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  1. My son was stopped and prosecuted, for two defects on his car. He was informed that he did not need to attend court, and if he choose not too, his offences would be dealt with, in his absence. One offence was a defective tyre, and the other was jagged, plastic body work. The paper work has come from the court, and i think that the fines are excessive. £440 for each offence, £85 for costs, and £45 for something else. Do these seem excessive, and if so can he appeal? Paul
  2. I have just received X10 PCN's from Newham - all in one go. They date back to 17th August. I can see from reading threads relating to this area in Newham that lots of people have been caught driving through this "No Entry" sign which is really badly positioned. But to receive 10 in one go! If i had received the first PCN sooner (not over 3 months later) i would have been made aware of the contravention, and not driven through it again! Does my arguement stand up at all, or will i just have to pay all of the fines? There could even be more on the way as i honestly didnt realise it was a no entry road. Dreading the costs here. Wouldnt have done it had i seen the sign. Any help appreciated
  3. I have received 3 Bus Lane Fines from Manchester City Council, All in Oxford Road and All in one position in the beginning of the Bus Lane and the times difference between them 4 - 11 minutes. I admitted travelling to Manchester one day and was following directions from my TomTom Navigation and when coming out of city centre suddenly noticed sign forbidden traffic and advising it is Bus Lane. I turned back and took first exit and followed alternative direction and TomTom guided me to same location of start of Oxford Road. I repeated this 3 times and never crossed the sign on each attempt. Now they sent me 3 fines and pictures showing my car before the sign. Any advise please ?
  4. Tens of thousands of drivers get increased fines for using mobiles at wheel READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tens-of-thousands-of-drivers-get-increased-fines-for-using-mobiles-at-wheel
  5. In September 2016, the government set up the HMCTS Historic Debt Team as a pilot scheme to recover outstanding court fines that had remained unpaid for a period of up to 10 years. In many cases, the reason for the fines not being recovered had been due to individuals moving address etc. In March 2017, the government announced that since its launch, the HMCTS National Compliance and Enforcement Service had recovered ‘significant sums’ and as a consequence; the Historic Debt Team expanded their tracing activities to recover outstanding court fines over 10 years old. Every day I receive at least half a dozen enquiries about an 'historic' fine and with far better computer technology at the courts, it is actually very easy to make enquiries about the fine etc and in many cases, an application can be made to the court for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration. Should I pay or make a Section 14 Statutory Declaration? Given that the majority of court fines from the HMCTS Historic Debt Team may go back many years, many people have little or no supporting documentation available and are naturally worried about the prospect of applying for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration and instead, decide to pay the amount requested in order to conclude the matter. This is perfectly understandable. Is there a time limit for making a Section 14 Statutory Declaration: An application for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration must be made within 21 days of you becoming aware of the court fine. PS: And despite inaccurate internet advice, it is not 21 days from becoming aware that a Statutory Declaration is on option !! Can I send a sworn Section 14 Statutory Declaration to the court (or the Historic Debt Team) by recorded delivery? No you cannot...most Magistrates court will reject your application and advise you that you must make an appointment and attend court in person ......(continued on the following post).
  6. Hi, My Mum sold her car but didn't send the green slip to the DVLA for 3-4 weeks. In the meantime the guy that bought the car racked up two parking fines. The fines were sent to my Mum as the car was registered to her still. He paid one fine but is stalling on paying the second one. It has now with bailiffs. How should we proceed? There is photographic evidence that he was the driver. Do we have any chance of making him pay the fine? Over £220 now. Any help would be very gratefully recieved.
  7. Sorry but not sure how to find correct forum?? I want to send a new thread regarding parking fines i received from Parking eye and Equita, here is my story. I received a letter on or their about's 27 September 2017 from Parking Eye. In the letter (see attached PDF) they explained I had been fined ref Asda Gravesend, I moved house to from Harlow Essex new address when moving to Gravesend i updated driving license but forgot to update my vehicle log book...( it is now been done) The letter from Parking Eye stated because of the mix up of DVLA addresses they would NOT charge me for the full amount either £70 or £130 and would charge me the reduced amount of £40.. On the 30th September 2017 I went online at Parking Eye and paid the £40 Please see Attached PDF with proof of received e-mail, and bank statement, also if one logs onto Parking Eye website and give the ref . ...it shows that their is no such reference number! Reason must be because I have already paid it..?! I was unaware that I had also been fined a second time to confuse things further, so I eventually found out by visiting my parent at the previous address.. So now I had another fine of £130, Parking eye ref ... I paid £130 via the automated telephone system to Equita on the 3 November according to my bank statement please see attached PDF... .According to the conversation I had with Equita agent this may have been a mistake of mine as I may have paid it to the wrong Equita ref number it should of been paid to Equita ref .... Instead of Equita ref 2.... this i can't prove or disprove.the only thing i can prove is i paid £130 to equita which has came out of my bank account. So this should prove that I was fined in total on 2 occasions the first occasion Parking Eye themselves gave me a reduced fine of £40 as per letter received from them, see attached which was paid as soon as I was aware of it.. And the other fine was for £130 which have also paid on or their abouts 1st November 2017 via Equita automated payment system..also proof of payment see attached PDF.. Equita and Parking Eye are still claiming i owe them a further £130 I sent a recorded delivery to Parking eye with proof of what i have paid and sent e-mails to Equita and it made no difference what so ever. .Today ( 10-12-2017) received another letter from Equita saying despite previous efforts trying to to contact me they are still demanding another £130 and will go to "Enforcement/Litigation action" What can i do?? I have already paid total of £170 for 2 parking fines. .and they want another £130?? I'm pretty stressed about it, what can i do please help!! docs1.pdf
  8. Drivers’ hours: changes to fines for commercial drivers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/drivers-hours-changes-to-fines-for-commercial-drivers
  9. I am a 16 year old who unfortunately made the wrong decision of my life a few days ago and I need everyone's advice . On the 31 of January 2018 I was caught sneaking two items into my bag on Wednesday that has not been paid for I was about to leave I was called the security and they were shouting and being rude told me to fill out a form which I did. I stayed respectful and remorseful the whole process they continued to be rude they called my mother and took my details BUT DID NOT INVOLVE THE POLICE said I will receive a small fine Reading others people stories I know it would be a big fine I don’t want to pay this fine as they searched my bag which they have no right to as they are not actual police and decided not to involve them I offered to pay and they refused. Please HELP ME. They said I should receive a letter within 3-4 weeks of £100 point and if o refuse to pay I will have a criminal record. I regret my wrongful actions but I can’t afford this fine but don’t want a criminal record. PLEASE HELP ME !!
  10. Hi guys, I need some urgent advice, i just received three letters from Marston company asking me to pay three parking fines or they going to send a bailiff to take over all my belongings by 31st Jan 18. My driving details have been stolen in early march 2017 i been informed by DVLA in June, that someone used my details to get the new licence but after providing some security details they issued me new licence. When i asked if they found out who is the culprit then they told me that matter is with west Yorkshire police and i dont have to do anything. After that in september 2017 people from vw company came to my house to recover the car but after clarifying every thing, they advised me that i should report to the police as you are the victim of identity fraud because someone got the vw car on finance and used my details and did not pay the installment. I reported the police straight away and police gave me the fraud incident number, the criminals also used my details and got the loan around £60k as well but all companies who been [problem]med removed my name from their list after finding out that i am the victim of identity fraud. Now Marston company want around £550 parking fines and not accepting the police incident number or dvla letter. The Marston company wants police report, when i asked police about the report they said they do not issue the reports to individuals but they made a new report specifically for Marston group asked me to give the reference number to Marston then they can contact police and police will provide the police report to them. Now the problem is that Marston not accepting this they insist that i have to proivde the police report as they do not contact to third party. I do not know what to do i am victim of identity fraud Marston just want their money they are making threats that i should resolve the matter by 31st or they will come to my house to take all belongings. I never received any letter from Marston before as the culprit used different address where i never lived, now i received notices of enforcement to my address and i have no idea where shall i go from here
  11. Hi Guys, After some advice, around 2 months ago i decided to go travelling. Before doing so i parked my car outside a business which is on a main Road in Manchester City Center. I asked someone that worked at this business if it would be ok to park there which they replied it would be fine. While ive been away, SIP parking must of bought the land the business was situated on and they erected a no parking restricted sign on the wall. Well after coming back from my travels ive came back to a windscreen full of tickets and numerous letters from SIP asking for £100, ive also received a letter from Gladstones solicitors. Ive been away so ive no knowledge that they put the sign up or that i was receiving tickets! just wondering if i have a leg to stand on, ive got 20+ tickets rolled up and i was wondering if i should reply to Gladstones with the reason why the ''parking offence'' has been committed. any help would be greatly appreciated. regards
  12. I also got caught and had to pay £60.00. But what I have done is called balance the books. To recover the £60.00, I have stopped contributing to any Charity organization. Stopped tipping. When asked to contribute to those save the children Charities, I do not provide. Taking this route I Intend to save £100.00 , which would otherwise of left my pocket. at the end of the day my financial position will not change. until the government do something about “Parkingeye” the Charity organizations will suffer and not me.
  13. Hi, how many fines are there for being stopped in an untaxed vehicle ? paid one this morning - a penalty for failure to tax £59.17 , went out and arrived home to find another one from dvla enforcement centre for £89.00 same offence really as vehicle was brought home after being stopped and not used again, do I have to pay this as well,
  14. 19th October - Father wins court fight over fine for taking his daughter out of school during term time http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?454163-School-fines!&highlight=School+Fines http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2015-10-19/man-wins-court-fight-over-120-fine-for-taking-daughter-on-holiday-in-term-time/ Then the Supreme Court are involved and overrules the decision Yet, Primary schools across the country are begging parents to contribute basic supplies (including toilet paper) because the schools are not managing their budgets ! Other schools are asking parents to contribute to other basic costs such as school trips, gym equipment, etc ! Fining Parents is not really the way to go about getting their budgets subsidised is it ?
  15. My PCN situation: I did not pay a PCN issued in Houslow, London for a bus lane contravention (dated 8 June 2015) in the agreed time as I was unaware of it. The first I knew of the PCN was an email from Collect Services Ltd. (13 June 2016) about warrant issued against me for an undisclosed sum owed for a bus lane contravention. I thought the email was spam or phishing and ignored it (I do not live in the area etc. and get spam from various 'companies' asking for money'.) On September 8th I was emailed a bill (again from Collect Services) for £512. I got in touch with them to ask what the bill was for. Collect Services responded, explaining they were collecting a driving fine debt on behalf of Hounslow council (where my grandmother lived). I realise I moved house in June 2015 and had omitted to change the address with the DVLA. Additional info: I sold the car in Oct 2015 so never updated the car's registered address to my current address. I called the DVLA today and the new owner omitted to register the car with DVLA to his address. so the car is still registered at my 2015 address I would have addressed the September emails before now but I was working away with limited access to email. I have proof of travel etc. When I called Collect Services I gave them my new address I am looking for advice on the following: I know that I made a mistake in not registering my car to my new address but want to avoid paying some of the fine which I believe is disproportionate to the offence (The PCN has spiralled to £202 / the initial Bailiff Fee was £75 and the most recent bailiff fine was £235) I am petrified (single woman) of a bailiff arriving at my door. Is sending off the TE7 and TE9 form the correct action for me? The TE9 seems only for parking offences. If so, have I completed the TE7 form correctly manner? (TE& attached) and how would I complete the TE9? My Dad suggests writing to Collect Services and offering them the original fine doubled. He says they are very unlikely to take me to court. I do not have a car anymore so have no public goods that an be taken. te007-eng.doc
  16. Cold calls offering exotic investment opportunities to people cashing in their pension pots will be banned under government plans. Ministers estimate eight [problem] calls are made every second to UK residents, leading to an annual loss of £19m. Advice services and legitimate companies said such calls had "plagued" the pensions world for years. The ban, which could be enforced with fines of up to £500,000, would not cover texts and emails. However, the government will gather views on extending the proposed ban to all electronic communications. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38029133
  17. A while ago I defaulted in paying a court fine due to mental health problems. I had a Bailiff come when I was out so called back and said that I had no money and nothing valuable to take and he could come and see. He said that the office would call me but they didn't. I had a letter in the post today regarding Warrant of Arrest warning. It is headed HM Courts and Tribunals Service but I have to contact a mobile number (I thought that was dodgy) and a name which is the same ne as the Bailiff that came. I know I was so stupid in defaulting and in no way am I refusing to pay but should I contact this mobile number? It really is setting off alarm bells with the fact it's a mobile number and the Civilian Enforcement Officers name is the same as the Bailiff.
  18. I joined this forum after googling "parking disputes at Brockholes" (nr Preston.) I am not the first to raise this issue. Today (2nd September 2016) I have received a letter from Park with Ease (dated 24th August 2016 , Envelope unfranked so I cannot prove posting date) claiming I didn't pay my parking fees at Brockholes Country park on 9th August 2016 and demanding £50 fine (or £25 if I pay up quickly!!) Try googling 'disputes with carparking at Brockholes' and it is amazing how often this situation comes up. Brockholes don't accept responsibility for any of this - as they state on their web site... Brockholes have a vehicle recognition system in place. A sign advised you to pay on leaving the car park. I did so - paid the maximum £6 and had a conversation with strangers at the payment machine as to the expense of the fees. I have no evidence or proof that I paid. Parked on 9th August. - I don't dispute that I parked but I know I paid the maximum amount. .. what to do if I cannot prove I paid almost a month later? Park with Ease is apparetly registered with IPC and hence have the right to get my personal details from DVLA. Furious as I really cannot prove I paid -- what can I do?
  19. Drivers caught using handheld mobile phones in Britain are to face "much tougher penalties", with fines and points doubling, the government says. Under new rules expected to come in next year, drivers will get six points on their licence and face a £200 fine. Newly qualified drivers could be made to retake their test the first time they are caught. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37389800
  20. Company directors could be fined up to £500,000 if their business is behind nuisance phone calls, under government moves to clamp down on the problem. The law is to be changed in Spring 2017 to make directors personally liable for breaches of regulations. At the moment only firms can be fined for ignoring rules on cold calling, but many declare bankruptcy - only to open up again under a different name. The change will mean the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) would be able to impose combined penalties of up to £1m on company directors and their businesses for breaches of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37743001
  21. A few years ago my local town centre car park was covered in snow and the bay markings were covered. People parked in an orderly manner but when the snow melted most people found they had been ticketed because they were not parked in marked bays, fortunately I was not one of them. However last week I found out that the car park is actually private land but the District Councils civil enforcement officer patrols it and issues tickets. My question is what status do the tickets have, private parking charges or council issued fines?
  22. http://news.sky.com/story/tougher-fines-to-hit-serious-speeding-offenders-in-the-pocket-10740681
  23. The Ministry of Justice has announced today that it will be outsourcing the collection of Magistrate courts fines currently done by almost 150 civil servants to the private sector. I have written on this forum since 2013 of the proposed plans which were abandoned approx 2 years ago. The vast majority of Magistrate Court fines are already enforced by the private sector (by Marston Holdings, Collectica Ltd, Swift and Excel Enforcement Ltd). A small proportion are also enforced by HM Courts & Tribunal Service Civilian Enforcement Agents. CEA's have the authority to search premises and place defaulters in custody. Their work will now be undertaken by the private sector.
  24. Hi all I have today received a letter and discovered that my 20 year old son has debts totaling nearly £2000 which Marston say are for unpaid fines for not paying for several train fares after getting caught with no ticket. The letter says their client is "HMCTS Manchester". I called Marston and they say they will attend my home tonight and unless I can prove with receipts items are not mine they will take them as my son's and I will have 28 days to prove they are mine to get them back. My son lives at home and has nothing and all items such as TV etc are mine and not his. How can they taken them?! It doesn't seem right. Is my car at risk as well? Should I move it and hide it? It's in my name only and has nothing to do with my son. I know that the HCEO can't break into my house but can open via an open or unlocked door so I won't be answering when they call but I am still scared. Please can you help?! Thanks in advance.
  25. Fines for misusing bus lanes are overtaking parking tickets as the main cause of complaints from drivers, according to the AA. The motoring group said thousands of drivers were being "entrapped" by worn road markings and poor signage. A junction in Lambeth, south London generated the highest number of fines, totalling over £6m, the AA claimed. Lucrative rat traps' Edmund King, AA president, said: "Whilst we support the use of bus lanes in the right places, functioning at the right times, we are totally opposed to 'entrapment' cameras on poorly designed or poorly signed bus lane junctions. "If thousands of drivers are getting tickets at the same junction then something is wrong and that junction or bus lane should be reviewed. "We fear that too many local highway authorities have become addicted to the lucrative income from these rat traps." BBC
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