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  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39352654
  2. Hello Everyone, This is a piece of advise for my mother who is currently going through lots of old paperwork. Back in 1990, she and my grandfather bought a house between them, both named on the mortgage with the Nationwide. Both her income and his pensions (he was 70 at the time) were used to get the mortgage. Both had to have Decreasing Term Mortgage insurance linked to the property in the event of either of them dying as it would clear the mortgage. In 1992 my grandfather died and whilst dealing with his affairs, my mother (and I as a teenager) visited our local NW branch where we were told that the mortgage would be cleared in full due to his death. The amount at the time was circa £20000. This was a Friday afternoon and I clearly remember how relieved my mother was as this was a huge pressure lifted off her mind. Our home was secure. We had been asked to return on the Monday morning following which we did. On arrival my mother was taken aside and apologised to by a senior member of staff. There had been a mistake. Due to my Grandfathers age (72) the insurance would not pay out as he was not covered. The premiums were up to date and like I said the policy was sold less than 2 years previously. Apparently he should never have been sold the insurance policy due to his age at the time of taking out the mortgage. My mother was very upset and the member of staff apologised again stating that due to the mistake, the NW would refund the policy payments made. It was a few hundred pounds and no where near the £20000 she was expecting to be getting paid out that day. And that was that. Back then with no internet and my mum was a lay person, she took what the NW said at face value. She was a long standing customer 15+ years at the time and trusted the staff to know what they were saying - even though they had messed things up big style when selling the policy alongside the mortgage less than two years previous. Ive tried looking online but to little avail as this seems quite a rare instance nowadays. Can anyone advise as to the best way to try and gain some redress with this issue please? I think it was handled appallingly and NW should have swallowed the mistake back then. Thanks.
  3. A knitting pattern book ?? http://cag.tw/2032 I took a screen shot of this, I couldn't believe it. "Not for sale to persons under the age of 18" I wonder what is so dangerous or shocking - sadly this item doesn't allow you to 'look inside'.
  4. Just a quick question with regards to a new employment contract. I recently changed jobs and I noticed with some astonishment that one clause states it automatically terminates on my 65th birthday. It wasn't mentioned and I didn't ask during the job interview, as I thought I cannot be retired against my will anymore, but my contract states it will automatically end on my 65th birthday. I didn't realize they could do that ? On another note it also states if I wish to end my employment I will have to give three months notice, but if my employer wishes to end it, they will give no more than 1 weeks notice. I also am a bit surprised they can put themselves in a far better position, shouldn't it be the same for both parties ? It is a full time position, 39 hours per week
  5. Hello everyone, Can anyone help with this question please? My wife gets carers allowance for me would she still be entitled to it when she gets her pension in about 2 years time. Thank you for any information its much appreciated. pin62.
  6. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=leonard+nimoy+died&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=ddbwVPecI87KaKK3gogH
  7. The very sad news today that Peaches Geldof has passed away aged 25. A truly sad time for the family. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26931337 R.I.P
  8. Hi My daughter signed up to a gym online, 2 months on and I am unable to use the gym due to a foot operation and therefore she is also unable to access same. as she is 16 can they still tie her into the 6mth contract as they are saying she cannot cancel at this time. mine has been cancelled as i have been a member for a longer period thanks in advance
  9. Lucky me I shall reach the State Pension Age (65) in a few months, and I would appreciate some thoughts on the best way to proceed 1. I currently receive Guaranteed Pension Credit and I have a part time job plus a small works pension 2. I don't intend to stop work at 65 (it would drive me crazy) So, anticipating the soon to arrive bumf from HMG whatis the best course to follw? Defer taking state pension and continue with GPC until such time as I do stop work or?? Any thoughts gratefully received
  10. I have my dreaded ESA tribunal next week. today I have had a letter from dwp which informs me that due to age change I will receive state pension on 3rd January. I cannot see that anyone would employ me given that I have been ill since 1997 and given that I am so close to retirement. has anyone got any experience of being in this situation and will it be taken into account at the tribunal?
  11. Payout for used car salesman, 52, fired for being ‘too old’ A used car salesman thrown on the scrapheap because of his age has won a multi-thousand pound payout. Gary Hawkins, 52, took legal action against the Black Country motor dealership Carcraft where he worked as manager after complaining he’d been told there were too many miles on his bodyclock. Speaking after a Birmingham employment tribunal backed his claim of age discrimination, he said: “I have struck a blow for middle aged men and women everywhere.” And the Sutton Coldfield businessman, who has a four-year-old daughter, laughed: “I didn’t even know I wasn’t part of the youth culture until they got rid of me.” He is remaining tight-lipped over the scale of the payout, but admitted it ran into thousands. At an earlier hearing, Gary said bosses at CC Automotive Group Ltd, which trades in Wednesbury as Carcraft, told him bluntly his career with the business was over because of his age. The company denied ageism and claimed the employee had failed to motivate his team and had not trained them properly. The firm’s “pressurised environment” was outlined to the Birmingham hearing. Gary said two managers were sacked in one day by a boss, while another resigned. The boss had been on “a high following the sackings,” he said. “He was looking for another to be dismissed. The third to be dismissed was me.” Gary insisted he was shown the door because of his age and had earlier been told: “You are too old at 52.” He denied his showroom performance had been shoddy and stressed there were regular team meetings, where ways of improving sales were discussed, along with training techniques. The company alleged there had been issues over a “number count” of customers and sales logs. Other roles had been offered to Gary, the tribunal heard, but he refused a move. The firm admitted, however, heads had rolled, with others losing their jobs. Tribunal judge Peter Rose QC asked the ages of other managers, past and present. Gary had been the oldest in his field, it emerged. He has since gained a new job as a manager in the car sales industry. His delighted wife Heather, aged 48, said: “Gary’s definitely not over the hill. He has three daughters and a son and they keep him on his toes. “Really, the whole thing has done him a good turn because he’s now got the best job in the world. More... Perhaps he could come here and give us the low down on this gutter company.
  12. Hi Cag Can some one advise me on the following please My partners son is 18 this week and is in part time college studying hairdressing and works 3 days a week in a local salon. His father has stated to the benefit agency he is in full time education which is not true. He failed to get grades at school and did not make the required grades at his first year at 6h form so he quit. Question, does the CSA still require payment ? as it comes direct from a deduction of earnings. The CSA have told us that they are satisfied wih the written response to the RP response but have not investigated the issue fully. Complained to the CSA direct but deaf ears as usual, taken the matter up with the local MP but as arrears are owed the NRP for the years her son lived at home and it is under dispute they are proving a very difficult agency to deal with, CSA to investigate a case whih has been disputed for 15 years, and even though the now RPhad a detachment of earnings srved on him it never came into force. The CSA in a letter we have stated that they apologise for the non payment of 4 years as the request to his employer was not followed up and monitored to ensure the monies were being taken. Cheer for any help AG
  13. Hello can anyone help me, I have sent off my ESA50 a few weeks ago and I receive DLA and I.B.my wife also gets care allowance and income support, If I should happen to lose my benefits I know my wife would lose hers. I'm 65 in about 18mths so could I claim as a married couple only my wife has been told she will not get her pension till she is around 64,I hope I have made myself understood and thankyou for any replies.
  14. Hi everyone, I am new to this and really hope someone can help. I am self representing because I live mainly abroad and this would cause a problem to most lawyers/trainees/volunteers. On my ET1 I ticked the Age Discrimination box, simply because I could not see any other options that applied, but proceeded to state that I believed I had been discriminated against due to Age and/or Part-time hours. The Respondent replied on the ET3 that there was no jurisdiction because I had not listed and dated the alleged discrimination incidents and that those mentioned predated my ET1. The ET has now sent a list of orders which include one for me to provide a schedule of every act of discrimination, harassment, victimisation and disadvantaging work practices, plus comparators if I intend to rely on them, with dates, who did or said what to whom and where. This has confused me because I am not sure why the judge has included all these categories and how they apply to my case. I am hoping someone can help me as I am feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. This is the brief summary of the story: -Until Dec 2009 full-time senior manager. -Dec 2009 Part-time hours requested and granted. Relocated abroad with husband. Started making monthly trips back to UK to work 4 consecutive days a month. -Within months of becoming part-time, one to one meetings stopped, email communications stopped, everyone in the unit relocated but me, I had to e-mail or phone my manager to offer her an update each month, she was more and more dismissive and sharp with me on the phone as if I bothered her by contacting her, I would not be informed of junior members of the team starting and leaving even though I liaised with the team as part of my role, I felt alienated, left out and humiliated, listening to other departments senior colleagues jesting about why I was the only senior team member away from the management team, but did not complain as I didn't want to suffer the consequences of that action. -Mid 2010 my financial situation took a turn for the worse, my husband had to return to the UK for work, I asked if I could increase my hours but this was denied due 'lack of funds'. -Mid 2011 I discovered a new senior manager appointment, same area of expertise, full time position, younger person, less experienced and qualified had been offered the job 'via the back door', I wasn't told about the vacancy coming up or being due to be advertised (standard practice but not policy) -Nov 2012 I was told my job was in the latest redundancy pool and given 30 days consultation notice, the consultation paper stated clearly that 2/3 of my duties had been reallocated to other staff in 2010 (?) and the remaining 1/3 was going to be reallocated to someone else. -Dec 2012 I submitted a grievance when I discovered that someone younger and on a much lower grade had just started and that she was going to take over some of my duties. My grievance stated that I felt the redundancy had been engineered and that I had been discriminated against due to age and/or part-time status (making me redundant cost them a miserly sum despite my high salary as I was extremely part-time and just 4 months away form the age at which they would have had to make up my pension benefits shortfall). The grievance was declined as it 'referred largely to redundancy'. -Jan 2013 Compulsory redundancy advised. 3 months notice given. -Feb 2013 ET1 submitted in a hurry after reading about the time limits. Redundancy appeal also submitted. -April 2013 Internal appeal heard. Redundancy going ahead. Paid up to 30/04 plus redundancy pay. No income now until I reach minimum pension benefits age (in 4 months I am entitled to a much-reduced early pension at age 50). My question is, how do I compile the schedule requested in the order? Are there elements of harassment and/or victimisation I had not considered before? Part-time discrimination doesn't show anywhere on the ET1, is it a protected act? How do I insert it in the schedule? I cannot find any help with this in the copious ET guides and advice forums on the internet...Please assist if you can.
  15. Why is it people are trying to deal with bailiffs with 21st century rules? when there is perfectly great laws from many years ago!! There are modern laws too if you know where to look for them, they are easy to find and use, I have done so on many occasions, the reasoning behind using very old statutes is because they are still law, yet to be rescinded, so look them up and use these as they will help you out.. end of rant
  16. Hi, Not sure if anyone can help me with this. My husband applied for reconsideration of his DLA award last October (was getting low rate care only). This was denied following a fictitous report by an Atosh 'Dr' (for example, stated my husband had no problems with stairs whilst sitting 8 feet from the stairlift just installed by the council). He is now appealing but this will apparently not be heard until at least March next year. Now the problem, hubby is 65 in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if we should be applying for DLA again before that time in case his appeal fails on a technicality. My concern is that although he needs the care as stated on the form, his most recent illness was within three months of the application for reconsideration so I am worried he will be turned down on this basis and will not be able to claim again as he is too old. If anyone can advise whether he should apply again before he is 65 and whether this will affect his appeal I would be really grateful. Many thanks
  17. Not sure if I'm putting this in the correct forum or not so mods feel free to move. As it's now illegal for employers to discriminate on the grounds of age (ha-ha), having been registered for work, both temporary and permanent with a few of the agencies, I have come to the conclusion that the agencies filter out people over the age of 50 for jobs. Time and time again I have seen the agencies I am registered with advertising jobs that I am more than capable of doing yet never get put forward for them. When I do, like the other week got a starting date then the day before I was due to start got a phone call from the agency saying that the employer had taken on someone permanent. Last week, they phoned about the same job, saying the company needed temporary cover, sent me the details of the times and days I would work...then the day before phoned up with exactly the same excuse - the employer has taken on someone permanent (what again? - if you're going to lie, please don't use the same excuse twice). What I'd like to know is has anyone else had a similar experience(s) and who, if anyone, regulates these employment agencies.
  18. Hello, Firstly, my main concern here is how the investigation is being dealt with as in my opinion, if I have unknowingly done something wrong, then I have to cross that bridge when I come to it but I have SERIOUS concerns.Although I am worried about all of it and am in need of advice. - I receive a call back in April, my benefit had been suspended in March. I knew why and called them got told to call this benefit fraud woman and I did. Gave her my email as I had no fixed abode and emailed her explaining what had happened which in a nutshell; Was renting a room, landlord turned out to be a sub-letter landlord found out and went crazy, everyone got told to be out by the next Day and that our tenancies meant nothing. The subletting guy promised me another room ASAP so I planned to continue claiming while I found another room THEN inform the council of my new address as i was worried about a big gap with starting a new claim. Sent an email explaining this and left it. - I get an email with a letter for interview under caution on JUNE 2012. The date was when I was away at a family wedding and oddly was on a Saturday?! I emailed her on June 27th saying I am sorry I cannot attend can we re-arrange. I herd nothing. I called and left my name and number twice. I left it. - OCTOBER 2012 The leading officer dealing with my case calls me out of the blue and says we need to arrange an interview. I agree and she books it for 3 weeks time and Says that she will send it in letter form to my old address as I can still get my post from there. Letter states its about X address and X problem. I DID NOT seek LEGAL ADVICE because I knew what it was, 3 weeks over payment, failure to notify etc. - Get to interview under caution and she interviews me about the past 4 years of my life, 3 addresses and a number of people for 2 and a half hours! It was exhausting. NOW THE REAL CONCERN She turns up at my middle landlords property, she is looking at 3 claims at 3 address; Address 1: 16 years old, paid straight to landlord Adress 2: 16 - 17 years old, paid to me Address 3: 18- 19 years old, paid to me -She turns up at address 2, unannounced and questioned my 76 year old landlord for over an hour, unrecorded. She tells him I have been claiming at HIS address for 4 years, this angered him. She also disclosed to him that my landlord at address 3 has a criminal record and she believes together me and him are part of a large scale fraud. She tells my ex landlord that I was claiming at 16 etc etc. Makes remarks such as "believe me, ill be prosecuting this girl, every case I get I take them down, I don't care if there OAPs, disabled, I get them, this girls has lied to me on tape through her whole interview" I was DISGUSTED to hear this. By the way, my interview was on the Thursday until office closing time, she turned up here on the Monday. My current partner is the son of landlord 2, we got into an actual relationship when I was living at another property AFTER this date, during my time at his parents he lived in Spain and worked there. So of course we know word for word in all truth what was said, my ex landlord was so disgusted with how she acted that hes retracted the statement and is complaining. Im so CONFUSED. I do not know what im being investigated for or what is happening. We didn't get to finish the interview and I had no time to ask questions, she now refuses to get back to me, meet me again until she has ore evidence etc. I am waiting for my useless solicitors to contact me, I have been waiting 2 weeks for a referral. I want to know how she can act like this, this isnt fair or impartial? How can she lie to my landlord to provoke anger and get away with it. How can she tell me the interview is about one small thing, then sit and interview me for so long. I am worried because I tried to answer the questions so I did not look uncooperative but I cannot remember everything from when I was 16. I was a bit of a tearaway, I had depression and eating problems and I did not really understand my legal obligations to claiming benefits, in all honesty, I didn't care back then. I know I have written A LOT but no one can help me if I do not lay down the facts. Does anyone know if I can do anything about her behavior and; IF they find I done something fraudulent under the age of 18, is this taken into consideration? Any other advice, experiences? THANK YOU Interview info and accusations EDIT: In interview she was suspicious because you can see X benefit going out but Y cash withdrawals that do not add up. I explained my rent was paid in cash, as stated on application and that I received "charitable donations" as I was not in a fit state of mind to work and was too young to claim anything, not that I even knew what was out there. I got say £250 in Charitable donations per month. My rent for example was £90 a week. I used to used the cash I got to pay rent and withdraw the different from my bank, so if I had £50 cash sitting there, I would only draw out £40 from my bank. Then I used what was left in my bank from housing benefit to pay for the stuff that the charitable donations was meant for, food, clothes etc. I said to her, why am I going to take cash to the bank every week, only to take cash back out??? I was terrible with money so I paid for things using card, I said, if I had £20 and only needed to spend £5, id end up spending the whole £20, its what I was like. Firstly she accused me of taking money from my partner or friends and paying rent with it, I don't understand whats wrong with this, money is money, they knew how much money I received every month, its up to me what pot I pay it from, its all still MONEY! Then she said, ok, lets say you wasn't having your rent paid by someone else, then I think you wasn't paying your landlord??? Her accusations were contradicting to say the least. I was honest and just said, look, I was 16-18 during these periods, my life was a mess, I did not keep paperwork ,record monies and quite frankly wasn't bothered about it, I was consumed with depression and that was the least of my worries. Now I am 20, have started my own sole trading company that is going well, I have matured so much am no longer depressed or taking medication and I am supporting myself. I feel like my careless behavior from when I was a minor is biting me in the backside and I understand if I was wrong, I was wrong, I need to face that but I am being treated like I was a completely comprehendable adult that knowingly plotted to [problem] the system because I am organised criminal.
  19. Very disturbing http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14557/online-news/one-in-five-will-seek-payday-loan
  20. All, I have read this thread with interest as it seems very relevant to me. One big difference is that the respondent has asked for me to consider JM and the CMD (by telephone) is scheduled to last 15 minutes. I have already said that I am in agreement (really good things to do with my life, still, but very annoyed with the company who sacked me). I will ask for a statement of position and expectations from the other side and also for them to meet the cost of legal representation on the day to approve any eventual agreement. Or the cost of it afterwards, to sign it off but I am wary of them changing their mind after the event. I have a question about the accuracy of the ET3 put forward by the respondent - if it is false in any way does this disadvantage them? Two items particularly:- They have changed wording in a letter (correct copy is in the bundle) I wrote to them that presents me in a poor light. Also, during the disciplinary process and appeal the company referred to a letter notifying me of the grievance appeal outcome, which was unsigned and wrongly dated, that I did not receive. I did receive a signed letter a day later that overrode much of what was in the letter that they refer to, which was signed and is in my possession. The actual letter I received was satisfactory to me whereas the one quoted was not. Are these things important to an ET? Following my grievance appeal and the letter issued the company went straight into an (inadequate) investigation of points I had raised and subsequently held a disciplinary meeting. I was then dismissed, pay in lieu of notice, from a responsible job and after 11 years with the company. An appeal was unsuccessful. Any comments would be very well received - I haven't started a new thread as I think there are similarities here. In addition, a compromise agreement is seen by employers as covering things up. This may disadvantage a job seeker, particularly where CRB checks are required. What is anyone's view? Loquitur achieved a good result - well done.
  21. I can see a similar question on here but don't want to gatecrash the askers thread & my circs are slightly different maybe. I'm sure I have asked on here before, but no joy. Son is in 2nd & final year of 6th form, he will be 18 in March next year, & leaves 6th form in May. He's hoping to do an apprentiship, with an IT firm from May, 100 pounds per week. I currently work 30+ hours a week self employed, & claim working tax credits, housing benefit etc. Have 2 teens, daughter is 16 in January & at school another 2 years. When will CSA payments stop? Relations with the kids dad is cool, but he literally is counting down the days to when his CSA goes down lol (he pays 240 per month for them both which comes straight out his wages on a DOE as he was bad at paying when I was on IS yrs back & I didn't receive it anyway) Thanks x
  22. Sir Alastair Burnet, legendary broadcaster many will remember as anchor of News At Ten, has died at the age of 84. http://tv.uk.msn.com/features/sir-alastair-burnet-dies-at-the-age-of-84
  23. Hi Folks, Is anyone here over the age of 24 and found that their Apprenticeship Applications are rejected with excuses rather than reasons? I have made several without so much as getting an interview. Recently was rejected for an Junior IT job where I have the neccessary skills but they used my GCSE results from 16 years ago as the reason why I was un-successful. I am aware that businesses are able to apply for funding from the Governments Apprenticeship Scheme for applicants between 16 - 24 years old. They are however obligated to advertise the vacancy to the public. I'm concerned that age discrimination is being used by employers to ensure the vacancies are filled by those who are eligible for the funding. If that was the case then applicants over 24 may be subject to having their applications POO POO'd before they even get face to face with anyone!!!!!!!! Alex1980
  24. Not quite sure if my friend intended to cheer me up with this email.. Well it didnt work !! At the root of every gray hair, there is a dead brain cell. Someone had to remind me, So I'm reminding you, too. Don't laugh.... It is all true! Perks of reaching 50 : Or being over 60 And heading towards : 70 or beyond! 1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. 2. In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first. 3. No one expects you to run -- anywhere. 4. People call at 9 PM (or 9 AM) and ask, ‘Did I wake you?' 5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. 6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way. 7. Things you buy now will never wear out. 8. You can eat supper at 4 PM. 9. You can live without sex but not your glasses. 10. You get into heated arguments about pension plans. 11. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. 12. You quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the room. 13. You sing along with elevator music. 14. Your eyes won't get much worse. 15. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off. 16. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service. 17. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either. 18. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size. 19. You can't remember who sent you this list. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Never, NEVER, NEVER , Under any circumstances, Take a sleeping pill and a laxative on The same night!
  25. My son, has ~ADHD & ASD and now, devloped Conduct Disorder, age 16 (16 in April) DWP have contacted me to arrange an appointment to visit myself and my son at c home, to establish if my son will be having his DLA paid directly to him or if I should remain his appointee. My problem with that is, if they speak to us together - my son will become acutely aware of his possibly having as much as £250 per month in his hand - for which he will be determined to have it paid directly to him. Unfortunately, owing to his immaturity and being very vulnerable and easily influenced - that amount of money in his hands could be lethal or set him up to be exploited or likely to be invested in cannabis/cigarettes. Whilst I could say all of this to the DWP visitor, my son will detest me and life could become extremely awkward if not uncomfortable, in fact it would drive a wedge between an already fragile and difficult relationship. I have no problem with him having the money (indirectly) - but access directly has all sorts of implications for my son. (He does not perceive himself as having these 'deficits' in his character. Is there any way that I could have this 'procedure' overlooked under the circumstances? Many thanks for any help anybody can give. Nadia
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