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  1. Hi This is my first post as I am really at a loss. In February my boyfriend got caught twice within 2 weeks speeding, once 36 in a 30 and then 42 in a 30. He had recently started a new job on the other side of the city so wasn’t great with timings, not an excuse but still. The owner of his car (his mum) received the letters regarding naming the driver which my boyfriend filled in and sent back. This was in March. Then in mid-July he received a letter from the magistrates court saying he had an £846 fine and 6 points (!!!) but he didn’t read the letter correctly and assumed for some reason this was his speeding fine. He organised to pay it with a payment plan but didn’t actually make the first payment as in the mean time I saw the letter and realised it was actually a fine for not providing his information. So I rang the council and after getting passed from pillar to post (3 magistrates court and the police) they finally revealed that the case had been tried in his absence because he’d never replied to a letter sent to him in the mean time. He never received any letter apart from the initial letter where he was named as the driver. I organised for him to do a statutory declaration in the magistrates court so the case and the fine has been put on hold until then however what is the likelihood of this being successful? He has no other points on his licence in case you were wondering. Thanks for any help you can offer.
  2. Hi there, I'm new to this forum looking for any kind of advice. Important info - I passed my test on 17th March 2016 and received my license on 31st March 2016. I was sent a letter in the post on 21st March 2018 with a speeding offence (46 on 40) letter to provide driver details. I sent this back on the 23rd March with the form filled (i took a picture of this) along with a letter explaining how terribly sorry I was. Cringe, I know. I moved house on the 4th April 2018, and with not receiving anything more I thought nothing of it. (I had changed my Tax and Insurance, but not my V5 or License.) I checked my license for loan car and it said I had 6 points, a £660 fine and license was revoked. I immediately called the magistrates (after being on the phone with the DVLA for over a half hour) to ask what I could do, to which they responded a SD and booked the 7th November. Tomorrow is the 7th November. Your appropriate threads have been helpful, but I am curious what the most likely case outcome will be based on my current situation. Very Nervous! Please any advice would be helpful!
  3. Hi, my name is Vanessa. Can please anyone give me some guidance regarding this problem that I'm going through? Please see the full story below: Last year I went to London and parked my car. I didn't have any change with me, so used the application "Pay by Phone" to pay for the whole morning car park. 12£. When I got back to the car, I had a penalty notice on the windscreen. I came home and I was sure that I had paid for it, so I appealed for it online. I thought this "paybyphone" app was something new and that the officer maybe didn't check my car plate online. I asked if you could please check their online records because I did pay for it. I'd a reply from Lambeth council saying that there was nothing on their online records and so they were rejecting my appeal. I should then wait for a formal appeal, the Notice to Owner. I checked my online records and realised that unfortunately I made a mistake on one letter of my plate, that's why they couldn't find it online. Instead of an "A", I put an "S" which is exactly the letter next to the A. My screen is broken and with the light from the sun, I didn't realise my mistake until I saw the receipt. I was waiting the notice to the owner, but I never got it. Instead, I received a letter from the Bailiffs saying that I owe them nearly 800£. I couldn't believe...I read a lot online and phoned the Traffic Enforcement Court and was advised to fill in TE7 and TE9. First thing they asked me was my address and I realised that they had my old address in their records. I filled in the TE7 and TE9, send it to the TEC and they send that to Lambeth Council. The court told me that the Bailiffs would be put on hold while the process was being investigated. I received a letter from Lambeth Council rejecting my TE7 and TE9. They said that I reply to them the first time, by writting, when I was appealing informally. After that, my address was requested to the DVLA and several notices were sent to my address and I never replied to any... Unfortunately when I moved I forgot to change my address, so obviously all the letters went to the wrong address. I phoned Lambeth Council and asked if they keep a record of the letters that were sent to me. The confirmed it. I asked to see a copy of the Notice to the Owner that was sent but the Council said "you have no right to see the letters, we send them to you once and that's it. You appealed to the Court, we as a Council also have the right to appeal against it. We have to wait for the judge to decide"... This weekend I've got a call from the Bailiffs asking me why I haven't paid yet. I told them that I filled in all the forms to the court and that I was told that the Bailiffs would be on hold. The Bailiff told me that they had no notification and that I have until Wednesday to pay everything... She also said that not changing my address with the DVLA was an offence and so I had to pay for the full bill. This started with a simple mistake made in one letter of the car plate when paying the car parking and it got so wrong and completely out of control with Bailiffs requesting me nearly 800£ to pay within days. I'm sorry is such a long text. I am so lost and stressed and I don't know where to go from here... Any suggestions or anyone that has been through the same situation please? Many thanks, Vanessa
  4. In September 2016, the government set up the HMCTS Historic Debt Team as a pilot scheme to recover outstanding court fines that had remained unpaid for a period of up to 10 years. In many cases, the reason for the fines not being recovered had been due to individuals moving address etc. In March 2017, the government announced that since its launch, the HMCTS National Compliance and Enforcement Service had recovered ‘significant sums’ and as a consequence; the Historic Debt Team expanded their tracing activities to recover outstanding court fines over 10 years old. Every day I receive at least half a dozen enquiries about an 'historic' fine and with far better computer technology at the courts, it is actually very easy to make enquiries about the fine etc and in many cases, an application can be made to the court for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration. Should I pay or make a Section 14 Statutory Declaration? Given that the majority of court fines from the HMCTS Historic Debt Team may go back many years, many people have little or no supporting documentation available and are naturally worried about the prospect of applying for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration and instead, decide to pay the amount requested in order to conclude the matter. This is perfectly understandable. Is there a time limit for making a Section 14 Statutory Declaration: An application for a Section 14 Statutory Declaration must be made within 21 days of you becoming aware of the court fine. PS: And despite inaccurate internet advice, it is not 21 days from becoming aware that a Statutory Declaration is on option !! Can I send a sworn Section 14 Statutory Declaration to the court (or the Historic Debt Team) by recorded delivery? No you cannot...most Magistrates court will reject your application and advise you that you must make an appointment and attend court in person ......(continued on the following post).
  5. Getting ready for the Customs Declaration Service READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/getting-ready-for-the-customs-declaration-service
  6. A knitting pattern book ?? http://cag.tw/2032 I took a screen shot of this, I couldn't believe it. "Not for sale to persons under the age of 18" I wonder what is so dangerous or shocking - sadly this item doesn't allow you to 'look inside'.
  7. Hi all, been a while since I signed on for JSA. I'm about a week late declaring a final payment from my (own) company, how serious is this? On another note, last I heard you didn't have to permit the JC to access your UJM account - is this still the case??
  8. Story so far: Three days ago I received a Further steps notice from Thames Valley Magistrates saying I owed £922.50. I had no idea what this was about, but discovered (on ringing them) it was for non-payment of car tax (or driving an untaxed vehicle, it's not clear precisely). This was a total surprise as I thought I was taxed and up to date. However, it turned out I had indeed forgotten to pay (18 months ago!), and what compounded it was that I moved house (Dec 2014) and didn't update my log book. (I did update the address on my driving licence, and didn't think I needed to do anything else.) So all communications - prior to this last notice - must have been sent to my previous address. Obviously I'm guilty as charged, but equally obviously it's unfair that I had no chance to put this right earlier and pay a smaller fine. I was told I could make a Statutory Declaration, which - after advice from my CAB on wording - I have done, and have had it signed by a solicitor. So far so good. I have also sent a letter to the Thames Valley address explaining the circumstances, and been given a "grant of time to pay" to 19 May. My problem now is what to do about getting the Statutory Declaration to a magistrates court. I've been told I can present it at my "local" magistrates court (rather than Thames Valley magistrates), but I've had serious trouble (a) finding our which one that is, and (b) actually managing to talk to anyone. I live in Twickenham, and (after various levels of recorded messages) have been put through to either Brent or Lavender Hill. The phone rings for minutes on end, and when (if) someone actually answers they tell me what I already know, or something different, or they try to put me through to someone else and I'm cut off. The most recent conversation I had promised to pass my details to someone else who will call me back. Obviously I'm not expecting that to happen (and cannot stay in all day anyway - it's a landline, my mobile is unreliable). I haven't been able to find out if I need to make an appointment (and if so where and how), or whether I can just turn up. Should I turn up anyway and make an appointment there? And at which one? (Feltham is actually my closest court, but the recorded message there took me to Brent. The "court counter", if that's relevant, closed in February.) I've also seen advice online which suggests I can simply fax my declaration in - but perhaps that only applies for the original issuing court? Sorry for the long post, and I hope someone can give me some clear advice. Naturally this is relatively urgent.
  9. The following story has been heavily reported in the media this week: A 20-year-old student has been fined a staggering £562 for a £2.20 journey after she was caught with the wrong ticket. Parys Lanlehin was caught using a return train ticket on the wrong day - and going in the wrong direction - on June 4, 2014. The University of Nottingham student was issued with a £20 penalty ticket on the Nottingham to Beeston train, but the court heard it was never paid. Lanlehin, of Walthamstow, London, then signed a declaration stating she was unaware of legal proceedings taking place in Nottingham at Stratford Magistrates Court. On Wednesday, the student was found guilty of boarding a train without a valid ticket after she failed to attend the case at Nottingham Magistrates Court. She was fined £220 with £300 prosecution costs and a £22 government surcharge. She was also ordered to pay the £20 penalty, which had been imposed when she was caught on the train. Magistrates gave Lanlehin two weeks to pay and issued a collection order, which could lead to bailiffs removing items from her home to cover the payment. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/29/university-student-forced-to-pay-562-for-220-train-journey-after/
  10. Hi guys, my daughter had my car on holiday and overstayed her allotted 60 mins in a McD's car park, South Hayes by 25 mins. Because of this I received a parking charge notice for £100, discounted to £50 if I pay within 14 days. I live in Scotland and I am not too familiar with English Law so can someone please tell me if I have to inform them legally who was driving the vehicle? They quote paragraphs 9(2)(b) and 9(2)(f) of Schedule 4 of The Protection of Freedoms Act telling me that the driver of the vehicle has to pay this charge and that if I don't tell them who was driving then they can pursue me for the charge. Any advice on how to go about this would be welcome. Thanks. hodgsoi
  11. Hi everybody i was wondering if anybody could help i have debt problems which are solely my own and live with my partner my partner is extremely worried about her possessions been taken and wants to do a statutory declaration to state what she owns. She has receipts and credit card bills as proof for many items but a couple of things she does not as they were birthday and Christmas gifts would putting these items in a statutory declaration cover her for this?. Also does anybody know any good Statutory declaration templates for proof of ownership?
  12. Hopefully somebody can help me too. Received letter stating that the wages total I had declared was £1600 less than it actually was. I received the letter on the 5th and my date for reply was 6th! I was so I credibly dumb to not declare my full wages. The letter says if I agree with their facts, I don't need to do anything. Is this the best course of action for now? i would rather they say pay everything back and stop any benefits they see fit to. I'll be skint but able to sleep. What happens next? Am I likley to go to court? I'm so tired and when I look at my kids I just want to cry. Any advice for my next step would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hi, I hope someone can help. My bankruptcy will be discharged in September and my file has been passed over to the LTADT. The query is that although I hold a 'declaration of trust' on a property that my ex-husband bought 14 years ago, I have paid nothing towards the mortgage or upkeep of that house and the OR has now put a charge on it. I never wanted to buy this property which is why I wasn't put on the mortgage, it is solely for my ex-husband. We had the trust drawn up on the advice of our solicitor at the time just in case it ever became my home and something happened to my husband at the time so I could go on living in it. My ex husband is, understandably, fuming and wants the charge taken off as the trust does state that although I own 50% of the property, I also have to pay 50% of the debt/payments, which I have never done. I have spoken to someone at the LTADT and they have told me that as long as I can prove I have never made payments to the mortgage (which I can) that SHOULD be ok and they MAY remove the charge, but my ex-husband MAY have to pay £1000 costs. They said it was a very grey area and they don't seem very sure... If anyone could shed some light on this I would be grateful. Christine
  14. Hi all On the 8/11/2013 i received a notice of distress warrant from collectica informing me that i had 14 days to pay 415 pounds for an unpaid court fine i knew nothing about. I called them and managed to elicit a court reference for Thames magistrates court in London. The offense being owning a vehicle that was not insured and the date of hearing 12/9/2013. It was for a car i sold in sept 2012 to an "friend" just prior to going on holiday and i filled in the logbook part i needed and he was to complete his part then send it off. In July i received a bailiffs warrant regarding a parking ticket that had been outstanding for several months i filed a Statutory declaration etc early sept this year my application was granted by a district judge. I had the car scrapped in July. I`ve made an appointment to file a stat dec in this matter and my appointment is for 30/1/2014 yet the halt on the bailiffs further action 28 days will expire on the 16/12/2013 giving the bailiffs 6 weeks to feather their nest. The stat dec i will do in January will be that i received no notice due to the fact i had moved and updated my details with dvla a full year before the offence and that i no longer own the vehicle exactly the same as the one that was granted on the 26/9/2013 is it necessary to do another and if it is what can you advise what to do regarding the bailiffs ? thankyou in advance Gareth10
  15. Hi there, I have a fine from Lambeth Council for driving in a bus lane, which I don't dispute. However, the original PCN was sent to my previous address, the log-book was changed around the time of the offence. I now have a further PCN that has been forwarded from my old address, for £202 The only way it seems I can appeal, is by getting a Statutory Declaration “signed and sworn before a Commissioner of Oaths (eg a solicitor), a Justice of the Peace (at any Magistrates Court) or an officer of your local County Court” Do I have to do this in order to dispute the extra charge - is it simply a tactic to make it far more inconvenient to dispute anything ? many thanks thenorms
  16. This is in reference to a violation of the Companies Act. I was fined at Cardiff Magistrates Court (Companies House are based in Cardiff) last March because I failed to return the annual accounts. I only found out about this two weeks ago when I received a letter from Marstons. This is because Companies House had my old address. I have already paid the court fine plus the bailiff's fee (£300 total of which £85 was the bailiffs costs). I have read about making a Statutory Declaration and am seriously considering doing so next week (within the 21 days). I have a few questions about this procedure. I understand that I just select a Magistrates Court which looks suitable, call them, and arrange an appointment, then complete the form (I assume this is a specific form?) and swear under penalty of perjury to tell the truth, and simply read from the form in the Court. I pay £5 for this Is this correct? Then I believe that it is the responsibility of the Court to contact Cardiff Magistrates Court? I am also wondering if there are any downsides? The reason that Companies House did not have my correct address is because I forgot to update it. In other words - it was my fault. Also, presumably they will re-issue the summons? Would I then have to appear in person in Cardiff (which some distance away since I live in London)? If I decided to plead guilty then what would be the point of filing a Statutory Declaration next week? Thanks!
  17. Hi Guys Not sure if anyone can advise on this but here goes anyway.Daughter signed a Declaration of trust with her partner when they purchased a house. This was for the money he put into the purchase and was from the sale of his previous home. Now 4 years later they are married with a son and appear to be splitting up. Does anyone know if the afore mentioned "Declaration of Trust" is still binding or would the change of circumstances have any effect. Also what is the position with child support, I have been told there is a percentage per child reducing with each one, does this reduction in percentage apply when the children are by different mothers ?? I realise nobody will be able to give me a difinitive answer but a point in the right direction would be appreciated. Many Thanks
  18. hello, I was recently involved in an incident. Hopefully as there was no visable damage I wont have a claim made against me.the other driver said he didn't think it'd go any further and if so he'd phone me.Reading this in my policy document;If you or your car are involved in any type of claim or loss, you must tell us about the incident within 48 hours.Would this 48hrs be from the time of the incident or the time he (shoudl he call) phones me to make the claim?Thanks never had to make a claim or had a claim against me so new to this.
  19. Hi people just thought I would ask what you think of this. on 10/10/2011 I bought a clio 2001 from a guy in auto trader advert said he was a trader car was not sold as seen or anything anyway I went to se car and he took me around block in it seamed ok.I had a car that i was going to scrap but it had mot and tax so he said I wuld take your car off you he wasn't interested in even looking at the car. I paid him cash and give my car in he said ill deliver it anyway next day I went to use car and warning light started to flash people were saying take it back but silly me didn't.Even eight people said so I have lots of witnesses too anyway have tried everything but looks like its the head gasket Looks like this guy knew all a long what he sold me and he even sold mica or tried to for over 500 pounds even though it should have been scrapped. I dont think that there is anything that I can do now but just thought I would ask anyway I know I have done a daft thing Thanks for your time in reading this guys/gals
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