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  1. Hi there, I'm new to this site. I received a parking charge notice of £90 for parking there on the 27th April 2018. I only received it today, and it says I need to pay this by 28th May 2018. I'm not sure what to do about this as I think its quite excessive, and from what I have read elsewhere, they are not the council so can not "fine" me. However, I would like some advice from here as to what I should do about something like this? the penalty is under my mum's name, but it was me who had taken the car to Exeter. I've attached the letter they sent me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Amit 5ddc3f5a-069d-4325-ac70-b1bbd62a24a2.pdf
  2. Hello, Unfortunately I recently lost my job and will have to move back with family to weather the storm while I look for new employment. I plan to rent a PO box with a private company (the address will actually start with "SUITE N") to retain privacy in case things go wrong and I start missing payments. Will banks accept this new PO box address? Thanks for your help!
  3. Hello all. Regarding there being no £10 fee for SARs, I want to send HSBC a SAR (because I know that I had loans with them that had PPI but they've previously said that they don't have records that go back that far), other than there being no fee, is there any change to SARs, please?
  4. Hi im new to the forum I have recently stopped paying my loan, I recall the loan company sending me out my loan agreement and making me hand sign it in late 2016. If I was to do a CCA will they need to show the signed agreement?
  5. I was wondering if banks will remember my bad debt even though they sold it on many years ago and it is no longer on my credit file. I applied last year for a TSB account and after acceptance, once I supplied my ID my application was declined. I have never banked with TSB although I did have a defaulted loan and current account with HBOS. Both long ago sold on and now Statute barred
  6. i have just had a letter back saying my credit card around 2001-4 is outside of banks retention period so they cannot provide the data i asked for for my sar. so i assume the ppi complaint i sent will also be declined.... shocking.... they are of course lying through their back teeth any suggestions of how i should respond???
  7. Hi everyone Having recently returned from a lovely holiday in Devon. I have received a parking notice charge from those lovely people at Smart Parking! After pulling into the car park at Haven Banks in Exeter I was handed a paid parking ticket by another motorist which still had one and a half hours left on it which i gladly accepted (What a mistake) Unbeknownst to me not being a native of Exeter the car park is covered by APNR cameras showing entrance and exit times of the vehicle. I was parked there for 1 hour and 5 mins according to this. Having been handed the ticket by what i thought was another considerate fellow motorist we went into the Range outlet store not reading any car park signs thinking the vehicle had a valid ticket. It was not until we returned to the vehicle after an hour that I noticed you have to put the vehicle reg into the ticket machine when you purchase it!! Now it seem's to me although not 100% sure that the cameras are linked to the ticket machines which must have registered a non-payment!! Therefore I think Smart Parking have got me by the short and curlies on this one and will have to pay the £58 charge. What are your thoughts people? Thanks in advance Gunner10
  8. I received a PCN for spending 21 minutes in a car park in a town I don't know well. I had pulled into the car park to answer a phone call on my mobile - I was in my daughters car so didn't have hands free. As I was then pulled over I rang home to check on the kids, and then rang my husband to see where he was _ I was suppose to be picking him up from town. He didn't know where he was so said he would find a road sign and ring me back. I drove round the car park a few times - tried to get my bearings - find the exit, work out what road I was on. He finally rang me back, gave me instructions about where he was, I explained where I was - we arranged where I would pick him up - 21 mins in total as it turned out. As I didn't actually park up ( what is the definition of parking?). I didn't buy a ticket, and also only meant to pull in whilst taking/making a calls which was the safe thing to do. Didn't think to buy a ticket ...stupid I know. Now I have a PCN. I wrote back , enclosed a cheque for a pound to cover parking. Fine was £90!!!!! Didn't lodge an appeal with POPLA. Now gone to a debt recovery and have 28 days to reply. Do I let this run-on to county court?? Do I put a late appeal in? Help. I was ignoring it and judging by the other posts it was better to try and resolve it again. What do you think please?
  9. Hi Every one, Please help/Advise. I was photographed entering the haven banks car park on the 22/dec/2017 at 11.42am. Paid £1.00 for 2hrs /120mins parking at 11.46. Was then photographed leaving at 14.03pm on the same day. Unfortunately I entered the last two digit's of my registration wrong ****LKX when it should of been ****LXK. So received a parking charge letter on the 01/01/2018 stating that I needed to pay £54.00within 14 days ,if I was to appeal and fail this would go up to £90.00. I of course contacted Smart Parking and forwarded on the parking ticket which I paid for hoping they would see scene and cancel the charge.(Ya Right!). There letter arrived on the 27/01/2018 ,stating that as the motorist and that there are signs clearly stating not to make mistakes it was my fault. Also I was over my paid 120mins by 20mins.(I understand that this is the 5mins entering the car park parking and paying for ticket and the 15mins leaving). I again appealed To POPLA, stating that I was in my car within my paid time ,but due to the excessive amount of vehicle's entering/leaving this car park over the xmas period ,I was unable leave hence the 10 to 15min wait ,but didn't realise I was over my time when I eventually drove out. But on the 5/3/2017 while POPLA agreed the wrong reg details should cause the fine my overstay still did. So the charge is £90.00 Sorry that there's so much to read , I have all letters and the £1.00 parking ticket so can forward them on . haven't paid the charge yet ,hoping there's some one that will advise me. Cheers
  10. Hello PCN issued by Smart Parking for wrong VRM a zero instead of O was entered. The alleged contravention happened at HAVEN BANKS RETAIL PARK EXETER A ticket was purchased for the time parked but a zero was entered instead of letter O PCN received 06/11/17 Date of alleged contrevetion 21/10/2017 I appealed, not realising that I had entered a zero instead of O. Not sure if I disclosed the driver ( sorry didn't realise at the time what a mistake that may have been). Sent supporting evidence of purchased tickets- I had know idea what I had done wrong. Appeal refused although they acknowledge my tickets as eveidence of tickets purchased. Appeal refused as a zero was entered instead of the letter O I'm now appealing to POPLA I'm struggling to get my head around the legal jargon and which bits apply to my case. Any help would be much apprieciated.
  11. Hi On 27/1/18 I parked in this car park operated by Smart Parking. The closest machine was out of order so I walked across the car park to obtain a ticket, which I am sure more than covered the period that I was parked - BUT, I no longer have the ticket. I received the attached notification on 2/2/18. I have no intention of paying this but I'd be grateful if you could advise of next steps. Should I raise an appeal or leave to run its course ? Thanks SPrinter3418020617320.pdf
  12. Hi, I received a notice to keeper from Smart Parking after the vehicle had parked in Haven Banks car park in Exeter. A ticket had been purchased, but the driver had accidentally missed one of the characters of the registration number when entering it. The ticket was displayed for the duration of the stay, but obviously the ANPR in use in this area would not have recognised this. A copy of the ticket was initially sent to Smart Parking, but they upheld the charge and we have since been through the standard series of letters and demands from DRP, Zenith and now Gladstones solicitors. Rightly or wrongly, there has been no further contact with Smart Parking or their agents since their refusal to accept that a ticket was in fact purchased at the time. A case of 'Computer says "no"'. The latest letter from Gladstones refers only to an amount outstanding of £160 with no date of alleged infringement or location. They are 'kindly' providing an opportunity to pay the full amount before it goes to court. Is this a 'Letter Before Claim'? Or is that the next I can expect? Thanks for any advice? Drogon
  13. Hi All, I recently received a parking notice from Smart parking ltd for unauthorised parking to the sum of 54 pounds and I would like your advice as to whether I am liable to pay considering this is a private parking company? So the back drop... my Japanese friend arrived late Saturday night (30/09/17) still wanted to show him a bit of the city Decided to take him down to the quay on the River Exe here in Exeter Not knowing this part of the city well I parked in this car park opposite the bowling alley, The time was 8.45pm and presuming it was late that the car park operating time had finish as I knew this to be a council car park in the past operating from 8am to 6pm (or along those lines). Upon entering the car park I didn't see any signs as it was very dark and the area was not well lit, again presuming it was closed I did not purchase a ticket. Our stay was only an hour when I returned a few days later to check the signs within the car park it does state its 24hrs.. .it also mentions up to two hours parking is 1 pound which can be refunded at one of the retail sites, if I knew this I would have purchased a ticket. I find it disgusting that they are charging me 54 pounds for one hour in which the ticket is only one pound anyway. As its a private company and not a police or council parking charge how much authority do they have and am I liable to pay this charge or would it be worth appealing? 1 Date of the infringement[30/09/17] 2 Date on the NTK [05/10/17] 3 Date received 07/10/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [No] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? [No] Have you had a response? [No] 7 Who is the parking company? Smart parking Ltd 8. Where exactly [Haven banks retail park, Exeter] For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IAS Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Jon Smart Parking Notice (2).pdf
  14. I was wondering if you knew how the registration number is displayed on the parking ticket that you get from the machine & display in your window ? (Full Reg, Partial, etc) My mum initially received a letter, for the same car park, stating she didn't pay enough when we sent the evidence in they now claim she didn't enter her registration number correctly but haven't given us evidence. Her ticket only displays the last 3 digits & I wondered if that was correct or if it should show the full registration. Thanks for any help you might be able to give.
  15. This article from October 2016 - I dont recall it being mentioned anywhere? Has anyone had a bank try to reclaim some of their pay-out ?
  16. The consumer group Which? has criticised some of Britain’s biggest banks for failing to invest in security systems that would better protect their customers from fraudsters. Against a backdrop of booming bank fraud, Which? tested the UK’s 11 biggest banks and building societies and found that the security at five of them was still not good enough. Which? has called on the industry to make greater use of two-factor authentication at the login stage of online banking. This combines two identity checks – typically a password or pin plus a single-use pass code sent via a card reader or mobile phone. In its most recent test, carried out in August, Which? found that only five of the 11 banks had adopted such security checks to protect customers. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/oct/20/banks-online-security-is-failing-customers-says-which On-line Banking Security Rated http://www.which.co.uk/money/bank-accounts/guides/online-banking-security/online-banking-security-rated/
  17. Hi all. I recently read in the Sunday Times that even though some banks have told customers that they cannot find records regarding potential PPI claims because the claims are regarding loans that were over 6 years ago, once the Ombudsman has got involved, some banks have 'found' the records stored on 'legacy computer systems or microfiche'. This sounds too good to be true.....is there any truth in this, please?
  18. I would like to know how much help you would expect from a bank if cash was paid into an account found to be a fraudster. I thought they made enquiries into the receiving bank account over a certain amount of money.
  19. Financial firms delivered fair outcomes in just 44 percent of complaints about mis-sold packaged bank accounts, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced. The FCA published findings from its thematic review of packaged bank accounts on October 20. It said firms are “well below the required standards” when it comes to complaint handling. Less than 50 percent of these mis-sold packaged bank account complaints being dealt with resulted with a fair outcome, the regulator said. http://creditstrategy.co.uk/article/18545/online-news/financial-services-failing-on-packaged-bank-account-complaints
  20. Banks are refusing to pay compensation to card fraud victims based on nothing more than a "hunch", while others are forced to wait longer than four weeks to get their money back. An investigation by Which? showed that banks are “inconsistent” when it comes to handling fraud claims. Worryingly, banks appear to be refusing compensation to genuine fraud victims. The FOS said that while it had seen some improvements, in many cases banks have based their decisions “on a hunch”, without conducting a full investigation. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/bank-accounts/11869596/Banks-refusing-to-repay-card-fraud-victims-based-on-a-hunch.html
  21. Hi, is there a set procedure which Banks, building society's and investment Co are legally, duty, morally bound to follow, if an account holder/investor reports suspicious activity (Fraud) on their investment/account.? I ask as recently I reported a suspicious activity (Fraud) on an investment and was told it was transferred out to ( a person known to me) and "we will be investigating" I asked should I report it to the police and was told that was my right to report it to police but "we will investigate". I decided to report the fraud and contacted, Action Fraud. I explained money had been transferred out of an investment without my knowledge or authority by a person known to me. Action Fraud explained that it was the reasonability of the investment Co to investigate. and that I could not action any police investigation until investment Co had completed their investigation. I could only give details which would be filed away. I was in contact with the investment Co while they were investigating, and asked "Will the account of the recipient be frozen to prevent them removing/transferring money out, after a few replies that they could not give me those detail (Data Protection Act) I finally got one employee to confirm the account had been frozen. I have recently found out that while the investment Co were investigating, the account the money was transferred/deposited to was not frozen and now the money gone/spent. So my question : Once fraud reported, is there a procedure which Banks, building society's and investment Co need to follow in circumstances like mine to protect investors money from being lost/spent/transfered to other accounts by fraudsters, ?
  22. Good morning Caggers It has been some time since I last wrote and to that end I could do with a little update please? I had several loans to which I had defaulted some 6.5 to 7 years ago now. Now, out of the blue, I have DCA's and banks requesting payments on them. They have completely vanished from my credit reports. What is the correct course of action to deal with them please? Many Thanks for your help in advance!
  23. My complaint sat with FOS for 2 years. The issue was false accounting by barclays who failed to credit my mortgage with several thousand pounds in overpayments. Adjudicator was inept and useless. Failed to understand facts and simply relayed whatever barclays told him back to me- eventually it went to an ombudswoman who also failed to get her head around things. Barclays consistently refused to provide answers and she got worn down so simply told me the bank had corrected my account and then closed the case. I had no idea how [edited] this organisation is so i believed her. Once the case was closed, it emerged there were NO corrections made and FOS refuses to revisit the case "because it is closed". i got the case files under a subject access request and it shows how month after month they email barclays and the bank simply failed to respond - FOS has no power to do anything. Filed a complaint with the "iNDEpendent Assessor" who sits in the same building as FOS and really is part of FOS, appointed by FOS. But first she fobbed me off 3 times. Now tells me they don't investigate incompetence, just admin failures. OK! Meanwhile my account remains incorrect 2.5 years on and there is nothing i can do about it. Barclays says "it was dealt with by FOS" and refuses to discuss it. In short - all these establishment organisations are as [edited] as each other, they collude and cover for each other. I should have known better. It is no wonder these banks behave the way they do - they are untouchable and they know it and there is not a thing you can do about it, little consumer.
  24. A unique Which? poll of bank staff at the five major banking groups found more than one in four who work in sales sometimes feel they’re expected to sell regardless of whether it’s appropriate. Which? gained unique access to hundreds of bank staff for the research, which was designed to test whether banks' public statements about scrapping sales targets have translated into real changes in staff behaviour and culture. We found evidence of improvement in some areas - for example, 78% of staff told us there is currently a greater emphasis on customer service than on selling products. However, it's clear the banks have more work to do. In our survey of 383 front-line bank staff from Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Royal Bank of Scotland and Santander fewer staff said they feel under pressure to sell because of the culture in their bank http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/08/poll-of-bank-staff-reveals-hard-sell-concerns-412851/
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