complete doinglittle parts at a time and letters generally cause frustration forboth me and my mum but my mum helps me as much as she can, and I donot have bills. Ihave also had a lot of help in writing this submission since March2013 from a forum, CAB and help from my mum and partner. -The report states that I can cook basic meals. The HCP asked me if Iwas able to prepare basic meals. I responded Yes. I had this laterexplained to me at the CAB that what I thought was a basic meal, wasnot what you mean as a basic meal. My basic meals are a packet ofcrisps, chocolate, ready made stuff in the fridge like a yoghurt or acornish pasty, piece of ham, block cheese, biscuits etc. Something Ican just grab and eat instantly. The times I had previously attemptedto cook, my poor concentration means that I have burnt food and myparents utensils or not even cooked food. If it hadn't been for afamily member to notice this then it would have been more dangerous.My mum does all the cooking in the evening for me and my dad, and shealso does most of our lunches. I get frustrated when people shadowme, prompt me and constantly watch me when in the kitchen, It causesarguments and I get extremely snappy when people moan that I haveleft appliances on or that they just take over and cook the meals forme. It really makes me upset and I feel a failure that I just nowgrab quick things listed above that I can eat instantly so thatmainly my mum doesn't have to go out of her way for me. -The report states that I do housework as long as I write a list ofwhat needs doing. But I have to do it in manageable sections forexample if I am washing up, I will do a few items, sit down because Ican not stand for long and hurt, do a few more and sit down and keeprepeating this till its done. -The report states that I have no problems using a computer. I do goon a laptop but I can only do this for a short time (30 minutes tops)as it causes me to have headaches or migraines and then I have to liedown. -The report states that I have no difficulties arranging and attendingappointments, where in fact I stated I have lots of difficulties,again my mum helps me and I have to write notes, and reminders, I getmyself in a right state and also have to call doctors or taxis torecheck the time I booked, as I also lose my notes. -The report states I visit my GP and Councillor every week. I stated Isaw a psychiatrist, HIS NAME weekly but my parents paid the taxi farefor me to get there and back. I also stated that my doctors is only a5 minute journey from my house and its practically on my doorstep,this is why it is easy to attend, and the HCP commented sarcastically'well that's very convenient isn't it?!' -The report states I chat on facebook. I never said this, I stated Ibrowse facebook, that my friends tell me that they are here for me ifI need a chat in person but I never reply. I can not face it. -The report states that I sometimes go out to the cinema with myboyfriend. I stated I have been once and that it was a badexperience, I have not been since. Thereport generally states I coped well and behaved normally at theappointment but this was because I had someone there with me. I amanxious, nervous and afraid to attend these appointments on my own,and afraid of meeting new people. I need the support of someonefamiliar. Isubmit that I fulfil the following descriptors: 1.Moving around (d) Cannot either (i) mobilise more than 200 metres onlevel ground without stopping in order to avoid significantdiscomfort or exhaustion or (ii) repeatedly mobilise 200 metreswithin a reasonable timescale because of a significant discomfort orexhaustion. (6 points) WhenI am accompanied with someone, I find it very difficult to keep upwith them, I walk really slow and I struggle to walk far. Whenwalking, what used to take me and a normal person 10 minutes, willnow take me about 45 minutes because I walk so slow with all theissues listed below. I can not walk further that 10 minutes before Ihave to stop, making them stop too. I struggle for breath, get hotand sweaty, experience pains and keep needing 20-30 minutes minimumstopping time before walking another shorter distance. This putspressure on my knees and hips making me very uncomfortable, reallytired, distressed and gasping for breath, I have to stop. I cannotstand for long either, I have to hold onto someone arm, lean againsta wall and keep swapping weight on my legs to the other leg and amgreatly embarrassed by this. If there is not a seat near by and Ihave to stand, my pain gets worse faster. When I get of the bus atthe NAMED TOWN library, I can only cross the NAME Park towards NAMEDroads before feeling my limit. It is a daily struggle and like I onlyhave a maximum of 10 minutes a day to be pain and stress free, nomatter how long my breaks are throughout that day, once those 10minutes are up, the pain and exhaustion lasts all day or instantlyreturns on any activity. As well as walking slow because of the painor trying to to prevent it it, I also walk so slow in the hope ofgetting a couple of more minutes out of it. 11.Learning tasks © Cannot learn anything beyond a moderately complextask, such as the steps involved in operating a washing machine toclean clothes. (6 points) My mum, who I live with, I think isgetting really fed up of repeatedly telling me the correct buttons topress on the washing machine, its only three buttons. She hasrecently resulted in marking the washing machine with a black markerof the 3 buttons I need to press. I had tried multiple times to do itbefore on my own, and my mum said they were dripping wet when theycome out. The buttons I pressed, I was very adamant and believedstrictly these were the correct ones, but she had told me maybe itwas my memory from our old washing machine. It has caused argumentsbetween us and I was really confused and really upset me that I cankeep forgetting and making more work for my mum. My mum now does mywashing. 12.Awareness of hazards © Reduced awareness of the risks of everydayhazards has led or would lead to frequent instances of or to thenear-avoidance of: (i) injury to self or others; or (ii) significantdamage to property or possessions, but not to such an extent thatoverall day to day life cannot managed when such incidents occur. (6points) WhenI start to cook I forget about it causing pans to boil dry and foodto burn in the oven because I forget I am cooking. Ona bad day I would put an item on in the oven and cooked for 30minutes, then returned because my mum can smell burning, and I hadthe hob on that had a pan resting on it and the plastic utensils inthe pan was burnt, and that ruined my parents belongings, that reallyreally upset me. Ihave fallen a sleep and forgotten that I am cooking. Mum noticed andturned off the oven. Iput the oven on and returned after cooking time to eat, to open theoven and no food is in there. Thevery last time I used my parents oven was when I put the hob oninstead of the oven and the oven had a glass lid which had been leftdown. After time, when returning to the kitchen the glass lid hadbent upwards and I screamed and lifted the glass in panic and shockand mum opened the back door and on walking away the glass explodedjust missing us. I am so deeply ashamed!!! My parents bought a newcooker and they can not afford these things. Since then my dad hastold my mum to watch me like a hawk in the kitchen. Mymum now follows me every time I enter the kitchen or if she knows Iam cooking, and always returns after I have left, to make sure I haveturned appliances off as I have also left the oven on from lunch timeall the way through to the early evening with nothing in it. I feelreally belittled and like a child to be watched over. Ihad made tea for my parents and forgot to put the tea bags in. Whilistboiling the kettle I'd forget and go off to do other things and mydad says MY NAME where's my tea and when I say oh I have forgotten hereplies oh yeah really and I get really annoyed that he thinks I'vedone it on purpose. He later laughs it off and tells me to not besilly that I am getting upset but it does really upset me. Ihave gone to run a bath, then forgot and gone to sleep, My mum cameup for the toilet and stopped it because it was full and running outthe over flow She panicked and that caused me mayhem. Theseare a few examples, that make me feel such a failure. Which adds tomy anxiety because my mum is unwell too and I get really upset that Ihave burdened her or my dad. 13.Starting a task and finishing it to the end © Frequently cannot,due to impaired mental function, reliably initiate or complete atleast 2 personal actions. (6 points) Ineed to write lists to remember a sequence of tasks. If I do not makelists, I forget what I have to do causing stress when I haveforgotten to do something on time. If I agree to something I have towrite this down or I will forget. I have to contact people doublechecking times, for example, taxi service asking what time I bookedfor and Doctors asking what appointment times i've made. Asmentioned above, with awareness of hazards, if I start a task, I caneasily lose concentration causing difficulty. I even write stuff downand lose that too and then I panic. I try each day to write a listof things to do the next day, this can vary from reminding myself todo basic tasks to appointments and anything I need to take toappointments including reminding myself to write another list on mylist, any medications I need to reorder etc. Pleaserefer to my doctors letter stating that I use coping strategies todeal with every day to day life. 14.Coping with change © Cannot cope with minor unplanned change (suchas the timing of an appointment on the day it is due to occur), tothe extent that overall day to day life is made significantly moredifficult. (6 points) Anexample of this is I have been waiting for a bus to an appointmentand the bus has not turned up, I panic out of all proportion. I haveto call my mum and she has to calm me down and help me find analternative and then she has then phoned taxi service to pick me upand take me to venue, also phoning venue to say I may be late. NAMEOF PERSON AT ITALK had changed two appointments once on the day I wasdue to see him and this completely threw me and I got very depressedand in an angry mood for a few hours. Ifpeople have arranged times and dates with me and let me down, I blowthat out of proportion and have full blown arguments with people. Ifpeople are any later than 3 minutes late in contacting me after anarranged time, my anger level soar, I think it is highlydisrespectful and I will scream and shout and am unreasonable to anyapologies. My mum says I always go 'overboard', that I need to let itgo and there is no need for it. 15.Getting about (b) Is unable to get to a specified place with whichthe claimant is familiar without being accompanied by another person.(9 points) Irarely go out at all, I travel about two times a month. I live at myparents so I am either there or if my boyfriend has picked me up I amat his. These are the only two places I am. InTOWN I have a massive Phobia of the town because this is where my expartner is most likely to be seen. On leaving him, his job was in thetown centre. And so now I rarely go to town and only if I am with aclose person who understands. I cannot go to town with someone I knowwho would not understand or who I have not told about EX'S NAMEbecause in the past I have freaked out and I won't trouble someonewho doesn't know this. Ihave to travel to HOME TOWN where I have grown up in all my life in ataxi or with someone, because I won't walk through there on my own. Pleaserefer to my doctors letter explaining about leaving the house. 16.Coping with social situations © Engagement in social contact withsomeone unfamiliar unfamiliar to the claimant is not possible for themajority of the time due to difficulty relating to others orsignificant distress experienced by the individual. (6 points) Inever go out to see my friends, on the rare occasion they have cameto see me and then that results in me feeling bad because they'vemade the effort. The right thing to do next would be to see them. ButI don't want to go out so I just leave it but then I lose my friendsbecause they don't want to come see me all the time or they complainthat they are the ones always making the effort. And when they don'tcome to see me I really don't care because I don't have to deal withthere problems and what they think of me anymore. Mydepression and anxiety stops me from going out and enjoying anythingI once loved/liked. Ionly leave when I really have to for appointments and medicationcollections if my dad or partner was unable to collect. Idon’t go out and socialise as I don’t like it as it causes me toworry to all extreme in the fear that I will see my ex or his family,who have all threatened me and my family. Whoever I am with, if I sawmy ex or his family and it all kicked off then not only am I at risk,I am putting someone else at risk and that thought and worry is justtoo much for me to deal with Onetime my partner and his friends took me out and promised me “whatwere the chances of seeing any of them”. Well we went out and hiscousins were at the venue, my partner and his friends tried to relaxme and calm me down and even threatened to beat them up if theystarted on me but in the end we had to go somewhere else, I wasdistraught that I could have been the cause of a problem. WhenI am at my boyfriends flat and a few of his mates come round I haveto resort to the bedroom, because it is too overwhelming. I worryabout something I may say that will make them hate me and think I amstupid so I make my excuses and leave, I then give my partner anearful all day on what they thought of me because when I do seepeople, I always have that phobia afterwards off whether or not theylike me, if they hate me, what they think of me, if they'd want tosee me again, did I say or do anything that made me look stupid, ori'd pick out things and say would this cause them to like me more,hate me more etc... 17. (b)Frequently has uncontrollable episodes of aggressive or disinhibitedbehaviour that would be unreasonable in any workplace (15 points) Inmy own company I am fine but when being with other people, theyreally get me wound up, I always get angry and the most simplecomments just make me see red and something that I know I once Icould have let go, I wont. Since my ex, I will not let anything go, Iwill not be walked all over again and become open to abusivebehaviour or be hurt. WhereI was someone who had ALOT of patience, I now have none whatsoever,something flicks in my head and I seriously want to go pick weaponsup and do damage to people and hurt them in a way they have hurt orupset me, actions speak louder than words and if I am angry I willaction that, as my words of reasoning are not comforting any more. Thisis why I don’t like seeing people as it will only take once forthere opinion to change about me. Idon’t do it intentionally and I see how I was before to now and IHATE it, but I can’t control it. Ona few occasions I have thrown things at my partner and even threw hisremote control at the wall and demolished it because he just made meflip and to me he was being really unreasonable but it was me. Hedidn't do anything wrong. Iwas also really rude to a receptionist once who was trying to help meand I gave her a mouthful over the phone because as she was stressed,she made a comment about how I should have called earlier toguarantee an appointment and I flipped and then after the call, Icried my eyes out, I felt terrible. Irespectfully request that the tribunal award 60points in the limited capability for work test, and allow my appeal. Signed XXXXX I hope this is letter is ok? and I hope this all correct and I have it on forum ok???? PS I HAVE EDITED AND ADDED THE STATEMENT IN PDF FORM IN THESE ATTACHMENTS AS IT MAY BE EASIER TO READ
  16. Hello, I'm new here, just found this as I am looking for help. It's a bit of a long story. Anyway, here goes. I have worked for a large retail company for the past three years. I am employed full time on a 38 hour contract which is 5 days over 7. I have two problems really. The first is the lack of support for my illness, clinical depression, which I've suffered from for about 10 years or so. I made my employer aware of this because I like to keep things open and honest. I suffer very very badly when I have my 'down times' to the point where every tiny thing I have to do seems like a massive mountain. Despite this I have an excellent attendance record and never have sick days. For the most part I struggle though but I can't describe how difficult I find it going in each day during my down times and having to pretend everything is ok, put a brave face on it. It's utterly exhausting to the point where by the time I get home I have nothing left for my family. Basically my family are suffering because all of my energy goes into ensuring I don't let my illness impact my colleagues or my work. I try to keep in touch with my managers, letting them know when I am going through a 'down time' but generally they are very dismissive and have a pull your self together attitude one even asked me "see this depression thing, is it only when your working you get it or do you get it at holidays too?". Well, I've coped so far and struggled on despite the impact on my home life as I don't want to loose my job or have a bad attendance record however recently I'm at breaking point. Basically, although I work in a shop I work "back of house' so to speak dealing with stock deliveries and paperwork. There are four people who do my job. We do not need people in my roll in on a Sunday as there are no deliveries and no work for us though they do like one of us to be in for the odd job which is totally fine. Generally they have always given each of the four of us one weekend day off to be with our families which was perfect. However, recently the rotas are no longer generated by a human being, but by an automatic computer program and for the last six months our shifts have been horrendous leaving us working evenings and weekends despite the demands of our job role staying the same. I barely see my family any more and rather than having a stable, rolling rota like we used to have our shifts are now totally eratic and have no stability or routine at all. This has played havok with my depression making me worse than I have every been in my life as I relied on that stability and seeing my family for support. I've gone right down hill and my doctor agrees the lack of routine and family time is certainly not helping. I tried to talk to my employer about this but was dismissed out right and told "well get used to not seeing your family cos that's just the way it is. You shouldn't be so dependant on family time." So that got me nowhere, but a friend told me as UK shop workers we can opt out of Sunday working legally. I was so happy because I thought I'd found a solution that would at least give me one set day a week to spend with my family cos as it stands I work myself into a panic each week when the rota is released. I look at it and cry when I realise I'm on my third week without a day in sight that I can spend with my family. So I thought this way I can rely on having that one day every week. It seemed perfect. I also understood that if I opt out my employer can cut my hours by a day, which was fine because I felt my health was more important and it wasn't going to be a huge loss financially after tax etc. So I went to them with this, telling them again about my stress and depression and that I would like to give three months notice and opt out of Sundays. Well they wouldn't have it. They told me if I did that then I would be demoted to a completely different job within the shop on a considerably lower rate of pay. It was my understanding they couldn't treat you unfairly if you opted out. I feel like they are doing absoloutley nothing to help support me when I feel like I'm going through hell. Where do I stand on all of this? Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
  17. Hi everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am really struggling at the moment and could really do with some advice on what to do next. I was on ESA for for a couple of years due to bad depression and anxiety. As I was in the support group on contribution based ESA my money was stopped in April, I couldn't afford to live on nothing so became a carer for my nana and receive carers allowance for this (my uncle, who was her carer died in April). I have been really struggling recently with my depression and am finding it so difficult to continue to be a carer for my nana. There are so many family issues which formed part of my depression and anxiety in the first place going on and I feel myself falling back into the pit I was in not so long ago. I am thinking for my health it might be best to give up being a carer but my issue is finances. I know I won't get any money from ESA since the new rules came in, I have been looking for a job but have been struggling to find anything, would I get any money on Job Seekers? I know you only get money on JSA for six months so will my previous benefit history (ESA) be taken into account? What support would I get on JSA for my depression and help returning to work? I don't seem to be getting any support at the minute. I do live with my partner who works but aren't really in a position for him to support me Thank you Lisa
  18. Hi, I have a long history of depression and was quite low after having pneumonia last winter when I found out that my husband had debts.I was very upset as although we don't have much money (our only income is pension credit) I thought we were managing quite well.All sorts of things have happened since,not pleasant things and the whole thing has had a very bad effect on my life,I am very tired and being depressed makes me woolly headed which I hate.If it was not for CAG I may well have thrown in the towel,the forums do help with that awful feeling of wooliness and not knowing what to do for the best, and gave me the incentive to fight back.So to anyone who reads this who is in a similar position I hope you find the help and support you need and the inner strength to carry you through what I hope will be only a small part of your life, be well stay strong
  19. Back in November I accepted a conditional job offer. The conditions being to complete a number of pre-employment checks and to provide satisfactory references. I supplied all the required information and completed all the necessary checks including a CRB disclosure and a medical. The results of these were satisfactory with no recorded issues raised on the CRB and, despite a history of depression, I was deemed fit to work by Occupational Health. My prespective line manager had been keen for me to start a.s.a.p and on a number of occasions said they were looking forward to me joining the team a.s.a.p. I was even invited to the team's Christmas Party. At the start of this month there appeared to be unnecessary delays; firstly a reference, which I was assured would be issued prior to Christmas, was apparently not received until the first week of January. Once received, I was told we were waiting for the line manager to clear my references and other documentation. The line manager then went on sick leave for a couple of days. When I chased HR again, I was told a start date could not be confirmed until the line manager had given his approval. Later that day the line manager called me and said there were questions outstanding with occupational health and he couldn't proceed until HR had provided him with the Dr's report. I explained that they had already received this (I had personally witnessed the Dr send this over by e-mail to HR) and I also offered to scan my personal copy and forward to HR again. He then requested details of the report and my medical history, but did not wish me to forward a copy, stating managers could not contact occupational health for information. I felt under pressure to answer his questions in order to progress the recruitment process. He expressed concerns over how depression might impact levels of absence and my ability to handle deadlines (neither of which have been an issue in the past). At the end of the phonecall I was told we still had to wait for the report to be sent in order for the Dr to co-oberate what I had said. I'm still waiting for a start date, but am concerned these are delaying tactics and the offer will be withdrawn. My question, at this time, is whether this is standard practice and what my rights are in this situation?
  20. Hi all - I have a question really. Whats the general consensus when declaring past depression on a mandatory medical questionnaire after getting a job? I have acquired a little part time job at my university calling up alumni and fundraising whilst being at uni as I needed some extra cash. Its a minor job sitting down on the phone and calling people up, nothing more. Our contracts were being prepped by HR in December, but they said we could all do some shifts, I racked up only 18 hours and I have two shifts booked for next week. Recently we have been handed our contract packs and on the front page of the contract it says my employment is subject to "occupational health clearance" and included is a Medi-Gold medical questionnaire which has to be sent off. On this questionnaire is a little thing for you to sign saying your happy to have your medical records accessed along with your happy to have a physical examination. In the past I was treated for depression by the NHS and I know it is as a result on my record, however I left the service myself and i've been good mentally for a year and a bit so far. I was speaking to friend recently about it who also had a mental illness at one stage in their life and they said not to declare it as they didn't do so in the past and are still within their job now, I spoke to my parents who both told me not to declare it as and I quote "people don't understand these problems nowadays. I won't be able to get paid until I sign the contracts and do the medical questionnaire. Thing is I want to declare it as I don't want any repercussions later down the line, but i'm guessing i'm going to lose my job now as a result? Its not my first job, I have another job in retail and I didn't have to do this questionnaire so that's why i'm just generally unaware what would happen as a result of declaring it? Thanks for reading.
  21. Hi, I have recently been dismissed by my employers. I have appealed but have had not date given to me (this was over a month ago). I have recently put in a claim for a tribunal to hear my case as I have no faith in my company following procedures (they didn't follow procedures during the disciplinary hearing). I have recently been to my GP as my wife has told me I am showing signs of depression. My doctor has prescribed me medication to cope with anxiety and the lack of sleep I am getting at the moment. My question is, has anybody else been in this scenario? If so, how did they get though it and also how should I move forward regarding claiming for depression in monetary terms? Thanks for reading
  22. Hi everyone i hope i have posted in the correct area !! HELP my story is that i have recently defaulted on 2 credit cards ,i am only 1 payment behind . i was unlucky enough to have two operations last year and borrowed money from 1 card to pay the other i have had to undergo further surgery april gone and i have been living on stat sick pay/ tax credits and housing benefit . I have approached two debt charities and as advised done a budget which has surprised me , my outgoings are £350 more than i have coming in !!!!! I am being treated for depression and have been for 3 years after losing both parents to horrible illnesses. I have been straight with both lenders but the HALIFAX wont enter into any agreement because of my budget and the RBS have now sent me a financial form to complete ,they are also asking when i will be back to work and can i send them a copy of my DRS certificate are they entitled to this ????? by the way late charges and over credit fees keep getting addded. Can anyone point me in the right direction , total debts approx £9000 iand i work part time for £6.50 an hour and my situation doesnt look like it will be any better even when i return to work. any help would be appreciated TIM
  23. Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post but if not please could you guide me in the right direction as I don't know where to turn. My partner works away all week on the road at appointments (he works for a software company) and over the last 6 weeks has become more and more stressed and depressed due to the increased workload and lack of support from his employer. He's expected to make appointments, attend them, follow them up, deal with support calls and account management and often travels over 1000 miles per week. They are a small business and not very good at staff welfare and as he's out of the office the majority of the time it's a case of out of sight and out of mind! Over the last few weeks however things have been getting much worse, he's become isolated, withdrawn, crying a lot, takes can't switch off, interrupted sleep patterns and generally displaying all the signs of depression/burnout etc. He works all day and then all night too, staying in hotel rooms all week and home at weekends. Every other weekend he's expected to take support calls as well. We don't live together but up until 4 weeks ago spent weekends together and talked on the phone when he was away but now he seems to prefer to be away and on his own so that he can 'sort his head out' and barely communicates so my fear is that this is making things worse and he's becoming more withdrawn and isolated. I am trying to support him the best I can from a distance but even that seems to add to his stress so I don't know what to do for the best. He's refusing to see a doctor or take any time off and seems to think he's just going to work his way through things and it will work itself out but having suffered from depression myself I know that's not the case. Can anyone suggest what I can do to help him or what his rights are with his employer please? I'm at the end of my tether! Thank you
  24. I am looking into relocating. I have various long term disabilities and health problems. One of which is currently undergoing investigation. I don't want to be in the situation whereby, they restart the investigation again - so far, it has been painful and I don't want to go through that again. So, what exactly would happen if I did move? Also, I was put on Medication in January 2010, changed medication in April 2010, moved in June and am due a medication review in June. (where I am, it's done yearly. where I was previously, it was every 6 months) If I moved before June, I would've been on medication for 14 months and had no review - that can't be right, can it?
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