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  1. I have a question for you lovely, knowledgeable people. My brother phoned me this afternoon, quite irate. He had gone to his local Nationwide Branch to pay money into the accounts of our young nephews whose birthdays are coming up shortly. It was £25 into each account. This is something my brother has done for years. He is not on the internet as he refuses to get a PC. Long story short, teller refused to do this and all but accused my brother of money laundering - infront of other customers. She did say that if he'd had his passbook with him there wouldn't have been a problem but he's done this before many times and has never needed his passbook to do it until today. He's fuming and wants me to draft a letter of complaint for him. I want to know if you think the teller was right or wrong. As an aside, he's been with this branch for 50 years so not someone they don't know.
  2. After my previous post about Europcar helping themselves to an unauthorised amount from my Nationwide credit card 3 months after my final invoice for hire, and failing to get it refunded I rang my Nationwide Credit card customer service to report this unauthorised transaction. I was put through to this department where a lady listened to my claim for a refund after I explained this matter had been closed and paid in full as per their emailed invoice received. I was asked for all evidence I had to back up my case. When I told her I had emails to prove what I was saying was true, I was asked to send all these emails in by being given a reference number and email address to send in all my emails evidence to. I receive a reply that all has been received and a stop has been placed on this amount and they will be contacting Europcar for them to explain why they had taken this amount in dispute. I replied stating if this is a fuel charge it had been agreed due to a danger of a smell of burning from the rear and this hire car which had also been breaking down I had made the safety decision not to take it into a fuel station to return it full and returned it half full. So if they were claiming the fuel cost and a penalty fee as I received an invoice by post after this charge written in german and charged in euros which was sent in also by email then this should not be charged! I had gone through all this on the phone to the lady in the disputed transactions department and she agreed and promised me their investigation would make sure what this charge was made for and if it was for fuel etc they would explain why it had been agreed by Europcar this would not be charged due to the car faults and breakdown so no further amounts was due on this hire. I was hopeful of getting my money refunded as I was told to wait for the disputes dept at Nationwide credit card to carry out their investigations and contact me again in due course. Can you imagine my horror when I receive a letter in the post from Nationwide Credit card disputes department enclosing the same invoice copy I received from Europcar stating in English this time the amount charged was for Fuel as the car was not returned full as per their contract it included a penalty fee as I had failed to do so. The letter continued that therefore they have released this amount to Europcar and if I disagree to this decision I have 14 days to let them know by letter in the post my reasons for doing so. As it was now clear the lady on the phone had not listened or made any notes of what I had told her, the department although they had sent notification of receiving all my emailed evidence no one had bothered to read them and had just waited for the German car hire company Europcar to send back an invoice of what they had made this extra charge for 3 months later after saying the matter was closed to Rerntcars.com who told me there was no need to change my credit card number as no more money was due so would not be taken from my card? So as well as Rentalcars.com not bothering to get my money back my Nationwide bank credit card company who I have been with for a very long time didn't bother either. Is this really the state of this country now that customer service is a department that is there to fend off customers and a couldn't care less attitude is the norm now. What do you think? Too be honest I was so disappointed in Nationwide Credit Card disputes letter I haven't bothered to answer it. But am seriously thinking of changing my card provider but are any of them any better I doubt it? Thanks for reading and please reply Soundguy:???: Link to rental car.... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?475327-Rentalcars.com-Employee-Error-Ignored-by-company
  3. Hi Folks Now this is one of the few times where I end up giving some good praise about a bank / building society. After the terrible (And i mean Terrible) Problems I had with Natwest & RBS, I decided for a change. In Feb of this year I ended up going to NAtionwide (Out of choice) (Wasn't Pushed) I signed up online and for some reason it gave me a Flexone, which is a child's account. They asked to see ID so I went into branch and they had realised that they had mucked up. They went through the process and I ended up complaining to the Complaints office because clearly their system had mucked up. They asked me what would i Like? I said Id like to Join Nationwide on a long term basis. They then said well... What account do you want. I said Flexaccount at the time, and with in 30 seconds, it had been changed. I had now completed my switch and fully left the incompetent bank known as RBS Group. Well there have been a few niggles as to be expected but they were minor. Well as off Thursday this week, NAtionwide said they have authorised an overdraft of quite a substantial amount for me. Naturally I havent taken it but its so nice when someone actually Says yes and doesnt say NO! Their service is phenomenal and they treat me like a proper customer and not just like another customer. They are someone I would recommend based upon just how quick and reliable they are/
  4. Hi Everyone, this is my first post and I hope I can get some help to step out of this quagmire of negative discriminatory and unfair practices that I am subject to at the hands of the nefarious Nationwide Bank. My issues began in 2014, when I had just over eighty-thousand-pounds+ (80.000.00 +) taken out of my account. It was an unauthorised transaction. I was abroad, I'd used my card three times with the same vendor to buy some tickets to watch some football matches.Three different games. The vendor said, he'd give us some tickets the next day, and other tickets would follow a few days later as the games had not yet began. The following morning, I notice that a large amount had gone from my account, I rang the bank immediately on noticing the unauthorised withdrawal, Nationwide visa disputes team assured me they'd return the monies. About 14 days later Nationwide returned just under fourteen-thousand-pounds (14.000.00). they said, they were dealing with the other transaction of the larger amount and it could take unto 40 days, yet to this day two years later I Nationwide bank has not returned the sixty-seven-plus thousand. They returned the first monies as a cash-back, and said the other transaction, all with the same company could not be returned as a cash-back . I complained to them about this and asked why it had taken them 7 months to decide against their first decision. They gave various reasons for this at different times throughout the first year. I called and wrote to the Financial Ombudsman(FOS) who, lo and behold, after a year found in favour of Nationwide . The FOS and Nationwide said, I'd called the bank while abroad and told them to release this money. I did not, I asked them to prove this by citing the Freedom Of Information Act, (FOI) neither the bank nor FOS came up with any prove, i.e. -voice recording- saying anything of the sort. after a year disputing this situation the bank and FOS, a n FOS employee who is part of the Ombudsman's team said, I should resend in my complaint as an unauthorised transaction and not as a cash-back complaint . again I duly went through the complaint process with the bank who then asked me, why did I ask for a cash-back in the first instance, I replied that it was Nationwide's visa dispute team who advise me that this was a cash-back situation, but now wiser I know that this £60K+ comes under the regulations for an unauthorised transaction. Thereafter Nationwide CEO's executive assistant replied and stated in writing via email, that Nationwide would not open this as a fresh claim and would NOT read any more correspondence from myself nor discuss this matter any further. I discussed this with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) who informed me that I was being treated unfairly and that the bank was in breach on around 5 of their regulations. I returned to the bank with this information and they just reiterated what they previously said, that, they would not discuss my account with me any further. again returned to FOS, with this new complaint and brought in the issues about unfair practices as per FCA regulations. The people I spoke with including an ombudsman at first didn't know and could not tell me the difference between a cash-back (which comes under the Consumer Credit Act 1974) and an unauthorised transaction (which is covered in the FCA handbook as BCOBS 5.1.11). I asked this particular ombudsperson to look it up then come back to me so we can have a proper discussion. She called me back four days later, admitting there where differences between a cash-back and an unauthorised transaction. I have this in writing too. This woman ombudsman said, in the first now closed complaint, the ombudsman had thought about the unauthorised transaction aspect of this case, - though he did not refer to it in anyway in his final decision letter - I asked her, is this some Orwellian double-speak, how can he say he thought about a transaction that comes under different rules and regulations, yet makes no mention of it in his final decision letter? I said again, this is a new complaint . When the ombudsperson kept on referring to the old cash-back complaint. I pointed out to this ombudsperson, that it is written on the final decision letter, that FOS will no longer discuss this case again with me as I now have received the final decision letter. Yet again this ombudsperson referred back to that closed case -see how they change the goal posts when it suits them- and said, I'd called the bank, which I did not, I asked them to show me the prove or get the bank to show the prove that this fact is so . I stated if this alleged conversation was a true fact this situation would not be into year 2 of it's investigation. FOS, did not show me proof of this conversation I allegedly had with Nationwide bank and even though they had advised me to return with this new complaint, they decided that the first decision on the cash-back was enough and the rules applied were the same for a cash-back as for an unauthorised transaction. The FCA said this is not so.... Note, neither the bank nor FOS addressed the complaint(s) I had written to them about where they ARE in breach the FCA rules. With all this ongoing stressful situation the bank decided to play nasty with me. now, next they offered me a credit card, so I filled in the application, passed the criteria, they sent the pin and card, Then they called me and asked me to go to the bank with ID to verify myself. I went in gave them my bank card told the branch staff member why I was there I had on me my UK passport and utility bills, the staff member said they had to call head office, I waited and waited after sitting in the bank for an hour, note: they didn't ask to look at my ID or anything else, they said, the card was revoked. They gave no explanation for this even though i called the next day, they said they would not discuss this. three weeks later, I called and wrote to them asking them to explain why? Nationwide then said, there was no problem with the card, just come into branch again to verify myself with a picture ID and utility bills, I did this again, and again after sitting in the bank for an hour they said, the card was blocked because I'd ask for a loan in 2007. I did not do this and at that time, I was working for a government in another country which is easily proved. , after leaving the bank, I called and asked what is this problem? Nationwide said just reapply and everything should go through okay. I tried to reapply numerous times - called the bank in between times to make sure everything was okay on their end, Nationwide gave an affirmative answer - yet, always after completing the application the bank say's I have a card already. I haven't a card as the card they issued they blocked it with no valid explanation to why. I called again last week Now, they are again refusing to discuss my account and again asked me to go to branch. This time I told them, I know you are acting in a very malicious and nefarious manner and I will not go for a third time to the branch as this is just a nasty game Nationwide are playing. I have written to the CEO about both these matters and I received an email from the CEO's executive assistant who stated that, on answering my complaint about 1 of the regulations of the FCA, saying Nationwide do not think they are being unfair, that they will NOT discuss my account with me and any other letters I write will be left unopened . Remember, I wrote to Nationwide and FOS about them breaching 6 of the FCA's regulations. How's that for dystopia bank style. I really need some advice, and I really need some people who have know they have been unfairly treated by Nationwide bank to join me in a Class Action against them or if there is a class action happening, let me know how to join. My apologies that this is such a long post, but this is a summary of a two year plus, ongoing battle with this unfair uncaring not on anyones side Nationwide bank. , please if anyone has any ideas of how I can get my monies returned and how to deal with Nationwide, a bank that has shown me how vindictive, discriminatory and unhelpful they can be, I would be really grateful for workable advice.
  5. Can you confirm that Nationwide is not connected with any other Banks? (For example Natwest is part of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group)... I need an independent bank/building society ( for a friend) to open a current account not connected to Barclays, Natwest, HSBC, MBNA or Citi Bank. Thanks in advance.
  6. Please is there anyone out there that has taken the NHS partnership mortgage with Nationwide. Who has either taken them to court and won or lost their case. Would be great to connect with someone who has been dealing with them regarding the equity share as we are at the moment . thanks 123fat
  7. Hi guys i sent a standard cca /soa/default request to a high street bank via recorded delivery which having just checked was delivered to them in early july. I have had absolutely no response at all, not even an acknowledgment. The default was made up solely of charges which i refused to pay. what do i do next? thanks
  8. On the 4th Oct, I went to a NATWEST atm as Nationwide was out of service. Printed balance, and then went to top up my mobile. I cancled the transaction, the NATWEST atm the did not give my card back, and went out of service. I had to go to the flat to phone nationwide to cancel my debit card (as they can take sometime to be sent out). at 9.30, I went to my bank (Nationwide) only to find that £130 had been taken... Its now been over 10 working days and noting! What shoud I do?
  9. Hi all, i have a flex account, i have had charges totaling over £400 in the last 9 months, Now i hate DD and SO and try to avoid them and pay by cash or card wherever possible. Now i have been charged a few times for a unauthorized overdraft which is mad as ive never had one, i dont have a overdraft or a reserve limit. If i go to make a payment by card and thers no money the card declines, simple. If a DD tries to come out and thers no money it gets returned same with SO, nationwide have never honored a payment that has taken me overdrawn, So in essence i cant go overdrawn. One day a payment went in a 2am and i made a card payment at 8am, when it showed on statement it showed i made the card payment 1st then the money went in later so for x time i was overdrawn, i know i wasnt and when i tried to explain this is impossible with my account nationwide didnt give a crap, Ive also had where i have not had enough money for a DD payment to be made so thats a £20 fee and then ive been charged another £15 for having a unauthorized overdraft even though i didnt as DD was returned but the £35 in fees has taken me overdrawn to which i get another £15 unauthorized overdraft fee. Its a vicious circle and it cant be right. whats can i do. Nationwide simply dont seem to care
  10. Also says he has written to the FSA. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/saving/article-2240479/Whistleblowers-warn-Nationwide-sales-targets-harm-customers.html
  11. Hi. My Wife has received a Default notice for a credit card. She has about £2500 on the card account and they are demanding payment in full. We haven't been able to make any payments this year due to first her & then me being made redundant. She has contacted them before by phone to ask that they freeze all interest/charges but to no avail. She has a current account with Nationwide, and today Nationwide put a stop on it. She had to go into the Nationwide branch to find out why she couldn't access her money. They explained that KPR had frozen her current account - due to her being in arrears with her credit card. Is this allowed? I assume KPR are part of Nationwide due to the fact that the bank assistant gave my wife a telephone no. to ring and it was KPR on the other end. My wife asked them to release the account, explaining that we were both made redundant and all that was in her account was our child tax credits, which we were using to buy food. They agreed to open the account up again, but only after grilling her about our finances and asking about my situation. Incidently I am no longer on JSA as I started my own business due to the frustration of not being able to find a job. I am in fact now earning even less than I was on Jobseekers due to the fact that I've had to start my business from nothing. We can't afford to service her credit card at the moment. We are a month behind with our rent, behind with our water and electricity. What do we do next in regards to Nationwide / Kpr? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  12. Hi Have a credit card from nationwide going back to 1988 and have sent them a section 78 cca with no success and they have stated no agreement available and sent t & c's which only relate to mid term of the credit card usage. However i have now been advised by moorcroft and nationwide that moorcroft have been asked to collect. Sent moorcroft a letter advising nationwide in default of my cca request and that they return account to nationwide. moorcroft have replied account on hold whilst they contact nationwide VOLVO
  13. Hi, Last Sunday I transferred money into my Flexaccount to make sure there was enough there to cover a direct debit. Despite the cash being available for me to withdraw from an ATM had I wanted to they somehow decided that there was insufficient money there for the DD and bounced it, incurring a fee from my credit card provider. They also bounced a later DD from Paypal, which was kind of my fault since I accidentally selected the wrong payment method when I was paying for something. I was wondering if I can use the BCOBS and Unfair Treatment rules to get them to wipe out both impending charges and have them pay the credit card fee for the bounced payment. In this day & age it seems quite ridiculous that they can apparently change the apparent deposit date of electronic transfers and charge me for bouncing DDs there were actually sufficient funds to cover.
  14. Hi all, Somewhat of a cheeky yet interesting question I'd like to pose ... So I had a credit card with Nationwide for many years and then life got very difficult, almost as difficult as Nationwide themselves tbh. eventually I was granted a debt relief order and the Nationwide card and some other bit and bobs were subject to this. This all happened 2 years ago now so all those debts have now been wiped. The question I have is, quite simply, am still able to reclaim the CC charges despite the account being closed and it being subject to the DRO? - after all, during the life of the card I had paid a fair amount of these charges! It might sound silly but if I can in, anyway whatsoever, annoy Nationwide then I will be a happy man and they will be getting just a little of what they deserve!
  15. I live in an upper conversion of a Victorian house in Stirling, which was damaged in the gales of early January 2012 three chimneys on the house were damaged, one losing the top 2 layers of stone and the pots! the other two twisting in the violent winds which occurred then!My insurers Nationwide refuse to pay for any storm damage, only £440.00 damage to the roof slates, claiming the stacks were damaged because of mortar deteriation and poor maintenance practices! Now the people who own the lower apartment share the costs of repairs to the roof 50% and their Insurers have paid out their entire costs? Bear in mind, this is for the same roof and damage! I believe the assessors employed by the nationwide are some way to being wideboys and crooks, who would not know a chimney from a gable end! Anyway the outcome of this is that my complaint is with the Financial Ombudsman and both I and Nationwide await their ruling. I just saw this site and thought it would be a good way to vent my spleen about the way I have been treated. Oh, and at present I am about £7000 out of pocket and do not hold out much hope of gaining justice. I moved into my apartment 6 Months before the Storm damage occurred, the Hip report gave the chimneys a (1) and said no work was neccessary in the near future and MY BROTHER IN LAW a surveyor said much the same thing! I employed a Chartered Engineer to report on the damage but the loss adjusters seem incapable of reading it! All in all a thoroughly bad example of Insurers!
  16. Hi, I have got a basic Nationwide flex account which i have had for about 10 years. Over the last 5 years I have struggled with going overdrawn, getting charged and direct debits bouncing. This seems to be a vicious cycle which I am struggly to cope with. I am currently disabled and as such receive DLA but these charges are now mounting up month on month. What I would like to know is can I recliam these charges under the hardship rule? or because I receive DLA?
  17. Good Morning Everyone, This is just a heads up for anyone who has a Nationwide product in arrears. I have not had an "in arrears" telephone call from Nationwide for a while as my DMP was ahead of original payments thanks to a PPI win, but my wife was in for a shock when she answered the phone. Because they told her about my loan that I hadn't! The loan has no joint liability with her, she is not named in any shape or form on there, yet the automated call they now send you asks for you by name and then press any key; by name and then press 1; and then proceeds to tell you they want to discuss your product..... then they go through security. If you have adults in the house that you do not want knowing your business it is not wise to let them use your home telephone number. I raised a complaint with Nationwide and apparently releasing data about products you have with them is entirely ethical and legal, which is nice to know; and they only operate a "first and final" complaints process on the matter. Even an e-mail appealing the decision directly to Graham Beale (Chief Exec) was forwarded to the person who handed the original complaint to reply they had nothing further to add.
  18. I have been directed here by someone from Martin Lewis website. I hope to get some advice on what can be done ... I will try to keep it short ;-) Back in 2010 I missed making a payment (100) to my current account held at Nationwide,before charges were applies I went instantly to see my bank manager who told me he'd look into it and get back to me. He didn't. Following week I expectantly went into hospital for several days. Came home and started trying to contact the manager again. He had gone on holiday. Another person in the branch asked that I send my medical certificate in to prove what I had told them. I did this. After making another 20 calls or so I was told no refund was due. This was weeks later and in the interim more changes were applied. I ended up emaiilng the CEO and others a full account of what had happened. Within 24 hours they refunded me all bank charges and gave me £100 compensation. I was told that was the end of it. 2 weeks ago I applied for a mortgage with Natwest. It was declined due to Nationwide defaulting my account, which I never received any notification about this default. I've been onto Nwide who admit it's their mistake and have instructed Equifax to remove default, this can take 28 days. Now I have missed the stamp duty saving and find myself having to rent for another month until my file is clear. I am peed off to the max, stressed out for the better part of 2 weeks and angry at Nwide. (so far it's cost an extra £2200) And I may ever lose the house I'd spent moths trying to find that has everything I want for my budget. I've given notice where I live and have to be out in a couple of weeks so the new tenants can move in. I'm on my own with a baby too. I have a letter from KPR/Nationwide (received couple days ago) Please accept our sincere apologies for the error caused, and any distress this may ave caused ..etc .. Can I make a claim against them for this? Thanks for any help offered ;-)
  19. Hi there,consumer action group helped me out a few years ago with Bank Charges, and could do with your help again please, Myself and Wife have a dormant account with nationwide, back in 2010 i was peed off with being charged overdraft fee's and so on so i went to the branch in St Helens and handed over the Cards and cheque book and told them to close the account and freeze the Balance which at the time stood at about -£160od this was never done and the account racked upto -£499,48p od and was put in default i started a complaint against the nationwide and told them at the time i was out of work and this was unfair, basically i got a tough now pay up. I did not pay as i had asked for this account to be closed at a time when the debt of -£160 could of been paid if it had been frozen as requested. Since the complaint was fobbed off i have'nt heard a thing from them, however when looking at our credit reports they have been rolling the default date on so now it shows it was defaulted this month. Now i have received a letter off bryan carter solicitors saying they have afforded us the opportunity to come to some arrangement to pay the balance of -£499.48p. which they have not. Last year work and wages picked up for a spell and we cleared a few old debts going back to the 2008 recession. since this its like the vultures have noticed things getting paid and are swooping in for the kill. Last month i was laid off from work and now find myself back to a position i was in in 2008. Can you help with the best course of action please, i feel it very unfair to have been defaulted and to have to pay £499,48 when i tried to prevent the debt from esculating:!:. Somedays feel like going Bunjee jumping off Runcorn Bridge without the Bunjee, Thanks to some of these Financial institutions lack off support.
  20. In August or September 2011 I accompanied my wife to a Nationwide Branch to open a basic bank account. The specific requirement I outlined to the salesman was:- * an account for her wages to be paid into. * a cashpoint card to draw money out. * no facility to go overdrawn and incur charges. The salesman listened, asked all sorts of irrelevant questions, then said the account asked for was called a "Flex" account and opened it for her. It all worked fine for her until November, when the day she was paid the cashpoint machine refused to give her any of her money. Nationwide claimed she was overdrawn and had incurred over £200 worth of bank charges. The staff were adamant that there is a charge of £20.00 per month for this "unauthorised overdraft" they have placed onto the account without my wife's permission, plus a charge of £15.00 for each cashpoint withdrawal while the account is "over its overdraft limit" plus interest at some unspecified percentage. After much argument, the manager allowed her to withdraw some of her wages and agreed to have the charges refunded, but refused to refund the negative balance the bank had applied to the account without my wife's permission. He agreed to lodge a complaint with head office for her but refused point blank to show us the text of the complaint he submitted on our behalf. He promised to ring back in a few days and follow up with a letter. He phoned when we were out and left a voicemail, my wife phoned back when he was out and left a message, no letter ever arrived. Charges continue to be applied to the account, even though she is no longer using it because she lost her job at the beginning of December and currently has no income. Being generous, I would say Nationwide are seeking unjust enrichment on the back of repeated mistakes.
  21. i recieved a letter on the 14november telling me over the past year i had paid out £565 in charges, breakdown of this would be £120 charge for an unpaid item when you do not have enough cleared funds £285 charge for a paid item when you do not have enough cleared funds £160 unarranged overdraft fee. im a single mother on benefits and did not realise i even had £565 to spare . is there any way i can go about claiming back this money and how would i go about it. thanks in advance
  22. Well, I've decided i'm going to try and reclaim my charges from Nationwide after racking up quite a substantial amount in them. Does anyone have advice on how to deal with this? So far they have agreed to pay back one month's worth of charges as a 'goodwill payment' but i'm still happy. They've already made a bit of money off me from their other products so now i think it's time to get something back. Any advice/help would be appreciated
  23. A year ago i became ill and had to be off work sick for 6 months. During that time i was only being paid £300 a month (which is hard going when you are married with three kids and another on the way) I got behind on alot of payments, i got charged unpaid fees with Nationwide, who were not very sympathetic at the time. They then offered to give me a temporary overdraft for the charges they had given me, and i agreed to pay back £50 a month from the £300 i was receiving. Things got worse when my money was paid in, and nationwide took it all for the overdraft. I managed to get it back, but decided a safer option was to change the bank my wage was paid into to Natwest. I got into more trouble with nationwide, they said they were closing the account and i owed £346 in unpaid charges. A year on i discover that payments to me were being paid into my nationwide account, unsure of how much is any had been paid in to it as i was told it was being closed, i phoned them and asked if they could tell me my balance. My balance was £2000 in credit!!!!! I could not believe it, the best day of my life after such a struggle i have had with being out of full pay for so long! I was told that in order to get the money, i would have to go in branch and change the address on the account (i had moved house when they told me the account was being closed) as i hadnt changed it when i moved. This had casued a flag on the account because they could see i had moved but i had not informed them. So i went in branch and changed the address. I was then told they could only pay me the balance by a cheque, as the account had been in arrears for so long that they would not re-instate the account for me to use (Even though after the first payment the £346 was paid in full) I was told to wait 10 days for the cheque to arrive in the post, i wasnt happy about that as they refused a bank transfer. 11 days past by and no cheque arrived. So i called them again, searched the system, cheque had not even been sent yet!! I was given another option, go in branch and open a cash builder account and they will transfer it in for me (again refusing to allow me to keep my current account with which the money was in, refusing me to withdraw any of it also and refusing to transfer it in to an account other than a nationwide one) I opened the account instantly in branch and even had to pay a £1 to open it! They then phoned on my behalf to have the money transfered, great i thought i am finally getting somewhere right? No, I was then told i have to wait 3-5 days for the money to show up in the account! 5 days on now and they money is not there, i have gone on to my online banking, my current account and the cash builder account are both there, account shows the money has left my account, but the balance of the cash builder is £1. Why wont they pay it to me? Is there anything i can do?
  24. hi can anyone tell me is there is a template letter to opt out of the high interest rates. the rate they are charging me is terrible and i cannot keep up with it. any advice would be good to where to find the letter. thanks:-x
  25. Hi, Having a right old battle with my basic account. Due to errors on their system, my available balance showed me to have have sufficient funds in my account to allow me withdraw £20 from a local ATM. This resulted in my account becoming overdrawn as a result of a couple of transactions that were "floating in the system" that I had not been aware of. As a result, they levied charges for processing these transactions, which caused by account to become overdrawn and on top of that made rolling charges for "unauthorised overdraft", and those rolling charges are continuing to roll (making an intial overdrawn balance of £8.00 into something now approaching £200). I have written to them and got a derisery offer of a £30 refund (which I refused). I have sent them a more formal "account is dispute" letter & "do not admit or acknowledge any debt" letters. I have referred the matter to the ombudsman who sadly, cannot agree to uphold my complaint. Not sure how to next proceed, given that this is a "basic" bank account for which overdraft facilities are (supposedly) not available. Advice please.
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