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  1. Hello I received a letter today from Nationwide telling me they are no longer able to offer me an overdraft. To be honest I've half been expecting this for a while as I have been at the max for quite some time and have just been putting in enough money to cover the fees for the account. What is the best step to take as I cannot afford to pay the full £3200 in the next 27 days as they are requesting. They have put in the letter I can call to talk about my options. Thanks DC
  2. Hi everyone, Ive had nothing but top advice when Ive previously used the forum - so here we go. I defaulted on my nationwide loan in approx 2010 - due to redundancy. Balance roughly 8k. Nationwide took proceedings against me and got CCJ for about 9k - enforced via a C/O that remains on my property. No payments being made as its interest free. I have had 2 loans in my life with them - 2nd was for 15k that paid of the last bit of my fist loan for about 8-10k I cant remember exactly. I have just had confirmation that there was PPI in these loans and nationwide are due to respond to me by 10/04. Heres where it gets messy... Nationwide are currently in the process removing the CCJ and charge because they never should have taken proceedings - due to them not showing interest on statements. They have advised once removed they can ask me for the initial debt but they cant legally pursue me (time barred now perhaps?) So I'm wondering that should I be successful with a PPI claim what are they going to do with the money - remove it from the balance ? Also here is a perfect example of why PPI was a rip off - I didn't know I had it and they sued me - they didn't say here make a claim on your insurance! I'm wondering if I should see a solicitor and if people agree does anyone have a recommendation in greater Manchester. Thanks for reading and advice needed please.
  3. After my previous post about Europcar helping themselves to an unauthorised amount from my Nationwide credit card 3 months after my final invoice for hire, and failing to get it refunded I rang my Nationwide Credit card customer service to report this unauthorised transaction. I was put through to this department where a lady listened to my claim for a refund after I explained this matter had been closed and paid in full as per their emailed invoice received. I was asked for all evidence I had to back up my case. When I told her I had emails to prove what I was saying was true, I was asked to send all these emails in by being given a reference number and email address to send in all my emails evidence to. I receive a reply that all has been received and a stop has been placed on this amount and they will be contacting Europcar for them to explain why they had taken this amount in dispute. I replied stating if this is a fuel charge it had been agreed due to a danger of a smell of burning from the rear and this hire car which had also been breaking down I had made the safety decision not to take it into a fuel station to return it full and returned it half full. So if they were claiming the fuel cost and a penalty fee as I received an invoice by post after this charge written in german and charged in euros which was sent in also by email then this should not be charged! I had gone through all this on the phone to the lady in the disputed transactions department and she agreed and promised me their investigation would make sure what this charge was made for and if it was for fuel etc they would explain why it had been agreed by Europcar this would not be charged due to the car faults and breakdown so no further amounts was due on this hire. I was hopeful of getting my money refunded as I was told to wait for the disputes dept at Nationwide credit card to carry out their investigations and contact me again in due course. Can you imagine my horror when I receive a letter in the post from Nationwide Credit card disputes department enclosing the same invoice copy I received from Europcar stating in English this time the amount charged was for Fuel as the car was not returned full as per their contract it included a penalty fee as I had failed to do so. The letter continued that therefore they have released this amount to Europcar and if I disagree to this decision I have 14 days to let them know by letter in the post my reasons for doing so. As it was now clear the lady on the phone had not listened or made any notes of what I had told her, the department although they had sent notification of receiving all my emailed evidence no one had bothered to read them and had just waited for the German car hire company Europcar to send back an invoice of what they had made this extra charge for 3 months later after saying the matter was closed to Rerntcars.com who told me there was no need to change my credit card number as no more money was due so would not be taken from my card? So as well as Rentalcars.com not bothering to get my money back my Nationwide bank credit card company who I have been with for a very long time didn't bother either. Is this really the state of this country now that customer service is a department that is there to fend off customers and a couldn't care less attitude is the norm now. What do you think? Too be honest I was so disappointed in Nationwide Credit Card disputes letter I haven't bothered to answer it. But am seriously thinking of changing my card provider but are any of them any better I doubt it? Thanks for reading and please reply Soundguy:???: Link to rental car.... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?475327-Rentalcars.com-Employee-Error-Ignored-by-company
  4. Hello Everyone, This is a piece of advise for my mother who is currently going through lots of old paperwork. Back in 1990, she and my grandfather bought a house between them, both named on the mortgage with the Nationwide. Both her income and his pensions (he was 70 at the time) were used to get the mortgage. Both had to have Decreasing Term Mortgage insurance linked to the property in the event of either of them dying as it would clear the mortgage. In 1992 my grandfather died and whilst dealing with his affairs, my mother (and I as a teenager) visited our local NW branch where we were told that the mortgage would be cleared in full due to his death. The amount at the time was circa £20000. This was a Friday afternoon and I clearly remember how relieved my mother was as this was a huge pressure lifted off her mind. Our home was secure. We had been asked to return on the Monday morning following which we did. On arrival my mother was taken aside and apologised to by a senior member of staff. There had been a mistake. Due to my Grandfathers age (72) the insurance would not pay out as he was not covered. The premiums were up to date and like I said the policy was sold less than 2 years previously. Apparently he should never have been sold the insurance policy due to his age at the time of taking out the mortgage. My mother was very upset and the member of staff apologised again stating that due to the mistake, the NW would refund the policy payments made. It was a few hundred pounds and no where near the £20000 she was expecting to be getting paid out that day. And that was that. Back then with no internet and my mum was a lay person, she took what the NW said at face value. She was a long standing customer 15+ years at the time and trusted the staff to know what they were saying - even though they had messed things up big style when selling the policy alongside the mortgage less than two years previous. Ive tried looking online but to little avail as this seems quite a rare instance nowadays. Can anyone advise as to the best way to try and gain some redress with this issue please? I think it was handled appallingly and NW should have swallowed the mistake back then. Thanks.
  5. I need some advice on how to proceed with PRA Group?, over the past years PRA have written to me regarding a debt going back over 7 - 8 years that is owed to Nationwide, just recently they have started writing to me again and their latest letter is not offering their usual hefty discount but instead 'Dear xxxx Could you settle your account?'. Also on their letter they state an agreement date of 13 January 2005, this was not an agreed overdraft but my bank account went overdrawn by a very small amount (just over £10 if I remember rightly) and I was hit with multiple bank charges which caused the account to go even further overdrawn which lead to even more bank charges being added on top, the amount owed according to PRA is £390. After researching the forums I sent the Statute Barred letter to PRA as I was 100% sure that no payments have ever been made by me on this account, today I received a e-mail from PRA stating 'Thank you for your query which we received on 19/05/2017 in which you advised your account has now exceeded the period specified in the “Limitations Act 1980”. Under the “Limitations Act 1980” we have six years to collect the outstanding balance and after this time the debt becomes unenforceable. This means that we are unable to pursue this through the courts. Our records indicate that the last payment made to the account was on 28/02/2017. Please be advised that this payment is deemed as acknowledgement of the debt and as such, would reset the limitations period for a further 6 years from this date. Whilst I appreciate that this may not be the response you were looking for, please be aware that we at PRA Group (UK) remain committed to working with you to come to an appropriate resolution. We have requested documentation from Nationwide. As PRA Group UK Limited do not hold the information internally, we have held your account until our client is able to provide the documentation applied for. During this time you will receive no further letters or calls.' I would like some advice regarding their e-mail as I HAVE NOT MADE ANY PAYMENTS against this debt so I would like to know where they got this date from, I have replied to their e-mail asking for details regarding this payment and I confirmed to them that I have absolutely no knowledge of this payment being made. Are they chancing their luck?
  6. Hi, Does anyone know what Nationwide is likely to do in our situation please? Wife is 16 years older than me so we had a 10 year self cert mortgage taking her to age 65 originally through Derbyshire/Salt and now taken over with Nationwide. About 12 months ago we rang Nationwide after receiving a standard letter re repaying the loan at the end of the mortgage term. The friendly but extremely unhelpful call center guide was only interested in referring us to an independent mortgage advisor when asking about options and whether we could extend the term as they couldn't give advice and there were NO options on Nationwide doing some sort of deal or changing the mortgage. There wasn't much point in talking to a broker as my business went south in 2009 and we have wobbly credit, can't prove income to service the loan now although have no arrears or ever been in arrears. Instead we have been trying to sell the property - £255000 mortgage and 2 local estate agents started us at £395,000 now down to £340,000 and only 3 viewings in a year! I have been trying to understand 'Forebearance' but can't find any examples of any lenders being helpful to customers when they can't afford repayment. All we want to do is to continue actively trying to sell it while paying interest only rather than have it repossessed and forced sold. Does anyone know what is 'likely' to happen - particulalrly where Nationwide are involved? Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated. Wife was just going to leave today she is getting so upset. We have until Feb for the mortgage term to end although haven't received any notices about the mortgage since last year. Thanks
  7. Morning CAG members, Wonder if you could give some advice please. I split from my wife last year and took all the debt in my name with me (which was roughly half) - unfortunately I wasn't able to keep up on any repayments as I'm not on a massive salary and now have to rent privately and pay all bills from one wage now. I explained everything to my creditors and so far so good. However, I received a letter from Nationwide in regards my loan which stated; "We recently identified an issue with some of our arrears statement" goes on to apologise for their error and says "in light of this error we will not pursue court proceedings to recover this debt" Further on it then asks if I want a "Notice of Correction" added which states that "Please note that this default relates to an agreement which the creditor considers to be unenforceable." Should I get this added to my credit file and due to my financial situation can I stop paying this? They've passed this onto ARC who have been sending me letter and called my place of work and recently sent me an income/outcome form to see what I can afford to pay. I informed them that i had a letter saying this loan was unenforceable and no legal proceedings will be pursued. They informed me that no legal action will be taken but they've been asked to collect payments by Nationwide. End of the day, do i have to do as ARC require, or can I just ignore this debt? If I can it would help me greatly as this is my biggest debt and am currently off my work with mental health issues. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  8. hi sorry I'm not sure where best to post this. We have a remortgage going through with nationwide. During the application process we were asked if we needed transfer of equity and we said yes. It then told us we needed legal advice for this and do we want a quote from one of their solicitors and do we want a quote? We said yes and it brought back a quote of £255, asked us if we wished to accept and I said yes and proceeded with the application. I then got the application summary which states everything: Transfer of equity required? Yes Free legals taken? Yes Solicitor quote provided? Yes, £255 Quote accepted? Yes We then got the quote breakdown from LMS with nationwides logo at the top which included solicitor base cost, telegraphic transfer fee and disbursements totalling. £255 including VAT. But doesn't include transfer of equity. We were then allocated to gorvins solicitors by lms. We received the welcome pack with quote and request of payment for £535. This again didn't include the transfer of equity but had everything in the lms quote breakdown but each item more expensive and other fees such as scanning and file storage. I rang them to query it but they didn't know why the quotes differed but said transfer of equity would make it more expensive. I've been passed back and forth the 3 of them with promises someone will contact me but never does. Until I spoke with someone at nationwide last week who has chased them up for me but rather than reply to her they replied to me. Gorvins stated I'd been provided with an old quote due to a technical error and it is now more expensive but agreed with nationwide. I then spoke to lms who had a supervisor ring me back today and tell me the same thing and that they can only apologise and close the file for me if I don't want to go ahead at the price provided by Gorvins. They said all the firms they work with will be the same price as fees are fixed and they can only apologise and told me to contact nationwide as they were the ones who provided the first quote. I said it wasn't good enough because they've now delayed us 3 weeks without any work even being started on the remortgage and now I have to find a new solicitor. They also asked if the nationwide quote stated £255+fees as it would normally be quoted as base cost for the remortgage(£325)+fees and I confirmed it hadnt and said this was wrong as the additional £210 fees are compulsory for the basic remortgage even without transfer of equity so shouldn't be hidden. She then agreed to submit a formal complaint. I then contacted nationwide to complain to them about the initial quote to be told the initial quote is provided by LMS even though it's their website they work together and solicitor side of it is nothing to do with them and it's fairly new but they've been asked that all complaints go through to LMS's complaints department so they are aware of it and it's happened a few times with others but LMS will be dealing with it. What do I do now? Do they not have to honour the quote that was accepted and agreed? LMS didn't really seem interested and just kept telling me I could decline and find my own solicitor and didn't have to go through with theirs. Should I just go with my own to avoid any more delay or wait for the outcome of the complaint? I've found one for £435 including transfer of equity? Thanks.
  9. Purchased a clutch mail order on 11/5/2015, it had a 4yr 40,000 mile warranty. just over 2yrs and 20,000 miles the clutch was juddering violently in reverse and pulling away .they offer a no quibble guarantee for parts only so no claims for the labour charge. "parts will be replaced irrespective as to whether there is a fault or not. If you cannot be without your vehicle simply purchase a new replacement second item from us and we will refund you for the first item upon its return". sound really good customer service ! NOT. Sent it back on 26/7/2017 at a cost of £15 non re-fundable to them, no reply or refund for weeks called them, they said due to holidays and staff shortage a delay had occurred. on the 31st aug 2017 received letter saying "i refer to the above and to your returned goods for which you seek replacement, which I am unable to offer because your parts display no manufacturing defect, just fair wear and tear. Whats the point in having a four yr warrant if when you send it back they just refuse it as wear and tear. when the cluch was removed by a professional garage they said that the dmf bearing showing excessive play causing severe juddering going foreward or reverse. the offer a no quibble guarantee then take it back. I need to stop these people from robbing me can you help please.
  10. I had very bad experience with FOS at the adjudicator level AND ombudsman level: the adjudicator appeared to have limited legal knowledge related to my complaint and sometimes even came across short of common sense. The ombudsman made her decision on her obviously incorrect assumption which was absolutely false. When I pointed it out a senior level for review, FOS wrote to me saying her mistake was unimportant and thus upheld her decision. I am now thinking to escalate my complaint to the highest level. However, FOS services seemed unacceptable given that they should work for facts and justice. . Now I start to understand why banks these days are so keen to ask you to approach FOS once disputes arisen. The services I have received from FOS was simply an insult to its name. I will tell you how one of the biggest home insurance providers have dealt with me. My lease-hold flat has been insured with it for many years. In the policy renewal documents I received in 2012, 2011, and 2010, the covering letter states 'Please note, any changes to the policy wording are detailed overleaf'. You turn the page around and It is a nearly blank page overleaf without any DETAILED changes, except the wording quoted as below: The above quoted identical wording was certainly from the same template, appearing in all the renewal documents in 2010,2011,and 2012. It is a common sense and an industrial practice that banks would have to highlight the important product information in their correspondence. Plus, the covering letter itself clearly states that any changes will be detailed overleaf, where no detailed information was given. As no document entitled 'Your Home policy document changes' was enclosed with other renewal documents or received separately in 2010,2011, and 2012, I was made genuinely to believe that my policy terms remain unchanged in 2010, 2011, and 2012. In 2015, I had a claim for lease related dispute, which the insurer refused. The insurer said that the cover to lease disputes had been removed since may 2010 according to the renewal documents it sent to me in May 2010. Its allegation was totally untrue. Given that my renewal documents was made under the same template in three years, I believe the template was very likely used to produce some of your renewal documents too. Now, can you please check if the quoted wording appears in your insurance renewal document for year 2010, 2011, and 2012? If so, can you please let me know whether you have received the document ' Your Home policy document changes' attached to your renewal documents? Please help me fight for consumer rights!
  11. Nationwide allow customers to utilise their accounts above arranged overdrafts or even if there is no overdraft. Would be helpful if customers were not charged for this but you will be. It's what they call a buffer and help if needed. Each transaction will cost you £15. I know someone who made a cash withdrawal for £70, and two small shop transactions less than £10 each. They are going to be charged £15 for each of these transactions. They did not ask for this service and would have preferred the system didn't allow the transactions. They could have used another account but used this particular card thinking there was more money available. Rant to you NW bank charges just keep finding their way into your life.
  12. Hi Folks Now this is one of the few times where I end up giving some good praise about a bank / building society. After the terrible (And i mean Terrible) Problems I had with Natwest & RBS, I decided for a change. In Feb of this year I ended up going to NAtionwide (Out of choice) (Wasn't Pushed) I signed up online and for some reason it gave me a Flexone, which is a child's account. They asked to see ID so I went into branch and they had realised that they had mucked up. They went through the process and I ended up complaining to the Complaints office because clearly their system had mucked up. They asked me what would i Like? I said Id like to Join Nationwide on a long term basis. They then said well... What account do you want. I said Flexaccount at the time, and with in 30 seconds, it had been changed. I had now completed my switch and fully left the incompetent bank known as RBS Group. Well there have been a few niggles as to be expected but they were minor. Well as off Thursday this week, NAtionwide said they have authorised an overdraft of quite a substantial amount for me. Naturally I havent taken it but its so nice when someone actually Says yes and doesnt say NO! Their service is phenomenal and they treat me like a proper customer and not just like another customer. They are someone I would recommend based upon just how quick and reliable they are/
  13. This is the situation. We were mis-sold an EQUITY RELEASE MORTGAGE by a broker. The Broker has paid us compensation but we have a short fall on paying off the mortgage. This is our only asset we have and like any other family we wanted to leave it to our children. My daughter is selling her home to raise as much money as possible, but we still have a shortfall. We are trapped in this high rate rolled up interest only mortgage which is increasing by a £1000 per month and by the time we die, there will be nothing left. Nationwide are saying it is nothing to 'to do with them and that we can stay in our home until we die'. The Nationwide have not offered any help whatsoever. We asked if the Nationwide could freeze the interest whilst our daughters home is being sold and they refused (the mortgage has increased by a further £12k since we started communicating. We have offered a reduced lump sum payment to clear the mortgage and the Nationwide refused. The Nationwide still would have had a very healthy profit for its members, easily above regular interest rates In error Nationwide sent us 'confidential emails', which were utterly shocking and mocked our children. The emails also included confidential and sensitive information/details about other clients who had been mis-sold the same product!! We wrote back to Nationwide informing them of the emails and pointed out 'why should Nationwide members benefit from an expensive product that had proven mis-sold' and that they are exploiting our unfortunate situation. The response from Nationwide was very negative and wanted to give us £350 for the distress caused by the emails and for us to return them to them in a pre-paid envelope, and again no offers of any help to resolve our situation. We are utterly disgusted at their cold attitude by their Members Relations Manager and lack of morals on what is reported as a 'bank that is trusted and respected by people'. Please can anyone advise is there anything we can do. We can’t seek help from the Omsbudsman as this the mis-selling took place prior to 2004.
  14. Drivers could be banned from parking on pavements across the country under new Government plans The ban has already been in place in London for the past 40 years, where motorists are barred from pavement parking unless expressly permitted by the local authority But ministers are now considering rolling it out across the country with potential fines of up to £70 for those who fall foul of the measures. The Department for Transport is considering overhauling the rules to bring the rest of the country in line with the capital. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/18/drivers-face-pavement-parking-ban/
  15. I am so angry that FoS have listened to what Natiowide have said about timescales and i cannot claim !! There must be a way to do so, as i NEVER need any form of PPI. the reply from FOS was : i feel the below i totally unfair as u did not know i had ppi on the card until i found an old statement last year. also nationwide did not tell me of any time-scales-limits , i feel they have used dirty tricks. there must be a way for me to make a claim as i am disgusted they have basically said "tough" Dear Mr xxxxxxx Thank you for your email dated 10 February 2016. I have attempted to contact you on numerous occasions to discuss the complaint with you, however I have been unsuccessful. I apologise that you feel this way, however under the dispute resolution rules set out by the Financial Conduct Authority, businesses are entitled to not consent to us looking at a complaint on six and three and as a service we have to consider this before we can proceed to look at the merits. In your case Nationwide has not consented into us looking into your complaint, therefore we have to look at whether it’s been more than six years since the PPI policy was sold and more than three years since the you became aware (or ought reasonably to have become aware) that you had cause to complain. We are an impartial service and have consider evidence provided by both you and the business in order to reach a fair outcome. Our general approach is that statements clearing setting out PPI ought reasonably to have made the consumer aware that PPI was added to their account. In your case, your monthly statements would have shown that you were paying for insurance. Whilst I understand you may not have checked every single statement, it would have been clear from the statement that you were paying some sort of insurance which would have been enough to give you cause to question what it was you were paying and complain. I appreciate that you have told us that you were not aware that there was a timescale to make a complaint and Nationwide never informed you of this, however they are not required to do so. I have to consider that it is reasonable to assume that you should reasonably have known you had cause to complain more than three years before you did – so unfortunately your complaint falls outside the three-year time scale as well and I remain of the view that the complaint could have been referred to us within time. If there’s anything else that you think we need to consider that relates specifically to reasons why your complaint was made outside of these timescales, please let us know within 21 days. We’ll then look at things again taking into account what you send us - but unless you have any new information it is unlikely that our view will change. Should you request for an ombudsman to make a decision on your complaint, the ombudsman will not be considering your complaint, but rather whether we can look into the complaint any further. I am sorry that we were not able to help you more on this occasion. Yours sincerely Mena Salih Financial Ombudsman Service 0203 069 6556
  16. Hi my wife had an account with Nationwide due to money issues she went overdrawn and with charges the amount went up to over £500. in 2014 unknown to us a company bought the debt from nationwide and then promptly took it to court, last month the MKDP sold this debt on to Hoist Portfolio Holding Ltd who as soon as they got the name changed on the ccj promptly sent it to the bailiffs. We are not sure if at the time of the ccj it was statute bared, I am currently applying to nationwide for all the paper work but I need to apply to set the judgment aside to stop the bailiffs can anyone help and how would fight the original charges because I read that someone had recently removed bank charges through the courts.
  17. I received an email (genuine) from my credit card provider and has stated that there will be new T&C's as of 03/2016 and looks quiet good, in as much as they will not charge £12-00 fees for being over your limit, but will continue for late payment fees of £12-00 (bad news) is this correct? I have copied and pasted the T&C's (PDF) and have used a yellow highlighter to this point, I was wandering if I have actually read this right and that the Nationwide will not be charging this fee (over limit) from 17/03/2016. Can someone verify this for me. As I may have misread this, but if correct then this is great news for their customers. Secondly if I apply for a CCA request will these too need to be in the data pack as well as my original T&C's? Your thoughts please... Your Credit Card Terms.pdf
  18. Hi Everyone, this is my first post and I hope I can get some help to step out of this quagmire of negative discriminatory and unfair practices that I am subject to at the hands of the nefarious Nationwide Bank. My issues began in 2014, when I had just over eighty-thousand-pounds+ (80.000.00 +) taken out of my account. It was an unauthorised transaction. I was abroad, I'd used my card three times with the same vendor to buy some tickets to watch some football matches.Three different games. The vendor said, he'd give us some tickets the next day, and other tickets would follow a few days later as the games had not yet began. The following morning, I notice that a large amount had gone from my account, I rang the bank immediately on noticing the unauthorised withdrawal, Nationwide visa disputes team assured me they'd return the monies. About 14 days later Nationwide returned just under fourteen-thousand-pounds (14.000.00). they said, they were dealing with the other transaction of the larger amount and it could take unto 40 days, yet to this day two years later I Nationwide bank has not returned the sixty-seven-plus thousand. They returned the first monies as a cash-back, and said the other transaction, all with the same company could not be returned as a cash-back . I complained to them about this and asked why it had taken them 7 months to decide against their first decision. They gave various reasons for this at different times throughout the first year. I called and wrote to the Financial Ombudsman(FOS) who, lo and behold, after a year found in favour of Nationwide . The FOS and Nationwide said, I'd called the bank while abroad and told them to release this money. I did not, I asked them to prove this by citing the Freedom Of Information Act, (FOI) neither the bank nor FOS came up with any prove, i.e. -voice recording- saying anything of the sort. after a year disputing this situation the bank and FOS, a n FOS employee who is part of the Ombudsman's team said, I should resend in my complaint as an unauthorised transaction and not as a cash-back complaint . again I duly went through the complaint process with the bank who then asked me, why did I ask for a cash-back in the first instance, I replied that it was Nationwide's visa dispute team who advise me that this was a cash-back situation, but now wiser I know that this £60K+ comes under the regulations for an unauthorised transaction. Thereafter Nationwide CEO's executive assistant replied and stated in writing via email, that Nationwide would not open this as a fresh claim and would NOT read any more correspondence from myself nor discuss this matter any further. I discussed this with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) who informed me that I was being treated unfairly and that the bank was in breach on around 5 of their regulations. I returned to the bank with this information and they just reiterated what they previously said, that, they would not discuss my account with me any further. again returned to FOS, with this new complaint and brought in the issues about unfair practices as per FCA regulations. The people I spoke with including an ombudsman at first didn't know and could not tell me the difference between a cash-back (which comes under the Consumer Credit Act 1974) and an unauthorised transaction (which is covered in the FCA handbook as BCOBS 5.1.11). I asked this particular ombudsperson to look it up then come back to me so we can have a proper discussion. She called me back four days later, admitting there where differences between a cash-back and an unauthorised transaction. I have this in writing too. This woman ombudsman said, in the first now closed complaint, the ombudsman had thought about the unauthorised transaction aspect of this case, - though he did not refer to it in anyway in his final decision letter - I asked her, is this some Orwellian double-speak, how can he say he thought about a transaction that comes under different rules and regulations, yet makes no mention of it in his final decision letter? I said again, this is a new complaint . When the ombudsperson kept on referring to the old cash-back complaint. I pointed out to this ombudsperson, that it is written on the final decision letter, that FOS will no longer discuss this case again with me as I now have received the final decision letter. Yet again this ombudsperson referred back to that closed case -see how they change the goal posts when it suits them- and said, I'd called the bank, which I did not, I asked them to show me the prove or get the bank to show the prove that this fact is so . I stated if this alleged conversation was a true fact this situation would not be into year 2 of it's investigation. FOS, did not show me proof of this conversation I allegedly had with Nationwide bank and even though they had advised me to return with this new complaint, they decided that the first decision on the cash-back was enough and the rules applied were the same for a cash-back as for an unauthorised transaction. The FCA said this is not so.... Note, neither the bank nor FOS addressed the complaint(s) I had written to them about where they ARE in breach the FCA rules. With all this ongoing stressful situation the bank decided to play nasty with me. now, next they offered me a credit card, so I filled in the application, passed the criteria, they sent the pin and card, Then they called me and asked me to go to the bank with ID to verify myself. I went in gave them my bank card told the branch staff member why I was there I had on me my UK passport and utility bills, the staff member said they had to call head office, I waited and waited after sitting in the bank for an hour, note: they didn't ask to look at my ID or anything else, they said, the card was revoked. They gave no explanation for this even though i called the next day, they said they would not discuss this. three weeks later, I called and wrote to them asking them to explain why? Nationwide then said, there was no problem with the card, just come into branch again to verify myself with a picture ID and utility bills, I did this again, and again after sitting in the bank for an hour they said, the card was blocked because I'd ask for a loan in 2007. I did not do this and at that time, I was working for a government in another country which is easily proved. , after leaving the bank, I called and asked what is this problem? Nationwide said just reapply and everything should go through okay. I tried to reapply numerous times - called the bank in between times to make sure everything was okay on their end, Nationwide gave an affirmative answer - yet, always after completing the application the bank say's I have a card already. I haven't a card as the card they issued they blocked it with no valid explanation to why. I called again last week Now, they are again refusing to discuss my account and again asked me to go to branch. This time I told them, I know you are acting in a very malicious and nefarious manner and I will not go for a third time to the branch as this is just a nasty game Nationwide are playing. I have written to the CEO about both these matters and I received an email from the CEO's executive assistant who stated that, on answering my complaint about 1 of the regulations of the FCA, saying Nationwide do not think they are being unfair, that they will NOT discuss my account with me and any other letters I write will be left unopened . Remember, I wrote to Nationwide and FOS about them breaching 6 of the FCA's regulations. How's that for dystopia bank style. I really need some advice, and I really need some people who have know they have been unfairly treated by Nationwide bank to join me in a Class Action against them or if there is a class action happening, let me know how to join. My apologies that this is such a long post, but this is a summary of a two year plus, ongoing battle with this unfair uncaring not on anyones side Nationwide bank. , please if anyone has any ideas of how I can get my monies returned and how to deal with Nationwide, a bank that has shown me how vindictive, discriminatory and unhelpful they can be, I would be really grateful for workable advice.
  19. Can you confirm that Nationwide is not connected with any other Banks? (For example Natwest is part of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group)... I need an independent bank/building society ( for a friend) to open a current account not connected to Barclays, Natwest, HSBC, MBNA or Citi Bank. Thanks in advance.
  20. Please is there anyone out there that has taken the NHS partnership mortgage with Nationwide. Who has either taken them to court and won or lost their case. Would be great to connect with someone who has been dealing with them regarding the equity share as we are at the moment . thanks 123fat
  21. Does anyone have a link to the UK Visa chargeback policy? I am trying to do a chargeback on my visa debit card and Nationwide are dragging their heels, stating that I am out of time (120 days). However it is my understanding that if a service/goods is purchased in the future then there is a 540 day limit to claim. Also, the 120 day limit can start on the day that the problem is known about. Its a bit confusing cos moneysavingexpert states that the 540 day limit can be used if there is services are brought for a future date e.g. concert tickets. Which? states that the 120 day time limit starts from the day the problem is recognised, upto a max of 540 days. Who is right?
  22. Hi guys, My friend ran into trouble with his Nationwide loan 5 years ago after returning from living/working abroad. He agreed a partial settlement for the loan, paid that and the agreement was to not default it and the loan was marked as a partial settlement on his credit file and the balance owed was zero. He still has his current account with Nationwide. Recently they wrote to him to inform him that he was due over £500 back due to unfair charges/interest which had been applied to the loan whilst he was paying it. He spoke to them on the phone yesterday and they said they were using it to pay of some of the balance of the loan, even though he had an agreed partial settlement and his credit file showed a zero balance. Can they do this? I would of presumed if they were able to do this they would of been able to take money straight from his bank account at any time to pay towards the previous loan. Smells a bit fishy to me , but this isn't my subject of expertise.
  23. I am currently opening a FlexBasic account with Nationwide - got the letter to ask for ID I provided this and they are asking for stuff from my previous address. I have been living at my current address for nearly 2 years and nothing with my previous address is valid as its out of date. I have P60's and various letters from people but nothing thats on thier list.
  24. Hi, Anything I can or should do regarding a Nationwide account currently with MKD at £587 despite credit report reading 'Defaulted on 11 Apr '11 with a default balance of £0'. Account was opened on 5th July 2006 and no contacts or payments been made since 2009 at the most... .the entire balance is charges as never had credit or overdraft. Any advice kind folks? Thanks NS
  25. Hi, Don't know if this is the right place to post, so apologies but we are in need of help defending against Shoosmiths. They have issued her on 16th Jul from Northampton Business Centre a Court Claim on behalf of Nationwide. The debt was a couple of years old and I luckily came on this site where you gave suggestions to others to ask Shoosmiths for a CPR 31.14 request because we have no documentation on the debt. ------------------------------ I have issued a formal request made under CPR 31.14 for the disclosure and the production of a verified and legible copy of each of the following documents mentioned in the Particulars of this Claim: 1. The original agreement and terms and conditions from that date. You will appreciate that in an ordinary case and by reason of the provisions of CPR PD 16 para 7.3, where a claim is based upon a written agreement, a copy of the contract or documents constituting the agreement should be attached to or served with the particulars of claim and the original(s) should be available at the hearing. Further, that any general conditions incorporated in the contract should also be attached. 2. The default notice alleged to have been served upon me, together with proof of service 3. Evidence of how the balance claimed has been arrived at 4. Notice of Assignment. None of the above have been issued to me previously by Nationwide Building Society or Shoosmiths LLP and if this claim is to move forward the above have to be addressed. I have given Nationwide Building Society and Shoosmiths LLP 7 days to comply in writing with the above documentation. ------------------------------ This defence was recieved by the Court through Money Claim on the 19/7/2015, we then recieved a letter from Shoosmiths dated 24th July. In it they state that they have no provision to attach agreements to the claim, therefore this is not a requirement for the Claimant. They then state 'By virtue of the Civil Procedure Rules Practice Direction 7C at paragraph 1.4(3C)' They state '(3C) The requirement....for documents to be attached to the particulars of Contract Claims does not apply to claims to be issued by the [County Court Bulk] Centre, unless the Particulars of Claim are served separately..." I have looked onling https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedure-rules/civil/rules/part07/pd_part07c and cannot see this wording at all. Shoosmiths end by saying 'In relation to your comments regarding disclosure, we would suggest your request for disclosure was premature. We refer you to CPR 27.2(1)(b) They go on to say they have requested further documentation from Nationwide, which is yet to come. They say in the letter they provide an Income and Expenditure form and envelope, which there is no sign of. I replied back to Shoosmiths telling them this and they have replied again, recieved yesterday. They give an I&E form but also say that they have written to the Court saying that the claimant wishes to proceed and can they move it to our local County Court. I have tried to stop this again with a counter claim online, but cannot. Shall I send a defence letter to Northampton, do we only have till the What can we do? are Shoosmiths correct in their dismissing the documents before we go to Court? Any help or guidance would be really gratefully recieved. Thanks
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