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Found 7 results

  1. Hello folks. Ive just been issued a parking fine by smartparking.com. What infuriates me, is because I paid at the ticket machine, but it didn't issue a ticket until I pressed the green button three times. Unfortunately for me, I binned my collection of parking tickets two days before I got the notice of fine. Do I have to pay this fine, or simply ignore it? Thanks for any replies and advice Dave
  2. Vodafone have put a default on my credit report and are causing me undue stress and anxiety due to a phone I had stolen in Barcelona. The thieves stole my phone and within a few hours racked up a bill over £2,000 by ringing premium numbers and putting them on hold to ring the same numbers - over 900 calls were made. It is clear that my phone was used as some sort of organised crime activity and there have been many cases in the press of Vodafone lumping other people with bills like this, only to waive the bill when brought to the attention of the press. I am now at the point of contacting press as this seems the only way Vodafone comes to a fair decision. I have not long graduated and instead of enjoying being young I am beginning to get depressed - I have debt collectors after me, a ruined credit report and no idea of how to get out of this situation. anyone got any other tips on how to deal with this situation or anyone had a similar experience? Forgot to mention that the incident occurred in September 2014, a default was registered on my report May 2015 and the account was apparently sold on to a DCA in the last few weeks
  3. Some of you are aware i have moved to Northern Ireland and i am on ESA due to my disability. Rather than closing down my BT account in England i let my brother use it in my Name (Same Address) until i receive the keys to my new place over here in Ireland. I have just phoned him on the land line and the line is dead. After contacting BT it seems he has not paid the bill since May. To say i am angry is an understatement, i even got him a payment card. To remove the restriction and protect my credit rating from a default, though i have ended up with three late payment markers. I have just had to pay the £53.00 arrears. On top of that on the next bill i will be hit with £37.00 in reconnection and late payment charges as well as the normal line rental. That will be another £50.00 in total To top it all the line is being reconnected as the bill has been paid by me for which he will get the benefit. BT had the cheek after hitting me wit this bill to say if i wanted to restrict the line i would have to pay again for the privilege Rant over and can i do anything about these charges??
  4. In September 2013 BT negligently deleted 9 years of my emails, the emails contained information and evidence on a project that I had been working on, there were also attachments to emails and details of contacts that were also lost/deleted. I duly complained to BT and followed the requirements set out in their complaints procedure, unfortunately BT did not. Subsequent to which I reported the loss of emails to the Information Commissioner in the hope they would take an interest, the breach of the Data Protection Act as defined on their website seemed to have been satisfied. I was at all times told by BT that my telephone conversation was recorded which gave me some comfort, short lived when I found out this was untrue. At the end of the 'in house' procedure I was offered £100 as a 'good will' gesture, this I declined and reported my complaint to the Ombudsman Service-Communications(OSC) which meant my complaint was now Negligence and Maladministration against BT, I had spoken to the OSC at some considerable length to ensure that the nature of my complaint was within their remit and established that it was. The OSC, outside their suggested time scale, issued their 'adjudication' which was/is flawed in many respects in that they claim that my contract for telephone and Broadband services with BT did not include email, which it does/did. The report also blamed the 'negligent acts of BT on a 'system failure' which would/could not have been possible. The maladministration of the OSC that I have been obliged to deal with was/is worse than that suffered during my dealings with BT. I obtained a copy of the BT 'call log' that contains 135 entries and refers to failed 'call backs', in fact there were 27 failed call backs which resulted in 54 telephone calls from me to BT, each call took 40 minutes to get through to a person and even than not the right person. Subsequent events required that I must now issue a further complaint this time to the Independent Assessor who reviews action of the OSC, he found in my favour on a number of issues concerning Maladministration although he cannot review the findings of the OSC or their methodology. The conclusion now is that the service available for complaining about negligence of your Internet Service Provider(ISP) is not fit for purpose, a further complaint now lodged with my MP for progress through the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman whilst still attempting to obtain a meaningful reply from the OSC regarding the false and misleading assertions contained in their adjudication, so far only the 'system failure' has been dropped and false reference to evidence that did not exist also seems to be admitted. Clearly I now need some help and any suggestions would be welcome. As to the value of my claim, this has yet to be discussed or assessed but the 9 years work was done whilst I became disabled and now suffer with COPD (respiratory dis-function) and the work can never be replicated or replaced.
  5. Hi All, Came across this article and thought it might be useful. . Where are we heading? Please find it at the link below Dot http://www.msn.com/en-gb/cars/news/tax-disc-loophole-leaves-angry-drivers-facing-massive-fines/ar-AAaMvme?ocid=mailsignoutmd
  6. Hi, was just looking for some advice on benefit fraud really Brief history is my ex partner and me were living together 2009, she was claiming full benefit without my knowledge. Social invited both of us to interviews after we split, around 2011. She was charged with fraud at £30k whilst I received letter saying no further action I found out I wasn't named on the council property despite being told I was by her She is not happy regarding this and is now threatening to try and claim I knew all along and claims she has evidence to,prove this although I have no idea what as in my eyes she is talking rubbish. What I'm wondering is since the case has been heard and charges brought forward against her is this threat anything to worry about? I just don't want the hassle and grief and animosity this could cause. Can they bring a fresh case against me based on her word? Is this time restricted? We have two kids together and I pay fully for them but she won't let things lie and expects me to pay through the nose for everything in her life whilst she chooses not to work. Any help to put my mind at rest would be greatly appreciated, I suffer with depression as a result of all I've been through the last few years with her and I don't want this pushing me back down that slope as I'm just picking myself up
  7. Hi, my first post and quite a long story... I purchased a car privately last month. It was taxed until 11/12 (end of Nov)... or so i thought. Whilst driving thru a small country village where i work when a DVLA van taps on the window. They inform me my car is not taxed. I tell them it is and show them the tax disc which says end nov 12. They inform me that when i purchased the car, the tax disc had been refunded in may - I had the receipt from the car purchase on me and tried to use it as proof. as i had to return to work, they followed me and clamped my car, telling me it was £100 to have it released. When I asked about timescale he told me that he was working in the area until 5 or 6 so he would come and release it once I had paid. I phoned at approx 3:45pm, paid £260 and was told it would be released in approx 1 hour, maybe 2 at 5:30 i was worried i hadnt heard anything so phoned them back - they said they had one car left on their system - mine - and it wasnt being released until tomorrow morning. Now I work 30 miles from home and in a rural surrounding. I had no way of getting home - as you can imagine I am now livid. The guy on phone at DVLA said he is the only one there and can't help. He told me the people who release the car stop at 4 - implying the other two i had spoken to were lying. this has been a huge inconvenience - anyone know my rights? can they tell me they are going to release my vehicle, then just not do it even after I have paid? Plus what about the part where I never knew about the Tax (DVLA said they didnt need to surrender the tax disc upon refund as they could say it was lost etc...) PS someone mentioned that they clamped the passenger side which isn't allowed - is this true? Thank you
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